Correction of Clerical Errors - Rule 108

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G.R. No.

207147, September 14, 2016

The respondent sought a reconsideration12 of the RTC
EMELITA BASILIO GAN, Petitioner, v. REPUBLIC OF Order dated July 19, 2011, alleging that the petitioner,
THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. who is an illegitimate child, failed to adduce evidence that
she was duly recognized by her father, which would have
allowed her to use the surname of her father. 13 On
RESOLUTION October 17, 2011, the RTC issued an Order14 denying the
respondent's motion for reconsideration.
Ruling of the CA
This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of 1

the Rules of Court seeking to annul and set aside the On appeal, the CA, in its Decision15 dated April 26, 2013,
Decision2 dated April 26, 2013 issued by the Court of reversed and set aside the RTC Orders dated July 19,
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 98112. 2011 and October 17, 2011. The CA opined that pursuant
to Article 176 of the Family Code, as amended by Republic
Act No. 9255,16 the petitioner, as an illegitimate child,
may only use the surname of her mother; she may only
use the surname of her father if their filiation has been
Emelita Basilio Gan (petitioner) was born on December
expressly recognized by her father.17 The CA pointed out
21, 1956 out of wedlock to Pia Gan, her father who is a
that the petitioner has not adduced any evidence showing
Chinese national, and Consolacion Basilio, her mother who
that her father had recognized her as his illegitimate child
is a Filipino citizen.3 The petitioner's birth
and, thus, she may not use the surname of her father. 18
certificate,4 which was registered in the Office of the Local
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Civil Registrar (LCR) of Libmanan, Camarines Sur,

In this petition for review, the petitioner maintains that
indicates that her full name is Emelita Basilio.
the RTC correctly granted her petition since she only
sought to have her name indicated in her birth certificate
On June 29, 2010, the petitioner filed a Petition5 for
changed to avoid confusion as regards to her personal
correction of name with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
records.19 She insists that her failure to present evidence
Libmanan, Camarines Sur. The petitioner sought to
that her father recognized her as his illegitimate child is
change the full name indicated in her birth certificate from
immaterial; a change of name is reasonable and
"Emelita Basilio" to "Emelita Basilio Gan." She claimed
warranted, if it is necessary to avoid confusion.20
that she had been using the name "Emelita Basilio Gan" in
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her school records from elementary until college,

employment records, marriage contract, and other Ruling of the Court
government records.6 chan rob leslaw

The petition is denied.

Ruling of the RTC
A change of name is a privilege and not a matter of right;
a proper and reasonable cause must exist before a person
On July 15, 2010, the RTC issued an Order, which noted
may be authorized to change his name. 21 "In granting or
that the petition filed sought not merely a correction of
denying petitions for change of name, the question of
entry in the birth certificate, but a change of name.
proper and reasonable cause is left to the sound discretion
Accordingly, the RTC ordered the petitioner to make the
of the court. x x x What is involved is not a mere matter
necessary amendment to her petition to conform to the
of allowance or disallowance of the request, but a
requirements of Rule 103 of the Rules of Court.7
judicious evaluation of the sufficiency and propriety of the
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justifications advanced in support thereof, mindful of the

The petitioner filed with the RTC an Amended
consequent results in the event of its grant and with the
Petition8 dated August 3, 2010 for change of name. The
sole prerogative for making such determination being
amended petition contained substantially the same
lodged in the courts."22
allegations as in the petition for correction of entry in the
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birth certificate. On August 10, 2010, the RTC set the

After a judicious review of the records of this case, the
initial hearing of the petition in a newspaper of general
Court agrees with the CA that the reason cited by the
circulation. The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), as
petitioner in support of her petition for change of
counsel of the Republic of the Philippines (respondent),
name, i.e. that she has been using the name "Emelita
filed its notice of appearance. The OSG authorized the
Basilio Gan" in all of her records, is not a sufficient or
Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Libmanan, Camarines
proper justification to allow her petition. When the
Sur to appear and assist the OSG in the proceedings
petitioner was born in 1956, prior to the enactment and
before the RTC.9
effectivity of the Family Code, the pertinent provisions of
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the Civil Code then regarding the petitioner's use of

On July 19, 2011, after due proceedings; the RTC of
surname provide:
Libmanan, Camarines Sur, Branch 29, issued an
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Article 366. A natural child acknowledged by both parents

Order10 granting the petition for change of name. The
shall principally use the surname of the father. If
RTC, thus, directed the LCR of Libmanan, Camarines Sur
recognized by only one of the parents, a natural child shall
to change the petitioner's name in her birth certificate
employ the surname of the recognizing parent.
from "Emelita Basilio" to "Emelita Basilio Gan." The RTC
opined that, from the evidence presented, the said
Article 368. Illegitimate children referred to in Article 287
petition was filed solely to put into order the records of
shall bear the surname of the mother.
the petitioner and that changing her name in her birth
certificate into Emelita Basilio Gan would avoid confusion In her amended petition for change of name, the
in her personal records.11 chan robles law
petitioner merely stated that she was born out of
wedlock;23 she did not state whether her parents, at the an adversarial proceedings under Rule 108 of the Rules of
time of her birth, were not disqualified by any impediment Court. The Court's pronouncement in Coseteng-
to marry each other, which would make her a natural child Magpayo finds no application in this case.
pursuant to Article 269 of the Civil Code. If, at the time of
the petitioner's·birth, either of her parents had an Finally, Lim likewise finds no application in this case.
impediment to marry the other, she may only bear the In Lim, the petition that was filed was for correction of
surname of her mother pursuant to Article 368 of the Civil entries under Rule 108 of the Rules of Court; the petition
Code. Otherwise, she may use the surname of her father sought, among others, is the correction of the surname of
provided that she was acknowledged by her father. the respondent therein from "Yo" to "Yu." Further, the
respondent therein, although an illegitimate child, had
However, the petitioner failed to adduce any evidence that long been using the surname of her father. It bears
would show that she indeed was duly acknowledged by his stressing that the birth certificate of the respondent
father. The petitioner's evidence consisted only of her therein indicated that her surname was the same as her
birth certificate signed by her mother, school records, father albeit misspelled. Thus, a correction of entry in her
employment records, marriage contract, certificate of birth certificate is appropriate.29 chan roble slaw

baptism, and other government records. Thus, assuming

that she is a natural child pursuant to Article 269 of the Here, the petitioner filed a petition for change of name
Civil Code, she could still not insist on using her father's under Rule 103 and not a petition for correction of entries
surname. It was, thus, a blatant error on the part of the under Rule 108. Unlike in Lim, herein petitioner's birth
RTC to have allowed the petitioner to change her name certificate indicated that she bears the surname of her
from "Emelita Basilio" to "Emelita Basilio Gan." mother and not of her father.

The petitioner's reliance on the cases of Alfon v. Republic WHEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing
of the Philippines,24Republic of the Philippines v. disquisitions, the petition is DENIED.
Coseteng-Magpayo,25 and Republic of the Philippines v.

Lim26 to support her position is misplaced. SO ORDERED. chanRoblesvirt ualLawlib rary

In Alfon, the name of the petitioner therein which

appeared in her birth certificate was Maria Estrella
Veronica Primitiva Duterte; she was a legitimate child of
her father and mother. She filed a petition for change of
name, seeking that she be allowed to use the surname
"Alfon," her mother's surname, instead of "Duterte." The
trial court denied the petition, ratiocinating that under
Article 364 of the Civil Code, legitimate children shall
principally use the surname of the father. The Court
allowed the petitioner therein to use the surname of her
mother since Article 364 of the Civil Code used the word
"principally" and not "exclusively" and, hence, there is no
legal obstacle if a legitimate child should choose to use
the mother's surname to which he or she is legally
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In contrast, Articles 366 and 368 of the Civil Code do not

give to an illegitimate child or a natural child not
acknowledged by the father the option to use the surname
of the father. Thus, the petitioner cannot insist that she is
allowed to use the surname of her father.

In Coseteng-Magpayo, the issue was the proper procedure

to be followed when the change sought to be effected in
the birth certificate affects the civil status of the
respondent therein from legitimate to illegitimate. The
respondent therein claimed that his parents were never
legally married; he filed a petition to change his name
from "Julian Edward Emerson Coseteng Magpayo," the
name appearing in his birth certificate, to "Julian Edward
Emerson Marquez-Lim Coseteng." The notice setting the
petition for hearing was published and, since there was no
opposition thereto, the trial court; issued an order of
general default and eventually granted the petition of the
respondent therein by, inter alia, deleting the entry on the
date and place of marriage of his parents and correcting
his surname from "Magpayo" to "Coseteng."28 The Court
reversed the trial court's decision since the proper remedy
would have been to file a petition under Rule 108 of the
Rules of Court. The Court ruled that the change sought by
the respondent therein involves his civil status as a
legitimate child; it may only be given due course through
SECOND DIVISION a photocopy of the Postal Identity Card of the petitioner
as Annex "D" and Annex "E" respectively; [and]
G.R. No. 206023, April 03, 2017
8. This petition is intended neither for the petitioner to
escape criminal and/or civil liability, nor affect the
REPUBLIC OF THE hereditary succession of any person whomsoever but
PHILIPPINES, Petitioner, v. LORENA OMAPAS solely for the purpose of setting the records of herein
SALI, Respondent. petitioner straight.

DECISION [Sali] then prayed for the issuance of an order correcting

her first name from "Dorothy" to "Lorena" and the date of
PERALTA, J.: her birth from "June 24, 1968" to ["]April 24, 1968."

