CREATING & LIVING Your Dream Life Ariya Lorenz

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1. This Workbook contains the transcript of the answers to crucial 
questions that Ariya Lorenz provides during this masterclass. 
2. You can read it as a powerful guideline that is designed to help you 
integrate the shifts that you are going to experience during this 
transformative webinar with Ariya Lorenz. 
To your Dream Life! 

Transcript of FAQ with Ariya Lorenz 
Q 1: What was your process to manifest the life of your dreams? 
A: This is such a good question that I get asked all the time. Well, it didn't start that way. It started actually 
very early in my time here on the planet. I was 2 years old and I had this wonderful relationship with my dad 
who would come and lift me up and throw me in the air. 
I remember that still because it was such a wonderful feeling. And he got very very sick and we didn't know 
what happened to him but he got weaker and weaker, and within the course of six weeks he couldn't lift me 
up anymore nor lift his body. He was just laying on the cell phone most of the time totally exhausted. And we 
took him to the hospital and I remember the stress situation and was wondering, you know, what is going on, 
and my mom completely immersed in this. And on August 5th that year on my mom's birthday my dad died. 
And it was such a shock for all of us, and especially for me, because I thought it was my fault. There was 
something that I didn't do or did do, that it made him lose all his energy. And I remember standing at the 
window that night with my mom, looking at the cars, and she had that game with me where I would count the 
cars and it was a soothing game. But we were standing there counting the cars as they drove by and I felt such 
deep sadness inside. Everything was crying inside of me. And I didn't wanna show it to my mom because I 
didn't want to make her feel more sad. 
But that feeling that stuck with me, you know, it stuck with me over the years and I grew up and I was a highly 
sensitive person. And you probably can relate to that, when you're highly sensitive, you feel everybody, you 
feel their energies, you feel how they are feeling, and you want to help. So I grew up as a child, as a teenager, 
and later a young adult, wanting to help people. But I also had this urge of being better and doing the right 
stuff, and doing the right things, and wanting to do more because in the back of my mind I still had that 
thought that if I had done better with my dad, I would have saved him. 
So I came from a sense of urgency and fear. And really wanted to make sure that other people don't 
die around me, and that I do the right thing. Well, what happened is, I ended up going through a few 
more deaths which were very challenging and I fell into a depression myself. So when I was twenty four 
years old, I was laying on my floor in my living room, and couldn't move my body. I was just completely 
exhausted and I didn't even have energy to think of anything positive. So everything started becoming 
negative in my world and I became a real negative person over the course of a few weeks. I went into a 
deep depression. 

And later on, I realized what was really happening as I was processing, you know, what happened then 
with my dad and I had a chance in this situation to move out of it. But how do you move out of that?  

Many people go and go with medicine, or you know, taking any kind of drugs or trying to numb their 
feelings, or trying to up their energy just so they can function and they end up empty inside.  

So what happened here for me is by the grace of God I got this information of a healer, and he showed 
me how to access my Higher Self. And I accessed my higher self, I got the information of what I needed 
to do. But not only that - I found a plug, how I can plug into an unlimited source of energy - an 
unlimited source of supply, and plug into that and download it into my physical body and my 
experience, and live it.  

I came out of this depression and I said, you know what, I'm going to show up. I'm going to be here and 
I'm gonna be here differently. I'm going to bring forth my gift and now I knew what my gift was. 
Everything changed because I wasn't focusing anymore on what I didn't want and what I wanted to 
avoid, or who I wanted to help, or how I wanted to cope. 

I came out of this, knowing what my calling is, who I am in the world and what my gift is that I'm 
bringing, and how to do it. And with that I plugged into this infinite supply and had the energy to do it. 
It's totally magical. 

