Windward Rulebook

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The key takeaways are that the goal is to become the most notorious captain by hunting leviathans, plundering opponents, and using wind maneuvers. Notoriety can be gained by trading teeth at the trading post, buying with gas, completing achievements, or ending turns at sky.

The main components are board tiles, ships, status boards, resource cards, wind die, battle dice, cresters, gas tokens, and achievement cards (optional).

Gameplay involves moving ships around the board to hunt cresters for teeth and gas. Teeth can be traded at the trading post for notoriety. The wind die determines wind direction each turn. Battles occur if ships or cresters land on the same space.


In Windward, your goal is to become the most notorious

captain on the gaseous planet of Celus. Become the master
of the skies by hunting leviathans, plundering opponents,
and using cunning maneuvers to harness the power of the
ever changing wind.

6 board tiles
1 trading post piece
4 ship status boards
1 trading post board
1 ship and 2 small boats for 4 colors
2 mate tokens for 4 Colors
10 “+2 pip” markers
8 Gray Cresters
9 Red Cresters
8 Black Battle dice (1,1,1,2,2,3)
1 Yellow Wind Die D6 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Gas tokens
Cannon Tokens
8 Gray Crester Tooth tokens
8 Red Crester Tooth tokens
Color tokens of 4 colors
Supply Deck (60 cards)
12 Crew Tiles
1. Shuffle and place all the board tiles in a circular layout to create
the Planet of Celus.

2. Place the trading post mini in the center (place flag on top of it).
Place the trading post board to the side of the planet.

3. Give each player a ship status board and ships, small boats, and
mate tokens of corresponding color. Put the small boats in the boat
slots on the ship status board. Place a colored token on the crew
morale “1”. Place your ship in the “Ship at Port” slot of the ship
status board.

4. Each player will roll the d6 to see who goes first. Whoever rolled
highest is the starting player for this game. Turns will move clock
wise from starting player. Throughout the game, this player MUST
roll the D6 and rotate the wind indicator flag in the corresponding
direction before they begin their turn. (numbers are shown at bot
tom of trading post piece)

5. Shuffle and deal the resource cards: the starting player receives 2,
the second player receives 3, the third receives 4, and the fourth
receives 5.

6. Place the remaining supply cards FACE-UP in three stacks on the

supplies spaces of Port board. If one stack runs out, shuffle the dis
carded cards and make the stack again.

7. Roll the d6 and place a Grey Crester on the corresponding feeding

grounds. Repeat this step until there is a number of Cresters 1 less
vthan the number of players on the board.

8. Place a Red Crester on every Red Crester starting space on the


9. Place 2 Gas tokens on each of the Gas Pocket spaces.

10. (If playing the Advanced Variant) Randomly place two Achievement
cards face up by the Trading Post.
GAME PRINCIPLES | Before taking a turn, these concepts will help you understand the game.

Notoriety: There are four ways to gain notoriety with the other Ships: Your ship is your main player piece that you use to play the
sailors of Celus. You can show them teeth of cresters at the trading game. You use your ship to navigate the skies of Celus, battle crest-
post, buy notoriety with gas while at the trading post, completing ers and other ships, and transport goods back to port. Your ship’s
achievements, or by ending your story
turn at sky. The notoriety track is cargo hold, cannons, morale, gas storage and crew are reflected on
shown below the supply cards on the Trading Post Board. your Ship Player board (more on Player Boards on page 4).