After [Sali] proved her compliance with the jurisdictional

This petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the requirements, reception of evidence followed. The Clerk of
Rules of Court (Rules) seeks to annul and set aside the Court was then appointed as a commissioner to receive
February 11, 2013 Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) the evidence in support of the petition. Subsequently, she
in CA-G.R. CEB CV No. 03442, which affirmed in toto the rendered a Report relative thereto.
February 23, 2010 Decision of the Regional Trial Court
(RTC), Branch 14, Baybay City, Leyte, granting the On February 23, 2010, the trial court issued the assailed
Petition for Correction of Entry under Rule 108 of Decision in favor of [Sali], the dispositive portion of which
the Rules filed by respondent Lorena Omapas Sali (Sali). reads:

The CA narrated the undisputed factual antecedents. WHEREFORE, this Court, hereby resolves to GRANT this
petition for correction of the erroneous entries in the Birth
Lorena Omapas Sali filed a Verified Petition, dated Certificate of Lorena A. Omapas-Sali, specifically her first
November 26, 2008, for Correction of Entry under Rule name from "DOROTHY" to "LORENA" and her date of birth
108 of the Rules of Court before the RTC with the from "JUNE 24, 1968" to "APRIL 24, 1968", and ordering
following material averments: the Local Civil Registrar of Baybay City, Leyte, and the
National Statistics Office to effect the foregoing correction
1. Petitioner is a Filipino, of legal age, single and a in the birth record of Lorena A. Omapas-Sali, upon finality
resident [of] 941 D. Veloso St.[,] Baybay, Leyte; of this decision, and upon payment of the proper legal
fees relative thereto.
2. The respondent is located in Baybay City, Leyte and
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court where it can Furnish copy of this decision to the Office of the Solicitor
be served with summons and other processes of this General, the Local Civil Registrar of Baybay City, Leyte,
Honorable Court; the Assistant Provincial Prosecutor, the petitioner and her
3. All parties herein have the capacity to sue and be sued;
4. Petitioner is the daughter of Spouses Vedasto A. On March 24, 2010, the Republic, through the Office of
Omapas and Almarina A. Albay who was born on April 24, the Solicitor General (OSG), appealed the RTC Decision
1968 in Baybay, Leyte. A copy of the Baptismal Certificate for lack of jurisdiction on the part of the court a
issued by the Parish of the Sacred Heart, Sta. Mesa, quo because the title of the petition and the order setting
Manila is hereunto attached as Annex "A"; the petition for hearing did not contain Sali's aliases.

5. Unfortunately, in recording the facts of her birth, the The CA denied the appeal, ruling that: (1) the records are
personnel of the Local Civil Registrar of Baybay, Leyte[,] bereft of any indication that Sali is known by a name
thru inadvertence and mistake[,] erroneously entered in other than "Lorena," hence, it would be absurd to compel
the records the following: Firstly, the first name of the her to indicate any other alias that she does not have; (2)
petitioner as "DOROTHY" instead of "LORENA" and Sali not only complied with the mandatory requirements
Secondly, the date of birth of the petitioner as "June 24, for an appropriate adversarial proceeding under Rule 108
1968" instead of "April 24, 1968." A copy of the of the Rules but also gave the Republic an opportunity to
Certificate of Live Birth of Dorothy A. Omapas issued by timely contest the purported defective petition; and (3)
the National Statistics Office (NSO) and Certification from the change in the first name of Sali will certainly avoid
the Local Civil Registrar of Baybay, Leyte are hereunto further confusion as to her identity and there is no
attached as Annex "B" and Annex "C" respectively. showing that it was sought for a fraudulent purpose or
that it would prejudice public interest.
6. The petitioner has been using the name "Lorena A.
Omapas["] and her date of birth as "April 24, 1968" for as Now before Us, the grounds of the petition are as
long as she (sic) since she could remember and is known follows:
to the community in general as such;
cha nRoblesv irt ualLawlib rary


7. To sustain petitioner's claim that the entries in her THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON A QUESTION OF LAW
Certificate of Live Birth pertaining to her first name and WHEN IT APPLIED RULE 108 INSTEAD OF RULE 103,
date of birth should be corrected so that it will now read THEREBY DISPENSING WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF
respectively, attached hereto are: the Certificate of THE PETITION.
Marriage of Morsalyn [D.] Sali and Lorena A. Omapas, and
II. now primarily lodged with the aforementioned
administrative officers. The intent and effect of the law is
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON A QUESTION OF LAW to exclude the change of first name from the coverage of
IN NOT HOLDING THAT THE RESPONDENT FAILED TO Rules 103 (Change of Name) and 108 (Cancellation or
EXHAUST ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES.3 Correction of Entries in the Civil Registry) of the Rules of
Court, until and unless an administrative petition for
The Republic argues that although Sali's petition is
change of name is first filed and subsequently denied. It
likewise lays down the corresponding venue, form and
procedure. In sum, the remedy and the proceedings
BIRTH OF DOROTHY A. OMAPAS," it is actually a petition
regulating change of first name are primarily
for a change of name. The first name being sought to be
administrative in nature, not judicial.11
changed does not involve the correction of a simple
clerical, typographical or innocuous error such as a Recently, the Court again said in Onde v. Office of the
patently misspelled name, but a substantial change in Local Civil Registrar of Las Piñas City:12
Sali's first name. This considering, the applicable rule is In Silverio v. Republic, we held that under R.A. No. 9048,
Rule 103, which requires that the applicant's names and jurisdiction over applications for change of first name is
aliases must be stated in the title of the petition and the now primarily lodged with administrative officers. The
order setting it for hearing, and that the petition can be intent and effect of said law is to exclude the change of
granted only on specific grounds provided by law. Further, first name from the coverage of Rules 103 (Change of
assuming that a petition for correction of entries under Name) and 108 (Cancellation or Correction of Entries in
Rule 108 is the appropriate remedy, the petition should the Civil Registry) of the Rules of Court, until and unless
not have been granted for failure to exhaust an administrative petition for change of name is first filed
administrative remedies provided for under Republic Act and subsequently denied. The remedy and the
(R.A.) No. 9048. proceedings regulating change of first name are primarily
administrative in nature, not judicial. In Republic v.
The petition is partially granted. Cagandahan, we said that under R.A. No. 9048, the
correction of clerical or typographical errors can now be
Sali's petition is not for a change of name as made through administrative proceedings and without the
contemplated under Rule 103 of the Rules but for need for a judicial order. The law removed from the ambit
correction of entries under Rule 108. What she seeks is of Rule 108 of the Rules of Court the correction of clerical
the correction of clerical errors which were committed in or typographical errors. Thus petitioner can avail of this
the recording of her name and birth date. This Court has administrative remedy for the correction of his and his
held that not all alterations allowed in one's name are mother's first name.13
confined under Rule 103 and that corrections for clerical
In this case, the petition, insofar as it prayed for the
errors may be set right under Rule 108.4 The
change of Sali's first name, was not within the RTC's
evidence5 presented by Sali show that, since birth, she
primary jurisdiction. It was improper because the remedy
has been using the name "Lorena." Thus, it is apparent
should have been administrative, i.e., filing of the petition
that she never had any intention to change her name.
with the local civil registrar concerned. For failure to
What she seeks is simply the removal of the clerical fault
exhaust administrative remedies, the RTC should have
or error in her first name, and to set aright the same to
dismissed the petition to correct Sali's first name.
conform to the name she grew up with.6
On the other hand, anent Sali's petition to correct her
Nevertheless, at the time Sali's petition was filed, R.A. No.
birth date from "June 24, 1968" to "April 24, 1968," R.A.
9048 was already in effect.7 Section 1 of the law
No. 9048 is inapplicable. It was only on August 15, 2012
that R.A. No. 10172 was signed into law amending R.A.
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SECTION 1. Authority to Correct Clerical or Typographical

No. 9048.14 As modified, Section 1 now includes the day
Error and Change of First Name or Nickname. - No entry
and month in the date of birth and sex of a person,
in a civil register shall be changed or corrected without a
judicial order, except for clerical or typographical errors
chanRoblesvirt ualLaw lib rary

Section 1. Authority to Correct Clerical or Typographical

and change of first name or nickname which can be
Error and Change of First Name or Nickname. - No entry
corrected or changed by the concerned city or municipal
in a civil register shall be changed or corrected without a
civil registrar or consul general in accordance with the
judicial order, except for clerical or typographical errors
provisions of this Act and its implementing rules and
and change of first name or nickname, the day and
regulations. (Emphasis ours)
month in the date of birth or sex of a person where it is
The petition for change of first name may be allowed, patently clear that there was a clerical or typographical
among other grounds, if the new first name has been error or mistake in the entry, which can be corrected or
habitually and continuously used by the petitioner and he changed by the concerned city or municipal civil registrar
or she has been publicly known by that first name in the or consul general in accordance with the provisions of this
community.8 The local city or municipal civil registrar or Act and its implementing rules and regulations. (Emphasis
consul general has the primary jurisdiction to entertain ours)
the petition. It is only when such petition is denied that a
Considering that Sali filed her petition in 2008, Rule
petitioner may either appeal to the civil registrar general
10815 is the appropriate remedy in seeking to correct her
or file the appropriate petition with the proper court. 9 We
date of birth in the civil registry. Under the Rules, the
stressed in Silverio v. Republic of the Philippines:10
following must be observed:
RA 9048 now governs the change of first name. It vests
ch anRoblesvi rtua lLawlibra ry

Sec. 3. Parties. - When cancellation or correction of an

the power and authority to entertain petitions for change
entry in the civil register is sought, the civil registrar and
of first name to the city or municipal civil registrar or
all persons who have or claim any interest which would be
consul general concerned. Under the law, therefore,
affected thereby shall be made parties to the proceeding.
jurisdiction over applications for change of first name is
Sec. 4. Notice and publication. - Upon the filing of the
petition, the court shall, by an order, fix the time and
place for the hearing of the same, and cause reasonable
notice thereof to be given to the persons named in the
petition. The court shall also cause the order to be
published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in
a newspaper of general circulation in the province.

Sec. 5. Opposition. - The civil registrar and any person

having or claiming any interest under the entry whose
cancellation or correction is sought may, within fifteen
(15) days from notice of the petition, or from the last date
of publication of such notice, file his opposition thereto.
The Republic did not question the petition to correct Sali's
birth date from "June 24, 1968" to "April 24, 1968." In
fact, it did not contest the CA ruling that the requirements
for an appropriate adversarial proceeding were
satisfactorily complied with. The appellate court found: chanRoblesvirt ual Lawlib rary


