C 20 Chemical 1 2 Sem
C 20 Chemical 1 2 Sem
C 20 Chemical 1 2 Sem
in Chem
[(To be drafted individually at institution level)]
To produce competitive, responsive, globally competent chemical technologists to cater the needs
of the industries.
(To be drafted individually at institution level)
The mission of the Chemical Engineering Program is to benefit the society at large by
M1: Integrate the self-sustainable education with basic teaching- learning process with need-
based curriculum.
M2: Inculcate logical thinking, creativity and effective communication skills, social concerns,
humanitarian services and ethics.
M3: Cultivate awareness of emerging trends in chemical engineering field through self-learning
and to motivate lifelong learning and creating good resources.
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
(To be drafted individually at institution level)
(After 2/3 years of graduation, the students will have the ability to)
1. Lead a successful career as an employee or an entrepreneur in the field of chemical
Engineering and allied fields.
2. Adopt the latest changes and developments in the field of Chemical Technology by updating
knowledge and skills.
3. Exhibit effective communication skills to present his or her ideas andthoughts efficiently.
4. Able to work effectively as an individual, in multi disciplines, multicultural environments
and society at large.
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified
standard methods.
3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and
assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team
member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined
engineering activities.
7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context
of technological changes.
Societal Needs
Team Spirit
Adapt to
PEO statements
Program shall specify 2-4 Program Specific Outcomes
(To be drafted individually at institution level)
1. Definition of Credit: Credit is a kind of weightage given to the contact hours to teach the
prescribed syllabus, which is in a modular form. For courses, one credit is allocated to one
contact hour for theory / tutorial per week and one credit is allocated to 02 contact hours for
2. Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS): CBCS is a flexible system of learning that permits
students to learn at their own pace, choose electives from a wide range of elective courses and
adopt an inter-disciplinary approach in learning and make best use of the expertise of available
3. Range of Credits
1 Hr. Lecture (L) per week 1 credit
1 Hr. Practical (P) per week 0.5 credit
1 Hr. Tutorial (T) per week 1 credit
4 Hrs. Theory (T) per week 4 credit
3 Hrs. Practical (P) per week 2 credit
[1 Hr. Tutorial +2 Hrs. Practical]
1. Course: A Course is a component (a paper) of a Programme. All the courses need not carrysame
weightage. The course should define Course objectives. A course may be designed to involve
lectures / tutorials / laboratory work / seminar / project work/ Internships / seminar or a
combination of these, to meet effectively the teaching and learning needs and the credits may be
assigned suitably.
2. Course Code: Each course shall have an alphanumeric code, which includes last two digits of year
of introduction such as 20 subject code CH(CH for Chemical Engineering etc. ), then first two digits
for example 12 (where 1 represents first semester and 2 represents the course number in
incremental order) and the last alphabet represent Theory (T), Practical/Internship/Project (P),
Drawing (D), Programme / Open Electives (A, B, C, E, F, G …).
3. Programme Courses: Each Programme will consist of Communication skills and Social Sciences
(HS), Engineering Mathematics, Statistics and Analytics (BS), Engineering Sciences (ES),
Professional Core (PC), Professional Electives (PE), Open Electives (OE), Employability
Enhancement Courses (EEC) and Internships.
1. Communication Skills and Social Sciences: Communication Skills and Social Science
courses are incorporated in the curriculum to meet the desired needs of communication
and life skills amongst students.
2. Engineering Mathematics, Statistics and Analytics: Common to all Engineering
Programme to develop reasoning and analytical skills amongst students.
3. Engineering Sciences: Engineering Science shall create awareness on different
specializations of engineering studies. The goal of these courses are to create engineers of
tomorrow, who possess the knowledge of all disciplines and can apply their
interdisciplinary knowledge in every aspect. It could be any branch of engineering - Civil,
Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.
4. Professional Core: Core Courses designed in the programme which are major courses of
the discipline, required to attain desired outcomes and to ignite critical thinking skills
amongst students.
5. Professional Elective: Generally a course can be chosen from a pool of courses and which
may be very specific or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline or nurtures
the candidate's proficiency/skill is called Professional Elective Course.
6. Open Electives: An elective course chosen generally from other discipline/ subject, with
an intention to seek interdisciplinary exposure is called an open elective. While choosing
the electives, students shall ensure that they do not opt for the courses with syllabus
contents of which are similar to that of their departmental core/elective courses.
7. Audit / Non-Core Courses: An audit / Non-core course is one in which the student attends
classes, does the necessary assignments, and takes exams. The Institute encourages
students towards extra learning by auditing for additional number of courses. The results
of audit courses shall not be considered for prescribed “carry over courses” limit, however
students need to pass audit courses for awarding the diploma.
8. Employability Enhancement Courses: It contains the following courses:
a. Mini Project: Mini Project is a laboratory oriented course which will provide a platform
to students to enhance their practical knowledge and skills by development of small
b. Seminar: Seminar should be based on thrust areas in state of art technologies. Students
should identify the topic of seminar and finalize in consultation with Guide. Students
should understand the topic and compile the report in standard format and present in
front of Panel of Examiners respective Programme.
c. Major Project: Every student must do one major project in the Final year of their
program. The minimum duration of project is 6 months. Students can do their major
project in Industry or R&D Lab or in house or combination of any two.
The Essence and Details of Induction program can also be understood from the “Detailed Guide on
Student Induction program’, as available on AICTE Portal, although that is for Diploma students of
Engineering & Technology. Suggestive schedule for induction program is given below
Registration, Formation of Mentor-mentee groups – Introduction of Class rooms of
mentors with-in group. respective
1 1
01.30- Screening of Institute video clips of various functions held and Photos
of various events, Institution Excursion Seminar hall
Prayer- Physical activities such as yoga; Presentation cum Interactive
09.30- Session with: Important Institution Functionaries like Principal, HoDs Play ground and
12.30 etc. seminar hall
1. It is mandatory to arrange one industrial visit every semester for the students of each branch.
2. It is mandatory to conduct a One-week workshop during the winter break after fifth semester
on professional/ industry/ entrepreneurial orientation.
3. It is mandatory to organize at least one expert lecture per semester for each branch by inviting
resource persons from domain specific industry.
A. The Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is based on the student’s performance in
Internal Assessment tests, student activity, mini project, quizzes, assignments, seminars,
viva-voce in practical, lab record etc as specified in respective course curriculum.
B. Major Project/Mini Project: Students can do their major project in Industry or R&D
Labor in house. Mini Project is a laboratory oriented course which will provide a
platform to students to enhance their practical knowledge and skills by development of
small systems/application.
C. Personality and character development: It is mandatory for the students from 1s
semester to enroll in any one of the personality and character development programmes
(NCC/NSS/YRC/Yoga/Technical Club) and undergo training for their Personality and
character development.
• National Cadet Corps (NCC).
