Lava Bears
Lava Bears
Lava Bears
The Temple of the Lava Bears takes place in an ancient and abandoned temple to the goddess Pele,
located inside a long dormant volcano, and the surrounding area.
Pele (Pronounced: Pay-lay) is a long forgotten volcano goddess, associated with nature, life, and
rebirth. Her sacred animal is the bear. Long ago, she was hunted down and presumed killed by an
entity known as the destroyer. In reality she banished the being and survived, although barely. She
was left in the bottom of her temple, stuck in a cage of ice with the destroyer's sword stuck in her
chest, where she is slowly dying. Her presence keeps the destroyer from returning.
The volcano
The volcano Pele's temple resides in either has no name, or the name it once had was long lost. Long
ago the volcano was the site of a large, prosperous city. However, when the destroyer 'killed' Pele
the Volcano erupted, burying the city in lava and ash in a Pompeii style cataclysm. Now days a new,
much smaller town sits at the base of the volcano, one that is largely isolated from the rest of the
The temple
The temple is built into the core of the volcano. Its intended entrance was buried when the volcano
erupted, but it can still be accessed through a lavas tube near the top of the volcano. The temple's
public areas are deceptively small, only consisting of a small foyer and a church for worship.
However, beyond the public areas, the temple is host to a variety of private features, including a
living and office complex for the priests, a crypt, a trap-laden complex that was home to the insane
architect who designed the temple, a dragon-turtle transit system, and the battlefield where Pele is
trapped, far below the main church. Recently, a cult worshipping the destroyer has moved into the
temple, who are attempting to access the lower levels of the temple to kill Pele for good and bring
about the return of the destroyer.
The city
The city on the side of the volcano was buried in an eruption long ago. There are only two remaining
ways into the city, a small entrance on the slope of the volcano, and through the temple. Even then,
most of the city is inaccessible, still buried in ash and pumice. In the years since the lava set,
numerous creatures have made the ruins home, most notably a red dragon, who has laid their eggs
in their nest at the base of the ruins. A warren of kobolds, including several dragon-kobolds, lives
around the nest, worshipping the dragon as a parent and a god. Magmin have infested the ruins, a
number of which stole the dragon's egg.
The town
Thaymor is a small town at the base of the volcano. It is largely isolated, surrounded by the volcano
on one side and dense forest in the other directions. About a month ago, a group of outsiders in
suspicious white cloaks passed through town. Since then, people have been disappearing at night
and semi-frequent earthquakes have been rumbling the town.
How the party comes together is up to them. Maybe they're a pre-existing group, maybe they were
hired by the townsfolk of Thaymor, or maybe they all heard of this individually and came together
without prior planning. Either way, the party starts at the entrance to the lava tube, prepared to
enter the volcano, and then the temple.
As a part of that preparation, the party has come into possession of a number of magic items, which
they can distribute amongst themselves as they see fit.
Polished Buttons
These polished golden buttons attach to the cuff of a shirt's sleeves. Inscribed upon them is
"Haze Jeweller of London - 1684", which seems to be gibberish. When worn without armor,
these button's change the wearer's base armor class from 10 to 12.
Snake's Bane
This short bow seems as though it once was a long bow, but has been cut down in the middle
to be wielded by a much smaller person. Normally it acts as a +1 magic short bow, but when
used against snakes, the wielder may double their hit roll.
The players enter the temple through a lava tube someway up the volcano (above the ruin entrance). The tunnel is wide On failure, the runner falls prone. On a significant failure (10 or more), they then start slipping down the
enough for the party to walk side by side if they wish. The walls are shiny, obsidian formed by lava over the ages, and slope, the ash acting like ball bearings.
the ground is covered in ash. The further down the tunnel they go, the steeper it gets. The party is fine if they are
carefully walking, but running through the ash and down the slope requires a dexterity save to avoid falling. While in combat, player must move at half speed or make this save. Out of combat they can walk but
not run.
As the natural light from the entrance starts to fade and the slope starts to steepen, the party is ambushed by an air
elemental. The party can either defeat the elemental (this should be doable with their starting magic items), or attempt
to flee through the tube - having to deal with the ash, as it won't follow into the lava cave. Air elemental:
The tunnel ends above a massive cavern, the base of which is filled with lava. The heat emanating from this cavern keeps MM pg124
the air elemental at bay. The tunnel is directly above the lava, however there is enough room for the party to sit and
plan their next move. However, taking a long rest here would be inadvisable. If the players are not already wearing their The elemental can split into 2 separate elementals, each making one slam a turn instead of
lava cloaks, this is where they would begin to experience negative effects. multiattacking.
