The Influence of Organizational Culture On Employees' Performance Based On A Telecommunication Company Telone Headquarter
The Influence of Organizational Culture On Employees' Performance Based On A Telecommunication Company Telone Headquarter
The Influence of Organizational Culture On Employees' Performance Based On A Telecommunication Company Telone Headquarter
Mary Kuronzwi
Master’s thesis
International Business Administration
Tallinn 2019
I hereby declare that I have compiled the paper independently
and all works, important standpoints and data by other authors
have been properly referenced and the same paper
has not been previously been presented for grading.
The document length is 14336 words from the introduction to conclusion.
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Theoretical background to the concept of organizational culture .........................................5
1.2. Organizational culture models ..............................................................................................7
1.3. Theoretical background to the concept of employees’ performance ..................................12
1.4. Relationships between organizational culture and employee performance ........................14
2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 20
2.1. Description of the sample ...................................................................................................20
2.2. Manager’s research methodology description ....................................................................21
2.3. Employees research methodology description....................................................................22
3. RESEARCH RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 25
3.1. Results of managers’ research ............................................................................................25
3.1.1 Factors that influence employees’ performance at TelOne headquarter .......................25
3.1.2. Creation of organizational culture as a support drive to employee’s performance ......26
3.1.3. Connections between organizational culture and performance of employees in TelOne
Headquarter ............................................................................................................................27
3.2. Result of employees’ research ............................................................................................29
3.2.1. Background data ...........................................................................................................29
3.2.2. Culture and performance at TelOne .............................................................................30
3.3. Discussion and suggestions ................................................................................................34
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 41
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... 45
Appendix 1. Interview background and questions.....................................................................45
Appendix 2. Questionnaire ........................................................................................................47
Appendix 3. Cross-case Analysis ..............................................................................................52
The sample of this thesis is based on the headquarter of TelOne which is a Telecommunication
and internet provider company in Zimbabwe. The author used mixed research methods. Qualitative
research was done through five in-depth interviews with managers of TelOne from the IT,
Engineering, Procurement, Finance and the Human Resources departments. Quantitative research
was done through a questionnaire that was send to 180 employees at the headquarter.
From the findings found on this research thesis, it shows that TelOne has a supportive culture to
its employees. It has been found also that the employees of TelOne headquarter are very aware of
their organizational culture as resonated by their responses on the question about the attributes of
organizational culture in the questionnaire. Respondents of the questionnaire furthermore
responded that there is no individualism in their organization thus the work at TelOne is more of
collectivism and work is mostly done in teams.
Like national or human cultures, organizational culture is one of the important foundation for the
day to day running of a company. It includes values, norms, behaviors and traditions that are deeply
rooted in the organization and shared among employees and employers to give guidance on how
things can be done in a certain way. When you walk in different companies, you will experience
a certain atmosphere, style of personality as well as a feeling that is unique to leading to the
influences the way the employees communicate and relates to their clients. According to Schein
(2004), organizational culture is defined as a system of collective shared traditions, values, norms
and principles which directs how people should behave in organizations. This means that
organizational culture differentiates one organization from the other.
Organizational culture is the core part of development strategy because it binds all subparts of an
organization for instance, production, planning, marketing, controlling, motivation and leading.
Organizations understand that employees have the power to push a business to work and the culture
of an organization links employees to the organization and to the organization overall performance.
Each part of the structure of organizational culture has a direct impact on performance and this
means that the quality of organizational culture influence performance of employees. The
organization culture helps in adopting mutual relationship that leads to manage effective and
efficiency of organizational processes.
Organizational culture has different components and these attributes determine the performance
of employees or how they behave the way they do. It is formed by organizational values, visions,
norms, working language, systems and symbols. According to the Iceberg model (Schein 2004),
most of these components are hidden but they bring out those ways how and why employees
behave in the way they do in certain way differently to how they do things outside the organization
(Iceberg model, Schein 2004). From literature, it seems as the role of organizational culture in
performance has received progressively more interest and acceptance over the years. While such
a relationship is difficult to prove, but there are some degrees of correlation. Organizational culture
has the potential to improve employee’s performance, individual satisfaction, the sense of certainty
about how problems are to be handled. It serves as a control mechanism to channel behavior and
to protect undesired behaviors.
Understanding the culture of an organization is essential in order to minimize the challenges faced
by an organization in the process of making organizational changes. Ezirim, at al (2012) discussed
that managers must shape and build a culture and environment that is more favorable to both
employees and the organization in order to achieve the needed organizational goals. Culture is
decided by leadership in the sense that leaders behaviours, what they say, and what they value
determines culture. Moreover, competency measures the extent to which an employee
demonstrates his/her ethical business practices and consistency between his/her values and
performance and these are part of the organizational culture that employees embrace when they
join an organization.
The author has focused this research based on a telecommunication company in Zimbabwe called
TelOne. It is one of the largest Telecommunication and internet provider industry company in the
Southern part of Africa. From the website of TelOne, TelOne has 2000 employees in 18 cities in
Zimbabwe and the headquarter is in Harare ( This research is based on the
headquarter where there are 500 employees including grounds men. TelOne like any organizations
has its unique culture that is shared amongst its stakeholders.
A lot of research on the influence of employee performance has been carried before but there is
still the gap to see how organizational culture influence employee performance. Most researches
are based on how organizational culture affects the overall performance of the organization rather
than on the performance of employees. Despite the fact there is corruption and nepotism together
with political instability in Zimbabwe (according to the corruption index of 2018), there is a
significant role that the structure of organizational cultures plays in the way how employees
perform their tasks. The author of this thesis has figured out a research problem that employees
poor performance may not be as a result of poor staffing strategies and selection but the failure of
employees and managers to understand the reflective effect that culture has on employee
performance hence the need to carry on this research. There is need to research on how the
organizational culture influence of TelOne influence the performance of its employees.
The aim of this paper is to create suggestions to managers of TelOne on how they can improve
their organizational culture to be more supportive to employees so as to gain good performances
from the employees. It seeks to deeply explore why employees, perform in certain ways in their
everyday work and how they aim to achieve overall organizational goals as well as relating their
behavior and performance. In order to achieve this aim, the researcher has set up the following
research questions:
This thesis is made up of three chapters whereby in the first chapter, the author will give an
overview of theoretical perspective and research on organizational culture and employee’s
performances. In the second chapter, the author will introduce the research sample and will explain
further the research methods. This research is done through mixed methods combining qualitative
(in-depth interviews with managers of TelOne) and quantitative (questionnaire with employees)
methods. After that, the author will describe the two research (managers and employees)
methodologies, including gathering research data and data analysis. In the third chapter of the
thesis, the author presents the results of the manager and employee research. After that, author
makes the discussions and suggestions based on the findings from the research.
In this chapter, the author gives theoretical literature on organizational culture and employees
performances. It consists of the description on organizational culture, the description of
employee’s performance, how organizational culture and employee’s performance are related. It
also has some literature from previous studies on the topic under study.
Ravasi, Schuttz (2006) gave a very concrete definition of organizational culture as a set of shared
mental assumptions that guide interpretation and action in the organization by defining appropriate
behavior for various situations. This definition goes further to explain organizational values as
beliefs and ideas about what kinds of goals members of an organizational members should use to
come up with appropriate kinds of behavior organizational members should use to achieve these
goals. Organizational culture regulates the life of the organization as well as the interactions
amongst the employees. It works as a benchmark for analyzing the factors affecting the
performance of the employees and also brings out the ways for figuring out the root causes of the
problems within the organization hence leads to solutions.
Many researchers have related culture in the organization with a lot of different organizational
behaviors and the way employees grip on certain internal guidance. They have recognized the
correlation between culture of organization and employee job performance, decision making and
productivity (Kopelman et al 1990). Luthans (1998) stated that organizational culture has always
been present within the organization, but most of the time a lot of organizations had paid less
attention to it and it impact productivity in the organization. The culture of an organization
infiltrates every important component of the organization because it brings basic shape to
behaviour as well as management structure. Culture of a company is also the structure and control
system to generate behavioral standards. It includes all the policies and procedures that are shared
within the organization and it gives the sense of idea on how things should be done and how
employees should perform their jobs.
