Middle Distillate Fuel Storage Stability at 43 °C (110 °F) : Standard Test Method For
Middle Distillate Fuel Storage Stability at 43 °C (110 °F) : Standard Test Method For
Middle Distillate Fuel Storage Stability at 43 °C (110 °F) : Standard Test Method For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
ε1 NOTE—The IP designation was removed and footnote 1 was revised editorially in February 2018.
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D4625 − 16´1
7.5 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, references 9.3 Preparation of Membrane Filters:
to water mean reagent water as defined by Type III of 9.3.1 Each set of test filters consists of one test membrane
Specification D1193. filter and one control membrane filter. For fuels containing
7.6 Liquid or Powder Detergent, water-soluble, for cleaning little particulate materials, only one set of filters is required. If
glassware. the fuel is highly contaminated, more than one set of filters
may be required. The two membrane filters used for each
8. Sampling Procedure individual test shall be identified by marking the petri dishes
8.1 Samples for testing shall be obtained by an appropriate used to hold and transport the filters. Clean all glassware used
method outlined in Practice D4057 or D4177. Sample contain- in preparation of membrane filters as described in 9.2.
ers should be 1 gal (3.78 L) or larger, epoxy-lined cans. Fill Using forceps, place the test and control membrane
sample cans almost to the top to avoid a significant air space. filters side by side in a clean petri dish. To facilitate handling,
Purge the void space with nitrogen. Store the samples at the membrane filters should rest on clean glass support rods, or
reduced temperature, –7 °C to 4 °C (20 °F to 40 °F), prior to watch glasses, in the petri dish.
use, where possible. Place the petri dish, with its lid slightly ajar, in a
drying oven at 90 °C 6 5 °C and leave it for 30 min.
9. Preparation of Apparatus and Sample Bottles Remove the petri dish from the drying oven, and
place it near the balance. Keep the petri dish cover ajar, but
9.1 Sample Storage Bottles—Scrub each bottle and cap with
keep it such that the membrane filters are still protected from
a detergent solution and rinse it with water. Soak the bottle and
contamination from the atmosphere. Allow 30 min for the
cap overnight in an alkaline laboratory glassware cleaning
membrane filters to come to equilibrium with room air tem-
solution. Rinse the bottle and cap with tap water, then invert
perature and humidity.
them and flush them with a stream of distilled water. Allow the
bottles and caps to dry. Prior to introducing the sample, rinse Remove the control membrane filter from the petri
the bottles with 50 mL of the fuel sample. Vent the bottles dish with forceps, handling by the edge only, and place it
during storage, using a glass tube bent in an upside down “U,” centrally on the weighing pan of the balance. Weigh it, record
(see Fig. 1), to prevent contamination of the sample from the initial mass to the nearest 0.1 mg, and return it to the petri
airborne particulates. Insert the glass tube through a cover, dish.
preferably equipped with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Repeat for the test membrane filter.
insert (see Fig. 1). Using clean forceps, place the weighed control
membrane filter centrally on the membrane filter support of the
9.2 Clean all components of the filtration apparatus as filtration apparatus (see Fig. 2). Place the weighed test mem-
described in 9.2.1 – 9.2.7. brane filter on top of the control membrane filter. Install the
9.2.1 Remove any labels, tags, and so forth. funnel and secure with locking ring or spring clip. Do not
9.2.2 Wash with warm tap water containing detergent. remove the plastic film from the funnel opening until ready to
9.2.3 Rinse thoroughly with warm tap water. start filtration.
9.2.4 Rinse thoroughly with deionized water.
9.2.5 Rinse thoroughly with propan-2-ol that has been 10. Preparation of Sample
filtered through a 0.45 µm membrane filter.
9.2.6 Rinse thoroughly with filtered flushing fluid and dry. 10.1 If the fuel has been stored at reduced temperature,
9.2.7 Keep a clean protective cover (the cover may be rinsed allow the sample to come to ambient temperature. To dissolve
with filtered flushing fluid) over the top of the sample container any separated wax, be certain that the entire fuel sample is at
until the cap is installed. Similarly, protect the funnel opening least 5 °C above its cloud point before proceeding.
of the assembled filtration apparatus with a clean protective 10.2 The test fuel shall be filtered prior to placing it in
cover until ready for use. storage. Assemble a filtration system, as shown in Fig. 2, to
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D4625 − 16´1
filter the fuel. Use a single membrane filter for this filtration tain vacuum after the final washing for 10 s to 15 s to remove
step. This membrane filter need not be preweighed. excess filtered flushing fluid from the membrane filter.