The walls of this cavern are made of pumice stone. A small stone dock is built into one of the walls of the cavern, a few Changes to whirlwind:
feet above the lava. A river of lava appears to originate from this lake, going out a tunnel in the south wall (assuming the
dock is the west wall). A couple of guards (2) wielding crossbows are standing on the dock, looking out over the lava. Because of the ash that rises into the air when the elemental attacks, whirlwind is replaced with a choke
Assuming the climber isn't under duress, it can be easily climbed. The rock is durable enough that it is unlikely to break
under the weight of a climber, and the natural shapes made by the volcanic gases form natural handholds (see Climbing Choke (Recharge 4-6). Each creature in the elemental's space (both if it's split) must make a DC 13 Con
the Pumice sidebar). save. On failure, they start choking on the ash as the elemental dives into their lungs. They take 1D8
force damage now, and again at the start of each of their turns. They can't attack while choking. They
The opening is about 30' above and 60' across from the dock, so reaching it will take 3 successful climb checks. may take an action to try and expel the ash (the elemental leaves once the attack is done), by retaking
the DC 13 Con save. A nearby player can assist by patting their back, giving the player advantage.
About halfway across the lava, the guards on the dock will notice the players through the haze (assuming their attention
is not drawn earlier). They'll start taking potshots with their crossbows - they have disadvantage on these attacks Alt. Instead of taking damage over time, the victim take damage when the elemental enters their body,
because of the haze. then starts suffocating (PHB 183).
If a climbing player is hit by a crossbow bolt, they'll have to make a DC 5 Con save to avoid losing their grip and falling off
the cavern wall.
Climbing the pumice:
These guards could potentially be sniped, confused, intimidated, or ignored until the players reach the dock.
Players can make a DC 10 athletics check to climb across the pumice. If they pass, they climb a distance
equal to their speed. If they fail by less than 5, they can't find a suitable handhold and don't move this
The dock (once the players reach it) has no guard rails to prevent people falling into the lava, but is large enough to
round. If they fail by 5 or more, they lose their grip and fall.
comfortably fit up to five medium creatures. The end of a broken chain is anchored to the edge of the dock, hanging
over the lava. An unlocked door is built into the cavern wall, opening inwards so it doesn't take up space on the dock.
When a character falls, every 20' they get a chance to make a DC10 Dex save to grab the pumice and
stop their fall. If they do, they take 1D4 slashing damage from the sharp corners of the pumice for every
The dock is also an unideal place to take a rest.
20' fallen.
If they fail to stop their fall, they fall either onto the dock (in which case they take standard falling
Guards: damage), or into the lava. They take 8D6 fire damage (equivalent to being the target of a fireball) - as
MM pg347 fire damage, the cloak absorbs half of this. In following rounds, they may attempt to use the pumice to
climb out of the lava by making a DC 10 athletics check. If they end a round in the lava, they take
These guards are armed with light crossbows in addition to their spears. (+3 to hit, 5 piercing damage another 8D6 fire damage - assuming the cloak still has hit points, it absorbs half of this damage.
(1D8 + 1)
While in lava, characters do not have to worry about the other negative effects of being inside a
volcano - however if their ash cloak burns away in the lava (loses its hit points), they will have to worry
about this once they escape the lava.
When first entering the temple of Pele - through the lava cavern - the party will be entering through the temple's back Monster stats:
Cultist (x5):
Throughout the backrooms, chanting can be heard coming from the main worship area. The players don't need to rush MM pg345
to stop this chanting, but if they wait too long they may encounter problems in the ritual later.
The first room the player enter was once a meeting room / social area for the temple. It has since been turned into a Cult leader:
temporary barracks for the guards and the cultists further into the temple. There are three main exits from this room, a The cult leader is a cult fanatic
hallway on the west wall, a hallway on the north wall, and a door to a kitchen on the west wall. The west wall also has a MM pg345
window looking into the kitchen - through this the players can see lava spilling through from the ceiling. There is also a
storage closest on the north wall, inside which the players will find the bodies of the sacrificed townsfolk. The only spell the cult leader knows is
dominate person, and he doesn't use
Exiting the meeting room into the kitchen, the player can find an ancient disused kitchen. The lava flow - which exits spell slots.
through a crack in the floor - appears to have convinced the cultists to leave this room be. There is nothing else of note
in the room. The kitchen has three exits. One to a hallway in the north wall, one to the meeting room in the east wall,
and one to a hallway in the south wall.
Exiting the meeting room into the north hallway, the players find a hallway which continues west. The hallway ends at
Map 2: Back rooms
the meeting room. Immediately west (on the south wall of the hallway) is an entrance to the kitchen. A little further
west, on the north wall, is an entrance to an old and cluttered library. Going even further, on the south wall of the
hallway, it ends with an entrance to the main worship area.
Exiting the meeting room into the west hallway, the players find a slightly shorter hallway. It's north wall has an
entrance to the kitchen, and it ends with an entrance to the worship area on the west wall.
No matter how they reach it, the main worship area is very much the typical image of a church, with one notable
exception. Two rows of pews take up the west two thirds of the room, the backs of the pews towards what is clearly
meant to have been the main entrance. In front of the pews is a pool of lava. Unlike the cavern or kitchen earlier, this is
very clearly an intentional pool - it may have played a role in the church's worship. On the eastern side of this pool is an
altar. While it is large enough for a medium creature to lay on it, there is no indication this was used for sacrificial
purposes - certainly not human (or other sentient race) sacrifice. A pair of large bear statues flank the altar, which reach
from the floor to the ceiling. These statues are about 5' wide. Behind the altar (on the east wall) is another exit from the
room - a staircase going up. The room has one additional exit, a door to the crypt which can be found on the south wall.
