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Modern History Evernote

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Modern History (Spectrum)

1. Coming of Europeans  to India

In 1497, under the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), the rulers of Portugal and Spain divided the non-
Christian world between them by an imaginary line in the Atlantic, some 1,300 miles west of the Cape
Verde Islands.

Portuguese ships arrived in India in May 1498.

Abdul Majid - Gujarati Pilot of Vasco Da Gama's ship arrived in May 1498.

Zamorin-  Ruler of Calicut when Vasco arrived.

Blue Water Policy- Policy of Francisco De Almeida (Portuguese governor to India).

Chronological Order of Portuguese governors

1. Francisco De Almeida
2. Alfonso de Albuquerque
3. Nino da Cunha

Captain William Hawkins- First English to arrive in India in his ship 'Hector'.

First factory of East India Company was established at Surat in 1613.

Portugues built first fort in Cochin.

Infantry was a major military contribution by portuguese.

Masulipatnam (Andhra)- First factory setup bu Dutch in India in 1605

Battle of Hooghly (November 1759)- Dutch lost to English and Dutch left.

William Hedges- First Governor of East India Company (EIC) in Bengal.

Sir Charles Eyre- First President of Fort William.

French were the last Europeans to come to India with the purpose of trade

French setup first factory in Surat in 1667.

Anglo-French wars (Carnatic wars)

1. First War (1740-48)- Treaty of Aix-La Chapelle was signed
2 Second War (1749-54)
2. Second War (1749 54)
3. Third Carnatic War (1758-63)- Battle of Wandiwash(1760)was fought and won by English. Treaty of
Paris (1763) was signed.

Chronological order of wars:

1. The Battle of Plassey (1757)
2. Battle of Bidara (1759)- Between English and Dutch, former won.
3. Battle of Wandiwash (1760)- General Eyre Coote led English forces
4. Battle of Buxar (1764)

Grand Trunk Road was built by Sher Shah Suri (1540-45)

Nadir Shah defeated the Mughals in the Battle of Karnal (1739)

Battle of Panipat
1. First battle (1526)- Babur Vs Ibrahim Lodi- Laid foundation of Mughal empire by ending Delhi
2. Second Battle (1556)-  Akbar Vs Hemu
3. Third Battle of Panipat (1761)- Marathas Vs Ahmad Shah Abdali

Battle of Plassey (23June, 1757)

Siraj-Ud-Daula Vs British (Led by Robert clive)
Traitors of Nawab- Mir Jafar (rebellious commander of the army
Mir Jafar became Nawab of Bengal and gave zamindari of 24 Parganas to the britishers

1740- Alvardi Khan became the Nawab of Bengal 

Siraj-ud-Daula became the Nawab (Grandson of Alvardi Khan) 
1757- Siraj-ud Daula was killed in the Battle of Plassey 
Mir Jafar (Commander in  chief of Siraj ud daula) was made the Nawab 
Mir Qasim (Son in law of Mir Jafar) was made the Nawab

Battle of Buxar (1764)

Mir Qasim (Nawab of Bengal)
   Shuja-ud-daulah (Nawab of Awadh)               Vs                       English
   Shah Alam II (Mughal Emperor)

English forces were led by Major Hector Munro

Anglo-Mysore Wars
1. First Anglo-Mysore War (1767-69)- Treaty of Madras (1769) was signed between Haider Ali and
2. Second Anglo-Mysore War (1780-84)- Inconclusive war and Treaty of Mangalore (1784) was
signed. Haider Ali died and Tipu Sultan became the Sultan
3. Third Anglo-Mysore War (1790-91)- English took help of Marathas and Nizam of Hyderabad. Treaty
of Seringapatam (1792) was signed in which Tipu had to pay heavily.
4. Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (1799)- Lord Wellesly was the Governor General, Tipu Sultan died and
placed Mysore under treaty of subsidiary alliance.