• National Service Scheme (NSS) will have social service activities in
and around the Institution.
• Youth Red Cross (YRC) will have activities in and around the institution.
• Yoga
• Technical Clubs.
D. Internship: A minimum of 10 credits (400 Hrs) of Internship/ Entrepreneurial activities
/ Project work/ Seminar and Inter/ Intra Institutional Training may be counted toward
three-year diploma programme.
E. Mapping of Marks to Grades: Each course (Theory/Practical) is to be assigned 100
marks, irrespective of the number of credits, and the mapping of marks to grades may
be done as per the following table:
91-100 Outstanding A+ 10
81-90 Excellent A 09
A. SGPA and CGPA Calculations: An illustrative example for one academic year
Semest Course Credits Result Grade Credits Credit points SGPA, CGPA
er Code Applied Grade Points Earned (CP=CE x GP)
(CA) (GP) (CE)
I Course 1 4 B 7 4 4x7=28
I Course 2 4 F 0 0 0x0=00 SGPA=CP/CA
I Course 3 4 Absent (F) 0 0 0x0=00
I Course 4 4 A 9 4 4x9=36 =110/22
I Course 5 2 A+ 10 2 2x10=20
I Course 6 2 D 4 2 2x4=08 = 5.00
I Course 7 2 A 9 2 2x9=18
Total 22 14 110 SGPA = 5.00
Note: In 1s semester grade/marks card only SGPA is reported. From 2 d semester onwards both SGPA &
CGPA will be reported in the grade/marks card.
Semest Course Credits Result Grade Credits Credit SGPA, CGPA
er Code Applied Grade Points Earned points(CP=C
(CA) (GP) (CE) E x GP)
II Course 1 4 B 7 4 4x7=28 SGPA=CP/CA
II Course 2 4 A 9 4 4x9=36
II Course 3 3 D 4 3 3x4=12
II Course 4 3 Absent (F) 0 0 0x0=00 = 5.26
P=Percentage Conversion= (CGPA-0.75) X 10
Class Declaration:
After the conversion of final CGPA into percentage of marks (P), a graduating student is declared to
have passed in:
(i) First Class with Distinction (FCD) if P ≥ 70%
(ii) First Class (FC) if P ≥ 60% but <70% and
(iii) Second Class (SC) if P < 60%.
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Engineering Mathematics specification provides students with access to important mathematical
ideas to develop the mathematical knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and
work lives. The course enable students to develop mathematical conceptualization, inquiry,
reasoning, and communication skills and the ability to use mathematics to formulate and solve
problems in everyday life, as well as in mathematical contexts. At this level, the mathematics
curriculum further integrates the three content areas taught in the higher grades into three main
learning areas: Algebra; Measurement of angles and Trigonometry and Calculus.
Differentiate various continuous functions and apply the concept in real life
Integrate various continuous functions and apply the concept in evaluating the area
and volume through definite integrals.
CO Course Outcome
Mapped Linked R/U/A in Hrs AL
Determine the inverse of a square
matrix using matrix algebra. Apply the
concepts of matrices and determinants 1, 7 1 R/U/A 10 40
to solve system of linear equations and
find eigen values associated with the
square matrix.
Find the equation of straight line in
CO2 different forms. Determine the 1, 7 2 R/U/A 10 40
parallelism and perpendicularity of
Calculate trigonometric ratios of allied
angles and compound angles.
CO3 1, 7 3 R/U/A 10 40
Transform sum (difference) of
trigonometric ratios into product and
vice versa.
Differentiate various continuous
CO4 1, 3, 7 4 R/U/A 11 40
functions and apply the concept in real
life situations.
Integrate various continuous functions
CO5 and apply the concept in evaluating the 1, 3, 7 5 R/U/A 11 40
area and volume through definite
52 200
Level 3- Highly Mapped, Level 2-Moderately Mapped, Level 1-Low Mapped, Level 0- Not Mapped
These are sample Strategies, which teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
course outcomes
1. Explicit instruction will be provided in intervention classes or by using different differentiation
strategies in the main classroom.
2. Lecturer method (L) does not mean only traditional lecture method, but different type of
teaching method and media that are employed to develop the outcomes.
3. Observing the way their more proficient peers use prior knowledge to solve current challenges
and persevere in problem solving will help struggling students to improve their approach to
engaging with rich contextual problems.
4. Ten minutes a day in homeroom, at the end of class, or as a station in a series of math activities
will help students build speed and confidence.
5. Topics will be introduced in a multiple representation.
6. The teacher is able to show different ways to solve the same problem and encourage the
students to come up with their own creative ways to solve them.
7. In a perfect world, teacher would always be able to demonstrate how every concept can be
applied to the real world - and when that's possible, it helps improve the students'
understanding. When a concept cannot be applied in that manner, we can still share how it
might be applied within mathematics.
Author Title of Books Publication/Year
Higher Engineering Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,
1 B.S. Grewal
Mathematics 40th Edition,2007
G. B. Thomas, R. L. Calculus and Analytic Addison Wesley, 9th Edition,
Finney Geometry 1995
S.S. Sabharwal, Sunita Applied Mathematics, Vol. I &
3 Jalandhar.
Jain, Eagle Parkashan II
Comprehensive Comprehensive Mathematics
4 Laxmi Publications, Delhi
Mathematics Vol. I & II
ReenaGarg Advanced Engineering Khanna Publishing House, New
&Chandrika Prasad Mathematics Delhi
CIE Assessment 1
1 (Written Test -1) 80 minutes 30 Average of three
At the end of 3 d week written tests
CIE Assessment 2
2 (Written Test -2) 80 minutes 30 30
At the end of 7 week
CIE Assessment 3
3 (Written Test -3) 80 minutes 30
At the end of 13 week
CIE Assessment 4
4 (MCQ/Quiz) At the end of 60 minutes 20
5 week
CIE Assessment 5
(Open book Test) Average of three
5 60 minutes 20
At the end of 9 week 20
CIE Assessment 6
6 activity/Assignment) 60 minutes 20
At the end of 11 week
Total Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Assessment 50
Semester End Examination
8 (SEE) Assessment (Written 3 Hours 100 50
1 1,7 1
scalar multiplication) problems
Multiplication of Matrices(problems) 1 1,7 1
Evaluation of 2x2 ,3x3 determinants and
Singular matrices and problems in finding 1 1,7 1
unknown variable
Cramer’s rule to solve system of linear equation with 2
1 1,7 1
and 3 variables
1 1,7 1
and 3 variables.problems
Minors, Cofactors of elements of square matrices of
1 1,7 1
order 2 and 3
Adjoint of a square matrix(2x2 and 3x3),Inverse of a
1 1,7 1
non singular square matrix
Adjoint of a square matrix(2x2 and 3x3),Inverse of a
1 1,7 1
non singular square matrix and problems
Characteristic equation and eigen values of a 2x2
1 1,7 1
matirx and problems
Slope of the straight line(provided with inclination and
2 1,7 1
two points on the line as well) and problems
Intercepts of a straight line and problems 2 1,7 1
Intercept form of a straight line and problems 2 1,7 1
General form of a straight line.problems on finding
2 1,7 1
slope and intercepts.
