Fossil Spiders

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Biol. Rev. (2010), 85, pp. 171–206.


Fossil spiders
Paul A. Selden1 * and David Penney2
1 Paleontological Institute and Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lindley Hall, 1475 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas 66045,
USA and Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK.
2 Faculty of Life Sciences, Michael Smith Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK.

(Received 12 February 2009; revised 04 August 2009; accepted 19 August 2009)


Over the last three decades, the fossil record of spiders has increased from being previously biased towards
Tertiary ambers and a few dubious earlier records, to one which reveals a much greater diversity in
the Mesozoic, with many of the modern families present in that era, and with clearer evidence of
the evolutionary history of the group. We here record the history of palaeoarachnology and the major
breakthroughs which form the basis of studies on fossil spiders. Understanding the preservation and taphonomic
history of spider fossils is crucial to interpretation of fossil spider morphology. We also review the more
recent descriptions of fossil spiders and the effect these discoveries have had on the phylogenetic tree
of spiders. We discuss some features of the evolutionary history of spiders and present ideas for future

Key words: amber, Araneae, Cenozoic, history of arachnology, Mesozoic, palaeontology, Palaeozoic.

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
II. History of spider systematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
III. Preservation and methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
IV. History of palaeoarachnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
(1) The earliest references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
(2) Amber spiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
(a) Cenozoic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
(b) Mesozoic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
(3) Non-amber spiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
(a) Cenozoic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
(b) Mesozoic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
(c) Palaeozoic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
V. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
(1) Current work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
(2) Results of recent work: the phylogenetic tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
VI. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
VII. Appendix: Institutional abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
VIII. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
IX. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
X. Supporting Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

∗ Address for correspondence: E-mail: [email protected]

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172 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

I. INTRODUCTION convenient chapter headings; e.g. in Forster & Forster’s

(1999) Spiders of New Zealand has chapters entitled: Free-living
Spiders (Araneae) have been familiar animals to human spiders, Crab spiders, Hunting spiders, Jumping spiders,
cultures since Man first recorded his observations of the Orbweb spiders, Spaceweb spiders and Seashore spiders.
natural world; there are drawings of spiders on the walls of The first major works to attempt systematic arrangement
caves (Hillyard, 1994; Leroy & Leroy, 2003) and spiders crop of spider families were those of Simon (1864, 1874, 1875,
up in the mythology of many human societies, commonly 1876, 1878, 1881, 1884a,b, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1897,
as symbols of danger or of clever handiwork (Gertsch, 1898, 1901, 1903, 1914, 1926, 1929, 1932, 1937) and Thorell
1949; Cloudsley-Thompson, 2001). Spiders abound in every (1869, 1870a,b, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1886) [see Bonnet (1959)
terrestrial ecosystem (and in some aquatic ones), they are the for a comprehensive review of these early schemes]. Whilst
primary predators of insects, they possess a venom system to the foundations of the modern classification of Araneae were
assist in prey capture, and they produce and utilize silk in established by these authors, there were problems in that
many more ways than any other animal. After the five largest many taxa were defined by the presence or absence of single
insect orders and mites, Araneae is the most diverse order characters, and many of these characters are now recognized
in modern terrestrial ecosystems, with 40,700 extant species as plesiomorphies. For example, Dionycha and Trionycha
in 3,733 genera and 109 families (Platnick, 2009). All spiders are two- and three-clawed spiders, respectively; Orthognatha
prey on other animals, and they are the most abundant (v. Labidognatha) have orthognath chelicerae; Cribellatae
predators on land today. Many different modes of life have (v. Ecribellatae) are spiders possessing a cribellum; and
developed within the Araneae to enable them to pursue their Dipneumonae and Tetrapneumonae are spiders with two
insect prey in all ecological niches. These include orb-, sheet- and four book lungs, respectively. Four book lungs and
and other web weavers, sit-and-wait predators, cursorial orthognath chelicerae are primitive character states, we
hunters, jumping spiders, burrowers, and aquatic spiders. now know that the cribellum has been lost many times
Dispersal by silken threads (ballooning) means that spiders in araneomorphs, and that the three-clawed state is
may be found among the aerial plankton. Spider fossils date plesiomorphic in spiders; nevertheless, such characters are
back to the Palaeozoic era, and may have been part of the first still used extensively in modern keys to spider families. At the
wave of terrestrialization by animals in the mid-Palaeozoic. beginning of the 20th Century, organ systems were used to
In this review we seek to shed light upon the changes in define major groups. For example, Simon (1892) recognized
abundance and diversity of the Araneae throughout their Haplogynae and Entelegynae primarily on the basis of
geological history. We start with a brief review of the history females possessing simple or complex genitalia, respectively.
of systematic research in extant spiders, followed by a review Petrunkevitch (1933), following the ideas of Bertkau (1878b),
of studies on fossil spiders. Finally, we present the current created suborders Dipneumonina and Apneumonina for
view of the geological history and phylogeny of Araneae, spiders with a pair of book lungs or lacking book lungs,
in the form of a phylogenetic diagram, and discuss whether respectively, and also recognized the groups Octostiatae,
these changes can be linked to biotic and abiotic factors Sexostiatae and Quadrostiatae on the basis of their possession
such as mass extinction events, fluctuations in insect diversity of eight, six or four cardiac ostia.
(co-radiation), and biogeography. In the latter half of the 20th Century, some of the major
groupings of Araneae were severely criticized and, indeed, re-
organized. Perhaps the biggest change in spider systematics
came with the publication of Lehtinen’s (1967) monograph on
II. HISTORY OF SPIDER SYSTEMATICS the cribellate spiders. Lehtinen argued, following a suggestion
of Petrunkevitch (1933), that all araneomorph spiders were
Spiders hold a unique status in zoological nomenclature in primitively cribellate and that some groups had become
that Clerck’s (1757) Svensk spindlar (Aranei suecici) is deemed secondarily ecribellate. Evidence for this idea came in the
by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (2000: form of some closely related families, e.g. Urocteidae and
Art. 3.1) to have been published on 1st January 1758, to Oecobiidae, which differed merely in the presence or absence
enable its inclusion for nomenclatural purposes (the starting of the cribellum and calamistrum (Baum, 1972; Kullmann
point of zoological nomenclature is arbitrarily fixed at 1st & Zimmerman, 1976), and later the recognition that among
January 1758, the presumed publication date of the 10th New Zealand spiders there were many cases of cribellate
edition of Linnaeus’s Systema Naturae). At that time, all spiders and ecribellate genera in the same family (e.g. Forster, 1970;
were included in a single genus, called Araneus by Clerck, Forster & Gray, 1979). Not surprisingly, since they questioned
Aranea by Linnaeus. Later, Latreille (1804) and Walckenaer a firmly entrenched phylogenetic system, Lehtinen’s (1967)
(1805) defined a number of different genera, most of which conclusions were not without controversy; nevertheless, the
correspond to families recognized today. Latreille (1810) fundamental division of araneomorphs into Cribellatae and
created a hierarchical classification for arthropods, including Ecribellatae was dismantled.
spiders, which was essentially ecological in character. It In a series of thought-provoking publications, R. R. Forster
is interesting to see that in modern books describing the and co-workers (Forster, 1967, 1970; Forster & Wilton, 1968,
diversity of spiders, such ecological divisions are used as 1973; Forster & Blest, 1979; Forster, Millidge & Court.

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1988) made the first attempt to revise the phylogeny of to that date and suggested avenues for future work. Phy-
the spiders of New Zealand. Having discovered many cases logenetic studies of Recent Araneae based on morphology
of closely related cribellates and ecribellates, Forster was a have continued apace, and cladistic analyses of many major
keen protagonist of Lehtinen’s (1967) phylogenetic scheme. groups have appeared in the succeeding decade. The first
Moreover, Forster (e.g. 1970) suggested close relationships of major cladistic study of Mygalomorphae (Raven, 1985) was
a number of families based on their similar tracheal systems. a monumental piece of work given that computer analysis
For example, he placed Dictynidae, Hahniidae, Desidae was in its infancy at the time. Goloboff’s (1993) update of
(marine spiders), Cybaeidae, Argyronetidae (the European Raven’s work using computer cladistics resulted in some
freshwater spider), Amaurobioididae (another marine spider) minor adjustments to the phylogeny of the infraorder. Addi-
and Anyphaenidae (active spiders) together in Dictynoidea on tional cladistic analyses of the Mygalomorphae concern the
the basis of their shared large tracheal systems. Other authors families Hexathelidae (Raven, 1980), Barychelidae (Raven,
(e.g. Levi, 1967) have considered the enlargement of the 1994), Dipluridae: Ischnothelinae (Coyle, 1995), Nemesiidae
tracheal system to be functionally related to aquatic habitats (Goloboff, 1995), Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae (Pérez-
or an active life. Note that Argyroneta is now included with Miles et al., 1996; Bertani, 2001), Migidae (Griswold &
the other cybaeids in the family Argyronetidae, which has Ledford, 2001) and Rastelloidina (Le Gleut et al., 2004).
priority over Cybaeidae (Jäger, 2007; Jocqué & Dippenaar- Hedin & Bond (2006) used nuclear rRNA genes to help elu-
Schoeman, 2007; contra Platnick, 2009). cidate mygalomorph phylogeny. Amongst other conclusions,
Also in the late 20th Century, cladistic methods started to their results confirmed Atypoidea (Atypidae, Antrodiaeti-
influence spider systematics. Many of the former higher taxa, dae, Mecicobothriidae) as a basal lineage sister to all other
e.g. Orthognatha, Trionycha, Tetrapneumonae, were clearly mygalomorphs, suggested diplurids and hexathelids to form
recognizable as paraphyletic. One of the consequences a paraphyletic grade at the base of the non-atypoid clade,
of recognizing ecribellate paraphyly was the possibility and recovered the sampled cyrtaucheniid genera as scattered
of rejuvenating Thorell’s (1886) concept of orb-weaver across the cladogram. Other molecular studies on mygalo-
monophyly. Under ecribellate monophyly, orb webs, which morphs have been performed on cyrtaucheniids by Bond &
are produced by both cribellate and ecribellate spiders, Opell (2002) and Bond & Hedin (2006) , and on the genus
were considered by many arachnologists to have evolved Antrodiaetus by Hendrixson & Bond (2007).
convergently at least twice: once in cribellates and once Araneomorphae: Haplogynae is diagnosed by the absence
in ecribellates. Opinions in the two decades following of fertilization ducts in females, so could be considered
Lehtinen’s (1967) seminal paper were divided between those as a paraphyletic stem group defined on a plesiomorphy.
who envisaged the orb web as convergent in the cribellate However, Platnick et al.’s (1991) analysis showed the group
uloborids and the ecribellate araneoids (e.g. Kaston, 1964; to be monophyletic. Superfamilies within Haplogynae
Kullmann, 1972; Levi, 1978; Eberhard, 1982; Kovoor & have also been considered. Forster, Platnick & Gray,
Peters, 1988), and those who considered orb-weavers to (1987) reviewed the primitive araneomorph superfamilies
be monophyletic (e.g. Brignoli, 1979; Opell, 1979; Levi, Hypochiloidea and Austrochiloidea, concluding that the
1980). Later, cladistic studies of Coddington (1986b, 1990a,b) Hypochilidae are sister group to all other araneomorphs,
confirmed the monophyly of the orb-weaving families and and the austrochiloids (the unusual antipodean families
Coddington (1990a) resurrected Walkenaer’s (1802) term Austrochilidae + Gradungulidae) are sister to the remaining
Orbiculariae for the orb-weaver taxon. Excellent reviews araneomorphs, the Araneoclada Platnick, 1977. Dysderoid
of orb-weaver monophyly versus convergence were given by monophyly was confirmed by Forster & Platnick (1985)
Shear (1986, 1994). in their review of the austral spider family Orsolobidae;
The suborders of spiders were the subject of an early cladis- Platnick et al. (1991) demonstrated the close relationship
tic analysis by Platnick & Gertsch (1976). The spider family between the dysderoids and two small families, Caponiidae
Liphistiidae had been recognized by Pocock (1892) as the and Tetrablemmidae, and that Filistatidae is sister to
primitive relatives (what we would nowadays call the sister all other haplogynes. Ramı́rez (2000) disagreed with
group) to all other spiders. Pocock (1892) erected the suborder their placement of Tetrablemmidae, considering it sister
Mesothelae for Liphistiidae, whilst all other spiders formed to Pholcidae+(Plectreuridae+Diguetidae). The remaining
the suborder Opisthothelae. However, Petrunkevitch (1923) haplogynes [‘scytodoids’ or ‘sicarioids’ sensu Forster (1995)]
and later authors preferred a threefold division into subor- require more work to be resolved, but a start was made
ders Liphistiomorphae (=Mesothelae), Mygalomorphae and by Lehtinen (1986). In a review of the archaeid spiders—a
Araneomorphae. Platnick & Gertsch (1976) clearly demon- group first described from fossils (Koch & Berendt, 1854)
strated that mygalomorphs and araneomorphs should be and later found alive in Madagascar and Africa—a number
considered infraorders within Opisthothelae and thus cor- of disparate families (Mimetidae, Micropholcommatidae,
roborated Pocock’s (1892) findings using cladistic methods. A Textricellidae) were placed alongside Archaeidae, which
monograph on Mesothelae was published by Haupt (2003), was split to form the four families Archaeidae sensu stricto,
in which he showed that these spiders lacked a venom gland. Mecysmaucheniidae, Holarchaeidae and Pararchaeidae in
Coddington & Levi (1991) reviewed the higher systemat- Palpimanoidea by Forster & Platnick (1984). Thus the size
ics of Araneae, summarizing knowledge, with cladograms, of this superfamily increased considerably, having previously

