MT13 Clinical Anatomy and Physiology For Med Lab Science Laboratory Worksheet - SU - ICLS

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The document discusses the anatomy of the brain and cranial nerves.

Various parts of the brain like the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, etc. are labeled on the diagram.

The ventricles, cerebral aqueduct and other structures involved in cerebrospinal fluid circulation are labeled.

MT13 Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Med Lab Science Laboratory Worksheet | SU - ICLS

Activity 2

Gross Anatomy of the Brain and Cranial Nerves

Name: CABAHUG, MARY ABBYGALE M. Lab Time/Date: 13:00-16:00 TF

Exercise 2. The Human Brain

1. Match the letters on the diagram of the human brain (right lateral view) to the appropriate terms listed
at the left.

___h___ 1. frontal lobe

___b___ 2. parietal lobe

___j___ 3. temporal lobe

___f___ 4. precentral gyrus

___c___ 5. parieto-occipital sulcus

___a___ 6. postcentral gyrus

___i___ 7. lateral sulcus ___l___ 10. medulla

___g___ 8. central sulcus ___d___ 11. occipital lobe

___e___ 9. Cerebellum ___k___ 12. Pons

2. Identify the structures on the following sagittal view of the human brain stem and diencephalon by
matching the numbered areas to the proper terms in the list.
__18___ a. cerebellum

___15___ b. cerebral aqueduct

____1___ c. (small part of) cerebral


___14___ d. cerebral peduncle

___10___ e. choroid plexus

___13___ f. corpora quadrigemina

____2___ g. corpus callosum

____4___ h. fornix

___16___ i. fourth ventricle

____6___ j. hypothalamus

____5___ k. interthalamic adhesion ____7____ n. optic chiasma ____17___ q. pons

____8___ l. mammillary bodies ___12____ o. pineal gland _____3___ r. septum pellucidum

____19___ m. medulla oblongata ____9____ p. pituitary gland _____11___ s. thalamus

MT13 Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Med Lab Science Laboratory Worksheet | SU - ICLS

Cerebrospinal Fluid
3. Label the structures involved with circulation of cerebrospinal fluid on the accompanying diagram.

Lateral ventricle

Third ventricle

Cerebral aqueduct
Interventricular foramen

Fourth ventricle

Lateral aperture

Cranial Nerves
4. Using the terms below, correctly identify all structures indicated by leader lines on the diagram.

a. abducens nerve (VI) j. longitudinal fissure s. pituitary gland

b. accessory nerve (XI) k. mammillary body t. pons

c. cerebellum l. medulla oblongata u. spinal cord

d. cerebral peduncle m. oculomotor nerve (III) v. temporal lobe of cerebral hemisphere

e. decussation of the pyramids n. olfactory bulb w. trigeminal nerve (V)

f. facial nerve (VII) o. olfactory tract x. trochlear nerve (IV)

g. frontal lobe of cerebral hemisphere p. optic chiasma y. vagus nerve (X)

h. glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) q. optic nerve (II) z. vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)

i. hypoglossal nerve (XII) r. optic tract

MT13 Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Med Lab Science Laboratory Worksheet | SU - ICLS


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