Case Study of Occupational Mercury Exposure During Decontamination of Turnaround in Refinery Plant
Case Study of Occupational Mercury Exposure During Decontamination of Turnaround in Refinery Plant
Case Study of Occupational Mercury Exposure During Decontamination of Turnaround in Refinery Plant
To cite this article: Maytiya Muadchim, Wantanee Phanprasit, Mark Gregory Robson, Dusit
Sujirarat & Rawee Detchaipitak (2018): Case study of occupational mercury exposure during
decontamination of turnaround in refinery plant, International Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Health, DOI: 10.1080/10773525.2018.1425657
Article views: 7
Introduction times higher than normal work routines and during the
comprehensive turnaround (TA) workers could have sig-
Mercury is a chemical of global concern due to its tox-
nificant exposure. TA shutdown of refineries to allow
icity and prevalence in atmosphere and environment.
for decontamination, repairs, replacements, inspec-
This rare element occurs naturally in the earth’s crust
tions, and overhauls to increase equipment reliability
combined with rock, fossil fuels, etc. The concentra-
to maintain production integrity and reduce the risk of
tion of mercury in crude oil, condensate and natural
catastrophic failures [4–7].
gas varies globally e.g. in the Gulf of Thailand and the
After shutdown, the remaining feeds in the produc-
Middle East presented 593 μg/kg [1] and 0.8 μg/kg [2]
tion system will be drained in underground storage
respectively. These products are used as feedstock in pet-
tanks to start the decontamination. Two decontami-
rochemical industries in Rayong Province, Thailand. In
nation methods are employed, i.e. chemical and steam.
2010, approximately 13,000 kg of mercury was released
For a unit with high concentration of mercury, chem-
from anthropogenic sources in Thailand and about 5%
ical decontamination would be employed (Figure 1).
was from oil and gas production, e.g. petroleum refin-
The hydrocarbon decontamination chemical is pumped
eries [3]. The release of chemicals in the environment
in the cleaning loop to remove residual oil, hydrogen
could occur due to leaks, spills, and fugitive sources
sulfide (H2S), benzene, combustible gasses, and pyroph-
during normal operations and maintenance. Certainly
oric iron sulfides including mercury accumulated on the
chemical exposure during maintenance could be several
The decontamination workers participating in the
Figure 1. Chemical decontamination process of the studied site. study were from two sources; the steam decontamina-
tion workers comprised of the refinery plant staff and
the chemical team comprised of subcontracted work-
surface of equipment, parts. Then the system is flushed ers. However, both teams were familiar with the work
with water and the wastewater is sent to waste storage procedures well although some of them had worked in
tanks or cooled with nitrogen gas. For a unit with high this position less than 1 year. Moreover, the contracted
hydrocarbon compounds but low mercury, the steam workers must pass the safety training course before
decontamination method would be used. The process recruitment to the TA project. While working in the
is similar, but hot water and steam are used to flush and TA area, they wore working coverall suits and half face
purge the system instead of using chemicals, and the respirators with 3 M mercury cartridges, 6009 for the
wastewater is drained to a storage tank or wastewater steam team and 6096 [mercury and organic vapor] for
treatment system depending on the concentration of the the chemical team.
toxic chemicals. No matter of what method is used, the Due to short duration of TA execution and high
decontamination process will be repeated until the toxic intense work, the work ran around the clock. For the
chemicals are at acceptable levels. two shifts, workers were split in two teams, day and night
Reports have been published of mercury exposure shifts. Both worked for 12 h daily everyday throughout
during TA for welding, confined space entry, and manual 58 days of the TA project.