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174 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

consisted of only three families: Palpimanidae, Stenochilidae (Forster, Platnick & Coddington, 1990; Agnarsson, 2003),
and Huttoniidae. Few subsequent authors have agreed with Pimoidae (Hormiga, 1994a), Tetragnathidae (Hormiga,
this concept of the composition of Palpimanoidea [see Eberhard & Coddington, 1995; Álvarez-Padilla et al., 2009),
discussions in Eskov (1987), Coddington & Levi (1991)], Linyphiidae: Erigoninae (Hormiga, 2000; Miller & Hormiga,
which was cut back to its original size by Schütt (2000). 2004), Cyatholipidae (Griswold, 2001), Symphytognathidae
In a cladistic analysis of the Symphytognathidae sensu sensu lato (Schütt, 2003), Theridiidae (Agnarsson, 2004;
lato Schütt (2003) synonymized Micropholcommatidae with Arnedo et al., 2004) and Nephilidae (Kuntner, 2005),
Anapidae, but this was not accepted by Platnick (2004) on which was raised to family rank by this author and then
the grounds that her analysis was based on too few taxa. analysed further by Kuntner, Coddington & Hormiga
The most recent analyses which included the Palpimanoidea (2008).
have, for the most part, corroborated Schütt’s hypotheses. Other entelegynes have been subjected to more patchy
The study of entelegyne spider phylogeny by Griswold cladistic analysis. Sac spiders (Clubionidae and related
et al. (2005) indicated that the extended Palpimanoidea families) were revised by Deeleman-Reinhold (2001). Her
was likely paraphyletic, with numerous families more work dealt primarily with forest-dwelling spiders from south-
probably belonging in Araneoidea. Most likely, the east Asia. Bosselaers & Jocqué (2002) undertook a cladistic
haplogyne palpimanoid families Archaeidae, Huttoniidae, analysis of 38 genera of Corinnidae and Liocranidae. The
Palpimanidae and Stenochilidae really do belong in ground spiders, Gnaphosoidea, have been the subject of
that superfamily, while the entelegyne palpimanoids, a series of analyses by N. I. Platnick and co-workers,
Holarchaeidae, Pararchaeidae and Mimetidae are araneoids. for example, Gallieniellidae (Platnick, 1984), Cithaeronidae
Huber (2005a), in a study of the evolution from muscular to (Platnick, 1991), Lamponidae (Platnick, 2000) and too
hydraulic mechanisms in spider palpal bulbs, showed that many generic revisions to list here (see Platnick, 2009).
the Palpimanidae belongs with the Haplogynae. Wunderlich In a comparative scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
(2004) recognized a number of palpimanoid families within
study of the spinnerets of 50 gnaphosoid genera Platnick
his newly defined and expanded Eresoidea. Other important
(1990) redefined the limits of the Gnaphosidae, revalidated
advances in Haplogynae include Filistatidae (Gray, 1995;
and expanded the Prodidomidae, elevated Lamponidae to
Ramı́rez & Grismado, 1997) and Pholcidae (Huber, 2000,
family rank and dismantled the Platoridae; Trochanteriidae,
2001, 2003, 2005b; Bruvo-Maḋarić et al., 2005). Clearly, a
Ammoxenidae, Gallieniellidae and Cithaeronidae were also
new phylogenetic study of ‘palpimanoids’ and their purported
treated. A recent book by Murphy (2007), on the gnaphosid
sister taxa is necessary to elucidate the relationships of these
genera of the world, was a magnificent compendium
of present knowledge of every genus referred to the
Whilst Araneomorphae: Entelegynae appears to be
Gnaphosidae, with detailed drawings by Michael Roberts.
monophyletic, reversion to the haplogyne state has occurred
This was the first time that any, single, spider family has been
a number of times within this group. Within Entelegynae,
Orbiculariae have enjoyed the most detailed cladistic studies. treated to such an in-depth monograph. The wolf spiders
In three papers, Coddington (1989, 1990a, b) detailed the and their allies, Lycosoidea, were studied by Griswold (1993),
evidence which unites the members of the Orbiculariae. who confirmed the monophyly of the superfamily, and of
Griswold et al. (1998) analysed 31 exemplar taxa from Lycosidae, Trechaleidae, Pisauridae and Zoropsidae, and
12 families of Araneoidea and used Deinopoidea as the questioned the monophyly of Ctenidae [polyphyly confirmed
outgroup. They confirmed that the araneoid sheet-web through mitochondrial DNA analysis by Huber et al.
weavers are monophyletic and gave rise to the gumfoot- (1993)]. Griswold (1993) also demonstrated the polyphyly of
web weavers (Theridiidae + Nesticidae). In considering the Tengellidae and Miturgidae, and showed that Senoculidae,
limits of the Araneoidea, Schütt (2000) suggested that Oxyopidae, Stiphidiidae and Psechridae together formed a
the Textricellidae, Micropholcommatidae, Mimetidae and monophyletic group. Many other families have been given
Malkaridae probably also belonged in this superfamily. cladistic treatments, for example: Anyphaenidae (Ramı́rez,
Scharff & Coddington (1997) produced a phylogenetic 1995, 2003), Hersiliidae (Baehr & Baehr, 1993; Rheims &
analysis of the family Araneidae, the most familiar of Brescovit, 2004; Foord, 2008), Nicodamidae (Harvey, 1995),
the orb-web weavers; their results indicated that there Oecobiidae (Bosselaers, 1999), Phyxelididae (Griswold,
was considerable parallel evolution within this family, 1990), Pisauridae: Pisaurinae (Sierwald, 1998; Santos, 2007),
including features such as sexual size dimorphism, web Salticidae (Maddison & Hedin, 2003), Sparassidae (Croeser,
decorations (stabilimenta), and the use of silk, rather than 1996), Stiphidiidae (Blest & Vink, 2000), Uloboridae (Opell,
venom, to subdue prey. Hormiga (1994b) provided the 1979), Zodariidae (Jocqué, 1991) and Zoropsidae (Bosselaers,
first major cladistic analysis of linyphiid spiders, concluding 2002). Among the conclusions of the molecular phylogenetic
that Pimoidae and Linyphiidae were sister taxa and that work of Benjamin et al. (2008) on the family Thomisidae was
the monophyly of the linyphiid clade was supported by that Thomisidae is a well-supported monophyletic taxon,
eight synapomorphies. Other interesting araneoid families and that the family Borboropactidae Wunderlich, 2004 (later
have been analysed in the last two decades, such revised by Wunderlich, 2008d) was unsustainable because it
as Theridiosomatidae (Coddington, 1986a), Synotaxidae is paraphyletic.

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Summary cladograms for all Araneae were presented III. PRESERVATION AND METHODOLOGY
by Coddington & Levi (1991), Griswold et al. (1999)
and Coddington (2005) and can be viewed at the web- Spiders are seldom preserved in the fossil record because
site of their fragility and lack of mineralization. Thus, fossil
These are useful in that they show up areas of the phy- spiders define the occurrence of a Konservat-Lagerstätte
logeny which are in need of further work (see Coddington & (an exceptional occurrence of well-preserved fossil biota:
Levi, 1991, for review). These include: within Mygalomor- Seilacher, 1970). One well-known Lagerstätte is amber, the
phae, the composition of the Dipluridae and the Nemesiidae highly polymerized form of fossil tree resin. Living animals
(see Goloboff, 1993; Hedin & Bond, 2006); relationships become trapped in the sticky resin when it is exuded by the
within the haplogynes (the families Scytodidae, Sicariidae, tree and subsequently covered by more resin (e.g. Penney
Drymusidae and Loxoscelidae); the origin of the Salticidae; 2002a) or become engulfed in less viscous, rapid flowing
exudates (Penney, 2005c).
relationships of Theridiidae and the smaller araneoid families
Reasons for trees to exude resin are not well known and
in the Araneoidea; the position of Mimetidae. Salticidae is the
may be related to wound repair, but many insects, and
most diverse spider family alive today; it seems to be geologi- therefore their predators, are attracted to resin seeps. The
cally young (Cenozoic), but there are at least three hypotheses resin hardens in contact with the air and, following burial
for the relationship of Salticidae to other spider families: close in sediment over millions of years, diagenetic processes turn
to Thomisidae (Loerbroks, 1984), among web-builders (Blest, the resin into the fossilized product amber. Semi-fossilized
1985), and in an unresolved trichotomy with Clubionidae resin younger than 40,000 years old is softer and is termed
and Anyphaenidae, based on their shared secondary loss of copal. Amber preserves fossil inclusions through a process
cylindrical silk glands (Coddington & Levi, 1991). similar to mummification by a combination of rapid and
None of the studies cited above incorporated fossil taxa thorough fixation, dehydration and the antibiotic properties
in their cladistic analyses. Fossil spiders were included in of the resin (Henwood, 1993). The degree of preservation
Bonnet’s (1945–1959) Bibliographia Araneorum but not in the is exquisite, and includes fine detail of tissues, cells, and
catalogues of Roewer (1942, 1954a, b), Brignoli (1983) or cellular ultrastructure with a startlingly life-like fidelity, as
Platnick (1989, 1993, 1997, 2004, 2009), although a list of revealed by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron
fossil species (Dunlop, Penney & Jekel, 2009) has recently microscopy (Grimaldi et al., 1994), detailed for a Baltic amber
been added to the latest (Platnick, 2009) online version of spider by SEM by Mierzejewski (1976). However, whilst it
is commonly possible to identify spider inclusions within the
the catalogue. The known fossil spider fauna was reviewed
context of Recent spider systematic frameworks, the amber
by Scudder (1886, 1891), Petrunkevitch (1955) and Selden
spider fauna is still taxonomically subequal to the Recent
(1993, 1997). McCook (1890) devoted a whole chapter fauna (Eskov, 1990); important taxonomic characters are
to ancestral spiders and their habits. He compared the commonly obscured or may not be preserved. It is evident
known American and European fossil spider faunas and from numerous amber inclusion assemblages (see later) that
even in this early work, made numerous palaeoecological they represent the remains of warm-temperate to tropical
inferences based on the fossil spider assemblages. Fossil forests. The climate and soil type of similar present-day
arachnids have been largely overlooked by systematists ecosystems provide poor opportunities for fossilization, yet
working on Recent spider faunas; even when they are they contain more than half of the terrestrial species in the
considered (e.g. Wanless, 1984; Prószyski & Żabka, 1983) world. When one considers the current rate of demise of
it is usually as an aside, and no phylogenetic conclusions these forests through anthropogenic factors, the value of
are based on fossil evidence because of the concern that fossil amber inclusions for investigating historical ecological
important taxonomic characters are not, or are poorly, changes, and thus possible future consequences of modern
preserved. However, Prószyski (1985) surveyed the potential deforestation, becomes apparent.
of amber Salticidae in comparative investigations with the Raw amber can be cut, ground and polished, and viewed
Recent fauna, commenting that the crucial point of research directly under a microscope using incident and transmitted
on amber inclusions is their comparison with extant taxa. light, or smaller pieces can be set in a clear plastic resin
prior to grinding for ease of manipulation. Oddly shaped
The need to consider fossils when revising extant taxa was
amber pieces can be immersed in mineral oil, which has
highlighted in a study of Hersiliidae by Penney (2006c)
the same refractive index as amber, to facilitate microscopy
who synonymized an extant genus containing eight species by preventing unwanted light reflection and refraction. A
with a previously described fossil genus, which had been method of dissolving amber in chloroform to extract the
overlooked by Rheims & Brescovit (2004) in their revision inclusions has been described (Azar, 1997), but this is not
of the extant neotropical fauna. A recent paper by Harms standard practice and inclusions in most ambers would
& Dunlop (2009) is innovative in that it treated amber- most likely be destroyed by this process. A fully referenced
preserved spiders in an almost similar way to extant species, discussion of methods for amber preparation is given in
although the preservation still prevented a complete cladistic Penney (2008). It is unfortunate that, given the vibrant
analysis. amber market and the high prices private collectors are

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willing to pay, forgeries abound and specimens often get of Siberia and Mongolia (Eskov & Zonstein, 1990), early
mixed up, making provenance and age difficult to ascertain Cretaceous of South Gippsland, Victoria, Australia (Jell &
without employing rigorous tests. Forgeries vary from the Duncan, 1986), early Cretaceous of Mexico (Feldmann et al.,
making of curios by embedding natural history specimens 1998), Jurassic and Cretaceous of north-east China (P. A.
in Kauri gum (see Fig. 5a in Grimaldi et al., 1994), through Selden, personal observations), Jurassic of Transbaikalia and
accidental or deliberate mixing of ambers and/or copals Kazakhstan (Eskov, 1984, 1987), Triassic Grès à Voltzia,
from different provenances, to elaborate forgeries involving France (Selden & Gall, 1992), Triassic Molteno Formation
inserting modern specimens into resin-bearing cavities inside of South Africa (Selden et al., 1999; Selden, Anderson &
real amber (e.g. Ross, 1998). Tests are available to detect Anderson, 2009), Permian of the Ural Mountains, Russia
real amber, and range from simple examination of other (Eskov & Selden, 2005), and late Devonian of Gilboa, New
inclusions (e.g. oak stellate hairs and coatings of white York, which has yielded the uraraneid Attercopus fimbriunguis
emulsion are common in Baltic amber) to more sophisticated Shear, Selden & Rolfe, 1987 (Selden, Shear & Bonamo,
techniques such as infra-red spectroscopy, pyrolysis gas 1991; Selden, Shear & Sutton, 2008b), formerly thought to
chromatography and mass spectroscopy for determining be the oldest spider.
chemical signatures (Grimaldi et al., 1994). However, the More unusual types of preservation include the following.
excavations of many recently discovered amber deposits The Bembridge Marls Insect Bed, Eocene of the Isle of
(e.g. New Jersey, Spanish, Lebanese, French Eocene and Wight, England, in which the fossils occur as external
Cretaceous to mention but a few) have been organized moulds with calcite replacement of internal structures such
by recognized experts in established museums and there is as muscles and respiratory organs (Selden, 2001, 2002b).
usually no need to question the authenticity of specimens Fossil spiders from Carboniferous Coal Measures of Europe
from these sources. There are also Dominican amber fossil and North America are generally preserved as external
dealers who extract directly from the mines and prepare moulds, sometimes infilled with kaolinite, in clay ironstone
their own material, so this too is unlikely to be contaminated concretions, for example at Mazon Creek, Illinois (Baird
with fakes. Some of the older museum collections would et al.). A most peculiar preservation–replacement by silica
certainly benefit from individual assessment of samples within calcareous nodules–occurs in the Miocene lacustrine
for authenticity, but this would presumably be a time- Barstow Formation of California, USA (Palmer, 1957).
consuming, costly and laborious exercise, not to mention Coal Measures spiders from Nýřany, Czech Republic, e.g.
a potentially embarrassing one. Pyritaranea tubifera Fritsch901, are poorly preserved as pyrite
More rarely, fossil spiders are preserved in terrigenous replacement in organic black shale. In the Triassic Solite
sedimentary rock strata, and there are nearly as many deposits of Virginia, USA, the spiders are preserved as
different preservational styles as there are araniferous silver flakes in a black matrix (Selden et al., 1999), and the
Lagerstätten. A number of Mesozoic occurrences are in preservation of the arthropods in the Korean Cretaceous
Plattenkalk (lithographic limestone): thinly bedded, fine- Jinju Formation (Kim & Nam, 2008) is remarkably similar.
grained limestones usually deposited in still water by settling Wherever they occur in rock matrices, fossil spiders
of calcium carbonate grains. The best-known example of are a rare example of exceptional preservation. However,
lithographic limestone in the fossil record is Solnhofen, there are certain circumstances which are conducive to
Bavaria, but this deposit is marine in origin and includes the preservation of fossil spiders. Most fossils are found in
no spiders. The early Cretaceous Plattenkalk from Crato, lacustrine or similar quiet-water deposits. Such situations
Brazil (Martill, 1993; Mesquita, 1996; Selden, da Casado are low energy and so the fragile bodies are not destroyed
& Mesquita, 2002, 2006; Dunlop, Menon & Selden, 2007) mechanically. Rapid burial and chemical conditions which
preserves spiders (as well as a wealth of insects and other lessen the activity of bacteria and other decaying organisms
organisms) by replacement with goethite (iron hydroxide) aid preservation; however, the spiders need to get onto the
within the limestone (Fig. 1F). This is unusual, however, and lake floor in the first place. Unlike insects, which are readily
in most lagoonal and lacustrine limestones the organisms trapped by their wings by tensional forces on the water
are preserved as organic fragments. When it has been surface, spiders are adept at avoiding landing on water and,
identified (Stankiewicz et al., 2000), this organic matter should they do so, can normally walk across the surface to
has been shown to be randomly repolymerized from the safety. Indeed, even floating insects still need to sink to the lake
original protein–polysaccharide chains to a substance akin floor to be preserved. It is interesting to note, therefore, that
to kerogen. Examples of Lagerstätten with spiders preserved in many of the sedimentary settings in which fossil spiders
as organic matter in fluvial, lagoonal or lacustrine settings are common, a large amount of volcanic ash is involved.
include Quaternary diatomite of Italy (Bottali, 1975), the Volcanic ash could aid their sinking to the lake floor. Another,
Miocene of Germany (Bertkau, 1878a; Heyden, 1859), perhaps related and more likely, means by which insects and
Miocene of Switzerland (Heer, 1865, 1872, 1876), Miocene of arachnids could be transported from the surface film of a lake
Shanwang, China (Hong, 1985; Zhang, Sun & Zhang, 1994), to the lake floor is by a microbial mat, and such a mechanism
Eocene of Florissant, Colorado, USA (Licht, 1986), early has been proposed to explain preservation in, for example,
Cretaceous of Montsech and Las Hoyas, Spain (Selden, 1989, the French Triassic Grès à Voltzia (Gall, 1988) and the late
1990, 1991a, b; Selden & Penney, 2003), early Cretaceous Eocene Florissant deposits of the USA (Harding & Chant,

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Fossil spiders 177

Fig. 1. Examples of fossil spiders. (A) Plate XII of Kundmann (1737) depicting a spider in an amber pendant (labelled 13) and
Spinnensteine on a slab of Solnhofen Limestone—in this case the planktonic crinoid Saccocoma (14). (B) Holotype of Theridium
bucklandii Thorell, 1870, Miocene shales of Oeningen, Switzerland, first figured by Buckland (1837, Pl. 46, fig. 12). (C) Holotype
of micropholcommatid Cenotextricella simoni Penney, 2007, from French Cretaceous amber, computed tomography (CT) scanning
image showing very fine detail of both external and internal morphology (Penney et al., 2007). (D, E) Holotype of pholcid Quamtana
huberi Penney, 2007, from Eocene amber of the Paris Basin (Penney, 2007c). (F) Holotype of diplurid mygalomorph Cratodiplura ceara
Selden, 2006, from Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil (Selden, da Casado & Mesquita, 2006). Scale bars: C, D, E = 1 mm; B,
F = 1 cm.