Here, [Sail] filed with the court a quo a verified petition

for the correction of her first name from "Dorothy" to
"Lorena" as well as the date of her birth from "June 24,
1968" to "April 24, 1968." In the petition, she aptly
impleaded the Civil Registrar of Baybay City, Leyte as
respondent. Thereafter, the trial court issued an Order
fixing the time and place for the hearing of the petition.
The Order for hearing was then published once a week for
three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation in the province to notify the persons having or
claiming any interest therein. Moreover, said Order was
posted in four public and conspicuous places within the
locality. Subsequently, the Civil Registrar, Solicitor
General and Assistant Provincial Prosecutor were
furnished copies of the Petition and Order to give them
the opportunity to file their respective oppositions thereto.
x x x.16
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition
is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The February 11, 2013
Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CEB CV No.
03442, which affirmed in toto the February 23, 2010
Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 14, Baybay
Petition for Correction of Entry in the Certificate of Live
Birth of Dorothy A. Omapas with respect to her first name
the local civil registrar concerned.
G.R. No. 231998, November 20, 2017
Finding the change of name as nothing more than a
ERIC SIBAYAN CHUA, Petitioner, v. REPUBLIC OF THE straightening of the records, the RTC rendered its January
PHILIPPINES, Respondent. 22, 2014 Decision8 granting the petition in the following
DECISION orders the Local Civil Registrar of Balaoan, La Union to
change the name of the petitioner from ERIC S. KIAT to
VELASCO JR., J.: ERIC S. CHUA in his Certificate of Live Birth under
Registry No. 422-K-73 of the Local Civil Registrar of
Balaoan, La Union.
Nature of the Case
Let a copy of the judgment be furnished the Office of the
For consideration of the Court is the Petition for Review on
Local Civil Registrar, Balaoan, La Union and the National
Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the
Statistics Office (NSO), Quezon City, Metro Manila for
November 7, 2016 Decision1 and May 19, 2017
guidance, information and execution of the necessary
Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV
corrections and the subsequent issuance of the
No. 102624. The assailed rulings disallowed petitioner
updated/corrected Certificate of Live Birth.
from changing the name registered in his birth certificate
from "Eric Sibayan Kiat" (Eric) to "Eric Sibayan Chua."
The Facts The Republic, represented by the Office of the Solicitor
General, interposed an appeal from the foregoing ruling.
On January 7, 2013, Eric filed a petition for change of
surname from "Kiat" to "Chua." In his petition,3 Eric Ruling of the Court of Appeals
alleged that he was born on November 8, 1973 to a
Chinese father named "Cheong Kiat" (Cheong) and a On November 7, 2016, the CA rendered the assailed
Filipino mother named "Melania Sibayan" (Melania). Decision reversing the RTC, thusly:
However, after his birth, his father Cheong allegedly WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is hereby GRANTED. The
secured a favorable judgment allowing him (Cheong) to January 22, 2014 Decision of the Regional Trial Court,
change his surname from "Kiat" to "Chua." Thus, Eric Branch 34, Balaoan, La Union in Special Proceedings Case
adopted the new surname of his father, "Chua," and had No. 907 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The petition for
been using the name "Eric Sibayan Chua" in all of his change of name filed by petitioner appellee Eric Sibayan
credentials. Eric likewise averred in his petition that he is Kiat is DISMISSED for lack of factual and legal basis.
known in their community as "Eric Chua" instead of "Eric
Kiat." The petition was docketed as Special Proceeding SO ORDERED.10
Case No. 907 before the Regional Trial Court (RTC),
According to the CA, Eric failed to establish a compelling
Branch 34, in Balaoan, La Union.
ground for changing his name. The CA deemed that there
was no proof offered tending to establish that Eric's
After the RTC found that the petition is sufficient in form
father, Cheong, was able to secure a court judgment
and substance, and upon establishing the requisite
allowing him to officially change his surname from "Kiat"
jurisdictional facts, trial ensued on May 21, 2013. Eric
to "Chua." Eric and Melania's testimonies were seen as
testified that he was not able to secure a copy of his
mere allegations that do not satisfy the requisite quantum
father's birth certificate since the latter was born in China;
of evidence to establish such fact. There was then no
that his mother Melania told him that his father Cheong
basis for Eric's adoption of the surname "Chua." 11 The
changed his surname from "Kiat" to "Chua;"4 and that his
appellate court likewise held that no proof was offered to
Certificate of Live Birth is the only document where his
show that Eric will be prejudiced by his use of his
surname appears as "Kiat." Offered in evidence were his
registered name.12 Thus, since Eric's evidence fell short of
Certificate of Baptism, Voter Certification, Police
preponderant, his petition for change of name must
Clearance, National Bureau of Investigation Clearance,
necessarily be dismissed, so the CA ruled.
Passport, High School Diploma, and the Certificates of
Live Birth of his children, which all state Eric's name to be
Through its May 19, 2017 Resolution, the CA denied Eric's
"Eric Sibayan Chua."5
motion for reconsideration from the above-ruling. Hence,
the instant recourse.
Melania also testified in support of the petition, claiming
that Cheong used the surname "Kiat" in China, but used
"Chua" in the Philippines; that "Chua" is the surname The Issue
Cheong used when they married; that it was her uncle
who erroneously caused the registration of Eric's name as The issue to be resolved herein is simply whether or not
"Eric Kiat;" and that when Eric was 16, Cheong, who was the appellate court erred in disallowing petitioner from
already weak, returned to China and contacted them no officially changing his name.
The Court's Ruling
The asseveration that Eric is known in their community as
"Eric Chua" was corroborated by his neighbor, Avelino The petition is meritorious.
Contrary to the ruling of the CA, there is legal and factual
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court basis for granting Eric's petition for change of name. To
recall, his petition is not only anchored on his father's
alleged change of surname from "Kiat" to "Chua," but also
on the fact that he (Eric) had been using the surname respondent failed to demonstrate that allowing petitioner
"Chua" in all of his credentials. Thus, it may be that Eric to change his surname will prejudice the State,
and Melania's testimonies are not preponderant proof of strengthening Our resolve to grant the sought-after relief.
Cheong's change of surname, but this should not foreclose
the possibility of granting the petition on a different WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is
ground. hereby GRANTED. The November 7, 2016 Decision and
May 19, 2017 Resolution of the Court of Appeals (CA) in
In Republic v. Coseteng-Magpayo,13 the Court enumerated CA-G.R. CV No. 102624 are hereby REVERSED and SET
several recognized grounds that can be invoked by a ASIDE. The January 22, 2014 Decision of the Regional
person desirous of changing his name, viz: Trial Court (RTC) - Branch 34, Balaoan, La Union, in
(a) when the name is ridiculous, dishonorable or Special Proceeding Case No. 907 is hereby REINSTATED.
extremely difficult to write or pronounce;
(b) when the change results as a legal consequence such
as legitimation;

(c) when the change will avoid confusion;

(d) when one has continuously used and been known

since childhood by a Filipino name, and was unaware of
alien parentage;

(e) a sincere desire to adopt a Filipino name to erase

signs of former alienage, all in good faith and without
prejudicing anybody; and

(f) when the surname causes embarrassment and there is

no showing that the desired change of name was for a
fraudulent purpose or that the change of name would
prejudice public interest.14 (emphasis added)
Avoidance of confusion was invoked in Alfon v.
Republic,15 wherein the Court granted the petition for
change of name of Maria Estrella Veronica Primitiva
Duterte to Estrella S. Alfon. In allowing the change of
name, the Court held that:
In the case at bar, it has been shown that petitioner has,
since childhood, borne the name Estrella S. Alfon although
her birth records and baptismal certificate show
otherwise; she was enrolled in the schools from the
grades up to college under the name Estrella S. Alfon; all
her friends call her by this name; she finished her course
in Nursing in college and was graduated and given a
diploma under this name; and she exercised the right of
suffrage likewise under this name. There is therefore
ample justification to grant fully her petition which is not
whimsical but on the contrary is based on a solid and
reasonable ground, i.e. to avoid confusion.16
The same circumstances are attendant in the case at bar.
As Eric has established, he is known in his community as
"Eric Chua," rather than "Eric Kiat." Moreover, all of his
credentials exhibited before the Court, other than his
Certificate of Live Birth, bear the name "Eric Chua." Guilty
of reiteration, Eric's Certificate of Baptism, Voter
Certification, Police Clearance, National Bureau of
Investigation Clearance, Passport, and High School
Diploma all reflect his surname to be "Chua." Thus, to
compel him to use the name "Eric Kiat" at this point would
inevitably lead to confusion. It would result in an
alteration of all of his official documents, save for his
Certificate of Live Birth. His children, too, will
correspondingly be compelled to have their records
changed. For even their own Certificates of Live Birth
state that their father's surname is "Chua." To deny this
petition would then have ramifications not only to Eric's
identity in his community, but also to that of his children.

The imperatives of avoiding confusion dictate that the

instant petition be granted. Additionally, public
G.R. No. 207074, January 17, 2018 As proof, she attached to her petition copies of her
diploma, voter's certification, official transcript of records,
REPUBLIC OF THE medical certificate, mother's birth certificate, and parents'
PHILIPPINES, Petitioner, v. MICHELLE SORIANO marriage certificate.9
GALLO, Respondent.
The Regional Trial Court, having found Gallo's petition
DECISION sufficient in form and substance, set a hearing on August
2, 2010. It also ordered the publication of the Notice of
Hearing once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a
LEONEN, J.: newspaper of general circulation in the Province of
Names are labels for one's identity. They facilitate social
interaction, including the allocation of rights and The Office of the Solicitor General authorized the Office of
determination of liabilities. It is for this reason that the the Provincial Prosecutor to appear on its behalf.11 Trial
State has an interest in one's name. then ensued.

The name through which one is known is generally, During trial, Gallo testified on her allegations. She showed
however, not chosen by the individual who bears it. that her college diploma, voter's certification, and
Rather, it is chosen by one's parents. In this sense, the transcript indicated that her name was "Michelle Soriano
choice of one's name is not a product of the exercise of Gallo." The doctor who examined her also certified that
autonomy of the individual to whom it refers. she was female.12 On cross-examination, Gallo explained
that she never undertook any gender-reassignment
In view of the State's interest in names as markers of surgery and that she filed the petition not to evade any
one's identity, the law requires that these labels be civil or criminal liability, but to obtain a passport. 13
registered. Understandably, in some cases, the names so
registered or other aspects of one's identity that pertain to The Regional Trial Court, in its December 7, 2010 Order,
one's name are not reflected with accuracy in the granted the petition.14 It lent credence to the documents
Certificate of Live Birth filed with the civil registrar. Gallo presented and found that the corrections she sought
were "harmless and innocuous."15 It concluded that there
Changes to one's name, therefore, can be the result of was a necessity to correct Gallo's Certificate of Live Birth
either one of two (2) motives. The first, as an exercise of and applied Rule 108 of the Rules of
one's autonomy, is to change the appellation that one was Court,16 citing Republic v. Cagandahan.17 Thus:
given for various reasons. The other is not an exercise to
change the label that was given to a person; it is simply WHEREFORE, above premises considered, an order is
to correct the data as it was recorded in the Civil Registry. hereby issued directing the Civil Registrar General, NSO
through the Municipal Civil Registrar of Ilagan, Isabela to
This is a Petition for Review1 under Rule 45 assailing the correct the entries in the Birth Certificate of the petitioner
April 29, 2013 Decision2 of the Court of Appeals in CA- as well as in the National Statistics Office Authenticated
G.R. CV No. 96358, which denied the Republic of the copy particularly her first name "MICHAEL" to
Philippines' appeal3 from the Regional Trial Court "MICHELLE", gender from "MALE" to "FEMALE", middle
December 7, 2010 Order4 granting herein respondent name of petitioner to be entered as "SORIANO", middle
Michelle Soriano Gallo's (Gallo) Petition for Correction of names of petitioner's parents to be properly supplied as
Entry of her Certificate of Live Birth. "ANGANGAN" for the mother and "BALINGAO" for the
father, as well as date of marriage of petitioner's parents
to be recorded as "MAY 23, 1981", after payment of legal
Gallo has never been known as "Michael Soriano Gallo."
fees if there be any.
She has always been female. Her parents, married on May
23, 1981, have never changed their names. For her, in
her petition before the Regional Trial Court, her Certificate SO ORDERED.18
of Live Birth contained errors, which should be corrected.
For her, she was not changing the name that was given to The Office of the Solicitor General appealed, alleging that
her; she was merely correcting its entry. the applicable rule should be Rule 103 of the Rules of
Court for Petitions for Change of Name.19 It argued that
To accurately reflect these facts in her documents, Gallo Gallo did not comply with the jurisdictional requirements
prayed before the Regional Trial Court of Ilagan City, under Rule 103 because the title of her Petition and the
Isabela in Special Proc. No. 21555 for the correction of her published Order did not state her official name, "Michael
name from "Michael" to "Michelle" and of her biological Gallo."20 Furthermore, the published Order was also
sex from "Male" to "Female" under Rule 1086 of the Rules defective for not stating the cause of the change of
of Court.7 name.21