Angle between two straight lines and conditions for
the lines to be parallel and perpendicular and 2 1,7 1
Equation of a line parellel to the given line and
2 1,7 1
Equation of a line perpendicular to the given
2 1,7 1
identity) 10
Trigonometric ratios of compound angles (without
3 1,7 1
Trigonometric ratios of multiple angles (sin2A,
3 1,7 1
cos2A, tan2A, sin3A, cos3A and tan3A)
Problems on multiple angles sin2A, cos2A, tan2A,
3 1,7 1
sin3A, cos3A and tan3A
Transformation formulae (without proof) as sum to 3
1,7 1
product. (Simple problems)
Transformation formulae (without proof) as product 3
1,7 1
to sum. (Simple problems)
Definition of a derivative of a function. Listing the
derivatives of standard functions. (Algebraic,
4 1,3,7 1
4 1,3,7 1
Composite functions and their derivatives. (CHAIN
4 1,3,7 1
Composite functions and their derivatives. (CHAIN
4 1,3,7 1
RULE). Problems
Successive differentiation up to second order 4 1,3,7 1
Slope of the tangent and normal to the given curve
4 1,3,7 1
and their equations and problems
First Semester Examination, Model Question Paper – 2020
Engineering Mathematics
Duration: 3Hours] Subject Code: 20SC01T [ Max. Marks:100
Instruction: Answer one full question from each section. One full question carries 20 marks.
1 é2 4 6 ù
a If the matrix ê2 x 2 ú is singular then find x . 4
ê ú
êë6 8 14 úû
é 1 3 4ù
b Find the A for the matrix ê- 1 2 1 ú .
ê ú
êë 0 3 3úû
c Solve 2 x - y = 3 and x + 2 y = 4 by using determinant method. 5
é 2 3 1ù
d Find the inverse ofthe matrix ê- 1 2 1ú . 6
ê ú
êë 5 4 3úû
2 é 2 -1ù é 1 - 3 4ù
ê ú
a If A = ê 4 0 ú and B = ê- 1 - 1 1ú then find ( AB )T. 4
ê ú
êë1 3 úû êë 0 4 2úû
b é 1 0 5ù
Verify whether AB=BA for the matrices A = ê- 1 2 1ú and
ê ú
êë 5 4 3úû
é3 - 1 4 ù
B = êê0 - 1 1 úú .
êë2 4 - 2úû
é 1 3 4ù
c Find the Adjoint of the matrix A = ê- 1 2 1ú .
ê ú 5
êë 0 3 3úû
é1 2ù
d Find the charcteristic equation and eigen values for the matrix ê ú. 6
ë3 `1û
a If the straight line is passing through the points (1, 2) and (3, 5) then find the 4
slope of the line.
Write the standard intercept form of the straight line and hence find the
b equation of the straight line whose x and y intercepts are 2 and 3
c Write the standard slope-intercept form of a straight line. Find the equation 5
of the straight line passing through the point (3, 5) and slope 4 units.
d Find the equation of the straight line parallel to the line passing through the 6
points (1, 3) and (4, 6).
a i) If a line inclined at 45 with x-axis find its slope. ii) Write 2+2
the x and y intercept of the line 2x+3y=10.
b Find the equation of the straight line whose angle of inclination is 450 and 5
passingthrough the origin.
c Find the equation of the straight line perpendicular to the line 2x+6y=3 and 5
with the y intercept 2 units.
d Find the acute angle between the lines 7x-4y=0 and 3x-11y +5=0. 6
5 a !
Express 75 in radian measure and 3π/2 in degree. 4
b Prove that cos( A + B) cos( A - B) = cos 2 A - sin 2 B . 5
c Show that cos 2q = 2 cos
q - 1. 5
d Find the value of sin120 × cos330 - sin 240 × cos390 without using
! ! ! !
6 a Find the value of sin15 .
cos(360! - A) tan(360! + A)
b Simplify . 5
cot(270! - A) sin(90! + A)
8 a Find
of y = 3x 4 + 4 log x + 2e 3 x + tan -1 x .
dx 4
b If y = e 2 x sin 3x then find . 5
d2 y
c Find if y = 3sin x + 4 cos x at x = 1. 5
dx 2
d Find the equation of tangent and normal to the curve y = x 2 at the point 6
(1, 1).
b Evaluate ò sin 2 x dx 5
10 2
a Evaluate ò e x dx . 4
4 cos(log x)
b Evaluate ò x
dx . 5
c ò
Evaluate x e x dx . 5
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
The main objective of this subject is to study the basic concepts of handling small particles at some
point during the process takes place in chemical industry. It also provides platform to study and
analyze various properties associated with the solid when it is in flow condition. This subject
provides the fundamental knowledge regarding to particle size reduction and enlargement by
various methods and also deals with the detail construction & working of equipment’s used for
particulate technology, by learning this subject student will be familiar with different particulate
technology like Size reduction, separation, Filtration, Conveying and Mixing involved in chemical
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to demonstrate industry oriented
Cos associated with the above mentioned competency:
CO1 Understand the laws of size reduction, and illustrate the operation of various size reduction
CO2 Interpret and Analyse various size separation methods and operation of various size
separation equipment’s
CO3 Understand the various Fluid-solid separation methods, operations of different types of
fluid-solid separation equipments.
CO4 Classify filtration equipments, understand and apply the principle of working of various
types of filters.
CO5 Understand the importance and principles of sampling, storage and handling of materials
and identify suitable conveyors for specific applications.
CO6 State the importance of mixing and agitation in process industries and sketch and
summarize the working principles of various types of mixers.
6. For CIE, students are to be assessed for Skills/competencies achieved. Students are to be asked
to identify equipments /apparatus, their proper selection.
Cogni Tutorial
PO tive &
CO Course Outcome Mapped Level Practical
R/U/ Sessions
A in Hrs
CO1 Understand the laws of size reduction, and PO1,PO4 1-4 A 10
illustrate the operation of various size
reduction equipments.
CO2 Interpret and Analyse various size PO1,PO4 1-4 A 10
separation methods and operation of
various size separation equipments.
CO3 Understand the various Fluid-solid PO1,PO4 1-4 A 08
separation methods, operations of different
types of fluid-solid separation equipments.
CO4 Classify filtration equipments, understand PO1,PO4 1-4 A 08
and apply the principle of working of
various types of filters.
CO5 Understand the importance and principles PO1,PO4 1-4 A 08
of sampling, storage and handling of
materials and identify suitable conveyors
for specific applications.