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178 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

2000; O’Brien et al., 2002). In the latter deposit, the diatom microscope without the need for fluid immersion. The recent
blooms responsible for the mats of slime could be correlated application of three-dimensional high-resolution computed
with volcanic ash falls which provided nutrients. Examples tomography scanning techniques for the study of fossil insects
of other volcanigenic lacustrine sediments with common and spiders (e.g. Grimaldi & Engel, 2005; Penney et al., 2007;
spiders include the Jurassic–Cretaceous Jiulongshan and Selden, Shear & Sutton, 2008) will prove increasingly useful
Yixian Formations of north-east China [see Zhou, Barrett & for future studies of fossil spiders (see Fig. 1C).
Hilton (2003) for a brief review of the Yixian (Jehol) biota], the Regrettably, sometimes there is a rush by the discoverer
Jurassic Ichetuy Formation of Transbaikalia (Eskov, 1984), to describe a new fossil spider without consulting an
and the Oligocene Canyon Ferry Lagerstätte of Montana, expert in palaeoarachnology, which can result in poor
USA (CoBabe et al., 2002). A number of spider fossils are primary descriptions. The describer may be a palaeontologist
known from crater lake deposits, for example the Cretaceous with no arachnological training, an arachnologist without
kimberlite of Orapa, Botswana (Rayner & Dippenaar- palaeontological knowledge, or neither. Spider fossils which
Schoeman, 1995; Rayner et al., 1997), the Eocene lake of are in need of restudy include Cretaceous araneomorphs
Grube Messel, Germany (Wunderlich, 1986a), the Miocene from Brazil and China, placed in the genus Cretaraneus
Randecker Maar of Germany (Schawaller & Ono, 1979; Selden, 1990 (Mesquita, 1996; Cheng et al., 2008), and
Wunderlich, 1985). The Pliocene lake of Willershausen, possible pisaurids from the Cretaceous of Botswana
Germany, which contains spiders (Schawaller, 1982b), owes (Rayner & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1995) and Korea (Kim
its origin to salt subsidence. & Nam, 2008).
A number of fossil and sub-fossil spiders are known from
late Neogene and younger cold-climate deposits, including
a single male palp of a thomisid from late Miocene fluvial
sediments beneath a lava flow in Alaska (Leech & Matthews, IV. HISTORY OF PALAEOARACHNOLOGY
1971), a prosoma of an Erigone sp. from pond silts dating from
an interstadial within the Wisconsin glaciation (Hopkins, (1) The earliest references
Giterman & Matthews, 1976), a thomisid carapace from According to Bonnet’s (1945) bibliography, the first mention
kettle-hole copropelic sediments dated at 6000 ± 2000 BP of a fossil spider in European literature was by Schwenckfeld
from west-central Wyoming (Cutler, 1970), and a range of (1603). Caspar Schwenckfeld was a physician of Hirschberg,
sub-fossil spider fragments from Holocene peats in Cheshire, Silesia, who published a catalogue of the fossils of Silesia. It
UK (Scott, 2003). is not known whether he was related to the better-known
Each preservational style requires its own methods of Caspar Schwenckfeld von Ossig (1489–1561), a theologian
preparation for study. Removal of soft matrix, e.g. in who brought Lutheranism to Silesia a generation earlier
Plattenkalk preservation and to clear kaolinite from ironstone (Schultz 1947). Schwenckfeld the physician’s book mentioned
nodules, is best achieved using an aeroneedle (Selden, 2003). spiders on pages 504–510, including fossils on pages
Working with this device under a binocular microscope, 509–510 under the heading Arachnites, and with synonyms
dislodged debris is gently blown clear of the working site. Lapis stellatus, Victorialis, Spinnenstein/Sternstein/Siegstein.
Gentle dissolution of recalcitrant calcite can be achieved with He described star-shaped forms in a whitish rock which
dilute hydrochloric acid, with great care. To remove the tiny resemble spiders (hence the common name of Spinnenstein),
fossils from Devonian clayrocks of New York, hydrofluoric and their possible medicinal uses, such as the treatment of
acid is used to macerate the sediment (see Shear et al., 1987; dropsy. As far as we are aware, this was the first mention of
Selden, Shear & Bonamo, 1991), and the resultant organic Spinnenstein/Sternstein/Siegstein in the literature, but there
debris sorted in water under the stereomicroscope. are no figures. Spinnensteine turn up in numerous German
Standard binocular microscopy is sufficient to study gross works after this, but with a variety of meanings. Those in the
morphology, but to view minute details of, for example, sense of Schwenckfeld appeared in Kleemann (1755) who
tarsal claws or spinneret spigots, it is necessary to use higher correctly identified the Spinnensteine from the Solnhofen
magnification. Attempts to utilize SEM (Shear et al., 1987; Limestone as a kind of sea-star (they are the stemless crinoid
Selden, 2001) have been generally less successful than use of Saccocoma). In the same year, Knorr (1755) also published
the compound microscope. Material extracted from the rock plates of the Solnhofen stemless crinoids.
matrix, e.g. the Devonian debris from New York (Shear et al., In a different meaning of the word Spinnenstein,
1987; Selden, Shear & Bonamo, 1991) was studied using Marperger (1699) described how a Cross-spider (or Garden
Nomarski Interference Contrast transmitted illumination spider, Araneus diadematus), placed in a small box for a long
on the compound microscope, whilst reflected light and time (the German expression Jahr und Tag: literally ‘year and
oil immersion objectives proved invaluable for extracting day’), shrivels into a small ‘stone’ which, when placed in a
minute morphological details from spiders in the Montsech ring and worn on the finger changes colour when placed
Plattenkalk (Selden, 1989, 1990) and Triassic siltstones from near poison—ideal for a guest at a banquet who is unsure
north-east France (Selden & Gall, 1992). Another technique of the host’s intentions! The same tale was repeated almost
involves darkfield, plane-polarized reflected light in dry word-for-word by Jablonski (1767). In an excellent review
objectives to achieve high magnification on a compound of Spinnensteine, Kundmann (1737) began by describing

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Fossil spiders 179

gall-stones of domestic animals, as a prelude to discussion after the publication of his major work. Embarrassed by
of rural myths of spiders containing, or giving birth to, the consequences of his publication, Beringer promptly
stones which possessed magical powers. He recounted the attempted to buy back all of the copies of his book,
old wives’ remedy of producing spider-stones for medicinal which was financially ruinous. The perpetrators of the
purposes by encrusting a large Araneus diadematus with sugar, hoax were widely believed to be students. However, Jahn
salt, or coarsely ground Valerian root, and leaving it for & Woolf (1963), in their Appendix B to a new edition
a year to shrivel into a hard ‘stone’ which can then be of Lithographiae Wirceburgensis, painted a more sinister, but
used to treat various ailments. Kundmann’s (1737) review accurate, scenario involving jealous academic colleagues
moved on to discuss genuine fossils, including the Solnhofen of Beringer who then pinned the blame on the students.
Spinnensteine and, finally, he described genuine fossil spiders Judicial proceedings against the students were started by
in amber [his plate XII, fig. 13, reproduced here in Fig. 1A]. Beringer on 13th April 1726, but there is no record
A more modern review of the Solnhofen Spinnensteine was of the outcome (see Jahn & Woolf 1963 for the whole
given by Heller (1961). story).
In 1682, Edward Lhwyd went up to Jesus College, Oxford,
where he studied for five years, but did not finish his degree. (2) Amber spiders
He supported himself by assisting Robert Plot (1640–1696),
first Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, and succeeded him (a) Cenozoic
as Keeper in 1691. One of Lhwyd’s first tasks was to catalogue According to Bonnet (1945), the first amber spider was
the new museum’s collection, which included many fossils described by Breynio (1726). However, the animal is not
(then called figured stones). He searched the quarries of described in detail and the figure is too poor to suggest
Oxfordshire, trained quarrymen to recognize fossils, and a spider rather than an insect. Kundmann’s (1737) plate
paid them for their finds. He corresponded with collectors XII, fig. 13 depicts a genuine spider in amber, whilst Sendel
around Britain in order to trade specimens, and also travelled (1742) described and figured many specimens, also including
himself in search of fossils for the collection. In 1686, Lhwyd an opilionid, illustrated on his plates V, VII and IX. Bloch
submitted a catalogue of the British fossils in the Ashmolean (1776) described three specimens of spiders from copal (see
Museum to the Oxford Philosophical Society, and over Dunlop & Jekel, 2008).
the next few years continued to add to it. The catalogue Presl (1822) described two new species of Araneus
was eventually published in 1699 as Lithophylacii Britannici (Araneidae) and Holl (1829) described the new genus and
Ichnographia (Lhwyd, 1699). It consists of a catalogue of 1766 species Entomocephalus formicoides from Baltic amber, which
minerals and fossils. Designed as a field guide for collectors, was placed in Archaeidae by Petrunkevitch (1958). The
it is a handy octavo size, and its profusion of engravings location of the specimen on which the description was based
enabled even beginners to recognize their finds. The text is unknown, and the description of the genus consisted of
is entirely in Latin and thus was accessible to a European only one sentence; Holl’s figure of this specimen (Holl, 1829,
readership of the day. Spiders are illustrated on plate 4, plate 8, fig. 68a) is almost certainly a salticid belonging to
but the two specimens shown, together with two insects, are an ant-mimicing genus such as Myrmarachne, even though
on a plate of Carboniferous seed-ferns entitled ‘Lithophyta’. the figure and description have the specimen with only six
The arthropods are neither numbered nor mentioned in eyes (Penney, 2003a, Dunlop & Penney, 2009). Wunderlich
the plate legend or text; they are diagrammatic and lack (2004, p. 34) suggested the specimen was in Madagascan
detail, and appear to be merely decorations to the main plate copal.
rather than illustrations of real fossils. However, they were Until recently, the main source of fossil spiders was Eocene
referred to by Roemer (1866), who suggested they may, in Baltic amber. The first major work concerning this fauna was
fact, be depictions of real fossils from English Coal Measure the monograph of Koch & Berendt (1854) on spiders and
concretions. other invertebrates preserved in this fossil resin, published
The story of the fake fossils described by Dr Johann posthumously, with footnotes by Menge (1854). However,
Beringer is well known. This Würzburg physician collected many of the species descriptions were vague, and the figures
figured stones in the early 18th Century. Locals brought poor. Menge’s (1854) additional descriptions in the footnotes,
interesting objects to the learned doctor and, on 31st May were even more vague, in some cases no more than one line
1725, three stones from a nearby hill were delivered, long, nor did he figure any of his new species. In total, 115
which showed such objects as worms and astrological new species of spiders in 36 genera (13 new) and 11 families
designs. Further discoveries included insects, fish, reptiles, were described, including the first description of the fossil and
amphibians, strange symbols, and spiders, including some extant family Archaeidae. Bronn & Roemer (1856) briefly
with webs. Beringer published descriptions and plates in reviewed the species described by Koch & Berendt (1854)
his Lithographiae Wirceburgensis (Beringer, 1726), with spiders and Menge (1854). Giebel (1856) gave descriptions of 107
dominating plate X. Some figured stones are still in existence, previously described species and five new species, without
and an unpublished stone shows a spider with an orb figures, from the families Hersiliidae, Araneidae, Agelenidae
web (Jahn & Woolf, 1963). The hoax was uncovered and Salticidae (two species). Menge (1856) further described
when Beringer found his own name on a stone shortly some of the specimens described by Koch & Berendt (1854)