Maratha Family
1. Gaekwad of Baroda
2. Bhonsle of Nagpur
3. Holkars of Indore
4. Sindhias of Gwalior
5. Peshwa of Poona

Anglo-Maratha Wars
1. First Anglo-Maratha War (1775-82)
2. Second Anglo Maratha War (1803-1805)- According to the Treaty of Bassein (1802), Peshwa agreed
to receive from the Company a native infantry to be permanently stationed in his territories
3. Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-19)

Anglo-Sikh Wars
1. First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-46)- Sikh defeat and Treaty of Lahore was signed. Kashmir was sold to
Gulab Singh who would pay 75 Lakhs Rupees to the Company.
2. Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49)- Lord Dalhousie, was Governor General of India at that time. A
Three-member board was setup to goven Punjab including Lawrence brothers (Henry and John) and
Charles Mansel.

British Policies
1. Policy of Ring Fence- Warren Hastings
2. Policy of Non- Intervention- Cornwallis
3. Subsidiary Alliance- Lord Wellesley (allying Indian state’s ruler was compelled to accept the
permanent stationing of a British force within his territory and to pay a subsidy for its maintenance)
4. Doctrine of Lapse- Lord Dalhousie
5. Forward policy- Auckland
6. Policy of Masterly Inactivity- John Lawrence (1864-69)
7. Policy of Proud Reserve- Lytton

Tripartite Treaty (1838) was signed between British, Sikhs and Shah Shuja led to the Anglo-
Afghan Wars

Bharatpur was the last state to subsidised under Subsidiary Alliance in 1818

Awadh was the last state annexed through doctrine of lapse in 1856

Civil Uprisings
1. Sanyasi Revolt (1763-1800)
Equal participation of Hindus and Muslims
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Anandamath and Devi Chaudhurani were written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

2. Kuka Movement
Founded in 1840 by Bhagat Jawahar Mal (also called Sian Saheb) in western Punjab
They advocated wearing hand-woven clothes and boycott of English laws and education and products

Tribal Movements
1. Pahariyas’ Rebellion- 1778- Raj Mahal Hills
2. Kol Uprisings- 1831- Chottanagpur
3. Santhal Rebellion- 1855-56- Bihar
4. Bhil Revolts- 1817-19 & 1913- region of Western Ghats
5. Koya Revolts- 1879-80 & 1886- Eastern Godavari region Andhra Pradesh

Revolt of 1857
Started at Meerut
Bahadur Shah Zafar was proclaimed as the Emperor of India
Civil population joined sepoys in the North western provinces and Awadh
Peasantry, the artisans, shopkeepers, day labourers, zamindars, religious mendicants, priests and
civil servants also participated.
Hindi-Muslim Unity was seen

Places and Leaders

Delhi- Bahadur Shah Zafar
Kanpur- Nana Saheb
Lucknow- Begum Hazrat Mahal
Bareilly- Khan Bahadur
Jagdishpur (Bihar)- Kunwar Singh
Faizabad- Maulvi Ahmadullah
Jhansi- Rani Laxmi Bai
Bahgpat- Shah Mal

Books and Authors

Indian War of Independence, 1857- V.D. Savarkar
Eighteen Fifty-Seven - Dr S.N. Sen
Discovery of India- Jawahar Lal Nehru

Administrative Changes after 1857

Secretary of State for India was appointed
Company rule was abolished
Governor-general acquired the additional title of ‘Viceroy'
English gave up on the  annexations and expansions
Religious freedom promised
Policy of Divide and Rule was adopted
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The regulation of 1829 banned Sati in Bengal but later extended to Bombay and Madras
presidencies in 1830 (Raja Rammohan Roy)
The Bengal regulations of 1795 and 1804 declared infanticide illegal
Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act, 1856 legalised marriage of widows. (Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
was principal of Sanskrit College, Calcutta)
Vishnu Shastri Pandit founded the Widow Remarriage Association
Age of Consent Act (1891) which forbade the marriage of girl below the age of 12. The Sarda Act
(1930) further pushed up the marriage age to 18 and 14 for boys and girls respectively.