The main worship area has been overtaken by cultists. Five of them stand in a semi -circle around the lava pool. At the
altar, the cult leader is directing their chanting, and a kobold lies on the altar. A portal hovers over the lava pool. The
Map 3: Upper floor
cultists (including the leader) are entirely focused on the ritual, and the player will get a surprise round.
The cultists will not respond to player attacks at all until the ritual is complete (the kobold is sacrificed). If the ritual is
completed, the portal will attack regardless of the cultists actions. If all the cultists are all killed, the portal will clo se and
the ritual will be stopped.
The cult leader also doesn't directly attack the players. If he is threatened by a player, either verbally or physically, he
will attempt to cast dominate person on them on his next turn. If he does, he will command the player to protect them,
either generally, or directing them to attack another threatening player. The dominate effect ends after a minute, or
when the cult leader dies. As a bonus action each round, the cult leader directs D4 tentacles to attack. After D4 rounds,
the chanting will reach a fever pitch and the leader will sacrifice the kobold (unless the players have saved the kobold).
When that happens, the portal will attack on its own, leaving the cult free to attack themselves.
The Temple of Pele has been overtaken by a cult, the leader of which worships the Destroyer. The cult has three main
types of member - guards, cultists, and the cult leader.
The guards employed by the cult all have some kind of disease or curse that gives them ashen, scaly skin (this functions
as a lava cloak). They are not guards by trade, but rather members the cult picked up that did not have the aptitude for
the arcane needed to serve in the ritual. They have been provided with crossbows and spears, and they wear armor,
although it has no shared livery.
The cultists of the cult share the guards' skin condition. They wear long, hooded robes that hide their faces. Mostly
farmers with a disease, their knowledge of the arcane and the ritual they are performing comes entirely from the cult
leader. They believe that the cult with remove their "curse".
Cult Leader
The cult leader has traveled the countryside, searching for people with a disease that makes them immune to the
negative effects of being inside a volcano. He then convinced them it was actually a curse, and that through working for
his cult they'd be able to have it removed. In reality, this is BS, which is why he wears a mask - one split vertically down
the middle by a mouth, from which a tongue emerges and wraps around his head - to hide that he doesn't have the
"curse" himself. His true goal is to enter the bowels of the temple and retrieve the Destroyer's sword so he may in turn
rise to power.
Once the cult has been defeated, the players may want to take some time to recover. From the worship area, there are
five exits. On the north wall is a hallway, one which they may have entered through early. In the same vein, another
hallway is on the southern end of the east wall. These both lead to the back rooms.
The three new doors are on the south wall, the northern side of the east wall, and the west wall.
The southern door leads to a short hallway, with a storage closest on one side - which has been retrofitted into a cell -
and the hallway ends in an ominous stairway that leads down to the crypt.
The eastern door leads to a stairway that leads to the high-priest's quarters on the upper level.
The western door was once the main entrance to the temple and leads to the ruins of the ancient city.
If the kobold (Hraxis) survived the cult fight, he'll try to guide the players to the rudimentary cell, which has a small
group of kobolds. Hraxis is clearly the leader, he is slightly taller, slightly smarter, and has small wings. Hraxis is
descended from a dragon. Hraxis will tell the players about his dragon and related problem (see the kobold quest).
Exiting the cell and continuing down the stair case, the players will reach the crypt. Inside the crypt is magically silenced
and unnaturally cold. Tombs line the walls of the crypt, each holding the remains of a high priest of Pele, as well as
several of their possessions, such as their staff and robes. If a player who is not a high priest of Pele (or doing a good
imitation of one) disturbs one of these tombs, they will awaken the ghosts of the priests. These ghosts are incredibly
dangerous, with the ability to permanently drain stats. As they are intended to scare the players off, they will not follow
the players beyond the crypt. One spawns for each crypt disturbed, and then 1D4 more each round after that. They
need 2 rounds to gather their strength before they can use their Leech Strength ability.
The ability score damage cannot be healed through any normal means. A wish (or similar level effect) could heal it, as
can the oracle (see the library section later).
Returning back up the stairs through to the main church, and then through the northern hallway, the players encounter
an ancient library on the northern wall. Above the library door is the word library in an ancient script (ancient Pele).
There is practically no chance for the player to speak / read this language on their own, but it is an ancestor language of
this regions common varient, so a local common speaking player may make a DC 20 History check to recognize or
decipher the word. The library itself is lined with bookshelves, filled with books in varying states of disrepair. On the
eastern side of the library there is a step down to an open fireplace.
