Deep Tubewell 076.77

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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Water Supply

Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Sewerage Management Project
Pokhara, Kaski

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Pumping Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Belghari chorepatan Birauta, Nawalparasi

Final Bill
January, 2020

Construction of 8/10 Boring

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Pumping Water Supply and Sanitation Users Commmiteee
Belghari chorepatan Birauta , Nawalparasi
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply & Sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply & Sewerage Management Project , Pokhara

Name of Work: Boring 8/10
Date of Work Order: 2076-04-21 Date of Work to be Completed: 2076-09-30 Date of Work completed: 2076-09-20
Estimated amount : Rs. 2469591.93 Expenditure amount : Rs. 2329444.15 Different amount: Rs.140147.78
Payment below Estimate amount : 5.67 % - Fiscal Year : 2076 / 077

Estimated Amount Expenditure Amount Difference Amount

S.No. Description of work Unit Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount

Mobilization and demobilization of drilling equipment's

preparation and cleaning of site and other unforeseen
0 Job 1.00 140718.98 140718.98 1.00 140718.98 140718.98 0.00 140718.98 0.00
expenses, Rig setting up and preparation of mud pit and
Camp Setting and preparation including site

Assembling, centralizing and sinking of guide pipe(22"

0 Job 1.00 178107.55 178107.55 1.00 178107.55 178107.55 0.00 178107.55 0.00
dia pipe to a depth of 10m)

Drilling of pilot hole by std bit ranging from 7 5/8" to9

7/8" dia.For the first initial depth of 100m with drilling
3 m 100.00 3887.46 388746.03 90.00 3887.46 349871.43 10.00 3887.46 38874.60
Rig machine in different formation(Consists of gravel
fine to medium) penetration rate is fixed at 2m per hour.

Electric logging of bore hole after drilling of pilot hole

4 job 1.00 11221.00 11221.00 1.00 11221.00 11221.00 0.00 11221.00 0.00
for 100 m depth.
Supply, Lowering & Installation of 250 mm ND mild
5 Steel ERWcasing pipe of thickness 7.0 mm ND or above m 50.00 4593.00 229650.00 48.50 4593.00 222760.50 1.50 4593.00 6889.50 Vatable
having bevelled ends.
Supply,Lowering & Installation of 200 mm ND mild
6 Steel ERWcasing pipe of thickness 7.0 mm ND or above m 20.00 3294.90 65898.00 12.00 3294.90 39538.80 8.00 3294.90 26359.20 Vatable
having bevelled ends.
Supply, Lowering & Installation of 200 mm dia
7 m 30.00 13500.00 405000.00 30.00 13500.00 405000.00 0.00 13500.00 0.00 Vatable
Stainless screen

Miscellaneous(Supply and installation of well cap with

8 Flange ,cross bar centralizer,bottom bail plug, and other Job 1.00 10000.00 10000.00 1.00 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00 0.00
necessary accessories required for installtion of well.

9 250mmx200mm ND Mild Steel Reducer pc 1.00 2000.00 2000.00 1.00 2000.00 2000.00 0.00 2000.00 0.00
First Reaming of pilot hole by std bit above 9 7/8 and
below 13 3/4" dia For the first initial depth of 100 m
10 with drilling rig machine in different formation m 100.00 1601.00 160099.75 90.00 1601.00 144089.78 10.00 1601.00 16009.97
(Consists of Gravel fine to medium ) penetration rate is
fixed at 6 m per hour.

........................... ............................
Approved by:
Prepared by: Checked by:
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply & Sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply & Sewerage Management Project , Pokhara

Name of Work: Boring 8/10
Date of Work Order: 2076-04-21 Date of Work to be Completed: 2076-09-30 Date of Work completed: 2076-09-20
Estimated amount : Rs. 2469591.93 Expenditure amount : Rs. 2329444.15 Different amount: Rs.140147.78
Payment below Estimate amount : 5.67 % - Fiscal Year : 2076 / 077

Estimated Amount Expenditure Amount Difference Amount

S.No. Description of work Unit Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount

Second reaming of bore hole by std bit above 17 1/2"up

to depth 100m with drilling rig machine in
11 m 100.00 1597.64 159763.75 90.00 1597.64 143787.38 10.00 1597.64 15976.37
Mediumformation (Consists of gravel fine to medium )
penetration rate is fixed at 6m/hour
Reconditioning of bore hole before lowering of pipe
12 m 100.00 329.49 32948.73 90.00 329.49 29653.85 10.00 329.49 3294.88
assembly 6-10" dia to a depth up to 120 m
Supply and place approved size pea gravel packing in
13 cum 11.00 9830.70 108137.70 8.95 9830.70 87984.77 2.05 9830.70 20152.93
acontinuos operation.
Well development by drilling Rig machine for well size
14 m 100.00 247.61 24760.68 90.00 247.61 22284.61 10.00 247.61 2476.07
of 6-10"dia . (Back washing & inner washing)
Well development by drilling Rig machine for well size
15 m 100.00 79.19 7919.35 90.00 79.19 7127.42 10.00 79.19 791.93
of 6-10" dia . (water jetting)
Well development by Compressor machine for well
16 well 1.00 237200.77 237200.77 1.00 237200.77 237200.77 0.00 237200.77 0.00
lsize of 6-10" dia
17 Well development by pump 6-10" dia well 1.00 109507.36 109507.36 1.00 109507.36 109507.36 0.00 109507.36 0.00
Time draw down pump test for deep tubewell (Aquifer
18 well 1.00 41897.52 41897.52 1.00 41897.52 41897.52 0.00 41897.52 0.00

19 Step draw down pump text for deep well (Well test) well 1.00 41897.52 41897.52 1.00 41897.52 41897.52 0.00 41897.52 0.00