CO6 State the importance of mixing and PO1,PO4 1-4 A 08
agitation in process industries and sketch
and summarize the working principles of
various types of mixers.
Course CO’s Programme Outcomes (PO’s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CO2 3 2 2
CO3 3 2 2
CO4 3 2 2
CO5 3 2 2
CO6 3 2 2
Level 3- Highly Mapped, Level 2-Moderately Mapped, Level 1-Low Mapped, Level 0- Not
These are sample Strategies, which teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
course outcomes
1. Massive Open on line courses (MOOCS) may be used to teach various topics/sub topics.
2. Lecturer method( L) does not mean only traditional lecture method, but different type of
teaching method and media that are employed to develop the outcomes
3. About 15 to 20% of the topics/sub topics which is relative simpler or descriptive in nature is
to be given to the students for self-directed learning
4. Show Video/animation films to explain functioning of various application of equipments in
particulate technology.
5. Use different instructional strategies in class room teaching
Evaluation) Computed)
MCQ/Quiz + 20 Assignment/Re
Open book test port
+ Activity
SEE End End of the 50 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5,6
(Semester Exam course
Student Feedback Studen Middle of the Feedback 1,2,3,4,5,6
on course ts course forms Delivery of
1. SEE is conducted for 100 Marks with 3 Hours duration.
2. I.A. test shall be conducted for 30 marks. Average Marks of all tests will be reported out of 30
marks; any fraction will be rounded off to the next higher digit.
3. Assessment of assignment and student activity is evaluated through appropriate rubrics by the
respective course coordinator. The secured mark in each case is rounded off to the next higher
Faculty need to device appropriate rubrics as per the activity
Dimensio Unsatisfactor Developing Satisfactor Good Exemplary Studen
n y y t Score
2 4 6 8 10
Collection Does not Collects Collect Collects Collects a 8
of data collect any very limited much some basic great deal of
information information information; information information
relating to the ; some but very ; most refer ; all refer to
topic relate to the limited to the topic the topic
topic relate to the
Fulfil Does not Performs Performs Performs Performs all 6
team’s perform any very little very little nearly all duties of
roles & duties assigned duties but duties duties assigned
duties to the team unreliable. team roles
Shares Always relies Rarely does Usually does Normally Always does 8
work on others to do the assigned the assigned does the the assigned
equally the work work; often work; rarely assigned work
needs needs work without
reminding reminding having to be
Listen to Is always Usually Talks good; Listens, but Listens and 8
other talking; never does most but never sometimes speaks a fair
Team allows anyone of the show talk too amount
mates else to speak talking; interest in much
rarely listening
allows others
others to
Average / Total Marks: (8+6+8+8)/4 7.5 = 8
Model Question Paper
I A Test (CIE)
Programme: Semester: I
Course : Max Marks : 30
Course Code : T Duration: 80 min
Name of the course coordinator: Test : I
Note: Answer one full question from each section. One full question carries 10 marks.
Qn.No Question CL CO PO Marks
Model Question Paper
Semester End Examination
Programme: Semester: I
Course : Max Marks: 100
Course Code: Duration: 3 Hrs
Instruction to the Candidate:
Answer one full question from each section. One full question carries 20 marks.
Qn.No Question CL CO Marks
Section- 3
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 38
Diploma in Chemical Engineering 2020-21 C20
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Course Code 20CS01P Semester I/II
Information Technology is crucial to the majority of the business and has a great influence on
innovation and engineering. Every branch of engineering and every organization opt for
computers and IT skills for business automation, communication/connectivity, resource
planning, work automation and securing information etc. All engineering diploma students must
be conversant with the basic IT skills which empower them to learn new technologies, adapt to
changes, business development, communication etc.
1. Introduction to basics of coding.
2. Designing and maintaining web-based applications that include static and dynamic content.
3. Introduction and use of Cloud, cloud services and IoT.
4. Introduction to principles of business automation and ERP
5. Use the best practices of Cyber Safety and security.
1 3 Junior software developer - web.
2 3 Junior Creative Designer/Digital Artist
STUDENT Basic Computer skills (Students without basic computer skills should be taught
basic skills)
TEACHER Computer science faculty with required knowledge of IT Skills.
These are sample strategies, which teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the
various course outcomes
1. Lecturer method(L) does not mean only traditional lecture method, but different type of
teaching method and media visual/graphical content that are employed to develop the
2. Massive Open on-line courses (MOOCS) can be used to teach various topics/sub topics.
3. Online coding platform wherever mentioned.
4. Hands on coding should be practiced.
5. About 15 to 20% of the topics/sub topics which is relative simpler or descriptive in nature is to
be given to the students for self-directed learning
3.4 Enterprise resource planning
a. History
b. Evolution
c. Uses of ERP
d. ERP software tools.
Note: The student should be introduced into
Enterprise resource planning software tools to
understand importance of ERP.
a. https://erpnext.com/
b. www.bitrix24.com
c. https://www.odoo.com/
3.5 Activity:
a. Project plan for summer internship - use open
source ERP Software
b. Identify different components of nearby
organization with recourse plan and workflow
c. Identify types of ERP software available with
their market share.
1. Understand Cloud 4.1 Fundamentals of cloud 04-0-8
concepts 4.2 Cloud service models concepts
a. IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
2. Identify and use
b. PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)
Cloud services
c. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)
3. Examine Internet of 4.3 Cloud deployment types (only concept)
Things a. Public,
b. Private,
c. Hybrid
d. Community Cloud
4.4 Cloud services:
a. Google Drive - file storage and synchronization
service developed by Google;
b. Google docs- bring your documents to life with
smart editing and styling tools to help you easily
format text and paragraphs;
c. Google Co-lab (Usage of Jupyter Notebook): Colab
notebooks allow you to combine executable code
and rich text in a single document, along with
images, HTML, LaTeX, and more.
d. Google App Engine: Google App Engine is a Platform
as a Service and cloud computing platform for
developing and hosting web applications in Google-
managed data centers. Applications are sandboxed
and run across multiple servers.
b. DoS attack
c. Man in the middle attack
d. Spamming
e. Virus
The suggested practical activities (TABLE-I) in this section are demonstrated for the attainment of
the competency. These practical activities can also be used for the student assessment in portfolio
mode for awarding CIE marks.
1. It is compulsory to prepare log book/record of exercises. It is also required to get each
exercise recorded in logbook, checked and duly dated signed by the teacher
2. Student activities are compulsory and are also required to be performed and noted in
3. Student activity is compulsory and part of skill assessment. The activity enable student to
explore the course, help student to demonstrate creativity & critical thinking.