Among the books in the library are 5 false wooden "books", which are really hidden levers. On each of these "books"
spine's is a line from an ancient hymn to Pele, written in ancient Pele. If these levers are pulled in the order the lines
occur in the hymn, the fireplace is lit for two minutes, during which time a portal is active, transporting anyone who
steps into it to the oracle that lives under the temple. If only some of the books are pulled, or they are pulled in the
wrong order, the fire will still be lit, however the portal won't be active and anyone who steps into the fire will take
damage from it. They may take a DC 10 Dex save to jump out of the fire. On a failure they'll take 4D6 fire damage, or half
on a successful save.
The rest of the books in the library - the ones that are actually books - are predominately written in ancient Pele,
however there are a handful in elvish and a few in a slightly older version of dwarvish, and a few in a much older version
of the local common. Most of these books are hymn books and bibles of Pele, however there is a section of more
general religious theory, and a smattering of general subjects.
Returning once more to the church, and then east up the stairs, the party enters the high-priest's quarters. They start in
a hallway going north / south. Across west from the stairs is the high-priest's office. There is a copy of the bible and
hymn book on the desk, and an elaborately decorated didgeridoo is mounted on a stand on the desk. A small pool clean
water can be found on top of a plinth in one corner of the room, constantly refreshed by a natural mountain spring. The
water is incredibly clean and fresh, although that may have been artificially enhanced by enchantments on the plinth. It
retains these properties even if it's removed from the plinth.
The didgeridoo is decorated with a depiction of the didgeridoo being played with one end in liquid. If it is played
normally, with the end in the air, it is incredibly hard to play, with it being hard to push enough air through the tube to
actually produce noise. However, submerging one end in liquid (such as the spring in the office) it feels like it almost
plays itself. After a minute or so of playing the didgeridoo in lava, the party may hear the sound of a creature singing
along echo through the temple.
Exiting the office, at the north end of the hallway is a shut door. The door is made of heavy stone, yet even though it's so
solid, its bulging against the door frame. It's hot to touch. The corridor behind this door has been flooded with lava.
Opening this door is theoretically possible - although it is hard to do and probably requires group planning to ensure that
the party isn't swept away by lava. If the door is opened, the lava will find its way into a drain in the side of the hallway-
which was installed there specifically for situations such as these. Even if the door is opened, the lava does not drain
enough from the hallway enough for it to be navigable. The rooms beyond this hallway are reachable - however the
party needs to go through either the architect's compound or the secret passage in the bear statue in the main church.
At the dock outside the main temple complex, the digeridoo can be played in the lava to summon a massive dragon
turtle. The turtle is equipped with gear that indicates it is intended to be rode.
Given basic prompting by a rider, the turtle will carry it's riders down the lava river. Midway across, the players are
ambushed by a roper disguised among the stalactites on the roof of the river's cave.
Further down, the turtle approaches a shelf of rock formed above the lava, thick enough that players can safely stand /
walk on it, even though it wasn't a part of the temple's original design. On the other side of the shelf, built into the cave
wall is a door, which is surrounded by a stone dock, much like the one in the main complex.
There is script above the door, written in an ancient, alien script - mechanically Deep Speech. While it is unlikely
someone can read it, an observer can pass a DC 14 Arcana or general Wisdom check to get the impression of a dark
mass in the center of the Dark Trinity - a constellation generally associated with bad luck.
As players cross the stone shelf, 4 (initially) Flying Lava Cod burst through the rock shelf, attacking the players before
breaking back through into the lava. The rock shelf, while thick, is also fragile, and if too many creatures burst through in
a single area, areas of the rock shelf may become disconnected, creating a tipping risk. More cod will keep spawning
until the players leave the area.
The fish (and rock and lava) flying through the air makes the turtle uncomfortable, and they'll want to submerge into the
river and swim away. When the last player gets off, he will do so.
The fish can't burst through the dock, as it reaches the bottom of the lava, so no fish are swimming beneath it.
If the turtle is ridden further down the river, past the door, it will arrive at the top of a lava waterfall. Through the haze
of the lava's heat, a lake is visible at the bottom, and with a DC15 perception check, one can see what can only be
described as a massive lava wurm (wyrm?) curled up in the lake.
Entering through the door from the lava river, the characters must pass a DC 14 Wisdom save as
they see the strange mural that dominates the opposite wall. On a pass, nothing happens. On a fail,
they are passed a large note that tells them they are fine, with the intention of worrying the other
The room they enter is a large square room (roughly 20' by 20'). On the opposite side of the room, in
the middle of the strange mural, is a pair of double doors.
Most of this room's floor is dominated by a pit trap, the floor (up to 1 foot from the walls)
disappears if stepped on. If a character is caught unaware by this, they must pass a DC 13 Dexterity
save or they fall in. If they are running into the room at full speed, they have disadvantage on this
save. See later this page for information on the pit.
If the door on the other side of the room is opened, gravity in the room reverses, sending the players
flying to the ceiling. As a 10' tall room, they take 1D6 falling damage. There is nothing behind this
door. Gravity reverts back after five minutes, or if the door is closed. Closing the door while gravity is
normal has no effect.
