The Die Castingprocess: A de Signe R'S Ove Rvie W

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T he Die Ca st ing Proc e ss:

A De signe r’s Ove rvie w

An OEM Mini-Seminar on This is a 24-slide silent Webinar

presentation, approximately
Capitalizing on the Advanced 12 minutes In length.
Die Casting Process for Cost- Click Attached “Notes” for
viewing, in panel at left, before
Efficient Component Production advancing with “Forward Arrow.”

© Copyright 2006 Chicago White Metal Casting, Inc. All rights reserved.
Y our We bina r Sponsor

CWM operates under third-generation family

management from a modern 136,000 sq. ft. facility in
Bensenville, IL near Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Founded
in 1937, CWM’s top management team represents
more than 160 years of design, engineering and
production of exceptional Al, Mg and Zn die cast
housings and components for OEMs worldwide.
T he Die Ca st ing Proc e ss
Overview Presentation Summary

 Cost-efficient, net-shape parts for wide range of applications

 Unique cost & performance benefits for product designers
 Alloy options: Al, Mg, Zn— Performance & Cost comparisons
 Production options: Miniature 4-slide to Large-part capacity
 Tooling options: Comparisons by alloy, complexity & cost
 Prototyping options: Performance & Cost Comparisons
 Part cost-reduction options: Hi-tech tooling vs Post-casting CNC
 Surface finishing options: Library of finishes with cast samples
 Recommendations to designers for optimizing process results
 Reference guide to additional resources
Die c a st ing offe rs ne t - a nd ne a r-ne t sha pe c om pone nt s–
intricate shapes produced at lowest unit costs
T ight -t ole ra nc e d fe a t ure s, bosse s a nd hole s c a st -t o-size —
with superior as-cast surface finishes
Light -w e ight pa rt s offe ring high st re ngt h a nd rigidit y,
—with built-in EMI shielding and excellent heat dissipation
Die Ca st ing Produc t
Cost Be ne fit s

 Net-shape to final specs without machining

 Intricate, complex shapes, as cast
 Minimum or zero draft angles, as cast
 High-quality surface finishes, as cast
 Alloys offering inherent bearing properties
 Allows designs to reduce multiple-part assembly
Die Ca st ing Produc t
Pe rform a nc e Be ne fit s

 High strength, stiffness and rigidity

 The look and feel of real metal
 Sound dampening properties
 Can meet 100% pressure tightness requirements
 Excellent part surface for cosmetic final finishes
 Uses recyclable Al, Mg and Zn alloys
Spe c ia l Be ne fit s
for Ele c t ric a l/Ele c t ronic Produc t s

 Built-in EMI/RFI shielding

 High thermal conductivity
 Excellent heat dissipation for integral heat sinks
 Strong, thin walls for minimum package sizes
 Cast part weights comparable to plastic

See more in Notes

Alloy Opt ions

Al Mg Zn
Alloy Opt ions: Pe rform a nc e Com pa rison

Aluminum Magnesium Zinc

Strength/Stiffness Good Good Good

Strength-to-Wt. Ratio High Very High Average

Dimensional Stability Very Good Very Good Very Good

Thermal Conductivity Good Good Very Good

As-cast Surface Quality High High High

Corrosion Resistance* Good Good Good

* For galvanic corrosion protection, appropriate design considerations

may be necessary
See more in Notes
Alloy Opt ions: Cost Com pa rison

Aluminum Magnesium Zinc

Processing Costs Average Above Below

Average Average

Die Maintenance Costs Above Average Below

Average Average

Machining Costs Average Average Average

Surface Finishing Average Above Below

Costs Average* Average

Material Cost (Varies by relative material volume of casting)

* Electroplating of magnesium requires additional surface preparation.

See more in Notes
Aut om a t e d Die Ca st ing
Pe rform a nc e Opt ions

M iniat ure (4-slide) M a chine s

 Net-shape parts to very close tolerances, flash-free
 Very fast cycle times, dies guaranteed for project life
 Limited to Zn (including ZA-8 alloys), small part sizes

Sm a ll t o La rge (50- to 4000-ton) M a chine s

 Wide part size & weight range, complex features
 Net- and near-net-shape parts in Al, Mg & Zn alloys

See more in Notes

Aut om a t e d Die Ca st ing
Pa rt Size & We ight Ra nge

M iniat ure (4-slide) M a chine s

 Size Range Minuscule to 4 in. x 4 in. x 1 in.
 Weight Range Fractions of an oz. to 3/4 lbs.

Sm a ll t o La rge (50- to 4000-ton) M a chine s

 Size Range* .5 sq. in. to 2,000 sq. in.
 Weight Range** .25 oz to 50+ lbs.

