Color Fundamentals and Color Perception: Book One of Color Management
Color Fundamentals and Color Perception: Book One of Color Management
Color Fundamentals and Color Perception: Book One of Color Management
What is color?
We live in a world rich in sensory experiences – sight,
smell, taste, touch – which we are continuously sampling.
Our visual system is an amazing tool. Using our ability to
detect both subtle and large color differences, we process
and discriminate millions of different colors. It is the basis
for learning the shape, size and arrangement of objects
in our world and we rely on it to successfully navigate our
Our perception of color is not created at the moment
of vision. Our experience of color is created through
the exchange of information between the eye and the
brain. The brain receives the sensory input from the
receptors in the eye, and processes that information by
applying a highly complex classification system. This is an
instantaneous and ongoing process.
The colors of objects We also know that our color vision acuity depends upon
The objects in our world obtain their color by absorbing the overall illumination level. In full daylight, the cones
various rays and reflecting others (depending on the and the rods work together and produce a detailed
material). Water, for example, absorbs long-wavelength picture of the scene we are viewing – both color and
light much better than short-wavelength light. The red part lightness levels. As the light fades only the rods receive
of the sunlight is therefore already absorbed after a just a sufficient stimulation, and the perception of color
few metres under water. Going deeper, the orange, yellow becomes increasingly limited. As the overall lighting level
and green colored parts disappear one after another. The decreases we can only see shadows and shapes, but we
blue light, on the other hand, is absorbed the least and no longer see color.
reflected the most, so consequently it is reflected to the Understanding the physics of color vision made it possible
surface – and that is why our seas are blue. Nature's rich to develop a method for measuring the response of the
color spectrum is therefore nothing other than differently eye to color stimulus.
absorbed and reflected components of our sunlight.
When we see color, we are basically seeing colored
light that previously took a detour over the surface of an
object. Eye and brain - a good team
Therefore, color is not simply there. It is generated only
at the moment of vision. Our perception of color is
composed from the cooperation between the eyes and
The Visual System the brain. The brain receives and processes the impulses
Our eyes contain two types of cells, or photoreceptors, of light and lightness according to a highly complex
which are responsible for our experience of color. They classification system, better than any computer in the
are located in the retina. world. Every moment, our vision is continuously processed
Rods are sensitive to overall lightness intensity, and and interpreted anew, and so we can perceive colors.
they do not detect color. If rods were the only type
of receptors present in our retina, we would live in a
black-and-white world.
Cones are responsible for our color vision. There are
three different types of cones. Each type is sensitive to
a different wavelength range, which corresponds to
red, green and blue.
Chapter 01 | Introduction 02
03 Datacolor | Color and color measurement
Chapter 2