S006 - A Guide To Scaffolds Use in The Construction Industry
S006 - A Guide To Scaffolds Use in The Construction Industry
S006 - A Guide To Scaffolds Use in The Construction Industry
OSHA 3150
2000 (Reprinted)
This informational booklet is intended to provide
a generic, non-exhaustive overview of a particular
standards-related topic. This publication does not
itself alter or determine compliance responsibili-
ties, which are set forth in OSHA standards them-
selves and the Occupational Safety and Health Act
OSHA 3150
2000 (Reprint)
How to Use This Booklet v
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 user-friendly, this booklet, A Guide to Scaffold Use
charges the Occupational Safety and Health Admin- in the Construction Industry,” addresses some of the
istration (OSHA) with protecting all working men most common questions about OSHA’s scaffold
and women across the United States. To do so, the standard. It’s all part of the agency’s diligent efforts
agency sets federal standards1 for general industry, to minimize the impact of new standards on small
construction, and shipyard employment. In recent businesses and to provide guidance to employers
years, the “New OSHA” also has promoted a who need help in complying with OSHA’s standards
variety of voluntary programs that strive to form to protect the working men and women across the
partnerships with businesses, labor, and other groups nation.
to help employers provide safer and more healthful This informational booklet is organized in a
workplaces for employees. Some of the agency’s question and answer format to highlight pertinent
voluntary initiatives include safety and health information that employers and employees need to
management programs, the Voluntary Protection know. The subjects addressed in each question
Programs, consultation assistance, OSHA’s focused follow the basic organization of the standard. In
inspection initiative, and training and education addition, each answer references the regulatory text
programs and grants. For more information on these where that particular information can be located.
outreach efforts, see the “Other Sources of OSHA These references appear at the end of each answer
Assistance” section on page 18 of this booklet. in boldface type.
The agency’s recent rule, Safety Standards for As a supplementary aid, the entire regulatory text
Scaffolds Use in the Construction Industry, aims to appears at the end of this publication in the Appen-
protect workers using scaffolding in construction dix so the reader has all the information at hand.
work. Scaffolding hazards continue to rank high on This booklet’s Appendix also includes an alphabeti-
the list of the most frequently cited standards in the cal index to the standard for quick reference.
construction industry. Based on OSHA’s available It is important to note that the question and
data at the time the new rule went into effect, the answer section of this booklet simply provides an
agency determined that scaffold-related fatalities overview of the standard. For compliance with all
accounted for approximately 9 percent of all fatali- of the regulation’s requirements, refer to the regula-
ties in the construction workplace.2 As part of the tory text or Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations
“New OSHA’s” effort to make this information more (CFR) Part 1926, Subpart L.
Section 18(b) of The Occupational Safety and Health Act
of 1970, P.L. 91-596, encourages states to develop and
operate, under OSHA guidance, their own job safety and
health plans. An OSHA-approved state plan must have
safety and health requirements at least as effective as those
of Federal OSHA and must adopt comparable state
standards within 6 months of promulgation of federal
Federal Register 61(170): 46028. See also The Most
Frequently Cited OSHA Construction Standards in 1991:
A Guide for the Abatement of the Top 25 Associated
Physical Hazards. Available from the U.S. Government
Printing Office. Superintendent of Documents,
P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954;
(202) 512-1800. Order No. 029-016-00172-7; Cost $3.75.
What is the new OSHA scaffold standard The effective date of the provisions for fall protec-
for construction? tion and safe access for erectors and dismantlers is
September 2, 1997. Until this time, the agency will
On August 30, 1996, OSHA issued revised stan- work with “stakeholders” to develop a non-mandatory
dards for scaffolds. The revised standard, known as appendix to the standard that contains criteria to help
“Safety Standards for Scaffolds Used in the Construc- employers determine the feasibility and safety of
tion Industry,” is found in Title 29 Code of Federal providing fall protection or safe access at particular
Regulations (CFR) Part, Subpart L. The final rule worksites.
updates the existing construction scaffold standards in
Subpart L. The new standards set performance-based Why is OSHA issuing new standards for
criteria to protect employees from scaffold-related scaffolding?
hazards such as falls, falling objects, structural
instability, electrocution, or overloading. The agency issued new standards to simplify and
The new final rule addresses training and various update the previous standards—in use since May
types of scaffolds, as well as as falling object protec- 1971. OSHA developed the new standards with the
tion, ladders, weather conditions, aerial lifts, stilts, and input of many representatives of the industry to better
other matters that were not previously covered by the protect the estimated 2.3 million construction workers
OSHA scaffold standards. In addition, it allows (about 65 percent of the construction industry
employers more flexibility when using protective workforce) working on scaffolds regularly. The
systems for workers on scaffolding. The language of agency estimates the new standards will prevent about
the rule has been simplified by eliminating duplicative 4,455 injuries and 47 deaths each year, saving em-
and outdated provisions, consolidating overlapping ployers $90 million annually in lost-workday costs
requirements, and enhancing performance-based resulting from scaffold-related injuries.
criteria to allow employers more flexibility in
compliance while still protecting employees. What do I need to know and how can I get
that information?
What is Subpart L and who does it cover?
All employers and their employees using scaffolds
Subpart L is the portion of 29 CFR 1926 that in the construction industry must be familiar with
applies to construction sites where scaffolding and these standards. A copy of the regulatory text appears
aerial lifts are used. This standard applies to all at the end of this publication. The electronic address
employees and employers in the construction industry to view or download a copy as found on OSHA’s
who work on, under, or in close proximity to scaffold- Website is http://www.osha.gov/. The regulatory text
ing and aerial lifts. Employees erecting and disman- also is found in 29 CFR 1926, Subpart L, which is
tling scaffolds also will be covered by the standard as available from the Government Printing Office at
of September 2, 1997. (202) 512-1800; (202) 512-2250 fax—Order No. S/N
869-028-00107-1; cost $30 (foreign $47.50).
When did the standard become
effective? Are there other standards that apply to
November 29, 1996—90 days from the date of
publication of the final rule in the Federal Register 29 CFR contains other standards that apply to
(FR:61(170)46026-46131, Friday, August 30, 1996.) construction work such as the responsibility to initiate
Information collection requirements (i.e., written and maintain programs (1926.29(b)(1)); exposures to
certification) become effective when the Office of dusts and chemicals (1926.33, .55, .59, .62, and
Management and Budget takes action in accordance .1101); hand and power tools (1926.300 - .307);
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Written electrical (1926.300 - .449); personal fall arrest
comments on the paperwork requirements for the final systems (1926.502); and ladders (1926.1050 - .1060).
rule had to be submitted on or before October 30,
1996—60 days after initial publication of the rule in
the Federal Register.
General Information
2 Summary and Explanation of the Final Rule
What are the highlights of the revised employees doing overhand bricklaying from
scaffolding standard? supported scaffolds. 1926.451(g)(1)(vi)
• The standards for aerial lifts have been relocated
Employers and employees should be familiar from 1926.556 to 1926.453.
with seven key provisions of the revised scaffolding
• The standard requires fall protection at a 10 foot When is a competent person required for
height above a lower level for employees. scaffolding?
OSHA’s scaffolding standard defines a compe-
• Guardrail height—The height of the toprail for tent person as “one who is capable of identifying
scaffolds manufactured and placed in service existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings
before January 1, 2000 can be between 36 or working conditions, which are unsanitary,
inches (0.9 m) and 45 inches (1.2 m). The hazardous to employees, and who has authorization
height of the toprail for scaffolds manufactured to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate
and placed in service after January 1, 2000 must them.”
be between 38 inches (0.97 m) and 45 inches The standard requires a competent person to
(1.2 m). 1926.451(g)(4)(ii) perform the following duties under these
When the crosspoint of crossbracing is used as a circumstances:
toprail, it must be between 38 inches (0.97 m)
and 48 inches (1.3 m) above the work platform. • In General:
1926.451(g)(4)(xv) - To select and direct employees who erect,
Midrails must be installed approximately dismantle, move, or alter scaffolds.
halfway between the toprail and the platform 1926.451(f)(7)
surface. When a crosspoint of crossbracing is - To determine if it is safe for employees to
used as a midrail, it must be between 20 inches work on or from a scaffold during storms or
(0.5 m) and 30 inches (0.8 m) above the work high winds and to ensure that a personal fall
platform. 1926.451(g)(4) arrest system or wind screens protect these
• Erecting and Dismantling—After September 2, employees. (Note: Windscreens should not be
1997, when erecting and dismantling supported used unless the scaffold is secured against the
scaffolds, a competent person2 must determine anticipated wind forces imposed.)
the feasibility of providing a safe means of 1926.451(f)(12)
access and fall protection for these operations.