An organizational mission outlines the purpose or wider goal of an organization for its existence
for being in existence (Sorensen 2002). Organizational mission is one of the core attributes of a
well-structured organizational culture. According to Forest, David (2003), a successful
organizations have a clear sense of direction that defines organizational goals and strategic
objectives and expresses an image of what the organization will be like in the upcoming future,
whilst adding that a sense of mission allows an organization to shape current behavior by
envisioning a desired future state. A strong culture is the driver for the performance and the future
of the organization. It embodies core values and captures the hearts and minds of the people within
the organization, while providing guidance and direction.
According to Goffee et al 1983, organizational culture is reflected in the vision and mission
statements of the organization, the attitudes and behaviours of employees and the organization’s
style of operation. It is the bond that binds the members of the organization together, leading to
higher performance effectiveness. The building of an organizational culture is never prompt but it
is rather a continuous process that is developed to shape the objectives of an organization. When
owners of an organization develop the vision and mission of the organization, it reveals his/her
values and beliefs thereby resulting in formation of the early culture of the organization. During
the selection process, recruiters prefer individuals who have values similar to those the
organization expounds and practices (Adkins et al 1994). After joining, the organizational values
are explained or shared to new members through training, mentoring, counselling, interaction with
seniors, participation in organizational events and encounters with organizational concerns and
problems (Suar, Khuntia, 2010). Thus, the organizational culture passes on to the beginners and
continuously nurtures them through-out the organization.
There are different models that have been developed in explaining organizational culture and a lot
of people have been used them a lot. These include models by Schein, Handy, Hofstede and others
of which the author explained these three models.
According to Edgar Schein, culture is not a one-day adoption thing but it is rather ongoing
processes for employee as they drive through numerous changes and adapt to the external
environment as well as they solve problems. Hatch (1993) also emphasized that employees
navigate into culture through their past experiences and start practicing it every day hence forming
the culture of the workplace. It is practical and good to have discussions with employees in order
to learn the underlying assumptions and aspects of the organizational culture. The new employees
also strive hard to adopt into the new culture as well they enjoy a stress free life. However, Porter
(1980 ,1985) assumed that successful and efficient approaches have to reflect market opportunities
or unique internal resources of an organization as well as its values, which permits for competitive
The second element is named as the espoused values. These elements could be referred as
standards, values and rules of conduct (ethics) for instance. The way how an organization define
its strategies, objectives and values and how are they publicize them. Recently, most organizations
call these elements as the core values of the organization. They give direction on how managers
and employees should conduct business, how they should set their own goals to attain the overall
organizational goals.
The core part of the onion or the third element is called to basic underlying assumptions. These
are the grounded roots or the centre on which culture is built. They are difficult to define, are
intangible and are mostly really understood by people who have become accustomed to the way
the organization operates. These are about how the world works according to the all the people
who belong to the organization and stem from experiences and perception.
Looking through all these layers of the iceberg that Schein explained, it emphasizes that
organizational culture is the base for the organizational survival and it has to be deeply rooted
amongst the people involved in the everyday life is the organization.
The model of organizational culture by Charles Handy explains culture as linked to the
organizational structure. He identified culture into four types namely power culture, role culture,
task culture and person culture.
In an organization that has the power culture type, power is held by just a few individuals who
have influences throughout the whole organization. Rules and regulations on how employees
should perform are at made from the top level of the organization. What managers or leaders of
the organization with influential powers decide is what happens. Employees are usually referenced
according to what they achieve rather than how they do things or how they act. A consequence of
this can be quick decision-making, even if those decisions are not in the best long-term interests
of the organization. as long as they are coming from the top. A power culture is usually a strong
culture, though it can be risky and harmful on the other hand.
Role culture refers to a highly defined structured organization in which employees have specified
delegated authorities. Employees are highly controlled, everyone in the organization knowing
what their roles and responsibilities are. The influence in a role culture is determined by a person's
position (role) in the organization. Organizations with a role culture place their strengths in their
mainstays, their roles and areas of expertise. The pillars where role culture is visible involve of the
finance department and the purchasing department where the interaction between them is regularly
controlled by rules and procedures, which are the major methods of influence to behaviour.
Conversely, organizations with role cultures are very slow and sometimes resistant in identifying
the need for change. If they identify change, they take long time to adopt and to implement these
changes into the organization (Handy 1993).
Task culture is defined as job oriented and it is existing in organizations where individuals work
as teams and power amongst each member are derived only from expertise and only when required
(Handy 1993). There is much of balance in who has the power. Everyone is treated equally and
expertise is shared amongst the team. The task culture puts complete emphasis on getting the job
done hence, this type of organizational culture attempts to gather the suitable resources, the right
employees at a suitable position in the organization (Handy 1993). It is the most type in which
managers in middle, team leads and first levels like to work.
Person culture can be explained as the culture that a person portrays is quite unusual and it reflects
organization in which individuals believe to be part and parcel to the organization they are
employed in. Control systems and management hierarchies are not viable in these cultures except
by mutual approval. Influence is mutual and the power-base is usually expert, hence individuals
do what they are good at. An organization with a person culture is really just a collection of
individuals who happen to be working for the same organization.
Hofstede’s Model
According to Hofstede (2001), culture is the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes
the members of one group or category of people from others. Culture plays an important role in
foreseeing and discerning the behavior of different groups of people (Matsumoto, Juang 2013). In
an attempt to find features of culture that might have impact on business behavior, Geert Hofstede
implemented one of the broadest studies of how values in the workplace are influenced by culture.
There are six dimensions of organizational culture that were identified by Hofstede namely power
distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs collectivism, femininity vs masculinity, short-
term vs long-term orientation and indulgence / restrain.
According to Hofstede’s description, the power distance cultural dimension is associated with the
societal recognition of imbalanced allocation of power within an organization or an association.
This inequality can be linked with status at the workplace, prosperity and power that the person
holds (Bialas 2009, Hofstede 2001). The level of the power distance explains how the culture
withstands and nurture pecking regulates, and how actively affiliates it strives to minimize them
(Bialas 2009, Mead 2003). In low power distance, employees believe their superiors have the
privilege to make decisions without consulting inferiors (Lam,, 2002)
According to Mohamed et al (2013) in their research paper, uncertainty avoidance is the degree to
which employees in a company of a society sense to be intimidated by uncertain, indefinite and
ambiguous circumstances. It can be observed through the discussion of focus groups. Uncertainty
is the point to which the employees of a culture feel threatened by uncertain or ambiguous
situations (Love et. al 2008, Hofstede 1980). In attempt to hinge against the sense of uncertainty,
employees often form reserved rules and deem in their precision. Cultures that embrace arrogant
stages of uncertainty circumstances likes to use rules, structured events and sentiments that are
displayed in ways that shows that anything else different is a threat to the person.
People have to surface the point that we do not discern what will happen in the future, therefore,
every human society has established means to deal with it. These methods fit to the areas of
technology and law. In technology, from the simplest to the most advanced, helps people to avoid
uncertainties triggered by nature. Laws attempt to avoid uncertainties in the behavior of other
Individualism and collectivism is measured by an index which discloses the extent to which
individuals look after themselves or remain integrated into groups, around a society or an
organization. In individualism cultures, the connections between individuals are loose. Everyone
is expected to look after himself and her immediate family. In an organization people always work
alone not in teams and there is no support from the colleagues. Individualism culture is
interconnected with prejudiced comfort when increasing income, human rights and fairness are
controlled (Basabe, Ros 2005). Collectivism is defined as the connections and ties for
organizations or societies which are integrated into strong, cohesive teams, which throughout
people’s lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty” (Hofstede 2002).
In accordance to Hofstede (1980), masculinity and femininity dimensions are defined under the
allocation of tasks amongst the sexual features which is an auxiliary crucial concern for any society
to which a collection of answers are invented. Masculinity measurement is the feature of a culture
within an organization where social roles are clearly separated and it assumes that men are resilient
and prepared on gathering wealth whereas working ladies are humble, sensitive as well as
interested in fancy class of life. Moreover, femininity is attributed to a sophistication that leads to
social roles intersecting thus, mutually males and females are humble, sensitive and alert on the
importance of life (Swaidan, Hayes 2005). Femininity cultures usually resembles fancy ways of
doing things.