20 Recovery test for Deep tubewell. well 1.00 8046.00 8046.00 1.00 8046.00 8046.00 0.00 8046.00 0.00
21 Water Quality Test Job 1.00 5000.00 5000.00 0.00 5000.00 0.00 1.00 5000.00 5000.00
Submission of well completion report with litholog well
22 designPumping test analysis and water quality analysis Job 1.00 10000.00 10000.00 1.00 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00 0.00
report .
Sub- Total 2,378,520.69 2,242,695.24 135,825.45
VATable Amount 700548.00 667299.30 33248.70
VAT @13% 91071.24 86748.909 4322.33
Grand Total 2,469,591.93 2,329,444.15 140147.781

........................... ............................
Approved by:
Prepared by: Checked by:
Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Sewerage Management Project,
Pokhara, Kaski

Name of Project:Belghari chorepatan Birauta Pumping Water Supply and Sanitation Project.
Location: Belghari chorepatan Birauta Municipality, Nawalpur
Name of Work: Boring 8/10
Name of the Agency:Belghari chorepatan Birauta Pumping Scheme Water Supply and Sanitation Users organization
Date of Work Order: 2076-04-21
Date of Work to be Completed: 2076-09-20
Date of Work completed: 2076-09-30
Measurement Book

SN Description of work No. Length Bredth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks

Mobilization and demobilization of drilling equipment's preparation and cleaning of site

1 and other unforeseen expenses, Rig setting up and preparation of mud pit and Camp 1 1.00 Job 140718.98 140718.98
Setting and preparation including site

2 Assembling, centralizing and sinking of guide pipe(22" dia pipe to a depth of 10m) 1 1.00 Job 178107.55 178107.55

Drilling of pilot hole by std bit ranging from 7 5/8" to9 7/8" dia.For the first initial depth
3 of 100m with drilling Rig machine in different formation(Consists of gravel fine to 1 90 90.00 m 3887.46 349871.43
medium) penetration rate is fixed at 2m per hour.
4 Electric logging of bore hole after drilling of pilot hole for 100 m depth. 1 1.00 job 11221.00 11221.00
Supply, Lowering & Installation of 250 mm ND mild Steel ERWcasing pipe of
5 thickness 7.0 mm ND or above having bevelled ends.
1 48.5 48.50 m 4593.00 222760.50 vatable

Supply,Lowering & Installation of 200 mm ND mild Steel ERWcasing pipe of thickness

6 7.0 mm ND or above having bevelled ends.
1 12 12.00 m 3294.90 39538.80 vatable
7 Supply, Lowering & Installation of 200 mm dia Stainless screen 1 30 30.00 m 13500.00 405000.00 vatable
Miscellaneous(Supply and installation of well cap with Flange ,cross bar
8 centralizer,bottom bail plug, and other necessary accessories required for installtion of 1 1.00 Job 10000.00 10000.00

9 250mmx200mm ND Mild Steel Reducer 1 1.00 pc 2000.00 2000.00

First Reaming of pilot hole by std bit above 9 7/8 and below 13 3/4" dia For the first
10 initial depth of 100 m with drilling rig machine in different formation (Consists of 1 90 90.00 m 1601.00 144089.78
Gravel fine to medium ) penetration rate is fixed at 6 m per hour.

Second reaming of bore hole by std bit above 17 1/2"up to depth 100m with drilling rig
11 machine in Mediumformation (Consists of gravel fine to medium )penetration rate is 1 90 90.00 m 1597.64 143787.38
fixed at 6m/hour
Reconditioning of bore hole before lowering of pipe assembly 6-10" dia to a depth up
12 to 120 m 1 90 90.00 m 329.49 29653.85

13 Supply and place approved size pea gravel packing in acontinuos operation. 1 48 0.075m thick outside 3.67
1 42 0.1 m thick outside 5.28
Total 8.95 cum 9830.70 87984.77
Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Sewerage Management Project,
Pokhara, Kaski

Name of Project:Belghari chorepatan Birauta Pumping Water Supply and Sanitation Project.
Location: Belghari chorepatan Birauta Municipality, Nawalpur
Name of Work: Boring 8/10
Name of the Agency:Belghari chorepatan Birauta Pumping Scheme Water Supply and Sanitation Users organization
Date of Work Order: 2076-04-21
Date of Work to be Completed: 2076-09-20
Date of Work completed: 2076-09-30
Measurement Book

SN Description of work No. Length Bredth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks

Well development by drilling Rig machine for well size of 6-10"dia . (Back washing &
14 inner washing) 1 90 90.00 m 247.61 22284.61

15 Well development by drilling Rig machine for well size of 6-10" dia . (water jetting) 1 90 90.00 m 79.19 7127.42

16 Well development by Compressor machine for well lsize of 6-10" dia 1 1.00 well 237200.77 237200.77
17 Well development by pump 6-10" dia 1 1.00 well 109507.36 109507.36
18 Time draw down pump test for deep tubewell (Aquifer test) 1 1.00 well 41897.52 41897.52
19 Step draw down pump text for deep well (Well test) 1 1.00 well 41897.52 41897.52
20 Recovery test for Deep tubewell. 1 1.00 well 8046.00 8046.00
21 Water Quality Test 0 0.00 Job 5000.00 0.00
Submission of well completion report with litholog well designPumping test analysis
22 and water quality analysis report . 1 1.00 Job 10000.00 10000.00

Sub- Total Rs 2242695.24

VATable Amount 667299.30
Vat @13% 86748.91
Grand Total 2329444.15
Deduction from previous Bill 0.00
Remaining Amount 2329444.15
a) 1.5% Income Tax ( of vatable amount) 10009.49
b) 5% Deposit ( of amount without vatable amount) 78769.80
Total Deduction: 88779.29
Net Payable Amount 2240664.86
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply & Sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply & Sewerage Management Project
Birauta, Kaski
Name of the Project :- Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply Project
Name Of Work :-DeepTubewell Construction Work (200 mmX250 mm dia) 8"X10" 100m Depth
Location :-Birauta- 17
S.No Description of work unit Qty Rate Amount Rs Remarks
Mobilization and demobilization of drilling equipment's preparation and
cleaning of site and other unforeseen expenses, Rig setting up and
preparation of mud pit and Camp Setting and preparation including site Job 1 140718.98 140718.98

Assembling, centralizing and sinking of guide pipe(22" dia pipe to a

depth of 10m) Job 1 178107.55 178107.55
Drilling of pilot hole by std bit ranging from 7 5/8" to9 7/8" dia.For the
first initial depth of 100m with drilling Rig machine in different
3 formation(Consists of gravel fine to medium) penetration rate is fixed at m 100 3887.46 388746.03
2m per hour.