removal of scale from vessels [8], but not for decon-
tamination. This study focused on mercury exposure
during decontamination of decontamination workers Sampling strategy
in a refinery plant. Approximately 110 decontamination workers were
employed each shift, 70 in the chemical team and 40 in
Material and methods the steam team. Thirty passive sampling badges (SKC
Inc., model # 520-02A, Lot No. 9962) were attached at
Study site and decontamination process the coverall collar of 16 steam decontamination workers
This study was conducted in a refinery plant located in and 14 chemical decontamination workers when they
Map Ta Phut District, Rayong Province, Thailand, where signed in to work and collected before they left the TA
a comprehensive turnaround was conducted between site. Sixteen Hydrar packed sorbent tubes (Carulite, Lot
May and June 2016. The decontamination work was per- 10187 Cat. No. 226-17-1A) were used to collect area air
formed in the first 8 days. The production process and samples according to the NIOSH method #6009. The air
sampling units were attached to a tripod and the sam- between 92 and 109%. The analysis conditions of plasma
pler was approximately 1.2 meter above the ground in were: RF power = 1500 W, RF Matching = 1.60 V, make
the decontamination areas where the workers operated up gas = 0.32 L/min, nebulizer pump = 0.1 cps, and
but without obstructing the work. The personal pumps flow of the carrier gas was 0.6 L/min. In addition, the
were calibrated before and after air sampling and the detector conditions were: discriminator = 6.0 mV, analog
average flow rate was used for time weight average HV = 1850 V, and pulse HV = 1440 V. Field blanks were
(TWA) concentration calculation. Both personal and prepared and analyzed in parallel with the samples.
area air samples were collected throughout 8 days of
decontamination. Statistical analysis
All workers who carried the badge were informed
about the study and asked for their voluntary enroll- The data were analyzed and described using descriptive
ment before signing a consent form approved by the statistics, e.g. mean and standard deviation. Correlations
Ethics Committee on Human Rights Related to Human between variables were assessed using Pearson’s corre-
Experimentation, Mahidol University. This research lations coefficient. Differences of mercury exposure
proposal was reviewed and approved under No. MUPH between groups was assessed using the paired simple
2016-029. T-test, Mann–Whitney test, and the Kruskal–Wallis test,
respectively. Furthermore, to analyze all data, the “not
detected (ND)” samples were replaced with half of the
Laboratory analysis
LOD [11]. Statistical analyses were performed using the
The analyzer was an ICP-MS (Agilent 7500 series, software package SPSS, version 22.0v.
JP82802997); thus, the sample preparation procedure
in ID 140 [9] and NIOSH method #6009 [10] were mod- Result
ified so that the samples were suitable for the analyzer. A
series of known concentrations of 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, and Due to the nature of the refinery plant, the production
25 ppb [mercury standard solution, Hg (NO3)2], were process was established outdoors; therefore, air move-
used to prepare standard curves. The r2 of the linear ment in the site could affect chemicals concentration.
regression of the standard curve was 1. The LOD was less The results of the air samples collected and analyzed
than 0.3 μg/m3, and the desorption efficiency ranged in for mercury are presented in Table 1. Among 16 area
samples, only 4 were detectable and the highest con- analyze the difference between the median of TWA con-
centration was 0.0016 mg/m3, which was lower than the centrations of the steam and the chemical teams, showed
TLV. Thus, workers in the TA site not involved with the no significant differences (p-value = 0.357), while those
system decontamination were less likely to be exposed of the area and the personal samples analyzed by paired
to mercury above TLV. simple T-test differed significantly (p-value = 0.001). In
Six members of the decontamination team were addition, the Kruskal–Wallis test was used to analyze
exposed to mercury above the TLV, and one of these was the difference between mercury exposures of workers
in the chemical team. The highest exposure (0.1037 mg/ in each panels presented in Table 3. The median values
m3) was among the steam decontamination worker who of mercury exposure of workers working in each panel
operated near the HCU, ADIP, and SRU Units, whereas did not significantly differ (p-value = 0.060).
the highest among the chemical team was 0.0329 mg/
m3 obtained from a worker who cleaned at the DHDS Discussion
Unit, C2804 of panel 5. The statistical characteristic of
the mercury concentrations are presented in Table 2. Chemical concentrations in the decontamination area
The data of all mercury concentrations, comprising log were anticipated to be high due to the activities of
normal distribution. Mann–Whitney test was used to decontamination; thus, area samples were collected
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