The other dimension of organizational culture on Hofstede is the short-term versus long-term
orientation. This dimension is concerned on how people focus on the present or the future. Cultures
with a short-term orientation value respect for tradition, saving face, and fulfilling social
responsibilities. In the work environment, cultures that are low in long-term orientation apt to
emphasis on short-term consequences of the business relations. These culture apprehend to keep
family and business spheres separate. Conversely, cultures that operates in long-term orientation
concentrate on building business relationships, market share, and future rewards (Ellis 2012).
The final dimension by Hofstede is indulgence versus restraint. Indulgence view signifies for a
society that allows relatively unrestricted satisfaction of basic and natural human desires connected
to the enjoyment of life and having fun. On the other hand, the restraint element represents a
society that controls fulfilment of needs by means of strict social norms.
The author described these organizational culture models because they help to bring a clear picture
of the meaning of organizational culture and it can be reflected in an organization. Organizational
culture can be reflected in diverse approaches which are better explained by these models of
organizational culture. They give a clear overview of how organizational culture can be embraced
for different beneficial reasons.
1.3. Theoretical background to the concept of employees’ performance
Employee performance is a very significant element in every organization that determines the
success of an organization. Chegini (2010) affirmed that if an employee performs in accordance
to the expected standards, subsequently, the performance of the organization will be enriched and
improved as well. It is, therefore, coherent that employees’ performance is a tremendously
significant criterion that relates to organizational outcomes and success. Considering the
importance of employee’s performance, management has to carry out an in-depth analysis of their
employees and find out the contributing elements that will upsurge high employee performance.
Performance management procedure of employees is a process in which an organization or
institution creates a work environment that allows employees to work to the best of their abilities
and capabilities. This process often varies from one organization to the other. Regardless of these
discrepancies form one company to the other, performance management process usually
encompasses some form of goal setting, performance appraisal or review and reward (Malcom,
Jackson, 2012).
Armstrong (2006) defined employee performance as the aptitude of any employee to effectively
and efficiently accomplish the duties and tasks given to him or her within the organization.
Furthermore, Armstrong discussed further that employee performance is not a substance of only
what a group of employees or an individual employee accomplishes in respect to the set goals,
rather, it also has to do with how the employees or an individual employee is willing, energized
and driven to support the values of the organization. Top managers are given the duty to assess the
employee performance of each staff member on an annual or quarterly basis and ascertain gaps for
improvement and performance appraisals. They come up with strategies in relations with the
employees on how they can work to close those gaps. This is the evaluation that is carried to see
the work performance of employees by management and to pave ways for improvements.
Employee performance consist of three attributes for example productivity, job quality and job
completion (effectiveness and efficiency). The performance of employees on different jobs
requires a close management is for success of the organization (Njugi, Nickson, 2014). Every
organization has been developed with its objectives or aims that it aims to achieve in the ongoing
running of the business. These aims or objectives can only be achieved by making use of the
available resources such as people, machines, materials and monetary resources. All of these
resources are significant though out of these, the employee is the most important resource because
of its flexibility. Employee plays an important role in performing tasks for achieving the
objectives. A good atmosphere and culture of the organization is the first positive drive for
employees to perform their work efficiently and effectively.
Ojo (2009) defined employee performance as the ability of the employees to manage their time
efficiently and allocate resources effectively. This interprets that knowledge and understanding of
tasks are connected with required skills to perform tasks, time management and resource allocation
and careful thinking as well as responding to customers. Robertson, et al (2012), confirms this
idea by stressing out that employment skills comprise of all abilities and skill that the employee
needs to successfully perform well his work. Moreover, Robertson et al (2012) affirmed this idea
by adding that decision-making is an indicator of performance that shows how well an employee
is able to respond a given work situation and respond to it. Robertson et al (2012) proclaimed that
some organizations prefer employees who take very less time and budge into quick decision-
making, the ability to make spontaneous decisions with limited information whereas other
organizations favor employees who take their time to think carefully and research before
responding to customers or project activities.
Human resource policies and practices impact organizational performance as well as individual
performance. Job satisfaction for example, is always seen as a very influential drive to employees’
performance as well as commitment. Many researchers, in addition to this have discovered that
motivation is the mediating mechanism for morale. Regardless to attention to commitment,
motivation is still considered to be an important influence to performance (Torrington et al, 2008).
It is that drive and influence that make employees want to reach their targets, perform to their
bests. Rewards can be used to upsurge performance by setting targets in relation to the work given
for instance reaching outstanding some sales targets. When the employee reaches or exceeds their
targets, he or she can be given an additional pay on top of their salary; which will make them to
do their best to achieve more (Maund 2001). When individuals or a group employees are
appreciated in their work, they tend to improve their performance (Torrington et al 2008).
For many years, the research on relationship between organizational culture and employee
performance has gained lot of interest in people. This relationship is influenced by an
organizations’ openness and the way in which look and use information in the market (Stoica et al
2004). The main concern is that, an organizational culture creates the value of an organization
besides attitudes and actions of every individual in the organization but as well through the shared
approaches and conduct of the organization in carrying out its business (Aksoy, et al 2014).
organizational culture brings a continuous learning, discussion with employees and has a well-
integrated structure with good leadership and the more committed they will be to the organizational
goals (Joo, Lim, 2009, Joo, Shim, 2010). An organization with shared values and beliefs (culture)
will improve its employees’ performance. Employees will respond to the shared values through
prioritizing the organizational goals by improving their performance and this results in survival
chances of the organization.
The idea that maximizing employee’s performance requires the execution of policies, practices
and procedures that meet the employee’s needs. The loyalty of employee relies upon knowledge
and awareness of culture that improves behavior of organization (Brooks 2006). The belief that an
organization can have a culture that influence the performance of its employees began when
scholars within the field of sociology reacted to Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy. Weber
explained that bureaucracy in employees is subjected to formalized, together with classified
administration through tight defined labor rules, fixed controls, a clear chain of command as well
as rules of professional conduct to ensure consistent, objective application of rules to the governed
(Nier 2009). These direct to how employees take their responsibilities and how they are willing
to take initiatives and challenges in their work. This theory emphasized that bureaucracies are
strictly efficient tools of administration because of their traditional rules as well as regulations that
permit all employees to perform their duties at their best (Weber 1978, p. 980).
The competing value framework (CVF) classifies organizational culture into four cultural
categories as clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy (Quinn, Robert 2011). According to this
school of thought, clan culture builds a warm and friendly work environment where employees
can generously share their knowledge. There is high degree of flexibility and internally focused.
In these organizations, the relationship between people is central. In an adhocracy organizational
culture, there is a dynamic, enterprising and creative work environment whereby employees are
encouraged to strive for innovation and use their creativity to create new ideas. Besides innovators,
the managers are also risk takers. Such organizations wish to be leaders and at the forefront of new
products and/or services. For this reason, they encourage individual initiative and allow the
freedom or flexibility in determining what tasks to execute. Market culture creates a work
environment through hard driving competitiveness, and result oriented organizations directed by
tough and demanding leaders who are hard drivers, producers, as well as competitors (Tseng
2010). The hierarchical culture has an unambiguous organizational structure, standardized policy
and procedures, stringent control, and well-defined responsibilities.
Nowadays the business world is inevitably changing together with level of employees’
expectations in an organization and their fulfilment of the job is also changing consequently. To
hinge against this, organizational culture has to be adjusted overtime to cope up with such vigorous
changes and to meet the varying demand of employees’ satisfactions and expectations. Therefore,
a supportive culture as pointed out by Ritchie (2000) is regarded as motivation that inspires the
employees to perform their work efficiently resulting in ensuring better efficiency and
effectiveness. A lot of researches has been carried out on various issues of organizational culture,
for example, organizational culture types (Tharp 2009) emphasize the stages of culture across the
organization whereas organizational psychology (Schein, 1990) focuses on how organizational
culture brings influential force on employees’ psychology and performance. These two types of
organizational culture set up a balance where an organization can achieve its own maximum level
of effectiveness and efficiency that shows there is a strong connection between organizational
culture and employee performance.
Organizational culture is more of a device that appreciates the determinations and contributions of
the employees and gives a broad picture of what and how is to be achieved, how goals are
interrelated and how each worker should achieve goals. Hosftede (1980: 25) in his definitions of
cultural dimensions concluded that organization culture refers to the various ideologies, beliefs
and practices of an organization which make it different from others. This means that
organizational culture could be the means of keeping employees in line and directing them towards
organizational objectives. These organizational culture values will then go in line with
organizational chosen strategies that led to successful organizations. Although the relationships
between organizational culture and employee performance have been widely accepted, some
researchers (Willmott, 1993; Legge, 1994; and Ogbonna 1993) still have doubts about this
interrelationship. Gordon, DiTomaso (1992) emphasized that cultural features influence individual
performance but restricted to a specific perspective. They further argued that culture may lead to
higher performance if it fits with changes of environmental factors within the context. In this sense,
it shows that organizational culture still has influence in how employees perform within an
organization though it moves along with inevitable change.