4 Electric logging of bore hole after drilling of pilot hole for 100 m depth. job 1 11221.00 11221.00
Supply, Lowering & Installation of 250 mm ND mild Steel ERWcasing
5 pipe of thickness 7.0 mm ND or above having bevelled ends. m 50 4593.00 229650.00

Supply,Lowering & Installation of 200 mm ND mild Steel ERWcasing

6 pipe of thickness 7.0 mm ND or above having bevelled ends. m 20 3294.90 65898.00
7 Supply, Lowering & Installation of 200 mm dia Stainless screen m 30 13500.00 405000.00
Miscellaneous(Supply and installation of well cap with Flange ,cross bar
8 centralizer,bottom bail plug, and other necessary accessories required Job 1 10000.00 10000.00
for installtion of well.
9 250mmx200mm ND Mild Steel Reducer pc 1 2000.00 2000.00
First Reaming of pilot hole by std bit above 9 7/8 and below 13 3/4" dia
For the first initial depth of 100 m with drilling rig machine in different
10 formation (Consists of Gravel fine to medium ) penetration rate is fixed m 100 1601.00 160099.75
at 6 m per hour.
Second reaming of bore hole by std bit above 17 1/2"up to depth 100m
11 with drilling rig machine in Mediumformation (Consists of gravel fine to m 100 1597.64 159763.75
medium )penetration rate is fixed at 6m/hour
Reconditioning of bore hole before lowering of pipe assembly 6-10" dia
12 m 100 329.49 32948.73
to a depth up to 120 m
Supply and place approved size pea gravel packing in acontinuos
13 cum 11 9830.70 108137.70
Well development by drilling Rig machine for well size of 6-10"dia .
14 m 100 247.61 24760.68
(Back washing & inner washing)
Well development by drilling Rig machine for well size of 6-10" dia .
15 m 100 79.19 7919.35
(water jetting)

16 well 1 237200.77 237200.77

Well development by Compressor machine for well lsize of 6-10" dia
17 Well development by pump 6-10" dia well 1 109507.36 109507.36
18 Time draw down pump test for deep tubewell (Aquifer test) well 1 41897.52 41897.52
19 Step draw down pump text for deep well (Well test) well 1 41897.52 41897.52
20 Recovery test for Deep tubewell. well 1 8046.00 8046.00
21 Water Quality Test Job 1 5000.00 5000.00
Submission of well completion report with litholog well designPumping
22 test analysis and water quality analysis report . Job 1 10000.00 10000.00

Sub Total Rs 2378520.70

Contractor's Overhead 356778.10
Total 2735298.80
Value Added Tax(Vat) @ 13% 355588.84
Grand Total Rs 3090887.65
Estimated by:- Checked by:- Approved by:-
Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
1 Mobilization and Demobilization
Material Cost
Equipment /Machineries Labour Cost
Truck(hr) 10 1000.00 10000.00 Watchman 90 570.00 51300.00
Tractor(hr) 10 500.00 5000.00 Camp Worker 90 570.00 51300.00
Jeep(hr) 10 500.00 5000.00
Fuel and Lubricants
Diesel for Truck(lit.) 90 97.00 8730.00
Diesel for Tractor(lit.) 65 97.00 6305.00
Diesel for Jeep(Lit.) 100 97.00 9700.00
Lubricant(Lit.) 10 635.40 6353.98
Other Consumable Materials
Electric bulb, torch battery, gasket, nut,
L.S. 10000.00 10000.00
bolt etc.
Kerosene Oil(lit.)
Camping goods, tents, tarpaulin, 30 97.00 2910.00
Campcoat, field cap, Raincoat,rainboot L.S. 5000.00 5000.00
Working dress 1 3000.00 3000.00
Field Boot 1 5000.00 5000.00
A.Material Cost 76998.98 B. Labour Cost 51300.00 128298.98 128298.98
2 Site Preparation
a Rig Setting up and preparation of mud pit( for 1 site)
Asst Driller 1 570.00 570.00
Drller helper 8 570.00 4560.00
Watch Man 1 570.00 570.00
Camp workers 1 570.00 570.00
Sub- Total 0.00 5130.00 5130.00 5130.00
Camp Setting and preparation
b Driller 1 1020.00 1020.00
including site clearance(for 1 site)
Asst Driller 1 570.00 570.00
Drller helper 8 570.00 4560.00
Watch Man 1 570.00 570.00
Camp workers 1 570.00 570.00
7290.00 7290.00 7290.00
c Assembling centralizing and sinking of guide pipe(22" pipe for 1 well)
Bentonite(Ton) 1 26000.00 26000.00 Skilled Labour 2.5 860.00 2150.00
Barite(Ton) 0.25 27000.00 6750.00 Semi skilled Labour 32.5 580.00 18850.00
Drill Bit(no) 0.125 70000.00 8750.00 Unskilled Labour 45 580.00 26100.00