1926.451(e)(9) & (g)(2) • For Training:
- To train employees involved in erecting,
• Training—Employers must train each employee
disassembling, moving, operating, repairing,
who works on a scaffold on the hazards and the
maintaining, or inspecting scaffolds to recog-
procedures to control the hazards. 1926.454
nize associated work hazards. 1926.454(b)
• Inspections—Before each work shift and after
any occurrence that could affect the structural • For Inspections:
integrity, a competent person must inspect the - To inspect scaffolds and scaffold components
scaffold and scaffold components for visible for visible defects before each work shift and
defects. 1926.451(f)(3) after any occurrence which could affect the
• Overhand bricklaying—A guardrail or personal structural integrity and to authorize prompt
fall arrest system on all sides except the side corrective actions. 1926.451(f)(3)
where the work is being done must protect - To inspect ropes on suspended scaffolds prior
to each workshift and after every occurrence
which could affect the structural integrity and
See the standard’s requirements for and definition of a to authorize prompt corrective actions.
competent person in the next question. 1926.451(d)(10)
Summary and Explanation of the Final Rule
- To inspect manila or plastic (or other syn- understand procedures to control or minimize
thetic) rope being used for toprails or midrails. those hazards. 1926.454(a)
• For Suspension Scaffolds:
• For Suspension Scaffolds: - To design the rigging for single-point adjust-
- To evaluate direct connections to support the able suspension scaffolds. 1926.452(o)(2)(i)
load. 1926.451 (d)(3)(i) - To design platforms on two-point adjustable
- To evaluate the need to secure two-point and suspension types that are less than 36 inches
multi-point scaffolds to prevent swaying. (0.9 m) wide to prevent instability.
1926.451(d)(18) 1926.452(p)(1)
- To make swaged attachments or spliced eyes
• For Erectors and Dismantlers: on wire suspension ropes. 1926.451(d)(11)
- To determine the feasibility and safety of
providing fall protection and access. • For Components and Design:
1926.451(e)(9) and 1926.451(g)(2) - To design scaffold components construction in
- To train erectors and dismantlers (effective accordance with the design. 1926.451(a)(6)
September 2, 1997) to recognize associated
work hazards. 1926.454(b) When is an engineer required?
What are scaffold platform construction Are guardrails required on all open sides
requirements? of scaffolding?
Each platform must be planked and decked as The standard requires employers to protect each
fully as possible with the space between the plat- employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet (3.1 m)
form and uprights not more than one inch (2.5 cm) above a lower level from falling to that lower level.
wide. The space must not exceed nine inches 1926.451(g)(1)
(24.1 cm) when side brackets or odd-shaped To ensure adequate protection, install guardrails
structures result in a wider opening between the along all open sides and ends before releasing the
platform and the uprights. 1926.451(b)(1) scaffold for use by employees, other than the
erection and dismantling crews. 1926.451(g)(4)
What are the requirements for scaffold Guardrails are not required, however,
planking? • when the front end of all platforms are less than
14 inches (36 cm) from the face of the work;
Scaffold planking must be able to support, 1926.451(b)(3)
without failure, its own weight and at least four • when outrigger scaffolds are three inches (8 cm)
times the intended load. 1926.451(a)(1) or less from the front edge; 1926.451(b)(3)(l)
Solid sawn wood, fabricated planks, and fabri-
cated platforms may be used as scaffold planks • when employees are plastering and lathing
following the recommendations by the manufac- 18 inches (46 cm) or less from the front edge.
turer or a lumber grading association or inspection 1926.451(b)(3)(ii)
agency. Appendix A (1)(b) & (c)
Tables showing maximum permissible spans, What materials are unacceptable for
rated load capacity, and nominal thickness are in guardrails?
Appendix A (1)(b) & (c) of the standard.
Steel or plastic banding must not be used as a
toprail or a midrail. 1926.451(g)(4)(xiii)
Criteria for Supported Scaffolds What are the footing and foundation
requirements for supported scaffolds?
What are supported scaffolds?
Supported scaffolds’ poles, legs, posts, frames, and
Supported scaffolds are platforms supported by uprights must bear on base plates and mud sills, or other
legs, outrigger beams, brackets, poles, uprights, adequate firm foundation. 1926.451(c)(2)(i) & (ii)
posts, frames, or similar rigid support. 1926.451(b)
The structural members: poles, legs, posts, frames, May forklifts, front-end loaders, or similar
and uprights must be plumb and braced to prevent
equipment support platforms?
swaying and displacement. 1926.451(c)(3)
Forklifts can support platforms only when the
Do employees working on supported entire platform is attached to the fork and the fork-lift
scaffolds need to be trained? does not move horizontally when workers are on the
platform. 1926.451(c)(2)(v)
All employees must be trained by a qualified Front-end loaders and similar equipment can
person to recognize the hazards associated with the support scaffold platforms only when they’ve been
type of scaffold being used and how to control or specifically designed by the manufacturer for such
minimize those hazards. The training must include use. 1926.451(c)(2)(iv)
fall hazards, falling object hazards, electrical
hazards, proper use of the scaffold, and handling of What materials can be used to increase
materials. 1926.454(a) the working level height of employees on
supported scaffolds?
When do supported scaffolds need to be
restrained from tipping? Stilts may be used on a large area scaffold. When
a guardrail system is used, the guardrail height must
Supported scaffolds with a height to base width be increased in height equal to the height of the stilts.
ratio of more than 4:1 must be restrained by guy- The manufacturer must approve any alterations to the
ing, tying, bracing, or an equivalent means. stilts. 1926.452(v)
1926.451(c)(1) Note: A large area scaffold consists of a pole, tube
and coupler systems, or a fabricated frame scaffold
How can one prevent supported erected over substantially the entire work area.
scaffolding from tipping? 1926.451(b)
• Employers must ensure that all employees are Are there specific requirements for
trained to recognize the hazards associated with the counterweights?
type of scaffold being used. 1926.451(d)(1)
• All support devices must rest on surfaces capable Counterweights used to balance adjustable
of supporting at least four times the load imposed suspension scaffolds must be able to resist at least
on them by the scaffold when operating at the rated four times the tipping moment imposed by the
load of the hoist, or at least one-and-a-half times scaffold operating at either the rated load of the
the load imposed on them by the scaffold at the hoist, or one-and-a-half (minimum) times the
stall capacity of the hoist, whichever is greater. tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating
1926.451(d)(1) at the stall load of the hoist, whichever is greater.
• A competent person must evaluate all direct Only those items specifically designed as coun-
connections prior to use to confirm that the sup- terweights must be used. 1926.451(d)(3)(iii)
porting surfaces are able to support the imposed Counterweights used for suspended scaffolds
load, 1926.451(d)(1) must be made of materials that can not be easily
• All suspension scaffolds must be tied or otherwise dislocated. Flowable material, such as sand or
secured to prevent them from swaying, as deter- water, cannot be used. 1926.451(d)(3)(ii)
mined by a competent person. 1926.451(d) Counterweights must be secured by mechanical
• Guardrails, a personal fall arrest system, or both means to the outrigger beams. 1926.451(d)(3)(iv)
must protect each employee more than 10 feet Vertical lifelines must not be fastened to
(3.1 m) above a lower level from falling. counterweights. 1926.451(g)(3)(i)
Can sand, masonry units, or rolls of
• A competent person must inspect ropes for
roofing felt be used for counterweights?
defects prior to each workshift and after every
occurrence that could affect a rope’s integrity.
No. Such materials cannot be used as
counterweights. 1926.451(d)(3)(ii) & (iii)
• When scaffold platforms are more than 24
inches (61 cm) above or below a point of access, Are there specific requirements for
ladders, ramps, walkways, or similar surfaces outrigger beams?
must be used. 1926.451(e)(1)
• When using direct access, the surface must not Outrigger beams (thrustouts) are the structural
be more than 24 inches (61 cm) above or 14 members of a suspension or outrigger scaffold that
inches (36 cm) horizontally from the surface. provide support. 1926.450(b) They must be placed
1926.451(e)(8) perpendicular to their bearing support.
• When lanyards are connected to horizontal 1926.451(d)(3)(viii)
lifelines or structural members on single-point
or two-point adjustable scaffolds, the scaffold Where do tiebacks for outrigger beams,
must have additional independent support lines cornice hooks, roof hooks, roof irons,
equal in number and strength to the suspension parapet clamps, or similar devices need
lines and have automatic locking devices. to be secured?
• Emergency escape and rescue devices must not Tiebacks must be secured to a structurally sound
be used as working platforms, unless designed anchorage on the building or structure. Sound
to function as suspension scaffolds and anchorages do not include standpipes, vents, other
emergency systems. 1926.451(d)(19) piping systems, or electrical conduit.