10.3 Using this filtration assembly, filter sufficient fuel to Using clean forceps, carefully remove the test and
put 400 mL of fuel in each storage bottle. For a typical test, this control membrane filters from the filter base and place them
is 4 L of fuel. It is prudent to filter a small amount of extra fuel. side by side on clean glass support rods or watch glasses in a
It may be necessary to replace the filter membrane (7.2) clean, covered petri dish. Dry and reweigh the membrane filters
throughout this step, depending on the cleanliness of the test as described in 9.3, taking care not to disturb the particulate on
fuel. the surface of the test membrane filter. Record the final control
membrane filter mass and the final test membrane filter mass to
11. Procedure the nearest 0.1 mg for each filtration.
11.1 Sample Aging: NOTE 2—Do not mix rinsings and filtrate if filtrate color changes are
11.1.1 Adjust the storage oven for sample storage to a being measured.
NOTE 3—If severe filter plugging is encountered so that filtration is not
temperature of 43 °C 6 1 °C (110 °F 6 2 °F). complete in 3 h, discontinue the test with the notation that filter plugging
11.1.2 Place 400 mL of filtered fuel into each bottle. Use occurred.
two bottles for each sampling period. (Commonly used sam-
11.2.3 Repeat the procedure in 11.2.2 – for the
pling periods are 4, 8, 12, 18, and 24 weeks). Extra bottles may
second bottle.
be placed in storage to be used in case of accidents, for further
tests at other times of storage, or to extend the overall test 11.3 Determination of Adherent Insolubles on Sample
duration. Bottle—After the final washing with the hydrocarbon solvent, Some operators have found it useful to conduct a dissolve any adherent gum on the sample container walls with
zero-week test as a demonstration of proper technique. Since two washings of 30 mL to 35 mL of the adherent insolubles
the fuel is prefiltered, zero-week results should be nil. A solvent. Pour each washing into previously weighed 100 mL
zero-week analysis is not a mandatory part of the analysis. beakers. Evaporate the solvent at 160 °C (320 °F) by the air jet
11.1.3 Label each storage bottle with the time and date the method in accordance with Test Method D381. After the
test is started, sample identification, and the time and date solvent is completely evaporated, place the beakers in a
when the bottle is to be removed from storage. Place the bottles desiccator without desiccant and allow to cool to room
in the oven in random order as a means to reduce the possible temperature. Weigh the beakers to the nearest 0.1 mg. Use a
effects of hot zones in the oven. tare beaker (moisture blank) in accordance with Test Method
11.2 Determination of Filterable Insolubles:
11.2.1 At the end of each prescribed period of time, remove
12. Calculation
two bottles from the storage oven and allow them to cool to
21 °C to 27 °C (70 °F to 80 °F) in a dark environment. This 12.1 Calculate the total insolubles (Ti) in milligrams per
may take from 4 h to 24 h. 100 mL of fuel after aging, as follows:
11.2.2 Assemble the filtration apparatus with a preweighed ~ F i 1A i !
sample and control filter. After the fuel has cooled, pour fuel Ti 5 (1)
from the sample container to the graduated cylinder, start the
vacuum, and then transfer 100 mL of fuel to the filter funnel. where: Continue transferring 100 mL increments of fuel to Ti = total insolubles, mg/100 mL,
the filter funnel. When all the fuel from the sample container Fi = mass of filterable insolubles, mg, as determined in 11.2,
has been filtered, or if filtration slows so that 100 mL of sample and
requires greater than 10 min for complete filtration, then Ai = moisture corrected mass of adherent insolubles, mg, as
remove the filter support/filter funnel from the receiving flask, determined in 11.3.
pour the filtered fuel into a clean graduated cylinder, and record
the volume of fuel that was filtered in millilitres. Keep the fuel 13. Report
sample filtrate separate from the solvent washings filtrate. This 13.1 Report Ti, Fi, and Ai from 12.1 for both bottles to show
allows the fuel to be used for additional analyses (if desired). repeatability of tests at each aging period.
