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Cyclone For ARM Devices User Manual

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P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc.

98 Galen St.
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Manual version 1.04

May 2015
Cyclone for ARM® devices

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1
2 QUICK START GUIDE FOR SAP OPERATION ............................................ 4
3 CYCLONE FOR ARM DEVICES HARDWARE .............................................. 9
3.1 Cyclone for ARM devices Power Supply........................................................ 9
3.2 RS232 Communication .................................................................................. 9
3.3 Ethernet Communication.............................................................................. 10
3.4 USB Communications .................................................................................. 10
3.5 Electromechanical Relays ............................................................................ 11
3.6 Power Connectors........................................................................................ 11
3.7 Jumper Settings ........................................................................................... 12
3.8 Debug Connector Mechanical Drawing........................................................ 12
3.9 20-Pin Debug Connector.............................................................................. 13
3.10 20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector....................................................................... 16
3.11 10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector....................................................................... 18
3.12 JTAG Daisy Chain........................................................................................ 20
3.13 Ribbon Cable................................................................................................ 21
3.14 Target Power Management.......................................................................... 22
3.15 CompactFlash Port....................................................................................... 27
4 CYCLONE LCD MENU................................................................................. 28
4.1 Status Window ............................................................................................. 29
4.2 Main Menu.................................................................................................... 30
5 STAND-ALONE PROGRAMMER CONFIGURATION.................................. 36
5.1 Create A Stand-Alone Programming (SAP) Image ...................................... 36
5.2 Manage Multiple SAP Images ...................................................................... 46
6 STAND-ALONE PROGRAMMER MANUAL CONTROL .............................. 49
6.1 Operation Via Cyclone for ARM devices Buttons......................................... 49
6.2 Operation Via LCD Menu ............................................................................. 51
6.3 Cyclone Battery Pack ................................................................................... 54
7.1 Cyclone Automated Control Package - Overview ........................................ 56

Cyclone for ARM® devices - User Manual i

Cyclone for ARM® devices

7.2 Cyclone Automated Control Package - Details.............................................57

8 ETHERNET CONFIGURATION ................................................................... 59
8.1 Network Architectures...................................................................................59
8.2 Network Parameters .....................................................................................60
8.3 Internet Protocol ...........................................................................................61
8.4 Connecting The Cyclone Device ..................................................................61
8.5 Cyclone IP Setup Via LCD Menu..................................................................63
8.6 Cyclone IP Setup Utility User Interface (ConfigureIP) ..................................63
8.7 Using ConfigureIP.exe To Configure The Cyclone for ARM devices............66
9 SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION ............................................................... 68
10 USB PORT CONFIGURATION .................................................................... 69
11 AUTOMATIC SERIAL NUMBER MECHANISM ........................................... 70
11.1 Understanding Serialization ..........................................................................70
11.2 Serialize Utility ..............................................................................................71
11.3 Serialize Utility Example ...............................................................................74
11.4 Using Serial Number File ..............................................................................74
11.5 Serial Number Handling in Cyclone for ARM devices...................................75
12 CYCLONE ERROR CODES......................................................................... 77
12.1 Debug Mode Communication Errors ............................................................77
12.2 SAP Image Handling Errors..........................................................................77
12.3 SAP Communication Handling Errors...........................................................78
12.4 SAP Algorithm Header Operation Handling Errors .......................................78
12.5 SAP Operation Errors ...................................................................................78
12.6 SAP Blank Check Range and Module Errors ...............................................78
12.7 SAP Erase Range and Module Errors ..........................................................78
12.8 SAP Program Byte, Word, and Module Errors..............................................79
12.9 SAP Verify Checksum Errors........................................................................79
12.10 SAP Verify Range and Module Errors ..........................................................79
12.11 SAP User Function Errors ............................................................................79
12.12 SAP Trim Errors............................................................................................80
12.13 Unrecoverable Fatal Errors...........................................................................80

ii Cyclone for ARM® devices - User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

12.14 External Memory Errors ............................................................................... 81

12.15 Serial Number Errors.................................................................................... 81
12.16 Successful Download Counter Errors .......................................................... 82
12.17 System Hardware/Firmware/Logic Recoverable Errors ............................... 82

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

iv Cyclone for ARM® devices - User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

The Cyclone for ARM® devices is part of P&E’s line of stand-alone
programming solutions.
The Cyclone for ARM devices is designed to withstand the demands of a
production environment. It is a Stand-Alone Programmer (SAP) that can be
operated manually or used to host automated programming. In manual SAP
mode the unit is operated using buttons and/or the LCD Menu. Host-
controlled SAP mode, for automated programming, is accomplished using
either a command line utility, RS232 protocol, UDP protocol, or the Cyclone
Automated Control DLL.
The following features help make the Cyclone for ARM devices such a
versatile production programming tool:

• Multiple ARM CortexTM-M Manufacturer Support

• Freescale®
• STMicroelectronics®
• Texas Instruments® (TI)
• NXP®
• Atmel®
• Infineon®
• Silicon Labs®

• Versatile Light Touch Buttons

• Performs Stand-Alone Programming (SAP) operations
• Navigates LCD menu
• Resets Cyclone for ARM devices

• Powerful LCD Menu

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 1

Cyclone for ARM® devices

• Executes SAP operations

• Selects SAP image
• Configures Cyclone for ARM devices IP settings
• Displays operation status

• Convenient LED Display

• Indicates success or failure

• Multiple Communication Interfaces

• Ethernet 10/100 baseT
• USB 1.1
• Serial Baud 115200, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit (adjustable to
57600 Baud for RS232 controlled production environment)

• Multiple Storage Media

• 7 Megabytes of onboard storage. Stores data to be programmed,
programming algorithms, and any necessary configuration settings.
• CompactFlash support available with purchase of CompactFlash
activation license.

• Versatile Power Management

• Uses electromechanical relays to automatically cycle target power
when necessary.
• Jumper-settable power management schemes.

• Multiple Voltage Operation

• Automatically detects and caters to target voltages ranging from
1.8V to 5V.

• Multiple Target Communication Modes

• Supports the following communications modes:
– 20-Pin Regular Debug Connector JTAG Mode
– 20-Pin Regular Debug Connector SWD Mode
– 20-Pin Mini Debug Connector JTAG Mode

2 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

– 20-Pin Mini Debug Connector SWD Mode

– 10-Pin Mini Debug Connector JTAG Mode
– 10-Pin Mini Debug Connector SWD Mode
• User selectable target communication speed.

• Multiple SAP Images

• Onboard Flash stores up to 8 images.
• CompactFlash (if activated) stores more than 200 images.
• Images for different architectures can co-exist.

• Multiple Memory Modules In One SAP Image

• Supports multiple programming algorithms for internal or external
memory modules such as EEPROM and Flash.

• Automatic Serial Number Mechanism

• Supports serial number programming and automatic incrementing
• Supports multiple serial number structures within each SAP Image.

• Powerful Automated Control Package For Production Control

• Basic Automated Control Package (included) supports host-
controlled SAP operations for one Cyclone for ARM devices.
Professional and Enterprise Automated Control Packages available
for purchase.
• Multiple Cyclones for ARM devices can create a Gang Programmer
using a variety of different communication interfaces.
• Different SAP Images on different Cyclones for ARM devices can
execute simultaneously.

• Versatile Programming Software

• Free image creation utility, image management utility, and IP
configuration utility
• Activation license for CompactFlash support available for purchase

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 3

Cyclone for ARM® devices


Stand-Alone Programming (SAP) is the most common use of the Cyclone for
ARM devices. This quick start guide illustrates how easy it is to begin using
the Cyclone for stand-alone programming.
You are encouraged to read this manual in its entirety for a complete
description of all Cyclone for ARM devices features, many of which are
beyond the scope of this quick-start guide.
Step 1. Install Software
The first step is to install the accompanying software. This will install all of the
applications and drivers that can be used to configure/control the Cyclone for
ARM devices.
Once the installation is complete and the PC has been rebooted you may
begin to configure the Cyclone for ARM devices for SAP operation.
Step 2. Hardware Setup
a. Configure the target power management scheme
Power management is configured by setting jumpers on the side
of the Cyclone unit. The corresponding settings are conveniently
illustrated on the rear label of Cyclone for ARM devices. By
default, the jumpers are set to switch power from the Power IN
Jack to Power OUT Jack. You may wish to refer to Section 3.14 -
Target Power Management.
b. Connect the Cyclone for ARM devices to your PC
Select the appropriate communications interface (Serial, USB or
Ethernet) and connect the Cyclone for ARM devices to your PC.
If you wish to use the Ethernet port you will need to configure the
corresponding network settings before use, either through the
LCD menu or via the software utility ConfigureIP. The Ethernet
port will not function properly until this configuration is complete.
You may wish to refer to CHAPTER 8 - ETHERNET
c. Power up the Cyclone for ARM devices
Step 3. Create a SAP Image
A SAP image, or Stand-Alone Programming image, is a self-sufficient data
object containing the Cyclone for ARM devices and target hardware setup

4 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

information, programming algorithm, programming sequence, and target data.