According to Detert et al (2000), the values of an organization serve as the foundation of cultures
that promote process innovation that can lead or hinder performance improvement. It is a system
that allows innovation, necessitates a culture of discipline and encourages creativity in the process
of solving problems. In accordance to this study, bureaucratic organization has a larger problem
in sustaining employee job satisfaction than organizations that have an innovative or supportive
culture. Thus, highlighting that an organization that has a bureaucratic culture results in the lowest
level of job satisfaction. A strong support also results in a supportive culture and socialization
(Taormina, 2008). A study by Ogbonna (1993) also proven that modest and innovative cultures
had a direct relationship with employees’ performance, while community and bureaucratic cultures
had no direct relationship with performance. Nevertheless, in spite of the substantial argument on
innovative culture, many researchers asserted that innovation-supportive culture remains a
difficult and unstructured spectacle. These results further indicate that different cultural practices
have different effects on employees’ performance.
The topic of organization culture has been carried out for years by many researchers and a lot of
them have different views on how it affects the organization at large, how employees behave and
how it leads to achievement of the goals of an organization.
Colin Silverthorne carried out a research on “The impact of organizational culture and person-
organization fit on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Taiwan” in 2003 to 2004.
He found out that person-organization fit is a crucial component in both the level of job satisfaction
that employees experience and also in their level of organizational commitment whether measured
by an instrument or turnover rates. An organization is not a passive or stable institution but it
progresses and nurtures inside an organizational culture. Involvement in an organization that had
an official and strict organizational culture leads to the lowermost levels of job satisfaction and
organizational commitment. An innovative organizational culture was a supportive culture that
had the uppermost level of employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. These
conclusions confirm that organizational culture partake a significant role in the level of job
satisfaction to employees and their commitment in an organization.
Moreover, in 2013, Alharbi Mohammad Awadh and Alyahya, Mohammed Saad also carried out a
research in their journal in Malaysia entitled “Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee
Performance”. Their findings concluded that the values and norms of an organization are built
upon employee relationship. They also found out that the main objective of an organization is to
increase level of performance by different ways and strategies. Performance management system
can be calculated by a balance scorecard and through the understanding nature of the culture of an
Roseann Wangeci Thuku, Isack Odiwuor Abiero,and Dennis Juma did their research under the
topic “Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance with a case study of East
African Breweries Limited” in Kenya. This research was carried out in 2013. They found out that
an organization’s culture may have a big influence on the performance of that organization in any
part of the world. Organizational culture should not be an aspect that should be overlooked because
it has either positive or negative impacts on how employees perform in an organization. The
findings of their study shows that there is a connection between organizational culture and
employee performance. The market culture is the most leading feature that affect employee
performance as the organization exist specially to do business and maximize in making profits
with limited focus on the employees.
Another research was done in 2016 by Linda Florence Odhiambo also in Kenya on “Influence of
organizational culture on employee performance at NIC bank limited”. Her conclusions revealed
that most employees who responded to her research were in agreement that embraced principles
and values, rules, policies, artifacts and management behaviors influence various aspects of
employees’ performance in a constructive manner. According to her research, she recommended
organizations to engage more in organizational cultures to enhance performance of employees.
The research findings also indicated that rules and policies and espoused beliefs and values were
the most predominant culture components. This study concluded that for performance of firms to
improve, present organization culture should be compatible with the current strategies and day to
day running of the activities of employees.
Moreover, another research was carried out on The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee
Performance with a case study of selected manufacturing industry in Enugu in Nigeria by Nnamani
Emeka and Agu Philemon in 2012. These two authors were trying to discover if the organizational
culture has an effect how employees perform of employee. Their findings were based on to
percentages from their questionnaire in which a large number of respondents of 57.7% strongly
agreed that organizational culture has an effect on employee performance and a smaller number
of 48.7% of the respondents also responded that there are other factors rather than culture that
influence employee performance and determine the productivity level of the organization. They
concluded that there is a sturdy connection between performance of employees and the culture of
an organization (Nnamani Emeka and Agu Philemon).
In 2014 Weerarathna carried out a research in Sri Lanka with a topic entitled “The Relationship
between Organizational Culture and Employee Performance”. In order to pinpoint the connection
between organizational culture and employee performance, he developed a conceptual framework
which helped him to achieve his aim of the study. He identified dependent and independent
variables of organizational culture in order to develop this framework. Organizational culture was
selected as the independent variable while employee performance as dependent variable meaning
that the performance of employees depends on the organizational culture.
As a summary of the literature, many of researches that have been done before has findings that
strongly agree to the fact that organizational culture has an influence on the performance of
employees in whichever organization they are working for. A strong organizational culture which
supports employees and that allows them to be engaged in the daily running of the organization
tends to have better output than a strict organization. Organizational culture is the base for the
organizational survival it has been emphasized by Schein in his model of organizational culture.
In this chapter the author explains the research methodology of this research is mixed method
which comprise qualitative and quantitative method. The chapter includes the description of the
sample, the description of the research carried out in form of in-depth interviews with the managers
and questionnaire with employees. Results from the research will be presented and interpreted in
the following chapter.
The sample of this research is based on the headquarter of TelOne which is a Telecommunication
and internet company in Zimbabwe. It is owned by the government of Zimbabwe and it
is headquartered in which is the capital city. It is the largest Telecommunication company in
Zimbabwe and it has the second largest fixed line network in the Southern Africa following
Telkom in South Africa which holds the first position. The primary business of TelOne circles
around voice, data and internet products and services. It aims to become the leading Information
Communication Technology company, bringing affordable connectivity for everyone everywhere
in Zimbabwe.
According to the website and annual reports of TelOne Zimbabwe (, the
company has 500 employees who are working at the headquarter and 2000 employees in total in
the country in 18 cities. For this research, the author carried the research at the headquarter where
there are 500 employees including the grounds men and the cleaning staff. The company is led by
a board of directors who are appointed by the minister of the ministry of Information Technology
and Courier Services.
During the 2016 to 2017 there were a lot of changes that had happened in the company of which
all these were caused by the political and economic system of Zimbabwe. Growth has been
shrinking and some employees lost their jobs through this. Lack of money in the country has made
the growth of TelOne static but it is still thriving to achieve its goal to be the leading
Telecommunications and the leading information communication technology company.
The way business is done every day is well governed by the internal rules and regulations of the
company together with the policies and procedures of the government of Zimbabwe.
The reason for carrying out manager’s research is to get opinions from the managers of TelOne on
the idea or organizational culture in relation to the performance of their employees. The topic of
organization culture is vague if the managers have no knowledge of these. The objective of the
manager’s research is to get an overview on how managers of TelOne feel about the organizational
culture and to get an overview on how they see its influence to their employees.
The author used qualitative research in collecting data from five managers from five departments
in the form of in-depth interviews. The author used qualitative method because it gives an in-depth
understanding of the managers’ information based on their experiences and feeling about the topic
In-depth interviews were used to interview the managers with the use of an interview guide
because an interview guide provides a clear set of instructions for interviewers and can provide
reliable, comparable qualitative data of which it was the intention of the interview (Saunders et al,
The company has many departments and the author was able to get in touch with five managers
from Human resources, IT, Engineering, Procurement and Finance since these are the key
managers at the head office in Harare.
The manager’s names were kept anonymous for privacy and security reasons and the author
decided to call them manager A, B, C, D and E. The interviews were conducted through skype as
the author was not present in Zimbabwe where the case company is based. The interviews were
done on 28 February 2019 and 1st of March 2019, the author together with the managers made the
schedule in December. Adjustments for the interview dates were made because most of the
interviewees were coming back from the year end vacation of which some of them had some
backlogs to cover. Each interview took about 45 minutes and with the permission of the managers,
the interview was recorded and later transcribed. Interview background and questions can be found
on Appendix 1.