4. Student activity report is compulsory part to be submitted at the time of practical ESE
5. Term work report is compulsory part to be submitted at the time of practical ESE.
6. Student activity and student activity reports must be uploaded to Learning management
7. For CIE, students are to be assessed for Skills/competencies achieved.
7 Android
8 https://www.khanacademy.org
Tools for Web Development
a. https://www.wix.com
9 b. https://atom.io/
c. https://www.openelement.com/
d. https://www.layoutit.com/
17. RUBRICS for Skill Test Evaluation (Both for CIE & SEE)
1 Design-Written
Skill Test 1: Algorithm / Flowchart/Visual Design 30
Skill Test 2: Web site visual design
Skill Test 3: Work flow or Project plan or cyber security
plan or Cloud service Concept
2 Implementation 50
Skill Test 1: Android application
Skill Test 2: Web site / Web pages
Skill Test 3: Create or use cloud service account or
Cyber safety and security- Antivirus
Installation or browser settings
3 Appeal and Presentation 20
Total 40
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is essential for all streams of diploma
engineering to work in any industry as it covers basic electrical safety,troubleshooting and
repairing of simple electrical systems. Basic knowledge of electrical wiring circuits, protective
devices, electrical machines and basic electronics devices is required to work in any engineering
1. Expose to different learning tools used in respective labs, Operational safety and Procedure
to be followed in the laboratory.
2. Instructor should give examples from daily routine as well as, engineering/technology
applications on various concepts and principles in each topic so that students are able to
understand and grasp these concepts and principles. In all contents, SI units should be
3. Activity- Theory - Demonstrate/practice approach may be followed throughout the course
so that learning may be skill and employability based.
Unit Unit Name Hours
1 Electrical Safety 6
2 Electrical Fundamentals 15
The following topics/subtopics is to be taught and assessed in order to develop Unit Skill sets for achieving CO to
attain identified skill sets
Unit skill set
Sl (In cognitive domain) Hours
No On successful completion of Topics/Subtopics Practical L-T-P
the class, the students will
be able to
Electrical Safety
1 Comply with the Electrical 1. Electrical Symbols 1. Electrical symbols 02-00-
safety 2. Electrical safety related to electrical 04
• Identify Various types of safety signs engineering.
and what they mean 2. Electrical safety
• Demonstrate and practice use of PPE 3. Electrical earthing
• Demonstrate how to free a person
from electrocution
• Administer appropriate first aid to
victims, bandaging, heart attack, CPR,
• Fire safety, causes and precautionary
• Use of appropriate fire extinguishers
on different types of fires.
• Demonstrate rescue techniques
applied during fire hazard, correct
method to move injured people
during emergency
• Inform relevant authority about any
abnormal situation
• Earthing: Types
Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/sym
Ø http://bouteloup.pierre.free.fr/
Electrical Fundamentals
2 1. Identify and select the 1. Describe the sources of electrical 1:0:2
different measuring energy. 1. Connect voltmeter
devices. 2. Electrical current, voltage, emf,
2. Identify different potential difference, resistance with
and ammeter in a
electrical supply systems their SI units. simple circuit.
3. Identify open circuit, 3. Mention the meters used to (Practicing of
close circuit and short measure different electrical identification and
circuit conditions. quantities. connection of
Identification Measuring devices
different meters)
• Ammeter
• Voltmeter
• Wattmeter
• Ohmmeter
• Digital Multimeter
• Megger
• Tong tester
4. Explain supply systems like AC, DC.
Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/units.ht
3 Calculate basic electrical • Relationship between V, I and 1. Measure current, 1:0:2
quantities R. (Ohms law) voltage and analyze
• Behavior of V, I in Series and effective resistance in
Parallel DC circuits.
• Describe open circuit, close circ
uit and short circuit 2. Demonstrate effects
of shorts and opens in
a circuit
• http://nreeder.com/Flash/ohm
4 Connect resistances in 1. Equation to find the effective 1. Determine the 1:0:2
different combination Resistances connected in series equivalent Resistance of
2. Equation to find effective Resistances parallel connected
connected in parallel resistances.
3. Resistances connected series and
parallel combinations
4. Simple problems.
5 Calculate and measurement Ac sinewave: Sinusoidal voltage, Generate and 1:0:2
of different parameters of current, amplitude, time-period, cycle, demonstrate the
an AC quantity. frequency, phase, phase difference, measurement of
and their units. frequency, time period
Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/freqPe
and phase difference of
AC quantity using CRO
Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/oscillo
6 1. Calculate and measure 1. Electrical work, power and power • Measure the voltage, 1:0:2
electric power and energy factor current, powerusing
2. Identify and differentiate • SI units relevant measuring
Single phase and Three • Mention the meters used to instruments in a Single-
phase supply measure them phase load.
Protective Devices and Wiring circuits
8. 1. Identify and select • Necessity of Protective Devices 1. Wire up and test PVC 1:0:2
Protective Devices for given • Various Protective devices and Conduit wiring to
current and voltage rating their functions control one lamp from
2. Identify and select the •fuse wire, two different places
various electrician tools •Glass cartridge fuse using suitable
• HRC fuse protective devices.
• Kit-kat fuse
• Relay
• Different types of electrician
tools and their function.
• Describe various wiring tools.
• State procedure of care and
maintenance of wiring tools.
9 1. Identify and select Wiring 1. Describe different types of wiring 1. Wire up and test PVC 2:0:4
systems for a given systems. Conduit wiring to
applications • Surface conduit control of 2 sockets and
2. Identify and select the • concealed conduit 2 lamps.
cables used for different • PVC casing capping
current and voltage 2. Wiring systems and their
ratings. applications.
3. Draw the wiring diagram 3. Describe the types of wires, cables
used for different current and voltage
10 Estimate and plan electrical Explain Plan and estimate the cost of Prepare the estimation 1:0:2
wiring electrical wiring for one 3m × 3m room and plan
consisting of 2 lamps, 1ceiling fan, 2
three pin sockets.
Electrical Machines and Batteries and UPS
11 1. Identify the types of Transformer Connect the Single- phase 1:0:2
transformer. • working principle transformer as Step-Up,
2. verify the transformation • Transformation ratio Step-Down transformer
ratio. • Types and applications with their and verify the
ratings transformation ratio.
Introduction to Electronic Devices and Digital Electronics
15 Identify and differentiate 1.Compare Conductors, insulators and Determine the value of 1:0:2
Conductors, insulators and semiconductors with examples. resistance by color code
semiconductors. 2. Identification of types and values of and compare it with
resistors-color codes. multimeter readings.
Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/resistor.
16 Identify and test PN PN junction diode Identify the terminals of a 1:0:2
junction Diode • Symbol Diode and test the diode
• Characteristics for its condition.
• Diode as switch.
• Types of diodes and ratings
• Applications
17 Build and test bridge Rectifier Construct and test bridge 1:0:2
rectifier circuit • Need for AC to DC conversion rectifiers using semi-
• Bridge rectifier with and without conductor diode and
C filter, rectifier IC.
• Rectifier IC. Compare the waveforms
using CRO.