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Oxygen Gas(Cylinder) 0.1 600.00 60.00 Machinery
Acetelyne Gas(Cylinder) 0.05 3000.00 150.00 Rig Machine(hr) 11.11 3361.73 37348.78
Bucket 1 500.00 500.00 Elec. Gen.(hr) 15 387.33 5810.00
Liner 0.25 750.00 187.50 Water Truck(hr) 10 1643.90 16439.00
Piston Rod(no) 0.25 4800.00 1200.00 Cargo Truck(hr) 2.5 1152.53 2881.33
Gland Packing(set) 1 790.00 790.00 Pick up Truck(hr) 10 1152.53 11525.33
V. Packing(set) 0.5 1750.00 875.00 Water Pump (hr) 20 163.33 3266.60
Swivel Packing(set) 0.5 700.00 350.00
Valve/Steel ball (no) 0.5 2500.00 1250.00
Valve Seat( no) 0.5 1500.00 750.00
Valve Packing (no) 2 562.00 1124.00
Periodic repair and Unforeseen items L.S. 5000.00
A.Material Cost 53736.50 B. Labour / Machine Cost 124371.05 178107.55 178107.55
Rate per well. 178107.55

d Drilling of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 7 5/8" to 9 7/8" dia. For the first initial 100m
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m )- In Soft Formation
Bentonite(kg) 1.5 26.00 39.00 Hydrogeologist 0.02 1600.00 32.00
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.02 1200.00 24.00
Drill Bit(no) 0.002 70000.00 140.00 Driller 0.08 1020.00 81.60
Sr Mechanics 0.04 1000.00 40.00
Asst Driller 0.08 570.00 45.60
Driller helper 0.83 570.00 473.10
Mechanical Helper 0.16 570.00 91.20
Watch man 0.08 570.00 45.60
Camp worker 0.08 570.00 45.60

Rig Machine(hr) 0.33 3361.73 1109.37

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.1 1643.90 164.39
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.2 1152.53 230.51
Water Pump (hr) 0.1 163.33 16.33
A.Material Cost 185.75 B. Labour / Machine Cost 2399.30 2585.05 2585.05
cost per m.

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
e Drilling of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 7 5/8" to 9 7/8" dia. For the 101-200m
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m )- In Soft Formation
Bentonite(kg) 0.15 26.00 3.90 Hydrogeologist 0.002 1600.00 3.20
Barite(kg) 0.025 27.00 0.68 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.002 1200.00 2.40
Drill Bit(no) 0.0002 70000.00 14.00 Driller 0.008 1020.00 8.16
0.00 Sr Mechanics 0.004 1000.00 4.00
0.00 Asst Driller 0.008 570.00 4.56
0.00 Driller helper 0.083 570.00 47.31
Mechanical Helper 0.016 570.00 9.12
Watch man 0.008 570.00 4.56
Camp worker 0.008 570.00 4.56

Rig Machine(hr) 0.033 3361.73 110.94

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.01 1643.90 16.44
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.02 1152.53 23.05
Water Pump (hr) 0.01 163.33 1.63
A.Material Cost 18.58 B. Labour / Machine Cost 239.93 258.50 258.50
cost per m.
d Drilling of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 7 5/8" to 9 7/8" dia. For the first initial 100m
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m )- In Medium Formation
Bentonite(kg) 1.75 26.00 45.50 Hydrogeologist 0.031 1600.00 49.60
Barite(kg) 0.37 27.00 9.99 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.031 1200.00 37.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.005 70000.00 350.00 Driller 0.125 1020.00 127.50
Sr Mechanics 0.063 1000.00 63.00
Asst Driller 0.188 570.00 107.16
Driller helper 1.25 570.00 712.50
Mechanical Helper 0.25 570.00 142.50
Watch man 0.125 570.00 71.25
Camp worker 0.125 570.00 71.25

Rig Machine(hr) 0.5 3361.73 1680.86

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.12 1643.90 197.27

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.15 1152.53 172.88
Water Pump (hr) 0.3 163.33 49.00
A.Material Cost 405.49 B. Labour / Machine Cost 3481.97 3887.46 3887.46
cost per m.
e Drilling of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 7 5/8" to 9 7/8" dia. For the 101-200m
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m )- In Medium Formation
Bentonite(kg) 0.175 26.00 4.55 Hydrogeologist 0.003 1600.00 4.80
Barite(kg) 0.037 27.00 1.00 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.003 1200.00 3.60
Drill Bit(no) 0.0005 70000.00 35.00 Driller 0.012 1020.00 12.24
Sr Mechanics 0.006 1000.00 6.00
Asst Driller 0.018 570.00 10.26
Driller helper 0.125 570.00 71.25
Mechanical Helper 0.025 570.00 14.25
Watch man 0.012 570.00 6.84
Camp worker 0.012 570.00 6.84

Rig Machine(hr) 0.05 3361.73 168.09

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.012 1643.90 19.73
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.015 1152.53 17.29
Water Pump (hr) 0.003 163.33 0.49
A.Material Cost 40.55 B. Labour / Machine Cost 341.67 382.22 382.22
cost per m.
d Drilling of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 7 5/8" to 9 7/8" dia. For the first initial 100m
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m )- In Hard Formation
Bentonite(kg) 3 26.00 78.00 Hydrogeologist 0.041 1600.00 65.60
Barite(kg) 0.5 27.00 13.50 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.041 1200.00 49.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.1 70000.00 7000.00 Driller 0.165 1020.00 168.30
Sr Mechanics 0.083 1000.00 83.00
Asst Driller 0.248 570.00 141.36
Driller helper 1.65 570.00 940.50
Mechanical Helper 0.33 570.00 188.10
Watch man 0.165 570.00 94.05

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Camp worker 0.165 570.00 94.05

Rig Machine(hr) 0.66 3361.73 2218.74

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.2 1643.90 328.78
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.4 1152.53 461.01
Water Pump (hr) 0.4 163.33 65.33
A.Material Cost 7091.50 B. Labour / Machine Cost 4898.02 11989.52 11989.52
cost per m.

e Drilling of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 7 5/8" to 9 7/8" dia. For the 101-200m
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m )- In Hard Formation
Bentonite(kg) 0.3 26.00 7.80 Hydrogeologist 0.004 1600.00 6.40
Barite(kg) 0.05 27.00 1.35 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.004 1200.00 4.80
Drill Bit(no) 0.001 70000.00 70.00 Driller 0.016 1020.00 16.32
Sr Mechanics 0.008 1000.00 8.00
Asst Driller 0.024 570.00 13.68
Driller helper 0.165 570.00 94.05
Mechanical Helper 0.033 570.00 18.81
Watch man 0.016 570.00 9.12
Camp worker 0.016 570.00 9.12

Rig Machine(hr) 0.06 3361.73 201.70

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.02 1643.90 32.88
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.04 1152.53 46.10
Water Pump (hr) 0.04 163.33 6.53
A.Material Cost 79.15 B. Labour / Machine Cost 467.52 546.67 546.67
cost per m.