Over the course of the later years now and where I'm sitting here and talking to you, of course, I've 
found out what actually the science is behind that and how can I teach it to others. 
So now I get to teach this, and this is really what that ingredient is, and what the recipe is for a dream 
life that, you know, my dream life is a different dream life than your dream life. Right. And our 
neighbor’s dream life is different. So it's a recipe for a dream life that each individual can create for 
something totally unique. That's really inspired by the highest and best.  

Q 2: What is the biggest misconception about energy 

alchemy and manifestation?  

A: Yeah, well, it's interesting, you know, manifestation is often really perceived as I am focusing and 
doing affirmations and visionings towards a certain thing I want, or a certain goal I have. But what really 
happens when you do that is you work in the outer experience. You work in the result area, and you're 
focusing on the results. It's a little bit like as if you had an apple tree, and your apple tree doesn't have 
good apples, and you look at the apples and take one apple and inject some vitamins into the apple and 
say “Okay I'm going to make this apple better!” 

It's not working, it's not effective. And why is it not effective? Because you're not getting the perfect 
results - sometimes the apple will respond, sometimes not. You know, we know all how that goes but 
also you have so many apples to work with. It's a whole lot of work! Yeah.  

What if you just went and fertilized the tree? If you fertilize the tree, the tree will do its thing. It'll 
create the perfect apples, and then all areas of your life will actually bloom and blossom. Then we can 
have fulfilling relationships. We can have the wonderful things in life that we all want. We can have all 
our affairs in order. We can have our dream job. We can you know really help other people the way we 
want. We can have perfect health.  

That's what happens when you go to the root. And the biggest misconception is that people don't go 
to the root in order to manifest. They go to the apple to know the root. In this case, it is our Higher 
Self. But if we go to the source, if we really have access to our Higher Selves, then we have all of the 
supply and all of the possibilities. Yeah. And then not only will our manifestation really stick and and 
work, it also is guaranteed that we really manifest what is our best - what is in our best interest and 
what brings forth our best. 


Q 3: What is our Higher Self? 

A: Well, you could probably think of your Higher Self as a genie in a bottle but better! That's how I 
like to think of it, because genie grants wishes, and our Higher Self will absolutely grant us every wish 
that we have, with the added benefit that the wish will be what we really need.  

Have you manifested things in your life that you ended up really not needing or actually wanting? And 
then it was really hard to get rid of them? 

So you know, my client when she really wanted to attract her soulmate and she used the law of 
attraction, and worked with a mission statement - created a mission statement in terms of her 
relationship and said: “OK, this is what I'm about and this is what I want to attract!”  

And then she wrote a list with all the attributes she wanted to have and she got it. And she hated this 
relationship after a very short amount of time, and it was really hard for her. She went to a lot of 
trauma to break up again and then she came to me and she said: “You know, I know how to manifest 
but what I always manifest are not always manifest what I really want!” 

And that's where the Higher Self comes in. Your Higher Self gives you access to an understanding to a 
higher view of your purpose in life, what your mission is in every area of your life. And it lets you see 
how you get there, the exact steps, and then, unlike the genie that gives us three wishes and then we're 
done, it gives us clear information of how we can manifest it time and time and time again. Yeah. 
Endless. So that's super valuable because then you're on target with your divine purpose. 

With your real life purpose and you actually manifest what's in your life purpose rather than just what 
you think you want, and what your mind thinks it wants, or what your parents think you need, or your 
environment tries to make you think you need. OK.  

You're really coming from who you are. And then the other aspect is that the Higher Self can give you 
answers. How would you feel if you would have access to any answer you’ve ever needed and to know 
that you're actually getting the right answers that involve every person or situation? 
So in other words, I'm asking, maybe, is it the best for me to take this job? Well, I might get a YES from 
my understanding what my current life situation is but if I ask my Higher Self, my Higher Self will only 
give me a YES if this will actually lead to a continuous flow of joy, happiness, abundance, and help me 
really serve the world. Yeah.  

If it is, then I get a NO for that job, and I get a YES for a better job, and I get an understanding of 
whether a better job is to be found how it's going to look like and what I'm supposed to do. So this is 
an all encompassing access to the higher wisdom that's within us.  