If all the fuel has been filtered, thoroughly rinse the sample
container and the graduated cylinder with one or more portions 14. Precision and Bias4
of filtered flushing fluid, pour the rinses into the funnel, and 14.1 The precision of this test method as determined by the
proceed to If all the fuel has not been filtered, proceed statistical examination of the interlaboratory test results is as
to and, and then repeat from follows. Wash down the inside of the funnel and the outside NOTE 4—The precision of this method was determined in a cooperative
of the joint between the funnel and filter base filtered with test involving ten laboratories and eight different fuels. The results ranged
flushing fluid. With the vacuum applied, carefully separate the from 0.1 mg ⁄100 mL to 11.8 mg ⁄100 mL.
funnel from the filter base. Wash the periphery of the mem-
brane filter by directing a gentle stream of filtered flushing fluid
from the edge to the center, exercising care not to wash any of 4
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
the particulate from the surface of the membrane filter. Main- be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1203.
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D4625 − 16´1
X = the average of two results, reported in mg/100 mL.
14.3 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
and independent results obtained by different operators work-
ing in different laboratories on identical test material would, in
the long run, exceed the following values only in one case in
twenty (see Fig. 3).
Reproducibility 5 2.20 =X (3)
FIG. 3 Repeatability and Reproducibility for Total Insolubles X = the average value of two results, reported in mg/100 mL.
14.4 Bias—The nature of this test and the parameters being
measured are such that a true bias statement cannot be written.
14.2 Repeatability—The difference between successive re- 14.5 These precision data were obtained by statistical ex-
sults obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus amination in interlaboratory tests.
under constant operating conditions on identical test material
would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of 15. Keywords
the test method exceed the following values only in one case in 15.1 accelerated test; adherent insolubles; distillate fuel;
twenty (see Fig. 3). filterable insolubles; prediction; storage stability
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Introduction—The storage stability properties of dis- X1.3 Correlation Effects—The consequence of variation in
tillate fuels depend on complex oxidative and non-oxidative the chemical reactions leading to degradation during storage is
interactions of olefins, dienes, nitrogen-containing compounds, that some fuels show consistent effects from temperature
sulfur-containing compounds, and oxygen-containing com- acceleration; others do not. The reliability of correlations of
pounds which are present in fuel. These reactions may be accelerated test results with actual storage stability is enhanced
promoted by other contaminants, such as dissolved metal salts. when fuels tested are from the same feedstock source, or are
Storage stability varies enormously due to refinery feedstock similarly processed.
source (crude oil or otherwise) and the type of processing used
to produce components in the finished fuel. Because the X1.4 Correlation of Ambient and 43 °C Storage—For most
chemical reactions leading to formation of sediment (and practical purposes, it has been shown that aging fuel at 43 °C
color) vary depending on the type and amount of unstable results in an approximately fourfold acceleration of the degra-
materials present, the effects of degradation-accelerating con- dation for an ambient temperature of 21 °C, that is, a week of
ditions will also vary. 43 °C storage is roughly equivalent to a month of storage at
normal (environmental) ambient temperatures.5,6 Depending
X1.2 Effect of Aging Temperature—Fuel degradation is on fuel composition and actual storage conditions, this corre-
accelerated in the 43 °C test by aging at a higher than ambient lation may vary substantially in either direction.
temperature. The rate of degradation for various fuel types does
not change uniformly as temperature is increased. The rela-
tionship between temperature and rate depends on the activa- 5
“Navy-CRC Barge Storage Program,” Report No. 341, Project CG-1-58,
tion energies of the rate-controlling steps in the chemical Coordination Research Council, Inc., September 1959.
degradation reactions. These will vary from fuel to fuel; Stavinoha, L. L. and Westbrook, S. R., “Accelerated Stability Test Techniques
for Middle Distillate Fuels,” and Garner, M. Q. and White, E. W., “Correlation of
indeed, the chemical reactions may change under accelerated Long-Term Storage and Accelerated Stability Tests,” Distillate Fuel Stability and
conditions to give a sediment with a different composition. Cleanliness, ASTM STP 751, L. L. Stavinoha and C. P. Henry, Eds., ASTM
This effect is minimized in the 43 °C test. International, 1981, pp. 3 and 34 respectively.
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D4625 − 16´1
Subcommittee D02.14 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D4625 – 14) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Dec. 1, 2016.)
(1) Revised subsections 4.1, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.4.2, 6.4.3, 6.4.4, (2) Added new subsections 10.3 and
6.4.5, 7.3, 9.1, 9.2.4,,, 10.2, 11.1.2, 11.1.3, (3) Deleted former subsection 11.1.4.
11.2.2,, and; swapped positions of Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2.
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