The Cyclone for ARM devices uses these images to perform SAP operations
on target devices. Follow these steps to create a SAP image:
a. Run the Cyclone Image Creation Utility
This utility is a GUI designed to help users create architecture/
manufacturer-specific SAP images. To run this utility:
From the “Start” menu of your PC, navigate to “All Programs” ->
“P&E Cyclone for ARM devices Programmer” -> “Cyclone for
ARM devices Image Creation Utility” and select this utility. The
utility is shown in Figure 2-1. Continue with the steps below to
create an image.

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 2-1: Cyclone Image Creation Utility

b. Click on Select New Device to open the Device Selection Dialog.

Drill down the device tree and select your device.

6 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 2-2: Device Selection Dialog

c. Click the “Launch Script Wizard” button. Follow the pop-up

screens to specify a programming algorithm and target object file.
The programming algorithm, target object file, and default pro-
gramming sequence will then show up in the programming
sequence listbox.
d. Specify the auxiliary setup and hardware setup, such as Commu-
nication Mode, Communication Rate, Target Power, and Voltage

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 7

Cyclone for ARM® devices

e. Type an Image Description for your SAP image. The default

description is a time stamp.
f. Click the “Store Image to Cyclone” button.
g. Choose the communication interface, select the Cyclone for ARM
devices to which the image will be saved, and then click the
“Store Image to Cyclone” button. A backend image configuration
utility will pop up and store the image information on the Cyclone
for ARM devices. Your SAP image has now been created.
Step 4. Execute SAP Image
The SAP image stored on your Cyclone for ARM devices can now be
executed with one button press. Once your target is connected to the Cyclone
for ARM devices, press the “START” button of the Cyclone for ARM devices
unit and wait for programming operations to finish. During this process, the
LCD screen and LEDs will show the status of operations. Eventually the
“Success” or “Error” LED will illuminate, and the LCD will display the results.

8 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices


The following is an overview of the features and interfaces of the Cyclone for
ARM devices unit. The interfaces are labeled on the underside of the Cyclone

3.1 Cyclone for ARM devices Power Supply

The Cyclone for ARM devices requires a regulated 6V DC Center Positive
power supply with 2.5/5.5mm female plug. The Cyclone for ARM devices
derives its power from the Power Jack located on the side of the unit.

Figure 3-3: Cyclone for ARM devices Power Jack

3.2 RS232 Communication

The Cyclone for ARM devices provides a DB9 Female connector to
communicate with a host computer through the RS232 communication
(115200 Baud, 8 Data bits, No parity, 1 Stop bit).

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-4: Cyclone for ARM devices RS232 Connector

3.3 Ethernet Communication

The Cyclone for ARM devices provides a standard RJ45 socket to
communicate with a host computer through the Ethernet Port (10/100 BaseT).

Figure 3-5: Cyclone for ARM devices Ethernet Connector

3.4 USB Communications

The Cyclone for ARM devices provides a USB connector for Universal Serial
Bus communications between the Cyclone for ARM devices and the host
computer. The Cyclone for ARM devices is a USB 1.1 compliant device.

10 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-6: Cyclone for ARM devices USB Connector

3.5 Electromechanical Relays

Inside the Cyclone for ARM devices, two electromechanical relays are used to
cycle target power. The specifications of the relays are as following:
Maximum switched power: 30W or 125 VA
Maximum switched current: 1A
Maximum switched voltage: 150VDC or 300VAC
UL Rating: 1A at 30 VDC
1A at 125 VAC
P&E only recommends switching DC voltages up to 24 Volts.

3.6 Power Connectors

The Cyclone for ARM devices provides a Target Power Supply Input Jack and
a Target Power Supply Output Jack with 2.5/5.5 mm Pin Diameter. The power
jacks are connected or disconnected by two electromechanical relays. When
connected, the Center Pin of the Target Power Supply Input Jack is
connected to the Center Pin of the Target Power Supply Output Jack. When
disconnected, both terminals of the Target Power Supply Output Jack are
connected to GND via a 1W, 100 Ohm resistor.

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-7: Power Connector Locations

3.7 Jumper Settings

The jumpers must be set differently for various power management options
that the Cyclone for ARM devices offers. If the Cyclone for ARM devices is not
being used to manage the target’s power, only Jumper 5 needs to be
installed. Please see Section 3.14 - Target Power Management for the
correct jumper settings for other power management options.

3.8 Debug Connector Mechanical Drawing

The Cyclone for ARM devices provides one un-keyed standard 20-position
0.100-inch pitch dual row 0.025-inch square header, one keyed 20-position
0.050-inch pitch dual row mini header, and one keyed 10-position 0.050-inch
pitch dual row mini header for ARM targets. Mechanical drawings are shown
below whose dimensions are representative of the pin size and spacing of
these headers (note: the number of pins depicted in the mechanical drawings
may differ from the Cyclone headers).

12 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-8: 20-Pin Un-Keyed Header Dimensions

Figure 3-9: Mini 10-Pin and Mini 20-Pin Keyed Header Dimensions

3.9 20-Pin Debug Connector

The Cyclone provides a 20-pin 0.100-inch pitch double row connector for
ARM targets. The 20-pin standard connector pin definitions for JTAG mode

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

are as follows:
20-Pin Standard Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
PIN 3 - TRST or NC GND - PIN 4
PIN 9 - TCK GND - PIN 10
PIN 11 - NC GND - PIN 12
PIN 13 - TDO GND - PIN 14
PIN 17 - NC GND - PIN 18
PIN 19 - NC GND - PIN 20
The Cyclone for ARM devices also supports SWD Mode. This replaces the
JTAG connection with a clock and single bi-directional data pin.

20-Pin Standard Connector SWD Mode Pin Assignments

PIN 3 - TRST or NC GND - PIN 4
PIN 5 - NC GND - PIN 6
PIN 11 - NC GND - PIN 12
PIN 13 - NC GND - PIN 14
PIN 17 - NC GND - PIN 18
PIN 19 - NC GND - PIN 20

SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the
Cyclone Image Creation Utility:

14 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-10: Communications Mode Selection

The location of the 20-pin standard connector is displayed below.

Figure 3-11: 20-Pin Connector

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 15

Cyclone for ARM® devices

3.10 20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector

The Cyclone provides a keyed 20-pin 0.050-inch pitch double row connector
for ARM targets. The 20-pin keyed mini connector pin definitions for JTAG
mode are as follows:
20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
PIN 7 - NC TDI - PIN 8
PIN 11 - NC NC - PIN 12
PIN 13 - NC NC - PIN 14
PIN 15 - GND NC - PIN 16
PIN 17 - GND NC - PIN 18
PIN 19 - GND NC - PIN 20
The Cyclone for ARM also supports SWD Mode. This replaces the JTAG
connection with a clock and single bi-directional data pin.

20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector SWD Mode Pin Assignments

PIN 5 - GND NC - PIN 6
PIN 7 - NC NC - PIN 8
PIN 11 - NC NC - PIN 12
PIN 13 - NC NC - PIN 14
PIN 15 - GND NC - PIN 16
PIN 17 - GND NC - PIN 18
PIN 19 - GND NC - PIN 20

SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the
Cyclone Image Creation Utility:

16 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-12: Communications Mode Selection

The location of the 20-pin keyed mini connector is displayed below.

Figure 3-13: 20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 17

Cyclone for ARM® devices

3.11 10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector

The Cyclone provides a keyed 10-pin 0.050-inch pitch double row connector
for ARM targets. The 10-pin keyed mini connector pin definitions for JTAG
mode are as follows:
10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
PIN 7 - NC TDI - PIN 8
The Cyclone for ARM also supports SWD Mode. This replaces the JTAG
connection with a clock and single bi-directional data pin.

10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector SWD Mode Pin Assignments

PIN 5 - GND NC - PIN 6
PIN 7 - NC NC - PIN 8
SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the
Cyclone Image Creation Utility:

18 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-14: Communications Mode Selection

The location of the 10-pin keyed mini connector is displayed below.

Figure 3-15: 10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

3.12 JTAG Daisy Chain

The Cyclone for ARM devices supports processors in a JTAG daisy chain
configuration. This type of configuration is desirable if the user wants to share
a single debug connector across multiple JTAG devices.
To start, it is required that the user selects the JTAG communications mode in
the Cyclone Image Creation Utility (see Section 5.1 - Create A Stand-Alone
Programming (SAP) Image). Afterwards, the daisy chain settings are
configured by clicking on the "Advanced" button in the Cyclone Image
Creation Utility. A new dialog will appear, allowing the user to specify their
exact daisy chain setup.

