Current Management of Childhood Amblyopia: Shin Hae Park
Current Management of Childhood Amblyopia: Shin Hae Park
Current Management of Childhood Amblyopia: Shin Hae Park
Review Article
Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Amblyopia is defined as the reduction of best-corrected visual acuity of one or both eyes caused by conditions
that affect normal visual development. The basic strategy to treat amblyopia is to obtain a clear retinal image in
each eye and correct ocular dominance through forced use of the amblyopic eye. Treatment modalities include
correcting any underlying organic disease, prescribing appropriate optical correction, and providing occlusion/
penalization therapy for the non-amblyopic eye. Given the success of amblyopia treatment declines with in-
creasing age, the detection and management of amblyopia should begin as early as possible during the sensi-
tive period for visual development. Proper management of amblyopia during childhood can reduce the overall
prevalence and severity of visual loss. This study aims to provide an update for the management of childhood
amblyopia to provide better visual outcomes.
Korean J Ophthalmol Vol.33, No.6, 2019
SH Park. Management of Childhood Amblyopia
400 without previous treatment [13]. Spectacle correction and their family. There have been many studies on the
resulted in improvement of binocular BCVA: 73% of chil- number of hours of patching per day [19-23]. In a PEDIG
dren achieved VA of 20 / 25 or better within one year of trial, 6 hours per day occlusion treatment produced an im-
starting treatment; binocular VA improved by an average provement of VA that was of similar magnitude to that ob-
of 3.9 lines and children with worse baseline VA had tained by full-time occlusion in children 3 to less than 7
greater improvement in terms of the number of lines; how- years of age with severe amblyopia (20 / 100 to 20 / 400)
ever, the probability of achieving 20 / 25 or better binocu- [19]. In children who had moderate amblyopia (20 / 40 to
lar VA was greater in children who had better baseline VA 20 / 80), initial occlusion therapy for 2 hours daily resulted
[13]. Some studies have suggested that spectacle correction in an improvement in VA that was similar in magnitude to
alone can be used as a treatment for anisometropic ambly- the improvement produced by prescribing 6 hours of daily
opia [14,15]. Refractive correction alone improved VA by patching [20]. After 17 weeks of treatment, children with
≥2 lines in 77% of patients and resulted in resolution of severe amblyopia showed a mean improvement of 3.6 lines
amblyopia in at least one third of children aged 3 to 7 years with 2 hours of daily patching [21]. For children with resid-
who had untreated anisometropic amblyopia [15]. Most ual amblyopia after treatment with refractive correction
cases where resolution was reported with refractive cor- and 2-hour patching, increasing the daily patching time to
rection alone had moderate (20 / 40 to 20 / 100) amblyopia. 6 hours resulted in an average of 1.2 lines of statistically
For children with greater degrees of amblyopia, initial significant additional improvement at 10 weeks, compared
treatment with spectacles resulted in a 3-line improvement to an average 0.5 line additional improvement when con-
in VA on average, which may have reduced the burden of tinuing with just 2 hours of patching [22]. Improvement of
subsequent amblyopia therapy. In addition, a study of chil- ≥2 lines occurred in 40% of participants after patching for
dren aged 7 to 17 years found that amblyopia improved by 6 hours versus 18% of those who continued 2-hour patch-
2 or more lines with optical correction alone in about one ing. When vision in the amblyopic eye stops improving
fourth of children enrolled [16]. The effects of spectacle with two hours of daily patching, increasing the daily
correction on strabismic amblyopia have also been investi- patching duration to 6 hours is recommended to obtain
gated [17,18]. Refractive correction with spectacles alone greater improvement in VA [22,23]. Patching should be
resulted in a clinically meaningful improvement in VA in considered even in older children and teenagers, particu-
the amblyopic eye in the majority of previously untreated larly if they have not been previously treated [10,16,24]. For
strabismic children. Overall, a mean improvement of 2.6 patients aged 7 to 17 years, prescribing 2 to 6 hours per
lines occurred in the amblyopic eye, with 75% of children day of patching together with near visual activities can im-
showing improvement of ≥2 lines and 54% of children prove VA even if the amblyopia has been previously treat-
showing improvement of ≥3 lines. Resolution of amblyopia ed [16].
occurred in 32% of patients [17]. Clinicians should be aware that children treated with
patching may develop occlusion amblyopia or strabismus.