In addition, Gallo asked for the inclusion of her middle The Court of Appeals, in its assailed April 29, 2013
name, "Soriano"; her mother's middle name, "Angangan"; Decision, denied the Office of the Solicitor General's
her father's middle name, "Balingao"; and her parent's appeal.22 It found that Gallo availed of the proper remedy
marriage date, May 23, 1981, in her Certificate of Live under Rule 108 as the corrections sought were clerical,
Birth, as these were not recorded.8 harmless, and innocuous.23 It further clarified that Rule
108 is limited to the implementation of Article 412 of the
Civil Code24 and that the proceedings which stem from it
can "either be summary, if the correction sought is Finally, petitioner insists that Gallo failed to exhaust
clerical, or adversary . . . if [it] affects . . . civil status, administrative remedies and observe the doctrine of
citizenship or nationality . . . which are deemed primary jurisdiction38 as Republic Act No. 9048 allegedly
substantial corrections."25 now governs the change of first name, superseding the
civil registrar's jurisdiction over the matter. 39
The Court of Appeals discussed that Rule 103, on the
other hand, "governs the proceeding for changing the To support its claim, it cited Silverio v. Republic, 40 which
given or proper name of a person as recorded in the civil held that "[t]he intent and effect of the law is to exclude
register."26 the change of first name from the coverage of Rules 103 .
. . and 108 . . . of the Rules of Court, until and unless an
Jurisprudence has recognized the following grounds as administrative petition for change of name is first filed and
sufficient to warrant a change of name, to wit: (a) when subsequently denied."41
the name is ridiculous, dishonorable or extremely difficult
to write or pronounce; (b) when the change results as a Respondent Gallo, in her Comment,42 counters that the
legal consequence of legitimation or adoption; (c) when issue of whether or not the petitioned corrections are
the change will avoid confusion; (d) when one has innocuous or clerical is a factual issue, which is improper
continuously used and been known since childhood by a in a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45. 43 In
Filipino name and was unaware of alien parentage; (e) any case, she argues that the corrections are clerical;
when the change is based on a sincere desire to adopt a hence, the applicable rule is Rule 108 and not Rule 103,
Filipino name to erase signs of former alienage, all in good with the requirements of an adversarial proceeding
faith and without prejudice to anybody; and (f) when the properly satisfied.44 Lastly, she contends that petitioner
surname causes embarrassment and there is no showing has waived its right to invoke the doctrines of non-
that the desired change of name was for a fraudulent exhaustion of administrative remedies and primary
purpose or that the change of name would prejudice jurisdiction when it failed to file a motion to dismiss before
public interest.27 the Regional Trial Court and only raised these issues
before this Court.45
The Court of Appeals also stated that Republic Act No.
10172, "the present law on the matter, classifies a change Petitioner filed its Reply.46 The case was then submitted
in the first name or nickname, or sex of a person as for resolution after the parties filed their respective
clerical error that may be corrected without a judicial Memoranda.47
order."28 It applied this ruling on the inclusion of Gallo's
middle name, her parents' middle names, and the latter's The issues for this Court's resolution are:
date of marriage, as they do not involve substantial
First, whether or not the Republic of the Philippines raised
a question of fact in alleging that the change sought by
As the petition merely involved the correction of clerical Michelle Soriano Gallo is substantive and not a mere
errors, the Court of Appeals held that a summary correction of error;
proceeding would have sufficed. With this determination,
the Regional Trial Court's more rigid and stringent
adversarial proceeding was more than enough to satisfy Second, whether or not Michelle Soriano Gallo's petition
the procedural requirements under Rule 108.30 involves a substantive change under Rule 103 of the Rules
of Court instead of mere correction of clerical errors; and

However, the Republic, through the Office of the Solicitor

General, believes otherwise. For it, Gallo wants to change Finally, whether or not Michelle Soriano Gallo failed to
the name that she was given. Thus, it filed the present exhaust administrative remedies and observe the doctrine
Petition via Rule 45 under the 1997 Rules of Civil of primary jurisdiction.
Procedure. The Petition raises procedural errors made by
the Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals in This Court finds for the respondent. Hers was a Petition to
finding for Gallo.31 correct the entry in the Civil Registry.

Citing Republic v. Mercadera,32 petitioner argues that I

"only clerical, spelling, typographical and other innocuous
errors in the civil registry may be raised" in petitions for
In assailing the Court of Appeals' ruling that the change
correction under Rule 108.33 Thus, the correction must
sought by Gallo was a mere correction of error, petitioner
only be for a patently misspelled name.34 As "Michael"
raises a question of fact not proper under a Rule 45
could not have been the result of misspelling "Michelle," Petition, which should only raise questions of law.
petitioner contends that the case should fall under Rule
103 for it contemplates a substantial change.35
Time and again, it has been held that this Court is not a
trier of facts. Thus, its functions do not include weighing
Petitioner holds that since the applicable rule is Rule 103,
and analyzing evidence adduced from the lower courts all
Gallo was not able to comply with the jurisdictional over again.
requirements for a change of name under Section 2 of this
Rule.36 It also argues that the use of a different name is
not a reasonable ground to change name under Rule In Spouses Miano v. Manila Electric Co.48:
The Rules of Court states that a review of appeals filed
before this Court is "not a matter of right, but of sound
judicial discretion." The Rules of Court further requires (3) "Clerical or typographical error" refers to a mistake
that only questions of law should be raised in petitions committed in the performance of clerical work in writing,
filed under Rule 45 since factual questions are not the copying, transcribing or typing an entry in the civil
proper subject of an appeal by certiorari. It is not this register that is harmless and innocuous, such as
Court's function to once again analyze or weigh evidence misspelled name or misspelled place of birth or the like,
that has already been considered in the lower courts. which is visible to the eyes or obvious to the
understanding, and can be corrected or changed only by
Bases Conversion Development Authority v. reference to other existing record or records: Provided,
Reyes distinguished a question of law from a question of however, That no correction must involve the change of
fact: nationality, age, status or sex of the petitioner.53

Jurisprudence dictates that there is a "question of law" By qualifying the definition of a clerical, typographical
when the doubt or difference arises as to what the law is error as a mistake "visible to the eyes or obvious to the
on a certain set of facts or circumstances; on the other understanding," the law recognizes that there is a factual
hand, there is a "question of fact" when the issue raised determination made after reference to and evaluation of
on appeal pertains to the truth or falsity of the alleged existing documents presented.
facts. The test for determining whether the supposed
error was one of "law" or "fact" is not the appellation Thus, corrections may be made even though the error is
given by the parties raising the same; rather, it is whether not typographical if it is "obvious to the understanding,"
the reviewing court can resolve the issues raised without even if there is no proof that the name or circumstance in
evaluating the evidence, in which case, it is a question of the birth certificate was ever used.
law; otherwise, it is one of fact. In other words, where
there is no dispute as to the facts, the question of This Court agrees with the Regional Trial Court's
whether or not the conclusions drawn from these facts are determination, concurred in by the Court of Appeals, that
correct is a question of law. However, if the question this case involves the correction of a mere error. As these
posed requires a re-evaluation of the credibility of are findings of fact, this Court is bound by the lower
witnesses, or the existence or relevance of surrounding courts' findings.
circumstances and their relationship to each other, the
issue is factual.49 (Emphasis supplied)

In the case at bar, petitioner raises an issue which

requires an evaluation of evidence as determining whether In any case, Rule 103 of the Rules of Court does not apply
or not the change sought is a typographical error or a to the case at bar. The change in the entry of Gallo's
substantive change requires looking into the party's biological sex is governed by Rule 108 of the Rules of
records, supporting documents, testimonies, and other Court while Republic Act No. 9048 applies to all other
evidence. corrections sought.

On changes of first name, Republic Act No. 10172, which Under Article 407 of the Civil Code, the books in the Civil
amended Republic Act No. 9048, is helpful in identifying Register include "acts, events and judicial decrees
the nature of the determination sought. concerning the civil status of persons," 54 which are prima
facie evidence of the facts stated there.55

Republic Act No. 1017250 defines a clerical or

typographical error as a recorded mistake, "which Entries in the register include births, marriages, deaths,
is visible to the eyes or obvious to the understanding." legal separations, annulments of marriage, judgments
Thus: declaring marriages void from the beginning,
legitimations, adoptions, acknowledgments of natural
children, naturalization, loss or recovery of citizenship,
Section 2. Definition of Terms. — As used in this Act, the civil interdiction, judicial determination of filiation,
following terms shall mean: voluntary emancipation of a minor, and changes of
(3) "Clerical or typographical error" refers to a mistake
committed in the performance of clerical work in writing, As stated, the governing law on changes of first name is
copying, transcribing or typing an entry in the civil currently Republic Act No. 10172, which amended
register that is harmless and innocuous, such as Republic Act No. 9048. Prior to these laws, the controlling
misspelled name or misspelled place of birth, mistake in provisions on changes or corrections of name were
the entry of day and month in the date of birth or the sex Articles 376 and 412 of the Civil Code.
of the person or the like, which is visible to the eyes or
obvious to the understanding, and can be corrected or
changed only by reference to other existing record or Article 376 states the need for judicial authority before
records: Provided, however, That no correction must any person can change his or her name.57 On the other
involve the change of nationality, age, or status of the hand, Article 412 provides that judicial authority is also
petitioner.51 necessary before any entry in the civil register may be
changed or corrected.58