1926.451(d)(3)(ix) & (d)(5)
How do tiebacks need to be installed? Drum hoists must contain no less than four wraps
of suspension rope at the lowest point of scaffold
A single tieback must be installed perpendicular travel. 1926.451(d)(6)
to the face of the building or structure. Two tie- Gears and brakes must be enclosed.
backs installed at opposing angles are required 1926.451(d)(15)
when a perpendicular tieback cannot be installed. An automatic braking and locking device, in
1926.451(d)(3)(x) addition to the operating brake, must engage when
a hoist makes an instantaneous change in momen-
Are there requirements for suspension tum or an accelerated overspeed. 1926.451(d)(16)
What are some of the requirements for
The suspension ropes must be long enough to manually operated suspension scaffold
allow the scaffold to be lowered to the level below hoists?
without the rope passing through the hoist, or the
end of the rope configured to prevent the end from Manually operated hoists used to raise or lower a
passing through the hoist. 1926.451(d)(6) suspended scaffold must be tested and listed by a
The standard prohibits using repaired wire. qualified testing laboratory. 1926.451(d)(13)
1926.451(d)(7) These hoists require a positive crank force to
Drum hoists must contain no less than four wraps descend. 1926.451(d)(17)
of the rope at the lowest point. 1926.451(d)(6)
Employers must replace wire rope when the Can welding be done from a suspension
following conditions exist: kinks; six randomly scaffold?
broken wires in one rope lay or three broken wires
in one strand in one lay; one third of the original Yes. Welding can be done from suspended scaffolds
diameter of the outside wires is lost; heat damage; when
evidence that the secondary brake has engaged the • a grounding conductor is connected from the
rope; and any other physical damage that impairs scaffold to the structure and is at least the size of
the function and strength of the rope. the welding lead;
1926.451(d)(10) • the grounding conductor is not attached in series
Suspension ropes supporting adjustable suspen- with the welding process or the work piece;
sion scaffolds must be a diameter large enough to
provide sufficient surface area for the functioning • an insulating material covers the suspension
of brake and hoist mechanisms. 1926.451(f)(10) wire rope and extends at least four feet (1.2 m)
Suspension ropes must be shielded from above the hoist;
heat-producing processes. 1926.451(f)(11) • insulated protective covers cover the hoist;
• the tail line is guided, retained, or both, so that it
What are some of the requirements for does not become grounded;
power-operated suspension scaffold
hoists? • each suspension rope is attached to an insulated
thimble; and
Power-operated hoists used to raise or lower a • each suspension rope and any other independent
suspended scaffold must be tested and listed by a lines are insulated from grounding.
qualified testing laboratory. 1926.451(d)(13) 1926.451(f)(17)
The stall load of any scaffold hoist must not
exceed three times its rated load. 1926.451(a)(5) What materials can be used to increase
The stall load is the load at which the prime-mover the working level height of employees on
(motor or engine) of a power-operated hoist stalls suspended scaffolds?
or the power to the prime-mover is automatically
disconnected. 1926.451(b) No materials or devices may be used to increase
Gasoline power-operated hoists or equipment are the working height on a suspension scaffold. This
not permitted. 1926.451(d)(14)
General Requirements for Scaffolds §1926.451
includes ladders, boxes, and barrels. What are the clearance distances
1926.451(f)(14) & (15) between scaffolds and powerlines?
Why are the Appendices to the Subpart L Appendix B serves as a guide for evaluating the
scaffolding standards important? Do feasibility of providing safe access and fall protec-
they address standard requirements? tion for employees erecting or dismantling
supported scaffolds.
All of the appendices are non-mandatory and Appendix C lists national consensus standards
contain selection criteria for planks; American related to aerial, vehicle mounted, manually-
National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard propelled , self-propelled, mast climbing, and other
references for aerial lifts; criteria for determining such devices.
the feasibility of providing safe access and fall Appendix D serves as a guide to assist employ-
protection, and training for erectors and ers when evaluating the training needs for employ-
dismantlers; and drawings of various types of ees erecting or dismantling supported scaffolds.
scaffolds and components. Appendix E provides drawings of particular
To summarize, Appendix A of Subpart L types of scaffolds and scaffold components as well
addresses scaffold specifications and provides non- as graphic illustrations of bracing patterns and
mandatory guidelines to assist employers in com- tie-spacing patterns.
plying with Subpart L requirements. These guide-
lines and tables provide a starting point for design-
ing scaffold systems; however, they do not provide
all the information necessary to build a complete
system. Therefore, the employer is still responsible
for designing and assembling these components so
that the completed system meets the final rule
requirements in 1926.451(a).
Does OSHA offer employers help with tions and the regulations applicable to the work
compliance of agency standards and environment.
guidelines? The Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
tion (OSHA) developed the construction “Focused
Yes. OSHA offers a variety of programs and Inspection Initiative” to recognize contractors who
initiatives to help employers comply with the have established and fully implemented corporate
agency’s standards or guidelines. The following is a safety and health programs and site-specific plans.
brief summary of some of these efforts. See the tear-out page at the end of this publication
for the “Construction Focused Inspection Guide-
Safety and Health Program lines” form and the previous question for a copy of
Management Guidelines specific safety and health program guidelines.
Contractors who qualify for a “focused inspec-
Effective management of worker safety and tion” receive an abbreviated inspection focusing
health protection is a decisive factor in reducing the upon safety and health program implementation
extent and severity of work-related injuries and and four leading hazards (falls, struck by, caught in/
illnesses and their related costs. To assist employ- between, and electrical) that cause 90 percent of the
ers and employees in developing effective safety deaths and injuries in construction.
and health programs, OSHA published Safety and For questions about “focused inspections” or
Health Program Management Guidelines in the other construction issues, contact the nearest area
January 26, 1989, Federal Register (54 FR 3908- office or the regional construction coordinator. See
3916). These voluntary guidelines apply to all the area and regional office lists at the end of this
places of employment covered by OSHA. booklet.
The guidelines identify four general elements
that are critical to the development of a successful State Programs
safety and health management program:
• Management commitment and employee The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
involvement, encourages states to develop and operate their own
job safety and health plans. States with plans
• Worksite analysis,
approved under section 18(b) of the OSH Act must
• Hazard prevention and control, and adopt standards and enforce requirements that are at
• Safety and health training. least as effective as federal requirements. There are
The guidelines recommend specific actions currently 25 state plan states: 23 covering private
under each of these general elements. A single free and public (state and local government) sectors and
copy of the guidelines can be obtained from the two covering public sector only. Plan states must
OSHA Publications Office, P.O. Box 37535, Wash- adopt standards comparable to the federal within
ington, DC 20013-7535 by sending a self-addressed six months of a federal standard’s promulgation.
label with your request. The guidelines are also Until such time as a state standard is promulgated,
available on OSHA’s web site at federal OSHA provides interim enforcement
http://www.osha.gov/ under Federal Register Notices. assistance, as appropriate, in these states.
A listing of the state plan state designees appears
OSHA’s Focused Inspection at the end of this booklet.
Initiative Consultation Services
Contractors and employers who do construction
Free onsite safety and health consultation ser-
work are subject to the standards in Title 29 Code of
vices are available to employers in all states who
Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1926. Subpart C,
want help in establishing and maintaining a safe
for example, also requires each contractor/employer
and healthful workplace. The service is largely
to initiate and maintain safety and health programs,
funded by OSHA. Primarily developed for smaller
provide for a competent person to conduct frequent
employers with more hazardous operations, the
and regular inspections, and instruct each employee
consultation service is delivered by state govern-
in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe condi-
Other Sources of OSHA Assistance
ments employing professional safety consultants OSHA also provides funds to nonprofit organiza-
and health consultants. Comprehensive assistance tions, through grants, to conduct workplace training
includes an appraisal of all mechanical systems, and education in subjects where OSHA believes
physical work practices, and environmental hazards there is a lack of workplace training. Grants are
of the workplace and all aspects of the employer’s awarded annually. Grant recipients are expected to
present job safety and health program. contribute 20 percent of the total grant cost.
This program is completely separate from the For more information on grants, training, and
OSHA inspection efforts. No penalties are pro- education, contact the OSHA Training Institute,
posed or citations issued for any safety or health Office of Training and Education, 1555 Times
problems identified by the consultant. The service Drive, Des Plaines, IL 60018, (847) 297-4810;
is confidential. (847) 297-4874 fax.
For more information concerning consultation For further information on any OSHA program,
services, see the list of consultation projects listed contact your nearest OSHA area or regional office
at the end of this booklet. listed at the end of this booklet.