18 1. Identify and test Transistor (BJT) 1. Identification of 1:0:2
Transistor • Symbol transistor terminals and
2. Build and test transistor • Structure test.
as an electronic switch • Working principle 2. Construct and test the
transistor as an
electronic switch
19. 1. Identify and test different • Comparison of analog and digital • Test a Digital IC. 2:0:4
digital IC signal • Identification and
1. • Digital systems, examples. selection of suitable
• Binary numbers, Boolean ICs for basic gates.
identities and laws. 1. Verify NOT, AND, OR,
• Digital system building blocks: NOR, EXOR and NAND
Basic logic gates, symbols and gate operations (two
truth tables. inputs).
IC-Definition and advantages.
20 Identify and test various 1.Sensors 2. Connect and test an IR 2:0:4
Sensors and actuators. • Concept proximity sensor to a
• Types: Temperature, Pressure, Digital circuit.
Water, Light, Sound, Smoke, • Connect and test a
proximity Sensors, Flow, relay
humidity, voltage, vibration, IR circuit using an Opto-
(Principle/working, ratings/ coupler. (Photo Diode
specifications, cost, and & Transistor)
applications) Refer note
• Concept
• Types and applications.
• Relay as an actuator.
Total 0:0:52
Course Outcome PO Level &
CO Mapped R/U/A Practical
in Hrs
CO1 Comply with the safety PO1, 1-2 A 6
procedures PO4
CO2 Apply the fundamentals of PO1, 3-7 A 15
electricity. PO4
CO3 Install and test electrical wiring PO1, 8-12 A 15
system and protective devices. PO4
CO4 Identify and Operate electrical PO1, 13-17 A 15
machines, Batteries and UPS. PO4
CO5 Identify and test the different PO1, 18-26 A 27
electronic devices. PO4
5. learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/transistors
6. www.pitt.edu/~qiw4/Academic/ME2082/Transistor%20Basics.pdf
7. www.technologystudent.com/elec1/transis1.htm
8. www.learningaboutelectronics.com
9. www.electrical4u.com
10.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLW 7TPf310
11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PTNjw-hQIM
Shares Always relies Rarely does Usually does Normally Always does
work on others to do the assigned the assigned does the the assigned
equally the work work; often work; rarely assigned work
needs needs work without
reminding reminding having to be
Listen to Is always Usually does Talks good; Listens, but Listens and
other talking; never most of the but never sometimes speaks a fair
Team allows anyone talking; show talk too amount
mates else to speak rarely allows interest in much
others to listening
speak others
Average / Total Marks:
10 Wire wound Resistors- 5 Ohms 2 Watts, 25 Ohms 5 Watts, 330 Each 05 Nos.
Ohms 2 Watts, 560 Ohms 2 Watts, etc.
11 Soldering Iron 60 W 05 Nos.
13 Single Phase Energy meter 10 A, 230 V, 50 Hz, Digital type 05 Nos.
21 Digital IC’s 7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7486 etc Each 10 Nos.
23 Wiring accessories
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Technicians working in industries or elsewhere essentially require the knowledge of environmental
science so as to enable them to work and produce most efficient, economical and eco-friendly finished
1. Solve various engineering problems applying ecosystem to produce eco – friendly products.
2. Use relevant air and noise control methods to solve domestic and industrial problems.
3. Use relevant water and soil control methods to solve domestic and industrial problems.
4. To recognize relevant energy sources required for domestic and industrial applications.
5. Solve local solid and e-waste problems.
At the end of the course student will be able to know :
CO1 Importance of ecosystem and terminology.
CO2 The extent of air pollution, effects, control measures and acts.
CO3 The extent of noise pollution, effects, control measures and acts.
CO4 The water and soil pollution, effects, control measures and acts
CO5 Different renewable energy resources and efficient process of harvesting.
CO6 Solid Waste Management and Environmental acts.
Marks: 15 Unit-1 Ecosystem Allotted Hrs: 03
Structure of ecosystem, Biotic & Abiotic components, Aquatic (Lentic and Lotic) and terrestrial ecosystem.
Global warming - Causes, effects, Green House Effect, Ozone depletion.
Marks: 20 Unit-2Air Pollution Allotted Hrs: 03
Air pollution, Natural and manmade sources of air pollution, Effects of air pollution.Air Pollutants and Types.
Control of air pollutants by Cyclone separator and Electrostatic Precipitator, Air (prevention and control of
pollution) act 1981
Marks: 10 Unit-3 Noise Pollution: Allotted Hrs: 02
Noise pollution: sources of pollution, measurement of pollution level, Effects and Control of Noise pollution,
Noise pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
Marks: 20 Unit- 4Water and Soil Pollution: Allotted Hrs: 06
Water pollution and Sources of water pollution, Types of water pollutants, Characteristics of water
pollutants,control measures of water pollution.
Definition and list unit operations in water and WasteWater Treatment process,Water (prevention and
control of pollution) act 1974, Water conservation – Importance of Rain Water Harvesting.
Soil pollution, Causes, Effects and Preventive measures of Soil Pollution due to Excessive use of Fertilizers,
Pesticides and Insecticides
Marks: 20 Unit-5 Renewable sources of Energy Allotted Hrs: 07
Solar Energy: Basics of Solar energy. Definition and advantages of advanced solar collectors. Solar water
heater and Solar stills and their uses.
Biomass: Overview of biomass as energy source. Thermal characteristics of biomass as fuel.
Wind energy: Current status and future prospects of wind energy. Wind energy in India.
Need of new Energy sources, Different type’s new energy sources. Environmental benefits of New Energy
Sources-Hydrogen energy, Ocean energy resources, Tidal energy conversion.
Marks: 15 Unit-6 Solid Waste Management and Allotted Hrs: 05
Environmental Acts
Solid waste generation, Sources and characteristics of Municipal solid waste, Solid Waste Management rules
2016- 3R in SWM.
E- Waste generation, Sources and characteristics, E waste management rules 2016
Plastic Waste generation, Sources and characteristics, Recycled plastic rules 2016
Importance of Environment (protection) act 1986
Occupational health and safety measures.
Unit No & Name Detailed Course Content CO PO
Structure of ecosystem, Biotic & Abiotic components, Aquatic
CO1 1,5,7 1
1. (Lentic and Lotic) and terrestrial ecosystem.
Ecosystem Global warming - Causes, effects. CO1 1,5,7 2
Green House Effect, Ozone depletion - Causes, effects CO1 1,5,7 3
Air pollution, Natural sources of air pollution, Man Made
CO2 1,5,7 4
sources of air pollution
Air pollutants and Types, Effects of Particulate Pollutants and
2. CO2 1,5,7 5
control by Cyclone separator
Air and Pollution
Effects of Particulate Pollutants and control by Electrostatic
Precipitator, Air (prevention and control of pollution) act CO2 1,5,7 6
Noise pollution: sources of pollution, Measurement of Noise
CO3 1,5,7 7
3. pollution level.