Cresters: Cresters are giant, flying, aggressive beasts that fly the Boats: Boats are smaller than ships, and are typically stored on your
skies of Celus. There are two types of Cresters: Red and Gray. Red ship. The purpose of a boat is to battle and bring gray cresters back
Cresters are extremely strong and move quickly. Gray Cresters are to your ship. Throughout the game, you may want to drop/move a
weaker and stay near their feeding grounds. On the planet of Celus, boat from your ship to battle a gray crester and pick the boat back
Cresters are very valuable. They provide much needed gas, which up later after it has defeated the gray crester.
is a valuable resource to the sailors and skyman of Celus. This gas
keeps the ships and inhabitants of the gaseous planet afloat in the
sky. To prove that you successfully hunted a crester, you, as a cap- Crew Morale: Throughout the game, your crew morale will go up
tain of the ship, bring a tooth back to the trading post. Showing this and down depending on the choices you make. Crew morale deter-
tooth to the citizens of Celus gains you notoriety, which is how you mines how much gas you are able to process from each crester. By
win the game. losing a battle or running out of supplies, your morale might reach
zero. If your morale reaches zero, your ship is defeated (More on this
in “Defeated Ship”.)
Trading Post: The trading post is the only city on Celus. A player
may use one speed to move from any of the 6 hexes adjacent to
the trading post to the “ship at port” slot of their player board. To go
back onto the large map, they may use one speed to move from the
“ship at port” slot of their player board to any of 6 hexes adjacent to
the trading post. These movements cannot be affected by the wind
direction. Players cannot enter port with a Crester in the cargo hold
area. While entering port, any teeth in the cargo hold are immedi-
ately traded in for 3 (Gray Tooth) or 4 (Red Tooth) notoriety. In port,
players can freely buy items with gas.
Elevation: On the gaseous planet of Celus, Celus’ Terrain: There are four elements of the terrain you need to know
there are two layers of elevation (Higher about while flying the skies.
Elevation and Lower Elevation.) Ships and
Red Cresters are always in Higher Eleva- Drift is floating crusts of cooled core rock scattered around the
tion. Boats & Gray Cresters are always in planet. No Ships, Boats, or Cresters can move onto or through
Lower Elevation. Pieces on these two layers of elevation do not affect a space with drift. Drift spaces are indicated on the map with
each other. For example: A Red Crester (higher elevation) moving onto a dark rocks.
the same space as a Boat (lower elevation) does not effect the boat,
because they are on different layers of elevation. Another example: a Zephyrs are wind currents that allow Ships to travel from one
boat holding a gray crester may freely move through a space with an part of the board to another. When a player moves onto a
opponent’s ship because they are on different layers of elevation. zephyr hex, they may move to any other zephyr tile of their choice for
one speed. Cresters and Boats can move onto zephyr tiles, but cannot
use theirtransporting ability.
Wind: Celus’s winds are ever changing.
The wind is shown on the map with the Around the Planet (see diagram below): Main ships may move
flag on the trading post piece. The wind from one corner of the map to the complete opposite corner of the
changes every round of play (see “Setup” map for one speed. Boats and Cresters cannot use these. The wind
point 4.) It does not affect Boats, Gray does not affect this movement. Ships may only do this on the spaces
Cresters, or Red Cresters. The wind af- with the “Around the Planet” icon: >>
fects Ship movement. Ships cannot move
directly into the wind. But can move as Gas Pockets: At the beginning of the game, each gas pocket
many spaces as they’d like with the wind has two gas on it. A ship that moves onto a gas pocket space can pick
for no speed. Diagram to left. the gas up and put them into their gas storage.
Gameplay happens in clockwise turns, and continues until the end game round is initiated. During your turn, you can do any of the following:
Move Ship/Boats, Give Orders, Spend Gas, Use a Supply Card, or Initiate a Battle. You may do these multiple times per turn and in any
order. After your turn is complete, you must complete the “Turn End” steps on the bottom of the next page. (These turn end steps are also
written on your Ship Player Board.)


The player’s main ship can move up to 4 speed every turn. This speed can be used to move around the planet, or in and out of Port. The wind
and supply cards may affect your movement during your turn. (Pro Tip: You can use the wind die to keep track of your speeds movement if
you’d like)a

Move Boat: If you move your boat speed tracker down by one, you may then move a boat one space. Remember, boats are not affected
by the wind. When a boat and a defeated Gray Crester are on the same space, the boat is towing that crester: If you move the boat, move
the Crester along with it. A boat towing a Crester cannot move into a space with another Gray Crester. You cannot move two of your boats
onto the same space.

Each player has 2 basic mate tokens that they can use at any point during their turn. These may be used at the beginning, interrupting, or at
the end of any ship movement. To use a mate token, place it on the action space of your ship board and then do that action. Only one mate
token can be placed on each action space. Before every turn begins, remove all mate tokens from your board. The actions available for
mate tokens differ in port or at sky - example: you cannot use a mate token to take three supply cards while you are at sky because that is
in the “AT PORT” box. Here is a list and description of each of these actions:


Take 3 Supplies: Look at the face-up cards in the three supply stacks of the port board. Take any three you would
like from the top cards. You may choose from the same stack multiple times. You may only have a maximum of 5
supply cards in your hand. You must discard supplies (not using their ability) from your hand after performing this
action to get you down do to a maximum of 5 in your hand.

+1 Morale: Move your morale tracker on your player board up by one.

Fill Cannon: Add a cannon token to a cannon slot of your player board.