The company is big and all the function managers who are involved in this research have their
specifications on how they operate but they are all integrated with the organizational culture with
the aim of achieving the same overall goal of the company. Function mangers were approached
with the intend to see how they think and see organizational culture has an influence on how
employees perform.
Interview questions for managers were based on the model of organizational culture by Schein in
2004 which differentiates observable and unobservable elements of organizational culture. The
first part of the interview, author started the interviews by giving a glimpse elaboration of the key
elements of the interview to give the managers an understanding of the intention of the researcher.
The key element that the author explained to the managers include organizational culture,
employees’ performance along with the key word influence. The interview was divided into
sections thus background questions, the culture of TelOne and how they measure employees’
performance. The reason for background questions was to get the idea how the manager is involved
and deal with organizational culture.
The second part of the interview focuses on understanding the opinion of managers on the factors
that influences the performance of employees in TelOne. According to Schein (2006),
organizational culture is a shared value system within an organization that defines the level of how
employees perform to achieve organizational goals. The value system and the aspects adopted
within the organization will be directed by the people in the organization so that they will directly
or indirectly provide strong motivation and influence on the employees in doing their work.
Essentially, the elements of culture set by an organization will greatly have an influence on the
performance to achieve organizational goals.
The third part of the interview was based on the question to get an understanding from the manager
how organizational culture of TelOne can be applied in order to support the performance of
employees. It also focused on how they see the performance of the employees being influenced by
the culture of TelOne.
The analysis of the interviews is based on the interview transcriptions as interview appendix in a
separate document. These transcriptions are analyzed through a cross-case analysis (Appendix 3).
The reason for carrying out employees’ research is to get an understanding of how they are
influenced by the organizational culture of TelOne in their work performance. The intention is to
get the opinion of employees of TelOne on how the organizational culture affect their way of work
and how important is the organizational culture to them. Quantitative research method is used for
the employees’ research in form of questionnaire (Appendix 2). A pilot test was send to one person
from every department first before sending out the questionnaire.
Data was collected from a sample of 180 employees of TelOne from the headquarter and the results
were later quantified into statistical to find out by how much employees are influenced by
organizational culture of the company. There are 500 employees at TelOne headquarter. The
author sent out the questionnaire to 180 employees who use computers daily and got back 148 not
spoiled answers. The questionnaires were send in form of Google forms and it was emailed to the
selected sample through a link. This took place in the beginning of 4th February 2019 and data
collection ended February on 21st of February 2019. The response time to fill the questionnaire
was approximately 5-6 minutes. The results of the data collected through Google forms are later
exported to excel sheet for statistical analysis. The reason why the author gathered the data through
survey from the employees was to get the inside information on how the employees see the effect
of the organizational culture of TelOne on the way they are performing their tasks (Saunders et al,
2007). 148 employees out of 180 employees of the sample size answered the questionnaire. Hence
the response rate was 82,2%.
The survey consisted of five background questions, questions about organizational culture and the
others related to employees’ performance. Most of the questions were based on the theoretical
perspective of organizational culture and employees’ performance. Background questions were
based on finding out the respondent’s gender, age, the length of time they have been working at
TelOne and the department in which they work in. According to the model of Schein (2006), it is
important that all values, belief, shared assumptions as well as rituals are shared among all the
members of the organization thus the reason to gather data from all departments and see how they
see and value the culture of the organization.
The sixth question under the perspective of organizational culture was based on the attributes of
organizational culture that applies to TelOne and these are more of the invisible attributes.
Organizational culture is made up of visible attributes of which the external environment sees only
the tip of the iceberg. The idea of getting the attributes of organizational culture that applies to
TelOne was to get an understanding to the drives that give direction on the behaviour of the
From question seven to question eighteen, all these questions were related to the understanding of
the organizational culture of TelOne as well as how they define and understand performance of
employees. The first second half of the survey had questions in relation to employees’
performance. These questions were presented using a 5-point Likert scale. The respondents had a
choice to choose answers from strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree.
According to Dr. Herman Aguinis (2013), understanding the goals of the organization by
employees is the base for their performance as it shows them what has to be achieved by the
In this chapter the author presents the research results of the manager and employees. The results
are presented with theoretical literature together with empirical findings. The last part of this
chapter consist of the conclusions by the author and the suggestions for further study.
The author conducted five interviews in the manager’s research with five key important managers
of TelOne from IT, Engineering, Procurement, Finance and Human resources departments. The
reason why the author chooses to have interviews with these five managers is that they are the
ones who understand the organizational culture of TelOne and they are also have influence in
shaping the culture of the company. Managers are also involved in decision making, taking
corrective actions and mapping the best possible strategies to drive employees to work well
towards the achievement of the company overall objectives. The names of the managers were kept
anonymous hence the author called them Manager A, Manager B, Managers C, Manager D and
Manager E. Transcriptions of these interviews are found in appendix in a separate document.
Summaries and analysis of the interviews are presented in the following subtopics. Moreover, a
cross-case analysis based on the interviews is also included in the appendix 3.
All the interviewees in the five interviews pointed that for employees to perform or behave the
way they do, there are internal factors of drives that guide them. They agreed that workplace
culture is embraced with key aspects that include a shared set of beliefs, customs, values, behavior
and goals that are characteristic of the organization and these factors influence the performance of
“An employee’s efforts, productivity and crucial contributions are all directly influenced by
workplace culture around him or her. If the organizational culture is unchecked well, it can harm
the reputation of the company and negatively impact the employee performance” (Manager A).
“When we look at factors the influence the performance of employees we look on aspects like, for
instance interdependence of groups and management, social interaction, communication, rewards
and motivation. If there is a clear outline on what has to be done and how it has to be done, it is
easy for an employee to do his work effectively” (Manager B).
When it comes to the factors that are influential to the performance of employees of TelOne,
“Intellectual ability skills is one of the main key factors to performance. This means that ability
that an individual has to put their knowledge in action as well as the ability to learn new things
and make connections. When a person has the right knowledge and skills to perform his task it
will impact his productivity” (Manager C)
Manager D said in his viewpoint that “the performance of employees is sometimes influenced by
the experience they have and some are driven to perform better with the lengthy of time that they
have been working on the same task”. Manager C agreed also with manager D but “he said that
experience itself without other factors is not enough for management to track their performance.”
We need new people also who can bring new ideas in improving our performance and productivity.
According to Manager E, “TelOne aims to be a leading company in new technology, bringing
people and businesses together and the aspects that are needed in driving the performance of
employees is innovation. We need innovation in TelOne in order to achieve our objectives.”
All the managers agreed that the organizational culture attributes or elements, skills and experience
as well as the organizational aims are influential to the performance of employees in TelOne.
Internal policies, ethical guidelines give direction to the way employees should follow in order to
work towards the aim of TelOne.
The organizational culture consists of the shared values, beliefs and norms of which some are
visible to the world while others are not visible but they exist. Some of the attributes of
organizational culture are in black and white and some are through practices.
“If we can create a strong and supportive culture to our employees, it is always related to
increased productivity. We can utilize the organizational culture by supporting and engaging our
employees in the day to day running of TelOne. The more we give them a friendly and supportive
environment, the more we move towards productivity”, (Manager A). Manager B also said that,
“the performance of employees can be supported by organizational culture through the
communication ways. I have observed that open communication with employees gives them
motivation and having the fact that they are recognized in decision making helps their
performance. They feel part and parcel of what the organization is aiming to achieve”
Manager C also mentioned that, “it is easy to look at the balance sheet of TelOne and estimate its
success in numbers but the true health of the company rests upon the well-being of the employees
meaning the working culture around them. Everyone should feel satisfied with their work and
believe they can speak up without their words being used against them. Employees expect a
positive and supportive work environment.”
“We can utilize the organization to support employee’s performance by creating a culture that
the employees are not afraid of us. We have to reduce some of the bureaucracy that we have to let
employees have direct and easy contact with the management. However, setting out good,
understandable ethical procedures is one way we can support them to know how they should
behave” (Manager D). All managers agreed that the procedures that are put on black and white
give a clear direction of what employees should follow. It is clear to figure which rule or policy
has to be revised to make the work of employees easier.
Additionally, Manager E said that, “our organizational culture can support employees by having
a culture that rewards employees according their performance. Recognizing the efforts of
employees and setting up targets is another way that we can use as management to support and
motivate employees”.
The managers stated that a good working culture always support the productivity of employees.
