Heliyon: Chi Eun Song, Weon Gyeong Kim, You Jin Lim
Heliyon: Chi Eun Song, Weon Gyeong Kim, You Jin Lim
Heliyon: Chi Eun Song, Weon Gyeong Kim, You Jin Lim
journal homepage: www.heliyon.com
Research article
Keywords: Objective: This study aims to examine the current status of evidence-based practice (EBP) courses and EBP-related
Education courses in Korean nursing education systems.
Evidence based practice Method: Subject institutions were 159 institutions including 99 universities and 60 colleges with a bachelor's
degree program accredited by the Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing Education. Two researchers indepen-
dently collected data from the subject institutions based on the curricula published on the website of each uni-
versity or college, and the collected datasets were cross-checked to ensure data accuracy.
Results: EBP courses were found in a small portion of institutions (13.2%). Research courses were offered in most
institutions (98.7%), but they were usually provided to third- or fourth-year students.
Conclusion: Understanding the concept of EBP and knowledge of nursing research and statistics are both pre-
requisites to strengthening the EBP competence of nursing students. Therefore, it is imperative to equip them with
the required knowledge prior to their clinical practicum.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.E. Song).
Received 16 August 2019; Received in revised form 3 October 2019; Accepted 9 October 2019
2405-8440/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
C.E. Song et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02650
Recent studies on the EBP competence of clinical nurses in Korea indicate 2.4. Analysis
that there is an urgent need for reorganization of existing nursing
curricula. According to one survey conducted among general hospital The program years and semesters, the number of courses were
nurses regarding factors affecting the level of EBP preparation and analyzed and converted into frequency and percentage data.
evidence-based practical competence, 70% of the subjects answered that
they did not know EBP. Nurses showed the lowest level of knowledge 3. Results
regarding how to convert required information into clinical questions.
Their level of belief in research finding applicability was also low, and 3.1. EBP courses and EBP-related courses offered
they found it difficult to interpret statistical data. These survey results
indicate that research capability was the factor with the most significant EBP courses were offered in 21 of the 159 schools (13.2%): in 13 of
effect on EBP competence. However, about 78% of the subjects recog- the 99 universities (13.1%) and in eight of the 60 colleges (13.3%).
nized the necessity of research grounds in practical clinical settings (Ryu Nursing research courses were offered in 157 institutions overall
et al., 2016). In a survey conducted among nurses who had been men- (98.7%): in 98 universities (99.9%) and in 59 colleges (98.3%). In
tored by a preceptor (a role model for new nurses), regarding their belief, addition, 28 out of those 157 schools (17.8%) offered nursing research
knowledge, and performance level of EBP, about 61% of the subjects courses during two or more semesters. Nursing process courses were
answered that they knew little or nothing about EBP even though 66% of offered in 138 of the institutions (86.6%): in 80 universities (80.8%) and
the subjects had completed research courses (Yoo and Oh, 2012). in 58 colleges (96.7%). Nursing informatics courses were offered in 89 of
These findings imply that Korean nursing education needs to be the institutions (56.0%): in 57 universities (57.6%) and in 32 colleges
changed in the context of EBP, with demands for this curriculum change (53.3%). Statistics courses were offered in 79 institutions (49.7%): in 47
increasing in Korean nursing education circles as well (Oh et al., 2016). universities (47.5%) and in 32 colleges (53.3%). These results are shown
As far as we know, there have been no papers that have specifically in Table 1.
analyzed the EBP curriculum of all Korean nursing colleges. Accordingly,
the target of this study is to examine the actual condition of EBP and
3.2. Program years and semesters in which EBP and EBP-related courses
EBP-related course operation among nursing colleges in Korea and pro-
were offered
vide a basis for curriculum revision based on the data of program
learning performance presented by the Korean Accreditation Board of
Results of the analysis of years and semesters for which each course
Nursing Education. The findings of this study are anticipated to be used
was offered in target institutions are presented in Table 2. For some in-
to design education programs for improving the EBP competence of
stitutions, this information could not be found on their web pages. EBP
nursing students.
courses were offered in the second semester of the fourth year in nine
institutions (42.9%) out of 21 and in the first and second semesters of the
2. Method third year in five institutions (23.8%). Nursing research courses were
offered in the first semester of the fourth year in 55 institutions (35.3%)
2.1. Study design out of 156, in the first semester of the third year in 35 institutions
(22.4%), and in the second semester of the third year in 32 institutions
This was a descriptive study that examined EBP courses and is (20.5%). Nursing process courses were offered in the second semester of
intended to provide a basis for revising curricula designed to improve the second year in 81 institutions (58.7%) out of 138 and in the first
EBP competency among Korean nursing students. semester of the second year in 49 institutions (35.5%). Nursing infor-
matics courses were offered in the second semester of the third year in 18
2.2. Research target institutions (21.2%) out of 85, in the second semester of the second year
in 16 (18.8%), in the first semester of the second year in 15 (17.6%), in
Research targets included institutions with five-year nursing bache- the first semester of the third year in 14 (16.5%), and in the second se-
lor's degree programs that have been certified by the Korean Accredita- mester of the fourth year in 13 (15.3%). Statistics courses were offered in
tion Board of Nursing Education. The targets were identified from the first semester of the second year in 19 institutions (24.4%) out of 78,
information posted on the Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing Edu- in the second semester of the second year in 18 (23.1%), and in the
cation website as of June 12, 2018. Among the171 institutions listed, 107 second semester of the first year and the first and second semesters of the
were universities and 64 were colleges. third year in nine (11.65%).
2.3. Materials and procedure 3.3. Number of EBP courses and EBP-related courses offered
Curricula were analyzed based on the information posted on the Among 159 institutions, 61 offered three courses (38.4%), 48 offered
website of each institution. This information was openly accessible to four courses (30.2%), and 45 offered two courses (28.3%). A single
everyone. Therefore, there was no need to receive approval from an course was offered by three institutions (1.9%), and two offered five
ethics committee. Target courses included EBP courses and EBP-related courses (1.3%).
courses. EBP-related courses were selected among materials relevant to
nursing research, nursing statistics, nursing informatics, and nursing Table 1
processes based on the literature review (Oh et al., 2016). Data were EBP courses and EBP-related courses that were offered.
collected using an Excel-based analysis framework. Analysis items School type EBP Nursing Nursing Nursing Statistics
included school names, locations, course names, program years and se- research process informatics
mesters for such subjects, and so forth. To ensure data accuracy, two n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
researchers collected the same information from each university and
Total (N ¼ 21 157 (98.7) 138 (86.6) 89 (56.0) 79
college separately, and then collected data was cross-checked for data 159) (13.2) (49.7)
integrity. Data analysis was conducted on entries from 159 institutions University (N 13 98 (99.9) 80 (80.8) 57 (57.6) 47
including 99 universities and 60 colleges, excluding 12 of the 171 total ¼ 99) (13.1) (47.5)
educational institutions due to insufficient or unavailable information on College (N ¼ 8 59 (98.3) 58 (96.7) 32 (53.3) 32
60) (13.3) (53.3)
those institutions' websites.
C.E. Song et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02650
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