Hire Crew: Add a crew tile to one of the crew members of the player board. You must choose the front or back of
the crew tile and place your chosen crew member face up. Once a crew member is hired, he cannot be removed,
and only one type of each crew member may be hired. Each crew member gives you a passive benefit for the rest
of the game and unlocks the spaces attached in his dark grey part of the player board. Coxswain Perks are the
only crew abilities that affect Ships. Example: You hire a Marine with a hunting specialty, so you place a token on
the “+2 Hits to Red Cresters” space. Now, you have access to the two extra gas storage spaces of the player board
and add two hit to your battle dice anytime you battle a Red Crester.


Drop Boat: Take a Boat from your player board and drop it onto the space that your Ship is on. You can pick up
your boats (take the boat from the map and put it back on your player board) for no action anytime your Ship is on
the same space as the Boat. Only one of your boats can be on a single space at one time.

+X Boat Speed: Move your boat speed tracker on your player board up by the number indicated. (starts game at 0)

+1 Speed: If you use this, your Ship has 5 speed for this turn instead of the normal 4 speed per turn.

Process Cresters: When a crester is in the cargo hold area, you may use 1 mate token to process the crester. When
you process a crester, place 1 tooth (either Red Crester or Gray Crester) into the cargo hold. Take the crester that is
in your cargo hold and place it near the other Crester stock piles. Next, place your current Crew Morale’s worth of
gas tokens into the gas storage slots. Example: If your morale is 3 when you process a crester, you place 3 gas
tokens in the storage slots. If you do not have enough slots remaining, you may not take the excess gas.
If it is your turn, and your ship is currently at port, you may freely spend gas for purchases. This does not require a mate token. You can see the costs and
benefits of all of these items on the Port Board.


The player may also use as many supply cards as they like during their turn. The effects of these cards are written directly on the cards. A player may play
battle hit cards in their off-turn if they were attacked.
Coffee: Extra actions cannot be repeated from actions you already chose with your mate tokens.
Bait: This spawns a new crester from the stock pile.

If a Ship, Boat, Red Cresters, or Gray Cresters move onto a space with an opposing Ship, Boat, Red Crester, or Gray Crester, and that opposing piece is in
the same elevation, a battle has been initiated. If a player is attacking a crester, the player to the left rolls for the Crester.
Each battle follows these steps:

1: Each player calculates their total strength on that space (may change with crew hired):
Ship: Str 2 Boats: Str 1 Red Cresters: Str 5 Grey Cresters: Str 1

2: The attacker (if a Ship) may choose to spend cannon tokens to add to their strength. For every cannon token they remove from their player
board, they add one battle dice to their roll. The attacker then rolls a number of white battle dice equal to their attacking strength.

3: After the attacker has rolled, the defender may choose to spend cannon tokens, and must subsequently increasing 1 strength per cannon used.
Then, the defending player then rolls their defending strength.

4: Attacking player may play cards and/or “+2 pip” markers to add to their roll sum. This applies to both ships and boats.

5: Defending player may play cards and/or “+2 pip” markers to add to their roll sum. This applies to both ships and boats.

6: Whomever’s result sum is higher is the winner of the battle. In case of a tie, the attacker moves back to their previous space and takes a “+2
pip” marker. They may not initiate the same battle again this turn. Red Cresters that tie do not move at the end of this turn.

If a Ship loses a battle: Lower the losing Ship’s morale the difference of the battle result. (Example: Attacker rolls 5. Defender rolls 3. Attacker wins
and Defender’s morale drops 2). If morale drops to zero, see “DEFEATED SHIP.” After ship morale is lowered, the losing player puts a “+2” marker
into their cargo hold to use in a later battle. The winning ship (if applicable) moves to any adjacent space to the battle.

If a Red Crester loses a battle: The Red Crester piece is put into the winning ship’s cargo hold. The winning player must immediately place a new
Red Crester anywhere in that territory (triangular board piece). If there is already a Crester in the ship’s cargo hold, the defeated Red Crester
remains on the hex where the battle occurred (Ships may only have one crester in storage at a time).

If a Gray Crester loses a battle: The Gray Crester piece is tipped over on the space of the map. The boat(s) on that tile now have control of that
dead Gray Crester, and it may not be picked up by any other player’s ship. At any point of the game, if there are fewer gray cresters than one
less than the number of players, any player may roll a D6 and place a new Gray Crester on the matching feeding ground space. If there is al-
ready a Gray Crester or Boat on a tile, roll again.