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180 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

and Menge (1854) and erected a number of new genera. The synonymized with Recent families and genera by Wunderlich
descriptions of Clostes priscus (Dipluridae) and Gerdia myura (1984, 1986b, 2004). Prószyński & Żabka (1980) examined
(Hersiliidae) by Menge (1869) were somewhat better, with the relationships between the Baltic amber salticids with the
lengthier descriptions and better figures. Thorell (1870a) south-east Asian fauna, described one male as the new fossil
briefly reviewed 30 of the genera proposed by Koch & species Eolinus tystschenkoi (Salticidae), and tentatively assigned
Berendt (1854) and Menge (1854, 1856, 1869). Simon an immature specimen to the same species. Wunderlich
(1884c) described one female Archaea pougneti (Archaeidae), (1981) revised the Baltic amber Oonopidae (see Marusik &
which is, as far as we are aware, the only contribution of Wunderlich, 2008, for a more recent review) and Wunderlich
this most eminent of arachnologists to palaeoarachnology. (1986b) described ten new species of Baltic amber spiders in
Reid (1885, 1887) mentioned theridiid and linyphiid spiders four new genera from two Recent families, and mentioned an
in amber from Norfolk, UK, which were later described exuvium which he attributed to the family Ctenizidae. Żabka
by Petrunkevitch (1958). Berland (1939) described two new (1988) described three species of Salticidae (one new) from
Baltic amber spider species from the families Segestriidae and the Museum of Earth in Warsaw. Eskov (1990) mentioned
Theridiidae. The former was suggested as being synonymous and Eskov (1992) described Mimetarchaea gintaras (which he
with one of Menge’s (1854) species by Petrunkevitch (1950). placed close to Pararchaeidae or Holarchaeidae), a specimen
Petrunkevitch (1942) considered many of Koch & that supposedly possesses key apomorphies of the families
Berendt’s (1854) and Menge’s (1854) species to be nomina nuda Archaeidae sensu lato (modified chelicerae and carapace)
due to their inadequate descriptions, but later (Petrunkevitch, and Mimetidae (metatarsal macrosetal brush). Eskov (1990)
1950) revoked some of these decisions because Menge (1854) suggested that the families form a sister pair within the
seemed to have based his species descriptions on the most Palpimanoidea, and as such, are more closely related than
distinctive characters. The type material of Koch & Berendt was suggested by Forster & Platnick (1984). However,
(1854) was considered lost for many years, during which time Wunderlich (2004, p. 1256) concluded that the holotype
much work was published on the Baltic amber spider fauna, of Mimetarchaea gintaras was a subadult male not an adult, and
particularly by Petrunkevitch (1942, 1946, 1950, 1958). that the embolus described by Eskov (1992) was the margin
Wunderlich (1984) stated that the type material of Koch of the palpal tarsus. Wunderlich (2004) placed the specimen
& Berendt (1854) was in the Palaeontological Museum of in Mimetidae, even considering it to belong to the extant
Humboldt University, Berlin, but not all of them are present genus Mimetus and stated that Eskov’s speculations regarding
in their collections. The specimens described in the footnotes the relationships between Archaeidae and Mimetidae were
by Menge (1854) were deposited in the Western European invalid. Fossil Mimetidae were revised by Harms & Dunlop
Provincial Museum in Gdańsk (formerly Danzig) (Keilbach, (2009) who confirmed that Eskov’s original conclusions were
1982), but their current location is unknown (Kosmowska- incorrect. Eskov & Marusik (1992) described two new species
Ceranowicz). Because Petrunkevitch (1942) considered many of Eopopino (Nesticidae) from Baltic amber and considered
of Koch & Berendt’s (1854) and Menge’s (1854) species nomina the Acrometidae to be a subfamily of the Nesticidae.
nuda, his subsequent publications probably created a large Wunderlich (1993a, b) described the first fossil species of
number of junior synonyms, which remain to be identified. the families Cyatholipidae and Scytodidae respectively, from
Petrunkevitch (1942) studied 144 specimens of Baltic Baltic amber. Griswold (2001) investigated the phylogeny of
amber spiders, which he referred to 78 species, in 62 genera the extant Cyatholipidae and also studied fossil specimens
and 27 families. Of these, 69 species, 48 genera and five of determined by Wunderlich from the fossil genera Spinilipus
the families were new. He also briefly discussed methods of (Baltic amber) and Succinilipus (Bitterfeld amber), but was
study of amber spiders, evolutionary trends in spiders and unable to locate the broad posterior spiracle synapomorphic
the relationships of the Baltic amber spider fauna to their for the family. As the type specimens were not viewed,
Recent relatives. Petrunkevitch (1946) described the Baltic their correct placement in this family could not be ruled
amber spider collection in the American Museum of Natural out, but it would seem unlikely (C. E. Griswold personal
History, describing 28 specimens in 18 genera (one new) communication to D. Penney, 1997). Kulicka (1993) listed
and 21 species (four new). Petrunkevitch (1950) described the numbers, by family, of the Baltic amber spiders held
the 20 families of Baltic amber spiders held in the Museum in the Museum of Earth, Warsaw. The numbers do not
of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, erecting add up correctly, but it would seem that the collection
one new family, five new genera and 17 new species. Baltic contained in excess of 800 specimens, approximately two-
amber spiders in European collections were described by thirds of which are unidentified juveniles. Kupryjanowicz
Petrunkevitch (1958) who proposed 19 new genera and 47 (2001) listed 1,187 Baltic amber spiders in the collections of
new species, including the first descriptions of the families the Museum of the Earth, Warsaw. Resch (1996) reported
Oxyopidae and Hahniidae from Baltic amber. In all these an unusual piece of amber containing 10 spiders, including
works the descriptions are extensive and the figures clear Anapidae and Mimetidae, and a small wasp, although none
(if somewhat diagrammatic), but the photographs are too of the inclusions were described. Both Wunderlich (2000) and
poor to be of much value. Some of Petrunkevitch’s new taxa Eskov & Zonstein (2000) independently described new species
were suggested as being synonymous with Recent families of Ctenizidae in Baltic amber. Marusik & Penney (2004)
or subfamilies by Lehtinen (1967), these and more were reviewed Baltic amber Theridiidae inclusions, describing six

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Fossil spiders 181

new species, and the voluminous work of Wunderlich (2004) discovered lowermost Eocene amber from the Paris Basin,
described approximately 300 new species, including new France (Nel et al., 2004) also contains many spiders, but
genera and families. Wunderlich (2008b) added more new representatives of only four families (Micropholcommatidae,
species to the Baltic amber list, including members of the Oonopidae, Selenopidae and Pholcidae) have been described
genera Ariadna (Segestriidae), Orchestina (Oonopidae), Pimoa to date (Penney et al., 2007; Penney, 2007a, c) (see Fig. 1D,E).
(Pimoidae), and new tetragnathids, araneids, and zorids. Miocene Amber from the Dominican Republic has been
The new Baltic amber family Pumiliopimoidae was erected known since the end of the 15th Century (Baroni-Urbani &
by Wunderlich (2008b) and, in a revision of European Saunders), but was not brought to the attention of scientists
Theridiidae, Wunderlich (2008c) erected no less than 82 until the 20th Century (Sanderson & Farr, 1960). Ono (1981)
species, many in new genera. A second species of the strictly described the first spider Komisumena rosae (Thomisidae) from
fossil spider family Spatiatoridae, currently known only from this source, Schawaller (1981a, 1982a, 1984) described the
Baltic amber was described by Wunderlich (2006) and a families Hersiliidae, Tetragnathidae, Uloboridae, Dipluridae
third by Wunderlich (2008b). Interesting spider associations and Selenopidae, Wunderlich (1982a) described five new
described from Baltic amber include a pair of Orchestina sp. species from the families Tetragnathidae, Theridiidae,
trapped during copulation (Wunderlich, 1982b) and Poinar Corinnidae (the extinct genus Veterator, originally placed
(2000) described the parasitic mermithid nematode Heydenius in Gnaphosidae and transferred to Trochanteriidae by
araneus in the same piece of amber as its supposed crab spider Wunderlich (2004); the correct systematic placement of this
host (Thomisidae). genus warrants a thorough examination) and Salticidae, and
Other Cenozoic amber sources that yield a reasonable Wunderlich (1987) described a new species of Hersiliidae.
number of spiders include Oligocene–Miocene Chiapas Poinar (1987) described an immature male clubionid spider
amber from Mexico (Petrunkevitch, 1963, 1971; Garcı́a- parasitized by an ichneumonid wasp larva. The major
Villafuerte & Vera, 2002; Garcı́a-Villafuerte & Penney, taxonomic works on this spider fauna are those of Wunderlich
2003; Garcı́a-Villafuerte, 2006a, b, 2008; Penney, 2006c; (1986b, 1988), who described approximately 130 new,
Dunlop, Harms & Penney, 2008), with approximately 20 named species. Cutler (1984) provided a short note on
described species, and Miocene amber from the Dominican Dominican amber Salticidae and new species from this
Republic (Wunderlich, 1986b, 1988; Penney, 2001), with 156 family were described by Reiskind (1989) [synonymized
named spider species and 93 genera in 47 families. Nine of with one of Wunderlich’s (1986b) species by Penney
these genera and seven families do not contain named species. (2001)] and Wolff (1990). Wunderlich (1998) described
None of the families, 27% of the genera and all the species new species from the families Mysmenidae and Linyphiidae
are apparently extinct (Penney & Pérez-Gelabert, 2002; and Wunderlich (1999) reported the family Archaeidae as
Penney, 2004e, 2005d, 2006a, 2008). However, whether or present in Dominican Republic amber. However, both these
not all species are extinct must be uncertain, given our poor papers were based on specimens that are actually preserved
knowledge of the extant Hispaniolan fauna. Indeed, Penney in Madagascan copal (Wunderlich, 2004). Penney (2000a)
(2008) suggested that the Dominican amber Nops lobatus revised the Dominican amber Anyphaenidae, Penney (2000b)
Wunderlich, 1988 may be synonymous with the extant Nops described Oonopidae and Mysmenidae. Penney (2001)
blandus (Bryant, 1942). Geological age is not, of course, a described a new species of Corinnidae, the first indisputable
suitable criterion for determining whether or not a fossil fossil Lycosidae and corrected the taxonomy of numerous
belongs to an extinct taxon, though some workers make the other species from this amber. Penney (2005b,c) described
erroneous assumption that fossil forms must belong to extinct the first fossil Filistatidae, preserved in Dominican amber,
species. and Penney (2005a) described the first Caribbean Floricomus
Poinar & Poinar (1994) provided an interesting historical (Linyphiidae), also from this deposit. Huber & Wunderlich
account of Mexican amber. Biological inclusions in Chiapas, (2006) described a new species of fossil Pholcidae, and Penney
Mexican amber were rediscovered, somewhat accidentally (2009) described a specimen of Plectreurys (Plectreuridae)
in 1952 and an expedition was launched by scientists from Dominican amber. Extant plectreurids are known
from the Department of Entomology and Parasitology, only from the south-western USA, Mexico, and parts of
University of California, Berkeley, to collect specimens and the Caribbean, and a specimen from Baltic amber was
geological data for the deposits (Hurd, Smith & Durham, referred to this family by Wunderlich (2004). A full systematic
1962). Twelve spiders from this collection were described catalogue, including transfers and synonymies etc., of all fossil
by Petrunkevitch (1963), which he placed in seven extant Dominican Republic amber spiders described up until 2005
families. Petrunkevitch (1971), published posthumously with was provided by Penney (2006b). This fossil assemblage is
additional notes by Harriet Exline, described ten species from very similar to that of the Recent neotropics (Penney & Pérez-
14 specimens in five extant families. Wunderlich (1986b, Gelabert, 2002; Penney, 2005d) and provides an excellent
1988) synonymized some of Petrunkevitch’s fossil Mexican basis for investigations of the historical biogeography (e.g.
amber genera with extant taxa, and considered the specimen Penney, 1999, 2007b, 2008) and palaeoecology (e.g. Penney,
identified as Dysderidae by Petrunkevitch (1971) as a dubious 2002a, 2008) of Hispaniolan spiders. The vast bulk of fossil
identification, but gave no reason for doing so. Penney spiders occur in the Cenozoic strata because of their common
(2006c) revised the Mexican amber Hersiliidae. The recently occurrence in Baltic and Dominican Republic ambers.

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182 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

A very basic, qualitative comparison of Dominican amber (b) Mesozoic

spiders with those from other Cenozoic resins was provided
It is only within the last three decades that spiders have
by Schawaller (1981b) and a high-resolution quantitative been described from Mesozoic amber. Spiders were first
comparison by Penney & Langan (2006) demonstrated that reported from Cretaceous ambers of Canada by McAlpine
Dominican and Baltic ambers trapped organisms in the & Martin (1969), France (Schlüter, 1978; Néraudeau et al.,
same way, despite an overall larger size of spiders in Baltic 2002; Perrichot, 2005), Spain (Alonso et al., 2000; Peñalver,
amber. A comprehensive synthesis of our current knowledge Delclòs & Soriano, 2007), Myanmar (Burma) (Rasnitsyn
of Dominican amber (with special reference to spiders) can & Ross, 2000; Grimaldi, Engel & Nascimbene, 2002),
be found in Penney (2008). Jordan [Kaddumi, 2005; 2nd edition, Kaddumi (2007)
A number of short papers have described one or more includes some taxonomic descriptions of amber spiders]
species of amber spider from other Cenozoic ambers. and Alabama (Bingham et al., 2008). Eskov & Wunderlich
Protescu (1937) described two specimens (Theridiidae and (1995) described the new family Lagonomegopidae from
Thomisidae) from Romanian amber, and Hickman (1957) two juvenile specimens in amber from Yantardakh, Taimyr,
described a segestriid spider from what was thought to be Siberia, and mentioned 50 undescribed specimens from
the late Neogene, probably Pliocene, amber of Victoria, various stages of the Upper Cretaceous of the region.
Australia (the only fossil spider known from that continent). Some of these were placed in the superfamilies Araneoidea,
Wunderlich (1981) described two new species of Orchestina Dysderoidea and Thomisoidea. They also listed spiders
(Oonopidae) from Kenyan amber. The last two publications as present in fossil resins from Azerbaijan and Armenia.
may have described extant species preserved in Recent The 47 amber spider specimens mentioned by Zherikhin &
copals (Poinar, 1992). Hong (1982) described a dictynid from Sukatcheva (1973) from Yantardakh, Siberia may now be
the Lower Guchengzi Formation from Fushun coalfield in lost (Eskov & Wunderlich, 1995). Additional lagonomegopid
Liaoning Province, China, and Wunderlich (2004) described spiders have been described from Cretaceous ambers of
pholcid and oonopid spiders from this deposit. Saunders et al. New Jersey (Penney, 2002b), Canada (Penney, 2004b),
(1974) reported but did not describe ten spiders discovered Myanmar (Penney, 2005e) and Spain (Penney, 2006d).
in Claiborne (early Middle Eocene) Arkansas amber. Lagonomegopidae are curious in that they have enormously
Amber spiders from the families Theridiidae, Linyphiidae, enlarged posterior median eyes, as in Deinopidae, but which
Tetragnathidae, Araneidae, Clubionidae, Thomisidae and are situated on the sides of the cephalic region of the carapace.
Salticidae were reported, but not described, by Barthel Moreover, their chelicerae bear only peg-teeth, which places
& Hetzer (1982) as present in Miocene amber of the them in the Palpimanoidea. Unfortunately, only juveniles of
Bitterfeld district, Germany, and Wunderlich (1991, 1993a) this family have so far been found.
added new species from the families Leptonetidae and Other described Cretaceous amber spiders include the
Cyatholipidae to this list. However, the cyatholipids may families Segestriidae, Oonopidae, Oecobiidae, Dictynidae,
be misidentifications (Griswold, 2001). There are now 27 Araneidae and Linyphiidae from New Jersey amber (Penney,
families recorded from this amber (e.g. Schumann & Wendt, 2002b, 2004f ), Araneidae from Spanish amber (Penney &
1989), including the family Telemidae, which is otherwise Ortuño, 2006), Mecysmaucheniidae from French amber
(Saupe & Selden, 2009) and Nemesiidae in amber from
unknown in the fossil record. Skalski & Veggiani (1990) listed,
the Isle of Wight (Selden, 2002a), a family not present
but did not describe, spiders as present in Oligocene Sicilian
in the region today but common in the Mediterranean.
amber and Wunderlich (2004) described the first spiders in
Poinar & Milki (2001) cited Wunderlich & Milki (2001) as
amber from Rovno (Ukraine) and commented on the faunal
having described the first spider (Oonopidae) in Lebanese
similarities with Baltic amber. Nishikawa (1974) described amber, however, their paper was not published until 2004
seven specimens (Oonopidae, Theridiidae, Thomisidae, and and the specimen in question was described as belonging
four incertae familiae) in copal from Mizunami, Japan and to the family Segestriidae (Wunderlich & Milki, 2004).
Lourenço (2000) described a new sub-fossil species of The linyphiid described by Penney & Selden (2002) was
Archaeidae in Madagascan copal, which was synonymized the first spider to be described from Lebanese amber and
with an extant species by Wunderlich (2004). Wunderlich obtained an entry in the 2004 and 2005 editions of the
(2004, 2008b,c) also described subfossil spiders in copals Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest spider described
from Colombia and Madagascar, which included the first from amber. Penney (2003b) described a deinopid spider
records of some extant supraspecific taxa for the island. from the same deposit, but whether or not it would have
Bosselaers (2004) described a new species of Selenopidae in employed the same net-casting predation strategy as its
copal from Madagascar (see also Penney, Ono & Selden, extant relatives is unclear. New species of Cretaceous amber
2005). Recently, spiders were reported but not described in spiders have been described from Myanmar (Penney, 2003a
Eocene amber from India (Alimohammadian et al., 2005). (Archaeidae), 2004a (Pisauridae), 2006b (Oonopidae)] and
This discovery of an amber deposit is the first on the Canada [Penney, 2006b (Oonopidae)]. Penney & Selden
subcontinent and has important implications for studies of (2006b) described fossil Huttoniidae from Canadian amber, a
historical biogeography, because it was formed while India family with extant species restricted to New Zealand, though
was still in its drift phase prior to the India–Asia collision. Wunderlich (2008e) has questioned this familial placement.