Patching Amblyopia patients who had previously been treated with
patching were found to have deterioration and improve-
Patching or occlusion therapy involves covering the ment of ocular alignment [25,26]. Parents should be in-
sound eye to stimulate the amblyopic eye. It has been the formed that change in ocular alignment may occur in some
mainstay of amblyopia treatment for the past 250 years. amblyopia patients after patching
Patching is currently the preferred treatment option among
ophthalmologists, although other methods such as atropine Atropine penalization
penalization have been shown to provide equivalent reme-
diation for moderate and severe amblyopia [1,10,11]. Penalization using atropine produces cycloplegia in the
Over the last decade, several randomized controlled non-amblyopic eye. It is an effective choice for treating
clinical trials have provided evidence as to how to tailor children who do not show improvement with spectacles
amblyopia therapy more precisely to achieve the best visu- alone. Atropine (1%) eye drops lead to loss of accommoda-
al outcome while minimizing negative impacts on children tion and optical defocusing in the non-amblyopic eye and
Korean J Ophthalmol Vol.33, No.6, 2019
forced use of the amblyopic eye. Atropine is most effective to respond to amblyopia treatment [4,10,16,24,36-40]. A
when the non-amblyopic eye is hyperopic. The importance randomized PEDIG trial assessing treatment of amblyopia
of a fixation switch to the amblyopic eye has been consid- in children aged 7 to 17 years [16] revealed the following
ered an important predictor of success with atropine pe- results: (1) amblyopia improved with optical correction
nalization [27,28]. alone in about one fourth of patients aged 7 to 17 years, (2)
PEDIG trials have compared patching and atropine as for patients aged 7 to 12 years, 2 to 6 hours per day of
treatments for moderate amblyopia [27-30]. Both atropine patching together with near visual activities and atropine
penalization and patching were effective treatments for improved VA even if the amblyopia had been treated pre-
children with moderate amblyopia. VA improved by 3.16 viously, (3) even for patients 13 to 17 years of age, patching
lines in the patching group and 2.84 lines in the atropine for 2 to 6 hours per day together with near visual activities
group after 6 months of treatment in children younger improved VA when amblyopia had not been treated previ-
than 7 [29]. Although improvement was initially more rap- ously. A recent analysis of the Preferred Practice Pattern
id in the patching group, the between-group difference in for amblyopia by the American Academy of Ophthalmolo-
VA was small and statistically non-significant after 6 gy recommended treatment for children up to 10 years of
months [29]. A PEDIG trial that enrolled children from 3 age [1].
to 12 years of age with severe amblyopia (20 / 125 to 20 /
400) found that their vision also improved with weekend Compliance with prescribed amblyopia treatment
atropine [31].