Commissioner Commissioner
Alaska Department of Labor Maryland Division of Labor and Industry
1111 West 8th Street Department of Labor, Licensing,
Room 304 and Regulation
Juneau, AK 99801-1149 1110 N. Eutaw Street, Room 613
(907) 465-2700 Baltimore, MD 21202-2206
(410) 767-2215
Industrial Commission of Arizona Director
800 W. Washington Michigan Department of Consumer
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2922 and Industry Services
(602) 542-5795 P.O. Box 30643
Lansing, MI 48909-8143
Director (517) 322-1814
California Department of Industrial
Relations Commissioner
455 Golden Gate Avenue-10th Floor Minnesota Department of Labor
San Francisco, CA 94102 and Industry
(415) 703-5050 443 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4307
Commissioner (651) 296-2342
Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard Administrator
Wethersfield, CT 06109 Nevada Division of Industrial Relations
(860) 566-5123 400 West King Street
Carson City, NV 89710
Director (775) 687-3032
Hawaii Department of Labor
and Industrial Relations Secretary
830 Punchbowl Street New Mexico Environment Department
Honolulu, HI 96813 1190 St. Francis Drive
(808) 586-8844 P.O. Box 26110
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Commissioner (505) 827-2850
Indiana Department of Labor
State Office Building Commissioner
402 West Washington Street New York Department of Labor
Room W195 W. Averell Harriman State Office
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2751 Building - 12, Room 500
(317) 232-2378 Albany, NY 12240
(518) 457-2741
Iowa Division of Labor Services
1000 E. Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319-0209
(515) 281-3447
Kentucky Labor Cabinet
1049 U.S. Highway, 127 South, Ste. 4
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-3070
States with Approved Plans
Commissioner Commissioner
North Carolina Department of Labor Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
4 West Edenton Street Powers-Taylor Building
Raleigh, NC 27601-1092 13 South 13th Street
(919) 807-7166 Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 786-2377
Department of Consumer & Business Commissioner
Services Virgin Islands Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Division 2203 Church Street
(OR-OSHA) Christiansted
350 Winter Street, NE, Room 430 St. Croix, VI 00820-4660
Salem, OR 97310-0220 (340) 773-1994
(503) 378-3272
Secretary Washington Department of Labor
Puerto Rico Department of Labor and Industries
and Human Resources P.O. Box 44001
Prudencio Rivera Martinez Building Olympia, WA 98504-4001
505 Munoz Rivera Avenue (360) 902-4200
Hato Rey, PR 00918
(809) 754-2119 Administrator
Worker’s Safety and Compensation Division (WSC)
Director Wyoming Department of Employment
South Carolina Department of Labor, Herschler Building, 2nd Floor East
Licensing, and Regulation 122 West 25th Street
Koger Office Park, Kingstree Building Cheyenne, WY 82002
110 Centerview Drive (307) 777-7786
P.O. Box 11329
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 896-4300
Tennessee Department of Labor
710 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243-0659
(615) 741-2582
Labor Commission of Utah
160 East 300 South, 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 146650
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6650
(801) 530-6898
Vermont Department of Labor and Industry
National Life Building - Drawer 20
National Life Drive
Montpelier, VT 05620-3401
(802) 828-5098
States with Approved Plans
24 OSHA Consultation Project Directory
(H) - Health
(S) - Safety
Region IV Region X
(AL, FL, GA, KY,* MS, NC, SC,* TN*) (AK,* ID, OR,* WA*)
Atlanta Federal Center 1111 Third Avenue
61 Forsyth Street, SW, Room 6T50 Suite 715
Atlanta, GA 30303 Seattle, WA 98101-3212
Telephone: (404) 562-2300 Telephone: (206) 553-5930
Region V
(IL, IN,* MI,* MN,* OH, WI) *These states and territories operate their own
230 South Dearborn Street OSHA-approved job safety and health programs
Room 3244 (Connecticut and New York plans cover public
Chicago, IL 60604 employees only). States with approved programs must
Telephone: (312) 353-2220 have a standard that is identical to, or at least as
effective as, the federal standard.
Region VI
(AR, LA, NM,* OK, TX)
525 Griffin Street
Room 602
Dallas, TX 75202
Telephone: (214) 767-4731
The following is a guide to the “Safety Standards for Scaffolds Used in the Construction Industry” Standard:
30 Notes
Construction Focused Inspection Guidelines 31
PROJECT SAFETY AND HEALTH COORDINATION: Are there procedures in place by the
general contractor, prime contractor, or other such entity to ensure that all employers provide
adequate protection for their employees?
PROJECT SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM/PLAN* that complies with 1926 Subpart C and
addresses, based upon the size and complexity of the project, the following:
Project Safety Analysis at initiation and at critical stages that describes the sequence, procedures, and
responsible individuals for safe construction.
Evaluation monitoring of subcontractors to determine conformance with the Project Plan.(The Project
Plan may include, or be utilized by subcontractors.)
Supervisor and employee training according to the Project Plan including recognition, reporting, and
avoidance of hazards, and applicable standards.
Procedures for controlling hazardous operations such as: cranes, scaffolding, trenches, confined
spaces, hot work, explosives, hazardous materials, leading edges, etc.
Documentation of: training, permits, hazard reports, inspections, uncorrected hazards, incidents, and
near misses.
Employee involvement in the hazard: analysis, prevention, avoidance, correction, and reporting.
The walkaround and interviews confirmed that the Plan has been implemented, including:
The four leading hazards are addressed: falls, struck by, caught in\between, electrical.
Hazards are identified and corrected with preventative measures instituted in a timely manner.
Employees and supervisors are knowledgeable of the project safety and health plan, avoidance of
hazards, applicable standards, and their rights and responsibilities.
fall arrest or limits the energy imposed on an “Independent pole scaffold” (see “Double pole
employee during fall arrest. scaffold”).
“Double pole (independent pole) scaffold” “Interior hung scaffold” means a suspension
means a supported scaffold consisting of a scaffold consisting of a platform suspended from
platform(s) resting on cross beams (bearers) sup- the ceiling or roof structure by fixed length sup-
ported by ledgers and a double row of uprights ports.
independent of support (except ties, guys, braces) “Ladder jack scaffold” means a supported
from any structure. scaffold consisting of a platform resting on brackets
“Equivalent” means alternative designs, materi- attached to ladders.
als or methods to protect against a hazard which the “Ladder stand” means a mobile, fixed-size, self-
employer can demonstrate will provide an equal or supporting ladder consisting of a wide flat tread
greater degree of safety for employees than the ladder in the form of stairs.
methods, materials or designs specified in the “Landing” means a platform at the end of a flight
standard. of stairs.
“Eye” or “Eye Splice” means a loop with or “Large area scaffold” means a pole scaffold, tube
without a thimble at the end of a wire rope. and coupler scaffold, systems scaffold, or fabricated
“Exposed power lines” means electrical power frame scaffold erected over substantially the entire
lines which are accessible to employees and which work area. For example: a scaffold erected over the
are not shielded from contact. Such lines do not entire floor area of a room.
include extension cords or power tool cords. “Lean-to scaffold” means a supported scaffold
“Fabricated decking and planking” means which is kept erect by tilting it toward and resting it
manufactured platforms made of wood (including against a building or structure.
laminated wood, and solid sawn wood planks), “Lifeline” means a component consisting of a
metal or other materials. flexible line that connects to an anchorage at one
“Fabricated frame scaffold (tubular welded end to hang vertically (vertical lifeline), or that
frame scaffold)” means a scaffold consisting of a connects to anchorages at both ends to stretch
platform(s) supported on fabricated end frames horizontally (horizontal lifeline), and which serves
with integral posts, horizontal bearers, and interme- as a means for connecting other components of a
diate members. personal fall arrest system to the anchorage.
“Failure” means load refusal, breakage, or “Lower levels” means areas below the level
separation of component parts. Load refusal is the where the employee is located and to which an
point where the ultimate strength is exceeded. employee can fall. Such areas include, but are not
“Float (ship) scaffold” means a suspension limited to, ground levels, floors, roofs, ramps,
scaffold consisting of a braced platform resting on runways, excavations, pits, tanks, materials, water,
two parallel bearers and hung from overhead and equipment.
supports by ropes of fixed length. “Masons’ adjustable supported scaffold” (see
“Form scaffold” means a supported scaffold “Self-contained adjustable scaffold”).
consisting of a platform supported by brackets “Masons’ multi-point adjustable suspension
attached to formwork. scaffold” means a continuous run suspension
“Guardrail system” means a vertical barrier, scaffold designed and used for masonry operations.
consisting of, but not limited to, toprails, midrails, “Maximum intended load” means the total load
and posts, erected to prevent employees from of all persons, equipment, tools, materials, transmit-
falling off a scaffold platform or walkway to lower ted loads, and other loads reasonably anticipated to
levels. be applied to a scaffold or scaffold component at
“Hoist” means a manual or power-operated any one time.
mechanical device to raise or lower a suspended “Mobile scaffold” means a powered or
scaffold. unpowered, portable, caster or wheel-mounted
“Horse scaffold” means a supported scaffold supported scaffold.
consisting of a platform supported by construction “Multi-level suspended scaffold” means a two-
horses (saw horses). Horse scaffolds constructed of point or multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold
metal are sometimes known as trestle scaffolds.