4 Drilling Work
(First Reaming)
a Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Soft Formation) (First Reaming)
Bentonite(kg) 1 26.00 26.00 Hydrogeologist 0.007 1600.00 11.20
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.007 1200.00 8.40
Drill Bit(no) 0.001 70000.00 70.00 Driller 0.028 1020.00 28.56
Sr Mechanics 0.014 1000.00 14.00
Asst Driller 0.028 570.00 15.96
Driller helper 0.275 570.00 156.75
Mechanical Helper 0.055 570.00 31.35
Watch man 0.028 570.00 15.96
Camp worker 0.028 570.00 15.96

Rig Machine(hr) 0.11 3361.73 369.79

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.1 1643.90 164.39
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.1 1152.53 115.25
Water Pump (hr) 0.2 163.33 32.67
A.Material Cost 102.75 B. Labour / Machine Cost 980.24 1082.99 1082.99
cost per m.

b Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Soft Formation) (First Reaming)
Bentonite(kg) 0.01 26.00 0.26 Hydrogeologist 0.0007 1600.00 1.12
Barite(kg) 0.025 27.00 0.68 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.0007 1200.00 0.84
Drill Bit(no) 0.0001 70000.00 7.00 Driller 0.0028 1020.00 2.86
Sr Mechanics 0.0014 1000.00 1.40
Asst Driller 0.0041 570.00 2.34
Driller helper 0.0275 570.00 15.68
Mechanical Helper 0.0055 570.00 3.14
Watch man 0.0028 570.00 1.60
Camp worker 0.0028 570.00 1.60

Rig Machine(hr) 0.011 3361.73 36.98

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.001 1643.90 1.64

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.01 1152.53 11.53
Water Pump (hr) 0.02 163.33 3.27
A.Material Cost 7.94 B. Labour / Machine Cost 83.97 91.90 91.90
cost per m.
c Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Medium Formation) (First Reaming)
Bentonite(kg) 1 26.00 26.00 Hydrogeologist 0.01 1600.00 16.00
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.011 1200.00 13.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.001 70000.00 70.00 Driller 0.043 1020.00 43.86
Sr Mechanics 0.021 1000.00 21.00
Asst Driller 0.043 570.00 24.51
Driller helper 0.425 570.00 242.25
Mechanical Helper 0.085 570.00 48.45
Watch man 0.043 570.00 24.51
Camp worker 0.043 570.00 24.51

Rig Machine(hr) 0.17 3361.73 571.49

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.15 1643.90 246.59
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.15 1152.53 172.88
Water Pump (hr) 0.3 163.33 49.00
A.Material Cost 102.75 B. Labour / Machine Cost 1498.25 1601.00 1601.00
cost per m.
d Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Medium Formation) (First Reaming)
Bentonite(kg) 0.04 26.00 1.04 Hydrogeologist 0.001 1600.00 1.60
Barite(kg) 0.01 27.00 0.27 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.001 1200.00 1.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.0005 70000.00 35.00 Driller 0.004 1020.00 4.08
Sr Mechanics 0.002 1000.00 2.00
Asst Driller 0.006 570.00 3.42
Driller helper 0.04 570.00 22.80
Mechanical Helper 0.008 570.00 4.56
Watch man 0.004 570.00 2.28

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Camp worker 0.004 570.00 2.28

Rig Machine(hr) 0.017 3361.73 57.15

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.015 1643.90 24.66
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.015 1152.53 17.29
Water Pump (hr) 0.03 163.33 4.90
A.Material Cost 36.31 B. Labour / Machine Cost 148.22 184.53 184.53
cost per m.
e Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Hard Formation) (First Reaming)
Bentonite(kg) 1.25 26.00 32.50 Hydrogeologist 0.013 1600.00 20.80
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.013 1200.00 15.60
Drill Bit(no) 0.033 70000.00 2310.00 Driller 0.055 1020.00 56.10
Sr Mechanics 0.027 1000.00 27.00
Asst Driller 0.055 570.00 31.35
Driller helper 0.55 570.00 313.50
Mechanical Helper 0.11 570.00 62.70
Watch man 0.055 570.00 31.35
Camp worker 0.055 570.00 31.35

Rig Machine(hr) 0.22 3361.73 739.58

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.2 1643.90 328.78
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.2 1152.53 230.51
Water Pump (hr) 0.4 163.33 65.33
A.Material Cost 2349.25 B. Labour / Machine Cost 1953.95 4303.20 4303.20
cost per m.
f Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Hard Formation) (First Reaming)
Bentonite(kg) 0.12 26.00 3.12 Hydrogeologist 0.001 1600.00 1.60
Barite(kg) 0.02 27.00 0.54 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.001 1200.00 1.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.0033 70000.00 231.00 Driller 0.005 1020.00 5.10

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Sr Mechanics 0.002 1000.00 2.00
Asst Driller 0.008 570.00 4.56
Driller helper 0.05 570.00 28.50
Mechanical Helper 0.01 570.00 5.70
Watch man 0.005 570.00 2.85
Camp worker 0.004 570.00 2.28

