Theories in Perfection of A Contract, Which Is Entered Through A Correspondence
Theories in Perfection of A Contract, Which Is Entered Through A Correspondence
Theories in Perfection of A Contract, Which Is Entered Through A Correspondence
Requisites of Offer:
1. Definite (alam mo what kind of contract)
2. Intentional (there’s intention on the part of the offeror, ex. Pepsi case)
3. Complete (for example, nagbebenta ka car, dapat may other details like color, type, etc)
4. Directed to person/s with whom the other party (the offeror) intends to enter into contract
(xpn: public auctions offer, private auctions not offer, unless complete xpn reqs)
Requisites of Acceptance:
1. Absolute
2. Directed to the offeror
3. Made with the intention to be bound
4. Made within a prior or reasonable time
5. Communicated to the offeror and learned by him, unless the offeror knows of the
Mirror-image Rule (Acceptance is absolute in a sense that it was accepted in its entirety; no
deviation) Exceptions that are exclusive, pag wala ito, walang juridical tie:
1. Facultative obligations
2. Clarificatory issues (e.g. stipulation na 12% interest rate pero di sinabi if month/day, it will
not deviate sa tenor of the offer even if nilagay ng offeree sa contract)
3. Amplified Acceptance (e.g. offered agriculturual property, tapos yung offeree accepted it
with addition na isama yung livestocks ≠ mirror-image, but constituted a valid acceptance.
4. Complex Offers (1 offer constituting to or more contracts)
- if interrelated, like house and lot, partial performance ≠ a valid acceptance. Thus, no juridical
- if not interrelated (A offered B, house&lot and cars, pero cars lang yung accepted =
acceptance and may juridical tie)
Exceptions to the Rule that offeror can withdraw w/o liability as long as di nya pa alam na
accepted na by the offeree:
1. Article 19 of CC (Abuse of Right Doctrine)
2. If there exists an option contract (a preparatory contract, not principal contract, wherein the
offeror can no longer withdraw the offer until the expiration of the option contract, otherwise
there is a liability for damages for breach of contract but not to insist contract proposed: except
Art. 1479 Sale of a determinate thing for a price certain)
Requisites of an Option Contract (usually money is consideration but if not, must be expressly
stated) :
1. Supported by an independent consideration
2. It is exclusive
Types of misrepresentation:
1. Mercado ruling Active misrepresentation (minor cannot annul the contract on the ground
of minority because of this active misrepresentation, such as the docs signed by him stated
talaga that he’s a minor. E.g., may pagpretend and the other party knows he’s a minor)
Another form: mukha nang matanda talaga ang minor. Wag raw tanga hahaha
2. Constructive misrepresentation (minor can annul the contract kasi constructive/passive lang
yung misrepresentation e.g., silent lang sya and he merely signed)
GR: Incompetents but are not incapacitated may enter into a contract which would not result
to a defect therein.
XPN: If these incompetents are subject subjects to a guardian and still they entered a contract
on their own, the contract is defective.
GR: Contracts entered into by those with age or infirmities, not a ground for incapacity
(because wala naman age limit yung pag-enter ng contract)
XPN: Pero if the age impairs the mental faculties to the extent that unable to properly,
intelligently, and fairly understand the provision of the said contract, considered to be
2. Error in substantia (mistake over the essence/substantial qualities of the thing which affects
the identity of the thing, but the materials which compose it. E.g, gold ring daw pero made of
silver pala) = voidable
3. Error over the determining attributes or characteristics of the thing which are foreign to the
matter (e.g. painting na kala mo painted by B, pero kay A pala, eh idol mo si B) = voidable
4. Error in quantitate (mistake as to the extension or dimension of the object and differs from
mistakes of account which is simply a mistake in computation or mathematic, e.g. condo na
dapat 50sqm pero 30 sqm lang) = voidable
different from mistake of accounting = contract remains valid subject to rectification in the
mistake of computation.
Mistake of Law (Art. 1334) if all are present, may avoid contract
1. it must be past or present fact
2. it must not be imputable to the party mistaken. The mistake must not be inadvertent or
3. it must be with respect to the legal effect of an agreement
4. it must be mutual
5. parties’ real purpose must have been frustrated.
Requisites of Violence
1. serious or irresistible
2. must be the determining cause of the party
3. not justified
4. sufficient
Requisites of Intimidation
1. one party is compelled to give consent by fear of an evil
2. evil is imminent and grave
3. the evil must be upon his person/property or spouse, ascendants, descendants
4. reason why he enters the contract
5. evil must be unjust.
Two possible contracts entered into when the object of the contract is a future thing:
1. Conditional contract
2. Aleatory contract