Regulatory Text
with a series of platforms at various levels resting scaffold” and “Double (independent) pole scaf-
on common stirrups. fold”).
“Multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold” “Power operated hoist” means a hoist which is
means a suspension scaffold consisting of a powered by other than human energy.
platform(s) which is suspended by more than two “Pump jack scaffold” means a supported scaffold
ropes from overhead supports and equipped with consisting of a platform supported by vertical poles
means to raise and lower the platform to desired and movable support brackets.
work levels. Such scaffolds include chimney “Qualified” means one who, by possession of a
hoists. recognized degree, certificate, or professional
“Needle beam scaffold” means a platform standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training,
suspended from needle beams. and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/
“Open sides and ends” means the edges of a her ability to solve or resolve problems related to
platform that are more than 14 inches (36 cm) away the subject matter, the work, or the project.
horizontally from a sturdy, continuous, vertical “Rated load” means the manufacturer’s specified
surface (such as a building wall) or a sturdy, con- maximum load to be lifted by a hoist or to be
tinuous horizontal surface (such as a floor), or a applied to a scaffold or scaffold component.
point of access. Exception: For plastering and “Repair bracket scaffold” means a supported
lathing operations the horizontal threshold distance scaffold consisting of a platform supported by
is 18 inches (46 cm). brackets which are secured in place around the
“Outrigger” means the structural member of a circumference or perimeter of a chimney, stack,
supported scaffold used to increase the base width tank or other supporting structure by one or more
of a scaffold in order to provide support for and wire ropes placed around the supporting structure.
increased stability of the scaffold. “Roof bracket scaffold” means a rooftop supported
“Outrigger beam (Thrustout)” means the struc- scaffold consisting of a platform resting on angular-
tural member of a suspension scaffold or outrigger shaped supports.
scaffold which provides support for the scaffold by “Runner” (ledger or ribbon)” means the length-
extending the scaffold point of attachment to a wise horizontal spacing or bracing member which
point out and away from the structure or building. may support the bearers.
“Outrigger scaffold” means a supported scaffold “Scaffold” means any temporary elevated
consisting of a platform resting on outrigger beams platform (supported or suspended) and its support-
(thrustouts) projecting beyond the wall or face of ing structure (including points of anchorage), used
the building or structure, the inboard ends of which for supporting employees or materials or both.
are secured inside the building or structure. “Self-contained adjustable scaffold” means a
“Overhand bricklaying” means the process of combination supported and suspension scaffold
laying bricks and masonry units such that the consisting of an adjustable platform(s) mounted on
surface of the wall to be jointed is on the opposite an independent supporting frame(s) not a part of the
side of the wall from the mason, requiring the object being worked on, and which is equipped
mason to lean over the wall to complete the work. with a means to permit the raising and lowering of
It includes mason tending and electrical installation the platform(s). Such systems include rolling roof
incorporated into the brick wall during the over- rigs, rolling outrigger systems, and some masons’
hand bricklaying process. adjustable supported scaffolds.
“Personal fall arrest system” means a system “Shore scaffold” means a supported scaffold
used to arrest an employee’s fall. It consists of an which is placed against a building or structure and
anchorage, connectors, a body belt or body harness held in place with props.
and may include a lanyard, deceleration device, “Single-point adjustable suspension scaffold”
lifeline, or combinations of these. means a suspension scaffold consisting of a plat-
“Platform” means a work surface elevated above form suspended by one rope from an overhead
lower levels. Platforms can be constructed using support and equipped with means to permit the
individual wood planks, fabricated planks, fabri- movement of the platform to desired work levels.
cated decks, and fabricated platforms. “Single-pole scaffold” means a supported scaf-
“Pole scaffold” (see definitions for “Single-pole fold consisting of a platform(s) resting on bearers,
Regulatory Text
the outside ends of which are supported on runners “Two-point suspension scaffold (swing stage)”
secured to a single row of posts or uprights, and the means a suspension scaffold consisting of a plat-
inner ends of which are supported on or in a struc- form supported by hangers (stirrups) suspended by
ture or building wall. two ropes from overhead supports and equipped
“Stair tower (Scaffold stairway/tower)” means a with means to permit the raising and lowering of
tower comprised of scaffold components and which the platform to desired work levels.
contains internal stairway units and rest platforms. “Unstable objects” means items whose strength,
These towers are used to provide access to scaffold configuration, or lack of stability may allow them
platforms and other elevated points such as floors to become dislocated and shift and therefore may
and roofs. not properly support the loads imposed on them.
“Stall load” means the load at which the prime- Unstable objects do not constitute a safe base
mover of a power-operated hoist stalls or the power support for scaffolds, platforms, or employees.
to the prime-mover is automatically disconnected. Examples include, but are not limited to, barrels,
“Step, platform, and trestle ladder scaffold” boxes, loose brick, and concrete blocks.
means a platform resting directly on the rungs of “Vertical pickup” means a rope used to support
step ladders or trestle ladders. the horizontal rope in catenary scaffolds.
“Stilts” means a pair of poles or similar supports “Walkway” means a portion of a scaffold plat-
with raised footrests, used to permit walking above form used only for access and not as a work level.
the ground or working surface. “Window jack scaffold” means a platform resting
“Stonesetters’ multi-point adjustable suspension on a bracket or jack which projects through a
scaffold” means a continuous run suspension window opening.
scaffold designed and used for stonesetters’ opera-
tions. §1926.451 General requirements. This section
“Supported scaffold” means one or more plat- does not apply to aerial lifts, the criteria for which
forms supported by outrigger beams, brackets, are set out in §1926.453.
poles, legs, uprights, posts, frames, or similar rigid (a) Capacity (1) Except as provided in para-
support. graphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5) and (g) of this
“Suspension scaffold” means one or more section, each scaffold and scaffold component shall
platforms suspended by ropes or other non-rigid be capable of supporting, without failure, its own
means from an overhead structure(s). weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended
“System scaffold” means a scaffold consisting of load applied or transmitted to it.
posts with fixed connection points that accept (2) Direct connections to roofs and floors, and
runners, bearers, and diagonals that can be intercon- counterweights used to balance adjustable suspen-
nected at predetermined levels. sion scaffolds, shall be capable of resisting at least
“Tank builders’ scaffold” means a supported 4 times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold
scaffold consisting of a platform resting on brackets operating at either the rated load of the hoist, or 1.5
that are either directly attached to a cylindrical tank (minimum) times the tipping moment imposed by
or attached to devices that are attached to such a the scaffold operating at the stall load of the hoist,
tank. whichever is greater.
“Top plate bracket scaffold” means a scaffold (3) Each suspension rope, including connecting
supported by brackets that hook over or are at- hardware, used on non-adjustable suspension
tached to the top of a wall. This type of scaffold is scaffolds shall be capable of supporting, without
similar to carpenters’ bracket scaffolds and form failure, at least 6 times the maximum intended load
scaffolds and is used in residential construction for applied or transmitted to that rope.
setting trusses. (4) Each suspension rope, including connecting
“Tube and coupler scaffold” means a supported hardware, used on adjustable suspension scaffolds
or suspended scaffold consisting of a platform(s) shall be capable of supporting, without failure, at
supported by tubing, erected with coupling devices least 6 times the maximum intended load applied or
connecting uprights, braces, bearers, and runners. transmitted to that rope with the scaffold operating
“Tubular welded frame scaffold” (see “Fabri- at either the rated load of the hoist, or 2 (minimum)
cated frame scaffold”). times the stall load of the hoist, whichever is
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(1926.451(e) continued) above lower levels shall have guardrail systems which
comply with Subpart M of this part—Fall Protection;
(iv) have slip-resistant treads on all steps and (ii) No ramp or walkway shall be inclined more
landings. than a slope of one (1) vertical to three (3) horizontal
(4) Stairtowers (scaffold stairway/towers) shall be (20 degrees above the horizontal).
positioned such that their bottom step is not more than (iii) If the slope of a ramp or a walkway is steeper
24 inches (61 cm.) above the scaffold supporting than one (1) vertical in eight (8) horizontal, the ramp
level. or walkway shall have cleats not more than fourteen
(i) A stairrail consisting of a toprail and a midrail (14) inches (35 cm) apart which are securely fastened
shall be provided on each side of each scaffold to the planks to provide footing.