Likewise, Republic Act No. 904852 states:

Under the old rules, a person would have to file an action
in court under Rule 103 for substantial changes in the
Section 2. Definition of Terms. — As used in this Act, the given name or surname provided they fall under any of
following terms shall mean:
the valid reasons recognized by law, or Rule 108 for those affecting the civil status, citizenship, and nationality
corrections of clerical errors. of a person.65 The proceedings under this rule may either
be summary, if the correction pertains to clerical
This requirement for judicial authorization was justified to mistakes, or adversary, if it pertains to substantial
prevent fraud and allow other parties, who may be errors.66
affected by the change of name, to oppose the matter, as
decisions in these proceedings bind the whole world.59 As explained in Republic v. Mercadera:67

Rule 103 procedurally governs judicial petitions for change Finally in Republic v. Valencia, the above[-]stated views
of given name or surname, or both, pursuant to Article were adopted by this Court insofar as even substantial
376 of the Civil Code. This rule provides the procedure for errors or matters in a civil registry may be corrected and
an independent special proceeding in court to establish the true facts established, provided the parties aggrieved
the status of a person involving his relations with others, avail themselves of the appropriate adversary proceeding.
that is, his legal position in, or with regard to, the rest of "If the purpose of the petition is merely to correct the
the community. In petitions for change of name, a person clerical errors which are visible to the eye or obvious to
avails of a remedy to alter the "designation by which he is the understanding, the court may, under a summary
known and called in the community in which he lives and procedure, issue an order for the correction of a mistake.
is best known." When granted, a person's identity and However, as repeatedly construed, changes which may
interactions are affected as he bears a new "label or affect the civil status from legitimate to illegitimate, as
appellation for the convenience of the world at large in well as sex, are substantial and controversial alterations
addressing him, or in speaking of, or dealing with him." which can only be allowed after appropriate adversary
Judicial permission for a change of name aims to prevent proceedings depending upon the nature of the issues
fraud and to ensure a record of the change by virtue of a involved. Changes which affect the civil status or
court decree. citizenship of a party are substantial in character and
should be threshed out in a proper action depending upon
The proceeding under Rule 103 is also an action in the nature of the issues in controversy, and wherein all
rem which requires publication of the order issued by the the parties who may be affected by the entries are
court to afford the State and all other interested parties to notified or represented and evidence is submitted to prove
oppose the petition. When complied with, the decision the allegations of the complaint, and proof to the contrary
binds not only the parties impleaded but the whole world. admitted ...." "Where such a change is ordered, the Court
As notice to all, publication serves to indefinitely bar all will not be establishing a substantive right but only
who might make an objection. "It is the publication of correcting or rectifying an erroneous entry in the civil
such notice that brings in the whole world as a party in registry as authorized by law. In short, Rule 108 of the
the case and vests the court with jurisdiction to hear and Rules of Court provides only the procedure or mechanism
decide it." for the proper enforcement of the substantive law
embodied in Article 412 of the Civil Code and so does not
violate the Constitution."68 (Emphasis in the original)
Essentially, a change of name does not define or effect a
change of one's existing family relations or in the rights
and duties flowing therefrom. It does not alter one's legal Following the procedure in Rule 103, Rule 108 also
capacity or civil status. However, "there could be requires a petition to be filed before the Regional Trial
instances where the change applied for may be open to Court. The trial court then sets a hearing and directs the
objection by parties who already bear the surname publication of its order in a newspaper of general
desired by the applicant, not because he would thereby circulation in the province.69 After the hearing, the trial
acquire certain family ties with them but because the court may grant or dismiss the petition and serve a copy
existence of such ties might be erroneously impressed on of its judgment to the Civil Registrar.70
the public mind." Hence, in requests for a change of
name, "what is involved is not a mere matter of allowance Mercadera clarified the applications of Article 376 and Rule
or disallowance of the request, but a judicious evaluation 103, and of Article 412 and Rule 108, thus:
of the sufficiency and propriety of the justifications
advanced . . . . mindful of the consequent results in the The "change of name" contemplated under Article 376 and
event of its grant . . ."60 (Citations omitted) Rule 103 must not be confused with Article 412 and Rule
108. A change of one's name under Rule 103 can be
Applying Article 412 of the Civil Code, a person desiring to granted, only on grounds provided by law. In order to
change his or her name altogether must file a petition justify a request for change of name, there must be a
under Rule 103 with the Regional Trial Court, which will proper and compelling reason for the change and proof
then issue an order setting a hearing date and directing that the person requesting will be prejudiced by the use of
the order's publication in a newspaper of general his official name. To assess the sufficiency of the grounds
circulation.61 After finding that there is proper and invoked therefor, there must be adversarial proceedings.
reasonable cause to change his or her name, the Regional
Trial Court may grant the petition and order its entry in In petitions for correction, only clerical, spelling,
the civil register.62 typographical and other innocuous errors in the civil
registry may be raised. Considering that the enumeration
On the other hand, Rule 108 applies when the person is in Section 2, Rule 108 also includes "changes of name,"
seeking to correct clerical and innocuous mistakes in his the correction of a patently misspelled name is covered by
or her documents with the civil register.63 It also governs Rule 108. Suffice it to say, not all alterations allowed in
the correction of substantial errors in the entry of the one's name are confined under Rule 103. Corrections for
information enumerated in Section 2 of this Rule64 and clerical errors may be set right under Rule 108.
This rule in "names," however, does not operate to for a judicial order. In effect, Rep. Act No. 9048 removed
entirely limit Rule 108 to the correction of clerical errors in from the ambit of Rule 108 of the Rules of Court the
civil registry entries by way of a summary proceeding. As correction of such errors. Rule 108 now applies only to
explained above, Republic v. Valencia is the authority for substantial changes and corrections in entries in the civil
allowing substantial errors in other entries like citizenship, register.77 (Emphasis in the original, citations omitted)
civil status, and paternity, to be corrected using Rule 108
provided there is an adversary proceeding. "After all, the In Republic v. Sali:78
role of the Court under Rule 108 is to ascertain the truths
about the facts recorded therein."71 (Citations omitted)
The petition for change of first name may be allowed,
among other grounds, if the new first name has been
However, Republic Act No. 904872 amended Articles 376 habitually and continuously used by the petitioner and he
and 412 of the Civil Code, effectively removing clerical or she has been publicly known by that first name in the
errors and changes of the name outside the ambit of Rule community. The local city or municipal civil registrar or
108 and putting them under the jurisdiction of the civil consul general has the primary jurisdiction to entertain
register.73 the petition. It is only when such petition is denied that a
petitioner may either appeal to the civil registrar general
In Silverio v. Republic:74 or file the appropriate petition with the proper
court.79 (Emphasis supplied, citations omitted)
The State has an interest in the names borne by
individuals and entities for purposes of identification. A Republic Act No. 9048 also dispensed with the need for
change of name is a privilege, not a right. Petitions for judicial proceedings in case of any clerical or typographical
change of name are controlled by statutes. In this mistakes in the civil register or changes in first names or
connection, Article 376 of the Civil Code provides: nicknames.80