Figure 3-16: Daisy Chain Setup Dialog

As an example, consider a daisy chain containing two devices (TAP #0 and

TAP #1) and both devices have a 4-bit JTAG IR. The following settings would
access the first device in the chain (TAP #0):

20 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

JTAG Tap Number 0

JTAG Pre IR Bits 4

To access the second, and last device in the chain (TAP #1), use the following

JTAG Tap Number 1

JTAG Pre IR Bits 0

3.13 Ribbon Cable

The Cyclone for ARM devices communicates with the target through ribbon
cables. The ribbon cable for standard 20-pin debug connectors has a 0.100-
inch centerline dual row socket IDC assembly (not keyed). The ribbon cables
for 10- and 20-pin mini debug connectors have a 0.050-inch centerline dual
row socket IDC assembly (keyed). The ribbon cables are designed such that
the Cyclone for ARM devices Debug Connector has the same pinout as the
Target Header, i.e., Pin 1 of the Cyclone for ARM devices Debug Connector is
connected to Pin 1 of the Target Header. Figure 3-17 sketches the connection
mechanism (looking down into the sockets) for a 14-pin ribbon cable. The 20-
and 10-pin ribbon cables use a similar scheme with more or fewer pins,

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 21

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-17: Ribbon Cable Diagram When Looking Into IDC Socket

3.14 Target Power Management

The Cyclone for ARM devices provides four power management schemes.
The target board may derive power by the use of the power jacks, by the use
of the debug connector TVCC pin, or a combination of both. The options are
explained in detail below. Each configuration will have an associated jumper
setting that MUST be set on the Cyclone for ARM devices. The jumper header
is found on the long front side of the unit, directly to the left of the Target
Power In and Out jacks.

22 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-18: Jumper Settings, Viewed From Underside Of Cyclone

3.14.1 Using Power In Jack and Power Out Jack

The target power supply is connected to the Power In Jack of the Cyclone for
ARM devices. The Power Out Jack of the Cyclone for ARM devices is
connected to the target system via the Power In and Power Out jacks. Figure
3-19 shows the connections.

Figure 3-19: Via Power In and Power Out Jacks of Cyclone for ARM devices

All of the jumpers except Jumper 5 should be left open for this mode, as
shown in Figure 3-20.

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 23

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-20: Jumper Settings for Target Power Connection via Power In and
Power Out Jacks Of Cyclone for ARM devices

Only Jumper 5 is installed.

3.14.2 Using Cyclone for ARM devices Board Power and Power Out Jack
The target power supply is not needed. The Power Out Jack of the Cyclone
for ARM devices will act as a center positive power supply to the target
system. Figure 3-21 shows the connections.

Figure 3-21: Via Cyclone for ARM devices Board Power and Power Out Jack of
Cyclone for ARM devices

Jumpers 2 and 3 are enabled. Jumpers 1, 4 and 5 are left open, as shown in
Figure 3-22.

24 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-22: Jumper Settings for Target Power Connection via Cyclone for ARM
devices Board Power and Power Out Jack of Cyclone for ARM devices

Jumpers 2 and 3 are installed. Jumpers 1, 4, and 5 are left open.

3.14.3 Using Cyclone for ARM devices Board Power and Debug Connector TVCC
The target power supply is not needed. The TVCC pin of the Cyclone for ARM
devices’ debug connector provides the appropriate voltage for corresponding
ARM targets. The Power Out jack of the Cyclone for ARM devices connector
is not needed. Figure 3-23 shows the connections.

Figure 3-23: Via Cyclone for ARM devices Board Power and TVCC of Cyclone for
ARM devices Debug Connector

Jumpers 1, 2, and 3 are enabled as shown in Figure 3-23.

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 25

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 3-24: Jumper Settings for Target Power Connection via Cyclone for ARM
devices Board Power and TVCC of Cyclone for ARM devices Debug Connector

3.14.4 Using Power IN Jack And Debug Connector TVCC Pin

A center positive power supply is connected to the Power IN Jack of the
Cyclone for ARM devices. TVCC of the Cyclone for ARM devices debug
header connects the external power supply from the Power IN jack to the
corresponding ARM target.

Figure 3-25: Using Power IN Jack And Debug Connector TVCC Pin

Figure 3-26: Jumper Settings For Power IN Jack And Debug Connector TVCC Pin

26 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Jumpers 1, 3, and 5 are enabled. Jumpers 2 and 4 are left open.

3.14.5 Target Powered Independently Of Cyclone for ARM devices

A target may be powered independently of the Cyclone for ARM devices. The
user should remove all jumpers on the Cyclone for ARM devices except
jumper 5 if they elect to provide a separate power source for the target.

3.15 CompactFlash Port

The CompactFlash port can be activated by purchasing a CompactFlash
Activation License from P&E. The CompactFlash port accepts Type I
CompactFlash cards. This allows the user to store programming images that
are, individually or collectively, larger than the Cyclone for ARM devices’
internal memory (7MB). It also makes swapping programming images quicker
and more convenient. A 2GB CompactFlash card is available separately or as
part of a CompactFlash activation package.
Purchase of the CompactFlash activation license unlocks the CompactFlash
panels in the included Manage Images utility. Programming images may then
be managed on the CompactFlash in exactly the same way as they are in the
Cyclone’s internal memory. Please see Section 5.2 - Manage Multiple SAP
Images for more information about using the Manage Images utility.

Figure 3-27: CompactFlash Port

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Cyclone for ARM® devices


This chapter describes the Cyclone for ARM devices’ LCD menus. Figure 4-1
shows an overview of the menu structure.
Note: These menus change as features are added to the Cyclone for ARM devices,
so if your menus do not match those displayed here, please check P&E’s
website, www.pemicro.com, for a user manual containing the latest LCD
Menu operations information.

Figure 4-1: LCD Menu Overview

28 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

4.1 Status Window

Figure 4-2: Status Window

The status window appears when the Cyclone for ARM devices is powered
on. This window lists the following information:
1. Firmware version of the Cyclone.
2. IP address assigned to the Cyclone.
3. Name assigned to the Cyclone.
4. Number of programming images in the Cyclone’s memory.
5. Name of the selected programming image.
6. First serial number associated with the selected image
7. Current status.
8. Results of the last operation performed.

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 29

Cyclone for ARM® devices

4.2 Main Menu

Figure 4-3: Main Menu

The Main Menu is accessible by pressing the “Menu” button when the status
window is displayed. The Main Menu contains the following selections:

4.2.1 Select SAP Image

Select SAP Image brings up a display listing the images that are stored in
the Cyclone for ARM devices’ memory. You may select the appropriate
image by using the Up/Down arrows to highlight it, and then pressing the
“Select” button. The image name shown is the one specified in the
Cyclone configuration utility when programming the image to the Cyclone.

Figure 4-4: Select SAP Image

4.2.2 Execute SAP Function

The Execute SAP Function menu selection is discussed in Section 6.2 -
Operation Via LCD Menu. Please refer to that section for additional menu

30 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

4.2.3 Compact Flash Status

The Compact Flash Status menu selection is discussed in Section 6.2 -
Operation Via LCD Menu. Please refer to that section for additional menu

4.2.4 Programming Stats

The Programming Stats menu selection is discussed in Section 6.2 -
Operation Via LCD Menu. Please refer to that section for additional menu

4.2.5 Configure Cyclone

Figure 4-5: Configure Cyclone

Configure Cyclone brings up a submenu with three options from which to

choose. Configure Cyclone: Edit IP Settings

Figure 4-6: Configure Cyclone: Edit IP Settings

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 31

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Edit IP Settings brings up a submenu with four options from which to

Edit IP Settings: Edit IP Numbers
Edit IP Numbers allows the user to set an IP number for the
Cyclone for ARM devices. The current IP number is displayed on
the second line. Use the Up/Down buttons to scroll through the
characters. To select a character, hit the Select button. When you
are finished, scroll through the characters until you reach the ->
(right-arrow) character. Selecting this character will complete the
process. Press the Cancel button at any time to leave the IP
number as is and return to the Main Menu.

Figure 4-7: Edit IP Settings: Edit IP Number

Edit IP Settings: Edit IP Mask

Edit IP Mask allows the user to set an IP Mask for the Cyclone for
ARM devices. The current IP Mask is displayed on the second
line. Use the Up/Down buttons to scroll through the characters.
To select a character, hit the Select button. When you are
finished, scroll through the characters until you reach the -> (right-
arrow) character. Selecting this character will complete the
process. The default IP mask is

32 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 4-8: Edit IP Settings: Edit IP Mask

Edit IP Settings: Edit IP Gateway

Edit IP Gateway allows the user to set the IP Gateway for the
Cyclone for ARM devices. The current IP Gateway is displayed
on the second line. Use the Up/Down buttons to scroll through
the characters. To select a character, hit the Select button. When
you are finished, scroll through the characters until you reach the
-> (right-arrow) character. Selecting this character will complete
the process.