stairway. (6) Integral prefabricated scaffold access frames
(ii) The toprail of each stairrail system shall also be shall:
capable of serving as a handrail, unless a separate (i) Be specifically designed and constructed for use
handrail is provided. as ladder rungs;
(iii) Handrails, and toprails that serve as handrails, (ii) Have a rung length of at least 8 inches (20 cm);
shall provide an adequate handhold for employees (iii) Not be used as work platforms when rungs are
grasping them to avoid falling. less than 11-1/2 inches in length, unless each affected
(iv) Stairrail systems and handrails shall be sur- employee uses fall protection, or a positioning device,
faced to prevent injury to employees from punctures which complies with §1926.502;
or lacerations, and to prevent snagging of clothing. (iv) Be uniformly spaced within each frame
(v) The ends of stairrail systems and handrails shall section;
be constructed so that they do not constitute a projec- (v) Be provided with rest platforms at 35-foot
tion hazard. (10.7 m) maximum vertical intervals on all supported
(vi) Handrails, and toprails that are used as hand- scaffolds more than 35 feet (10.7 m) high; and
rails, shall be at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) from other (vi) Have a maximum spacing between rungs of
objects. 16 3/4 inches (43 cm). Non-uniform rung spacing
(vii) Stairrails shall be not less than 28 inches caused by joining end frames together is allowed,
(71 cm) nor more than 37 inches (94 cm) from the provided the resulting spacing does not exceed 16-3/4
upper surface of the stairrail to the surface of the tread, inches (43 cm).
in line with the face of the riser at the forward edge of (7) Steps and rungs of ladder and stairway type
the tread. access shall line up vertically with each other between
(viii) A landing platform at least 18 inches (45.7 rest platforms.
cm) wide by at least 18 inches (45.7 cm) long shall be (8) Direct access to or from another surface shall
provided at each level. be used only when the scaffold is not more than 14
(ix) Each scaffold stairway shall be at least 18 inches (36 cm) horizontally and not more than 24
inches (45.7 cm) wide between stairrails. inches (61 cm) vertically from the other surface.
(x) Treads and landings shall have slip-resistant (9) Effective (insert date one year after publication
surfaces. in the Federal Register), access for employees erecting
(xi) Stairways shall be installed between 40 degrees or dismantling supported scaffolds shall be in accor-
and 60 degrees from the horizontal. dance with the following:
(xii) Guardrails meeting the requirements of (i) The employer shall provide safe means of
paragraph (g)(4) of this section shall be provided on access for each employee erecting or dismantling a
the open sides and ends of each landing. scaffold where the provision of safe access is feasible
(xiii) Riser height shall be uniform, within 1/4 inch, and does not create a greater hazard. The employer
(0.6 cm) for each flight of stairs. Greater variations in shall have a competent person determine whether it is
riser height are allowed for the top and bottom steps feasible or would pose a greater hazard to provide,
of the entire system, not for each flight of stairs. and have employees use a safe means of access. This
(xiv) Tread depth shall be uniform, within 1/4 inch, determination shall be based on site conditions and the
for each flight of stairs. type of scaffold being erected or dismantled.
(5) Ramps and walkways.
(i) Ramps and walkways 6 feet (1.8 m) or more
Regulatory Text
(1926.451(e) continued) before each work shift, and after any occurrence
which could affect a scaffold’s structural integrity.
(ii) Hook-on or attachable ladders shall be (4) Any part of a scaffold damaged or
installed as soon as scaffold erection has progressed weakened such that its strength is less than that
to a point that permits safe installation and use. required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be
(iii) When erecting or dismantling tubular immediately repaired or replaced, braced to meet
welded frame scaffolds, (end) frames, with horizon- those provisions, or removed from service until
tal members that are parallel, level and are not more repaired.
than 22 inches apart vertically may be used as (5) Scaffolds shall not be moved horizontally
climbing devices for access, provided they are while employees are on them, unless they have
erected in a manner that creates a usable ladder and been designed by a registered professional engineer
provides good hand hold and foot space. specifically for such movement or, for mobile
(iv) Cross braces on tubular welded frame scaffolds, where the provisions of §1926.452(w) are
scaffolds shall not be used as a means of access or followed.
egress. (6) The clearance between scaffolds and power
(f) Use. (1) Scaffolds and scaffold components lines shall be as follows: Scaffolds shall not be
shall not be loaded in excess of their maximum erected, used, dismantled, altered, or moved such
intended loads or rated capacities, whichever is that they or any conductive material handled on
less. them might come closer to exposed and energized
(2) The use of shore or lean-to scaffolds is power lines than as follows:
(3) Scaffolds and scaffold components shall be
inspected for visible defects by a competent person
Insulated Lines
Voltage Minimum Distance Alternatives
Uninsulated Lines
Voltage Minimum Distance Alternatives
Regulatory Text
Regulatory Text
Regulatory Text
(1926.452(o) continued) (1) When two or more scaffolds are used they
shall not be bridged one to another unless they are
(5) Boatswains’ chair seat slings shall be a designed to be bridged, the bridge connections are
minimum of five-eight (5/8) inch (1.6 cm) diameter articulated, and the hoists are properly sized.
fiber, synthetic, or other rope which will satisfy the (2) If bridges are not used, passage may be made
criteria (e.g., strength, slip resistance, durability, from one platform to another only when the plat-
etc.) of first grade manila rope. forms are at the same height and are abutting.
(6) When a heat-producing process such as gas (3) Scaffolds shall be suspended from metal
or arc welding is being conducted, boatswains’ outriggers, brackets, wire rope slings, hooks, or
chair seat slings shall be a minimum of three-eight means that meet equivalent criteria (e.g., strength,
(3/8) inch (1.0 cm) wire rope. durability).
(7) Non-cross-laminated wood boatswains’ (r) Catenary scaffolds. (1) No more than one
chairs shall be reinforced on their underside by platform shall be placed between consecutive
cleats securely fastened to prevent the board from vertical pickups, and no more than two platforms
splitting. shall be used on a catenary scaffold.
(p) Two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds (2) Platforms supported by wire ropes shall have
(swing stages). The following requirements do not hook- shaped stops on each end of the platforms to
apply to two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds prevent them from slipping off the wire ropes.
used as masons’ or stonesetters’ scaffolds. Such These hooks shall be so placed that they will
scaffolds are covered by paragraph (q) of this prevent the platform from falling if one of the
section. horizontal wire ropes breaks.
(1) Platforms shall not be more than 36 inches (3) Wire ropes shall not be tightened to the
(0.9 m) wide unless designed by a qualified person extent that the application of a scaffold load will
to prevent unstable conditions. overstress them.
(2) The platform shall be securely fastened to (4) Wire ropes shall be continuous and without
hangers (stirrups) by U-bolts or by other means splices between anchors.
which satisfy the requirements of §1926.451(a). (s) Float (ship) scaffolds. (1) The platform
(3) The blocks for fiber or synthetic ropes shall shall be supported by a minimum of two bearers,
consist of at least one double and one single block. each of which shall project a minimum of 6 inches
The sheaves of all blocks shall fit the size of the (15.2 cm) beyond the platform on both sides. Each
rope used. bearer shall be securely fastened to the platform.
(4) Platforms shall be of the ladder-type, plank- (2) Rope connections shall be such that the
type, beam-type, or light-metal type. Light metal- platform cannot shift or slip.
type platforms having a rated capacity of 750 (3) When only two ropes are used with each
pounds or less and platforms 40 feet (12.2 m) or float:
less in length shall be tested and listed by a (i) They shall be arranged so as to provide four
nationally recognized testing laboratory. ends which are securely fastened to overhead
(5) Two-point scaffolds shall not be bridged or supports.
otherwise connected one to another during raising (ii) Each supporting rope shall be hitched around
and lowering operations unless the bridge connec- one end of the bearer and pass under the platform to
tions are articulated (attached), and the hoists the other end of the bearer where it is hitched again,
properly sized. leaving sufficient rope at each end for the support-
(6) Passage may be made from one platform to ing ties.
another only when the platforms are at the same (t) Interior hung scaffolds. (1) Scaffolds shall
height, are abutting, and walk-through stirrups be suspended only from the roof structure or other
specifically designed for this purpose are used. structural member such as ceiling beams.
(q) Multi-point adjustable suspension scaf- (2) Overhead supporting members (roof struc-
folds, stonesetters’ multi-point adjustable ture, ceiling beams, or other structural members)
suspension scaffolds, and masons’ multi-point shall be inspected and checked for strength before
adjustable suspension scaffolds. the scaffold is erected.
Regulatory Text
(1926.452(t) continued) (3) Manual force used to move the scaffold shall
be applied as close to the base as practicable, but
(3) Suspension ropes and cables shall be con-
not more than 5 feet (1.5 m) above the supporting
nected to the overhead supporting members by
shackles, clips, thimbles, or other means that meet
(4) Power systems used to propel mobile scaf-
equivalent criteria (e.g., strength, durability).
folds shall be designed for such use. Forklifts,
(u) Needle beam scaffolds. (1) Scaffold
trucks, similar motor vehicles or add-on motors
support beams shall be installed on edge.
shall not be used to propel scaffolds unless the
(2) Ropes or hangers shall be used for supports,
scaffold is designed for such propulsion systems.
except that one end of a needle beam scaffold may
(5) Scaffolds shall be stabilized to prevent
be supported by a permanent structural member.
tipping during movement.