Rig Machine(hr) 0.02 3361.73 67.23

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.02 1643.90 32.88
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.02 1152.53 23.05
Water Pump (hr) 0.04 163.33 6.53
A.Material Cost 234.66 B. Labour / Machine Cost 183.49 418.15 418.15
cost per m.
Second Reaming
a Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Soft Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 1 26.00 26.00 Hydrogeologist 0.006 1600.00 9.60
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.006 1200.00 7.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.001 70000.00 70.00 Driller 0.027 1020.00 27.54
Sr Mechanics 0.013 1000.00 13.00
Asst Driller 0.041 570.00 23.37
Driller helper 0.275 570.00 156.75
Mechanical Helper 0.055 570.00 31.35
Watch man 0.027 570.00 15.39
Camp worker 0.027 570.00 15.39

Rig Machine(hr) 0.11 3361.73 369.79

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.1 1643.90 164.39
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.1 1152.53 115.25
Water Pump (hr) 0.2 163.33 32.67
A.Material Cost 102.75 B. Labour / Machine Cost 981.69 1084.44 1084.44

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
cost per m.

b Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Soft Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 0.01 26.00 0.26 Hydrogeologist 0.0006 1600.00 0.96
Barite(kg) 0.025 27.00 0.68 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.0006 1200.00 0.72
Drill Bit(no) 0.0001 70000.00 7.00 Driller 0.0027 1020.00 2.75
Sr Mechanics 0.0013 1000.00 1.30
Asst Driller 0.0041 570.00 2.34
Driller helper 0.0275 570.00 15.68
Mechanical Helper 0.0055 570.00 3.14
Watch man 0.0027 570.00 1.54
Camp worker 0.0027 570.00 1.54

Rig Machine(hr) 0.011 3361.73 36.98

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.001 1643.90 1.64
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.01 1152.53 11.53
Water Pump (hr) 0.02 163.33 3.27
A.Material Cost 7.94 B. Labour / Machine Cost 83.37 91.31 91.31
cost per m.

c Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Medium Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 1 26.00 26.00 Hydrogeologist 0.01 1600.00 16.00
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.01 1200.00 12.00
Drill Bit(no) 0.001 70000.00 70.00 Driller 0.042 1020.00 42.84
Sr Mechanics 0.021 1000.00 21.00
Asst Driller 0.043 570.00 24.51
Driller helper 0.425 570.00 242.25
Mechanical Helper 0.085 570.00 48.45
Watch man 0.042 570.00 23.94
Camp worker 0.042 570.00 23.94

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Rig Machine(hr) 0.17 3361.73 571.49
Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.15 1643.90 246.59
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.15 1152.53 172.88
Water Pump (hr) 0.3 163.33 49.00
A.Material Cost 102.75 B. Labour / Machine Cost 1494.89 1597.64 1597.64
cost per m.

d Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Medium Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 0.04 26.00 1.04 Hydrogeologist 0.001 1600.00 1.60
Barite(kg) 0.01 27.00 0.27 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.001 1200.00 1.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.0005 70000.00 35.00 Driller 0.004 1020.00 4.08
Sr Mechanics 0.002 1000.00 2.00
Asst Driller 0.006 570.00 3.42
Driller helper 0.04 570.00 22.80
Mechanical Helper 0.008 570.00 4.56
Watch man 0.004 570.00 2.28
Camp worker 0.004 570.00 2.28

Rig Machine(hr) 0.015 3361.73 50.43

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.015 1643.90 24.66
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.0075 1152.53 8.64
Water Pump (hr) 0.0225 163.33 3.67
A.Material Cost 36.31 B. Labour / Machine Cost 131.62 167.93 167.93
cost per m.

e Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Hard Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 1.25 26.00 32.50 Hydrogeologist 0.013 1600.00 20.80
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.013 1200.00 15.60
Drill Bit(no) 0.033 70000.00 2310.00 Driller 0.055 1020.00 56.10

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Sr Mechanics 0.027 1000.00 27.00
Asst Driller 0.055 570.00 31.35
Driller helper 0.55 570.00 313.50
Mechanical Helper 0.11 570.00 62.70
Watch man 0.055 570.00 31.35
Camp worker 0.055 570.00 31.35

Rig Machine(hr) 0.22 3361.73 739.58

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.2 1643.90 328.78
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.2 1152.53 230.51
Water Pump (hr) 0.4 163.33 65.33
A.Material Cost 2349.25 B. Labour / Machine Cost 1953.95 4303.20 4303.20
cost per m.

f Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Hard Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 0.12 26.00 3.12 Hydrogeologist 0.001 1600.00 1.60
Barite(kg) 0.02 27.00 0.54 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.001 1200.00 1.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.0033 70000.00 231.00 Driller 0.005 1020.00 5.10
Sr Mechanics 0.002 1000.00 2.00
Asst Driller 0.008 570.00 4.56
Driller helper 0.05 570.00 28.50
Mechanical Helper 0.01 570.00 5.70
Watch man 0.005 570.00 2.85
Camp worker 0.005 570.00 2.85

Rig Machine(hr) 0.02 3361.73 67.23

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.02 1643.90 32.88
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.02 1152.53 23.05
Water Pump (hr) 0.04 163.33 6.53
A.Material Cost 234.66 B. Labour / Machine Cost 184.06 418.72 418.72

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
cost per m.

Third Reaming
a Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Soft Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 1 26.00 26.00 Hydrogeologist 0.006 1600.00 9.60
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.006 1200.00 7.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.001 70000.00 70.00 Driller 0.027 1020.00 27.54
Sr Mechanics 0.013 1000.00 13.00
Asst Driller 0.041 570.00 23.37
Driller helper 0.275 570.00 156.75
Mechanical Helper 0.055 570.00 31.35
Watch man 0.027 570.00 15.39
Camp worker 0.027 570.00 15.39

Rig Machine(hr) 0.11 3361.73 369.79

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.1 1643.90 164.39
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.1 1152.53 115.25
Water Pump (hr) 0.2 163.33 32.67
A.Material Cost 102.75 B. Labour / Machine Cost 981.69 1084.44 1084.44
cost per m.

b Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Soft Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 0.01 26.00 0.26 Hydrogeologist 0.0006 1600.00 0.96
Barite(kg) 0.025 27.00 0.68 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.0006 1200.00 0.72
Drill Bit(no) 0.0001 70000.00 7.00 Driller 0.0027 1020.00 2.75
Sr Mechanics 0.0013 1000.00 1.30
Asst Driller 0.0041 570.00 2.34
Driller helper 0.0275 570.00 15.68
Mechanical Helper 0.0055 570.00 3.14
Watch man 0.0027 570.00 1.54
Camp worker 0.0027 570.00 1.54

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.