ART. 376. No person can change his name or surname Section 1. Authority to Correct Clerical or Typographical
without judicial authority. Error and Change of First Name or Nickname. — No entry
in a civil register shall be changed or corrected without a
This Civil Code provision was amended by RA 9048 judicial order, except for clerical or typographical errors
(Clerical Error Law) . . . and change of first name or nickname which can be
corrected or changed by the concerned city or municipal
civil registrar or consul general in accordance with the
.... provisions of this Act and its implementing rules and
RA 9048 now governs the change of first name. It vests
the power and authority to entertain petitions for change Thus, a person may now change his or her first name or
of first name to the city or municipal civil registrar or correct clerical errors in his or her name through
consul general concerned. Under the law, therefore, administrative proceedings. Rules 103 and 108 only apply
jurisdiction over applications for change of first name is if the administrative petition has been filed and later
now primarily lodged with the aforementioned denied.
administrative officers. The intent and effect of the law is
to exclude the change of first name from the coverage of
Rules 103 (Change of Name) and 108 (Cancellation or In 2012, Republic Act No. 9048 was amended by Republic
Correction of Entries in the Civil Registry) of the Rules of Act No. 10172.82
Court, until and unless an administrative petition for
change of name is first filed and subsequently denied. It In addition to the change of the first name, the day and
likewise lays down the corresponding venue, form and month of birth, and the sex of a person may now be
procedure. In sum, the remedy and the proceedings changed without judicial proceedings. Republic Act No.
regulating change of first name are primarily 10172 clarifies that these changes may now be
administrative in nature, not judicial. 75 (Citations administratively corrected where it is patently clear that
omitted) there is a clerical or typographical mistake in the entry. It
may be changed by filing a subscribed and sworn affidavit
In Republic v. Cagandahan:76 with the local civil registry office of the city or municipality
where the record being sought to be corrected or changed
is kept.83
The determination of a person's sex appearing in his birth
certificate is a legal issue and the court must look to the
statutes. In this connection, Article 412 of the Civil Code Section 1. Authority to Correct Clerical or Typographical
provides: Error and Change of First Name or Nickname.— No entry
in a civil register shall be changed or corrected without a
judicial order, except for clerical or typographical errors
ART. 412. No entry in a civil register shall be changed or and change of first name or nickname, the day and month
corrected without a judicial order. in the date of birth or sex of a person where it is patently
clear that there was a clerical or typographical error or
Together with Article 376 of the Civil Code, this provision mistake in the entry, which can be corrected or changed
was amended by Republic Act No. 9048 in so far by the concerned city or municipal civil registrar or consul
as clerical or typographical errors are involved. The general in accordance with the provisions of this Act and
correction or change of such matters can now be made its implementing rules and regulations.84 (Emphasis
through administrative proceedings and without the need supplied)
However, Republic Act No. 10172 does not apply in the Mercadera also cited similar cases in which this Court
case at bar as it was only enacted on August 15, 2012— determined what constitutes harmless errors that need
more than two (2) years after Gallo filed her Petition for not go through the proceedings under Rule 103:
Correction of Entry on May 13, 2010.85 Hence, Republic
Act No. 9048 governs. Indeed, there are decided cases involving mistakes similar
to Mercadera's case which recognize the same a harmless
II.B error. In Yu v. Republic it was held that "to change 'Sincio'
to 'Sencio' which merely involves the substitution of the
As to the issue of which between Rules 103 and 108 first vowel 'i' in the first name into the vowel 'e' amounts
applies, it is necessary to determine the nature of the merely to the righting of a clerical error." In Labayo-Rowe
correction sought by Gallo. v. Republic, it was held that the change of petitioner's
name from "Beatriz Labayo/Beatriz Labayu" to
"Emperatriz Labayo" was a mere innocuous alteration
Petitioner maintains that Rule 103 applies as the changes wherein a summary proceeding was appropriate.
were substantive while respondent contends that it is Rule In Republic v. Court of Appeals, Jaime B. Caranto and
108 which governs as the changes pertain only to Zenaida P. Caranto, the correction involved the
corrections of clerical errors. substitution of the letters "ch" for the letter "d," so that
what appears as "Midael" as given name would read
Upon scrutiny of the records in this case, this Court rules "Michael." In the latter case, this Court, with the
that Gallo's Petition involves a mere correction of clerical agreement of the Solicitor General, ruled that the error
errors. was plainly clerical, such that, "changing the name of the
child from 'Midael C. Mazon' to 'Michael C. Mazon' cannot
possibly cause any confusion, because both names can be
A clerical or typographical error pertains to a
read and pronounced with the same rhyme (tugma) and
tone (tono, tunog, himig).93 (Citations omitted)
[M]istake committed in the performance of clerical work in
writing, copying, transcribing or typing an entry in the
Likewise, in Republic v. Sali,94 Lorena Omapas Sali (Sali)
civil register that is harmless and innocuous ... which is
sought to correct her Certificate of Live Birth, alleging that
visible to the eyes or obvious to the , and can be
her first name was erroneously entered as "Dorothy"
corrected or changed only by reference to other existing
record or records[.] 86 instead of "Lorena," and her date of birth as "June 24,
1968" instead of "April 24, 1968." She alleged that she
had been using the name "Lorena" and the birth date
However, corrections which involve a change in "April 24, 1968" ever since. She also averred that she had
nationality, age, or status are not considered clerical or always been known as "Lorena" in her community. She
typographical.87 claimed that the petition was just to correct the error and
not to evade any criminal or civil liability, or to affect any
Jurisprudence is replete with cases determining what succession of another person.95
constitutes a clerical or typographical error in names with
the civil register. In response, the Office of the Solicitor General,
representing the Republic, argued against Sali's claim,
In Republic v. Mercadera,88 Merlyn Mercadera (Mercadera) alleging that the petition was for a change of name under
sought to correct her name from "Marilyn" to Rule 103 and not for the correction of a simple clerical
"Merlyn."89 She alleged that "she had been known as error. It averred that there must be a valid ground for the
MERLYN ever since" and she prayed that the trial court name change, and the applicant's names and aliases must
correct her recorded given name "Marilyn" "to conform to be stated in the title of the petition and the order setting
the one she grew up to."90 The Office of the Solicitor it for hearing. It also contended that assuming Rule 108
General argued that this change was substantial which was the proper remedy, Sali failed to exhaust her
must comply with the procedure under Rule 103 of the remedies when she did not file an affidavit under Republic
Rules of Court.91 However, this Court ruled that Rule 103 Act No. 9048.96
did not apply because the petition merely sought to
correct a misspelled given name: In Sali, this Court held that Rule 103 did not apply
because the petition was not for a change of name, but a
In this case, the use of the letter "a" for the letter "e," and petition for correction of errors in the recording of Sali's
the deletion of the letter "i," so that what appears as name and birth date. Sali had been using the name
"Marilyn" would read as "Merlyn'' is patently a rectification "Lorena" since birth, and she merely sought to have her
of a name that is clearly misspelled. The similarity records conform to the name she had been using as her
between "Marilyn" and "Merlyn" may well be the object of true name. She had no intention of changing her name
a mix-up that blemished Mercadera's Certificate of Live altogether. Thus, her prayer for the correction of her
Birth until her adulthood, thus, her interest to correct the misspelled name is not contemplated by Rule 103.97
In the case at bar, petitioner, raising the same arguments
The [Court of Appeals] did not allow Mercadera the as that in Sali, claims that the change sought by Gallo is
change of her name. What it did allow was the correction substantial, covered by Rule 103 because the two (2)
of her misspelled given name which she had been using names are allegedly entirely different from each other. It
ever since she could remember.92 argues that "Michael" could not have been the result of a
misspelling of "Michelle."98
On the other hand, Gallo argues that the corrections are Sali's petition is not for a change of name as
clerical which fall under Rule 108, with the requirements contemplated under Rule 103 of the Rules but for
of an adversarial proceeding properly complied. 99 correction of entries under Rule 108. What she seeks is
the correction of clerical errors which were committed in
Considering that Gallo had shown that the reason for her the recording of her name and birth date. This Court has
petition was not to change the name by which she is held that not all alterations allowed in one's name are
commonly known, this Court rules that her petition is not confined under Rule 103 and that corrections for clerical
covered by Rule 103. Gallo is not filing the petition to errors may be set right under Rule 108. The evidence
change her current appellation. She is merely correcting presented by Sali show that, since birth, she has been
the misspelling of her name. using the name "Lorena." Thus, it is apparent that she
never had any intention to change her name. What she
seeks is simply the removal of the clerical fault or error in
Correcting and changing have been differentiated, thus: her first name, and to set aright the same to conform to
the name she grew up with.
To correct simply means "to make or set aright; to
remove the faults or error from." To change means "to Nevertheless, at the time Sali's petition was filed, R.A. No.
replace something with something else of the same kind 9048 was already in effect . . .
or with something that serves as a substitute. 100

Gallo is not attempting to replace her current appellation.
She is merely correcting the misspelling of her given
name. "Michelle" could easily be misspelled as "Michael," The petition for change of first name may be allowed,
especially since the first four (4) letters of these two (2) among other grounds, if the new first name has been
names are exactly the same. The differences only pertain habitually and continuously used by the petitioner and he
to an additional letter "a" in "Michael," and "le" at the end or she has been publicly known by that first name in the
of "Michelle." "Michelle" and "Michael" may also be community. The local city or municipal civil registrar or
vocalized similarly, considering the possibility of different consul general has the primary jurisdiction to entertain
accents or intonations of different people. In any case, the petition. It is only when such petition is denied that a
Gallo does not seek to be known by a different petitioner may either appeal to the civil registrar general
appellation. The lower courts have determined that she or file the appropriate petition with the proper court . . .
has been known as "Michelle" all throughout her life. She
is merely seeking to correct her records to conform to her ....
true given name.
In this case, the petition, insofar as it prayed for the
However, Rule 108 does not apply in this case either. change of Sali's first name, was not within the RTC's
primary jurisdiction. It was improper because the remedy
As stated, Gallo filed her Petition for Correction of Entry should have been administrative, i.e., filing of the petition
on May 13, 2010.101 The current law, Republic Act No. with the local civil registrar concerned. For failure to
10172, does not apply because it was enacted only on exhaust administrative remedies, the RTC should have
August 19, 2012.102 dismissed the petition to correct Sali’s first name.106

The applicable law then for the correction of Gallo's name Likewise, the prayers to enter Gallo's middle name as
is Republic Act No. 9048. 103 Soriano, the middle names of her parents as Angangan for
her mother and Balingao for her father, and the date of
her parents' marriage as May 23, 1981 fall under clerical
To reiterate, Republic Act No. 9048 was enacted on March or typographical errors as mentioned in Republic Act No.
22, 2001 and removed the correction of clerical or 9048.
typographical errors from the scope of Rule 108. It also
dispensed with the need for judicial proceedings in case of
any clerical or typographical mistakes in the civil register, Under Section 2(3) of Republic Act No. 9048:
or changes of first name or nickname. Thus:
(3) "Clerical or typographical error" refers to a mistake
Section 1. Authority to Correct Clerical or Typographical committed in the performance of clerical work in writing,
Error and Change of First Name or Nickname. — No entry copying, transcribing or typing an entry in the civil
in a civil register shall be changed or corrected without a register that is harmless and innocuous, such as
judicial order, except for clerical or typographical errors misspelled name or misspelled place of birth or the like,
and change of first name or nickname which can be which is visible to the eyes or obvious to the
corrected or changed by the concerned city or municipal understanding, and can be corrected or changed only by
civil registrar or consul general in accordance with the reference to other existing record or records: Provided,
provisions of this Act and its implementing rules and however, That no correction must involve the change of
regulations.104 nationality, age, status or sex of the petitioner.107

Therefore, it is the civil registrar who has primary These corrections may be done by referring to existing
jurisdiction over Gallo's petition, not the Regional Trial records in the civil register. None of it involves any
Court. Only if her petition was denied by the local city or change in Gallo's nationality, age, status, or sex.
municipal civil registrar can the Regional Trial Court take
cognizance of her case. In Republic v. Sali,105 Moreover, errors "visible to the eyes or obvious to the
understanding"108 fall within the coverage of clerical
mistakes not deemed substantial. If it is "obvious to the However, failure to observe the doctrine of exhaustion of
understanding," even if there is no proof that the name or administrative remedies does not affect the court's
circumstance in the birth certificate was ever used, the jurisdiction.119 Thus, the doctrine may be waived as
correction may be made. in Soto v. Jareno:120

Thus, as to these corrections, Gallo should have sought to Failure to observe the doctrine of exhaustion of
correct them administratively before filing a petition under administrative remedies does not affect the jurisdiction of
Rule 108. the court. We have repeatedly stressed this in a long line
of decisions. The only effect of non compliance with this
However, the petition to correct Gallo's biological sex was rule is that it will deprive the complainant of a cause of
rightfully filed under Rule 108 as this was a substantial action, which is a ground for a motion to dismiss. If not
change excluded in the definition of clerical or invoked at the proper time, this ground is deemed waived
typographical errors in Republic Act No. 9048. 109 and the court can then take cognizance of the case and
try it. 121 (Citation omitted)

This was affirmed in Republic v. Cagandahan:110

Meanwhile, under the doctrine of primary administrative
jurisdiction, if an administrative tribunal has jurisdiction
Under Rep. Act No. 9048, a correction in the civil registry over a controversy, courts should not resolve the issue
involving the change of sex is not a mere clerical or even if it may be within its proper jurisdiction. This is
typographical error. It is a substantial change for which especially true when the question involves its sound
the applicable procedure is Rule 108 of the Rules of discretion requiring special knowledge, experience, and
Court.111 (Citation omitted) services to determine technical and intricate matters of
It was only when Republic Act No. 10172 was enacted on
August 15, 2012 that errors in entries as to biological sex In Republic v. Lacap: 123
may be administratively corrected, provided that they
involve a typographical or clerical error.112
Corollary to the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
remedies is the doctrine of primary jurisdiction; that is,
However, this is not true for all cases as corrections in courts cannot or will not determine a controversy
entries of biological sex may still be considered a involving a question which is within the jurisdiction of the
substantive matter. administrative tribunal prior to the resolution of that
question by the administrative tribunal, where the
In Cagandahan,113 this Court ruled that a party who seeks question demands the exercise of sound administrative
a change of name and biological sex in his or her discretion requiring the special knowledge, experience and
Certificate of Live Birth after a gender reassignment services of the administrative tribunal to determine
surgery has to file a petition under Rule 108.114 In that technical and intricate matters of fact.124 (Citation
case, it was held that the change did not involve a mere omitted)
correction of an error in recording but a petition for a
change of records because the sex change was initiated Thus, the doctrine of primary administrative jurisdiction
by the petitioner.115 refers to the competence of a court to take cognizance of
a case at first instance. Unlike the doctrine of exhaustion
IV of administrative remedies, it cannot be waived.

