Hauge Convention

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Tre He Ste UAIe~3300499 REGD.NO.D.L-3300899 Atal a The Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY ‘art avg 330-avE (i) PART H—Section 3—Sub-section () wiirere & wanfirt PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Ht 639) ag feet, quater, fewer 4, 2008/STMETAT 13, 1930 No 639) NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2008/AGRAHAYANA 13, 1930 arate tare aha 7g fereit, 4 feeraz, 2008 ‘arf, e35(ai) stata wear, wet sifufiem, 1956 (1956 aT 1) A wR 642 SOUT (1) as (@) sit Gs Ca) grr wen wife ar wet art Ee, eet (SSP. vce) Bree fae she WEY, 1956 ar Bete He & fee Pefafas fas sat @, seta — 1. (1) Reval ar aver ar eet (atta aR) Bee ey she we (shea Heirs) Fram, 2008 & 1 (2) 2 aera A yer at ante si wget eft 1 2 Set Sse ae) are fram sit wes, 1956 @ Fea i6 8 sor (1) 4, “ar saFTaR (5)" Te, a ok shee Se T feafefar we ait area a are, aed “safram (5) a safe (6) at sofa (7) 4 aersqatiea”; Gi) Fram 16 aaa (5) 9 Tear Peteted sia centre fen sre, arate — “(6) afk eet feet Qa a Finfia ¢ ot aretdea S are f fied ae 1 kere afta, 1961 HUH Tea zt, a G@) sere (1) F fie eae at ala at ae F sa weUrt gre fsrat arfrear Fae ‘vf t att O1 afer & organ Faery wr a Cheep gro wanton at aE ; 4796 Gu2008 a ‘THEGAZETTEOF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Paer—See.34i)] Gi) Sra & Rewat otk afta St YE aa S Prareh aferal Sa \ ate wa, af arg a ot Beh S AP Ala met wet & fag mT & ated ae wee, or wera ehhh oie oo afters S age H was Gert bet F uchergetiga ef? | @ satan (6) & ants o1 after d eemefte tet A ana Bae wT are PRRe MRT a ae A sie aver H fret a aor eABrfaneT aTeT ATS See ser SIH Wy Bad RETR ate Ta ae Tea wr WaT et ea ei, BAW GerT eS aret S aa tet aT wth eA afk We wT S SHT aa afters & orgeen 4 wieergehid et | tm © 613200882 VI fade ataen, dqet ofa feoqor sag Prot area H TTT, IT 2, US 3, UTES (i) ¥ MOMoftO 492, aI 18 Trae, 1956 ae waft fry wy a atte a Sater fey Ty : woo | affgat Ho SRT ST aT 1. | wroPosno 2535 41.11.1956 2. | BIOMOsNIO 3135 21.12.1956 3. | @rofoso 237 19.1.1957 4. BIOFOSTO 2105 19.1.1957 6. | 10030 3038 28.9.1957 6. | @10fioso 3867 7.12.1957 7. | mromrofo 48 22.2,1958 “| @. | stowofo 723 23.8.1958 | 9. | mofo 750 30.8.1958 40. | Mowe 1026 41.11.1958 11. | etomOfIo 14 3.1.1959 12. | Wowie 548 95.1959 Lar—ws3()) AINA TH: STATE 13. | wtowofo 1140 17.10.1959 14. | tromiofto 1224 7.11.1959 18. | momI0fo 1364 12.12.1959 16, | MoaTofio 220 27.2.1960 17. | Mowtofo 595 28.5.1960 18. | moa0Fo 195 18.2.1961 19. | SlomoFo 814 246.1961 20. | MOmOFIO 1105 9.9.1961 21. | Mo@IOFO 1408 25.11.1961 22. | MOwIOFIO 653 12.5.1962 23. | roaafio 344 2.3,1963 24. | MrozTOFYO 628 13.4.1963 25. | MowIofo 97 16.1.1965 26. | Momo 822 12.6.1965, 27. | Momo 1570 30.10.1965 28. | mowrofo 368 19.3.1966 29, | moe 421 13.3.1966, 30. | MlowIoFto 499 9.4.1966 31. | Mlomofo 743 21.5.1966, 32. | oaofio 847 46.1966 33. | momofio 1266 13.8.1966 34. | eoetOFO 130 20.1,1968 35. | wTo@I0fo 667 30.6.1973 36. | lostofo 237 (31) 10.6,.1975, 37. | Mlomofio 414 (i) 16.7.1975 38. | momi0fio 2596 1.41.1975 39. | momi0fo 2828 13.12.1975 | sPasoHl—Séc.34i)] ‘THEGAZETTEOF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY 40. | wtowrofio 154 31.14.1976 41. | momofo 248 (1) 24.3.1976 42. | moaTofo 627 146.1977 43. | moarofio 24 (&) 9.1.1979 44, | mocIOPo 1256 6.10.1979 45. | moaT0fo 555(3/) 4.9.1982 46. | mMo@I0fo 479(a) 24.4.1988 47. | mioamofto 694(s) 10.6.1988 48. | momrofo 782(3/) 13,7.1988 49. | @lozI0FI0 9083) 7.9.1988 “| 50. | womofio 1032(3%) 26.10.1988 51. | Momo 449(8/) 17.4.1988 52. | Mlomofo 510(/) 24.5.1990 53, ] mowIofo 795(37) 18.9.1990 64. | wo@TOFIO 289(3%) 31.5.1991 55. | mlowIofo 614() 3.10.1991 56. | Mow 754(3) 26.12.1991 57, | MoeIOmo 312(3/) 6.3.1992 58, | WlowioMo 353(%/) 26.3.1992 59. | mofo 484(3/) 11.5.1992 60. | ioa0fio 584 (3) 27.8.1993 61. | wowIofo 621(8) 24.9.1993 62. | wro@rofo 286(3/) 1.3.1994 63. | wIOwIOMO 598(S%) 27.7.1994 64. | mowrof0 697(37) 20.9.1994 65. .| womofto 283(8/) 23.3.1995 66. | MOmOfO 424(8/) 26.5.1995 (armas 3()] ET TAA: ATT 5 : 67. | MOBTOFO 251(8) 21.6.1996 | 68. | MoaTOfI0 97%) 28.2.1997 i | 69. | womTOMO 126(%/) 13.1997 / ! 70. | moaTofyo 16(3%) 6.1.1999 | 71. | wromI0FIo 23(8) 42.1.1999 | 72. | momo 130(%) 23.2.1999 | : 73, | wtozTofio 788(s) 29.11.1999" i : 74. | Momofo 58(3) 47.1.2000 ] 75. | lowofto 363(3%) 27.4.2000 | 76, | wiOwOFO 638(H)) 26.7.2000 | 77. | Momo 836(31) 24.10.2000 | 78. | atom0fto 247) 45.01.2001 : 79, | Momma 35(3) 24.01.2001 | 20. | wlowoFIo 51(37) 31.01.2001 | 81. | MlomIorIO 96(8i) 14.02.2001 : ‘82. | om 330(8i) (07.05.2002 \ 83. | mowiofo 5(@) 03.01.2003 | ‘4. | wlomIofo 479(3!) 12.06.2003 ; 85. | MIO@TOMIO 580(s) "24.07.2003 " 86. | woo 56°) 40.02.2006 87. | wlomIOfIO 555(31) 14.09.2006 ‘ 88. | woaofo 399(41) 39.05.2007 89. | woaiofio 500(s7) 24.07.2007 } 90, | wToeIoMo 720(%) 16.11.2007 | 91. | sromTOFIO 655(8) 12.09.2008 | 92. | MlomTofo 788 (6%) ~) 44.11.2008 93. | Momo 824 (si) 28.11.2008 4796 Gr/eR>- ‘THE GAZETTEOF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY. Pawel. 369) MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS. NOTIFICATION ‘New Delhi, the 4th December, 2008 ~ GS:R.835(E)—In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) of section 642 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules to amend the Companies (Central Government's) General Rules and forms, 1956, namely: - 1. ()_ These rules may be called the Companies (Central Government's) General Rules and Forms (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2008. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication, in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Companies (Central Government's) General Rules and Forms, 1956, (i) insub-rule(1) of rule 16, after the words, figure and bracket, “sub-rule(5)", the following words, figures and brackets shall be inserted, namely:~ “or as provided in sub-rule(6) and (7)"; (ii) in rule 16, after sub-rule (6), the following shall be inserted, namely: - “(6) If the company be incorporated in a country falling outside the Commonwealth but a party to the Hague Apostille Convention, 1961, ~ (the copy of the documents referred to in sub-rule(1) shall be certified by an official of the Government to whose custody the original is