Midway along the right wall (from the entrance) is a hidden door. It can be found with a DC 15
Investigation / Perception check. Behind this door is a staircase (see boulder staircase segment).
The pit is 10' deep, and so causes 1D6 falling damage. The bottom of the pit is covered in spikes
which cause an additional 2D6 piercing damage. When something reaches the bottom of the pit, it is
teleported to the top of the mirror pit. The force of the object falling causes the ceiling cover to
disappear if it hasn’t already. The total height of this new fall is 30', so 3D6 falling damage.
Each time a character loops through the fall, they have a chance to grab the ledge - a DC 13 Dexterity
save or acrobatics check. Players on the ledge could try and catch the falling character, giving the
faller advantage on the check.
In the ceiling is a mirror of the pit on the floor, such that it would work like the floor pit when gravity
is reversed. It's cover disappearing is not tied to the floor pit's, but rather when enough force is
applied to that specific cover.
Behind the secret door in the pit room, a staircase goes up 10'-15', terminating in a closed door. The
staircase is made of stone. The stairs themselves have a slight curve to them, the center of the step
being slightly lower than either of the edges that run along the walls. With a DC15 perception check,
a player can notice that a scuff runs along the length of both walls, midway up (about eye height).
The door at the top of the staircase is fake. Opening it reveals stone wall and activates the boulder
trap (see below).
There is a secret door hidden at the top of the staircase. It can be found with a DC 12 perception /
investigation check. Opening that door reveals an identical staircase, with an identical hidden door
at the top.
Behind that one is a third identical staircase. It also has a secret door and a real one, but the roles of
the doors are reversed - the secret door activates the trap and the normal door is an actual door.
When a boulder trap is activated, a large boulder (a bit under twice the height of the average
person) drop from the ceiling above the triggering door. From there it rolls down the staircase, until
it hits the previous door, where it is recollected by the trap.
Players on the affected staircase have a choice - make a Dex save to squeeze into the corner of the
staircase where they will take full damage but won't be pushed by the boulder, or take half damage,
but risk getting pushed down the staircase and potentially into the bottomless pit of spikes at the
bottom of the staircase.
Damage: 4D10
The final door of the staircases reveals a new, much different staircase.
This one starts with a small, flat, landing, that after a few feet turns into a staircase. The staircase
gradually transitions into being on the wall, slow enough that the characters don't notice the change
in gravity, but fast enough that they can see the staircase spiraling behind them.
Faintly glowing runes are carved on each stair. A DC 13 arcana check tells a player that these runes
are likely some kind of coordinate system, and may be tied to whatever spell is affecting the gravity.
Everyone on the staircase should make a DC 13 wisdom save. On a failure, a voice helps guide them
to gain the impression of the dark trinity.
Eventually, after about 10 minutes of climbing the stairs, they flatten into a hallway. On both sides of
the hallway, six doors line the wall. The hallway ends after the last door. From this end of the
hallway, you cannot see the entrance door, leaving you with no concept of up/down. It's far enough
that a character yelling from the bottom of the stairs can be faintly heard with a perception check.
Four of these doors are trapped, and touching them compels a character to open the door and slip
through. Going through a door gives you a terrible nightmare, and you appear at the bottom of the
stairs. Sleeping in the hallway also causes one of these dreams, but doesn't make you reappear at
the bottom.
When you first experience one of these dreams, it is just like a regular - albeit vivid - nightmare.
Further experiences make these dreams more and more vivid, until after 5 dreams you can't rid it
from your mind.
If a character has two of these dreams, they must make a wisdom save (DC 15) or suffer some kind
of madness related to the dream. No matter which doors a character goes through, they only ever
have the first nightmare.
Characters who go through the doors do not remember going through them when they wake up.
Brute force works, although the characters will end up suffering many dreams and potential manias.
A character who's been through a door can make insight checks to help narrow down the
appropriate door. If a character has been in multiple doors, they gain advantage on this check.
25: find right door immediately
20: narrow down to 3
15: eliminate one side of the corridor
10: eliminate 2 doors on a single side
5: eliminate a single door
The Dark Trinity is a constellation of 3 stars that is a common symbol in various cultures across the
world. Many associate it with bad luck. If one looks closely at the constellation with a telescope or
similar object, they would find a mass darker than the surrounding night sky in the center of the
triangle formed by the stars.
The Dark Trinity is also a common symbol of cults, especially ones concerned with eldritch entities.
You wake up at the bottom of the staircase after having the following dream:
The creaking from the cellar is finally too much. You descend the stair with the intent of putting a
stop to it. Upon reaching the door however, you need to catch yourself before falling into the center
of the planet.
Before you, you see the worlds core, tiny in the middle of a gigantic empty shell. The creature that
devoured the planet is before you, its members wrapped around the remains of the planets dimming
center. Sensing you, it looks up, its nightmarish visage defying all you have come to expect of nature,
a mass of organs that can serve no purpose but to terrify you with their very wrongness.