Atropine is initially prescribed daily for amblyopia treat- Compliance is defined as the extent to which a patient’s
ment. The cycloplegic effect of topical atropine usually behavior matches the prescribed treatment. Many studies
lasts for several days. Less frequent dosing of atropine have demonstrated that treatment compliance is the most
may enhance compliance with treatment. Several studies critical factor for predicting a successful outcome in am-
have investigated daily use and weekend use of atropine blyopic children [41,42]. Reported rates of compliance with
for amblyopia treatment [32,33]. A study by Simons et al. prescribed treatment range widely. Compliance with am-
[32] has reported that intermittent atropine therapy (one or blyopia therapy may be improved by educational programs
two days a week) is as successful as daily atropine therapy. or more effective communication with children and their
The first prospective clinical trial by PEDIG found that the parents. Poor parental knowledge has been reported to be
magnitude of improvement after 4 months of treatment associated with poor compliance [42-44]. A study by New-
was 2.3 lines with both daily and weekend atropine regi- sham [44] reported that a large proportion of patients could
mens [27]. Prescribing weekend atropine appeared to be as benefit by increasing parental knowledge in several key
effective as daily atropine in treating children with moder- areas, such as critical period, importance of amblyopia
ate amblyopia [27]. Weekend atropine seems to be equally therapy, and potential negative consequences of not treat-
effective and produces greater compliance. It should be ing amblyopia. Written information may be a simple, inex-
noted that atropine had less pronounced dilating and cy- pensive, and effective method to improve parental under-
cloplegic effects in children with dark iris pigmentation standing of amblyopia and subsequent compliance of their
[33,34]. When initiated before age 7, improvement achieved children with prescribed treatment/s. Increasing the fre-
with patching or atropine treatment for moderate amblyo- quency of physician check-up and a more direct communi-
pia due to strabismus, anisometropia, or both was main- cation between physician and child can also contribute to
tained until 10 to 15 years of age in children with a mean improved compliance with treatment and better final visu-
VA in their amblyopic eye of about 20 / 25 [35]. al outcome [41]. Beginning therapy with a less intensive
patching regime can also help improve patient compliance
Amblyopia treatment in older children [20-23]. Splitting part-time patching hours into 2 or more
smaller sessions has been reported to provide visual im-
Although it is true that amblyopia can be treated more provement comparable to equivalent numbers of continu-
effectively in younger children, several studies have shown ous hours of part-time patching for children with anisome-
that older children and adults with amblyopia are also able tropic amblyopia while creating less emotional stress [45].
SH Park. Management of Childhood Amblyopia
Patching is usually administered by applying an opaque unilateral amblyopia [50]. However, there have been no
adhesive patch directly to the skin surrounding the further studies to confirm the effectiveness of intermittent
non-amblyopic eye. Periocular skin irritation due to adhe- occlusion therapy glasses, in terms of age, severity and
sive skin patches during amblyopia treatment can cause subtype of amblyopia.
considerable distress and reduce compliance with treat-
ment. A recent study has shown that treatment with either Perceptual learning
adhesive skin patching or over-glasses patching produced
similar degrees of vision improvement of the amblyopic Perceptual learning refers to any relatively permanent
eye [46]. and consistent change in the perception of a sensory task
following repeated practice [51,52]. Visual performance
may be improved with repetitive practice of specific con-
New Treatments for Amblyopia trolled visual tasks. Persistence of binocular cortical com-
munication in subjects with amblyopia is the basis for the
Alternative therapies for amblyopia treatment have long hypothesis that activation of these persistent binocular
been a topic of interest among researchers and clinicians. neural circuits might awaken an amblyopic eye. Since the
New technologies have been incorporated into standard Cambridge Stimulator treatment described in the 1970s,
therapy for amblyopia as our understanding of the patho- which was the first application of perceptual learning the-
physiological basis of amblyopia has increased. ory to amblyopia [53], perceptual learning to various visual
tasks has resulted in improvement in orientation discrimi-
Intermittent occlusion glasses nation, stereoacuity and contrast sensitivity, even in adults
with amblyopia [54-56]. Perceptual learning seems to be a
With regard to advances in occlusion therapy for ambly- promising method; however small numbers of participants
opia, an electronic device, Amblyz liquid crystal intermit- in the previously published studies and lack of long-term
tent occlusion glasses (XPAND 3D Group, Ljubljana, Slo- follow-up currently limit widespread use of perceptual
venia), has been introduced. Intermittent occlusion glasses learning as a therapeutic option for amblyopia.