Charles Wood’s Despatch on Education (1854)

Wood suggested that
primary schools must adopt vernacular languages
high schools must adopt Anglo-vernacular language
at college-level English should be the medium of education

Laid great stress on the need for female education

The Indian Women’s University set up by Professor D.K. Karve in 1916

All India Women’s Conference established in 1927

Women's Organisations and their founders

Bharat Stree Mahamandal (1910) - Sarla Devi Chaudhrani
Ladies Social Conference (Bharat Mahila Parishad) (1904)- Ramabai Ranade
Arya Mahila Samaj- Pandita Ramabai Saraswati
National Council of Women (1925)- Mehribai Tata

First conference of The All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) was held at Ferguson College, Pune.
Sarojini Naidu, Kamla Devi Chattopadhyayaand Lady Dorab Tatawere among the founding

All India Harijan Sangh - Mahatma Gandhi
All India Scheduled Castes Federation- Ambedkar
Self-Respect Movement- Ramaswamy Naicker
Mahad Satyagraha- Ambedkar

Socio- Cultural Reform Movements

1. Raja Rammohan Roy and Bhahmo Samaj

Known as father of Indian Renaissance
Known as father of Indian Renaissance
He wrote 'Gift to Monotheists'
Translated Vedas and Upnishads into bengali
Founded Atmiya Sabha in 1814 in Calcutta
Founded Brahmo Samaj in 1828

2. Debendranath Tagore
Founded Tattvabodhini Sabha in 1839

3. Prarthana Samaj
Keshub Chandra Sen and Atmaram Pandurang founded Prarthana Samaj in 1867
Mahadeo Govind Ranade was a prominient member
Othr leaders were R.G. Bhandarkar and N.G. Chandavarkar
Widow Remarriage Movement and Widows’ Home Association were founded by Ranade

4. Young Bengal Movement

Started by Henry Vivian Derozio

5. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

Became principal of Sanskrit College
He opposed priestly monopoly of scriptural knowledge, and for this he opened the Sanskrit College to

6. Balshastri Jambhekar
Started Darpan newspaper in 1832
In 1842 he started Digdarshan which published articles on scientific subjects and history
Founder the Bombay Native General Library
Started Native Improvement Society
First professor of Hindi at Elphinston College

7. Paramahansa Mandali
Founders- Dadoba Pandurang, Mehtaji Durgaram

8. Satyashodhak Samaj
Founded by Jyotiba Phule
Leadership came from the backward classes
Books written by Phule- Sarvajanik Satyadharma and Gulamgiri

9. Gopalhari Deshmukh
Held post of judge under British raj
Wrote Lokahitawadi

10. Gopal Ganesh Agarkar

Cofounder of the New English School, the Deccan Education Society and Fergusson College.
First editor of Bal Gangadhar's journal Kesari
Later started his own weekly Sudharak

11. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Founded Servants of India Society in 1905 with the help of M. G. Ranade
The aim of the society was to train national missionaries for the service of India

12. Narayan Malhar Joshi

Founded Social Service League
Also founded All India Trade Union Congress in 1920

13. Dayananda Saraswati

Founded Arya Samaj in 1875
Famous work- Satyarth Prakash
He gave the slogan “Back to the Vedas”

14. Seva Sadan

Founded by Behramji M. Malabari (A Parsi social reformer)

15. Justice Movement

Started by C.N. Mudaliar, T.M. Nair and P. Tyagaraja in the Madras Presidency

16. Madras Presidency Association

Established by Kesava Pillai and E. V. Ramasamy
It  was a non-bhramins faction within the Congress
Later Kesave Pillai joined Justice Party

17. Justice Party

Founded in opposition to the Brahmin's control over govt's jobs and legislative positions
Founded by C. N. Mudaliar and co-founded by T. M. Nair and P. Theagaraya Chetty