In your horror, you feel a sense of elation. Finally you have found your purpose in life. A barbed
tongue carefully sections you into portions and you sing a song of praise as you are swallowed into
the bowels of the world eater.
Food has become disgusting to you. How you have been eating it your whole life you can't be sure,
because you are certain eating will bring you nothing but pain and suffering.
You wake up at the bottom of the staircase after having the following dream:
Strangling you.
You remove it and find that it is attached to you. It is your umbilical cord.
You unwrap the cord from your throat and find that it is attached to your parent. And their parent.
And their parent as well. Generation on generation, laying in a pile of writhing flesh, screaming in
terror at their own mortality and at the thing at the end of the cord.
The cord stretches back infinitely, or rather to the very edge of infinity. There, on the brink of reality,
a horrible tentacled mouth gouts new beings into existence, gross creatures in its own image. Not
like you, but attached to the cord that gives you life.
Looking at your parents you see some of the traits of the creature in them, their movements not quite
human, their screams not quite mortal. You grip the cord and try to break it, but are surprised when
the hand that reaches out resembles a tentacle. You realize that you are part of them and it is part of
you and has been since the beginning of time.
There is something wrong with your arm, an infection. You need to stop it from spreading, but if
your companions discover it, they will surely kill you to stop the infection from spreading to them.
You wake up at the bottom of the staircase after having the following dream:
You need to get to the yellow chambers. The layout of where ever you are keeps slipping through
your memory. You just can't seem to remember where you were, let alone where you need to go. If
only you'd made a copy of the map that you had, then you wouldn’t be in this trouble.
The paths branch off in all directions, 1, 2, 3, 60, a billion different passages crisscross over, around,
and through each other. You sit down in despair to die, only to come to a shocking realization.
After all the wrong turns and false corners, how will your soul ever find its way out.
You become aware that the tunnels to your final destination are in the form of a triskelion, but you
there that this information may slip from your memory at any time. You need to draw a triskelion to
remind yourself of this information, repeat this as often as you can.
You wake up at the bottom of the staircase after having the following dream:
You see yourself floating out of your body, out of the mountain, and up, up into the heavens. You are
not greeted by the warm embrace of your deity, instead you leave the claustrophobic atmosphere
behind and fly into the blackness of the heavens.
A school of membranous creatures flies past you their clicking noises somehow audible in the vacuum
of space.
The clicking echoes in your head, driving you mad with its very wrongness. The only thing that can
drown it out is the sound of your own voice.
Hraxiss is a half-dragon, half-dragon, the child of an ancient red dragon, one that has lived in the
region for millennia, and since the fall of the civilization on the mountain, has moved into the ruins.
Hraxiss was tasked with guarding the dragon's nest while the dragon was out of the lair, however
the egg was stolen by magmin. Hraxiss gathered as many kobolds as he could without raising
suspicion and went on a quest to reclaim the egg, only to get captured by the cult to be used as
sacrifices when they ran out of villagers.
If the Kobold in the church survives the encounter, he is Hraxiss. Otherwise, Hraxiss is in the cell.
Hraxiss is the most intelligent of the kobolds in the group and serves as both the group's leader and
also the intermediate point between the party and kobolds. He wants the party to help them find
and defeat the magmin, then return the egg to the dragon's nest.
Hraxiss has no (upfront) interest in paying the party for their work - Hraxiss isn't quite a dick per se,
but he is a part-dragon. That being said, the party will still be rewarded by loot they may find along
the way.
Either way, whether the party has agreed to help Hraxiss or not, the kobolds leave through the
church's main entrance, into the ruined city.
The ruins of the city are located inside a massive artificial cave, formed by local wizards in a vain
attempt to save the city on the day of the eruption. There are small holes in the roof of this cavern
that give the impression of starlight. The floor of the cavern is very clearly unnatural, having been
formed by the lava flow. Many buildings are entirely inaccessible, and the ones that aren't are still
quite difficult to squeeze through the shorter and damaged doorways.
Shades wander the city, performing shallow imitations of their lives. They aren't aggressive, instead
pensive and morning, trapped by their petrified corpses.
Unlike the temple, which has the constant glow and warmth of lava, the city is dark, barren, ashy,
and cold.
Immediately outside the temple entrance is a town square, which is the least damaged area in the
city. Above the town square is a large hole in the ceiling, from which ropes hang down to the
ground. A somewhat recently dead corpse lies under the hole, apparently having fallen in. This is
how the cult entered the temple.
As the players get further from the temple entrance, the remains of streets in the open cavern
tighten and tighten as the stone formed by the lava flow grows bigger and bigger, eventually
becoming tight and narrow tunnels.
Hraxiss was reasonably confident that the magmin had gone through the city, and the kobolds were
captured here.
There are several ways the party could conceivably proceed from here. They could attempt to pick
up the magmin's trail, hunting for tracks or other clues. They could attempt to talk to the shades,
asking for information on the magmin. They could also convince Hraxiss to lead them back to the
dragon's lair where they may be able to pick up the trail from the start or hope to meet a more
intelligent creature that could help them track.
