Task Group Psycho
Task Group Psycho
Task Group Psycho
1. Vid 1
The differences between L1 and L2 :
From the L1 it is simply unconscious process, why because it’s coming from when we are
born/it is by birth, that’s why we not conscious for the process, but when L2 is highly
conscious process because this L2 we choose it, it’s not from by birth. And when we want
to learn we just get it from peoples around us that speak so we heard them, so for this one
we can say that the basis language if from a universal grammar, but not for the L2,
because the L2, we can use the first language as our basis language. For the L1 we
foccused to heard them when they speak so we listening, but for L2, we better to speak up
or writing because it can help to improve the L2. The process L1 is enjoyable and
effortles because we just heard peoples when they sepak not like the L2, we need requires
so much effort and hard work because we should translate the word from the L1 to L2 ans
we should understand it. The learning L1 is highly continous, because it’s always coming,
new word new understanding, also for L1 the introvet or extrovet it’s not have a impact
for it, but the L2 it has an impact. Because for L2 if you introvet maybe it’ll hamper you
process learning but extrovet it’ll be pace. So with L1 stress free process because it’s
coming alone but not for L2, it’s highly stressfull. For L1 usually the maximum age is 6
years because we have to know much the word and the L1, but for L2 is no definite time
to learn any language.
Vid 2
Five Hypotheses of Karshen’s Theory of Secong Language Acquisition, there are Natural
Order, Input, Affective filter, Monitor, Acquistions learning.
1. Acquistion Learning
For prussian there are two independent system of foreign language, it is Language
acquisition and Language learning.
The language acquisition is product of subconscious process, it is like the process children
when they acquire their L1. Also requires meaningful interaction in the target language
and natural communication, also the speakers are focus not in the form of the uttarance
but for communicative act.
The language learning is product of formal instruction, it is conscious process which
result in knowledge conscious about language, it’s like knowledge of grammar rules.
2. Monitor
It’s about to explain what is the relationship of acquisition and learning, for crushing the
system of acquisition is the uttarance initiator while the larning system perform the role of
the monitor or editor, the acts of monitor is Planning, Editing, Correcting function that
three specific condition are met, the three it’s Time, Focus, and Rules, the monitor roles is
correct deviations from normal speech to give speech a more polished appearance, when
the learners using monitor all the time over user those learners who not learn, and they
that use monitor appropriately optimal user usualy.
3. The input hypothesis
It’s crashing attempt to explain how L2 acquisition takes place according to this
hypothesis the learner improves and progresses along the natural order whe they get L2
4. The affective Filter
This says that a number of affective variables play a facilitative it’s like a motivation or
also the feeling of confidence, Karshen’s say that the student who have much motivation
or the learners feeling confidence will better equipped for success in L2 acquisition, but
for them who has low motivation and not confidence and form a mental block that
impedes language acquisition or can’t raise, and agree with that because we need more
motivation to push our self or our limit to learn L2.
5. Natural order
This one suggest that the acquisition of grammatical structur follow a natural order,
student can use their learned competence to modify their production to correct student
mistake is to provide more input containing the structure in question, take into
consideration that we don’t need to change the order of presentation of language items.
It’s importance to start a meaningful interaction in TL, comprehensible input is necessary
for the acqusition of the language.
This grammatical structure hypothesis is to predict a particular language, which explains
structural errors but has not been used by students in the competencies they are learning.to
modify their production of the language so they know how to improve it. Which is where
the student's mistakes are to be given input where we consider not changing the actual
language order. to modify their production of the language so they know how to improve
it. Which is where the student's mistakes are to be given input where we consider not
changing the actual language order. which suggests that we study a topic-based language
in the silent function. it is a receptive moment where the learner acquires some
knowledge by understanding and listening. where they have to make sense. at this point
students have the confidence to correct mistakes when speaking and make conclusions
about the practice of interaction theory in the target language through natural
communication to understand students' learning processes and motivate students' learning
processes to get the most out of the situation and do it in a natural way too.
2. Question 1 – 10
1. What is second language acquisition?
Second language acquisition is when someone who has studied or understood one
language and then tries to learn another language
2. What is Language Acquisition?
Language acquisition is the human process of gaining the ability to capture, produce,
and use words for understanding and communication.
3. What are the differences between acquisition and learning?
Acquisition is a method used to acquire language which is one way for a child to learn
his mother tongue, while Learning is a method for learning formal, organized and
rule-based language
4. What are the second language acquisition barriers?
• There are probably both costs and benefits in learning two languages at once.
Second language acquisition in adulthood and later childhood is difficult because it is
not like first language acquisition.
• There has been much debate as to bow we translate words between languages; in
particular, whether or not there are direct links between words in our mental
dictionaries, or whether the entries are mediated by semantic links.
• Translation probably does involve conceptual mediation
5. When is the best age to learn second language?
That natural language acquisition through exposure can only happen during the
critical period (ages 2-puberty).Before age 2 the brain has not developed enough, and
after puberty it is has developed too much, with the loss of “plasticity” and the
completion of “lateralization” of t language function.
6. What is considered proficient in second language?
Second language acquisition is often characterized by a phase or phases of silent
periods when few productions are offered despite obvious development of
comprehension. What is considered proficient in a second language is when the child
is able to master his new languagethe use of a language but who uses the language
less easily and at a less-advanced level than a native or fluent speaker
7. What is the ultimate goal in acquiring a second language and how doe this affect at
what age it is taught?
The ultimate goal of acquiring second languageAccording to (Ausubel, 1964 in
Vansickle) Adults have a much greater vocabulary and Conscious grammatical
generalizations while the age of second language taught; Some research has shown
optimal ages around 7-8 years and 10-12 years, and Scovel (1999) in Vansickle
suggests that Younger=Better is a myth supported by the media and “junk science.”
8. How does an adult amnesia acquire a second language?
Amnesia is losing their long-term memory but their short-term memory and their
ability to speak and understand are entirely unimpaired. So they able to acquire
second language as well as normal peoples.
9. How does Mother Tongue affect second language acquisition?
Second language acquisition is the process of a person learning a second language in
addition to the mother tongue, they refer to the conscious and subconscious aspects of
each process. Second language or B2 usually refers to all languages learned after their
mother tongue, which is also called first language, B1. In acquiring a second
language, there are factors and strategies in acquiring and mastering it. We can find
out how the acquisition of a second language is learned by someone by studying more
deeply, how the process of acquiring a second language is, thus we can understand
more deeply about the acquisition of a second language so as to provide the necessary
explanation regarding second language acquisition.
10. ls there a meta-analysis on predictors of second language acquisition/bilingual
language acquisition?
In acquiring and learning a second language, students often face difficulties and
mistakes. This happens because students use knowledge and experience in the first
language. In this case, students use a number of linguistic elements in the first
language for activities in the second language. As a result, these elements are not
found in the second language, but are used by students, so it results in language errors.
As a result of the linguistic elements that are not found in the first language, while
students when using the second language are required to use these elements, students
become difficult.
Not a few elements of the first language used by students in acquiring and learning a
second language (B2) resulted in language difficulties and errors. Contrastive
analysis is seen as having the opportunity to describe and predict students' difficulties
and errors in acquiring and learning a second language. Therefore, contrastive
analysis can be implemented into Indonesian language teaching.