Rig Machine(hr) 0.011 3361.73 36.98

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.001 1643.90 1.64
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.01 1152.53 11.53
Water Pump (hr) 0.02 163.33 3.27
A.Material Cost 7.94 B. Labour / Machine Cost 83.37 91.31 91.31
cost per m.

c Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Medium Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 1 26.00 26.00 Hydrogeologist 0.01 1600.00 16.00
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.01 1200.00 12.00
Drill Bit(no) 0.001 70000.00 70.00 Driller 0.042 1020.00 42.84
Sr Mechanics 0.021 1000.00 21.00
Asst Driller 0.043 570.00 24.51
Driller helper 0.425 570.00 242.25
Mechanical Helper 0.085 570.00 48.45
Watch man 0.042 570.00 23.94
Camp worker 0.042 570.00 23.94

Rig Machine(hr) 0.17 3361.73 571.49

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.15 1643.90 246.59
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.15 1152.53 172.88
Water Pump (hr) 0.3 163.33 49.00
A.Material Cost 102.75 B. Labour / Machine Cost 1494.89 1597.64 1597.64
cost per m.

d Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Medium Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 0.04 26.00 1.04 Hydrogeologist 0.001 1600.00 1.60
Barite(kg) 0.01 27.00 0.27 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.001 1200.00 1.20

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Drill Bit(no) 0.0005 70000.00 35.00 Driller 0.004 1020.00 4.08
Sr Mechanics 0.002 1000.00 2.00
Asst Driller 0.006 570.00 3.42
Driller helper 0.04 570.00 22.80
Mechanical Helper 0.008 570.00 4.56
Watch man 0.004 570.00 2.28
Camp worker 0.004 570.00 2.28

Rig Machine(hr) 0.015 3361.73 50.43

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.015 1643.90 24.66
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.0075 1152.53 8.64
Water Pump (hr) 0.0225 163.33 3.67
A.Material Cost 36.31 B. Labour / Machine Cost 131.62 167.93 167.93
cost per m.

e Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 100m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Hard Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 1.25 26.00 32.50 Hydrogeologist 0.013 1600.00 20.80
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.013 1200.00 15.60
Drill Bit(no) 0.033 70000.00 2310.00 Driller 0.055 1020.00 56.10
Sr Mechanics 0.027 1000.00 27.00
Asst Driller 0.055 570.00 31.35
Driller helper 0.55 570.00 313.50
Mechanical Helper 0.11 570.00 62.70
Watch man 0.055 570.00 31.35
Camp worker 0.055 570.00 31.35

Rig Machine(hr) 0.22 3361.73 739.58

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.2 1643.90 328.78
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.2 1152.53 230.51
Water Pump (hr) 0.4 163.33 65.33

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
A.Material Cost 2349.25 B. Labour / Machine Cost 1953.95 4303.20 4303.20
cost per m.

f Reaming of Pilot hole by standard bit ranging from 9 7/8" and below 13 3/4 dia. For the first initial depth of 101-200m.
with suitable drilling Machine( analyzed for 1m ) Hard Formation)
Bentonite(kg) 0.12 26.00 3.12 Hydrogeologist 0.001 1600.00 1.60
Barite(kg) 0.02 27.00 0.54 Asst Hydrogeologist 0.001 1200.00 1.20
Drill Bit(no) 0.0033 70000.00 231.00 Driller 0.005 1020.00 5.10
Sr Mechanics 0.002 1000.00 2.00
Asst Driller 0.008 570.00 4.56
Driller helper 0.05 570.00 28.50
Mechanical Helper 0.01 570.00 5.70
Watch man 0.005 570.00 2.85
Camp worker 0.005 570.00 2.85

Rig Machine(hr) 0.02 3361.73 67.23

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.02 1643.90 32.88
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.02 1152.53 23.05
Water Pump (hr) 0.04 163.33 6.53
A.Material Cost 234.66 B. Labour / Machine Cost 184.06 418.72 418.72
cost per m.
5 Reconditioning of bore hole before lowering of pipe assembly 6-10" dia to a depth upto 120m.(analyzed for 1m.)
Bentonite(kg) 0.5 26.00 13.00 Driller 0.0075 1020.00 7.65
Barite(kg) 0.25 27.00 6.75 Sr Mechanics 0.0075 1000.00 7.50
Asst Driller 0.0075 570.00 4.28
Driller helper 0.045 570.00 25.65
Watch man 0.0075 570.00 4.28
Camp worker 0.015 570.00 8.55

Rig Machine(hr) 0.06 3361.73 201.70

Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.03 1643.90 49.32
Water Pump (hr) 0.005 163.33 0.82

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Pick up Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
A.Material Cost 19.75 B. Labour / Machine Cost 309.74 329.49 329.49
Rate per 1m. 329.49
6 Lowering of pipe assembly of 6-10" dia. To a depth of 120m.(analyzed for 1m)
10 " blind pipe(m.) Hydrogeologist 0.004 1600.00 6.40
8" blind pipe(m.) 1200.00 0.00
8" slotted pipe(m.) Driller 0.004 1020.00 4.08
10" flange (no.) Sr Mechanics 0.004 1000.00 4.00
2" nipple(no.) Asst Driller 0.004 570.00 2.28
10" Gasket set(no.) Welder 0.004 860.00 3.44
Welding rod(pkt.) 0.09 1200.00 108 Driller helper 0.034 570.00 19.38
Oxygen Gas(Cylinder) 0.015 600.00 9 Mechanical Helper 0.004 570.00 2.28
Acetelyne Gas(Cylinder) 0.0075 3000.00 22.5 Watch man 0.008 570.00 4.56
Pea gravel(cum.) Camp worker 0.008 570.00 4.56