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Fossilized spider silk, including glue droplets have been protruberance on the clypeus; Wunderlich (2008e, p. 585)
reported from Mesozoic and Cenozoic ambers by Zschokke erected the new family Psilodercidae for this extant genus
(2003, 2004), Wunderlich (2004) and Peñalver, Grimaldi & alone, and his Eopsilodercidae is based on a comparison
Delclòs (2006). with this new extant family. The fifth character, legs without
In another of his large publications on amber spiders, distinct bristles, is ambiguous: Psiloderces lacks leg bristles,
Wunderlich (2008a,b,d,e) turned to the Cretaceous. He but the fossil Eopsiloderces bears thin bristles on femora and
described a number of new families, genera and species tibia I–II (Wunderlich, 2008e, p. 579). The characters of
from Myanmar, Jordanian and Lebanese amber, including the male palp are distinctive for Eopsiloderces but differ from
the new, extinct families Praeteroleptonetidae (to which he those of Psiloderces, which has strong apical bristles on the
referred Palaeohygropoda Penney, 2004a), Eopsilodercidae, cymbium. To conclude, the diagnosis is not written in a
Plumorsolidae, Micropalpimanidae, Burmascutidae and comparative style, which is unhelpful, and the characters,
Salticoididae. He also named new genera and species when investigated, are not present in the type specimen,
in extant families from Myanmar amber (Segestriidae, are irrelevant or ambiguous. In our opinion, erecting new
Oonopidae, Archaeidae, Uloboridae, Dictynidae), Jordanian families for single or small collections of fossil specimens, and
amber (Segestriidae) and Lebanese amber (Segestriidae, especially when based on uncertain characters, leads to a
Oecobiidae). The full effect of these taxonomic acts awaits plethora of new names but does not help in understanding
further investigation, though we suspect that the new spider family relationships and evolution.
Cretaceous families are simply stem taxa (i.e. they can be Also in his latest work, Wunderlich (2008e) presented the
referred to modern families but lack the full complement hypothesis that the Cretaceous period was dominated by
of characters). Wunderlich eschews cladistics and bases Haplogynae and that the majority of modern spider families
his systematic decisions on comparison of many characters (ecribellate entelegynes) originated after the K–T boundary;
between families (Wunderlich, 2008a). Such characters need he called the Cretaceous the ‘Age of the Haplogynae’.
not necessarily be diagnostic, rather it is the combination of Wunderlich (2008e) linked the supposed diversification
observed characters which typify the families and give them of modern spider families in the Paleocene with the
their ‘jizz’ (in ornithological terminology). As a consequence, diversification of ants and angiosperms. The evidence
it is difficult to compare Wunderlich’s phylogenies with those presented derives from: the lack of particular families
of other workers. Since Wunderlich is the most prolific such as Corinnidae, Salticidae, Thomisidae, and derived
describer of fossil spiders at present, it is important to araneoids such as Theridiidae and Linyphiidae, in part
understand his methodology and its shortcomings. produced by re-determinations of a number of specimens
As an example, Wunderlich (2008e) erected the family described by Penney and others from Cretaceous ambers;
Eopsilodercidae on the basis of a single adult male, erection of six new families which, together with two already
Eopsiloderces loxosceloides Wunderlich, 2008, in Myanmar known, did not survive the K–T extinction; and numerous
amber. He set up two tribes: Eopsilodercini for E. other behavioural, ecological and geographic aspects which
loxosceloides alone, and Furcembolusini for Furcembolus andersoni purport to show differences between the Cretaceous and
Wunderlich, 2008, and described three other specimens from Tertiary spider faunas. From what has been said in the
Myanmar amber as ‘‘?Eopsilodercidae indet.’’. Curiously, in previous paragraph, it will be apparent that our view of
the section on relationships of Furcembolusini, Wunderlich spider evolution differs from that of Wunderlich in a number
(2008e, p. 582) wrote that: ‘‘. . . the taxon is probably of ways. In our experience many modern families can be
not a member of the Eopsilodercidae.’’! The family traced back to the Cretaceous period, but if the modern
diagnosis of Eopsilodercidae (Wunderlich 2008e, p. 577) runs: family is defined purely on its crown group, then such will
‘‘(♂;♀ unknown): Cheliceral lamina most probably absent, not be apparent. This notion allows the erection of new
the anterior margin of the cheliceral furrow bears two tiny Cretaceous families which differ from modern ones only in
teeth, six eyes in a ‘‘segestriid’’ position (so in Furcembolus, the lack of particular characters, as would be expected in
but not quite sure in the holotype of the type taxon), clypeus a stem-group taxon. A glance at Fig. 2 shows that many
not or only fairly protruding, legs without distinct bristles, modern families are now known from the Cretaceous, and
♂-pedipalpus (figs. 18, 21, 22): Tibia large, cymbium bristle- the cladogram predicts that the sister groups of many of these
less, bulbus simple, originating at the tip of the cymbium.’’ families will also be found in the Cretaceous. The groups
The first character, cheliceral lamina, cannot be confirmed of families which have yet to be found in the Mesozoic
and so must be rejected. The second, two tiny teeth on are those which possibly did originate in the Cenozoic: the
cheliceral promargin, is not diagnostic at the family level Dionycha, for example, have dispensed with prey-capture
in any spider family. The third character, six eyes in a webs for good reasons (outlined in Dippenaar-Schoeman &
‘‘segestriid’’ position, is not known in the type (and only Jocqué, 1997). Furthermore, many of the haplogyne families,
known) specimen and, moreover, five pages further on, which were supposed by Wunderlich to typify the Cretaceous
Wunderlich (2008e, p. 582) suggested that Furcembolus is not (pholcids to sicariids in Fig. 2), are not known from that
in Eopsilodercidae anyway! The fourth character, clypeus period (some of these are known from the Mesozoic but
not or only fairly protruding, refers to a character in the have yet to be described). Not only is the Mesozoic era only
modern Psiloderces (Ochyroceratidae), which shows a marked beginning to be explored in terms of its araneofauna, but

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184 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

Fig. 2. Legend on next page.

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also the Paleocene epoch stands out as being impoverished in this species does not belong in Argyronecta, but seems to form
spider Lagerstätten, so it is still premature to make sweeping a distinct genus’.
generalizations about faunal turnover in spider evolution. In Bertkau (1878a) studied the fossil spider fauna from
a parallel example, Eskov & Zonstein (1990) proposed the the Miocene Brown Coal of Rott, Germany. Seven
Mesozoic to be an ‘Age of Mygalomorphs’, based on the spiders and a millipede were described and illustrated,
paucity of araneomorph spiders then known from Mesozoic including three linyphiids, an araneid, an agelenid, a
strata; now, Mesozoic records of araneomorphs far exceed thomisid and, of most interest, numerous specimens of
those of mygalomorphs, so the concept of a Mesozoic Age of Argyroneta (Elvina) antiqua Heyden, 1859. Heyden (1859)
Mygalomorphs has had to be abandoned. had placed his specimen in the European Water Spider
genus Argyroneta on the basis of its habitus and, presumably,
(3) Non-amber spiders consideration of its preservation in swamp conditions.
Thorell (1870a) created the new genus Elvina, diagnosed
(a) Cenozoic by the palps being thicker than the legs for Argyroneta antiqua
The second half of the 18th Century was barren of literature Heyden, 1859, and suggested that it probably belonged in
references to fossil spiders, but by the early 19th Century, Tubitelariae (a name no longer in use for a group of spider
spiders were being mentioned from the Miocene of Aix families including Agelenidae, Gnaphosidae, Clubionidae,
en Provence (Serres 1818, 1828, 1829). Buckland (1836, Urocteidae, Filistatidae, Dysderidae and, indeed, Argyroneta).
1837, 1858) figured a spider from the Miocene of Aix, and Petrunkevitch (1946) remarked that the segmentation of the
this specimen (BMNH In 43302) was eventually described as legs was not visible in the holotype. Selden (2001) restudied
Theridium bucklandii by Thorell (1870a). Dunlop (1993) figured the specimen and noted that leg segmentation is clearly
the specimen as a mygalomorph, without any discussion, but visible, thus concluding that Petrunkevitch was unlikely to
that identification is certainly erroneous. It appears to be have seen the specimen. Heyden (1859) gave a leg formula of
the first recognizable non-amber spider to be figured, and 1234 or 1243; Petrunkevitch (1946) pointed out that the leg
is shown here in Fig. 1B. In his comprehensive catalogue formula of the modern Argyroneta is 1423 (the fourth legs in
of fossils, Giebel (1856) recorded no fossil spiders except this genus are large, possibly modified for swimming). Thus,
those in amber. The Aix fauna continued to be described by Heyden’s specimen cannot be placed with certainty in the
Brongniart (1877: Attoides eresiformis), most fully by Gourret genus Argyroneta. Indeed, little can be said about this specimen
(1886), and with further additions from Berland (1939). Fossil except that it is a spider, and most likely an araneomorph
spiders can still be collected in abundance at Aix (A. Nel, as evidenced by the large palpal cymbium of this adult male
personal communication to P. A. Selden). specimen (Selden, 2001).
The first non-amber spider to be formally described was Scudder described the Oligocene spiders from Florissant,
by Heyden (1859), who studied two specimens from the Colorado. In a general paper (Scudder, 1881), dealing with
Miocene Brown Coal of Grube Stoschen, near Linz am the geological setting, stratigraphy, palaeontology and com-
Rhein, Germany: Gea krantzi (Araneidae) and Argyroneta anti- parisons with other Tertiary insect faunas, he stated of the
qua (Argyronetidae) (BMNH 58824 and 58825, respectively). spider fauna: ‘As a whole the arachnid-fauna appears rather
A few years later, Heer (1865) described 28 specimens belong- uninteresting, and to have few features in common with
ing to 10 genera, 11 of which he illustrated, from the Miocene that of the Prussian amber.’ Of course, one would not
lacustrine deposits of Oeningen, on the Swiss/German bor- expect a volcanic lake to sample the same spider fauna as
der (see also Heer, 1872, 1876). Later workers did not accept resin. Uninteresting it is not, however, and Scudder (1890)
Heer’s identifications; for example, Heywood (footnote described some 30 spiders from Florissant (and two inde-
in Heer 1876, p. 11) commented on Argyronecta [sic.] terminate araneids from Green River, Wyoming) belonging
longipes Heer, 1865: ‘Unfortunately the two specimens which to the families Segestriidae, Clubionidae, Anyphaenidae,
Prof. Heer received are not sufficiently well preserved for Agelenidae, Titanoecidae, Theridiidae, Linyphiidae, Tetrag-
certain determination. The comparative lengths of the legs, nathidae, Araneidae, Thomisidae and Salticidae. Included
the thin filiform palpi, and the rounded form of the sides of under Theridiidae is a spider egg-sac, named Aranea columbiae,
the cephalothorax are in favour of it being referred to Argy- which has been found not only at Florissant but also in the
ronecta; but the cephalothorax is less prominent in front than Green River Formation of Wyoming and Quesnel, British
in the existing species. A similar form of cephalothorax and Columbia. They appear to belong to more than one species,
legs also occurs in Tegenaria. According to Thorell (1870a) and because some of the specimens are stalked, Scudder

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree of the spiders (Araneae) produced by combining the fossil record with the cladograms of Coddington
& Levi (1991), Griswold (1993), Scharff & Coddington (1997), Griswold et al. (1998, 1999), Ramı́rez (2000), and Álvarez-Padilla
et al. (2009). Note that, while there have been many objections to the view of Palpimanoidea put forward by Forster & Platnick
(1984), there is yet no consensus on where some of its included families should be placed so, for now, we retain the superfamily
in its incongruous position. *Unplaced families include Chummidae, Cycloctenidae, Hahniidae, Homalonychidae, Synaphridae,
† Ephalmatoridae and † Insecutoridae.

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186 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