They also agreed that if an organization develops a strong supportive culture, it is more clear and
likely to move towards the overall company objectives.
Managers see that there is correlation between the organizational culture and employees’
performance. The organizational culture is the backbone of the company and the employees
embrace it as the main guide to their output.
Managers A agreed that there is a strong relationship between the organization culture and the
performance of the employees. “As the organizational culture defines the work environment, how
conflicts are solved, it also goes along with the performance of the employees because it pegs the
beginning point for the behaviour and the direction for the next step in their work. Organizational
culture has a strong influence to the output of employees which can be positive or negative.”
“The way employees take initiatives is usually led by the culture of an organization by the use of
policies, ethics and the like and when we look into this closely, it determines their performance.
For instance, if an organization has a culture that employees are afraid of their managers, they
perform their work in fear and most likely they don’t enjoy being at work” (Manager B). Manager
C also agreed with Manager B adding a point that, “maximizing the performance of employees
requires guidance and procedures henceforth there is need for them to learn through the culture
of the organization”.
“Organizational culture as the norms, values and beliefs that are shared in an organization
automatically has a connection to the performance of the employees of the organization. The
reason being that from this definition, values, norms and beliefs are related to performance and
the overall output of an organization” (Manager D).
“Employees behaviour is improved if they have full knowledge in addition to the awareness of the
organizational culture. This awareness and knowledge of the culture of the organization that the
employee works for give them a sense of loyalty and the full knowledge of how things should be
done. In a nutshell, there is proper behaviour, performance or act of employees without a certain
structure of culture that guides behaviour” (Manager E). Behaviour is performance. “Culture is
an outcome from a group of people sharing same norms, values, ways of doing things which in the
sense of an organization it is the same. The value and aims of an organization are the products of
a group of people (employees) sharing these same values and aims” (Manage E).
All the managers from TelOne headquarter agreed that there is a broad connection between
organizational culture and the performance of employees. Employees are impacted and influenced
in their behaviour and work performances by the structure and policies of the organizational
culture of TelOne headquarter. The elements that make up organizational culture have certain push
and influence the daily work of employees. It goes hand in hand with the work performance of
employees because that is their identity from any other organization in the same industry of
3.2. Result of employees’ research
3.2.1. Background data
180 questionnaires were send to the employees of TelOne who use computers every day from
different departments in TelOne at the headquarter in Harare where there are 500 employees in
total. 148 questionnaires were answered which is (82%) response rate out of the 180 send
Out of 148 of the answered questionnaires, 79 respondents (53%) were males and 69 respondents
(47%) were females. There are more males who answered the questionnaire than females.
Responses were also compared based on the time the respondents spent working in TelOne.
TelOne was established in 1980 when Zimbabwe became independent. Results showed that
TelOne has employed the respondents were more young people in the recent years (See table 1).
The reason why the author gathered this data is to see if the respondents understood the culture of
TelOne according to the number of years they have spent working in the organization, also in
addition to see if the company has a culture of embracing, accepting new and young people into
the company.
Table 1. Visualized results based on the number of years spent working at TelOne
Below 5 52 35.1%
5-10 40 27.0%
11-15 23 15.5%
16-20 18 12.2%
It was mandatory for respondents to share the departments that they work in. This was done with
the aim to get an overview of how all departments feel impacted in their performance by the culture
of TelOne. It came out that a bigger percentage of 33.1% of the responses came from the IT
departments, 21.6% from Engineering, 20% from the Procurement department, 18.2% from
Finance department and 7.1% from Human Resources department. The main reason could be that
those department employees use computers more in their everyday work. Response rate based on
departments summary:
Most responses based on departments came from the IT because TelOne is more into the technical
and Engineering tasks in trying to improve the telecommunication industry.
Questions that fall under this block was aimed at getting an understanding of the type of culture
and organizational practices that are present or reflected at TelOne through the opinions given by
the respondents. The fifth question was a checkbox type of question whereby respondents were
given unlimited choice of answers from the ones stated that reflects, and/ important to the structure
of the organizational culture of TelOne. They were allowed to mark all that they felt applies to
TelOne (respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer from the list).
Table 2. Survey question: What are the attributes of organizational culture do you think applies to
Attribute of organizational culture Frequency Percentage
Ethics 99 66.9%
Policies 108 73.0%
Team orientation 138 93.2%
Individualism 0 0
Innovation and support 138 93.2%
Trust 40 27.1%
Source: created by the author
The sixth question is based on trying to get an understanding from the opinions of the respondents
whether they have a clear understanding of the policies of TelOne. This question was presented in
a 5 point Likert scale based on how much they agree or disagree to the question. Out of 148
answered questionnaires- 46 (31.1%) answered strongly agree- 77 (52.0%) answered agree- 17
(11.5%) remained neutral- 5(3.4%) answered disagree- 3 (2%) answered strongly disagree. Based
on these results, the author also grouped the results according to departments since it was visible
to see the departments where the responses were coming from.
The author carried out One-way Anova test to analyze the responses from different departments.
There was no significant difference from the data. α= (0.05), (P=0.592554), (F=0.713284). Since
the P-value of 0.592554 is greater than alpha (0.05) it shows that there was no significant
difference from the response from different departments.
The seventh question aimed to gather information to see if the respondents fully understand the
goals of their organization. This question was drawn in order to understand if the respondents
really know what they are working to achieve for the base of performance and behaviour. Out of
148 answered questionnaires-72 (48.6%) answered strongly agree-58 (29.2%)answered agree-18
(12.2%)answered neutral- 0 (0%) answered disagree- 0(0%) answered strongly disagree.
Based on these responses, all the 148 responses have full and partial knowledge of the goals of
TelOne and what is expected out of them in performing their tasks.
The author also analyzed the results based on departments. One-way Anova was carried to make
an analyses of responses from departments. From the One-way Anova, α= (0.05), (P=0.659095),
(F=0.611616). P-value is greater than α, this shows that there is no significant difference from the
departments results.
The eighth survey question was based on understanding the structure of the culture of TelOne
whether respondents felt that they have a friendly atmosphere at their organization. All the
respondents confirmed that the atmosphere of TelOne is friendly as their responses ranked from
strongly agree and agree only without anyone disagreeing. Out of 148 respondents- 106 (71.4%)
responded strongly agree – 42(28.6%) answered agree- 0(0%) answered neutral- 0(0%) answered
disagree- 0(0%) answered strongly disagree. From these results, it illustrates that the atmosphere
at TelOne is very friendly to its employees.
The author also carried out One-way Anova test to compare if responses from departments were
significantly different. There was no significant difference found. With, α= (0.05), (P=0.837609),
(F=0.354837) it shows that there is no significant difference from the opinions from departments.
This means that all the respondents have a great feeling that the atmosphere of TelOne is very
The ninth survey question is based on understanding the engagement of employees with their
fellow colleagues during coffee breaks. The idea was to get an overview from the perspective of
employees whether they have a culture of informal relations amongst each other at the workplace
or it is strictly business. Out of 148 respondents -68 (45.7% answered strongly agree- 63 (42.9%)
answered agree- 4 (2.9%) answered neutral- 13 (8.6%) answered disagree- 0 (0%) answered
strongly disagree.
As data collected was compared amongst departments, the author carried out One-way Anova test
to analyze these results. It came out that there was no significant difference between the
departments. With an alpha (α= (0.05), results produced were that (P=0.578845), (F=0.735094).
The tenth question was based around getting an overview of how employees engage with their
managers informally in coffee break times in form of a Likert scale type question. It came out that
out the 148 respondents – 9 (5.9%) answered strongly agree – 44 (29.6%) answered agree – 13
(8.8%) answered neutral – 68 (46.1) answered disagree – 14 (9.6%) answered strongly disagree.
To analyze these responses based on departments, the author carried out One-way Anova t-test.
This test was carried out with an alpha (α= (0.05), and results produced that (P=0.4118406),
(F=1.038933). Because the P-value is greater than alpha, the shows that there was no significant
difference amongst the departments. A bigger percentage lies at disagree and strongly disagree,
this interprets that TelOne has a culture of employees having limited informal relations with the
The eleventh survey question is based on how punctuality is valued and prioritized in the
organization. It was also asked through a 5 point Likert scale. From 148 respondents- 63 (42.9%)
respond strongly agree- 63 (42.9%) answered agree- 13 (8.8%) answered neutral- 0 (0%) answered
disagree- 9 (5.7%) answered strongly disagree.