Noise Pollution Effects and Control of Noise pollution.
CO3 1,5,7 8
Noise pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
4. Sources of water pollution. Types of water pollutants,
CO4 1,5,7 9
Water and Soil Characteristics of water pollutants.
Pollution: Control measures of water pollution. CO4 1,5,7 10
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 66
Diploma in Chemical Engineering 2020-21 C20
(a) Suggested Learning Resources:
1. S.C. Sharma & M.P. Poonia, Environmental Studies,Khanna Publishing House,NewDelhi
2. C.N. R. Rao, Understanding Chemistry, Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
3. Arceivala, Soli Asolekar, Shyam, Waste Water Treatment for Pollution Control and
Reuse, Mc-Graw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., New York, 2007, ISBN:978-07-062099.
4. Nazaroff, William, Cohen, Lisa, Environmental Engineering Science, Willy, New York, 2000,
ISBN 10: 0471144940.
5. O.P. Gupta, Elements of Environmental Pollution Control, Khanna Publishing House, New
6. Rao, C. S., Environmental Pollution Control and Engineering, New Age International
Publication, 2007, ISBN: 81-224-1835-X.
1. Rao, M. N.Rao, H.V.N, Air Pollution, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publication, New delhi, 1988, ISBN: 0-
07- 451871-8.
2. Frank Kreith, Jan F Kreider, Principles of Solar Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York ; 1978,
ISBN: 9780070354760.
7. Aldo Vieira, Da Rosa, Fundamentals of renewable energy processes, Academic Press Oxford,
UK; 2013. ISBN: 9780123978257.
3. Patvardhan, A.D, Industrial Solid Waste, Teri Press, New Delhi, 2013, ISBN:978-81-7993-
4. Metcalf & Eddy, Waste Water Engineering, Mc-Graw Hill, New York, 2013, ISBN:
5. Keshav Kant, Air Pollution & Control, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi (Edition 2018)
(b) Open source software and website address:
1) www.eco-prayer.org
2) www.teriin.org
3) www.cpcp.nic.in
4) www.cpcp.gov.in
5) www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in
6) www.whatis.techtarget.com
7) www.sustainabledevelopment.un.org
8) www.conserve-energy-future.com
Teachers should use the following strategies to achieve the various outcomes of the course.
• Different methods of teaching and media to be used to attain classroom attention.
• Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/subtopics.
• 15-20% of the topics which are relatively simpler or descriptive in nature should be given to the
students for self-learning and assess the development of competency through classroom
• Micro-projects may be given to group of students for hand-on experiences
• Encouraging students to visit sites such as Railway station and research establishment around the
Mapping of Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes
CO Course Outcome PO Cognitive Theory Allotted marks for TOTAL
Mapped Level Sessions CIE on cognitive
In Hrs levels
CO1 Importance Of ecosystem 1,5,7 R,U 03 02 02 04
and terminology
CO2 The extent of air pollution, 1,5,7 R,U 03 03 02 05
effects, control measures
and acts.
CO3 The extent of noise 1,5,7 R,U 02 03 02 05
pollution, effects, control
measures and acts.
CO4 The water and soil 1,5,7 R,U 06 03 02 05
pollution, effects, control
measures and acts
1. Average marks of Three CIE shall be rounded off to the next higher digit.
2. Assessment of assignment and student activity is evaluated through appropriate rubrics by
the respective course coordinator. The secured mark in each case is rounded off to the next
higher digit.
1. Students chose one thing to reduce at home each week and write journal entries about their
successes and challenges implementing the change. In class, they form groups and create
"Do You Know?" posters.
2. Students pretend they are architects, and come up with a series of design changes to make
their school more environmentally friendly. They then grade their projects according to a
3. A presentation for Green Team Club members to introduce themselves and the purpose of
their club. They explain how to use their new recycling bins, in the classroom and in the
4. Ever wonder what's in your school's waste? This hands-on activity helps students assess
their school's waste in order to think of ways to reduce it. The results can be incorporated
into the school's recycling plan.
5. How do we measure climate change? What activities contribute to climate change?
6. 6. Start a compost or worm bin. Composting is a hands-on way to learn about important life
science concepts such as ecosystems, food webs and biodegradation. Students experience
how worms and other decomposers recycle fruits and vegetable scraps into compost. Use
the compost in your college garden! Have green team students make up a skit and present
details about the new composting program to all classrooms. Have them make signs for the
bins (compost, recycle, and landfill), monitor the waste collection at lunchtime, cart the food
waste to the compost, and decide how and where the compost will be used.
7. Paint posters and decorate bulletin boards or the doors to the cafeteria with waste- free
lunch messages to announce or support a waste-free event, and have students vote for
their favorite poster.
8. Conduct a classroom audit to identify waste and look for ideas to reduce and reuse.
Empower the student to set goals, search for solutions and review progress.
9. Go on a field trip. Visit your local landfill, recycling center, or a nearby composing facility
where the students can see first-hand what is happening to waste, and learn about the
lifecycle of waste and its affect on the environment.
10. Home energy audit:Have students make a list of all the appliances and light bulbs in their
house. How much energy does their house use if all the lights are on for 4 hours per day? If
their appliances are on for 2 hours per day? How much energy could they save if they
switched to energy-efficient appliances or lightbulbs?
11. Use recycled material in art projects:Recycled materials can make beautiful art projects
such as jewelry, planters, and bird houses. Incorporating materials that would otherwise be
thrown away into art projects can show your students how to find new uses for these items.
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 70
Diploma in Chemical Engineering 2020-21 C20
12. Life cycle :One way to show students what happens when you put something in the trash
versus recycling or reusing the object is to do a life cycle analysis. This is a flow chart that
shows the environmental impacts of an object, from extracting the raw materials to
decomposition and everything in between. When something is put in the trash instead of
being reused or recycled, the life cycle assessment will show a bigger environmental impact.
When something is reused or recycled, the environmental impact is less because raw
materials don’t need to be extracted to create something new.
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Course Code 20PM01T Semester II
Project Management
Course Title Course Group PM
No. of Credits 4 Type of Course Activity based study
6 Hrs Per Week (2Theory +4 hrs
Total Contact of classroom activities)
Course Category Theory with Activities
Hours 78 Hrs Per Semester
Prerequisites 10thLevel Mathematics Teaching 4 hrs per week classroom
Scheme sessions dedicated to case studies
& activities
CIE Marks 50 SEE Marks 50
Project Management is a confluence of Management principles and Engineering
subject area. This course enables the students to develop conceptualisation of
Engineering Management principles and apply the same for their engineering projects, in
their domains, example, Software Development project or Construction Project and so on.
The course integrates three core areas of Planning, Execution and Auditing of Projects.