(1890) compared them to the pedunculate egg-sacs of some same families as noted by Scudder (1890), but one well-
theridiids (sensu lato). McCook (1890, p. 459) reproduced preserved specimen is worthy of note: Eodiplurina cockerelli
Scudder’s (1890) discussion and figures, and compared them Petrunkevitch, 1922 (UCM 17703; BMNH In 25932 is the
to the stalked egg-sacs of the extant genera Ero (Mimeti- counterpart) is clearly a mygalomorph, possibly a diplurid.
dae) and Theridiosoma (Theridiosomatidae). The chapter in Eskov & Zonstein (1990) referred it to Nemesiidae, but this
McCook’s (1890, pp. 446–469) book gives a good review is untenable because Eodiplurina has uniserially dentate tarsal
of fossil spiders to that date for the non-specialist. McCook claws whilst nemesiid claws are bipectinate. Licht (1986)
(1888) also described a fossil spider, Eoatypus woodwardii, from produced a short paper for the International Arachnological
the Eocene Bembridge Marls Insect Bed of the Isle of Wight, Congress in Panama on the taphonomy of the Florissant
England (BMNH In 61271), as an atypid mygalomorph, spiders. He concluded that, because the spiders’ legs were
based on an interpretation of the chelicerae as being par- outstretched, rather than folded up, they must have died in
ticularly large and porrect. The specimen was restudied by water which was warm or with a low pH value; i.e. related to
Selden (2001) who commented that the appearance of the the volcanic activity at the site. Long experience of one of us
chelicerae as large is an artefact of fossilization in spiders: (P. A. Selden) in studying fossil spiders in lacustrine deposits
the fossils commonly split through the chelicerae, which are has indicated that outstretched legs are quite a common
sometimes forced upwards through compaction, thus giving feature of drowned spiders, and warm and/or acidic waters
the appearance of being much larger and porrect than they are unnecessary to explain this phenomenon. Spider legs are
would have been in life. He referred Eoatypus to Opisthothelae most likely to curl up due to muscle contraction (spiders have
incertae sedis (Selden, 2001). no extensor muscles), perhaps caused by dehydration, and
Petrunkevitch (1922) studied the Tertiary spiders of this would not occur in water.
North America, revising some of Scudder’s (1890) Florissant Publication on fossil arachnids in the first half of the
species as well as describing new ones. In nearly every 20th Century was almost entirely dominated by the work
case, Petrunkevitch could find little fault with Scudder’s of Alexander Petrunkevitch; but after his 1922 paper, there
description, but disagreed with him in most cases concerning was little work published on Cenozoic spiders until near the
their systematic placement. For example, Titanoeca, placed end of the century. Berland (1939) described one from
today in Titanoecidae, is a genus of cribellate spiders. Aix and four poorly preserved specimens from Alsace,
Petrunkevitch (1922) could find no cribellum or calamistrum and Petrunkevitch (in Palmer, 1957) described a dictynid
on any of these well-preserved specimens. Scudder (1890) from the Miocene Barstow Formation of California. Later
had referred them to this genus on the basis of general works have mainly been short notes on single specimens
similarity to the living genus. Petrunkevitch (1922) referred and/or occurrences by arachnologists dipping a toe into
all of Scudder’s (1890) titanoecids to Gnaphosidae (formerly the murky waters of palaeontology. Cutler (1970) and
Drassidae) under the new genus Palaeodrassus. Scudder (1890) Leech & Matthews (1971) described thomisid fragments
had placed three species in a new genus Parattus on account of from the Pliocene of Wyoming and the Miocene of Alaska,
their resemblance to jumping spiders (Salticidae was formerly respectively. Schawaller & Ono (1979) recorded a lycosid
known as Attidae), particularly by the presence of large eyes and a salticid, and Wunderlich (1985) a thomisid, from the
in one row and smaller ones in the second. Scudder created Randecker Maar volcanic crater lake deposits in Germany. In
the new genus because no living salticid shows eyes in the 1980s there were records of a fauna of free-living spiders
(Salticidae, Thomisidae and Lycosidae) from the Pliocene of
this pattern, although a third row of eyes (which would be
Willershausen, Germany (Schawaller, 1982b), orb-weavers
expected in a salticid) could not be discerned in any specimen.
(Araneidae) from the Eocene oil-shale deposits of Messel,
Petrunkevitch (1922) demonstrated that referring them to
Germany (Wunderlich, 1986a), and Selden & Penney (2009)
Salticidae could not be sustained, and he was able to make
described a pisaurid from Eocene deposits of Horsefly,
out two rows of four eyes in one specimen (MCZ 118; Fig. 19
British Columbia, Canada. Hong (1985) and Zhang et al.
in Petrunkevitch, 1922), so created a new family, Parattidae,
(1994) described agelenids, araneids, tetragnathids, lycosids,
for them. The family, one of a remarkably few entirely fossil
thomisids and salticids from Miocene diatomaceous deposits
families (Penney & Selden, 2006a), was diagnosed on the
of Shanwang, China, and Bottali (1975) figured a thomisid
basis of round eyes in two rows of four, anterior subequal and
and a lycosid from Pleistocene diatomites near Rome, Italy,
fairly equidistant, posterior eyes considerably smaller, with
and Ribera (2003) reported a possible araneid from a
the posterior median eyes between and slightly behind the
Pleistocene cave-fill of Girona, Spain. Not surprisingly, the
anterior medians. A re-examination of the type specimen by younger the deposit, the more similar the arachnofauna is to
one of our research students (Richard Cutts) revealed that the what one would expect to find in a similar habitat today.
fossils are compressed in such a way that what Petrunkevitch
(1922) considered to be the anterior eyes are actually the
posterior eyes and vice versa. The spiders are lycosoids (possibly (b) Mesozoic
Lycosa florissanti Petrunkevitch, 1922, whose eyes are not The earliest records of arachnids from the Mesozoic era were
discernible, belongs here too), and a manuscript redescribing misidentifications. Weyenbergh (1869b) described Hasseltia
the type species is in preparation. The new spiders described primigenius from Solnhofen as a spider, possibly an Argyroneta.
by Petrunkevitch (1922) are mostly additional species in the The name was soon replaced by Hasseltides, Hasseltia being

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preoccupied (Weyenbergh, 1869a), and identified as an to modern families. Since at that time there were so few
opilionid by von Hasselt himself (Weyenbergh, 1874b; Mesozoic spiders known, and the Palaeozoic forms were
Petrunkevitch, 1949, 1953), but is actually the stemless seemingly so primitive, there was a concern that Mesozoic
crinoid Saccocoma (Petrunkevitch, 1955). Weyenbergh (1874a) forms might not belong to modern families. However, as
also described a supposed pseudoscorpion from Solnhofen, more Mesozoic spiders came to light, it became apparent
Chelifer fossilis, which proved to be a crustacean (Petrunkevitch that the modern families are well represented in this era and
1953). Similarly, Münster (in Germar, 1839) described so, in later descriptions of spiders from the Cretaceous of
Phalangites Münster, 1839 from the Solnhofen Limestone, and Spain (Selden & Penney, 2003), forms were placed in the
the same animal was later described by Roth (1851) as Palpipes modern families Uloboridae and Nephilidae.
priscus, both of whom identified it as an opilionid. Seebach The first Mesozoic mygalomorphs were described by
(1873) showed it to be a crustacean. Sternarthron zitteli Haase, Eskov & Zonstein (1990), from localities in the Lower
1890, from Solnhofen, was originally figured as an insect by Cretaceous of Siberia and Mongolia. These were placed in
Oppenheim (1888); Haase (1890) referred it to the Palpigradi, the modern families Mecicobothriidae, Antrodiaetidae and
an order of minute arachnids. In spite of Handlirsch’s Atypidae. The paper aroused much interest, not because
(1906) demonstration that the specimens were indeed insects, of the fossil finds, but because the authors tacked onto
and have been referred to Phasmatodea (Carpenter, 1992, the systematic part three short essays on mygalomorph
p. 188), the palpigrade affinity was accepted by Petrunkevitch systematics, the evolution of the mygalomorph male
(1953, 1955), though he appeared never to have studied the palp, and comments on the stratigraphic distribution of
specimens. So, it was not until the late 20th Century that the mygalomorphs. In the last, Eskov & Zonstein (1990, p. 361)
first Mesozoic spider was described. proposed, on the basis of very few data (six specimens) an
Eskov (1984) described the new family Juraraneidae, based ‘Age of Mygalomorphs’ during the late Early Cretaceous,
on Juraraneus rasnitsyni a single adult male from the Jurassic during which short period of time these spiders replaced
of Transbaikalia, Siberia. The interpretation of Juraraneus as araneomorphs in the fossil record.
an araneoid was based on the complexity of the male palp, Eskov & Zonstein’s (1990) record of the earliest
with its large paracymbium. Wunderlich (1986b) suggested mygalomorphs was soon broken when Selden & Gall (1992)
that Juraraneus could be accommodated in Araneidae, but described a dozen specimens of Rosamygale grauvogeli, a new
did not formally synonymize the families. The original species of Hexathelidae from the Triassic of the northern
diagnosis of the family was based on a unique combination Vosges, France. This was not only the oldest mygalomorph
of morphological characters found in other araneoid families but also the first Triassic spider to be described. It was
(Eskov, 1984). Eskov (1987) described an archaeid spider, placed in the modern family Hexathelidae on account of
Jurarchaea zherikhini, from the Jurassic of Kazakhstan. The find the presence of six spinnerets and other features of fairly
of an archaeid in Jurassic strata was interesting because this primitive mygalomorphs. Hexathelidae occur throughout
family of small, araneophage spiders was already well known the Gondwanan region and north as far as southern Europe
from Baltic amber and the Recent Gondwana fauna. Eskov today, though their greatest diversity occurs in eastern
(1987) placed his monotypic Jurarchaeinae somewhat closer Australia. Raven (1980) postulated a centre of origin in
to the Pararchaeidae and Holarchaeidae than Archaeidae East Antarctica and a dispersal throughout Gondwanaland
sensu stricto. P. A. Selden restudied the holotypes (and only before its break-up in the Cretaceous. Their presence on
specimens) of Juraraneus and Jurarchaea, and is in complete the southern shore of the Zechstein Sea in the mid-Triassic
agreement with their description and interpretation as an indicates a radiation across the supercontinent quite early
araneoid and an archaeid sensu lato, respectively. in the Mesozoic. Also, the presence of a mygalomorph in
The record of described Mesozoic spiders more than dou- the Triassic period predicts the presence of its sister group,
bled when Selden (1989, 1990) described two tetragnathids Araneomorphae, at that time too. Sure enough, the earliest
and a uloborid from early Cretaceous rocks of the Sierra araneomorph spiders were described by Selden et al. (1999)
de Montsech, Spain. These specimens preserved tarsal claws from localities in slightly younger Triassic rocks in South
which showed they were orb-web weavers. There had been Africa and Virginia. Though unmistakably araneomorph,
a controversy raging since the late 1960s regarding whether these specimens are too poorly preserved to be identified to
the cribellate and ecribellate orb-weavers represented con- family, although an araneoid affinity seems likely.
vergent evolution or the orb web evolved only once (in In recent years, many new specimens of superbly
cribellates) and then some orb-weavers lost the cribellum preserved spiders have been recovered from localities in
(for an excellent review see Shear, 1986). The issue was early Cretaceous rocks of Brazil (Mesquita, 1996; Selden,
resolved in the 1980s: orb webs evolved once only and the da Casado & Mesquita, 2002, 2006) and Jurassic (Selden,
araneoids lost the cribellum in favour of silk with glue, so Huang & Ren, 2008) and Cretaceous (Chang, 2004; Cheng
the Cretaceous fossils provide a minimum age for the origin et al., 2008) rocks of China and are currently under study.
of the ecribellate orb because both cribellate and ecribellate Early observations on these faunas indicate that, not only
orb-weavers occur together in this deposit. Note that in the were modern families present in Jurassic and Cretaceous
original description of the Montsech arachnofauna, Selden times but also the same families seem to occur in similar
(1990) was rather cautious in his assignment of the spiders habitats both in the Mesozoic and today: e.g. Tetragnathidae

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188 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

and Uloboridae seem to be common in the arachnofauna 1923, who thought he could see spinnerets on the specimen
preserved in lacustrine settings (Huang et al., 2006). (see Fig. 199 in Petrunkevitch, 1953), but on Frič’s drawing
(Frič, 1873, pl. II fig. 78; Frič, 1904, Fig. 7B; Petrunkevitch,
(c) Palaeozoic 1955, Fig. 99.7) these are shown as right leg 4. A restudy by
P. A. Selden indicated spinnerets cannot be confirmed on
The first fossil spider to be formally described from Palaeozoic such a poorly preserved specimen and it is best regarded as
strata was Protolycosa anthracophila Roemer (1866). This Araneae incertae sedis.
specimen, from the Coal Measures of Katowice, Poland, was Frič (1904) referred ten species to Arthrolycosidae and
apparently lost during World War II, and could not be found synonymized Kušta’s Scudderia and Eolycosa with Arthroly-
by Petrunkevitch (1953). Information from curators at the cosa. Arthrolycosidae was placed in suborder Arthrarachnae
museum in Wrocław indicates that this is, indeed, the case.
Haase, 1890. Whereas Haase (1890) included only Arthroly-
Roemer’s drawings clearly show opisthosomal segmentation,
cosidae (Arthrolycosa, Geralycosa) in his Arthrarachnae, and
but he considered the opisthosoma to be unsegmented
placed Protolycosidae (Protolycosa) and Liphistiidae (Eolycosa,
in life (perhaps he was unaware of the existence of the
Palaranea) into Tetrasticta Bertkau, 1878b [=Tetrapneu-
extant genus Liphistius which has a segmented opisthosoma).
mones of Latreille (1825)], Frič (1904), redefined Arthrarach-
Also, Protolycosa appeared to bear appendages arising from
nae on a more or less [?] segmented opisthosoma lacking
the anterior part of the opisthosoma. Roemer (1866) and
pleurae, and two pairs of book-lungs, and included the
subsequent commentators on Protolycosa agreed that this
Recent Liphistius and mygalomorphs (Tetrasticta or Tetrap-
specimen represented a true spider (Araneae), even though
neumones). He redefined Arthrolycosidae Harger, 1874
its resemblance to the extant genus Lycosa is superficial and
on: segmented abdomen lacking pleurae, two tarsal claws
the segmented opisthosoma with appendages is unusual for
spiders. Harger (1874) described a Coal Measure spider and large chelicerae. Frič (1904) established the subor-
from Mazon Creek, Illinois, as Arthrolycosa antiqua (YPM 161). der Pleuraraneae for spiders with granulated rather than
He described the fossil as having a segmented opisthosoma hairy exoskeletons, segmented opisthosomas dorsal and ven-
and chelate pedipalps; he compared this fossil to the living tral, and pleurae. These, which we would now place in
Liphistius, which was described by Schiodte (1849) as having Anthracomartidae (Trigonotarbida), included Hemiphrynus
no spinnerets. Harger (1874) preferred not to refer Arthrolycosa and Promygale. Spiders which Frič (1904) could not place
to Araneae, but considered it as an arachnid showing in either suborder included Perneria, Eopholcus, Pleurolycosa,
somewhat primitive features (segmented opisthosoma), with Brachylycosa and Pyritaranea. The Bohemian specimens are
some resemblance to scorpions and opiliones (eye tubercle) held in the National Museum, Prague.
and scorpions, pseudoscorpions and uropygids (chelate Pocock (1910) commented on Frič’s (1904) monograph;
pedipalps). Harger’s original (1874) description was based he was critical of Frič’s drawings and considered certain
on an undeveloped specimen (i.e. one in which parts are still misinterpretations were due to Frič’s lack of knowledge of the
embedded in the rock matrix). Scudder (1884) restudied morphology of modern arachnids (see also Pocock, 1911, p.
the specimen and concluded that the chelate pedipalps 8). Pocock (1910) synonymized Promygale with Anthracomartus,
were erroneous; he referred Arthrolycosa to Karsch’s (1882) and removed all of Frič’s Pleuraraneae to Anthracomarti.
order Anthracomarti. Beecher (1889) developed the holotype Pocock (1911) described the British Carboniferous Araneae
further to reveal more morphological features, and thus in a monograph on the British fossil arachnids. He referred
presented a more complete description; he concluded that two specimens, Eocteniza silvicola Pocock, 1911, and Arthrolycosa
it should be removed from Anthracomarti and commented sp. to Mesothelae Pocock, 1892, a suborder restricted to
that the only character which would exclude Arthrolycosa from spiders with segmented opisthosomas, and erected the new
the four-lunged (mygalomorph) spiders was the segmented genus and species Archaeometa nephilina (BMNH In 31259) for
opisthosoma. a supposed araneomorph spider. Here, for the first time, a
In a series of papers, Kušta described the Carboniferous Palaeozoic spider was referred to the Opisthothelae.
Coal Measure arachnid fauna from Rakovnik, Bohemia; Alexander Petrunkevitch was undoubtedly the major
the following spiders were described: Rakovnicia Kušta, 1885 worker on fossil spiders in the 20th Century; his works
(Kušta, 1885), Eolycosa Kušta, 1886 (Kušta, 1886), Geralycosa spanned the period from 1913 to 1971. Petrunkevitch’s (1913)
Kušta, 1888, and Scudderia Kušta, 1888. Kušta (1888) placed monograph listed the known Palaeozoic spiders to that date,
all of these in Arthrolycosidae Harger, 1874. Frič (1873, 1901, redescribed the holotype of Arthrolycosa antiqua Harger, 1874,
1904) added more forms from the Bohemian coal basins, and added a new species of Arthrolycosa from the Coal Measure
and his 1904 monograph summarized and illustrated the concretions of Mazon Creek, Illinois; photographs as well as
known Palaeozoic arachnids to that date. Palaranea borassifoliae drawings were provided. He placed Arthrolycosa, Protolycosa,
Frič, 1873 is an interesting specimen. It is clearly a spider Geralycosa, Rakovnicia, Perneria and Eocteniza in Mesothelae:
compressed onto or under a large leaf of Cordaites borassifolius Arthrolycosidae, and not only Archaeometa but also Eopholcus
Sternberg; not noticed when first figured, it was Reuss (1854) and Pyritaranea in Arachnomorpha (=Araneomorphae). The
who first mentioned its presence. Frič (1873) described it, and last reference had been suggested by Pocock (1911), and the
in 1904 referred it tentatively to Arthrolycosa. It was redescribed referral of all of these genera to Araneomorphae was based
by Petrunkevitch (1953) in Arthromygalidae Petrunkevitch, primarily on the fact that these specimens have long, thin legs.

