Development of Experimental Simulator Via Arduino-Based Pid Temperature Control System Using Labview
Development of Experimental Simulator Via Arduino-Based Pid Temperature Control System Using Labview
Development of Experimental Simulator Via Arduino-Based Pid Temperature Control System Using Labview
Abstract—Studies on temperature control systems have been traditional PID control method which has a high stability,
continued until today even though it has already been well precision and strong robustness. Another research has also
established due to its growingapplications in the industrial been made by Ranjan [4] regarding an effective PID
process, household appliance for cooling/heating, and etc. With controller implemented using Atmel16 microcontroller to
a proper tools and a detailed study, a good control system can
regulate the temperature of the air-conditioning in a room.
be designed to be robust and relatively free from instabilities.
For this, LabVIEW and Arduino are recommended as tools for The research also implements the tuning of the PID controller
users to express their design creativity and implement ideas on via Ziegler-Nichols method to achieve optimum temperature.
creating systems for temperature control. This is useful for Muslim [5] also investigate the best temperature
educational purposes especially for university students to use in controller for vacuum distiller using Arduino Mega 2560
their design projects. This paper proposes a PID control scheme board. Results showed that PID controller is less superior
implemented by using an Arduino microcontroller and Virtual than fuzzy logic controller in terms of settling time and
Instrumentation (VI) software called LabVIEW for monitoring overshoot response. In relation to research work using
and controlling the temperature of a heating element which is Arduino for virtual instrumentation has been conducted by
sensed by thermocouple as the measuring device. The
Branzila [6], authors have investigated the biosignals
temperature is varied accordingly to the several setpoint, and
error will be generated when the measured temperature does monitoring in medical sector for accelerating the pre-
not reach the originally set point. Experimental results show diagnosis process by developing the system using several
that PID controller is capable to track and control the heater toolkits available in LabVIEW for signal processing i.e.
temperature towards the designated reference temperature. The advanced signal processing and digital filter design for
small scale of this system and the ease of use allows Arduino to developing the virtual instrumentation. They claimed the
be practical in laboratory setting and also as a teaching platform biosignal processing could be developed in shorter time and
for basic control programming. low cost product prototyping. Haider [7] have also used
Arduino based virtual instrumentation to conduct research on
Index Terms—Arduino; Virtual Instrumentation (VI);
monitoring solar panels of the DC power supply remotely. In
LabVIEW; PID Controller; Heater.
this case GUI via LabVIEW was constructed and
I. INTRODUCTION implemented in real time using low cost Arduino Mega2560
board instead of LabVIEW Digital Acquisition (DAQ) card
Temperature control is a necessity in industrial process, even to control, observe and record the readings on voltage, current
more strongly in residential or commercial appliances for and power for providing the information of power
building cooling/heating where environment control is consumption. The authors claimed to successfully built the
crucial. Proper control system design is essential to ensure system at minimal cost. Meanwhile, Teikari [8] proposed
that the environment or process is always operated at optimal a stimulator to be used in vision research field. In this project,
conditions [1]. There are many researches that have been light intensity from light emitting diode (LEDs) has been
conducted previously using Proportional Integral and controlled via Arduino microcontroller integrated with
Derivative (PID) controller design in several applications. LabVIEW. Authors [8] developed an open source component
N.Hayatee [2] have designed a PID control for to reduce complexity of design process which is suitable for
controlling the temperature of the refrigerator. A PID was education sector that has limited source or fund while
developed and evaluated with on-off temperature controller requiring no advanced technical skills.
to regulate its inner temperature using MATLAB Simulink To summarize, most of the previous research work focus
software which proves that PID controller is better than either partly on controller design, or on monitoring certain
conventional system [2]. Another interesting study that was parameter in the system. There is rarely any works on
developed by Y.Yan has implemented the controller of implementing both elements in a laboratory as a teaching
PID combined with fuzzy logic for controlling water platform. The lack of virtual controller software and
temperature. Authors [3] claimed that control via complexity in using controllers during project design process
conventional PID system could not result in a precise control impairs new users to implement any new ideas during project.
because its controlling parameters are fixed. Thus, the study Designing a system for a case study (for example,
introduces fuzzy control theory which has the feature of better temperature measurement and control) and controlling the
dynamic performance with the advantages of the system virtually using a widely used LabVIEW software will
A Q B ) dT (1)
IV. SIMULATIONS, EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS, AND Figure 6: Setpoint is set at 50% with PID value adjusted
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