are programmed to unilaterally alternate between opaque
and transparent phases at 30-second intervals, providing Dichoptic training
effective occlusion of the fellow eye 50% of the time they
are worn. Because these glasses are more child friendly It has been suggested that patching may further disrupt
and do not produce the side effects seen with adhesive skin binocularity and theoretically may not be an ideal method
patches, they may potentially improve compliance with to restore binocular cortical function in amblyopic patients
occlusion therapy. However, a recent study to monitor ob- [57-64]. Binocular visual stimulation using computer
jective compliance with intermittent occlusion glasses us- games played on a smartphone or computer tablet has been
ing a microsensor affixed to the glasses found that general suggested as a means to improve not only VA, but also
compliance was not as high as was anticipated for this new binocular function [57-64]. Dichoptic presentation refers to
technology (averaging 51.6%) and varied greatly from pa- presenting different images to each eye. Given the ambly-
tient to patient (range, 10% to 97%), and in addition, daily opic eye has lower contrast sensitivity compared to the
compliance decreased slightly over time [47]. There have sound eye, when employing dichoptic presentation as a
been several studies assessing the effectiveness of the in- treatment method, children with amblyopia are trained on
termittent occlusion glasses [48-50]; however, there has tasks in which reduced contrast images are presented to
been only one randomized clinical trial comparing the ef- the sound eye while higher contrast images are shown to
fectiveness of liquid crystal occlusion glasses and adhesive the amblyopic eye in order to balance cortical input and
occlusion patches [50]. After 12 weeks of treatment, 4 overcome inter-ocular suppression. Early non-randomized
hours’ daily intermittent occlusion therapy with liquid studies of binocular visual stimulation have demonstrated
crystal glasses was not inferior to 2 hours’ daily patching promising results [59-61]. Recently, several clinical trials
when treating children 3 to 8 years of age with moderate, employing different testing protocols and different age
Korean J Ophthalmol Vol.33, No.6, 2019
SH Park. Management of Childhood Amblyopia
followed by the addition of low-dose patching or weekend although recurrences occurred more frequently during the
atropine in a stepwise manner. If VA in the amblyopic eye first 13 weeks after cessation of treatment. In patients
has been improving with stable VA in the fellow eye, the treated with moderately intense patching (6 to 8 hours per
current treatment may be continued. If no further im- day), recurrence was more common (42%) when treatment
provement in VA is found and residual amblyopia persists was not reduced prior to cessation than when treatment
in spite of good adherence to treatment, increasing treat- was reduced to 2 hours per day prior to cessation (14%).
ment intensity (for example, increasing patching from 2 to When maximum VA is achieved, treatment should be
6 hours daily) or changing/adding a treatment modality (for tapered and then discontinued with monitoring for ambly-
example, switching to topical atropine administration) opia recurrence. De Weger et al. [84] have recommended
should be considered. An alternative diagnosis compatible the follow-up period be longer than 2 years in the presence
with decreased vision should be considered for children of risk factors such as increasing anisometropia. Clinicians
who fail to show any improvement in VA after amblyopia should be aware of the possibility of vision deterioration
treatment. Thorough ophthalmologic re-examinations after cessation of amblyopia treatment. Careful and pro-
should be performed to rule out any organic disorders, longed follow-up is needed for all children who have been
such as inherited retinal dystrophy or optic nerve/macular successfully completed previous treatment for amblyopia
abnormalities. [80,83-85].
Although amblyopia can be successfully treated by opti-
cal correction, patching, and atropine penalization, recur-
rence of amblyopia has been reported, with incidences Conclusion
ranging from 6% to 67% [80-83]. In a PEDIG prospective
observational study of successfully treated amblyopic chil- Amblyopia may be reversible with appropriate visual
dren less than 8 years of age for whom treatment had been stimulation. The detection and management of amblyopia
discontinued, the overall amblyopia incidence of recur- should begin as early as possible. Several studies have
rence was 24% over 1 year of follow-up [80]. Recurrence shown that older children and adults with amblyopia also
was similar among those patients who discontinued patch- respond to amblyopia treatment. Thus, treatment should be
ing (25%) and those who stopped atropine (21%). Recur- attempted in older children.
rence occurred throughout the 52-week follow-up period, Amblyopia should be treated in a stepwise manner (Fig. 1).
