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College ERP System Final

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College ERP System

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Third Year Summer Internship of

Bachelor of Technology


Session 2020-2021

Submitted by

Shubham Singh (Roll No.:1728410079)

Under the supervision of

Mr. Dhananjay Sharma


(Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)

The training opportunity I had with “Python with Django” was a great
chance for learning and professional development. Therefore, I
consider myself a very lucky individual as I was provided with an
opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to
meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led us through
this training period.

Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my

deepest gratitude and special thanks to “Mr. Dhananjay Sharma”, who
despite being busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide, and
keep us on the correct path and allowing us to carry out my project at
their esteemed organization and extending during the training.
I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career
development. I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge in the best
possible way.

Shubham Singh
1. About Course……………………………………………………….1-3
1.0.1 Features of Django…………………………………….2
1.0.2 Django MVT…………………………………………..2
1.0.3 Working with View…………………………………....3

2. Project (College ERP System)………………………………………

2.0.1 Abstract………………………………………………..4
2.0.2 Introduction to Project………………………………....4
2.0.3 Objective……………………………………………….5
2.0.4 Need of ERP System…………………………………...5
2.0.5 Software Interfaces…………………………………….6
2.0.6 Data Flow Diagram……………………………………7
2.0.7 Entity Relationship Diagram…………………………..8
2.0.8 Modules……………………………………………9-10
2.0.9 Class Diagram…………………………………………11
2.1.0 System Implementation...…………………………12-13

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………14-15
4. Bibliography………………………………………………………16
1. About Course (Technology)

• Django is a web application framework written in Python

programming language.

• It is based on MVT (Model View Template) design pattern.

• The Django is very demanding due to its rapid development

feature. It takes less time to build application after collecting client

• This framework uses a famous tag line:The web framework for

perfectionists with deadlines.

• By using Django, we can build web applications in very less time.

• Django is designed in such a manner that it handles much of

configure things automatically, so we can focus on application
development only.
1.0.1 Features of Django:

• Rapid Development
• Secure
• Scalable
• Fully loaded
• Versatile
• Open Source
• Vast and Supported Community

1.0.2 Django MVT:

• The MVT (Model View Template) is a software design pattern. It is
a collection of three important components Model View and
Template. The Model helps to handle database. It is a data access
layer which handles the data.

• The Template is a presentation layer which handles User Interface

part completely. The View is used to execute the business logic
and interact with a model to carry data and renders a template.

• Although Django follows MVC pattern but maintains its own

conventions. So, control is handled by the framework itself.
1.0.3 Working with View:
• The views.py contains the views of the website.
• Here we must import two classes render and HttpResponse.
– from django.shortcuts import render
– from django.http import HttpResponse

For example-

from django.shortcuts import render

from django.http import HttpResponse
def index(request):
return HttpResponse("<h1>This is the first page</h1>")
def hello(request):
return HttpResponse("<h1>United College</h1>")
2.0.1 Abstract:

This report specifes the various processes and techniques used in

gathering requirements, designing, implementing and testing for the
project on college management system. The problems regarding the
current system in the college was analyzed and noted. This project aims
to solve some of those problems and thus, add more value to the
current system. The project was implemented in the form of a website
using django(python). We implemented the college ERP system using
some features that solve the current problems in the system such as a
provision to edit the attendance and marks before locking it at the end.

2.0.2 Introduction:
College Management System deals with all kind of student details, academic
related reports, college details, course details, curriculum, batch details and other
resource related details too. It tracks all the details of a student from the day one
to the end of his course which can be used for all reporting purpose, tracking of
attendance, progress in the course, completed semesters years, coming semester
year curriculum details, exam details, project or any other assignment details,
final exam result; and all these will be available for future references too.

Our program will have the databases of teacher or faculty's details, batch
execution details, students' details in all aspects. The main purpose of this project
is to illustrate the requirements of the project College Information Management
System and is intended to help any organization to maintain and manage personal
2.0.3 Objective :-
The objective of College Information Management System is to allow
the administrator of any organization the ability to edit and find out the
personal details of a student.

It allows students to check their data and up to date profile. It'll also
facilitate the Teachers in keeping all the records of students, such as
their id, name, mailing address, phone number, DOB etc. So all the
information about a student will be available in a few seconds. Overall,
it'll make Student Information an easier job for the administrator and
the student of any organization .

2.0.4 Why do we need ERP?

Nowadays, in schools and colleges, it is very difficult to manage each
and everything manually. Supervising and maintaining the whole
database of a school or college can be time-consuming and challenging
especially if it's done on a regular basis. So, we need to handle and
manage everything smartly.

To solve this problem ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) is used. ERP

software makes it easy to track the progress of every department of
school and automate different functions. With ERP everything can be
seen on a single dashboard. The administrator can manage the college
from anywhere. The possibilities of maintaining the whole database of
a college with ERP software are endless.
Some of the prominent roles of ERP are:

 Manages the office and automates different functions .

 Helps in long term management and planning of all departments
of college.
 Eliminates the need for having multiple management software for
each department.
 Daily activities like attendance can be digitalized and automated.
 Leave module for teachers can be automated.

2.0.5 Software Interfaces :-

The following is a list of software used in making of the project.

Operating system: We have chosen Windows operating system for its

best support and user- friendliness.