(3) The ropes shall be securely attached to the
(6) Employees shall not be allowed to ride on
needle beams.
scaffolds unless the following conditions exist:
(4) The support connection shall be arranged so
(i) The surface on which the scaffold is being
as to prevent the needle beam from rolling or
moved is within 3 degrees of level, and free of pits,
becoming displaced.
holes, and obstructions;
(5) Platform units shall be securely attached to
(ii) The height to base width ratio of the scaffold
the needle beams by bolts or equivalent means.
during movement is two to one or less, unless the
Cleats and overhang are not considered to be
scaffold is designed and constructed to meet or
adequate means of attachment.
exceed nationally recognized stability test require-
(v) Multi-level suspended scaffolds. (1)
ments such as those listed in paragraph (x) of
Scaffolds shall be equipped with additional inde-
Appendix A to this subpart (ANSI/SIA A92.5 and
pendent support lines, equal in number to the
number of points supported, and of equivalent
(iii) Outrigger frames, when used, are installed
strength to the suspension ropes, and rigged to
on both sides of the scaffold;
support the scaffold in the event the suspension
(iv) When power systems are used, the propel-
rope(s) fail.
ling force is applied directly to the wheels, and does
(2) Independent support lines and suspension
not produce a speed in excess of 1 foot per second
ropes shall not be attached to the same points of
(.3 mps); and
(v) No employee is on any part of the scaffold
(3) Supports for platforms shall be attached
which extends outward beyond the wheels, casters,
directly to the support stirrup and not to any other
or other supports.
(7) Platforms shall not extend outward beyond
(w) Mobile scaffolds. (1) Scaffolds shall be
the base supports of the scaffold unless outrigger
braced by cross, horizontal, or diagonal braces, or
frames or equivalent devices are used to ensure
combination thereof, to prevent racking or collapse
of the scaffold and to secure vertical members
(8) Where leveling of the scaffold is necessary,
together laterally so as to automatically square and
screw jacks or equivalent means shall be used.
align the vertical members. Scaffolds shall be
(9) Caster stems and wheel stems shall be
plumb, level, and squared. All brace connections
pinned or otherwise secured in scaffold legs or
shall be secured.
adjustment screws.
(i) Scaffolds constructed of tube and coupler
(10) Before a scaffold is moved, each employee
components shall also comply with the require-
on the scaffold shall be made aware of the move.
ments of paragraph (b) of this section;
(x) Repair bracket scaffolds.
(ii) Scaffolds constructed of fabricated frame
(1) Brackets shall be secured in place by at least
components shall also comply with the require-
one wire rope at least 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) in diam-
ments of paragraph (c) of this section.
(2) Scaffold casters and wheels shall be locked
(2) Each bracket shall be attached to the securing
with positive wheel and/or wheel and swivel locks,
wire rope (or ropes) by a positive locking device
or equivalent means, to prevent movement of the
capable of preventing the unintentional detachment
scaffold while the scaffold is used in a stationary
of the bracket from the rope, or by equivalent
Regulatory Text
(1926.452(x) continued) (3) Surfaces on which stilts are used shall be flat
and free of pits, holes and obstructions, such as
(3) Each bracket, at the contact point between the debris, as well as other tripping and falling hazards.
supporting structure and the bottom of the bracket, (4) Stilts shall be properly maintained. Any
shall be provided with a shoe (heel block or foot) alteration of the original equipment shall be
capable of preventing the lateral movement of the approved by the manufacturer.
(4) Platforms shall be secured to the brackets in a 1926.453 Aerial lifts.
manner that will prevent the separation of the (a) General requirements. (1) Unless otherwise
platforms from the brackets and the movement of provided in this section, aerial lifts acquired for use
the platforms or the brackets on a completed on or after January 22, 1973 shall be designed and
scaffold. constructed in conformance with the applicable
(5) When a wire rope is placed around the requirements of the American National Standards
structure in order to provide a safe anchorage for for “Vehicle Mounted Elevating and Rotating Work
personal fall arrest systems used by employees Platforms,” ANSI A92.2-1969, including appendix.
erecting or dismantling scaffolds, the wire rope Aerial lifts acquired before January 22, 1973, which
shall meet the requirements of subpart M of this do not meet the requirements of ANSI A92.2-1969,
part, but shall be at least 5/16 inch (0.8 cm) in may not be used after January 1, 1976, unless they
diameter. shall have been modified so as to conform with the
(6) Each wire rope used for securing brackets in applicable design and construction requirements of
place or as an anchorage for personal fall arrest ANSI A92.2-1969. Aerial lifts include the follow-
systems shall be protected from damage due to ing types of vehicle-mounted aerial devices used to
contact with edges, corners, protrusions, or other elevate personnel to job-sites above ground: (i)
discontinuities of the supporting structure or Extensible boom platforms; (ii) aerial ladders; (iii)
scaffold components. articulating boom platforms; (iv) vertical towers;
(7) Tensioning of each wire rope used for secur- and (v) a combination of any of this equipment.
ing brackets in place or as an anchorage for per- Aerial equipment may be made of metal, wood,
sonal fall arrest systems shall be by means of a fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), or other mate-
turnbuckle at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) in diameter, or rial; may be powered or manually operated; and are
by equivalent means. deemed to be aerial lifts whether or not they are
(8) Each turnbuckle shall be connected to the capable of rotating about a substantially vertical
other end of its rope by use of an eyesplice thimble axis.
of a size appropriate to the turnbuckle to which it is (2) Aerial lifts may be “field modified” for uses
attached. other than those intended by the manufacturer
(9) U-bolt wire rope clips shall not be used on provided the modification has been certified in
any wire rope used to secure brackets or to serve as writing by the manufacturer or by any other equiva-
an anchor for personal fall arrest systems. lent entity, such as a nationally recognized testing
(10) The employer shall ensure that materials laboratory, to be in conformity with all applicable
shall not be dropped to the outside of the supporting provisions of ANSI A92.2-1969 and this section
structure. and to be at least as safe as the equipment was
(11) Scaffold erection shall progress in only one before modification.
direction around any structure. (b) Specific requirements. (1) Ladder trucks
(y) Stilts and tower trucks. Aerial ladders shall be secured
Stilts, when used, shall be used in accordance in the lower traveling position by the locking
with the following requirements: device on top of the truck cab, and the manually
(1) An employee may wear stilts on a scaffold operated device at the base of the ladder before the
only if it is a large area scaffold. truck is moved for highway travel.
(2) When an employee is using stilts on a large (2) Extensible and articulating boom platforms.
area scaffold where a guardrail system is used to (i) Lift controls shall be tested each day prior to use
provide fall protection, the guardrail system shall to determine that such controls are in safe working
be increased in height by an amount equal to the condition.
height of the stilts being used by the employee.
Regulatory Text
Regulatory Text
(Appendix A continued)
Maximum Maximum Maximum
(s) Float (ship) scaffolds. Intended Permissible Permissible
(t) Interior hung scaffolds. Nominal Span Using Span Using
(u) Needle beam scaffolds. Load Full Thickness Nominal
(v) Multi-level suspension scaffolds. (lb/ft2) Undressed Thickness
(w) Mobile scaffolds. Lumber (ft) Lumber (ft)
(x) Repair bracket scaffolds.
(y) Stilts. 25 10 8
(z) Tank builders’ scaffolds. 50 8 6
75 6 –
1. General guidelines and tables.
(a) The following tables, and the tables in Part
2—Specific guidelines and tables, assume that all The maximum permissible span for 1-1/4 x
load-carrying timber members (except planks) of 9-inch or wider wood plank of full thickness with a
the scaffold are a minimum of 1,500 lb-f/in2 (stress maximum intended load of 50 lb/ft2 shall be 4 feet.
grade) construction grade lumber. All dimensions (c) Fabricated planks and platforms may be used
are nominal sizes as provided in the American in lieu of solid sawn wood planks. Maximum
Softwood Lumber Standards, dated January 1970, spans for such units shall be as recommended by
except that, where rough sizes are noted, only the manufacturer based on the maximum intended
rough or undressed lumber of the size specified will load being calculated as follows:
satisfy minimum requirements.
(b) Solid sawn wood used as scaffold planks Rated Load Intended Load
shall be selected for such use following the grading Capacity
rules established by a recognized lumber grading
association or by an independent lumber grading Light-duty • 25 pounds per square foot
inspection agency. Such planks shall be identified applied uniformly over the
by the grade stamp of such association or agency. entire span area.