Follow-up examinations
Children with amblyopia
· VA in the amblyopic eye
(strabismic or anisometropic)
· VA in the fellow eye
· Refraction in both eyes
· Compliance to the treatment
Step 1. Spectacle correction of refractive error · Ocular alignment
based on cycloplegic refraction
Follow-up visit every 6-8 weeks
· Improvement in VA · No improvement in VA
· Persistent amblyopia
Table 1. Summary of the results from Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group studies
Published Age Subtype of Baseline VA
Treatment modalities Results and conclusions
year (yr) amblyopia in amblyopic eye
2007 <10 Bilateral 20 / 40 to 20 / 400 Spectacles alone Treatment of bilateral refractive amblyopia with spectacle correction improved
refractive binocular VA, with most improving to 20 / 25 or better within one year [13]
2006 3< <7 Anisometropic 20 / 40 to 20 / 250 Spectacles alone Amblyopia improved with optical correction by ≥2 lines in 77% of the patients
2005 7< <17 Anisometropic 20 / 40 to 20 / 400 Spectacles alone Amblyopia improved with optical correction alone in about one fourth of
or strabismic patients aged 7 to 17 years [16]
2007 4< <6 Strabismic 20 / 40 to 20 / 250 Spectacles alone Amblyopic eye acuity improved by 2 lines or more from spectacle-corrected
baseline acuity in 75% [17]
Korean J Ophthalmol Vol.33, No.6, 2019
2010 3< <7 Strabismic 20 / 40 to 20 / 400 Spectacles alone Optical treatment alone resulted in clinically meaningful improvement in
or Combined amblyopic eye VA, resolving in at least one fourth of patients without the need
for additional treatment [18]
2003 3< <7 Anisometropic 20 / 100 to 20 / 400 Full time patching Six hours daily patching produced an improvement in VA that was of similar
or strabismic vs. 6 hours patching magnitude to the improvement produced by prescribed full-time patching [19]
2003 3< <7 Anisometropic 20 / 40 to 20 / 80 6 hours patching Two hours of daily patching produced an improvement in VA that was of
or strabismic vs. 2 hours patching similar magnitude to the improvement produced by 6 hours of daily [20]
2008 3< <7 Anisometropic 20 / 40 to 20 / 400 2 hours patching + Performing common near activities did not improve VA outcome when
or strabismic near vs. distance activities treating amblyopia with 2 hours of daily patching [21]
2013 3< <8 Anisometropic Residual amblyopia Continue 2 hours patching Improvement of ≥2 lines occurred in 40% of participants patched for 6 hours
or strabismic after 2 hours patching vs. increase patching time versus 18% of those who continued to patch for 2 hours [22]
20 / 32 to 20 / 160 to 6 hr/day
2004 3< <7 Anisometropic 20 / 40 to 20 / 80 Daily atropine Weekend atropine provided an improvement in VA of a magnitude similar to
or strabismic vs. weekend atropine that of the improvement provided by daily atropine when treating moderate
amblyopia [27]
2002 3< <7 Anisometropic 20 / 40 to 20 / 100 Atropine vs. patching Improvement was initially faster in the patching group, but after 6 months,
or strabismic the between-group difference in VA was small and clinically inconsequential.
Atropine and patching produce improvement of similar magnitude [30]
2009 3< <7 Anisometropic 20 / 125 to 20 / 400 Weekend atropine Weekend atropine improved VA in children with severe amblyopia [31]
or strabismic
2004 10< <18 Anisometropic 20 / 40 to 20 / 160 Daily patching (≥2 hours a VA improved ≥2 lines from baseline in 27% of the 66 patients and the
or strabismic day) combined with at least improvement appeared similar in 10- to <14-year-olds and 14- to <18-year-
1 hour of near activities olds [39]
2004 <8 Anisometropic Successfully treated amblyopia with patching or Approximately one fourth of successfully treated amblyopic children
or strabismic atropine experienced a recurrence within the first year of treatment. Risk of recurrence
was greater when patching was stopped abruptly rather than when it was
reduced to 2 hours per day prior to cessation [80]
VA = visual acuity.
SH Park. Management of Childhood Amblyopia
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