Considering that Gallo did not first file an administrative However, for reasons of equity, in cases where jurisdiction
case in the civil register before proceeding to the courts, is lacking, this Court has ruled that failure to raise the
petitioner contends that respondent failed to exhaust issue of non-compliance with the doctrine of primary
administrative remedies and observe the doctrine of administrative jurisdiction at an opportune time may bar a
primary jurisdiction under Republic Act No. 9048. 116 subsequent filing of a motion to dismiss based on that
ground by way of laches.125
On the other hand, respondent argues that petitioner has
waived its right to invoke these doctrines because it failed In Tijam v. Sibonghanoy:126
to file a motion to dismiss before the Regional Trial Court
and only raised these Issues before this Court.117

This Court rules in favor of Gallo. True also is the rule that jurisdiction over the subject-
matter is conferred upon the courts exclusively by law,
Under the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative and as the lack of it affects the very authority of the court
remedies, a party must first avail of all administrative to take cognizance of the case, the objection may be
processes available before seeking the courts' raised at any stage of the proceedings. However,
intervention. The administrative officer concerned must be considering the facts and circumstances of the present
given every opportunity to decide on the matter within his case — which shall forthwith be set forth — We are of the
or her jurisdiction. Failing to exhaust administrative opinion that the Surety is now barred by laches from
remedies affects the party's cause of action as these invoking this plea at this late hour for the purpose of
remedies refer to a precedent condition which must be annulling everything done heretofore in the case with its
complied with prior to filing a case in court.118 active participation ...
.... great and irreparable damage; (h) where the controverted
acts violate due process; (i) when the issue of non-
A party may be estopped or barred from raising a exhaustion of administrative remedies has been rendered
question in different ways and for different reasons. Thus moot; (j) when there is no other plain, speedy and
we speak of estoppels in pais, of estoppel by deed or by adequate remedy; (k) when strong public interest is
record, and of estoppel by laches. involved; and, (l) in quo warranto proceedings . .
.128 (Emphasis supplied, citations omitted)

Laches, in a general sense, is failure or neglect, for an

unreasonable and unexplained length of time, to do that Petitioner does not deny that the issue of non-compliance
which, by exercising due diligence, could or should have with these two (2) doctrines was only raised in this Court.
been done earlier; it is negligence or omission to assert a Thus, in failing to invoke these contentions before the
right within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption Regional Trial Court, it is estopped from invoking these
that the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it doctrines as grounds for dismissal.
or declined to assert it.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition
The doctrine of laches or of "stale demands" is based is DENIED. The April 29, 2013 Decision of the Court of
upon grounds of public policy which requires, for the Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 96358 is AFFIRMED. The
peace of society, the discouragement of stale claims and, Petition for Correction of Entry in the Certificate of Live
unlike the statute of limitations, is not a mere question of Birth of Michelle Soriano Gallo is GRANTED. This Court
time but is principally a question of the inequity or directs that the Certificate of Live Birth of Michelle Soriano
unfairness of permitting a right or claim to be enforced or Gallo be corrected as follows:
1) Correct her first name from "Michael" to "Michelle";
It has been held that a party cannot invoke the 2) Correct her biological sex from "Male" to "Female";
jurisdiction of a court to secure affirmative relief against 3) Enter her middle name as "Soriano";
his opponent and, after obtaining or failing to obtain such 4) Enter the middle name of her mother as "Angangan";
relief, repudiate or question that same jurisdiction ... In 5) Enter the middle name of her father as "Balingao"; and
the case just cited, by way of explaining the rule, it was 6) Enter the date of her parents' marriage as "May 23,
further said that the question whether the court had 1981."
jurisdiction either of the subject-matter of the action or of
the parties was not important in such cases because the SO ORDERED.
party is barred from such conduct not because the
judgment or order of the court is valid and conclusive as
an adjudication, but for the reason that such a practice
cannot be tolerated— obviously for reasons of public

Furthermore, it has also been held that after voluntarily

submitting a cause and encountering an adverse decision
on the merits, it is too late for the loser to question the
jurisdiction or power of the court ... And in Littleton vs.
Burgess, ... the Court said that it is not right for a party
who has affirmed and invoked the jurisdiction of a court in
a particular matter to secure an affirmative relief, to
afterwards deny that same jurisdiction to escape a
penalty.127 (Emphasis supplied, citations omitted)

Thus, where a party participated in the proceedings and

the issue of non-compliance was raised only as an
afterthought at the final stage of appeal, the party
invoking it may be estopped from doing so.

Nonetheless, the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative

remedies and the corollary doctrine of primary
jurisdiction, which are based on sound public policy and
practical considerations, are not inflexible rules. There are
many accepted exceptions, such as: (a) where there is
estoppel on the part of the party invoking the doctrine;
(b) where the challenged administrative act is patently
illegal, amounting to lack of jurisdiction; (c) where there
is unreasonable delay or official inaction that will
irretrievably prejudice the complainant; (d) where the
amount involved is relatively small so as to make the rule
impractical and oppressive; (e) where the question
involved is purely legal and will ultimately have to be
decided by the courts of justice; (f) where judicial
intervention is urgent; (g) when its application may cause
G.R. No. 209527, February 14, 2018
Sex : From: Female
TIPAY, Respondent.

Date of : From: no entry
REYES, JR., J.: Birth of To: FEBRUARY
Child 25, 1976
This is a petition for review on certiorari1 brought under
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, seeking to reverse and set
aside the October 9, 2013 Decision2 of the Court of SO ORDERED.10
Appeals (CA) that denied the appeal of petitioner Republic
of the Philippines (Republic) from the Decision 3 of the From this decision, the Republic filed a Notice of Appeal,
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Lupon, Davao Oriental. The which was given due course by the trial court.11 The
trial court, in turn, granted respondent Virgie (Virgel) L. Republic, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG)
Tipay's (Virgel) petition for the correction of certain argued that the change of Virgel's name from Virgie
entries in his birth certificate.4 should have been made through a proceeding under Rule
103, and not Rule 108 of the Rules of Court. This
Factual Antecedents argument was premised on the assumption that the
summary procedure under Rule 108 is confined to the
correction of clerical or innocuous errors, which excludes
In a petition dated February 13, 2009, Virgel sought the
one's name or date of birth. Since the petition lodged with
correction of several entries in his birth certificate.
the RTC was not filed pursuant to Rule 103 of the Rules of
Attached to the petition are two (2) copies of his birth
Court, the Republic asserted that the trial court did not
certificate, respectively issued by the Municipal Civil
acquire jurisdiction over the case.12
Registrar of Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental and the
National Statistics Office5 (NSO). Both copies reflect his
gender as "FEMALE" and his first name as "Virgie." It Virgel refuted these arguments, alleging that changes of
further appears that the month and day of birth in the name are within the purview of Rule 108 of the Rules of
local civil registrar's copy was blank, while the NSO-issued Court. He further disagreed with the position of the
birth certificate indicates that he was born on May 12, Republic and asserted that substantial errors may be
1976.6 Virgel alleged that these entries are erroneous, corrected provided that the proceedings before the trial
and sought the correction of his birth certificate as court were adversarial. He also argued that the
follows: (a) his gender, from "FEMALE" to "MALE;" (b) his proceedings before the RTC were in rem, which
first name, from "VIRGIE" to "VIRGEL;" and (c) his month substantially complies with the requirements of either
and date of birth to "FEBRUARY 25, 1976."7 Rule 103 or Rule 108 of the Rules of Court.13

The petition was found sufficient in form and substance, Ruling of the CA
and the case proceeded to trial. Aside from his own
personal testimony, Virgel's mother, Susan L. Tipay, The CA denied the Republic's appeal in its
testified that she gave birth to a son on February 25, Decision14 dated October 9, 2013, the dispositive of which
1976, who was baptized as "Virgel." The Certificate of reads:
Baptism, including other documentary evidence such as a
medical certificate stating that Virgel is phenotypically
ACCORDINGLY, the appeal is DENIED. The July 27, 2010
male, were also presented to the trial court.8
Decision of the [RTC], 11th Judicial Region, Branch No.
32, Lupon, Davao Oriental, in Special Proceedings Case
Ruling of the RTC No. 243-09 is AFFIRMED in toto.

