Haematology Mcqs For Diploma: Choose The Correct Answer From A - E

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1 Which of these may be a cause of precipitate on a Leishman stained smear?

a) Over washing of the slide

b) Unclean slide
c) Adding too much buffer
d) Incorrect pH of the stain
e) Using distilled water instead of a buffer

2 Which of the following statements about Leishman stain is correct?

a) It requires prefixation of the slides

b) It is a true Romanowsky stain
c) It contains crystal violet
d) It is a supra-vital stain
e) It is a vital stain

3 In red cell indices, the determination of relative size of RBC is called:

a) MCH
c) MCV
d) PCV
e) Hct


a) All originate from the bone marrow after birth

b) Are unaffected by hormones
c) Convert to monocytes in response to antigens
d) Interact with eosinophils to produce platelets
e) Are part of the body’s defense against cancer

5The leucocyte responsible for parasite infection and allergic reaction is:
a) Lymphocyte
b) Monocyte
c) Basophil
d) Eosinophil
e) Neutrophil

6 Which of these is not found in colorimeter?

a) Cuvette
b) Light source
c) Photo sensor and analyzer
d) Fuel source
e) filter

7 Which of these cells exhibit the following features with Romanowsky stain; 2 – 3 lobes violet
or pinkish granules:

a) Neutrophil
b) Lymphocyte
c) Monocyte
d) Basophil
e) Eosinophil

8 The type of WBC that often arrives at the site of infection first is a granulocyte and contains
granules that stain light purple is a:

a) Macrocyte
b) Basophil
c) Eosinophil
d) Neutrophil
e) Monocyte

9 The largest cells in the blood that leave the blood stream to become macrophages are the:

a) Eosinophils
b) Large lymphocyte
c) Neutrophils
d) Monocytes
e) Basophils

10 Choose the correct order during haemostasis:

a) Blood coagulation, platelet plug, vessel wall spasm
b) Platelet plug, blood coagulation, vessel wall spasm
c) Vessel wall spasm, platelet plug, coagulation
d) Vessel wall spasm, coagulation platelet plug
e) Coagulation, vessel spasm platelet plug.

11 A person with blood type AB would have the following antigens on the RBCs:

a) A and B
b) Neither A nor B
c) Only A
d) Only B
e) None of the above

12 One of these blood cells can be described as being biconcave disc:

a) Platelets
b) Neutrophil
c) Eosinophil
d) Erythrocyte
e) Lymphocyte

13 The liquid portion of blood is reffered to as:

a) Whole blood
b) Haematocrit
c) Plasma
d) Serum
e) Clotted blood

14 What is the average life span of the RBC?

a) 120 days
b) 240 days
c) 10 days
d) 365 days
e) 90 days

15 A skin puncture should not be done instead of a venipuncture in one of the following

a) A child younger than 1 year

b) A patient with difficult vein
c) When a performing a coagulation test
d) When small volume of blood is needed
e) When only thick film is requested

16 Which of the following anticoagulants is mostly used for routine haematology?

b) Sodium citrate
c) Sodium fluoride
d) Lithium heparin
e) Sodium oxalate

17A haematocrit of 41% means that in the sample of blood analyzed

a) 41% of the hemoglobin is in the plasma

b) . 4l% of the total blood volume is made up of blood plasma
c) 4l% of the total blood volume is made up of red and white blood cells and platelets
d) 4l% of the hemoglobin is in red blood cells
e) 4l% of the formed elements in blood are red blood cells

18 All are Romanowsky stains except

a) Leishman
b) Jenners
c) Giemsa
d) Wrights
e) Mason Fontana

19 How many days can blood be stored with CPDA?

a) 21 days
b) 28 days
c) 35 days
d) 42 days
e) 120 days

20 A smear that is prepared from equal parts of methylene blue and whole blood will be used

a) WBC count
b) Platelet count
c) RBC count
d) Reticulocyte count
e) Trophozoeite count

21 The concentration of sodium chloride in isotonic solution is:

a) 8.5%
b) 0.85%
c) 85%
d) 0.6%
e) 1 molar

22 MCV is calculated using which of the following parameters?

a) Hgb and RBC count

b) RBC histogram
c) RBC count and Hct
d) RBC count and MCHC
e) MCH and Hb

23 Detection of malaria parasites is by:

a) Thick blood film preparation

b) Erythrocyte sedimentation method
c) Brilliant cresyl blue preparation
d) Methylene blue preparation
e) Staining white blood cells

24 This cell is the precursor of platelet and is commonly found in the bone marrow:

a) Myelocyte
b) Metamyelocyte
c) Metakaryocyte
d) Megakaryocyte
e) Erythroblast

25 In adults haemopoeisis occur in

a) Vertebrae
b) Skull
c) Proximal end of long bone
d) Ribs
e) All of the above

26 A simple check which can be employed to verify that haemoglobin and haematocrit values
match would be:

a) Hct × 3 = Hb
b) Hb ×3 = Hct
c) Hct × Hb = 3
d) Hb + 3 = Hct
e) Hb + Hct = 3

27 .In normal human blood

a) The eosinophil is the most common type of white blood cell

b) There are more lymphocytes than neutrophils
c) The iron is mostly in hemoglobin
d) There are more white cells than red cells
e) There are more platelets than red cells