18. Self-Respect Movement

Started by E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker

19. Indian Social Conference

Founded by M.G. Ranade and Raghunath Rao
Met annually from its first session in Madras in 1887 at the same time and venue as the Indian
National Congress
It could be called the social reform cell of the Indian National Congress
It launched the ‘Pledge Movement’

20. Wahabi Movement

Sayyid Ahmed Barelvi was the founder of the movement
Initially the movement was directed at the Sikhs in Punjab but after the British annexation of
Initially, the movement was directed at the Sikhs in Punjab but after the British annexation of
Punjab (1849), the movement was directed against the British

21. Faraizi Movement

Founded by Haji Shariatullah in 1818

22. The Theosophical Movement

H.P. Blavatsky and Colonel M.S. Olcott founded Theosophical Society in New York City in the year
It opposed child marriage and advocate the abolition of caste discrimination, uplift of outcastes,
improvement in the condition of widows
Annie Besant was elected as its president

Modern Nationalism in India

Lytton's Reactionary Policies(1876-70)

Reduction in maximum age for I.C.S. from 21 to 18 (1876)
Grand Delhi Darbar (1887) in the midst of great famine which took more than 10 million lives in India
Vernacular Press Act (1878)
Arms Act (1878) (Indians could not keep unlicensed arms whereas English could)

Political Associations before Congress

1. Bengal 1. Bangabhasha
Prakashika Sabha (1836)
(Associates of Raja
Rammohan Roy)
2. Landholder's Society
(1838) (Dwarkanath
3. Bengal British India
Society (1843) (William
4. British India Association
(1851) (Merger of 2nd
and 3rd)
5. The East India
Association (1866)
(Dadabhai Naoroji)
6. The Indian League
(1875) (Sisir Kumar
7. The Indian Association
of Calcutta (also known
as the Indian National
Association) (1878)
(Surandranath Banerjee
and Ananda Mohan Bose)

2. Bombay 1. Bombay Association

(1852) (Jaganath
Shankar Sheth)
2. Poona sarvajanik Sabha
(1876) (Mahadev Govind
Ranade, Ganesh
Vasudev Joshi, S. H.
3. Bombay Presidency
Association (1885)
(Badrudin Tyabji,
Pherozshah Mehta, K. T.

3. Madras 1. Madras  Native

Association (1852)
(Gazulu Lakshminarasu
2. Madras Mahajan Sabha
(1885) (M.
Veeraraghavachariar, G.
Subramania Iyer and P.

4. London 1. National Indian

Association (1867) (Mary
2. Indian Society (1872)
(Anand Mohan Bose)

Indian National Congress
First session at Bombay in the year 1885
The first session was presided by Womesh Chandra Banerjee
William Wedderburn was the first English president of INC (1889 session of Bombay)
The Imperial Legislative Council was constituted by the Indian Councils Act (1861)
e pe al eg slat e Cou c l as co st tuted by t e d a Cou c ls ct ( 86 )
Dadabhai Naoroji (1904), Gopal Krishna Gokhale (1905) and Lokmanya Tilak (1906) demanded
self-government on the lines of the self-governing colonies of Canada and Australia
United Indian Patriotic Association was founded by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Raja Shiv Prasad
Singh to counter the INC

Indian National Movement (1905-18)
The Extremists of today will be the Moderates of tomorrow, just as the Moderates of today were the
Extremists of yesterday- Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Reactionary policies of Lord Curzon (1899-1905)

Calcutta Corporation Act (1899)- Reduced the number of elected members and increased the
number of offical members, thereby giving british a majority
Official Secrets Act (1904)
The Indian Universities Act (1904)- Brought all the universities in India under the control of the
Partition of Bengal (1905)