* Part sizes will vary directly with the projected area of the cast part
** Dependent on the projected area of the cast part.
See more in Notes
Die Ca st Produc t ion
T ooling I nve st m e nt Opt ions

 M iniat ure M a chine Die

 4-slide dies for specialized miniature machines

 U nit Die for Sm a ll-t o-M e dium M a chine s

 Modular units in standard frames for lower die costs

 Single -Cavit y Die for Sm a ll-t o-La rge M a chine s

 Small- to large-part production at lower unit costs

 M ult iple -Cavit ie s for Sm a ll-t o-La rge M a chine s

 Small- to large-part production at lowest unit costs

See more in Notes

Die Ca st T ooling
I nve st m e nt Opt ion Com pa risons
Mini Small to Small to Small to
4-Slide Medium Large Large
Dies Unit Single- Multi-
Dies Cavity Dies Cavity Dies

Alloy Zn Al, Mg, Zn Al, Mg, Zn Al, Mg, Zn

Choices (Incl. ZA-8)

Part High Average High High


Die Costs Very Low Low Med/High High

Part Costs Very Low Low Low Very Low

See more in Notes

Prot ot yping Opt ions
prior t o Die Const ruc t ion

1 . Single -Cavit y Prot ot ype Die

or “Unit” Prototype Die Casting Die

2 . Gravit y Ca st ing plus M a chining

to proposed Die Casting Production Specs

3 . CN C M a chining
from Wrought, Rod or Sheet Stock
4 . Ra pid Prot ot yping (RP)
in Plastic Resin

5 . RP M a st e r t o Pla st e r M old a nd M e t a l Pour

Plastic Rapid Prototype to Plaster to Gravity Pour

See more in Notes

Prot ot yping Opt ion Com pa risons:
Cost s a nd Dim e nsions/Prope r t ie s M at ch

Costs Die Cast Die Cast

Dimensions Properties

Single-Cavity Unit High to Exact Exact

or Prototype Die Very High
Gravity Casting + High Very Close Varies*
CNC Medium Very Close Varies*
Machined Stock
Rapid Prototyping Low to Medium Close Plastic**

RP +Plaster Mold + Medium Close Varies*

Metal Pour
* Any non-die casting alloy property requires analysis for each desired die cast property.
** Properties of plastic resin are not transferable to die cast part properties.
See more in Notes
Die Ca st Pa rt
Cost -Re duc t ion Alt e rna t ive s

 H ighe r-Te ch Tooling for

Ca st -t o-Spe c Fe at ure s (a)

Not always feasible

for every part design


 Post -Ca st ing M a chining

t o Fina l Spe c s (b)

CNC finishing can offset cost

of added or alternate tooling

(a) Two long slots at top of frame were more cost-efficient cast to net shape
(b) A part with an opening requiring alternate configurations may be more cost-
efficiently produced with post-casting machining
See more in Notes
Die Ca st Com pone nt
Surfa c e Finishing Opt ions
 De c orat ive
To Meet Cosmetic Appearance Specs
 We a r Re sist a nc e
Protect Against Premature Wear
 Corrosion Ba rrie r
Environmental or Galvanic Protection
 Pre ssure T ight ne ss
To Meet 100% Specs
 Shie lding
Further Enhance Built-in EMI/RFI *
* Where 100% fail-safe EMI shielding is a mandatory specification
See more in Notes
Surfa c e Finishing Opt ions
By Alloy
Aluminum Magnesium Zinc

Decorative Finish Powder coat Powder coat Powder coat

Liquid paint Liquid paint Liquid paint
Plating Plating Plating

Added Wear Resistance Hard anodize Hard anodize Plating


Corrosion Barrier Powder coat Powder coat Powder coat

Liquid paint Liquid paint Liquid paint
Tri. chromate Tri. chromate Tri. chromate

Pressure Tightness Impregnate Impregnate Impregnate

Added EMI Shielding Nickel Plate Nickel Plate Nickel Plate

See more in Notes

Die Ca st Surfa c e Finishing
Sample Plate and
Reference Library

CWM maintains a unique library of finished

die cast sample plates in Al, Mg and Zn.

Each plate is keyed to a comprehensive

Surface Finishing Reference Manual
describing the uses, advantages and
limitations of each finish.

Sample plates and the Reference Manual

are available to OEM designers when
discussing a die casting project.

See more in Notes

Guide line s for
Opt im izing Produc t ion Re sult s

1 . T hink pa r t func t ion first

then the optimum process

2 . Choose a produc e r w ho offe rs

all options for the process

3 . I nvolve t he produc e r e a rly

for all the benefits of DFM cost reduction

4 . All post produc t ion re quire m e nt s

should be outlined well prior to die design
5 . I nfor m yourse lf on
how design features impact process success
See more in Notes
Re fe re nc e M a t e ria ls for t his We bina r
Access these resources at the CWM Web OEM Resource Center
A “Design & Production Planning Guide,” PDF Item # 5114 under
Engrg. Bulletins, provides a detailed summary of all items listed.
Re s. Ct r. Subse c t ion

Die Casting Design & Spec Guide, CWM, 16p (# 0325) Design Guides

Product Design for Die Casting, NADCA, 178p (# 3101) Reference Manuals

Engineering Bulletins & Tech Briefs:

Engineering Bulletins # 020, 021, 022, 071, 074, 075. Engrg. Bulletins
Application/Tech Briefs # 024, 031, 034. Applic/Tech Briefs

Die Casting Product Standards, NADCA, 223p (# 3103) Reference Manuals

Quick Guide to Surface Finishing, CWM, 8p (# 3318) Design Guides

Checklists: Tooling, Production, Finishing,

NADCA D.C. Tooling (#065), D.C. Production & Finishing (#090) Engrg. Bulletins

CWM Custom Production Capabilities Credentials: Capabilities Brochures

Complete D.C. Capabilities (#3100), Mini D.C. Capabilities (#3400)
CNC Machining (#3300), Contract Manufacturing (#3200)
See more in Notes

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