28 Which needle gauge corresponds with the smallest needle size?

a) 18
b) 20
c) 21
d) 22
e) 23

29 The tourniquet is:

a) Applied very tight to the arm

b) Used to increase venous fill
c) Applied 6 – 8 inches above the elbow
d) Tied in a knot to keep it on securely
e) Released after the needle is withdrawn

30 The test procedure that uses a Westergren tube is:

a) Hct
b) Retic count
c) ESR
d) WBC count
e) Differential count
31 The tourniquet should not be left on the patient for more than:

a) Two minutes
b) One minute
c) A takes to find the vein
d) Three minutes
e) Ten minutes

32 Which of the following statements about tourniquets is correct?

a) A tourniquet is used to stop the blood flood to the venipuncture site

b) A tourniquet makes it easier to feel, or palpate the vein when the tourniquet is placed
tightly above the site.
c) A tourniquet is applied three of four inches above the venipuncture site
d) The tourniquet should gently pinch the patients skin
e) None of the above

33 You need help locating the patient’s vein. Which of the following will best provide that

a) Place the patient in a supine position

b) Ask the patient to tell you where the best vein is.
c) Hyperextend the patients’ elbow slightly
d) Get another phlebotomist to assist you
e) Put the patients hand into ice water

34Which of the following is not primarily a function of blood plasma?

a) Transport of hormones
b) Maintenance of red cell size
c) Transport of chylomicrons
d) Transport of antibodies
e) Transport of O2

35 The most common cause of needle prick is

a) Patient movement during venipuncture

b) Improper disposal of phlebotomy equipment
c) Inattention during removal of needle after venipuncture
d) Failure to attach needle firmly to tube holder
e) Refusal to wear lab coat

36 The test that counts immature RBCs is the:

a) Osmotic fragility test
b) Differential white cell count
c) Reticulocyte count
d) RBC count
e) Stab cell count

37 Which of the following gathers, organizes and directs light through the specimen?
a) Ocular
b) Objective lens
c) Condenser
d) Optical Tub
e) stage

38 The test that is used to measure the oxygen carrying capacity of RBCs is the:

a) CBC
b) Hct
c) ESR
d) Hgb
e) MCV

39 Which of these is NOT a composition of blood?

a) Leucocyte
b) Plasma
c) Latex
d) Albumin
e) platelet

40When the power of ocular lens is 10× and objective lens is 20×, the magnification is:
a) 30 times
b) 20 times
c) 200 times
d) 2000 times
e) 100 times

41The units for Hgb determination is:

a) mg/L
b) g/dl
c) mmol/L
d) ml/dl
e) g/mmol

42 Which factor may cause a blood smear to be too thin?

a) the angle of the spreader is too high

b) the edge of the spreader is cracked
c) the smear is too slowly
d) the angle of the spreader is too low
e) a dirty spreader is used

43 A “TC” pipette is

a) allowed to drain freely

b) marked with a double ring at the mouthpiece
c) used for toxic and corrosive liquids
d) emptied forcibly with a safety
e) rinsed out after delivery

44 The notation 10 to the power 3 means:

a) 100
b) 30
c) 1000
d) 300
e) 103

45 The anticoagulant in a green vaccutainer is:

a) Sodium fluoride
c) Heparin
d) Sodium citrate
e) Potassium oxalate

46 All of these tests are performed in the immunohaematology lab except:

a) Crossmatch
b) Group and Rh
c) Reticulocyte count
d) Coombs test
e) ABO testing

47 A volumetric pipette:
a) Gives critical measurement
b) Is made of class A standards
c) Has a bulged out portion in the middle
d) Is calibrated to deliver (TD)
e) All of the above.

48 one of these solutions is used as WBC diluting fluid:

a) Drabkins solution
b) Gentian violet
c) Crystal violet
d) 3% acetic acid solution tinged with gentian violet
e) 1% HCl solution tinged with iodine

49 One of these is not a component of Drabkins solution:

a) Sodium bicarbonate
b) Potassium ferricyanide
c) Potassium cyanide
d) Potassium ferrocyanide
e) Distilled water

50 in the estimation of Hb in the colorimeter, the correct wavelength is

a) 310 nm
b) 520 nm
c) 450 nm
d) 540 nm
e) 600 nm
1 B 11 A 21 B 31 B 41 B
2 B 12 D 22 A 32 C 42 B
3 C 13 C 23 A 33 C 43 E
4 E 14 A 24 D 34 E 44 C
5 E 15 C 25 E 35 B 45 C
6 D 16 A 26 B 36 C 46 C
7 A 17 C 27 C 37 C 47 E
8 D 18 E 28 E 38 D 48 D
9 D 19 C 29 B 39 C 49 D
10 C 20 D 30 C 40 C 50 D

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