Django: We have chosen to use Django for the back-end of the website
as Django is a good python frame work.

Database: We are using SQLite database , which comes as default with


2.0.6 Data Flow Diagram:
2.0.7 Entity Relationship Diagram :-
2.0.8 Modules:
 Student
Each student belongs to a class identified by semester and
section. Each class belongs to a department and are assigned a set
of courses. Therefore, these courses are common to all students
of that class. The students are given a unique username and
password to login. Each of them will have a different view. These
views are described below.

Student information
Each student can view only their own personal information. This includes
their personal details like name, phone no, address etc. Also, they can view
the courses they are enrolled in and the attendance, marks of each of

Attendance information
Attendance for each course will be displayed. This includes the number of
attended classes and the attendance percentage. If the attendance
percentage if below a specified threshold, say 75%, It will be marked in red
otherwise it be in green. There will also be a day wise attendance view for
each course which shows the date and status. This will be presented in a
calender format.

Marks information
There will be 5 events and 1 semester end examination for each course.
The marks for each of these will be provided in the ERP system.

Notifications and events

This section is common to all students. Notification are messages from the
admin such as declaration of holidays, test time-table etc. The events and
their details are specified here.
 Teacher
Each teacher belongs to a department and are assigned to classes with a
course. Teachers will also have a username and password to login. The
different views for teachers are described below.

The teachers will have access to information regarding the courses and
classes they are assigned to. Details of the courses include the credits, the
syllabus plan. Details of the class include the department, semester, section
and the list of students in each class. The teacher will also have access to
information of students who belong to the same class as the teacher.

The teacher has the ability to add and also edit the attendance of each
student. For entering the attendance, they will be given the list of students
in each class and they can enter the attendance of the whole class on a day
to day basis. There will be two radio buttons next to each student name,
one for present and the other for absent. There will also be an option for
extra classes. Teachers can edit the attendance of each student either for
each student individually or for the whole class.

The teacher can enter the marks for the 5 events and 1 SEE for each course
they are assigned. They also have the ability to edit the marks in case of any
changes. Reports such as the report card including all the marks and CGPA
of a student can be generated.

 Administrator
The administrator will have access to all the information in the different
tables in the database. They will access to all the tables in a list form. They
will be able to add a entry in any table and also edit them. The design of the
view for the admin will provide a modular interface so that querying the
tables will be optimized. They will be provided with search and alter
features so that they can access data efficiently.
2.0.9 Class Diagram:
The class diagram states the different classes involved in the software.
For each class, a set of attributes and method are included. The
relationship between the classes are also specified. For example, the
teacher class has the attributes Id, name, phone no, address and
methods such as marking attendance, declaring marks and preparing
report cards.
2.1.0 System Implementation:-

 Login Page:-

Each student and teacher in the college is assigned a unique username

and password by the administrator. The user- name is the same as their
USN and so is the password. They may change it later according to their
 Homepage:-

After successful login, the student is presented a homepage with their main
sections, attendance, marks, timetable and reports. In the attendance section, the
teacher can enter the attendance of their respective students for the days on
which classes were conducted. There is a provision to enter extra classes and
view/edit the attendance of each individual student. In the marks section, the
teacher may enter the marks for 3 internals, 2 events and 1 SEE for each student.
They can also edit each of the entered marks. The timetable provides the classes
assigned to the teacher with the day and timings in a tabular form. Lastly, the
teacher can generate reports for each of their assigned class.
3. Conclusion:
By using Existing System accessing information from files is a difficult
task and there is no quick and easy way to keep the records of students
and staff. Lack of automation is also there in the Existing System. The
aim of Our System is to reduce the workload and to save significant
staff time.

Tittle of the project as College ERP System is the system that deals with
the issues related to a particular institution. It is the very useful to the
student as well as the faculties to easy access to finding the details. The
college ERP provides appropriate information to users based on their
profiles and role in the system. This project is designed keeping in view
the day to day problems faced by a college system.

The fundamental problem in maintaining and managing the work by

the administrator is hence over- come. Prior to this it was a bit difficult
for maintaining the time table and also keeping track of the daily
schedule. But by developing this web-based application the
administrator can enjoy the task, doing it ease and also by saving the
valuable time. The amount of time consumption is reduced and also the
manual calculations are omitted, the reports can be obtained regularly
and also whenever on demand by the user. The effective utilization of
the work, by proper sharing it and by providing the accurate results.
The storage facility will ease the job of the operator. Thus the system
developed will be helpful to the administrator by easing his/her task.
This System provide the automate admissions no manual processing is
required. This is a paperless work. It can be monitored and controlled
remotely. It reduces the man power required. It provides accurate
information always. All years together gathered information can be
saved and can be accessed at any time. The data which is stored in the
repository helps in taking intelligent decisions by the management
providing the accurate results. The storage facility will ease the job of
the operator. Thus the system developed will be helpful to the
administrator by easing his/her task providing the accurate results. The
storage facility will ease the job of the operator. This project is
successfully implemented with all the features and modules of the
college management system as per requirements.
I worked on the project “College ERP System”.The Project is made
under the Guidance of “ MR. Dhananjay Sharma Sir ” .

We took help from references like:

• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requirements-engineering

• https://getbootstrap.com/

• https://creately.com/

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