Haematology Mcqs For Diploma: Choose The Correct Answer From A - E
Haematology Mcqs For Diploma: Choose The Correct Answer From A - E
Haematology Mcqs For Diploma: Choose The Correct Answer From A - E
a) MCH
c) MCV
d) PCV
e) Hct
5The leucocyte responsible for parasite infection and allergic reaction is:
a) Lymphocyte
b) Monocyte
c) Basophil
d) Eosinophil
e) Neutrophil
a) Cuvette
b) Light source
c) Photo sensor and analyzer
d) Fuel source
e) filter
7 Which of these cells exhibit the following features with Romanowsky stain; 2 – 3 lobes violet
or pinkish granules:
a) Neutrophil
b) Lymphocyte
c) Monocyte
d) Basophil
e) Eosinophil
8 The type of WBC that often arrives at the site of infection first is a granulocyte and contains
granules that stain light purple is a:
a) Macrocyte
b) Basophil
c) Eosinophil
d) Neutrophil
e) Monocyte
9 The largest cells in the blood that leave the blood stream to become macrophages are the:
a) Eosinophils
b) Large lymphocyte
c) Neutrophils
d) Monocytes
e) Basophils
11 A person with blood type AB would have the following antigens on the RBCs:
a) A and B
b) Neither A nor B
c) Only A
d) Only B
e) None of the above
a) Platelets
b) Neutrophil
c) Eosinophil
d) Erythrocyte
e) Lymphocyte
a) Whole blood
b) Haematocrit
c) Plasma
d) Serum
e) Clotted blood
a) 120 days
b) 240 days
c) 10 days
d) 365 days
e) 90 days
15 A skin puncture should not be done instead of a venipuncture in one of the following
b) Sodium citrate
c) Sodium fluoride
d) Lithium heparin
e) Sodium oxalate
a) Leishman
b) Jenners
c) Giemsa
d) Wrights
e) Mason Fontana
a) 21 days
b) 28 days
c) 35 days
d) 42 days
e) 120 days
20 A smear that is prepared from equal parts of methylene blue and whole blood will be used
a) WBC count
b) Platelet count
c) RBC count
d) Reticulocyte count
e) Trophozoeite count
a) 8.5%
b) 0.85%
c) 85%
d) 0.6%
e) 1 molar
24 This cell is the precursor of platelet and is commonly found in the bone marrow:
a) Myelocyte
b) Metamyelocyte
c) Metakaryocyte
d) Megakaryocyte
e) Erythroblast
a) Vertebrae
b) Skull
c) Proximal end of long bone
d) Ribs
e) All of the above
26 A simple check which can be employed to verify that haemoglobin and haematocrit values
match would be:
a) Hct × 3 = Hb
b) Hb ×3 = Hct
c) Hct × Hb = 3
d) Hb + 3 = Hct
e) Hb + Hct = 3
a) 18
b) 20
c) 21
d) 22
e) 23
a) Hct
b) Retic count
c) ESR
d) WBC count
e) Differential count
31 The tourniquet should not be left on the patient for more than:
a) Two minutes
b) One minute
c) A takes to find the vein
d) Three minutes
e) Ten minutes
33 You need help locating the patient’s vein. Which of the following will best provide that
a) Transport of hormones
b) Maintenance of red cell size
c) Transport of chylomicrons
d) Transport of antibodies
e) Transport of O2
37 Which of the following gathers, organizes and directs light through the specimen?
a) Ocular
b) Objective lens
c) Condenser
d) Optical Tub
e) stage
38 The test that is used to measure the oxygen carrying capacity of RBCs is the:
a) CBC
b) Hct
c) ESR
d) Hgb
e) MCV
40When the power of ocular lens is 10× and objective lens is 20×, the magnification is:
a) 30 times
b) 20 times
c) 200 times
d) 2000 times
e) 100 times
a) mg/L
b) g/dl
c) mmol/L
d) ml/dl
e) g/mmol
43 A “TC” pipette is
a) 100
b) 30
c) 1000
d) 300
e) 103
a) Sodium fluoride
c) Heparin
d) Sodium citrate
e) Potassium oxalate
a) Crossmatch
b) Group and Rh
c) Reticulocyte count
d) Coombs test
e) ABO testing
47 A volumetric pipette:
a) Gives critical measurement
b) Is made of class A standards
c) Has a bulged out portion in the middle
d) Is calibrated to deliver (TD)
e) All of the above.
a) Drabkins solution
b) Gentian violet
c) Crystal violet
d) 3% acetic acid solution tinged with gentian violet
e) 1% HCl solution tinged with iodine
a) Sodium bicarbonate
b) Potassium ferricyanide
c) Potassium cyanide
d) Potassium ferrocyanide
e) Distilled water
a) 310 nm
b) 520 nm
c) 450 nm
d) 540 nm
e) 600 nm
1 B 11 A 21 B 31 B 41 B
2 B 12 D 22 A 32 C 42 B
3 C 13 C 23 A 33 C 43 E
4 E 14 A 24 D 34 E 44 C
5 E 15 C 25 E 35 B 45 C
6 D 16 A 26 B 36 C 46 C
7 A 17 C 27 C 37 C 47 E
8 D 18 E 28 E 38 D 48 D
9 D 19 C 29 B 39 C 49 D
10 C 20 D 30 C 40 C 50 D