Figure 4-9: Edit IP Settings: Edit IP Gateway

Edit IP Settings: Show MAC Address

Show MAC Address displays the current MAC address for the
Cyclone for ARM devices.

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 33

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 4-10: Edit IP Settings: Show MAC Address Configure Cyclone: Edit Cyclone Name

Edit Cyclone Name allows the user to set the name for the Cyclone for
ARM devices. The current name is displayed on the second line. Use the
Up/Down buttons to scroll through the characters. To select a character,
hit the Select button. When you are finished, scroll through the characters
until you reach the -> (right-arrow) character. Selecting this character will
complete the process. Press the Cancel button at any point to leave the
name as is and return to the Main Menu.

Figure 4-11: Configure Cyclone: Edit Cyclone Name Configure Cyclone: Set AUX Button Func

Set AUX Button Func allows the user to assign a function to the AUX
button of the Cyclone for ARM devices. Highlight the function you wish to
assign to the AUX button and press the Select button to choose it.

34 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 4-12: Configure Cyclone: Set AUX Button Func

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 35

Cyclone for ARM® devices


The Cyclone for ARM devices may act as a Stand-Alone In-Circuit
Programmer for ARM Cortex devices by Freescale, STMicroelectronics,
Texas Instruments (TI), NXP, Atmel, Infineon, and Silicon Labs. A simple user
interface, CREATEIMAGE.EXE, is provided for configuring the Cyclone.

5.1 Create A Stand-Alone Programming (SAP) Image

This chapter describes in detail how to configure the Cyclone for ARM
devices for stand-alone programming using the Cyclone Image Creation
Utility, shown in Figure 5-1. The Cyclone for ARM devices does not require a
target to be connected when it is being configured. However, the power of the
Cyclone for ARM devices must be turned on (indicated by the “Idle” LED), and
one of the communications interfaces must be connected to the Cyclone for
ARM devices if an image is to be stored on it.

Figure 5-1: Cyclone Image Creation Utility

36 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

5.1.1 Specify your Processor

The Cyclone for ARM supports ARM Cortex devices by Freescale,
STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments (TI), NXP, Atmel, Infineon, and Silicon
Labs. Click on the Select New Device button to open the Device Selection
Dialog. Drill down the device tree to select your device.

Figure 5-2: Device Selection Dialog

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 37

Cyclone for ARM® devices

5.1.2 Specify Programming Script

Figure 5-3: Specify Programming Script

This is a two-panel interface. The left panel provides a list of available

programming functions. The right panel displays the ordering of the functions.
To specify the programming algorithm for the target, double-click on the
Choose Algorithm (CM) function in the left panel. Or, you may highlight it and
add it to the right panel using the arrow (->). This opens the Load
Programming Algorithm dialog.

38 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 5-4: Load Programming Algorithm Dialog

Select the programming algorithm that you wish to use.

Similarly, to specify the S-Record to be programmed into the target, double-
click on Specify S-Record (SS) in the left panel. This opens a dialog which
allows you to select the appropriate S-Record.
Once both the algorithm and S-Record are selected, the full list of
programming functions becomes available in the left panel.

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 5-5: Programming Functions Enabled

Next, the user should add additional programming functions to complete the
programming script.

40 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 5-6: Programming Functions Complete

The Launch Script Wizard button prompts the user for a programming
module, followed by an S-Record, and creates a default programming script.
The user can then modify the programming sequence as needed.
The Clear Script button will remove all programming commands from the right
The Move Up and Move Down buttons allow the user to manually re-
sequence the order of the programming commands.
The Remove From List button can be used to remove a selected command
from the right panel.
At this point the image can be saved to a disk or to the Cyclone for ARM

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

devices device. For more information, please see Section 5.1.8 - Store
Image To Cyclone.

5.1.3 Programming Operations

Figure 5-7: Programming Operations Dialog Section

In the Programming Sequence field, the user may specify the algorithm, S-
Record, and operations to be carried out.
Choose Module
Presents a list of available programming files. Each programming file contains
information on how to program a particular module. Usually, the name of the
file indicates what kind of module it relates to.
Specify S-Record
Asks for the name (and/or path) to a file of ARM S-records to be used in
programming or verifying a module. If the file is not found, an error message
is given. The currently-selected file is shown in the S19 file selected window.
The programmer accepts S1, S2, and S3 records. All other file records are
treated as comments. If you do not specify a file-name extension, a default of
.S19 is used. The programmer also supports ELF/Dwarf 2.0 object files.
Your S19 file may contain data for both EEPROM and flash. If you know that
your S19 file contains the correct data, “Ignore S19 Range” may be checked.
This will cause any out of range errors to be ignored.
Erase If Not Blank
This command performs a blank check of the module and erases it if it is not
Erase Module

42 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

If “Erase Module” is specified, the Cyclone for ARM devices will perform an
“Erase Module” on the target device after entering the Monitor Mode or BDM
Blank Check Module
If “Blank Check Module” is checked, the Cyclone for ARM devices will perform
a “Blank Check Module” on the target device.
Program Bytes
Prompts for a starting address, which must be in the module. You are then
asked to enter in hexadecimal a byte to be programmed into the current
location. Clicking the OK button will automatically advance to the next data
byte location.
Program Words
Prompts for a starting address, which must be in the module. You are then
asked to enter in hexadecimal a word to be programmed into the current
location. Clicking the OK button will automatically advance to the next data
word location.
Program Module
For this command to work, you must have previously selected an S-record
Verify Module
For this command to work, you must have previously selected an S-record
Verify Checksum
This command verifies the module content via a CRC calculation.
Choose Serial File
This command becomes available once a programming algorithm is selected.
It specifies the serial file that holds the serial numbers to be programmed to
the target. Please reference CHAPTER 11 - AUTOMATIC SERIAL NUMBER
MECHANISM for more information about programming serial numbers.
Program Serial Number
This command becomes available once a programming algorithm is selected.
It will instruct the Cyclone for ARM devices to program the serial number to
the target once executed. As with other commands, the serial number will not
be programmed until the SAP operations are carried out. Please reference

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Cyclone for ARM® devices


information about programming serial numbers.

5.1.4 Commincation Mode and Rate Settings

Cyclone for ARM devices supports multiple communication modes and
communication rates. A user needs to select proper communication mode
and rate from the drop down list after programming operations are specified.
The debug connector pin definitions are listed for reference.

5.1.5 Target Voltage and Power Settings

A user may elect to use Cyclone for ARM devices to supply power to the
target. In this case, the Target Voltage specifies the target MCU I/O voltage
The user needs to take into account the power discharge time for the Power
Down delay. The reset driver delays, power stabilization time, and the target
clock stabilization time should be considered for the Power Up delay.
A checkbox is available for a user to instruct the Cyclone for ARM devices to
turn off target power after SAP operations. If unchecked, the target power will
remain on.
The user has the option to provide Reset Delay if certain reset monitoring
devices are used. The Cyclone for ARM devices will delay for the specified
time after allowing the target out of reset.

5.1.6 JTAG Daisy Chain

The Cyclone for ARM devices supports processors in a JTAG daisy chain
configuration. This type of configuration is desirable if the user wants to share
a single debug connector across multiple JTAG devices. To use this mode
certain settings must be made in the Cyclone Image Creation Utility. These
are documented in Section 3.12 - JTAG Daisy Chain.

5.1.7 Image Description

The Cyclone for ARM devices Configuration Utility allows the user to
summarize the purpose of current configuration for future reference. The
description will be either programmed into the Cyclone for ARM devices or
saved into an encrypted file.
The image description will appear on the LCD screen for image identification.

44 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Since the LCD can display up to 16 characters, it is recommended to keep the

description concise.
This field will not affect the Cyclone for ARM devices’s operations with the

5.1.8 Store Image To Cyclone

“Store Image to Cyclone” allows the current configuration to be programmed
into the Cyclone for ARM devices. The Cyclone for ARM devices will then be
ready for operations.

Figure 5-8: Image Management And Transfer Dialog

The Interface drop-down list allows the user to select one of three Serial,
USB, or Ethernet interfaces. The Port drop-down list allows the user to select
from one of the Cyclones available on that interface. In the case of a Cyclone
present on a different network (i.e., not displayed automatically in the Port
drop-down list), the user may specify its IP address by using the Specify IP
“Store Image to Cyclone” will then store the image on the selected Cyclone.