Now how do we get there? 

Well, our Higher Self is really a part of us that is not incarnated. Our whole soul only incarnated to a 
relatively small part in this body, the rest of our soul. And you can call that Higher Self in the divine 
realm. And that part is connected to us. So we're getting information in from there all the time. Only 
most of the time we're not conscious about it, and so we're not accessing it consciously.  

Q 4: What are the practical steps to embody our Higher Self? 

A: There are so many practical steps, and there is a real sequence that people can go through. That is 
very very beneficial and changes lives. But I don't have enough time to go into all of this right now. I can 
give you maybe examples of things that are really valuable for people. So here's one. 

Well let's do this right now.  

Take a deep breath in and release to the exhalation, and now as you continue breathing, imagine that 
you're really releasing everything you knew before, everything you are thinking about, and you're 
emptying your mind and you’re filling the vessel: breathing in and you're empty. Let go. Breathe in. 
Breathe out and empty. Do that for a few more times, knowing that nothing will be taken away from 

You are just making room right now in order to receive more information and also in order to receive 
more energy. 
OK. So what we did just now is really the first step when we want to come in contact with our Higher 
Selves, or with any ascended master, or light being - we want to empty ourselves. We want to be 
completely new in a way. So that we can take in new information and energy, right? 

We often say: “Oh, I know that and I know what she's saying, never mind, you know, then we are kind 
of closed off and we're missing what's really coming in. Yeah. So that's one practical step.  

Another practical step is it's really good to know when information comes in your daily life what is 
coming in from your Higher Self and what's coming from your lower self. So to say your ego. Yeah.  

And a good rule of thumb is if you have a decision that you need to make, let’s say, you want to change 
location, you're moving somewhere. You ask that question, when you are released, and ideally after you 
really access your Higher Self which we're going to do later in the practice session.  

How you do it is you ask your Higher Self: “What is the right move? What should I do?” 

And then you feel. 

Now if moving to this certain spot, let's say, a spot A feels exciting and it feels like: “Oh my God! It 
would be amazing if we could do that! It's a little bit more expensive and a little bit different, but I think 
we could do it! But Gosh! That would be really wonderful if we could do that!” 

If it feels exciting and at the same time it comes with a feeling of fear or apprehension, like Oh my God, 
it might be too expensive, or whatever. What are my parents going to say? Or I'm not sure that we can 
really do that!  

That would be your Higher Self. 

Your Higher Self comes in 99% of the time with a feeling of either excitement, exhilaration, that's 
coming from deep inside. Not just you know, hype, but really from the heart. Or it could also be a 
relief - Oh thank God! Oh my God! That would be so good! Yeah. It comes in with that packaged, with 
a little bit of fear. 

“Yeah. Whoo hoo. I got the jitters out. I'm not sure!”  
Yeah. That would be your Higher Self. Then you should move to location A.  

And if location B feels like: “Yeah, that would be a smart move to make. We should do that. We can 
afford it.” 

It's kind of you like, you know, not so exciting but it feels safe. Then that's coming from your ego. So 
ego is always coming with a feeling that's not very high. It's more like, OK, together with a feeling of 
safe - it's safe, it's safe to do. It's easy. Yeah. That is a decision that's coming from your ego. Don't do 

Q 5: How do we shift our vibration to hack the process of 

energy alchemy? 

A: It's all about our vibration of frequency and how do we shift to the higher realms? Because if we 
are vibrating on a lower frequency, then it's really hard to access positive feelings and positive thoughts. 
Because feelings as our thoughts are always floating around the energy bubbles. They're floating around. 
It's not like I have a feeling, I have a thought. It's actually: “I'm picking up a thought, and I'm picking up a 
feeling!” And interestingly, you are picking up the feeling that matches your vibration, and you are 
picking up the thought that matches your vibration.  