Partion of Bengal
Bengal united is a power. Bengal divided will pull in several different ways........ One of our main
objects is to split up and thereby to weaken a solid body of opponents to our rule -Risley (home
secretary to the Government of India, 1904)
On August 7, 1905, Swadeshi and Boycott Movement was launched from the Calcutta Townhall
G.K. Gokhale presided over 1905 Congress session which held in Banaras. INC condemned Partion
of Bengal and supported anti-partiton and Swadeshi movement.
Dadabhai Naoroji (presided)demanded for self-govenment or Swaraj in the Congress's 1906
session held at Calcutta
“Political freedom is the lifebreath of a nation” - Aurobindo Ghosh
Nawab Salimullah of Dacca, supported the partition

Militant Nationalism
Swadesh Bandhab Samiti (Barisal) - Ashwini Kumar Dutt
Swadeshi Sangam (Tamil Nadu)- V.O. Chidambaram Pillai, Subramania Siva

On August 15, 1906, National Council of Education was set up to organise a system of education—
literary, scientific and technical in support to the Swadeshi or National Education
Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company (Tuticorin)- V.O. Chidambaram Pillai
Sudesha Geetham was written by Subramania Bharati
Nandalal Bose was the first recipient of a scholarship offered by the Indian Society of Oriental Art,
founded in 1907
All India Muslim League was founded on December 30, 1905 as an anti- Congress front
Strike of workers in the East Indian Railway(1906), resulted in the formation of a Railwaymen’s Union
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Subramania Siva and Chidambaram Pillai led strikes in Tuticorin and Tirunelveli in a foreign-
owned cotton mill
In Rawalpindi (Punjab), the arsenal and railway workers went on strike led by Lala Lajpat Rai and
Ajit Singh
Movement was not able to garner support of the Muslims, especially the Muslim peasantry

Lord Hardings anuuled the Partition of Bengal in 1911

The Surat Split

1905( Banaras)- Extremist wanted Swadesi and Boycott moevemnt to extend throughout the country
1906(Calcutta)- Extremist wanted Tilak or Lala Lajpat Rai as the president, moderates wanted
Dadabhai Naoroji as president.
1907(Surat)- Extremists wanted session to held in Nagpur with Tilak or Lajpat Rai as president,
moderates wanted session at Surat and Rashbehari Ghosh as president

Muzaffarpur Bombing (30 April, 1908)

Carried out by Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki
Prafulla Chaki commited suicide and Khudiram Bose got arrested after failed attempt to kill the
Muzaffarpur's magistrate resulting in the killing of 2 English women

Chittagong Armoury Raid (18 April, 1930)

Carried out by Surya Sen, Anant Singh, Ganesh Ghosh and Lokenath Baul
Surya Sen was a great admirer of Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam

Morley-Minto Reforms (1909)

Simla Deputation led by Agha Khan demanded for seperate electorates for the Muslims
Satyendra Sinha was the first Indian to be appointed in Viceroy's executive council in 1909

Hindu Mahasabha (1915)

Hindu Mahasabha was founded in response to the All India Muslim League to protect the Hindu
interests in 1915 by Madan Mohan Malaviya. First conference held at Haridwar
Hindu mahasabha did not participate in Civil Disobedience movement (1930) and the Quit India
movement (1942)

First Phase of Revolutionary Activities (1907-1917)
Anushilan Samiti- Aurobindo Ghosh, Jatindranath Banerjee, Barindra Kumar Ghosh
Dacca Anushilan Samiti- Pulin Behari Das
Yugantar(magazine)- Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Bhupendranath Dutta
Yugantar (Organisation)- Bagha Jatin, Surya Sen, Pritilata Waddedar, Mohit Moitra, Aurobindo Ghosh
India Home Rule Society (1905) (London)- Shyamji Krishna Varma

Rashbehari Bose and Sachin Sanyal had organised a secret society

Delhi Conspiracy Case (1912)
Assasination attempt on Lord Hardinge, the then Viceroy of India
Rashbehari Bose and Sachin Sanyal were included