5.1.9 Store Image To Disk

“Store Image To Disk” allows the current configuration to be saved onto the
hard drive. The image can then be transferred to the Cyclone for ARM
devices internal flash or external CompactFlash (with activation) via the
Manage Images Utility.

5.1.10 Save Cyclone Configuration

“Save Cyclone Configuration,” in the file menu, allows the user to save the

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 45

Cyclone for ARM® devices

configuration into a file, which may be used for future reference, e.g.,
comparing the Cyclone for ARM devices contents with the file to see if they
are the same.

5.1.11 Load Cyclone Configuration

“Load Cyclone Configuration” in the file menu allows the user to load a
configuration that has previously been saved in order to create a new image.

5.2 Manage Multiple SAP Images

The Manage Images utility, shown in Figure 5-9, allows the Cyclone to store
and manage multiple images in the Cyclone’s internal memory. Once the
programming images have been created and saved to the disk using the
Create Image utility, they may then be loaded collectively onto the Cyclone. If
you have purchased a CompactFlash activation license it will also allow you
to store and manage multiple images on any compatible CompactFlash cards
that are loaded into the Cyclone’s CompactFlash port.

46 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 5-9: Manage Images Utility

Upon opening a selected Cyclone for ARM devices, the user is provided in the
top left panel with a list of the images currently on the unit’s internal memory. If
the CompactFlash license has been activated, a list of images on any
connected CompactFlash card will also be displayed in the bottom left panel.
The panels to the right can be used to add or delete additional images by
using the Add and Remove buttons beneath each panel.
Once the images that you wish to load appear in the panels to the right, you
must press “Commit Changes” to load the Cyclone accordingly. No changes

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

are made to the Cyclone for ARM devices until the “Commit Changes” button
is pressed.
Note: Any images that are already stored on the Cyclone for ARM devices or
CompactFlash can only be removed by using the corresponding “Remove All
Images...” button.

5.2.1 Optional CompactFlash Activation License

The CompactFlash Activation License is a license key, available for purchase
separately, which activates the Manage Images Utility and enables it to be
used with the Cyclone’s CompactFlash card interface. Activation of the
CompactFlash interface allows for programming of larger datasets and for the
storage of multiple programming images on a CompactFlash card.
For more details, please refer to Section 3.15 - CompactFlash Port.

48 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices


The Cyclone for ARM devices must be configured before it may serve as a
Stand-Alone Programmer for ARM targets. The user may manually control the
Cyclone for ARM devices: via the buttons/LEDs, LCD menu, or via PC
software. The target power management schemes remain the same for each
control method.

6.1 Operation Via Cyclone for ARM devices Buttons

There are five (5) buttons on the top of the Cyclone for ARM devices which
are used for stand-alone programming and to navigate the LCD menus. They
are specified as follows.
Button Function
START / Start executing the tasks pre-configured into the
Cyclone for ARM devices.
Menu Mode: Navigate upwards in LCD menu.
AUX / Perform auxiliary function (stand-alone verification).
Menu Mode: Navigate downwards in LCD menu.
MENU / [SELECT] Toggles ON/OFF the Target Board Power.
Menu Mode: Select highlighted item in LCD menu.
CANCEL Cancel the tasks being executed and go back to the
idle state.
RESET Hardware reset of the Cyclone for ARM devices.

6.1.1 Cyclone for ARM devices LED Indicators

The Cyclone for ARM devices has four (4) LEDs to indicate the current
operation stage.
Power Indicates that the target board power is connected.
Idle The Cyclone for ARM devices is waiting for
Error The Cyclone for ARM devices failed to execute the
functions as instructed.
Success The Cyclone for ARM devices executed the functions

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

6.1.2 Procedure via Buttons and LEDs

The following steps must be followed in order for the Cyclone for ARM
devices to operate properly after the Cyclone for ARM devices has been
1. Turn off the target power supply if the “POWER IN” Jack is adopted.
2. Turn off the Cyclone for ARM devices board power.
3. Set the correct Jumper settings.
4. Connect the target power supply to the “POWER IN” Jack, if applica-
5. Connect the “POWER OUT” Jack to the target board power, if appli-
6. Connect the ribbon cable to the target debug connector.
7. Turn on the Cyclone for ARM devices board power.
8. Turn on the target power supply, if applicable.
9. Press the “START” push button on the Cyclone for ARM devices.
When the “Success” LED lights up, you have successfully programmed your

6.1.3 Example
When the Cyclone for ARM devices is powered up, the Idle LED is turned on.
After the user programs the contents and procedures into the Cyclone for
ARM devices on-board flash, the Cyclone for ARM devices may be used as a
Stand-Alone Programmer. Suppose the user wants to perform the following
instructions for a target device:
1) Erase Module
2) Program Module
3) Verify Module.
When the Start Button is pressed, the “Power” LED will turn on, indicating that
the Cyclone for ARM devices is powering up the target board.
Then the “Idle” LED will turn off.
Finally, if these operations have been performed successfully, the “Success”
LED and the “Idle” LED will be illuminated. One stand-alone programming
cycle will have just been completed.

50 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

6.2 Operation Via LCD Menu

The Cyclone for ARM devices may be operated by making selections from the
LCD menu. This section describes the layout of the menus and the functions
that each may be used to perform.

Figure 6-1: LCD Menu Overview

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 51

Cyclone for ARM® devices

6.2.1 Status Window

Figure 6-2: Status Window

The status window appears when the Cyclone for ARM devices is powered
on. This window lists the following information:
1. Firmware version of the Cyclone.
2. IP address assigned to the Cyclone.
3. Name assigned to the Cyclone.
4. Number of programming images in the Cyclone’s memory.
5. Name of the selected programming image.
6. First serial number associated with the selected image
7. Current status.
8. Results of the last operation performed.

6.2.2 Main Menu

Figure 6-3: Main Menu

52 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

The Main Menu is accessible by pressing the “Menu” button when the status
window is displayed. The Main Menu contains four selections. This section
contains information on Execute SAP Function and Show Statistics. For
information on Select SAP Image and Configure Cyclone, please refer to

Execute SAP Function presents three Stand-Alone Programming
functions that you may execute by highlighting the function that you wish
to execute and pressing the “Select” button.

Figure 6-4: Execute SAP Function Compact Flash Status

If a compatible CompactFlash card is loaded into the Cyclone, the
Compact Flash Status menu selection displays information about that
CompactFlash card, including its name, the number of images it contains,
and the amount of free, used, and total memory it contains.

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 53

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 6-5: Compact Flash Status Show Statistics

The fourth line (PCIP:) displays the IP address of the last PC to control
the Cyclone for ARM devices. The other categories listed are for future
use and are not currently implemented.

Figure 6-6: Show Statistics

6.3 Cyclone Battery Pack

Manual control of stand-alone mode is also useful for performing field
updates. In this situation, there is often no access to a PC or power outlet.
However, the Cyclone may be powered by using a Cyclone PowerPack,
which is a lightweight and compact lithium ion battery (available separately).

54 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 6-7: Cyclone with Cyclone PowerPack

The combination of the Cyclone for ARM devices programmer and the battery
pack creates a fully operational field programming setup that is lightweight,
compact, and extremely portable. All that is required for a field update is to
connect the battery-powered, pre-programmed Cyclone to the target and
initiate programming.

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Cyclone for ARM® devices


Users who wish to automate control of one or more Cyclone units have
several options available. This chapter presents a brief overview of those
options along with some additional information about each.

7.1 Cyclone Automated Control Package - Overview

Every Cyclone includes the Basic Edition of P&E’s Cyclone Automated
Control Package. P&E also offers advanced versions of the control package
which may be purchased separately.

7.1.1 Basic Edition

The Basic Edition, included with the Cyclone for ARM devices, gives users
two options for automating control of the Cyclone.
1. Cyclone Launch Application
The Cyclone Launch application allows control of one or more P&E
Cyclone units through the usage of simple batch and script files.
2. Dynamic Link Library (.DLL)
The .DLL in the Basic Edition allows custom software applications
to control one Cyclone unit.
Users wishing to use a .DLL to control more than one Cyclone or who would
prefer to use RS232/Ethernet protocols (e.g., in a non-Windows environment)
may purchase the appropriate advanced version of the Cyclone Automated
Control Package.

7.1.2 Professional Edition

The Professional Edition is available separately. It contains a dynamic link
library (DLL) which allows custom software applications to control up to three
Cyclone units.

7.1.3 Enterprise Edition

The Enterprise Edition is available separately. It contains a dynamic link
library (DLL) and the ability to use custom software, RS232 and Ethernet
communication protocols to control an unlimited number of Cyclones.
More details about what is included with each edition of the Cyclone
Automated Control Package may be found at www.pemicro.com.