If a Boat loses a battle: The boats are taken off the map and placed back onto their player board spaces. Then, losing player puts a “+2” marker

To end your turn, put both of your mates into the applicable Rest space, and follow the instructions shown.

If you’re ending your turn at port, move your mates to that Rest space and Add one to your crew morale.

If you’re ending your turn at sky, move your mates to that Rest space and choose to discard a supply card OR reduce morale by 1 (if morale drops to zero,
see DEFEATED SHIP). Then, move the Red Crester that is on your territory (triangular board pieces) 3 spaces towards your Ship. Red Cresters cannot move
off of the territory they started on. If another player’s Ship is on a space of that same territory, the Red Crester cannot move onto that space; it takes a
different path. If you are still at sky after the Red Crester moves (and possibly battles you), you gain +1 Notoriety.
There are multiple ways your morale may drop to zero. If your morale drops to zero, your ship is defeated and follow these

1: Drop Storage Items:

If your ship is defeated by a Red Crester or lack of supply cards: Drop all items in cargo hold onto
the space your ship (and possibly the Red Crester) is currently on. Any player may pick up these
items for no actions by moving their ship onto this space. If a Crester is on the tile with the items,
the Crester must be defeated before picking them up. Do not drop cannons, gas, or supplies.

If your ship is defeated by another player’s ship: The player that won the battle takes any Cresters in their cargo
hold and then chooses half (rounded up) of all remaining items (+2 Tokens or Crester Teeth) in your hold and moves
them to their own cargo hold. The winning player cannot choose to take cannons, gas, or supplies.

2. Set morale to 1.

3. Place your ship at port and then put a +2 marker into your storage.

4. If it was your turn, your turn is now over. (You do not receive REST bonuses for ending at port this turn)

When a player reaches the final space on the notoriety track, this turn will be that player’s final turn. The game will end
directly before that player’s next turn. Each other player gets to take one final turn to try to get as many notoriety as they
can. If a player goes beyond the final space on the track (15), they will count their extra points by beginning again at the
start of the notoriety track (starting at 16). The player with the most notoriety at the end of that round is the winner. In the
event of a tie, play another round (starting with the player who initiated the end game phase) until a player has the most
notoriety at the end of a round.

ACHIEVEMENTS (advanced variant)

Achievements are an optional rule if you’d like more options/strategy in your game. An Achievement Card presents a goal
to impress the other Sailors of Celus. You gain extra notoriety as you performing skillful maneuvers.

The first player to meet the conditions of an Achievement Card immediately increase their notoriety by the higher number
indicated. If there are two numbers indicated the card, place a colored token on the higher number to show that you were
the first to perform this Achievement. If this Achievement is completed again during the game, the player that completed it
increases notoriety by the lower number shown. If there is only one number shown on the card, any player that completes
that Achievement increase notoriety by that amount. Each Achievement can only completed once by each player.
“You, a captain on the skies of Celus, have stolen an infant red crester. All of the red cresters n the
planet are now chasing you down.”

The Windward Solo Adventure allows players to explore Celus alone in a unique and extremely chal-
lenging mode of play. This is played by a single player taking turns over and over.

This solo adventure follows the same rules as the standard game with the few exceptions written be-
low. The object of the game defeat all 6 Red Cresters on the Planet. However, if your Ship is defeated
in any way, you lose and the game is over.

Set up a standard game of Windward, but place a Grey Crester on every feeding ground space and
start the game with 5 supply cards. You do not use achievement cards.

If you end your turn at port: The infant red crester of Celus destroy your ship. You lose.

If you end your turn at sky: Choose to discard a supply card OR reduce morale by 1 (if morale drops to
zero, you lose).

Then, move ALL Red Cresters towards your Ship in the shortest route possible (you choose if there are
options). All Red Cresters start the game by moving 3 spaces per turn. For every Red Crester that has
been defeated, the Red Cresters’ speed increases by 1. (Example: if 3 have been defeated, each Red
Crester would now move 6 spaces per turn) Red Cresters CAN move off of their starting territory in
solo mode, and multiple Red Cresters can be on the same space.
After moving all of the Red Cresters, resolve any battles. Multiple Red Cresters may attack you at the
same time - they add their strength together. Then, if you’re still alive, roll for a new wind and start
your next turn.

Cresters (both Red and Grey) never respawn in solo mode. Instead of trading teeth for notoriety at the
trading post, you may choose to trade in teeth for gas (3 for a grey tooth, 4 for a red).

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