Probably the most obvious option when told to track fire elementals is to hunt for tracks - perhaps
burns or recently melted surfaces. Unfortunately, the city is also a volcanic ruin, so both of those
things are rather difficult to distinguish. Should they find the correct tracks, they lead through a
narrow tunnel out of the city, eventually leading to the city's mountain entrance. Should they fail to
find tracks they'll find themselves walking in circles for some time before they realize their mistake
and potentially reconsider their options.
The ruins of the city are ghosted by the spirits of the people who died there, only barely clinging to
the mortal world. There connection to the mortal world is stronger the closer they are to their
petrified corpse.
Most of these shades are barely there, their soul resigned to an eternity of shadowing their mortal
life. They barely pay attention to their surroundings, and hardly notice other creatures - even
directly in front of them.
If a player can get one's attention, they'll find the shades are reluctant to start talking. They are
more likely to engage the closer they are to their corpse. Even if they manage to talk to a shade, it
will take much convincing to get them to help. If they do help, they won't actually know anything
themselves, but they will try to lead the players to the most powerful shade - the one most likely to
remember anything that's happened.
They get distracted while they lead the party and will need to be periodically reminded. They
eventually lead the party to the remains of a cleric of Pele who got caught in the eruption. They
serve as the community leader for the shades, trying their best to encourage the shades to form a
new society, rather than wallow in their routine.
The cleric is aware of a group of elementals that passed through the area recently, and knows what
way they went. However, he also knows they were stealing a dragon egg, and believes that the
presence of the dragon in this mountain is an affront to Pele. As such, he is not fond of the idea of
handing over information that would aid the dragon. The players may either try to convince him that
helping them is a good thing to do - perhaps citing that innocent kobolds will be hurt if they don't
return the egg, or they may make a deal.
There are several things the cleric may be interested in. As he was stuck outside of the temple by the
nature of his death, he longs for some way to worship Pele - perhaps an undamaged bible or hymn
book, or some kind of object from which he could make a shrine. The party may have to return to
the temple to find something that fits this bill. Alternately, if the players have a way to either bring
rest to the shades or return them to a semblance of (un)life, he would be greatly appreciative. To
this end, he would be willing to guide a cleric or other suitably religious player through a ritual of
Pele. A player leading this ritual may want to consider becoming an acolyte of Pele.
Should the cleric be convinced to help, he will direct the players out of the city and into one of the
narrow tunnels leaving the city. Eventually, this tunnel emerges onto the mountain's surface - the
entrance the party walked past on their way to the temple.
Hraxiss is highly resistance to the idea of returning to the dragon's den without the egg - despite
being reasonably certain the dragon will not yet be back. If he is convinced, he will lead the players
back through the tunnels to the entrance of the dragon's den. He'll point out the tracks that he and
the other kobolds initially followed. The players could follow the tracks from here. They're older
tracks, so they won't be easy to follow, but following from their origin would provide advantage.
Alternately, the players could push Hraxiss to bring them further into the dragon's den. He is even
more resistant to this than bringing them here. If he is convinced, he will reluctantly lead them in to
what is effectively a small village, formed of kobolds and some of the dragon's other descendants
and servants. They have little reaction to the players - assuming them to be new servants - however
whispers follow Hraxiss through the village. Eventually he is confronted by another, superior
seeming, kobold.
The players may jump to his defense, which would aid Hraxiss in his attempt to not be punished for
losing the egg. If the players are successful enough, they may even get the senior kobold to guide
them to someone in the village who would be able to help them - perhaps a ranger servant of the
If Hraxiss is not imprisoned or otherwise punished, the players may ask around the village to come
to the same conclusion - albeit slower. If he is imprisoned or otherwise punished, the players may
want to either break him out and continue to find the egg - hopefully getting paid, search for the egg
on their own as its probably valuable, offer their service doing this to an appropriate member of the
dragon's community, or abandon the sidequest.
An aide acquired here will help them find the start of the track for free - giving them advantage
tracking the magmin. Alternately, the party may pay the aide to come with them - doing the tracking
for them. If they haven't found an aide, they'll have to backtrack and follow an alternate lead.
Once they've found the tracks - no matter how they did it - they lead out of the city through the
entrance the players walked past on their way into the temple. They are led around the side of the
mountain and then down, on the other side of the mountain from Thaymor. They find a swampy
geyser field. The trail ends here - tracking through the swamp is practically impossible - however the
lair of the fire wizard is viable from the edge of the swamp.
It is safe to navigate the swamp and geysers if the players are careful - however, Hraxiss and the
other kobolds are unlikely to be careful, and the players may want to carry, restrain, or otherwise
encourage them to be careful.
The wizard's lair is a smaller wooden hut, smaller and more subtle than one might expect from a
wizard who stole a dragon egg. With a high perception check, the players may see the wizard is out
by one of the geysers, taking notes.