56 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

7.2 Cyclone Automated Control Package - Details

This section presents brief descriptions of the Cyclone Launch Application,
.DLL and RS232/Ethernet options that are offered by P&E’s various Cyclone
Automated Control Packages. Detailed operational instructions for these tools
are beyond the scope of this manual. For operational instructions, please
consult P&E’s Cyclone Automated Control Package - Developer’s Manual,
which accompanies the Basic Edition of the Cyclone Automated Control
Package. This manual may also be downloaded from www.pemicro.com.

7.2.1 Cyclone Launch Application

The Cyclone Launch application is included with every edition of the Cyclone
Automated Control Package. It allows a developer to use simple ASCII script
files to control Cyclone operations from the PC. Once the script files are
configured, a simple batch file can be created to initiate programming
operations on one or more Cyclone units. Cyclone Launch also supports
features such as stand-alone image maintenance and dynamic data
programming, which provides a powerful but easy-to-use interface. The
Cyclone Launch application is ideal for getting your automated production
environment up and running in a very short amount of time.

7.2.2 .DLL Control

The dynamic link library (DLL) that is included in all editions of the Cyclone
Automated Control Package allows you to create an application on the PC
that can directly control one (Basic Edition) or more P&E Cyclone units.
Please see Section 7.1 - Cyclone Automated Control Package - Overview
for the number of Cyclones that may be controlled by each version of the
These interface routines are designed to be compiled into visual and non
visual applications running on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7.
The actual interface routines are located in the “CYCLONE_CONTROL.DLL”
32 bit DLL file. The DLL is callable from almost any 32-bit Windows
development environment. Since the way the DLL is called varies depending
on the compiler used, you are provided with the DLL interface code and
sample applications for each of the following compilers:
Borland Delphi 2.0+ (Pascal) - Visual Application
Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0+ - Visual MFC Application
Microsoft Visual C# 2005+ - Visual Application

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 57

Cyclone for ARM® devices

These sample applications come with project and workspaces defined for
ease of use. Simply open the project/workspace in your compiler and you
should be able to build the sample application without any modifications. The
sample applications come pre-compiled with ICONS, so you can run them
before jumping into the code.

7.2.3 RS232 / Ethernet Communication Protocols

The RS232 and Ethernet Communication protocols included with the
Enterprise Edition of the Cyclone Automated Control Package allow a
developer to manually send individual command packets to control each
Cyclone unit. This is ideal for setups that do not have access to a PC or
production environments that do not run Windows-based computers.

58 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

This section describes the mechanism used by the Cyclone for ARM devices
device to transact data over an Ethernet network. It primarily focuses on the
User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which is a popular method for sending data
over a network when the speed of a data transaction is of more concern than
the guarantee of its delivery. The Cyclone takes advantage of the UDP
protocol’s penchant for speed, and adds an extra layer of logic to guarantee
the delivery of UDP packets in order to offer a best-of-both-worlds solution.

8.1 Network Architectures

Before delving into the innards of Ethernet message passing, it is prudent to
briefly describe the different network architectures in use today, and how they
pertain to the operation of the Cyclone. Computers are, of course, connected
to one another through intermediary devices in order to form networks. There
are several classes of these intermediary devices, but they generally fall into
one of the following three groups:
At the most basic level, computers are connected to one another
through a Hub. A Hub is a device with several ports that are used to
connect multiple computers together. It is a repeater device – a Hub
simply copies the data incoming on one port as data outgoing on the
other ports. In this manner, if there are four computers connected
through a Hub, and if the first computer is sending data to the second
computer, then the third and the fourth computers will also receive an
identical copy of that data. Hubs are usually used to set up a small
Local Area Network (LAN), which may have on the order of 10 to 20

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 59

Cyclone for ARM® devices

The aforementioned type of process, where the data is simply
replicated onto every available port, quickly becomes inefficient for
larger sized networks. For this reason, a larger sized LAN employs
the usage of Switches instead of Hubs. A Switch is essentially a smart
Hub, in that it limits the input and output of data to the two transacting
Larger networks, such as Wide Area Networks (WANs), or the
Internet for that matter, use progressively more sophisticated devices
to transact data. At the core of these devices is the Router, which
functions as a switch between networks.
The Cyclone performs irrespective of the connection mechanism, with one
very important caveat: it needs to be set up with the appropriate network
parameters for the underlying network architecture.

8.2 Network Parameters

A typical network becomes operational not after the physical connections
have been established, but after network parameters in the form of IP
(Internet Protocol) numbers have been assigned to the individual computers.
An IP number is a unique string that consists of four numbers ranging
between 0 and 255, separated by dots, e.g., Every computer
that is on a network needs to have a unique IP number. The computer uses
this IP number to identify itself on the network, and also to address the
recipient of its data.
Assignation of this IP number is sufficient information to transact data on a
simple network connected by a hub. On a more complex network, however,
routing information becomes important. The routing information consists of
two more IP numbers. The first of these is called the Subnet Mask, and is
used to determine whether or not the destination address resides on the
same subnet (i.e., doesn’t need to be forwarded to another network). The
other IP number is the Gateway Address, which is the address of the
computer that handles forwarding and receiving of packets to and from other
Before first use, the Cyclone needs to be programmed with a unique IP
number, the Subnet Mask IP number, and also the default Gateway’s IP
number. This can be done via the USB or the Serial port, and is described in

60 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

greater detail in the “Configuring the Cyclone” section of this manual.

8.3 Internet Protocol

Once the network has been established, and the IP numbers have been
assigned, data can be transacted over a network with one of several
protocols. By far the most prevalent protocol is the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP), which runs on top of the Internet Protocol in what is
collectively known as the TCP/IP protocol. The TCP/IP protocol was
developed by the Department of Defense to connect different computers from
different vendors by a “network of networks,” which has become what is
known as the Internet today.
The primary purpose of the TCP/IP protocol was to prevent a complete
network outage in the case of a nuclear attack, by automatically rerouting data
traffic through the functioning part of the network. As such, the TCP/IP
mechanism guaranteed delivery of data packets by introducing a system of
acknowledgements and sequence numbers for the data packets. This
mechanism, while good for transacting large amounts of data (such as email
or file transfers), is unsuitable in the real-time type environment in which the
Cyclone operates. Because the Cyclone needs to transact data as quickly as
possible to the target, it takes advantage of TCP/IP’s alternative, the UDP/IP
Unlike TCP/IP, the UDP/IP protocol is a connectionless, single-packet
protocol that sends short data packets at the expense of not guaranteeing
their delivery. This makes the UDP/IP protocol efficient in real-time
applications such as broadcasting video over the Internet, where the
occasional loss of a frame of data is not going to hamper the overall viewing
experience. Left unmodified, the UDP/IP, with its lack of guarantees for packet
delivery, would be unusable in an environment where the delivery of a single
byte of data needs to be guaranteed. The Cyclone firmware adds
mechanisms to the UDP/IP protocol, without affecting its underlying efficiency,
to guarantee delivery of data packets.

8.4 Connecting The Cyclone Device

There are two methods for establishing a connection between a Cyclone and
a PC with an Ethernet cable. The most basic method is to connect the
Cyclone directly to a PC, via a cross-over Ethernet cable. However, the more
common method is to place the Cyclone and the PC on the same network

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 61

Cyclone for ARM® devices

through a Hub.

8.4.1 Connecting the Cyclone to the PC over a network:

The Cyclone was intended for use on a network of multiple computers (and
other Cyclones). There are many possible network configurations, and to
describe them all is beyond the scope of this document. However, most
configurations are a modification of a basic theme, which is that of connecting
one or more PCs through a Hub to one or more Cyclones.
In order to connect these devices to the Hub, you will need to use the
provided straight-through Ethernet cable. The straight-through cable, which is
the “standard” Ethernet cable, is used to connect devices of different types
together, such as a PC to a Hub, or a Hub to a Cyclone.
At this point it once again becomes necessary to program the Cyclone with
valid IP numbers, the process for which is described in greater detail in the
following section. However, it is important for the Cyclone and the PCs to
have matching Subnet and Gateway IP numbers, and for each to have a
unique IP number on the network. An example of a setting for above is as
IP Number Gateway IP Subnet Mask
It is important to briefly touch upon the underlying network architecture, which
can be a 10Mb (Megabit), 100Mb, 10/100Mb, half-duplex, or a full-duplex
connection. The details of the underlying network architecture are beyond the
scope of this document, but it is sufficient to note that most modern network
cards, as well as the Cyclone device, have the capability to configure
themselves for the underlying network through the Auto-negotiation
mechanism. Auto-negotiation is performed as soon as a network cable is
connected to the device, and it sets the operating parameters of the device to
match those of the network.