Ramosi Peasant Force- Vasudev Balwant Phadke

Mitra Mela (Secret society)- Savarkar
Abhinav Bharat- Savarkar
Anjuman-i-Mohisban-i-Watan- Ajit Singh

Ghadar Movement (1913)

Lala Hardayal, Bhai Parmanand, Sohan Singh Bakna, Tarak Nath Das
Based in San Francisco
To carry out revolutionary activities, the earlier activists had set up a ‘Swadesh Sevak Home’ at
Vancouver and ‘United India House’ at Seattle
Their plans were encouraged by two events in 1914—the Komagata Maru incident and the outbreak
of the First World War
Defence of India Act passed in March 1915 primarily to smash the Ghadr movement

Berlin Committee for Indian Independence (1915) by Virendranath Chattopadhyay,

Bhupendranath Dutta, Lala Hardayal
Singapore mutiny (1915) was led by Jamadar Chisti Khan, Jamadar Abdul Gani and Subedar
Daud Khan

First World War and Indian Nationalism
Moderated and Extremists both supported British participation in WW1

Home Rule League Movement

Indian response to the WW1
Prominent leaders- Balgangadhar Tilak, Annie Besant, G.S. Khaparde, Sir S. Subramania Iyer, Joseph
Baptista and Mohammad Ali Jinnah
They felt necessary to have a national alliance that would work throughout the year
Annie Besant's newspapers- New India and Commonweal
Tilak's Indian Home Rule League (April 1916) followed by Besant's All India Home Rule League
(September 1916)
Indian Home Rule League- First session at Belgaum, headquater at Poona
All India Home Rule league- Headquarter at Madras
Mohammad Ali Jinah joined Besant's League
Sir S. Subramaniya Aiyar renounced his knighthood in response to Besant and her associates's
arrest in 1917
“Shiva ...cut his wife into fifty-two pieces only to discover that he had fifty-two wives. This is what
happens to the Government of India when it interns Mrs Besant.”- Montagu
From prison in Mandalay, Tilok wrote Gita Rahsya
In 1920, M.G. Gandhi was elected as president and League was renamed as Swarajya Sabha and in
1921 merged into INC

Lucknow session  of Congress (1916)

Presided by Ambika Charan Majumdar
Extremists were included in Congress
Lucknow Pact - INC and Muslim League agreed on the sepearate electorates for Hindus and Muslims

Montford Reforms/ Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms/ GoI Act (1919)

Dyarchy (Executive councillors and ministers) was introduced
Provincial subjects divided into 'reserved' and 'transfered'
Bicameral system was introduced at the Central govt.
Secretary of State for India was henceforth to be paid out of the British exchequer
"The Montford Reforms...were only a method of further draining India of her wealth and of prolonging
her servitude"- Gandhi
Annie Besant termed the reforms as “unworthy of England to offer and India to accept”

Making of Gandhi
Set up Indian Natal Congress and started paper Indian Opinion in South Africa

Champaran Satyagraha (1917)

Requested by Rajkumar Shukla
Gandhi was escorted by Rajendra Prasad, Narayan Sinha, Mahadeo Desai, and J.B. Kripalani

Ahmedabad Mill Strike (1918)

Tribunal set up and mill worker's were awarde with 35% wage hike
Anusuya Behn formed the Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association in 1920

Kheda Satyagraha (1918)

Prominient leaders- Vallabhbhai Patel,Narahari Parikh, Mohanlal Pandya and Ravi Shankar Vyas

Rowlatt Act (1919)

Activists could be deported or imprisoned without trial for two years
All the elected Indian members of the Imperial Legislative Council—who included Mohammed Ali
Jinnah, Madan Mohan Malaviya and Mazhar Ul Haq – resigned in protest.
The law of habeas corpus, the basis of civil liberty, was sought to be suspended
Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood in response to the Jallianwala Massacre
Gandhi gave up the title of Kaiser-i-Hind
Hunter Commission was formed to investigate the matter. Commission justified the Dyer's firing at
the mob.
INC formed it own enquiry committee consisted of Motilal Nehru, C.R. Das, Abbas Tyabji, M.R.
Jayakar and Gandhi
Jayakar and Gandhi