Rig Machine(hr) 0.03 3361.73 100.85

Elec. Gen.(hr) 0.015 387.33 5.81
Water Truck(hr) 0.005 1643.90 8.22
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Water Pump (hr) 0.005 163.33 0.82
A.Material Cost 139.50 B. Labour / Machine Cost 166.68 306.18 306.18
Rate per 1m. 306.18
Rate per m.
Back washing inner washing and
1 ,m
Gravel Packing
Pea Gravel Hydrogeologist 0.005 1600.00 8.00
Driller 0.005 1020.00 5.10
Sr Mechanics 0.005 1000.00 5.00
Asst Driller 0.005 570.00 2.85
Welder 860.00 0.00
Driller helper 0.03 570.00 17.10
Mechanical Helper 570.00 0.00
Watch man 0.005 570.00 2.85
Camp worker 0.01 570.00 5.70

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Rig Machine(hr) 0.04 3361.73 134.47
Elec. Gen.(hr) 387.33 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.028 1643.90 46.03
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.01 1152.53 11.53
Water Pump (hr) 0.055 163.33 8.98
247.61 247.61 247.61

Water jetting 1 m
Driller 0.003 1020.00 3.06
Sr Mechanics 0.003 1000.00 3.00
Asst Driller 0.003 570.00 1.71
Driller helper 0.023 860.00 19.78
Mechanical Helper 570.00 0.00
Watch man 0.003 570.00 1.71
Camp worker 0.006 570.00 3.42
Rig Machine(hr) 0.03 570.00 17.10
Elec. Gen.(hr) 3361.73 0.00
Water Truck(hr) 0.015 1643.90 24.66
Cargo Truck(hr) 1152.53 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 0.002 1152.53 2.31
Water Pump (hr) 0.015 163.33 2.45
79.19 79.19 79.19
Well development by Compressor 1 well
Hydrogeologist 7 1600.00 11200.00
Pump Test technician 9 1020.00 9180.00
Driller 0.5 860.00 430.00
Pump Test helper 27 570.00 15390.00
Watch man 9 570.00 5130.00
Camp worker 18 570.00 10260.00
Rig Machine(hr) 4 3361.73 13446.91
Compresser 72 2359.15 169858.80
Water Truck(hr) 0.00
Cargo Truck(hr) 0.00
Pick up Truck(hr) 2 1152.53 2305.07

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Water Pump (hr) 0.00
237200.77 237200.77 237200.77
Well development by Pump 1 well
Hydrogeologist 4.5 1600.00 7200.00
Mechanical engineer 4.5 1600.00 7200.00
Asst Hydrogeologist 9 1020.00 9180.00
Pump Test Assist 9 570.00 5130.00
Pump Helper 27 570.00 15390.00
Watchman 9 570.00 5130.00
Camp worker 18 570.00 10260.00
Pump set 72 163.33 11759.76
Generater 72 387.33 27888.00
Discharge meter 72 43.00 3096.00
Water Level Indicater 72 43.00 3096.00
Tripod set 72 10.00 720.00
Pick up truck 3 1152.53 3457.60
109507.36 109507.36 109507.36
Pump Test
Time draw down Test 1 well
Hydrogeologist 3 1600.00 4800.00
Asst Hydrogeologist 3 1020.00 3060.00
Mechanical engineer 3 1600.00 4800.00
Pump Test Assist 3 570.00 1710.00
Pump Helper 9 570.00 5130.00
Watch man 3 570.00 1710.00
Camp worker 3 570.00 1710.00
Pump set 24 163.33 3919.92
Generator 24 387.33 9296.00
Discharge Meter 24 43.00 1032.00
Water Level Indicater 24 43.00 1032.00
Tripod Set 24 10.00 240.00
Pick Up Truck 3 1152.53 3457.60
41897.52 41897.52 41897.52

Step draw down Test 1 well

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Seweragem Management Project, Pokhara

Belghari chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Rate Analysis for Deep Tube Well Installation (F.Y. 2076/077)
Name of Work :- Construction of Deep Tube-well ( Percussion Method)
Equipment and Material Cost Labour Cost Contractors
S.N. Description of Item Total Cost, Rs Overhead Total Rate, Rs. Remarks
Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. Description Qty. Rate, Rs. Amount, Rs. @15%, Rs.
Hydrogeologist 3 1600.00 4800.00
Mechanical engineer 3 1020.00 3060.00
Asst Hydrogeologist 3 1600.00 4800.00
Pump Test Assist 3 570.00 1710.00
Pump Helper 9 570.00 5130.00
Watch man 3 570.00 1710.00
Camp worker 3 570.00 1710.00
Pump set 24 163.33 3919.92
Generator 24 387.33 9296.00
Discharge Meter 24 43.00 1032.00
Water Level Indicater 24 43.00 1032.00
Tripod Set 24 10.00 240.00
Pick Up Truck 3 1152.53 3457.60
41897.52 41897.52 41897.52

Recovery Test 1 well

Hydrogeologist 1.5 1600.00 2400.00
Pump Test Assist 1.5 570.00 855.00
Pump Helper 4.5 570.00 2565.00
Watch man 1.5 570.00 855.00
Camp worker 1.5 570.00 855.00
Water Level Indicater 12 43.00 516.00
8046.00 8046.00 8046.00

13 Electric Logging of bore hole after drilling of pilot hole

Power Cells Batteries 6 50.00 300.00 Skilled Labour 2 860.00 1720.00
Electric logging machine hrs 12 186.75 2241.00 Semi skilled Labour 4 580.00 2320.00
Unskilled Labour 8 580.00 4640.00

2541.00 B. Labour / Machine Cost 8680.00 11221.00 11221.00

Estimated By: Checked By: Approved By:

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