8.4.2 Connecting Cyclone-to-PC via an Ethernet cable

In order to connect the Cyclone to a PC directly via an Ethernet cable, you
need to use what is known as a cross-over cable. A cross-over cable, which is

62 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

not provided by P&E, is normally used to connect two similar devices such as
a PC to a PC, or a Hub to a Hub. It is a cable that has its receive and transmit
wires crossed over so that the similar devices can effectively communicate
with one another.
With this configuration, it is still important to assign IP numbers to both the PC
and the Cyclone device. Although at first glance it may not seem necessary to
assign a Gateway address in this configuration, the Cyclone was designed to
operate on a network of more than two computers, and therefore it needs to
be programmed with a Gateway address.
Assuming the desktop’s IP number to be, this is an example of
the three IP numbers that would need to be programmed into the Cyclone:
IP Number Gateway IP Subnet Mask
PC none
For more information on programming these IP numbers into the Cyclone
device, please see the following section.

8.5 Cyclone IP Setup Via LCD Menu

For instructions on how to configure the Cyclone for ARM devices using the
LCD Menu, please see Section 6.2 - Operation Via LCD Menu.

8.6 Cyclone IP Setup Utility User Interface (ConfigureIP)

Before the Cyclone device transacts data on an Ethernet network, it will need
to be configured with the relevant network parameters. The application that
provides this capability is the Cyclone IP Setup Utility (ConfigureIP), which
can be found as part of the distribution software.
This utility is used to configure the Cyclone for ARM devices with network
parameters, and also to update the firmware of the Cyclone for ARM devices.

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 8-1: IPSetup.exe Default Screen

(1) Drop-down Box 1

There are three options available in this drop-down box, of which
“Ethernet Port” is displayed. The other options are “Serial Port” and “USB
Port”. Changing to any one of the three Ports will list the devices which are
found over that specific Port.
(2) Drop-down Box 2
Once one of the three (Serial, USB, or Ethernet) communication
interfaces has been selected in the first drop-down box, a list of all
available Cyclone devices over that interface will be displayed for
(3) Close Button
The “Close” button is active only when a device has been opened for
access. Once a device has been opened for access, it needs to be closed
before another device can be opened for access.
(4) Open Button
The “Open” button opens a device for access. This is a required step
before changing the parameters on the selected device. Once a device

64 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

has been selected through the second drop-down box and is opened for
access, its information will be displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
(5) Refresh List
Will refresh the dialog boxes by searching for devices which are currently
connected via the Serial or USB interfaces, or are found on the network.
(6) Cyclone IP Number
This is the IP number which will be associated with the Cyclone for ARM
devices. It needs to be a unique IP number which can be accessible on
the network.
(7) Cyclone Device Name
This is a label which can be used to identify the Cyclone for ARM devices
by name, e.g., “John’s Cyclone” or “Manufacturing Floor.”
(8) MAC Address
This is the Media Access Control address, the unique number of an
Ethernet device on the network. This is programmed by P&E and cannot
be modified.
(9) Cyclone Device Type
This displays the type of Cyclone hardware.
(10) Gateway IP Number
The IP number of a gateway on the network.
(11) Subnet Mask
The subnet mask of the network.
(12) Firmware Version
A read-only field which returns information pertaining to the build date and
firmware version of the Cyclone for ARM devices device.
(13) FPGA Version
A read-only field which returns the hardware version of the FPGA.
(14) Program Cyclone Parameters
This button saves the information as it appears in the "Reconfigure IP
Numbers" area onto the Cyclone device.

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 65

Cyclone for ARM® devices

8.7 Using ConfigureIP.exe To Configure The Cyclone for ARM devices

Before the Cyclone for ARM devices is ready to communicate over an
Ethernet network, it will need to be configured with the relevant network
parameters. The application that provides this capability is the Cyclone
Configuration Utility (IPSetup.exe), and is provided as part of the standard
Cyclone for ARM devices software distribution.
In order to update the network parameters, perform the following steps:
1. Connect a Cyclone for ARM devices to the PC via a serial or a USB
cable, and make sure that it is powered before launching the Cyclone
Configuration Utility. The Cyclone for ARM devices Configuration Util-
ity starts up with the following screen:

Figure 8-2: Cyclone IP Setup Utility - Initial Screen

2. Assuming that the Cyclone for ARM devices is connected to the

COM1 serial port of the PC, switch from “Ethernet Port” to “Serial
Port”, at which point the second drop-down box will display COM1.
Click “Open” to get a dialog box similar to the following:

66 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

Figure 8-3: Cyclone IP Setup Utility - Continue Setup

3. The Cyclone for ARM devices now needs to be programmed with IP

numbers for the network on which it will operate. The Cyclone IP
Number field must contain a unique IP number.

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Cyclone for ARM® devices


Standard serial cables may be used for serial port Cyclone for ARM devices

68 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices


Standard USB cables may be used for USB port Cyclone for ARM devices
configuration.The user may use network hubs as necessary.

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When producing a microcontroller- or microprocessor-based product, it is
often useful to program a unique serial number into the permanent memory
(FLASH) of the product.
P&E has developed a serial number mechanism to automate this process.
Each time you issue a serialization command in the programming software,
the current serial number is programmed at a specified address. In addition,
the serial number is incremented to the next available serial number and
saved for future serialized programming operations.
The Cyclone for ARM devices adopts this automatic serial number
mechanism for its stand-alone operations.

11.1 Understanding Serialization

The automatic serial number mechanism supports serial numbers from 1 to
16 bytes in length. Each byte of a serial number ranges between a lower and
an upper bound. This approach allows the individual bytes of the serial
number to have distinct properties. Some of the forms these properties can
take are:
Type Lower Bound (hex) Upper Bound (hex)
Constant Constant Constant
Binary 00 FF
ASCII Printable 20 7E
ASCII Numeric 30 39
ASCII Upper Case Letter 41 5A
ASCII Lower Case Letter 61 7A
Other XX YY

Each serial number and its properties are stored in a separate file. Any file
name can be used for the serial number file, however the extension .ser is
normally appended because it makes it simpler locate the file.
A utility called SERIALIZE has been developed to make it easy to create,
visualize, edit, and maintain these serial number files.

70 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

11.2 Serialize Utility

This section is a modified excerpt from P&E’s Serialize Help File and explains
the Serialize utility in detail.

Figure 11-4: Serialize Main Screen

11.2.1 Serial Number File

This edit box shows the currently selected Serial Number File, or else
indicates "None Selected". If you try to select a nonexistent file, the selection
will revert to "None Selected". On startup the edit box, by default, shows the
filename that was in effect the last time the QUIT button was clicked. You can
select a new Serial Number File in the following ways:
• Single Click - Lets you directly edit the filename in the edit box.
Pressing Enter will check for the existence of the file. If not found, the
selected file gets set to "None Selected". If the file exists, the serial
number and its properties are displayed on screen.
• Double Click or …Click - Opens a standard file browser and lets you

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 71

Cyclone for ARM® devices

choose from existing files by disk, directory, name, and extension.

11.2.2 Number of Bytes in Serial Number

The up and down arrows let you add or delete bytes for the serial number,
max=10 hex (16 base ten), min=1.
• Up Arrow Click - Adds new bytes to the Serial Number. Each byte
added appears as a new column in the serial number representation.
Added bytes are input as Binary Bytes, i.e. the upper bound is FF and
the lower bound is 00.
• Down Arrow Click - Deletes bytes from the right end of the Serial
Number. Any previously entered byte properties are lost.

11.2.3 Count Sequence

This window lets you count up or down through the sequencing of the serial
number. The serial number is allowed to wrap over the top of the highest
serial number or below the lowest serial number. Note that in P&E
programmers, the serial number can only count up and any attempt to
overflow will cause an error.
• Up Arrow Click - Counts the serial number up.
• Down Arrow Click - Counts the serial number down.

11.2.4 Serial Number Bytes as Hex

There is one display column for each byte in the serial number shown as
printable ASCII characters. Non-printable ASCII characters are indicated by
the small solid block graphic.
• Up Arrow Click - Counts the serial number up.
• Down Arrow Click - Counts the serial number down.

11.2.5 Hex Upper Bounds

There is one display column for each upper bound of the byte in the serial
number in hex.
• Up Arrow Click - Increases the upper bound by one with a maximum
of FF Hex.
• Down Arrow Click - Decreases the upper bound by one with a
minimum of the current serial number byte value.

72 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

• Double Click on Hex - Selects or deselects the byte column. Selected

shown in yellow. The serial number byte in this column may then be
modified using the buttons at the bottom of the Serialize utility. Please
refer to Section 11.2.11 - BINARY, NUMERIC, CONSTANT, ALPHA

11.2.6 Hex Lower Bounds

There is one display column for each byte of the lower bound of the serial
number in hex.
• Up Arrow Click - Increases the lower bound by one with a maximum
of the current serial number byte value.
• Down Arrow Click - Decreases the lower bound by one with a
minimum of 00 Hex.

