05 02 Docker Handson
05 02 Docker Handson
05 02 Docker Handson
A group size should be four. If not possible to equally divide, few groups
can have size of three.
To randomize the group members, use the online tool available at
Enter “Max group size” as 4
In the text area after “balance”, copy and paste learners list of the
classroom. Each line should have one name
Click “Submit” which will display the groups and the list of people in
each group
Project the screen and show the groups
The group leader has to convey the team name and the software list to
the SME
SME has to write the group name and the software list on the board
under the respective team name
Once all the teams had provided the details, the SME has to brainstorm
and finalize the list of software required.
Understand deployment of application in a remote
server - PART 2
Component 1
o Deployment step 1
o Deployment step 2
Component 2
o Deployment step 1
o Deployment step 2
o Deployment step 3
Component 3
o Deployment step 1
Activity Finalization
docker image ls
docker container ls -a
uname -a