There was no opposition to the petition. Soon after, the SO ORDERED.15

RTC rendered its Decision9 dated July 27, 2010 granting
Virgel's petition:
In its assailed decision, the CA ruled in favor of Virgel,
stating that while the correction of the entry on his gender
WHEREFORE, premises considered, an Order is hereby is considered a substantial change, it is nonetheless within
issued: 1. Directing the Local Civil Registrar of Governor the jurisdiction of the trial court under Rule 108 of the
Generoso, Davao Oriental to cause the appropriate change Rules of Court. The CA also held that the petition filed
in the Certificate of Live Birth of VIRGIE L. TIPAY upon with the trial court fully complied with the jurisdictional
payment of the required legal fees, particularly: requirements of Rule 108 because notices were sent to
the concerned local civil registrar and the OSG. Since
Virgel was able to establish that he is indeed male, a fact
First : From: VIRGIE which remains undisputed, the CA upheld the trial court's
As to the change of Virgel's name from "Virgie" to
"Virgel," the CA did not find any reason to depart from the
decision of the RTC because it was more expeditious to the parties aggrieved by the error avail themselves
change the entry in the same proceeding. The CA found of the appropriate adversary proceeding. As a matter
that the correction of Virgel's name was necessary to of fact, the opposition of the Solicitor General dated
avoid confusion, especially since his correct gender is February 20, 1970 while questioning the use of Article 412
male. In the same vein, the CA ruled that even if the of the Civil Code in relation to Rule 108 of the Revised
petition with the RTC was considered a Rule 103 Rules of Court admits that "the entries sought to be
proceeding, the requirements under Rule 108 are corrected should be threshed out in an appropriate
substantially the same as that under Rule 103. Thus, the proceeding."
CA already deemed these requirements complied
with.17 Finally, regarding the month and date of Virgel's xxxx
birth, the CA found the documentary evidence credible
enough to establish that he was indeed born on February
25, 1976.18 Thus, the persons who must be made parties to a
proceeding concerning the cancellation or correction of an
entry in the civil register are-(l) the civil registrar, and (2)
Unsatisfied with the ruling of the CA, the Republic all persons who have or claim any interest which would be
appealed to this Court insisting that the entries sought to affected thereby. Upon the filing of the petition, it
be corrected are substantial changes outside the becomes the duty of the court to-(l) issue an order fixing
jurisdiction of the trial court. The Republic also reiterated the time and place for the hearing of the petition, and (2)
its earlier arguments, adding that the CA should not have cause the order for hearing to be published once a week
equated the procedural requirements under Rule 103 with for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
that of Rule 108 of the Rules of Court.19 circulation in the province. The following are likewise
entitled to oppose the petition: (1) the civil registrar, and
Ruling of the Court (2) any person having or claiming any interest under the
entry whose cancellation or correction is sought.
The Court denies the petition. However, this Court finds
that the evidence is insufficient to establish that Virgel If all these procedural requirements have been followed, a
was born on February 25, 1976. petition for correction and/or cancellation of entries in the
record of birth even if filed and conducted under Rule 108
of the Revised Rules of Court can no longer be described
Rule 108 of the Rules of Court as "summary". There can be no doubt that when an
opposition to the petition is filed either by the Civil
governs the procedure for the Registrar or any person having or claiming any interest in
correction of substantial changes the entries sought to be cancelled and/or corrected and
the opposition is actively prosecuted, the proceedings
in the civil registry. thereon become adversary proceedings.23 (Emphasis

It is true that initially, the changes that may be corrected

Evidently, the Republic incorrectly argued that the
under the summary procedure of Rule 108 of the Rules of
petition for correction under Rule 108 of the Rules
Court are clerical or harmless errors. Errors that affect the
of Court is limited to changes in entries containing
civil status, citizenship or nationality of a person, are
harmless and innocuous errors.24 The cited cases in
considered substantial errors that were beyond the
the petition were already superseded by much later
purview of the rule.20
jurisprudence.25 Most importantly, with the enactment of
Republic Act (R.A.) No. 904826 in 2001, the local civil
Jurisprudence on this matter later developed, giving room registrars, or the Consul General as the case may be, are
for the correction of substantial errors. The Court now authorized to correct clerical or typographical errors
ultimately recognized that substantial or controversial in the civil registry, or make changes in the first name or
alterations in the civil registry are allowable in an action nickname, without need of a judicial order. 27 This law
filed under Rule 108 of the Rules of Court, as long as the provided an administrative recourse for the correction of
issues are properly threshed out in appropriate clerical or typographical errors, essentially leaving the
adversarial proceedings— effectively limiting the substantial corrections in the civil registry to Rule 108 of
application of the summary procedure to the correction of the Rules of Court.28
clerical or innocuous errors.21 The Court's ruling
in Republic v. Valencia,22 explained the adversarial
procedure to be followed in correcting substantial errors in
this wise: The RTC was correct in taking
cognizance of the petition for
It is undoubtedly true that if the subject matter of a correction of entries in Virgel’s
petition is not for the correction of clerical errors of a
harmless and innocuous nature, but one involving
birth certificate.
nationality or citizenship, which is indisputably substantial
as well as controverted, affirmative relief cannot be
granted in a proceeding summary in nature. However, it is R.A. No. 9048 defined a clerical or typographical error as
also true that a right in law may be enforced and a wrong a mistake committed in. the performance of clerical work,
may be remedied as long as the appropriate remedy is which is harmless and immediately obvious to the
used. This Court adheres to the principle that even understanding.29 It was further amended in 2011, when
substantial errors in a civil registry may be R.A. No. 1017230 was passed to expand the authority of
corrected and the true facts established provided local civil registrars and the Consul General to make
changes in the day and month in the date of birth, as well in Republic v. Olaybar39 that as long as the procedural
as in the recorded sex of a person when it is patently clear requirements in Rule 108 were observed, substantial
that there was a typographical error or mistake in the corrections and changes in the civil registry, such as those
entry.31 involving the entries on sex and date of birth, may
already be effected, viz.:
Unfortunately, however, when Virgel filed the petition for
correction with the RTC in 2009, R.A. No. 10172 was not Rule 108 of the Rules of Court provides the procedure for
yet in effect. As such, to correct the erroneous cancellation or correction of entries in the civil registry.
gender and date of birth in Virgel's birth certificate, The proceedings may either be summary or adversary. If
the proper remedy was to commence the the correction is clerical, then the procedure to be
appropriate adversarial proceedings with the RTC, adopted is summary. If the rectification affects the civil
pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Court.32 The status, citizenship or nationality of a party, it is deemed
changes in the entries pertaining to the gender and date substantial, and the procedure to be adopted is adversary.
of birth are indisputably substantial corrections, outside Since the promulgation of Republic v. Valencia in 1986,
the contemplation of a clerical or typographical error that the Court has repeatedly ruled that "even substantial
may be corrected administratively. errors in a civil registry may be corrected through a
petition filed under Rule 108, with the true facts
The records of this case show that Virgel complied with established and the parties aggrieved by the error availing
the procedural requirements under Rule 108 of the Rules themselves of the appropriate adversarial proceeding." An
of Court. He impleaded the local civil registrar of Governor appropriate adversary suit or proceeding is one
Generoso, Davao Oriental, the Solicitor General, and the where the trial court has conducted proceedings
Provincial Prosecutor of Davao Oriental as parties to his where all relevant facts have been fully and
petition for correction of entries.33 The RTC then issued an properly developed, where opposing counsel have
order, which set the case for hearing on July 10, 2009. In been given opportunity to demolish the opposite
compliance with Rule 108, Section 4 of the Rules of Court, party's case, and where the evidence has been
the order was published for three (3) consecutive weeks thoroughly weighed and considered.
in a newspaper of general circulation in the province of
Davao Oriental. Additionally, the local civil registrar and It is true that in special proceedings, formal pleadings and
the OSG were notified of the petition through registered a hearing may be dispensed with, and the remedy [is]
mail.34 granted upon mere application or motion. However, a
special proceeding is not always summary. The
The OSG entered its appearance and deputized the Office procedure laid down in Rule 108 is not a summary
of the Provincial Prosecutor of Mati, Davao City for proceeding per se. It requires publication of the petition;
purposes of the proceedings before the RTC. Accordingly, it mandates the inclusion as parties of all persons who
the prosecutor assigned to the case was present during may claim interest which would be affected by the
the hearing but opted not to cross-examine Virgel or his cancellation or correction; it also requires the civil
mother after their respective testimonies. There was also registrar and any person in interest to file their opposition,
no opposition filed against the petition of Virgel before the if any; and it states that although the court may make
RTC.35 orders expediting the proceedings, it is after hearing that
the court shall either dismiss the petition or issue an order
granting the same. Thus, as long as the procedural
From the foregoing, it is clear that the parties who have a requirements in Rule 108 are followed, it is the
claim or whose interests may be affected were notified appropriate adversary proceeding to effect
and granted an opportunity to oppose the petition. Two substantial corrections and changes in entries of the
sets of notices were sent to potential oppositors—through civil register.40 (Emphases Ours)
registered mail for the persons named in the petition, and
through publication, for all other persons who are not
named but may be considered interested or affected Since the Republic was unable to substantiate its
parties.36 A hearing was scheduled for the presentation of arguments, or even cite a specific rule of procedure that
Virgel's testimonial and documentary evidence, during Virgel failed to follow, the Court has no reason to depart
which time, the deputized prosecutor of the OSG was from the factual findings of the RTC, as affirmed by the
present, and allowed to participate in the proceedings. CA. Furthermore, in the absence of evidence refuting
While none of the parties questioned the veracity of Virgel's assertion that he is indeed phenotypically male,
Virgel's allegations, much less present any controverting the correction of the entry on Virgel's sex in his birth
evidence before the trial court,37 the RTC proceedings certificate, from "FEMALE" to "MALE," was correctly
were clearly adversarial in nature. It dutifully granted.
complied with the requirements of Rule 108 of the
Rules of Court. With respect to the change of his name to "Virgel" the
Court does not agree with the CA that the requirements
Notably, the Republic does not assail whether the under Rule 103 of the Rules of Court may be substituted
proceedings before the trial court were adversarial, but with that of Rule 108. These remedies are distinct and
merely insists on the erroneous premise that a Rule 108 separate from one another, and compliance with one rule
proceeding is limited to the correction of harmless, clerical cannot serve as a fulfillment of the requisites prescribed
or typographical errors in the civil registry. 38 Having by the other.41 Nonetheless, the Court has settled
established that the proper recourse for the correction of in Republic v. Mercadera42 that changes in one's name are
substantial changes in the civil registry is Rule 108 of the not necessarily confined to a petition filed under Rule 103
Rules of Court, the Court cannot sustain the Republic's of the Rules of Court. Rule 108, Section 2 of the Rules of
assertion on this matter. The Court has long settled Court include "changes of name" in the enumeration of
entries in the civil register that may be cancelled or
corrected. Thus, the name "Virgie" may be corrected to
"Virgel" as a necessary consequence of the substantial
correction on Virgel's gender, and to allow the record to
conform to the truth.

With respect to the date of Virgel's birth, the Court again

disagrees with the CA that the alleged date (i.e., February
25, 1976) is undisputed. The NSO copy of Virgel's birth
certificate indicates that he was born on May 12, 1976, a
date obviously different from that alleged in the petition
for correction.43 As a public document, the date of birth
appearing in the NSO copy is presumed valid and prima
facie evidence of the facts stated in it. Virgel bore the
burden of proving its supposed falsity.44

Virgel failed to discharge this burden. The police clearance

presented to the trial court corroborates the entry in the
NSO copy, indicating Virgel's date of birth as May 12,
1976.45 The Court is also unconvinced by the other
documentary evidence supposedly showing that Virgel
was born on February 25, 1976 because the information
indicated in the identification card from the Bureau of
Internal Revenue and the Member Data Record from the
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, were all supplied
by Virgel.46 These are self-serving information, which do
not suffice to overcome the presumption of validity
accorded to the date of birth reflected in the NSO copy of
Virgel's birth certificate.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition for

review on certiorari is DENIED. The Decision dated
October 9, 2013 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
02286 is AFFIRMED, only insofar as the corrections of
the following entries in the birth certificate are concerned:
(a) first name, from "Virgie" to "Virgel;" and (b) gender,
from "FEMALE" to "MALE."


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