Non- Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Andolan

All India Khilafat Conference held in Delhi in November 1919
Gandhi was the president of the All India Khilafat Committee
Special Session at Calcutta of Congress of 1920 approved the Non- Cooperation Programme

Nagpur session  of Congress (1920)

INC decided to have the attainment of swaraj through peaceful and legitimate means instead of
constitutional means
Jinah, Besant left congress as they believed in constitutional means
Surendranath Banerjee founded Indian National Liberation Federation

Famous movements during NC Movement

Eka Movement- Awadh
Moplah movement- Malabar region (Kerala)
Awadh Kisan Sabha- Awadh

Ahmedabad session of Congress (1921)

C.R. Das presided the session while being in the jail

Gaya session of Congress (1922)

Presided by C.R. Das
C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru resigned and founded Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party or simply
Swarajist Party

Belgaum session of Congress (1924)

Presided by Gandhi
Congress agreed that Swarajists would work in the councils as an integral part of the Congress

All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was founded by Lala Lajpat Rai, Joseph Baptista, N. M.
Joshi, Diwan Chaman Lall  in 1920
Lala Lajpat Rai was the first president

Revolutionary Activities during 1920s

1. Kakori Train Robery (1925)

Ashfaqulla Khan, Ramprasad Bismil, Roshan Singh and Rajendra Lahiri were hanged
Lord Irwin(1926-1931) was the Viceroy at the incident

2. Hindustan Republic Association(HRA)

Founded by Sachin Saniyal, Jogesh Chaterjee , Ram Prasad Bismil and others.
Under the leadership of Chandra Shekhar Azad, the name of HRA was changed to Hindustan
Socialist Republican Association (HSRA)

3. Central Legislative Assembly Bombing Case (1929)

Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt were asked to throw the bomb
Protest against the passage of the Public Safety Bill and Trade Disputes Bill
Jatin Das died on a hunger strike in Lahore jail

4. Revolutionaries in Bengal
Pritilata Waddedar
Kalpana Dutt (Hanged with Surya Sen)
Santi Ghosh and Suniti Chandheri (Shot dead the distt. magistrate)
Bina Das (fired point blank at the governor while receiving her degree at the convocation)

The Philosophy of the Bomb written by Bhagwaticharan Vohra

Bhagat Singh helped establish the Punjab Naujawan Bharat Sabha (1926)

Simon Commision and Nehru report
Stanley Baldwin was the PM of Britain and Lord Irwin was the viceroy

Madras session of congress (1927)

INC decided to boycott the commission "at every stage and in every form"
Congress passed a resolution as complete independence its goal
League has 2 sessions in 1927. One under Jinah at Calcutta and other under Muhammad Shafi in
Lahore. Lahore session of the League supported the govt on the  Simon Commission.
Justice Party in Madras decided not to oppose the comm.

Simon Commission
Recommended the abolition of dyarchy and est. of representative govt in the provinces
Number of provincial legis. council members should be increased
Rejected parliamentary responsibility at the centre
Government of India would have complete control over the high court
Separate communal electorates be retained
Burma should be separated from India because it was not a natural part of the Indian subcontinent
Dr Ambedkar and Periyar E V Ramaswamy supported the Commission.