It's like we have these velcro that we're walking around with, and they attach to the feelings and 
thoughts around us that match our velcro color. 

So to say. And so if you change your velcro color, or you can also make an example of a radio 
frequency. You know if you change your radio dial to a certain program, then you're actually receiving 
that program, and if you dial it to another program, you receive the other program.  

But all the programs are always out there. Those are two examples for us to understand frequency or 
vibration and how we attract likewise, you know, the frequency that's similar to our own. And yeah, so 
the frequency needs to be above a certain level. 
There are some measurements out there when they say if you are above 200. Then you are starting to 
be in hope, in positive feelings. You know, looking forward, appreciation, you go higher and higher, and 
higher up on that scale.  

If you're at 500 - you're in unconditional love. Everything can be loved by you. Yeah. And if you're at 
that level of 500, then it's really easy to access your Higher Self, because your Higher Self has a higher 
vibration and very high vibration. And we cannot get information from there if we're not dialed into the 
right frequency. 

So how do you hack it? 

There are few practical things that you can do in life to really raise your frequency. 

One is to eliminate gossip. Gossip is such a virus that's running this planet and everybody is now used 
to connecting with other people to gossiping. And it's really a total frequency down. If you want to go 
fast speed down in your vibration, then gossip, and since you don't want to that - eliminate gossiping.  

And what I do is one I eliminate gossiping with myself, so I'm not gossiping in my mind about what I'm 
doing wrong, or what other people do wrong. 

Yeah. And then avoid gossiping with your friends instead. If they start gossiping, give them a 
compliment, or say something positive about something. And if you cannot shift the conversation, I say 
to people, then you need to leave the conversation. You cannot afford gossip if you want a high 

Another hacking factor, because you say, hacking, is also when we use our subconscious states and 
program our minds positively. Subconscious states are when we're falling asleep or when we're waking 
up, or when we're unconscious. 

So that means if I'm unconscious about what's going on on the TV in my living room, and the TV is 
talking about murder or anything that is kind of, you know, a difficult subject, then I'm programming 
myself with it as it is happening when I'm falling asleep or when I'm waking up.  

What if I use this for my benefit? 

So here's what you can do. You can just put in positive affirmations or positive talk before you go to 
bed, and when you wake up in the morning, program your alarm that way, because that's the time 
when his subconsciousness gets programmed and it's a thousand times more effective than doing 
affirmations consciously. 

Q 6: What are some examples of results experienced from 

yourself and clients? 

A: All the miracles that I get to see through my clients and what happens for them anyway. Yeah, so 
one really amazing thing happened with the soccer players that I've been working with - professional 
soccer players and mostly in Germany. They often come, and they have something broken, or some 
physical ailment, and they wanted to be healed really fast because they need to be on the field again.  

So here comes this guy, and I can't mention the names, but so he basically had his leg broken and he 
healed it in about two two and a half weeks. 

It was all healed with accessing this vital energy plugged in that I talked about, and some energy 
sessions that we did. And then we realized that he was really feeling depleted and completely empty. 
His life didn't have meaning. He was high up in fame and really working hard but he felt his life didn't 
have meaning. And he was very depressed, so he used drugs, used alcohol and his whole life was falling 

Well, that's when we started accessing his Higher Self, and he started to see what his actual mission is 
in life. And he started to understand what his meaning is, why he's here on the planet, what he's 
supposed to bring. And he got so inspired and with that he also gained more energy that he could start 
doing things, and he knew what he had to do. 

He went on and he created his own brand, and his family came back together. And he found his 
purpose in life, and now he is actually helping other soccer players who are in the same position. And 
together with the program that we have for accessing the Higher Selves they're really starting to create 
a meaningful career.  
So another example is families. I've worked a lot with families, and parents, and situations that they 
have with their children. And one family came to me and they really wanted to have children, and the 
doctor said the man was infertile. He couldn't have children.  