Assuming he is not just attacked, he may tell the players about his research. According to him, the
volcano has been signaling that it will soon erupt - something that lines up with the lava and
earthquakes the players have been experiencing. However, the surrounding lands haven't been
displaying the same symptoms - hence his study of the geysers.
The villain of this side-quest is a fire wizard who has summoned magmin to steal the dragon egg so
he may raise it as a familiar.
The stick's spell casting mod is +1 and its spell save DC is 11. It's random effect targets the caster
unless otherwise stated
1. The stick deals damage instead of healing this cast. The stick is then destroyed
2. The stick deals damage instead of healing this cast.
3. Caster must dance uncontrollably for 10 minutes
4. Caster polymorphs into a rabbit for an hour
5. Something on the caster's person gains a mouth and the ability to talk - usually a weapon
6. The caster talks backwards for 10 minutes
7. The caster can only walk backwards for 10 minutes
8. Until the next day, whenever the caster drinks, it tastes like orange juice after mint
9. The caster turns invisible for an hour
10. Singing faeries fly around the casters head for an hour
11. An imp wearing a dunce cap appears and starts following the caster, demanding they come
take a test
12. The caster polymorphs into a Gerbil for an hour
13. An identical, illusionary copy of the caster shadows them for an hour
14. Your eyelids glow brightly for an hour.
15. Gravity doesn't affect the caster for a minute
16. The caster's skin turns blue for an hour
17. The caster must speak in rhyme for an hour
18. The caster close all hair, fur, or feathers. It regrows at the start of the next day
19. A modron appears in a nearby space. It disappears a minute later
20. You grow D10 inches
21. You shrink D10 inches
22. The wand casts confusion centered on the caster
23. You grow a long beard of feathers that remains until you sneeze, at which point they explode
out from your face
24. The wand casts grease centered on the caster
25. An extra eye appears on your forehead. It disappears after an hour
26. The caster is transported to the astral plane for a minute, after which they reappear where
they disappeared from. (or nearby if that space is occupied)
27. You get D10 years older
28. You get D10 years younger
29. 1D6 flumphs appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of you. They are frightened of you
30. The caster regains 2D10 hit points
31. You turn into a potted plant until the start of your next turn
32. A unicorn appears within 5 feet of you. It disappears after a minute.
33. Whenever you try to speak for the next 10 minutes, pink bubbles escape your mouth instead
34. For the next minute, any flammable object you touch that is not being held or worn by a
creature bursts into flame
35. For the next 10 minutes, you must shout when you speak
36. You cast fog cloud centered on yourself
37. You are frightened by the nearest creature until the end of your next turn
38. The caster's middle and index fingers are magically stuck together for an hour
39. Each creature within 30' of you turns invisible for the next minute. They become visible again
when they attack or cast a spell.
40. You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute
41. You are polymorphed into a sheep for an hour
42. Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in the air within 10 feet of you for the next hour
43. You can take another action this turn
44. You cast fly on a random creature within 60' of you
99. Both caster and target regain all hit points. The Bonzai Stick is destroyed
100. Both the caster and target regain all hit points.
The oracle will sell information in exchange for either magic items or the asker drawing a card from
the following deck.
1. No longer dream
2. Lose childhood memories
3. Lose an eye
4. Lose a skill proficiency
5. Lose voice
6. Lose a level
7. Lose n points from an ability score
8. Lose sense of taste
9. Lose sense of smell
10. You can no longer speak/read/write one of your languages
11. You now need half-again time to rest (90mins for short, 12hours for long)
12. You lose a spell slot (highest level)
13. You lose a spell slot (lowest)
14. You forget a spell
15. You lose a weapon / tool / armour proficiency
16. Lose a leg
17. Lose an arm
18. Lose n max hp
19. Lose n hit dice
20. The oracle takes nothing from you
1. Earthquake rumbles
2. Small magmin encounter
3. Runaway cultist
4. Runaway guard
1. Earthquake rumbles
2. Bonus cultists (non-magic)
3. Bonus cultists (magic)
A character without protection from "the negative effects of being inside a volcano" will take 5D6
fire damage and 5D6 poison damage for each round they have been without protection at the start
of each of their turns.
Roll a D8:
1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. 3 Magmin
4. 6 Magmin
5. 6 Magmin
6. 9 Magmin
7. 12 Magmin
8. 1 Fire Elemental, 3 Magmin
In the temple's library, there are five fake wooden books hidden amongst the real books. On the side
of each is a single line from a hymn, which can be found in any copy of Pele's Hymn Book - copies of
which can be found all over the temple, including many copies in the library, a handful in the storage
room the cult leader took residence in, and the high priest's office and personal quarters.
Pulling any of the books will activate the fire pit in the center of the library. Pulling all five in the
correct order activates the fire and the portal to the oracle's domain.
However, all the text - both on the spines of the fake books and in the Hymn Books - are written in
an ancient language (ancient Pele). Comprehend language could be cast to read this language, or a
magical item with a similar property (such as glasses of comprehend language) could be used. As an
ancient common language, anyone native to the area would have the basic knowledge that