committed and be duly apostillised in accordance with Hague Convention; (ii) a list of the directors and the secretary of the company, if any, the name and address of persons resident in India, authorised to accept notice on behalf of the company shall be duly notarised and be apostillised in the country of their origin in accordance with Hague Convention. Dr—ars3@)) ARG UAT : HATA (7) In case of foreign nationals residing outside India in countries signatory to the Hague Convention under sub-rule (6) and seeking to register a company in India, their signatures and address on the Memorandum of Association and proof of identity, where required, shall be notarised before the notary of the country of their origin and be duly apostillised in accordance with the said Hague Convention.” IF. No. 6/13/200S/CL. V] JITESH KHOSLA, Jt, Secy. Note : The principal rules were published in the Gazette of Inia Part II, section 3, sub-section (i) vide GS.R, 432 dated the 18th January, 1956 and subsequently amended vide the following notifications:- | Notification Number SRO 2535 SRO 3135 21.12.1956 _| $RQ.237F191.1957 ee | SRO 2105 291.1957 SR 28.9.1957 712.1957 Ee 238.1958 GSR 750 30.8.1958 +e 1.11.1958 [31.1959 GSR 548 95.1959 HH] GSR 1140 17.10.1959 GSR 1224 | 7.11.4959 12.12.1959 at [272.1960 [GSR 195 18.2.1961 “| GSR814 «286.1961 GSR 1105 | GSR 1408 . GSR 653, 2B. GSR 344 GSR62B GSR 822 GSR 1570, 30.10.1965 W796 GL /o8-3 4 { i ‘THEGAZETTEOF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY. __PaxrIi—Sec.3(0] GSR 368 19.3.1966 GSR 421 18.3.1966 GSR 499 914.1966 GSR 743 215.1966 GSR 847 46.1966 GSR 1266 13.8.1966 GSR 130 20.1.1968 GSR 667 30.6.1973 GSR 327(E) 10.6.1975 GSR 414(E) 16.7.1975 (GSR 2596 711.1975 GSR 2828 13.12.1975 GSR 154 31.1.1976 GSR 248(8) 24.3.1976 GSR 627 14.5.1977 ‘GSR 24(8) 91.1979 GSR 1256 6.10.1979 GSR 555(E) 4.9.1982 GSR479E) 24.1988 GSR 694) 10.6.1988 SR 782(B) 137.1988 GSR 908(E) 79.1988 GSR 1032(8) 26.10.1988 GSR 449 (E) 17.4.1989 GSR 5108) 24.5.1990 GSR795(F) 18.9.1990 GSR 289(E) 31.5.1991 EE GSR 614(E) 3.10.1991 GSR 754(E) 26.12.1991, GSR 312) 63.1992, GSR 353(E) 26.3:1992 GSR 484(E) 11.5.1992 GSR 581 (E) 278.1993 GSR 621 (E) 24,9.1993 GSR 286(E) GSR 598(E) GSR O97E) GSR 283(F) GSR 424(E) GSR 2518) GSR 97(E) ae Carm—ers3() SRO AL TS + STMT, 9 69. GSR 126(E) 13.1997 70. GSR 16(E) 6.11999 i 7 GSR 238) 12.1,1999 i 72, GSR 130(B) 23.2.1999 : 73. | GSR788(R) 29.11.1999 74. GSR 58(E) 17.1,2000 7. GSR 363 (E) 274.2000 76. | GSR 638(B) 26.7.2000 77. GSR836(E) 24.10.2000 ; 78, GSR 24(E) 15.01.2001 it 79, 24.01.2007 i 80. GSR SI(E) 3 01 } 81 GSR 96(E) 14.02.2001 82. GSR 330(E) 07.05.2002 i 83. GSR 5(E) 03.01.2003 f 84. GSR 479(B) 12.06.2003 | 85. GSR 580(E) 24.07.2003, | 86. GSR 56(E) 10-02-2006 t 87. | GSR555(5) 14-09-2006 { 88. GSR 399 (E) 30-05-2007 { 89. GSR 500 (E) 24-07-2007 i 90. GSR 720(E) 16-11-2007 | o. GSR 655(E) 12-09-2008 ' 92 GSR 788(E) 14-11-2008 93. GSR 824(E) 28-11-2008 Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Pess, Ring Road, Mayapur, Now Debili00ot and Published by the Contoller of Publications, Deli-1 10084, i \ / :

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