So we worked on the physical realm, and he was fertile really fast, and within three weeks after that 
they conceived. And then they started to access the Higher Self of their child - of their child that was 
just conceived. And they got information of what this child life is going to be about, with the name is 
going to be, and how they best support their child. And I just love that. I love when we can access the 
higher realms and help ourselves or others to really live their best lives. And in this case our children.  

But we've also used it when people have difficulties with somebody, so they go up and they find out 
what actually the background, and what is the calling behind that. What's the calling behind that? And 
then they can see what their actions actually have contributed to in this situation and change it now, 
and come together and then other things. 

I just want to go on and on. I mean soulmates, you know, people finding their soulmates - attracting 
their soul mates, knowing, you know, when and where to be, at which place to meet them. 

Or careers, you know, find your life's calling, find your career choice. So I have one client. She already 
had a pretty good career, with a business, her own business. She had been going on in Munich and then 
she started to access her Higher Self when we did that regularly and started asking, how can she 
expand, which way should she go, and what's the best clients to attract or what else needs to happen. 

And she now has tripled her income, she has tripled her business, she has three businesses now, same 
business in different countries, and she's really actualized. It's just really fun to see. 

Q 7: How do we make the most out of this session? 

A: OK, this is going to get fun. OK. I'm so curious how everybody's going to experience this. I know 
it's gonna be great! What do you want to be doing is you want to drink a lot.  

Have a lot of water in you, and then sit upright with your spine upright because then the energy flows 
through your spine and it really activates all the centers in your body. 
If you're laying down, or if you have a crouched back, then it gets stuck. So you want to have a straight 
back. Set yourself up and then I'm going to raise the frequency first from a beta level. And most people 
are operating on beta which is more or less the awake mode, stress level mode. And we're going to 
the alpha level which is a deep relaxation or meditation mode.  

And if you're used to meditation, then you'll be fine in that level, and I can also take you easily to the 
next level which is the theta level. 

If you're not used to meditation, alpha will already feel very relaxing to you. And then the theta level 
might make you sleepy but I would like for us to try to not fall asleep and really be awake.  

And that's why sitting upright is important. Having drink enough water is good. And then just know, I'm 
raising the frequency to a theta level, and your body might think you're falling asleep but you're going 
into this trance state where your brain is super receptive, and then we're activating the centers in your 
brain that are responsible for clairvoyance and clairaudience. 

And emitting those frequencies is what we need. So we're working with specifically the pineal gland and 
the pituitary gland, while also working with the inner ear, and the third eye - we are working with all 
these aspects in your brain, so your brain will feel very active, and your body is supposed to feel really 

You want to hold your body as still as possible. Because when you move your body, your consciousness 
goes back into body consciousness easily. So sitting upright, having enough water in you, and be still.  

And then what we're going to do is we're going to access our higher selves but because we only have a 
short amount of time, we want to have some aspect that we want to really work with.  

So think of something that you want to specifically ask your Higher Self, or you want a solution for, or 
you want healed. Yeah. 

So what in your life is like the most pressing situation you have going on right now? Do you want it to 
be healed eliminated or do you want to have an answer for that? Or do you want to invite that into 
your life? 
Either way, just think of one single thing because you want to use this session only for one single thing. 
That way you get the best results.  

And then after the session, know that if you didn't get the information this time super consciously yet. 
That's a bit of a practice and it doesn't happen for everyone right away. So it takes a little bit more. 
Probably, you know, getting used to those frequencies but it'll still possibly come in very very likely. 99- 
98% very likely come in either through your dream that you have tonight, or in any of the next nights, 
or it will come in as an intuitive spark like I talked about intuition earlier. 

So intuition can access the information from the Higher Self subconsciously if we don't get it 
consciously. So be open and aware to insights, things that happen to you, or dreams in the next few 
days. Okay. And then let us know how it goes.  

Experience This Session With Ariya Lorenz Here 

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