Purposive Communication
Purposive Communication
Purposive Communication
In Purposive Communication
When the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) appeared in different countries, it's like
the time stop. Our daily normal life that we used to be has totally change and strived harder to
provide the basic daily needs of the family.This is an infectious disease caused by severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a new strain of virus first detected in Wuhan,
China in 2019. COVID-19 is known to target a persons respiratory system.
The COVID-19 Disease and a normal flu are almost similar, infected patients may exhibit
symptoms such as fever, cough, and in other cases, muscle pain and sore throat. Some patients
may also be asymptomatic. That sometimes people can't easily recognize or identify if you have it
or not but the differences between them is shortness of breath. So we should really take care
ourselves washing of hands, and a proper hygiene can help us to eludes it, but whether you have
any of those symptoms I said earlier or not it's better to visit a doctors online for the assurance.
The children, pregnant women, senior citizens, and the people who are suffering from pneumonia,
heart related problems, low immune system or have a history of it are prone to this virus and
should stay at home to be safer .
The malls, streets, markets, beaches, parks and other places where a lot of people stays and
visits often are very dissimilar right now unlike before. When Enhanced Community Quarantine
(ECQ) was implemented by our President Duterte, it is like a ghost town where there is no one
else, noiseless, melancholic, and covered by fear. Normal days, we are all busy in schools, works
and more that we have no time for each other, but with this pandemic it gave us more time to
spend with our love ones. Right now, we all remain at our houses, and we realized the importance
of staying together with our family and what make us happier is to see them safe and healthy.
The number of covid cases as of June 14 are more than 25,000 thousands, the best way we
could help our government and frontliners are keeping the social distance, wear face mask,
disinfect and stay at our homes. Let's contribute something, and help those people who put their
life in the line to save lives.
In the midst of the upgrowth number of coronavirus cases in the country, instead of
panicking and prevailing our fear, this pandemic gave us a chance to show our love to one another
and we are inspired by our own bayanihan spirit which comes in many forms of service and
support. Some of business firms, corporations and Government-Owned and Controlled
Corporation ( GOCC) have responded and allocated contribution as part of their Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) incombating COVID-19 crisis and provided aid to frontliners, employees
and vulnerable communities affected by the pandemic.
By following the rules and policies which are formulated to fight againsts the virus, we can help to
decrease the number of patients and cases until the Philippines will be a COVID FREE
COUNTRY. According to the World Health Organization there are some messages for the general
population in how we deal a citizen affected by the virus.Whenever referring to people with
COVID-19, do not attach the disease to any particular ethnicity or nationality. Be empathetic to all
those who are affected, in and from any country. People who are affected by COVID-19 have not
done anything wrong, and they deserve our support, compassion and kindness. Do not refer to
people with the disease as “COVID-19 cases”, “victims” “COVID-19 families” or “the diseased”.
They are “people who have COVID-19”, “people who are being treated for COVID-19”, or
“people who are recovering from COVID-19”, and after recovering from COVID-19 their life will
go on with their jobs, families and loved ones. It is important to separate a person from having an
identity defined by COVID-19, in order to reduce stigma. Find opportunities to amplify positive
and hopeful stories and positive images of local people who have experienced COVID-19. For
example, stories of people who have recovered or who have supported a loved one and are willing
to share their experience. That's why hate the disease not the person infected by it by sending
prayers, and concerns to a person may help to improve his situation and will recover easier. Let's
prove that by showing unity and sharing responsibility will help us all to recover from this and to
be mentally, physically and spiritually get better.And be one of the strengths in this nation, send
best regards is a simple thing that will be a big help to those people who are infected, frontliners
and also to our neighbor Filipinos. So we can go back to our normal life and live to the fullest,
they prevents, God will protect and we help. A message to all of us by Marcus Aurelius "You also
have power over your mind — not in outside events. Realize this, and you will have your strength."
It made us realized that whenever you will think that we will not go through in this pandemic,
continue to seek God to end this over and over again. At the end of the day all we hope for are our
safety and security.
Covid is a threat in our country, but what's more frightening is that we ignore the crisis, we
didn't show solidarity and we don't even care about it. And there's more creepy than that virus
which is the human deprevity, racism and inhumane. Judging people's skin color instead of
looking at their good hearts, illegal killing of animals which are very timely. Why don't we just
spread love and gave acceptance in the middle of this pandemic rather than doing such ruthless
things. Being kind is not a crime, show kindness and care not just in this crisis but everyday. So
right now, doing our part as a family, neighbor and a good citizen and continuing our frontliners
service will developed a big threat to the virus, instead it is.
As per former Mayor Dominguez said that " Kayang-kaya, Basta't Sama-sama", we can all
eliminate this dangerous disease not by letting our frontliners out there to protect us but also by
protecting them, by following the government, our government officials. Not only THEY but WE
will held each hands, help, protect, love, shows humanity, unity and share the responsibility
together, soon this virus is no more since for now it's the best medicine and cure we have. Because
together we are stronger than letting them to combat the pandemic by themselves and die one by
one, while we are doing something that helpless and contrary to them. Lieu of becoming also a
virus that unaccepatble to God and to society. Covid is not just a threat but also a challenge to all
of us, the government and frontliners can't do this alone, because we are also involved here. Let's
keep our faith, let's keep everyone be safe, don't panic and tomorrow will be a COVID FREE state.