Interpretation and Computer Assistance in John Cage'S Concert For Piano and ORCHESTRA (1957-58)
Interpretation and Computer Assistance in John Cage'S Concert For Piano and ORCHESTRA (1957-58)
Interpretation and Computer Assistance in John Cage'S Concert For Piano and ORCHESTRA (1957-58)
4.1.2. Indeterminacy
%λ e− λx ; x ≥ 0 (1)
f (x) = &
' 0 ; x < 0
λ : is the average density of events by length unity.
To implement this we did a javascript Max/MSP
Figure 10: Conductor’s interface € using the expression:
ln(σ ).−1 (2)
5.4.1. Cournot model of chance € δ (λ ) =
The first mean of calculus was based on a with σ being the result of a uniform random
“unintentional choice” modeling, based on a “Cournot variable between 0 and 1.
concept of chance”1, as an aid to the performer to avoid The third
€ way was using self-made distributions
intentional or conscious choices. From this point of using the <itable> Max/MSP object (Figure 11), where
view a sequence will be a combination, a juxtaposition € different curve shapes are investigated.
(a coincidence) of two independent and deterministic
values sequences. In our specific case, it means that a
computer calculated version would consist of a
sequence of events and a sequence of time positions.
Each one of these sequences will be calculated
For the events organization we used a “uniform
random choice” with or without event repetition
allowed, and for the time structure three methods:
1) A “uniform random choice” of time intervals
between the events (Times between events distributed
uniformly in the interval {Rand_min_time,
2) An “exponential random choice” of time intervals
between the events (Times between events distributed
according to exponential distribution of parameter
" λ ")
Figure 11: interface for building our own probability
3) A “random choice” of time intervals between the
events (According to a probability distribution function
built by the user with boundaries {Rand_min_time,
rand_max_time}) 5.4.2. Deviations and Variations
To determine the temporal positions of each cell we
It was clear to us that modeling the Concert, is a
based our calculations on time “between” the cells
pragmatic way to study and to try to understand the
rather that directly on the positions in time. This
Cage’s musical mind. It is why we propose to analyze
decision enabled us to model more efficiently and to
score calculus ways that are the complete opposite of the
take in account one of the main instructions of Cage
first one. Instead of generating an unpredictable score,
concerning the need for “silences” between the events
we try to determine one, using (if possible) all the
implicit information given by Cage. Our main purpose is
to try to answer the question “how far could we get away The “time” models
from Cage’s instructions without breaking the original
As a time model, we explored three ways. The first model”. How “intentionality” could change the score?
one was a single uniform stochastic distribution scaled How it could change the Aesthetic.
As for the first way of calculus, two main
« Les évènements amenés par la combinaison ou la rencontre dimensions were calculated: the punctual events order
de phénomènes qui appartiennent à des séries indépendantes,
and an events distribution in time.
dans l’ordre de la causalité, sont ce qu’on nomme des
évènements fortuits ou des résultats du hasard ». [12, p. 73
¶40] Ordering events according with a description vector ω [t ] = (ω0 [t ], ω1 [t ], ω2 [t ],..., ω10 [t ]) (6)
The instrumental parts of Concert give more elements to it is a weight vector. As distance functions we used
model. Looking closely at each event we have attached weighted Euclidian and Chebythchev distances.
it to a set of characteristics. For example in the
trombone part (also known as Solo for Sliding € 2
trombone) we identified: disteuclid ( p, q, ω ) = ∑( p − q )
i i * ωi (7)
1. Placement (position in the score staff) i=0
2. Nature of event (played normally, tuning slide
out, mouthpiece in bell, spit valve open, disteuclid ( p, q, ω ) = max( pi − qi * ωi ) (8)
without bell, without bell in jar, with slide
disconnected, conch, mouthpiece with mute,€ Obtaining, in this way, a sequence
and conch with mute) V = {V [0],V [1],V [2],...,V [n]} of V [t ] vectors
3. Pitch, represented as a MIDI pitch. (equation 4). From this sequence a symbol sequence
4. Head Size of notes (small, medium, or large)
S = {s0 , s1 , s1 ,..., sn } is obtained. Each sk being the
5. Dynamic profile (nothing, crescendo,
diminuendo, both) first dimension of the correspondent V [t ] vector
6. Articulation (nothing, breath, soft Tongue, hard (equation 5). €
7. Vibrato (with or without) € €
Chebythchev distance showed results where the vector
8. Formant (coloration of the sound when derived from equation 5 contains almost one parameter
sustained: nothing, fluttertongue, double and pi that corresponds to one of the parameters of target
triple tongue, trills etc.) vector (equation 4). This will lead us to sequences that
9. Formant speed (rit., accel., rit.-accel., accel.- map better with the target vectors evolution. With
rit., fast, slow) Euclidian distance, as the minimum distance returned is
10. Mute (without, straight, plunger, cup, buzz, €
hat, a sort of mean distance from the target vector, without
plunger open close) any need to contain explicitly a pi parameter, the
11. Arrows & curves (smaller microtonal slides, no vectors obtained, could be very far (from a musical point
arrow, curve down, curve up, arrow down, of view), from what is asked in the target vectors
arrow up, etc.) evolution.
From this information we built a “descriptor vector Time evolution
space” where each component vector had the follow As for the first way of calculus we used basically the
structure: exponential distribution (see equation 1) but with a
lambda parameter as a time function, λ = λ[t] .
VBD _ i = ( si , p BD _ i0 , p BD _ i1 , p BD _ i2 ,..., p BD _ i10 ) (3) Exporting data
where These calculi were made in the OpenMusic
si is a symbol identifying a particular event environment and exported € to be read in our Max
€ p BD _ i j is the value of the “jth” descriptor for the “ith” computer interface.
vector. In that way, one can generate punctual event
At the same time we built (in the OpenMusic organizations according to one or more constraints on
€ composition assisted computer environment) a sequence the different characteristics. One may give it as input
curves or functions that describe temporal evolution
€ of “target vectors” in the form Vc [t ] , with t
characteristics, or as textual constraints represented as
representing time, where each vector has the follow logical expressions. This part of the work represent a lot
structure: of interest, as the player is unable to deal with such
tasks during a performance. The computer output can
€ still be regarded as a proposition of a “version” from
Vc [t ] = ( s[t ], p0 [t ], p1 [€
t ], p2 [t ],..., p10 [t ]) (4)
which the performer still has his choice. This logical
with each parameter descriptor having a dynamic part of the project is actually implemented in
evolution in the time. OpenMusic environment, but it will be ported very soon
in the Max/MSP environment.
For each discrete time value [t ] we calculate the
V [t ] = min{dist (Vc [t ],VBD _ i , ω [t ])} (5) Two performances where given. “Triton” (Les Lilas,
€ France, May 2th 2009), with Fabian Fiorini (piano),
where Guillaume Orti (alto sax), Benny Sluchin (trombone),
Eric-Maria Couturier (violoncello) and Mikhail Malt 8. REFERENCES
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