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Chapter 3 Atomic Structre

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1. Passage of electric current through a chemical solution is called

a) Electrical conduction b) Electrochemistry
c) Electrolysis d) A.O.T
2. Conduction of electricity through any gas may be studied at any value of.
a) High pressure b) Low pressure
c) Moderate pressure d) none of these
3. Cathode rays emitted from cathode are.
a) Canal rays b) Protons
c) Electrons d) Positrons
4. In crooks tube emission of cathode rays requires
a) Low potential and low pressure b) low potential and high pressure
c) High potential and high pressure d) high potential and low pressure
5. Which is not the property of cathode rays
a) Carry negative charge b) do not depend upon cathode material
c) Show deflection towards –ve pole d) they exert mechanical pressure
6. Dispersion is the process in which
a) Integration of light occurs b) splitting of light occurs
c) Reflection of light occurs d) refraction of light occurs
7. Another name for positive rays is
a) Cathode rays b) anode rays
c) Canal rays d) neutral rays
8. Positive rays are produced by
a) Molecules b) gas atoms
c) Solids d) liquids
9. Proton was named by
a) Goldstein b) J.J. Thompson
c) G.J. Stoney d) William crooks
10.Electrons revolves around the nucleus in
a) Shells b) Energy levels
c) Orbits d) A.O.T
11.The maximum no of electrons in a shell can be calculated by the formula of
a) n2 b)2n2
c) n d) A.O.T
12.Energy of orbit.
a) Decreases as we move away from nucleus b) Increases as we move away from nucleus
c) remains same as we move away from nucleus d) N.O.T
13.Any p-orbital can accommodate up to
a) Two electrons in parallel groups b) six electrons
c) Two electrons with opposite spin d) two electrons
14.If the value of n is 3 it contains _________ sub shell
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
15.which of the following do not contain more than 2 electrons
a) Shell b) orbital
c) Orbit d) Energy level
16.Shape of p-orbital is:
a) Spherical b) Double dumbbell
c) Complicated d) dumb bell
17.The number of electrons that could be accommodated in a ‘d’ orbital
a) 6 b) 2
c) 14 d) 10

By: Sir Shahid Kaka 2019

18.Maximum number of electrons that can be present in n = 3 principal quantum number:
a) 18 b) 32
c) 8 d) 16
19.The formula 2(2l+1) is used to calculate
a) Maximum no of electrons in a shell b) maximum no of electrons in a sub shell
c) To find out no of sub shells d) to find out no of orbitals
20.N shell has ___________ sub energy levels?
a) 1 (s) b) 2(S and p)
c) 3 (s, p, d) d) 4 (s, p, d, f)
21.M shell contains ___ no of orbitals
a) 3 b) 5
c) 7 d) 9
22.Degenerated orbitals are those orbitals having __________
a) Same shape b) same energy
c) Same shape and energy d) N.O.T
23.No of orbitals in a sub shell is given by the formula
a) n2 b) 2n2
c) (2l + 1) d) 2x (2l+1)
24.S,p,d,f contains ______ orbitals respectively
a) 2,3,4,5 b) 3,5,7,9
c) 1, 3, 5,9 d) 1,3,5,7
25.Use of quantum numbers is to specify electron's
a) Energy b) position
c) Particles d) velocity
26.Azimuthal quantum number actually represents
a) Shells b) sub shells
c) Energy d) heat
27.Which quantum number describes the orientation of an orbital?
a) Principle b) Azimuthal
c) Magnetic d) Spin
28.The spin quantum number is a result of_______ Principle?
(a) Aufbau (b) Pauli Exclusion
(c) Heisenberg Uncertainty (d) Mendeleev's
29.Which element has the ground state electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p5?
(a) P (b) Si
(c) S (d) Cl
30.How many valence electrons do an element with Z = 11 possess?
a) 1 b) 4
c) 3 d) 2
31.If the value of Azimuthal quantum no is zero the orbital will be
a) S b) p
c) d d) f
32.If the spin of an electron is anti clockwise the value will be
a) +1/2 b) -1/2
c) Both a and b d) N.O.T
33.If the value of magnetic quantum no is 3 the no of orbitals will be
a) 1 b) 7
c) 3 d) 5

By: Sir Shahid Kaka 2019

34.In an atom two electrons may have the maximum of__________ same set of quantum
numbers but fourth one will be different
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
35.When electrons in the valence shell are unpaired it is said to be ______?
a) Paramagnetic b) diamagnetic
c) Ferromagnetic d) N.O.T
36.Electron in an orbital tends to live single but when electrons increases then pairing occur
said by
a) Pauli’s exclusion principle b) Hund’s rule
c) n+l rule d) A.O.T
37.Which of the following is correct S , p ,d ,f orbitals respectively
a) s2 , p4,d6,f14 b) s2 , p6,d5,f14
c) s2 , p6d10,f14 d) N.O.T
38.O2- is iso electronic with
a) Na b) F
c) Ne d) He
39.1s2,2s2 ,2px2,1py1,2pz0 this configuration is against _________ rule/principle?
a) Pauli’s exclusion b) Hund’s
c) Aufbau d) n + l


Q.No Correct option Q.No Correct option

01 A 21 D
02 B 22 C
03 C 23 C
04 D 24 C
05 C 25 A
06 B 26 B
07 C 27 C
08 B 28 B
09 A 29 D
10 D 30 A
11 B 31 A
12 B 32 A
13 B 33 B
14 C 34 B
15 B 35 A
16 D 36 B
17 D 37 C
18 A 38 C
19 B 39 B
20 D 40

By: Sir Shahid Kaka 2019

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