The association or agency and the grading rules Medium-duty • 50 pounds per square foot
under which the wood is graded shall be certified applied uniformly over the
by the Board of Review, American Lumber Stan- entire span area.
dard Committee, as set forth in the American
Softwood Lumber Standard of the U.S. Department Heavy-duty • 75 pounds per square foot
of Commerce. applied uniformly over the
Allowable spans shall be determined in compli- entire span area.
ance with the National Design Specification for One-person • 250 pounds placed at the
Wood Construction published by the National center of the span (total
Forest Products Association; paragraph 5 of ANSI 250 pounds).
A10.8-1988 Scaffolding-Safety Requirements Two-person • 250 pounds placed 18 inches
published by the American National Standards to the left and right of
Institute; or for 2 x 10 inch (nominal) or 2 x 9 inch the center of the span
(rough) solid sawn wood planks, as shown in the (total 500 pounds).
following table:
Three-person • 250 pounds placed at the
center of the span and 250
pounds placed 18 inches to
the left and right of the
center of the span (total
750 pounds).
Regulatory Text
Regulatory Text
(Appendix A continued)
2. Specific guidelines and tables.
(a) Pole Scaffolds.
NOTE: All members except planking are used on edge. All wood bearers shall be reinforced with
3/16 x 2 inch steel strip, or the equivalent, secured to the lower edges for the entire length of the bearer.
Regulatory Text
(Appendix A continued)
NOTE: All members except planking are used on edge. All wood bearers
shall be reinforced with 3/16 x 2 inch steel strip, or the equivalent, secured to the
lower edges for the entire length of the bearer.
Regulatory Text
(Appendix A continued)
(b) Tube and coupler scaffolds.
Minimum Size of Members
Maximum intended
load 25 lbs/ft2 50 lbs/ft2 75 lbs/ft2
Maximum runner
spacing vertically 6 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 6 in.
Bearers shall be installed in the direction of the shorter dimension.
Regulatory Text
(Appendix A continued)
Maximum Number of Planked Levels
Number of Working
1 16 11 6 125
2 11 1 0 125
3 6 0 0 125
4 1 0 0 125
(c) Fabricated frame scaffolds. Because of their (g) Form scaffolds and carpenters’ bracket
prefabricated nature, scaffolds.
no additional guidelines or tables for these scaffolds (1) Brackets shall consist of a triangular-shaped
are being adopted in this frame made of wood with a cross-section not less
Appendix. than 2 inches by 3 inches, or of 1-1/4 inch x 1-1/4
(d) Plasterers’, decorators’, and large area inch x 1/8 inch structural angle iron.
scaffolds. The guidelines for pole (2) Bolts used to attach brackets to structures
scaffolds or tube and coupler scaffolds (Appendix shall not be less than 5/8 inches in diameter.
A(a) and (b)) may be applied. (3) Maximum bracket spacing shall be 8 feet on
(e) Bricklayers’ square scaffolds. centers.
Maximum intended load 50 lb/ft 2* (4) No more than two employees shall occupy
Maximum width 5 ft any given 8 feet of a bracket or form scaffold at
Maximum height 5 ft any one time.
Gussets 1 x 6 in Tools and materials shall not exceed 75 pounds in
Braces 1 x 8 in addition to the occupancy.
Legs 2 x 6 in (5) Wooden figure-four scaffolds:
Bearers (horizontal members) 2 x 6 in Maximum intended load 25 lb/ft 2
The squares shall be set not more than 8 feet Uprights 2 x 4 in or 2 x 6 in
apart for light duty scaffolds and not Bearers (two) 1 x 6 in
more than 5 feet apart for medium duty scaffolds. Braces 1 x 6 in
(f) Horse scaffolds. Maximum length of
Maximum intended load 25 lb/ft 2* bearers 3 ft - 6 in
(light duty) (unsupported)
Maximum intended load 50 lb/ft 2* (i) Outrigger bearers shall consist of two pieces
(medium duty) of 1 x 6 inch lumber nailed on opposite sides of the
Horizontal members or bearers: vertical support.
Light duty 2 x 4 in (ii) Bearers for wood figure-four brackets shall
Medium duty 3 x 4 in project not more than 3 feet 6 inches from the
Legs 2 x 4 in outside of the form support, and shall be braced
Longitudinal brace between legs 1 x 6 in and secured to prevent tipping or turning. The
Gusset brace at top of legs 1 x 8 in knee or angle brace shall intersect the bearer at
Half diagonal braces 2 x 4 in least 3 feet from the form at an angle of approxi-
*Horses shall be spaced not more than 8 feet mately 45 degrees, and the lower end shall be
apart for light duty loads, and not more than 5 feet nailed to a vertical support.
apart for medium duty loads.
Regulatory Text
(Appendix A continued)
(6) Metal bracket scaffolds: (p) Two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds.
Maximum intended load 25 lb/ft 2 (1) In addition to direct connections to buildings
Uprights 2 x 4 inch (except window cleaners’ anchors) acceptable ways
Bearers As designed to prevent scaffold sway include angulated roping
Braces As designed and static lines. Angulated roping is a system of
platform suspension in which the upper wire rope
(7) Wood bracket scaffolds: sheaves or suspension points are closer to the plane
Maximum intended load 25 lb/ft 2 of the building face than the corresponding attach-
Uprights 2 x 4 in or 2 x 6 in ment points on the platform, thus causing the
Bearers 2 x 6 in platform to press against the face of the building.
Maximum scaffold width 3 ft 6 in Static lines are separate ropes secured at their top
Braces 1 x 6 in and bottom ends closer to the plane of the building
face than the outermost edge of the platform. By
(h) Roof bracket scaffolds. No specific guide- drawing the static line taut, the platform is drawn
lines or tables are given. against the face of the building.
(i) Outrigger scaffolds (single level). No spe- (2) On suspension scaffolds designed for a
cific guidelines or tables are given. working load of 500 pounds, no more than two
(j) Pump jack scaffolds. Wood poles shall not employees shall be permitted on the scaffold at one
exceed 30 feet in height. Maximum intended time. On suspension scaffolds with a working load
load— 500 lbs between poles; applied at the center of 750 pounds, no more than three employees shall
of the span. Not more than two employees shall be be permitted on the scaffold at one time.
on a pump jack scaffold at one time between any (3) Ladder-type platforms. The side stringer
two supports. When 2 x 4’s are spliced together to shall be of clear straight-grained spruce. The rungs
make a 4 x 4 inch wood pole, they shall be spliced shall be of straight-grained oak, ash, or hickory, at
with “10 penny” common nails no more than 12 least 1-1/8 inches in diameter, with 7/8 inch tenons
inches center to center, staggered uniformly from mortised into the side stringers at least 7/8 inch.
the opposite outside edges. The stringers shall be tied together with tie rods not
(k) Ladder jack scaffolds. Maximum intended less than 1/4 inch in diameter, passing through the
load—25 lb/ft 2. However, not more than two stringers and riveted up tight against washers on
employees shall occupy any platform at any one both ends. The flooring strips shall be spaced not
time. Maximum span between supports shall be 8 more than 5/8 inch apart, except at the side rails
feet. where the space may be 1 inch. Ladder-type
(l) Window jack scaffolds. Not more than one platforms shall be constructed in accordance with
employee shall occupy a window jack scaffold at the following table:
any one time.
(m) Crawling boards (chicken ladders). Crawl-
ing boards shall be not less than 10 inches wide and
1 inch thick, with cleats having a minimum 1 x 1-1/
2 inch cross-sectional area. The cleats shall be
equal in length to the width of the board and spaced
at equal intervals not to exceed 24 inches.
(n) Step, platform, and trestle ladder scaffolds.
No additional guidelines or tables are given.
(o) Single-point adjustable suspension scaffolds.
Maximum intended load—250 lbs.
Wood seats for boatswains’ chairs shall be not
less than 1 inch thick if made of non-laminated
wood, or 5/8 inches thick if made of marine quality
Regulatory Text
(Appendix A continued)
Schedule for Ladder-Type Platforms
Tie rods:
Number (minimum) 3 4 4
Flooring, minimum
finished size 1/2 x 2-3/4 in. 1/2 x 2-3/4 in. 1/2 x 2-3/4 in.
Number (minimum) 5 6
Regulatory Text
Regulatory Text
(Appendix D continued)
• System scaffolds
• specific regulations and standards
• components
• parts inspection
• erection/dismantling planning
• guys, ties and braces
• fall protection
• general safety
• access and platforms
• erection/dismantling procedures
• buttresses, cantilevers, and bridges
Regulatory Text
(Appendix E continued)
Regulatory Text
(Appendix E continued)
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(Appendix E continued)
Regulatory Text
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(Appendix E continued)
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(Appendix E continued)
Regulatory Text