What Are The 4 Main Gospels

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What are the 4 main Gospels?

The four gospels that we find in the New Testament, are of course, Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and John. The first three of these are usually referred to as the "synoptic
gospels," because they look at things in a similar way, or they are similar in the way
that they tell the story.

The four Gospels are neither histories of the life of Christ nor biographies. They are portraits
of the person and work of the long promised Messiah, Israel’s King and the world’s Savior.
As portraits they present four different poses of one unique personality.
Matthew by the Holy Spirit presents Christ as King, Mark as Servant, Luke as Man, and
John as God. Although featuring Christ as King, Matthew sketches His role as a King in
closest connection with His character as Servant, as Man, and as God (Matthew 13:53-
19:30). Likewise, although featuring Him as Servant, Mark depicts Christ’s servant role in
closest connection with His character as King, Man and God (Mark 11:1-16:1-8).

Similarly Luke focuses the spotlight on Christ as Man and John as God, but like other
evangelists, they do not separate Him from His full-orbed character (Luke 4:14-9:50, John
1:19- 2:50). The four Gospels narrate, largely, the same things, but with some differences.
Only Matthew and Luke tell of the Birth and childhood of Jesus (Matthew 1:14-9:1, Luke
1:5-4:13). Matthew and Mark dwell on the Galilean Ministry; Luke, the Perean; John, the
Judean. John omits most of the Galilean Ministry and records visits to Jerusalem that the
others omit (Luke 9:51-19:27).
The others omit the Judean Ministry, except the Last Week, which all four cover rather
extensively. The Last Week occupies one-third of Matthew, approximately one-third of
Mark, one-quarter of Luke, and one-half of John. John devotes seven chapters, about one-
third of his book, to Crucifixion Day, sunset to sunset. Thus all four writers present the one
and same Person: the God-Man, Servant of the Lord, King of Israel, humanity’s Redeemer.
The special emphasis of Matthew is that Jesus is the Messiah foretold by Old Testament
Prophets. As he quotes from the Old Testament repeatedly, he seems to have had Jewish
readers in mind. Mark’s special emphasis is the Superhuman power of Jesus, by
demonstrating His Deity by His Miracles (Mark 1:14-9:1). Omits most of Jesus’ lectures.
Narrates things Jesus did rather than things Jesus said.

Seems to have had Gentile readers in mind. Luke’s special emphasis is the humanity of
Jesus. Representing Jesus as the Son of God. Luke features His kindness toward the
weak, the suffering and the outcast (Luke 9:51-18:27). He seems to have had the Greeks,
who represented culture, philosophy and wisdom, in mind. John places special emphasis on
the Deity of Jesus. Consists mostly of Jesus’ lectures and conversations.
Discusses things Jesus said rather than things He did (John 1:1-18). By describing the
eternal pre-existence, human birth, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus the Christ
and His life and teachings, the four Gospels present a living, dynamic, unique personality.
God became man to work out man’s redemption from sin.
These four portraits present Him as Lord and Savior, rather than describing all He did and in
the precise order in which He did it. They introduce us to Him, rather than to His life as a
whole. The Gospels are designedly incomplete as a story but marvellously complete and
purposeful as a divine revelation of the Son of God, our Savior. And this is faith’s need. It is
also disbelief’s stumbling block.
National,”The Holy Bible”, Authorized (King James) Version. Philadelphia: The National
Bible Press (1963). Cambridge, “The New English Bible”, The New English Translation.
Cambridge: The University Press (1972).

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