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Petrunkevitch (1923) erected the family Arthromygalidae as Attercopus fimbriunguis (Shear, Selden & Rolfe, 1987),
to distinguish those Palaeozoic spiders whose eyes were from highly fragmentary material from Givetian shales of
apparently not on a tubercle from arthrolycosids which Gilboa, New York, USA. Originally described as a possible
possess an eye tubercle, with the new genus Arthromygale trigonotarbid (Shear et al., 1987), its probable aranean nature
Petrunkevitch, 1923 for Arthrolycosa fortis and A. beecheri. became apparent after a spinneret was discovered in the
In a major work on Palaeozoic arachnids, Petrunkevitch same beds (Shear et al., 1989), and by comparison of the
(1949) had an opportunity to study European types. In this cuticle ornamentation, the spinneret was related to diverse
work he described a new genus and species of mesothele, parts of most of the remaining morphology of the animal.
Protocteniza britannica, and a new genus and species of Since then, the status of Attercopus has been re-visited,
araneomorph, Arachnometa tuberculata (BMNH In 13917), both following the discovery of new, conspecific material from
from the Coal Measures of Coseley, England. He erected South Mountain, near Gilboa, New York. Selden, Shear
Archaeometidae for Archaeometa and Arachnometa. However, it & Sutton (2008) re-designated Attercopus as belonging to a
was not until Petrunkevitch (1953) produced a monograph new order, Uraraneida, to which these authors also referred
specifically on European Palaeozoic and Mesozoic arachnids Permarachne Eskov & Selden, 2005, previously also described
that full redescriptions of all available European Palaeozoic as a spider. Uraraneida possess silk glands and spigots,
Araneae appeared. In this work, the two fossil mesothele but these are arranged on ventral plates, not spinnerets.
families were recognized to contain: Arthrolycosa and Eocteniza, Following the discovery by Haupt (2003) that a cheliceral
only, in Arthrolycosidae, and Arthromygale, Protocteniza, venom gland opening is absent in the Mesothelae, the
Palaranea, Geralycosa, Kustaria Petrunkevitch, 1953 (for supposed venom gland opening on the cheliceral fang of
Scudderia Kušta, which is preoccupied) and Rakovnicia in Attercopus was reinvestigated, and was found to be absent
Arthromygalidae. Interestingly, in his key, Petrunkevitch (Selden, Shear & Sutton, 2008). Furthermore, uraraneids
(1953: 101) described the families Archaeometidae and the bear a long, post-anal flagellum, unknown in any spider
new family Pyritaraneidae Petrunkevitch, 1953 as ‘Spiders [but present in some other Pantetrapulmonata Shultz, 2007
resembling Recent arachnomorph species’ which suggests (Shultz, 2007)]. Uraraneida may be sister group to true
the beginning of some doubt in his mind about their true spiders, but more work now needs to be done on the
affinities. Dinopilio gigas, classified as an opilionid by Frič relationships of the Pantetrapulmonata. The oldest known
(1904), and the new species D. parvus Petrunkevitch, 1953, spider is therefore Carboniferous in age.
from the Chislet Colliery, Canterbury, England, as well P. A. Selden has studied all available Carboniferous
as Pyritaranea were included in the latter family. Eolycosa, specimens described as spiders, but many of the redescrip-
Palaeocteniza (see below), and Pleurolycosa were placed as Aranei tions have yet to be published. Preliminary work indicates
incertae sedis. Petrunkevitch’s final work on Palaeozoic Araneae that Archaeometa, Arachnometa and Dinopilio are arachnids but
was the Treatise (Petrunkevitch, 1955), which differed only not spiders, while Eopholcus and Pyritaranea may be spiders
slightly from his 1953 classification. but are not sufficiently well preserved for their affinities
The first non-Carboniferous Palaeozoic spider to be to be determined. Synapomorphies of Araneae, such as
described was Palaeocteniza crassipes Hirst, 1923, a tiny, poorly spinnerets, were generally thought to be missing from Car-
preserved specimen (BMNH In 24670) from the Devonian boniferous spiders (Platnick & Gertsch, 1976), but such
Rhynie Chert of Scotland, which was referred with hesitation have now been found in old specimens after additional
to Araneae by Hirst (1923). Petrunkevitch (1953) agreed that preparation, e.g. Arthrolycosa antiqua YPM 162 (Petrunke-
its status as a spider was doubtful. After seeing the specimen vitch, 1913, pl. VIII, fig. 43; P. A. Selden, unpublished data)
(Petrunkevitch, 1949) he suggested it could belong to either and in more recently discovered specimens from the Coal
Araneae or Trigonotarbi, but left it as Araneae incertae sedis. Measures of Montceau-les-Mines, France (Selden, 1996a, b,
In the Treatise (Petrunkevitch, 1955, p. P135), however, he 2000). The latter specimens, Palaeothele montceauensis (Selden,
put it in Arthromygalidae with the remark ‘classification 1996a) (BMNH In 62050 and MHNA 51961/2) were the
doubtful’. Selden, Shear & Bonamo (1991) restudied the first which could be definitely identified as mesotheles to be
specimen using Nomarski Differential Interference Contrast described. Mesothelae are most recognizable by plesiomor-
microscopy. They concluded that the specimen showed no phies, synapomorphies of the suborder are harder to see,
synapomorphies of Araneae and that, given its small size and especially in fossils. Nevertheless, in addition to the seg-
the abundance of trigonotarbids of all instars in the chert, an mented dorsal opisthosoma, spinnerets situated in a forward
identity as a juvenile trigonotarbid was most likely. position on the ventral opisthosoma, and anterior medians
Another Devonian supposed spider was described by well developed, two pairs of book-lungs, and orthognath
Størmer (1976) as Archaeometa? devonica, from the lower Emsian chelicerae–all plesiomorphies–Palaeothele exhibits a narrow
deposits of Alken an der Mosel, Germany. Reconsideration sternum, a synapomorphy for Mesothelae demonstrated by
of Størmer’s (1976) tentative identification by Selden, Shear Raven (1985).
& Bonamo (1991, p. 244) concluded that ‘There seems to Other Carboniferous fossils attributed to Araneae
be no reason to consider Archaeometa? devonica as a spider or described in more recent years include a new species of
a fossil arachnid of any sort.’ A more convincing Devonian Protolycosa: P. cebennensis Laurentiaux-Vieira & Laurentiaux,
spider was described by Selden, Shear & Bonamo (1991) 1963, from the lower Stephanian Coal Measures of Gard,

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190 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

France (Laurentiaux-Vieira & Laurentiaux, 1963), and the V. DISCUSSION

most remarkable Megarachne servinei Hünicken, 1980, from the
Permo-Carboniferous Bajo de Véliz Formation of San Luis The fossil record of spiders is still far from complete, as
Province, Argentina. The latter was described by Hünicken demonstrated quantitatively by Penney (2004d). It is not
(1980) as a giant mygalomorph which, with its body length of totally inadequate, however, and as the data set of fossil
339 mm, would have been the largest known spider ever to spiders increases and the taxonomy is updated to conform
have lived on Earth. Its identification as a spider was based to current hypotheses for Recent Araneae, it is possible
on interpretations of the shape of the carapace, the position to compare the two to investigate evolutionary history (as
of the eye tubercle, the anterior protrusion of the carapace presented here), palaeobiogeography (e.g. Penney, 1999,
as a pair of chelicerae, and the posterior circular structure as 2008), taphonomic/palaeoecological biases of Lagerstätten
the abdomen. X-radiography revealed possible morphology (e.g. Penney, 2002a), the effects of mass extinction events
hidden in the matrix: cheliceral fangs, sternum, labium and (Penney, Wheater & Selden, 2003) and it also permits
coxae, and so a reconstruction of Megarachne as a giant spider direct comparisons of fossil and Recent faunas (Penney,
was presented. However, difficulties with the interpretation 1999, 2005d, 2007, 2008; Penney & Pérez-Gelabert, 2002)
(unusual cuticular ornament, suture dividing the carapace and comparisons between different fossil faunas (Penney &
and spade-like anterior border of the chelicera), together with Langan, 2006). The fossil record of spiders has been shown
to track that of their principal prey, the insects, suggesting a
non-preservation of synapomorphies of Araneae, provoked
predator–prey co-radiation through geological time (Penney
debate about its interpretation as a spider. Whilst many
2004c). Certain species, families, or assemblages of extant
museums around the world had casts of the holotype, the
spiders can be considered indicators for the presence of other
original was locked in a bank vault until this century,
species, climatic conditions, certain habitat types, etc. Their
when the collector died, it was passed onto the museum presence in the fossil record may by used similarly.
in Córdoba and, at around the same time, a new specimen The concept of behavioural fixity states that fossil
was discovered. Study of the type and the new specimen organisms with Recent representatives at genus and in many
by P. A. Selden showed that Megarachne is not a spider cases family level, can be predicted to have exhibited similar
but a bizarre eurypterid, similar to rare forms known behaviours to their extant relatives. Selden (1989) provided
from Carboniferous rocks of Scotland and South Africa, evidence from spiders preserved in lithographic limestone
close to Woodwardopterus scabrosus (Woodward, 1887) (BMNH of north-east Spain, for the antiquity of that most intricate
I1445/6) (Selden, Corronca & Hünicken, 2005). and ubiquitous achievement of spiders, the ability to weave
Until recently, no spiders were recorded from the Permian orb webs, back in the early Cretaceous. Recent species
period. This gap in the fossil record between the mesotheles of Mysmenopsis (Mysmenidae) are usually kleptoparasites in
of the late Carboniferous and the first opisthotheles (both the webs of the funnel-web spider Ischnothele (Dipluridae)
mygalomorphs and araneomorphs are known from the mid- (Coyle, O’Shields & Perlmutter, 1991). Mysmenopsis lissycoleyae
Triassic) was tantalizing, and also enigmatic because some described from Dominican amber by Penney (2000b) predicts
beds in Russia had yielded many thousands of insects but this behaviour and the presence of the diplurid host in the
no arachnids (Ponomaryova, Novokshonov & Naugolnykh, Miocene because of the morphological similarity between
1998). Eskov & Selden (2005) described the first spiders the fossil and Recent species; a fossil Ischnothele from the same
from the Permian: Permarachne novokshonovi and an Arthrolycosa amber source was described by Wunderlich (1988).
carapace, from the latest Early Permian insect beds of Modern phylogenetic (cladistic) analyses of spider taxa
Perm, Russia. Permarachne appeared to show a flagellum have rarely been able to include fossils, for a variety of reasons.
emerging from the end of the opisthosoma, which was One major problem has been the lack of score-able data
interpreted by Eskov & Selden (2005) as one of a pair of which can be recovered from fossils. Commonly, characters
which are important for systematics are not preserved, eye
elongate, pseudosegmented spinnerets. Opisthosomal plates
pattern in rock matrix fossils for example, while other features
were interpreted as dorsal tergites even though the remainder
which are often preserved in fossils have not traditionally been
of the fossil preserved the ventral. Eskov & Selden (2005)
used by neontologists, such as cuticle sculpture or relative
concluded that Permarachne was a mesothele and probably a sizes and shapes of morphological features. An unsuccessful
weaver of funnel webs, a new mode of life for Mesothelae, and attempt was made to use morphometrics to quantify the
thus shows evidence for a greater diversity of Mesothelae in habitus of spiders preserved in rock (Kinchloe Roberts et al.,
late Palaeozoic times than today. However, following the find 2008), but amber preservation holds the greatest promise
of new material of Attercopus (see above) and the recognition of for providing well-preserved fossils for inclusion in cladistic
the new order Uraraneida (Selden, Shear & Sutton, 2008), it analyses with extant taxa. It is unfortunate, then, that the
became apparent that the opisthosomal plates in Permarachne bulk of the descriptive work on amber spiders has been
were truly ventral and the flagellar structure was a post- done without regard to modern methods of analysis (e.g.
anal tail rather than a spinneret. So Permarachne belongs in Wunderlich 2008a–e). The authors of a recent paper revising
Uraraneida and the Arthrolycosa carapace remains the only the fossil mimetids (Harms & Dunlop, 2009), though lacking
known record of Permian spiders. sufficient data of both sexes of the taxa they studied to