To make an analysis of this data from different departments, the author carried out One-way Anova
t-test. The One-way Anova t-test was tested with (α= (0.05), and the results came out as
(P=0.519321), (F=0.834261). There was no difference found from the responses that came from
the departments. Punctuality is valued and prioritized at TelOne as shown from the responses.
In trying to get deep into an understanding of the culture at TelOne, the twelfth question asked was
through a statement asking about respondents that when they have a challenge on their job they
can easily ask for assistance from the manager. This question also assessed the performance of
employees with or without the assistance from the managers. The question was answered in form
of a 5 point Likert scale. Out of 148 respondents- 4 (2.9%) answered strongly agree- 47 (31.4%)
answered agree- 80 (54.3%) remained neutral- 13 (8.6%) answered disagree- 4 (2.9%) answered
strongly disagree.
The author compared the results from departments. To analyze this data, the author carried out
One-way Anova t-test. With (α= (0.05) the results came out as (P=0.6192542), (F=0.6717241).
There was no difference found from the responses that came from the departments. Most of the
responses lies on the neutral category.
In relation to the previous question, the question that followed asked about getting assistance from
the fellow colleagues if challenges in the job comes up. The results showed that out of 148
respondents- 59 (40%) answered strongly agree-74 (50%) answered agree- 7 (4.3%) answered
neutral- 8 (5.7%) answered disagree- 0 (%) answered disagree.
Out of these responses, the author carried out One-way Anova t-test to analyze the responses from
departments. With (α= (0.05) the results came out as (P= 0.6207584), (F= 0.6694158). There was
no difference found from the responses that came from the departments since the P-value is greater
than alpha. It is easier for colleagues to as for assistance amongst each other when challenges occur
in their tasks.
The next question was asking about the allowance of employee by management in contributing
ideas in the organization. It aimed to get an understanding on how much employees are allowed
to contribute ideas in their organization. the question was structured as a 5 point Likert scale. Out
of 148 returned questionnaires- 17 (11.4%) answered strongly agree- 81 (55%) answered agree-
35 (22.9%) remained neutral- 8 (5.7%) answered disagree- 7 (5%) answered strongly disagree.
The author carried out One-way Anova t-test to analyze results from departments. There was no
significant difference found amongst departments. With (α= (0.05) the results came out as (P=
0.5315813), (F= 0.813173).
To a larger extent, employees at TelOne are allowed to contribute ideas in the organization as
reflected by the responses that came from the questionnaire.
The fifteenth survey question was asking about if there is motivation for employees to be really
committed to the achievement of the organizational goals. The idea was to get an idea if the culture
of driving employees towards the achievement of the organization has been built in TelOne. Out
of 148 responded questionnaires- 30 (20%) responded strongly agree- 110 (74.3%) answered
agree- 0 (0%) answered neutral- 4 (2.9%) answered disagree- 4 (2.9%) answered strongly disagree.
The author carried out One-way Anova t-test to test if there was significant difference from the
results from departments. There was no significant difference found. With an alpha (α= (0.05) the
results came out as (P= 0.808576), (F= 0.3967413).
From the responses reflection, TelOne has a culture of motivating its employees in order to achieve
the goals of the organization.
In trying to get a deeper understanding of the cultural practices present in TelOne, the author drawn
up a question asking if employees are rewarded in proportion to the excellence in quality of their
job performance. From 148 responses- 47 (31.4%) answered strongly agree- 76(51.4%) answered
agree-17(11.4%) answered neutral- 8 (5.7%) answered disagree- 0 (0%) answered strongly agree.
The author carried out One-way Anova t-test to analyze the results grouped in departments. There
was no significant difference from the results from departments. With an alpha (α= (0.05) the
results came out as (P= 0.576239), (F= 0.7392789).
TelOne rewards its employees in proportion to the excellence in quality of their job performances
as a bigger percentage from all departments agreed to the statement that they are being rewarded
in the quality of their job performance.
The last question was in form of a 5 point Likert scale also and it was asking about if the
organizational culture of TelOne has influence on the performance of employees. The influence
could be negative or positive but as long as to get an overview if the respondents felt influenced
by the culture of their organization. Out of 148 answered questionnaires- 72 (48.6%) responded
strongly agree- 68 (45.7%) answered agree- 0 (0%) answered neutral- 4 (2.9%) answered disagree-
4 (2.9%) answered strongly disagree.
The author carried out One-way Anova t-test to analyze results categorized in terms of
departments. With an alpha (α= (0.05) the results came out as (P= 0.666108), (F= 0.6012345).
This means that there was no significant difference found as the P-value is greater than alpha.
Organizational culture of TelOne has influence to the performance of its employees as replicated
to the given opinions by the respondents.
In this section, the author brings out conclusions of the research results together with suggestions
to the management of TelOne on how they can view organizational culture as an influential factor
on the performance of employees. Conclusions presented are based on research questions.
Additionally, the author also brings out conclusions of research findings from the theoretical
The main aim of this research is to get a deep understanding on how organizational culture can
influence the performance of employees in an organization. From literature reviewed it is clear
that organizational culture has a strong influence on the performance of employees. By developing
a strong and supportive culture, an organization can yield quality performance from the employees.
Setting out grounding rules, policies, support systems, acts of behaviour gives direction to
employees in what and how things should be done to attain their targets or organizational goals.
The first research question of this thesis was “What are the aspects that influence employees’
performance in an organization?”
Managers of TelOne has brought out related ideas of the aspects that influence the performance of
employees in their organization. They identified aspects of influence to performance as
engagement of employees in decision making, motivation, the culture around them, skills and
innovation within employees. If employees are supported they will retain quality performance on
their jobs which leads to the achievement of the goals of the company. The values of an
organization serve as the foundation of daily culture in the organization that promotes process
innovation which in return leads to or hinder performance improvement. This relates to the
literature about employees’ performance.
Managers of TelOne also outlined that if there are clear procedures and rules on how things should
be done, it is clear and easier for an employee to know his responsibilities and boundaries on how
he should behave. To support this, an employee should possess the required skills and knowledge
as well as commitment on the task to be performed. Performance of employees can be basically
understood as the equivalent actions expected of an employee and how well the tasks are achieved.
Based on the opinions given by the employees in the questionnaire, it also shows that employees
felt influenced in their performance by the culture of TelOne. From the questionnaire, 48.6%
strongly agreed that their performance is influenced as well as 45.7% agreeing to the same fact
that organizational culture of TelOne. This means that 94.3% of the respondents confirmed that
organizational culture of TelOne has an impact in their performance. They have agreed well that
they are motivated that means they are supported in their work to achieve their objectives. From
the managers’ research, they pointed out that employees’ efforts and productivity are directly
influenced by the workplace culture around them. If the organizational culture is not checked well,
it can produce negative energy to employees and demolish the reputation of the organization
because change is always happening and it is inevitable. This is also resonating with the responses
from the employees on the questionnaire that the atmosphere at TelOne is very friendly.
The second research question of this thesis was “How organizational culture can be applied
to support employee’s performance?”
From the managers’ research, it shows that a strong and supportive organizational culture increases
productivity of employees. Managers of TelOne through the interview agreed that they can utilize
organizational culture as a supportive tool to employees’ job performance by engaging and
collaborating them in day to day running of TelOne. Engagement, diversification and collaboration
are some practices that TelOne has adopted as their culture which gives the employees a sense of
belonging to the overall goals of TelOne. Additionally, from the theoretical literature organizations
should focus on their culture in order to motivate and drive their employees perform to their very
best. Most employees remark that an organizational culture conveys a continuous learning process,
engagement of employees and managers, and if an organization has a well incorporated structure
with good leadership, the more committed they will be to the achievement of the organizational
Organizational culture can be applied as a support tool to employees’ performance by drawing the
lines of wat is expected out of employees, ow they should communicate and behave to achieve
their targets. Rules and ethics as part of the values and norms of an organization, can help to shape
employees in doing their job hence these can be maximized by management to help employees
realize the direction they should follow. If an organization has a learning culture, it allows it
employees to review their performance and work towards a better change.
The third research question of this thesis was “How can organizational culture influence the
performance of employee?”