11.2.7 NEW
Instructs the program to start editing a NEW (as yet un-named) serial number
file. It will throw away the information for any serial number currently being
edited unless that information has been saved (Save Button). The new serial
number is initialized with one (1) byte of binary.

11.2.8 SAVE
Instructs the program to save the current serial number being edited into the
file name and path shown in the Serial Number File window. If a file name has
not been provided, i.e. the window shows None Selected, then an error is
displayed in a red window on the screen. If this happens, type in a filename in
the window and click Save again.

11.2.9 HELP
Opens the Serialize help system (serialize.hlp file, i.e. this file) for perusal.

11.2.10 QUIT
Turns off the Serialize Program and saves any setup information in the file
Serialize.ini. This file will initialize the setup information the next time the
program is started. Xing out of the program (top right of screen) does not save
the setup info.


Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 73

Cyclone for ARM® devices

These buttons are used to set the properties of selected (colored yellow)
bytes of the Serial Number. Individual bytes whose properties you wish to
modify are selected or deselected by double-clicking in the Hex Upper
Bounds box in the column that corresponds with the values for a particular

11.3 Serialize Utility Example

This example shows:
1. Currently editing file C:\Example.ser
2. Number of bytes in the serial number is 10 Hex (= 16 base ten)
3. Starting address is 0000000 Hex
4. Next Serial number is AAA-P&E-9999 in ASCII
a. First 3 bytes are Upper Case Alphabetic ASCII (AAA)
b. Next 5 bytes are Constants (-P&E-)
c. Last 4 bytes are Numeric ASCII (9999)
5. This provides for a maximum of 6,760,000 (26x26x26x10x10x10x10)
serial numbers from AAA-P&E-0000 to ZZZ-P&E-9999.
6. The last 4 bytes of the serial number are selected (colored yellow) so
that their properties can be changed using the forced selected byte
buttons on the bottom of the screen.

11.4 Using Serial Number File

The command to invoke the serial number file in P&E’s interactive
programming software is “CS Choose Serial File”. The command to actually
program the serial number to target and automatically increment the serial
number afterward is “PS Program Serial Number”.
P&E’s command line software uses the same commands in a command line
fashion to invoke the serial number file, initiate its programming, and
CS serial_number_file.ser

74 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

11.5 Serial Number Handling in Cyclone for ARM devices

The Cyclone for ARM devices’ firmware implements the automatic serial
number mechanism. The same serial number files are used with the Cyclone
Image Creation Utility, and the same commands are used to specify the serial
number file and initiate serial number programming and incrementation. The
serial number data structure is saved in the SAP image. Once a “PS”
command is carried out, a serial number is programmed into the target. Only
after all operations have been completed successfully does the Cyclone for
ARM devices firmware automatically increment the serial number and store it
in the Cyclone for ARM devices’ flash for internal images (or external
CompactFlash for external SAP images).
The CS and PS commands are not present in the Cyclone Image Creation
Utility until a valid programming algorithm is specified.
To complement the Cyclone’s usage in production environments, the Cyclone
for ARM devices supports multiple serial number structures for each
programming algorithm block. Each SAP image may contain multiple
programming algorithms for every memory module it needs to program, and
each programming algorithm block may contain multiple serial number
structures. The SAP image sequence below illustrates this briefly:

CM algorithm_file_1
SS object_code_1
CS serial_file1.ser
CS serial_file2.ser
CS serial_file_3.ser
CM algorithm_file_2
SS object_code_2

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

CS serial_file4.ser
CS serial_file5.ser

76 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

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The Cyclone will indicate errors using the following codes. Please contact
P&E if you are unsure of the specific meaning of an error code.

12.1 Debug Mode Communication Errors

$0001: No target response
$0002: Invalid target response
$0003: Wait for target response canceled
$0004: Wait for target response failed
$0005: Error detecting communication speed
$0006: Failed to unsecure target
$0007: Error entering debug mode
$0008: Error entering debug mode while target is secured
$0009: Error entering debug mode for verification
$000A: Error writing a block of data to target
$000B: Error enabling or disabling module
$000C: Error in performing timing test
$000D: MON08 target had an invalid reset
$000E: The selected target processor is not supported by the Cyclone for
ARM devices

12.2 SAP Image Handling Errors

$0011: SAP image ID is greater than total number of images
$0012: Error during SAP image validation
$0013: SAP operation was not configured
$0014: SAP image storage was not initialized
$0015: SAP image transfer error, invalid data length
$0016: SAP image transfer error, invalid start address
$0017: SAP image transfer error while writing to storage
$0018: Error writing serial number structure storage

Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual 77

Cyclone for ARM® devices

$0019: Error writing LCD menu structure storage

$001A: Error erasing storage block
$001B: SAP image requires higher firmware version
$001C: SAP image version not supported

12.3 SAP Communication Handling Errors

$0031: System reset occurred (out of reset for host-controlled operations)

12.4 SAP Algorithm Header Operation Handling Errors

$0061: Undefined algorithm header operation, check software and firmware
$0062: Algorithm header operation failure, check software and firmware

12.5 SAP Operation Errors

$0081: SAP operation is not supported, check software and firmware versions
$0082: SAP operation error, SAP image contains different target type
$0083: SAP operation cancelled

12.6 SAP Blank Check Range and Module Errors

$1001: Blank check error, algorithm not supported
$1002: Blank check error, algorithm not found
$1003: Blank check operation failed

12.7 SAP Erase Range and Module Errors

$2001: Erase error, algorithm not supported
$2002: Erase error, algorithm not found
$2003: Erase error, module failed or canceled
$2004: Erase error, module failed, target is still secured
$2005: Erase error, module not performed, data is preserved

78 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

12.8 SAP Program Byte, Word, and Module Errors

$3001: Programming algorithm is not supported
$3002: Programming algorithm was not found
$3003: Program operation failed or canceled
$3004: Program operation failed, write protected
$3005: Program operation failed, nonblocking data size exceeds limit
$300A: Error during reading data block, invalid data length
$300B: Error during reading data block, invalid start address
$300C: Error during reading data block, no target power
$300D: Error during programming data block, invalid data length
$300E: Error during programming data block, invalid start address
$300F: Error during programming data block, no target power
$3040: (MSD, Kinetis only) Error during programming, would cause device to
become permanently secured

12.9 SAP Verify Checksum Errors

$4001: VC command not supported
$4002: VC failed, invalid algorithm
$4003: VC operation failed or canceled

$4011: VV command not supported

$4012: VV failed, invalid algorithm
$4013: VV operation failed or canceled

12.10 SAP Verify Range and Module Errors

$5003: Verification operation failed or canceled

12.11 SAP User Function Errors

$6003: User function failed or canceled

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

12.12 SAP Trim Errors

$7001: Trim operation not supported
$7003: No target response
$7004: Trim write error, trim value not set
$7007: Trim write error, trim value failed
$7008: Trim read error, trim value failed
$7009: Trim value invalid, value is blank or zero
$700A: Trim value already programmed

12.13 Unrecoverable Fatal Errors

$8001: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8002: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8003: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8004: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8005: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8006: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8007: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8008: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8009: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$800A: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$800B: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$800C: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$800D: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$800E: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$800F: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8010: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8011: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8012: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8013: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8014: Fatal Error, please contact P&E

80 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

Cyclone for ARM® devices

$8015: Fatal Error, please contact P&E

$8016: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8017: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8018: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8019: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$801A: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8020: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8021: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8022: Fatal Error, please contact P&E
$8023: Fatal Error, please contact P&E

12.14 External Memory Errors

$A001: Error writing to external memory
$A002: Error formatting the external memory
$A003: External memory was disconnected during use
$A004: External memory has unsupported format
$A005: External memory has corrupted data
$A006: External memory disk error
$A007: Failed during internal image verification
$A008: Failed during external image verification
$A009: Error while reading external memory for image pointer

12.15 Serial Number Errors

$B001: Error erasing serial number storage
$B002: Error writing serial number
$B003: Total number of Serial Number Structures is over limit of 254.
$B004: Error converting serial number structure
$B005: Error updating serial number
$B006: Serial number structure not found
$B007: Serial number structure invalid

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Cyclone for ARM® devices

$B008: Error programming serial number to target

12.16 Successful Download Counter Errors

$C001: Error erasing download counter storage
$C002: Error writing download counter
$C003: Total number of download counter is over limit of 254.
$C004: Error converting download counter structure

12.17 System Hardware/Firmware/Logic Recoverable Errors

$D001: Firmware does not exist
$D002: Firmware update not allowed
$D003: Firmware update failed
$D004: Firmware update mismatch

82 Cyclone for ARM devices User Manual

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