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perform a cladistic analysis, nevertheless recognized the Cyrtaucheniidae, Microstigmatidae, Nemesiidae, Ochyro-
inadequacy of earlier work, were able to compare many ceratidae, Tetrablemmidae, Palpimanidae, Hersiliidae, Sym-
important characters between fossil and living specimens, phytognathidae sensu lato, Anapidae, Mysmenidae, and
and thus remove the fossils from monotypic, fossil genera Hahniidae, known from the fossil, but not Recent, fauna
and refer them to extant taxa. In the future, it is likely that were predicted to be components of the Recent Hispaniolan
workers trained in modern phylogenetic methods, combined fauna (Penney, 1999). Subsequently, Rheims & Brescovit
with new techniques for the extraction of data from fossils (2004) reported the presence of extant Hispaniolan Hersili-
(e.g. micro-CT scanning; Penney et al., 2007), will be able to idae for the first time. Based on a terrestrial invertebrate
more fully integrate fossils with extant taxa in phylogenetic species longevity of less than ten million years, the presence
analyses. of endemic and non-endemic species, and the assumption
In contrast to phylogeny, where fossils play a subordinate that Hispaniola has suffered no major ecological disruption
role, they are of paramount importance in studies of that would cause the amber lineages to become extinct, the
following hypotheses were made: Filistatidae and Desidae
historical biogeography, and can play a decisive part in
colonized Hispaniola after the Miocene amber formation;
the falsification of proposed hypotheses (Eskov, 1990). For
Drymusidae, Amaurobiidae, and Deinopidae were present
example, the current Gondwanan distribution of the extant
on Hispaniola during the Cenozoic, but avoided capture, or
spider family Archaeidae supports the ‘theory of mobilistic
have yet to be found in the amber; and Scytodidae, Oeco-
biogeography’ i.e. that the fragmentation of Gondwanaland biidae, Uloboridae, Dictynidae and Clubionidae colonized
and the subsequent continental drift can explain their current Hispaniola since the Miocene amber formation but these
distribution. However, because fossils of this family occur in families, which were present on Hispaniola during the period
Baltic amber (Koch & Berendt, 1854), French amber (D. of amber formation, contain undiscovered endemic species
Penney, personal observations), Burmese amber (Penney, (Penney, 1999). Some of these hypotheses are unequivocally
2003a) and from the Jurassic of Kazakhstan (Eskov, 1987) and falsifiable through the future discovery of the families in
China (Selden, Huang & Ren, 2008), the palaeontological Dominican amber as has occurred with Mysmenidae [Pen-
data contradict this hypothesis and a different explanation ney, 2000b; the specimens described by Wunderlich (1998)
is required. The ‘theory of ousted relicts’ (e.g. Eskov & are actually in Madagascan copal (Wunderlich, 2004)] and
Golovatch, 1986) proposes that austral disjunctions result Filistatidae (Penney, 2005b). More recently, Penney (2008)
from southerly movement of populations from formerly conducted a more thorough investigation of the biogeo-
more northern distributions due to climatic change (most graphic origins of the Hispaniolan spider fauna, based on
likely Eocene–Oligocene or Pleistocene). A more likely an integrated approach, which analysed both neontologi-
explanation is that the present-day Gondwanan distributions cal and palaeontological data. He suggested that, on the
represent relicts from a formerly pancontinental distribution whole, the origins were probably from South America via a
reduced in extent by extinctions in northern areas. There is a temporary landspan rather than by overwater dispersal. It
considerable amount of palaeontological data, in the form of should be noted that the above examples of the application
fossil representatives of Recent austral taxa in the northern of palaeontological data to investigations of biogeography
hemisphere, which tends to be the rule rather than the are suggestive, being based solely on comparisons of past and
exception, to support this hypothesis (Eskov, 1987). Reiskind present distributions. More comprehensive cladistic analyses
(1989) investigated the phylogeny and biogeography of the to determine how the fossil and extant species are related
fossil (Dominican Republic amber) and extant species of will be required to determine whether or not they hold any
the jumping spider genus Lyssomanes (Salticidae) in the West substance. We emphasize that fossil data cannot be ignored
as they so often are in neontological revisionary studies that
Indies and proposed three scenarios based on cladistics,
also seek to propose origins for specific groups.
ecology and the fossil record for the observed distributions.
Extant spider family assemblages can be indicators of
One of these scenarios concluded that at one time, two
climatic conditions; certain families are more common in
lineages co-existed on Hispaniola, but the fossil species
northern temperate regions e.g. the sheet-weaving spiders
was not ancestral to the extant species. Wunderlich (1988) (Linyphiidae), whereas others occur solely in the tropics
described two species of Lyssomanes from Dominican amber and the southern hemisphere e.g. the net-casting spiders
[one of which was a senior synonym of Reiskind’s species (Deinopidae). In Lagerstätten, which provide a large number
(Penney, 2001)], which were not included in Reiskind’s (1989) of fossil spiders, the relative proportions of the different
analysis because the work was not published when his paper families can often be used to make predictions regarding the
went to press. It may be that the second species of Wunderlich climate of the region at that point in geological time. For
(1988) represents the ancestral lineage of the Recent species example, Wunderlich (1994) discussed the biogeographical
but a re-analysis is required to confirm this. relationships of the extant and fossil central European
Penney (1999) compared the Dominican Republic amber spiders to the tropical and subtropical faunas. The families
fossil spider record with that of the Recent Hispaniolan Archaeidae, Deinopidae and Cyatholipidae (these may
spider fauna, which is, at present, poorly known (Pen- be misidentifications; Griswold, 2001) known as fossils in
ney & Pérez-Gelabert, 2002, Penney 2004e). The families Baltic amber have extant species only in the tropics and

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192 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

southern hemisphere. Some of the families and genera Palaeoarachnologists recognize the taxonomic sub-
found in the fossil record of central Europe are today equality of fossil spiders to the Recent fauna (e.g. Eskov,
only found in southern Europe or are rare in central 1990; Selden, 1996a) and accept that fossils must usually
Europe; for example, Ctenizidae, Dipluridae, Leptonetidae, play a secondary role in phylogenetic analyses. Even the
Hersiliidae, Oecobiidae and Orchestina (Oonopidae). The latest methods of visualization, e.g. micro-CT scanning (Pen-
above assemblage points to a sub-tropical climate in central ney et al., 2007), cannot resolve all morphological detail of
Europe during the Cenozoic (Wunderlich, 1994) (but see fossils, such as trichobothria, leg spines, setae, and cuti-
also Archibald & Farrell, 2003). Penney (1999, 2005d, 2008) cle ultrastructure. In addition, and for reasons unknown,
and Penney & Pérez-Gelabert (2002) pointed to a high when using this technique some amber fossils are better
degree of similarity between the spider assemblages present revealed than others. Two amber fossils that appear similar
on Hispaniola during the Miocene and those of today, which under light microscopy can provide very different qualities
supports the idea of a tropical climate for the Caribbean at of image when scanned using micro-CT. Whilst the tech-
the time of Dominican Republic amber formation. nique is a great step forward it is not perfect. However,
fossils are of immense value in the construction of evo-
(1) Current work lutionary trees, the next logical step in understanding the
phylogenetic history of a group, once robust cladograms
Penney & Selden (2006a) provided a review of the strictly
have been established (Selden, 1996a; Selden & Penney,
fossil spider families. At that time, 20 strictly fossil spider
2001). Evolutionary or phylogenetic trees are constructed by
families (including Archaeidae which was originally described
superimposing well-supported and accepted cladograms of
as a fossil family) had been described and the expectation
hypothesized phylogenetic relationships, derived from work
was that more awaited discovery. Of these families, one
(Archaeidae) had extant species discovered subsequently and on extant taxa, over stratigraphic data from the fossil record
it is not unreasonable to expect the same may happen with (Smith, 1994). Three assumptions are made when construct-
other families, highlighting the need for neontologists to ing these trees: (1) the cladogram is robust and provides the
consider palaeontological data when describing new higher best available evidence for phylogenetic relationships of the
taxa because they may already exist as fossils. Of the taxa; (2) demonstrably monophyletic taxa have not given
Palaeozoic families, none of the specimens attributed to rise to other taxa; (3) stratigraphic range extensions should
Archaeometidae are spiders and of the remaining families be kept to a minimum. The known ranges provided by the
all but Permarachnidae are poorly defined and in need of fossil taxa, and the subsequent range extensions (the extra
revision. However, at this stage it would appear that they stratigraphic range added to the observed range of a taxon to
consist solely of primitive mesothele spiders. The Mesozoic make the evolutionary tree concordant with the phylogenetic
families as currently delimited are acceptable, although hypotheses) of sister taxa and ghost lineages (a branch of an
discovery of new material may demonstrate that Juraraneus evolutionary tree with no fossil data but which needs to be
belongs in Araneidae. hypothesized after combining cladistic and biostratigraphic
The majority of strictly fossil spider families described data) and proposed ancestral lineages (which result here from
from the Cenozoic were established by A. I. Petrunke- the addition of fossil metataxa), show the evolutionary his-
vitch, who often based his new taxa on juvenile specimens. tory of a group over geological time. This technique, fully
This is the case for the families Adjutoridae, Arthrodic- explained by Smith (1994) provides minimum dates for the
tynidae, Inceptoridae and Insecutoridae (all from Baltic hypothesized dichotomies, and provides a graphical repre-
amber); the type specimens require formal systematic scrutiny sentation of origination, divergence and extinction events,
before the validity of these families (including their proposed of taxa through geological time. The calibration of these
synonymies) can be determined. Ephalmatoridae and Spatia- trees using fossils can also provide useful minimum-age base-
toridae (Baltic amber), also established by Petrunkevitch have line data for investigations into conservation, convergence
been revised by Wunderlich (1986b, 2004) and are currently and divergence of genetic sequences observed in extant
considered valid, although the systematic affinities of the organisms, e.g. spider silk fibroin sequences (Gatesy et al.,
former are unclear. Wunderlich (2004) erected the families 2001), and can falsify molecular clock estimates (Dunlop
Baltsuccinidae and Protheridiidae from Baltic amber (the & Selden, 2009). The cladograms used here to produce
latter now also known from Cretaceous Lebanese amber: the phylogenetic tree for spiders (Fig. 2) are based on Cod-
Wunderlich, 2008e), and Wunderlich (2008e) erected the dington & Levi (1991), with amendments, e.g. Griswold
family Pumiliopimoidae from Baltic amber and the fam- (1993), Scharff & Coddington (1997), Griswold et al. (1998,
ilies Praeterleptonetidae, Eopsilodercidae, Plumorsolidae, 1999), Ramı́rez (2000). Schütt (2000) suggested a number
Micropalpimanidae, Burmascutidae and Salticoididae from of changes to this phylogeny, based on a small number
Cretaceous ambers; these have yet to be critically assessed. of morphological characters from seven families, but did
The following fossil families have been synonymized with not undertake a new cladistic analysis; her changes are not
extant taxa: Acrometidae = Synotaxidae, Mithraeidae = included here. Le Gleut et al. (2004) did not resolve con-
Uloboridae, Mizaliidae = Oecobiidae (all Baltic amber); and vincingly the phylogeny of the Rastelloidina so no changes
recent unpublished data have shown that Parattidae are based on their work are incorporated. Schütt (2003) syn-
lycosoid spiders. onimized Micropholcommatidae with Anapidae, but this

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Fossil spiders 193

was not accepted by Platnick (2004) because of the limited taxonomic descriptions of many of these are poor when
number of taxa included in her analysis. Our placement of compared to current standards for extant spiders.
Micropholcommatidae follows Coddington & Levi (1991). (2) For many of the amber specimens described by Koch
Wunderlich (2004) suggested many additional changes to & Berendt (1854) and Menge (1854) the whereabouts
the currently accepted spider phylogeny but these are not of the holotypes is unknown and most must now
included here because he did not rigorously test his hypothe- be considered lost. For most of their species the
ses and these remain to be confirmed. Ultimately, it is descriptions are inadequate for designating neotypes.
hoped that the Assembling the Tree of Life—Spiders project (3) Alexander Petrunkevitch published a great deal of
( which in- work on all fossil arachnids and described many
corporates morphological, molecular and fossil data (Pen- fossil spiders during the mid-20th Century. Some
ney & Selden, 2006a) will provide a robust and accurate of his taxonomic practices were unacceptable by
phylogeny. modern standards. For example, on several occasions
he erected new fossil spider families based on a
(2) Results of recent work: the phylogenetic tree single specimen of a poorly preserved, juvenile
spider. Fortunately, his holotypes are available for
The evolutionary tree of spiders (Fig. 2) clearly illustrates the study, although they are widely dispersed in various
geological longevity and the early major radiations of this museums.
group and demonstrates that most extant families have been (4) Many new fossil spider species (e.g. from Dominican
documented in the fossil record. Arachnids have used silk and Baltic ambers) have been described in non-peer-
since at least Devonian times and, indeed, the use of silk by reviewed journals and this practice continues to cause
spiders for the capture of prey may have been the impetus for problems in the fossil spider literature (see discussions
the evolution of flight in insects (Vollrath & Selden, 2007). in Harms & Dunlop, 2009).
Spiders existed long before the dinosaurs evolved and many of (5) Whilst many fossil species (often placed in new fossil
the spider families familiar to us today existed alongside them. genera) described recently may be misidentified, their
Qualitative observations of all fossil spiders in conjunction family identifications are, on the whole, most probably
with a quantitative analysis of spiders preserved only in correct. In this respect, we have confidence in the
amber (Penney et al., 2003) have demonstrated that spider minimum dates for our evolutionary tree (Fig. 2).
families passed relatively unaffected through the extinction (6) It is only within the last 25 years that our knowledge
event that eliminated the dinosaurs. The combination of of pre-Cenozoic spiders has increased substantially,
their high global diversity, generalist predatory nature and extending the range of many extant spider families
their ability to enter a state of metabolic torpor in times of low to before the end-Cretaceous extinction event that
food availability probably facilitated their survival (Penney & eliminated the dinosaurs and many other groups. New
Selden, 2007). Mesozoic fossil localities are still being discovered and
The early Cretaceous saw the origin of flowering plants many are yielding interesting spider fossils. Some have
(angiosperms) and an explosive radiation of modern insect already been described, whereas research on others is
groups concurrently. The major radiations of obligate currently in progress.
anthophilous insects probably occurred during the late Early (7) As the data set of fossil spiders is refined as a result of
to Late Cretaceous, because this period is consistent with the new taxonomic and systematic studies and is updated
appearance of entomolophilous syndromes in Cretaceous to conform to current hypotheses for Recent Araneae,
flowers (Grimaldi, 1999). Although not all spiders weave it will become more useful to both palaeontologists and
webs, silk use for prey capture is unique to spiders and neontologists, including ecologists, biogeographers,
there is a great deal of variation in how they employ this and other biologists.
strategy, which in turn helps explain their high diversity
and ubiquitous nature today. The orb-web typifies spiders
to scientists and laypersons alike and this architecturally VII. APPENDIX: INSTITUTIONAL
complicated and highly efficient prey-capture strategy was ABBREVIATIONS
already being employed by spiders in the early Cretaceous
(Selden, 1989; Penney & Ortuño, 2006). Spiders probably BMNH: The Natural History Museum, London; MCZ:
evolved the ability to weave orb-webs in the Jurassic or earlier, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard; MHNA:
thus allowing them to co-radiate alongside their insect prey Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Autun; UCM: University of
without the need for a catch-up lag phase. Colorado Museum; YPM: Yale Peabody Museum.


(1) There are currently 1099 recognized fossil spider P. A. Selden is very grateful to present and former staff
species (Dunlop, Penney & Jekel, 2009), but the of the Natural History Museum, London, especially Andrew

Biological Reviews 85 (2010) 171–206  2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 Cambridge Philosophical Society
194 Paul A. Selden and David Penney

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Beiträge zur Araneologie 5, 44–139. 807–814.
Wunderlich, J. (2008c). On extant and fossil (Eocene) European Zschokke, S. (2003). Spider-web silk from the Early Cretaceous.
comb-footed spiders (Araneae: Theridiidae), with notes on their Nature 424, 636–637.
subfamilies, and with descriptions of new taxa. Beiträge zur Zschokke, S. (2004). Glue droplets in fossil spider webs. In European
Araneologie 5, 140–469. Arachnology 2003. Proceedings of the 21st European Colloquium of
Wunderlich, J. (2008d). On extant and fossil members Arachnology (St. Petersburg, Russia, August 2003) (eds. D. V. Logunov
of the RTA-clade in Eocene European ambers of the & D. Penney), pp. 367–374. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow.
families Borboropactidae, Corinnidae, Selenopidae, Sparassidae,
Trochanteriidae, Zoridae s.l., and of the superfamily Lycosoidea.
Beiträge zur Araneologie 5, 470–523.
Wunderlich, J. (2008e). The dominance of ancient spider
Additional supporting information may be found in the
families of the Araneae: Haplogyne in the Cretaceous, and
online version of this article.
the late diversification of advanced ecribellate spiders of the
Entelegynae after the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary extinction
Table S1: Table of known fossil spider localities,
events, with descriptions of new families. Beiträge zur Araneologie 5, with stratigraphic position, probable age, sedimentology,
524–675. palaeoenvironment, araneofauna, and main references.
Wunderlich, J. & Milki, R. (2004). Description of the Please note: As a service to our authors and readers,
extinct new subfamily Microsegestriinae (Araneae: Segestriidae) this journal provides supporting information supplied by the
in Cretaceous Lebanese amber. Beiträge zur Araneologie 3, authors. Such materials are peer-reviewed and may be re-
1867–1873. organized for online delivery, but are not copy-edited or
Żabka, M. (1988). Fossil Eocene Salticidae (Araneae) from the typeset. Technical support issues arising from supporting
collection of the Museum of the Earth in Warsaw. Annales Zoologici information (other than missing files) should be addressed to
41, 415–420. the authors.

Biological Reviews 85 (2010) 171–206  2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 Cambridge Philosophical Society

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