Based on literature reviewed under this topic an organizational culture creates the value of an
organization besides attitudes and actions of every individual in the organization but as well
through the shared approaches and conduct of the organization in carrying out its business. All the
managers of TelOne agreed that the organizational culture defines the work environment, how
conflicts are solved, it also goes along with the performance of the employees because it pegs the
beginning point for the behaviour and the direction for the next step in their work. Organizational
culture is the stepping stone for employees to have a clear understanding of what the organization
is working towards which gives them an understanding of what their company is about, how they
take responsibilities on challenges and what values an organization possess.
Culture of an organization is reflected from a group of people sharing same norms, values, ways
of doing things which in the sense of an organization it is the same. The value and aims of an
organization are the products of a group of people (employees) sharing these same values and
aims. There is no performance from the employees if there are no values, norms and codes of
conduct. It is also reflected well from the responses on the questionnaire from the employees that
there is a strong influence that organizational culture of TelOne brings on the performance of its
Majority of the employees answered that they have a very friendly environment at TelOne which
I think is one of the factors that keeps employees comfortable at their work. The fact that TelOne
allows teamwork makes their culture strong in the sense that employees can collaborate and
support each other. If a company allows teamwork, it is easier for employees to take initiatives
and challenges because they know that they have a backup in case things get really tight. It means
that the culture of TelOne is designed is a way to be positive influence on how employees perform.
From the discussions, the author now brings suggestions to the management of TelOne on how
they can view and have the organizational culture impact the performance of their employees.
• As the main aim of this thesis is to create suggestions to managers of TelOne on how they
can create a supportive organizational culture to the employees to gain good performances
from the employees, from the findings that came from both management and employee,
TelOne management should amend or create an organizational culture where employees
are free to ask for assistance in cases of challenges. From the way it is, it shows that TelOne
has a culture where hierarchy gap is so high that employees are a bit scared of their bosses.
The author suggests that the company should create kind like a flat organizational structure
where management have close conduct with their employees, it will bring positive energy
to employees. Employees perform well when they know that they have full support from
their mangers rather than being scared to take challenges to their managers.
• Another suggestion that the author gives to the management of TelOne is to open up more
for employees to contribute their ideas and getting employees involved more in decision
making or suggestions for improvements. Sometimes employees can figure out most
efficient ways performing a task and if TelOne allows this flexible culture, it gives more
sense of belonging to employees.
• Because the company aims to be more innovative in bringing people and businesses
together, the author suggestion is that, TelOne should improve and create training and
development opportunities where they bring trainings to employees and they will stay up
to date with the inevitable change. The environment at TelOne should be a learning
environment where people can have career development inside the company. By this they
will be able to get increased performance and output. A learning culture nurtures its
employees the way they want them to be and they should increase also training
opportunities to the employees to improve their capabilities.
The aim of this thesis was to create suggestions to managers of TelOne on how they can improve
their organizational culture to be more supportive the employees so as to gain good performances
from the employees. It targets to explore why employees, perform in certain ways in their everyday
work and how they target to achieve overall organizational goals as well as relating their behavior
and performance. In order to achieve this aim, the researcher has set up the following research
This thesis was done through a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative research methods. It
was done through a Telecommunication company based in Zimbabwe. In the qualitative research
method, the author conducted five in-depth interviews with five key department managers from
the IT, Human Resources, Procurement, Engineering and the Finance department. All the
interviews were done through Skype. Quantitative research method was done through a
questionnaire that was send to 180 employees of TelOne at the headquarter in Harare.
To summarize the findings from the theoretical literature, the author found out that there is
correlation between organizational culture and performance of employees. It has been found by
many researchers that organizational culture of an organization has influence in how employees
perform. If an organization culture is not checked well, it can influence negatively the way
employees perform. Employees also need motivation and they want to be recognized if they go an
extra mile in their work.
From the findings found from the research of this thesis, it shows that TelOne has a supportive
culture to its employees. The employees of TelOne are also quite aware of what is expected out of
them. They mostly understand the goals of the company which means that they know what the
company aims to achieve which in return gives them a sense of direction on where they are putting
their efforts towards. It has been found also that the employees of TelOne are very aware of their
organizational culture as resonated by their responses on the question about the attributes of
organizational culture in the questionnaire. Respondents of the questionnaire furthermore
responded that there is no individualism in their organization. This means that the work at TelOne
has a culture of collectivism as it has its work mostly in teams.
The author made some suggestions to the managers as of TelOne on how they can improve the
organizational culture of the company as to achieve the research aim. The author suggested that
there should be more engagement of employees in making decisions as well as suggestions for
improvements. Additionally, the author suggested that the hierarchy gap between the employees
and the managers should be shrink so that the employees feel free to ask for assistance to their
managers as way to have a low power distance. There is high distance culture in the company
which the author thinks that the employees are afraid to reach out to their managers.
The author also brings limitations of this thesis. One of them is that the responses were gathered
only at the headquarter of TelOne of which there are other branches in 18 cities in Zimbabwe.
Secondly, the interviews were conducted through Skype of which it is possible that the managers
were formal and polite for their opinions. The author feels that if she was really involved at TelOne,
she was able to see the reality on how culture is playing a role in how employees perform their
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Appendix 1. Interview background and questions
Interview background
The aim is to understand your opinions as a manager of TelOne on how the culture of an
organization influence the performance of employees. As the author of this research thesis, I am
carrying a research on the topic: The influence of organizational culture on employees’
performance in Telone. I would like to ask you some questions to get an understanding on the role
of organizational culture at TelOne and how it affects the performance of your employees.
Your answers in this interview will be recorded down and transcribed later. You will be called
your names as a manager A, B, C, D or E not by name to guarantee your anonymity. Participation
in this interview is voluntary and you are allowed to stop the interview at any moment you feel
like stopping. Feel free to give your opinion. Your responses will be used for this research purposes
Organizational culture are those values, beliefs, assumptions and norms that an organization shared
with a group of its internal stakeholders which are employees and management. The collective
traditions that you share within the organization.
In other words, organizational culture can be defined as the summation of values, attitudes and
behaviours (can be stable, observable an non observable patterns of behaviour as well as the
organizational policies, processes and incentives (financial and non-financial rewards,
acknowledgements, advancement and permissions) that shape the attitudes and behaviours of
people in an organization. All the attributes that are shared in the organization and what makes it
unique to other cultures of any organization.
Interview questions:
How are you involved or impacted by the organizational culture of TelOne and to your
subordinates also?
What are the factors that you think affect the performance of employees in TelOne?
How can you create an organizational culture to be a support drive to employees’ performance?
Do you think organizational culture and employees’ performance of employees in TelOne has a
Appendix 2. Questionnaire
Questionnaire for Employees
Dear Respondent,
I am a student of Tallinn University of technology and I am carrying out a research on the
influence of organizational culture on employees’ performance in TelOne for my master’s
thesis. It takes about 5 minutes to complete the survey. Your responses will be used
confidentially by the researcher and used for this research purpose only. Feel free to give out
your opinion and your answers are confidential.
* Required
1. Gender *
Mark only one oval.
Prefer not to say
2. Age *
Mark only one oval.
20-25 years
26-30 years
31-35 years
36-40 years
41 years and above
Below 5 years
5-10 years
11-15 years
16-20 years
More than 20 years
Human resources IT
5. What are the attributes of organizational culture do you think applies to TelOne? * Check
all that apply.
Ethics Policies
Team orientation
Innovation and support
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
8. The atmosphere in our organization is very friendly * Mark
only one oval.
1 2 3 4 5
9. People spend time in informal activities with colleagues for instance during coffee breaks.
Mark only one oval.
1 2 3 4 5
10. Employees spend time in informal activities with managers for instance during coffee
breaks. *
Mark only one oval.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
12. When you have a challenge on your job you can easily ask for assistance from the
manager. *
Mark only one oval.
1 2 3 4 5
13. When you have a challenge on your job you can easily ask for assistance from the
colleagues. *
Mark only one oval.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
15. There is motivation for employees to be really committed to the achievement of the
organizational goals? *
Mark only one oval.
1 2 3 4 5
16. Employee are rewarded in proportion to the excellence in quality of their job
performance. *
Mark only one oval.
1 2 3 4 5
17. There is two-way open communication between the manager and the subordinate.
Mark only one oval.
1 2 3 4 5
18. Organizational culture of TelOne influence the performance of employees * Mark only one
1 2 3 4 5
Appendix 3. Cross-case Analysis