Nehru Report
All Parties Conference met in Bombay in 1928.
Sub-committee was set up to draft the constitution.
Chairman- Motilal Nehru
Members- Tej Bahadur Sapru, Subhash Bose, M.S. Aney, Mangal Singh, Ali Imam, Shuab Qureshi and
G.R. Pradhan
Dominion state and not complete independence
Rejection of seperate electorates instead seats reserved for Muslims in Centre and Provinces where
they are in minority
Linguistic provinces
Fundamental Rights
Responsible govt at the Centre and in Provinces

J. L. Nehru and S.C. Bose were angered by Nehru's report and set up Independence for India

Civil Disobedience and RT Conferences
Bardoli Satyagraha
Against increased 25% taxes on crops during famine of 1925
Farmers invited Vallabhai Patel
K M Munshi and Lalji Naranji resigned from the Bombay Legislative Council
Maxwell-Broomfield commission was set up by govt to look into the matter
Gandhi gave Patel 'Sardar' title

Lahore  session of Congress (1929)

Presided by Jawaharlal Nehru
Resolution of Purna Swaraj was accepted
Civil Disobedience Movement to be launched for complete independence
Congress decide to boycott RT Conference and English refused to initiate the procedure for the
Dominion status to India in the RTC
26 January to be observed as independence day

Salt Law Disobedience

C. Rajagopalachari- march from Thiruchirapalli (Tamil Nadu)
K. Kelappan- Malabar. He also started Vaikom Satyagraha against untouchability
Gopalbandhu Chaudhuri- Orrisa

Gaffar Khan, also called Badshah Khan and Frontier Gandhi

Rani Gaidinliu- Manipur and Nagaland

Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931)

Gandhi agreed to end the Civil Disobedience Movement
Government agreed to release all the prisioners who were facing non-voilence charges
INC to participate in the 2nd RT Conference

"India is one vast prison-house. I repudiate this law"- Gandhi

Karachi session of Congress (March 1931)
Presided by Vallabhbhai Patel
INC session endorsed the Gandhi- Irwin Pact
Two resolutions were adopted—one on Fundamental Rights and the other on National Economic

Round Table Conferences

1. 1st RTC
Between November 1930 and Jan 1931
Ramsay MacDonald chaired
INC did not attend the conference
It was supported by Muslim League, Hindu Mahasabha, Indian Princes and some others

2. 2nd RTC
Congress in its Karacha session of 1931 decided to approve the Gandhi-Irwin agreement and to
praticipate in the 2nd RTC
Gandhi, A. Rangaswami Iyengar and Madan Mohan Malaviya from INC attended RTC
Lord Willingdon(April 1931- April 1936) took over the charge as Viceroy of India
Federal Finance (Percy) Committee, Indian Franchise (Lothian) Committee and Indian States
Enquiry (Davidson) Committee were formed

3. 3rd RTC
Did not attend by INC

Communal Award and Poona Pact

CA was awarded (1932) by PM Ramsay MacDonald on the findings of the Indian Franchise
Committee (Lothian Committee)
Established separate electorates and reserved seats for minorities, including the depressed classes
INC neither accepted nor rejected it
Poona Pact (1932) was signed by Ambedkar on the behalf of depressed classes
Acc. to PP seats in the provincial leg. councils for depressed classes were increased from 71 to 147

Gandhi resigned from INC in 1934

Congress socialist Party (1934)

Founded by Jai Prakash Narayan and Acharya Narendra Dev
The first All-India congress socialists’ conference held at Patna under presidentship of Acharya
Narendra Dev
First president of All India Congress Socialist Party was Sampurnananda

GOI Act, 1935

An All India Federation
Provincial autonomy in the provinces replaced dyarchy
Women got the voting rights
Congress opposed
Hindu Mahasabha and National Liberation Foundation supported

Final Stage and Partition (1939-47)

Tripuri session of Congress (1939)

Presided by Bose
Bose wanted immediate mass Civil Disobedience Movement whereas Gandhi felt it was not the ideal
time to launch a national movement
Bose resigned from the President post and formed Forward Block
Rajendra Prasad elected as new President

Gandhi supported British war efforts in WW 2

August Offer (1940)

Linlithgow was the Viceroy (1936-43)

Dominion status to India after war
Majority of Indians in Viceroy's executive council
Veto to the minority on the issue of adopton and changes of the constitution

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