Case Study 2c
CO’s P rogramme Outcomes s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Project Management CO1 3 3 0 0 2 0 1
CO2 3 3 3 0 0 0 1
CO3 3 0 0 3 0 3 1
CO4 3 0 0 3 0 3 1
CO5 3 2 0 0 2 0 1
CO6 3 0 0 0 2 0 2
Level 3- Highly Mapped, Level 2-Moderately Mapped, Level 1-Low Mapped, Level 0-
Not Mapped
These are sample Strategies, which teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the
various course outcomes
2. Lecturer method (L) does not mean only traditional lecture method, but different type
of teaching method and media that are employed to develop the outcomes.
3. Observing the way their more proficient peers use prior knowledge to solve current
challenges and persevere in problem solving will help struggling students to improve
their approach to engaging with rich contextual problems.
4. Topics be introduced always with a reallife example and then answering What, how,
why and when.
5. The teacher is able to show different ways to solve the same problem and encourage
the students to come up with their own creative ways to solve them.
6. In a perfect world, teacher would always be able to demonstrate how every concept can
be applied to the real world - and when that's possible, it helps improve the students'
understanding. When a concept cannot be applied in that manner, we can still share
how it might be applied within mathematics.
Semester End
8 Examination (SEE) 3 Hrs 100 50
Assessment (Written Test)
Total Marks 100
1. SEE (Semester End Examination) is conducted for 100 Marks theory course for a
time duration of 3 Hrs
2. Three CIE (written test), each of 30 marks for a time duration of 80 minutes shall be
conducted. Also, three CIE (MCQ or Quiz/Group Assignment/Individual student
activity or assignment) each of 20 marks for the time duration of 60 minutes shall
be conducted. Any fraction at any stage during evaluation will be rounded off to the
next higher digit
3. Assessment of assignment and student activity is evaluated through
appropriate rubrics by the respective course coordinator. The secured mark in each
case is rounded off to the next higher digit.
4.15 Introduction 3
4.19 Implementation
Case Studies:
Please note: The Tutors can either use the following Case studies and activities or Design
on their own, with the overall Learning Outcomes being met.
1. Dr. Sunil Kulkarni wants to build a house on his 9000 square feet (90x100) vacant plot
in Bengaluru. His requirements were given below.
i) He lives with his wife, parents and two college going children.
ii) He likes open space around his house and likes to do gardening during free
iii) His wife teaches Yoga and about 30 middle aged and old people attend the
daily sessions.
iv) He has a budget limitation of INR 230,00,000 for this project and wants to
present to his wife on their 20th wedding anniversary which is 18 months
v) His parents can not climb stairs and hence prefer a ground floor room
vi) All the rooms should have attached bathrooms
How-ever the Civil contractor who took the work, overshot the time and money available
and hence Dr Sunil was unhappy with the Architect firm who recommended the Contractor.
The Columbus Hospital proposed in Hubli is a 200 bed speciality private hospital for
treatment of Cancer. The hospital will come up on a 12 acre plot between Hubli-Dharwad. A
leading construction company has come forward to complete the hospital works from
concept to commissioning in 9 months. The promoters are willing to spend a premium to
complete the hospital in 9 month time and are not particular about type of construction, ie,
RCC, Steel frame etc. The key requirements are as follows:
i) 200 bed hospital of which 40 are for critical care (ICU), 40 for pre and post
Operative care
ii) 4 Operation Theatres - 2 Major (Minimum 800 SFT each) and 2 minor
(minimum 400 sft each)
iii) One full fledged Diagnostic laboratory (1500 Sft)
iv) One 24x7 pharmacy (360 Sft min)
v) Doctors rooms, Nurses enclosures, Change rooms
vi) Office with billing counters (min 2000 sft) for all administrative staff
vii) Wheel chair parking bays, Stretcher parking bays in all floors
viii) One Cafetaria with 50 person capacity
ix) One conference room with Multimedia equipment (300 sft min)
x) Parking for ambulances, 4 wheelers, two wheelers
xi) Reception and enquiry counter
xii) All amenities should be accessible for disabled persons
xiii) Incinerator, Waste storage and disposal area
xiv) Generator and fuel storage area
For case study 2 above, prepare an Implementation Plan using a spreadsheet software.
i) What happens if a pandemic affects the project in its 7thMonth? How do you
mitigate the possible issues in implementation?
ii) What happens if during the fourth month of projects the client decides to reduce
funds for the month by 50%?
For case study 2 above, prepare a Critical Path Method Chart (CPM) showing all main
activities in the WBS with milestones.
i) What happens if the client decides to complete the ground floor roof 15 days
ii) What happens if the client reduces the inflow of project funds by 50% for the
month 4?
iii) Write an Audit report for the project at the end of 6th month
Case Study 3:
Note: Answer one full question from each section. One full question carries 10 marks.
Qn.No Question CL CO PO Marks
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 85
Diploma in Chemical Engineering 2020-21 C20
Programme: Semester: I
Course: Max Marks: 100
Course Code: Duration: 3 Hrs
Instruction to the Candidate:
Answer one full question from each section. One full question carries 20 marks.
Qn.No Question CL CO Marks
Section- 3
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Course Code 20SC02P Semester I/II
Course Title STATISTICS AND Course Group Core
No. of Credits 4 Type of Course Lecture and practice
Course Category Practice Total Contact 6 Hrs Per Week
78 Hrs Per Semester
Prerequisites 10TH LEVEL Teaching Scheme (L: T:P)-1:0:2
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40
Statistics and analytics help the learner to use the proper methods to collect the data,
employ the correct analyses, effectively present the results and conduct research, to be
able to read and evaluate journal articles, to further develop critical thinking and
analytic skills, to act as an informed consumer and to know when you need to hire
outside statistical help. The python language is one of the most accessible programming
languages available because it has simplified syntax and not complicated, which gives
more emphasis on natural language.
CO1 Understand the tools of data collection, classification and cleaning of data.
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 87
Diploma in Chemical Engineering 2020-21 C20
analyze it.
Acquire the dataset from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets (For example
acquire the data of IPL ball by ball scores and find the standard deviation and
3 variance of score of a batsmen)and clean the data for the root cause of the
problem statement and summarize the date and explain the inference.
1 For the given ungrouped data set plot the A 2,3 1,2,4,5,7 50
bar graph by grouping the data in Microsoft
excel spread sheet and interpret the
obtained results. (Dataset. bar graphs and
interpretation have to be entered in the
answer script).
Generate a random data set in Microsoft
excel spread sheet containing 50 data and
find the mean mode and median in
Microsoft excel spread sheet and interpret
the obtained results. (Dataset, bar graphs
and interpretation have to be entered in the
answer script).
2 Write the python program to enter two A 4 1,2,4,5,7 50
integers and two strings and to print the
sum two integers and two strings.
Questions are not framed from Unit 1 in the final SEE. Short questions can only be asked
from that unit.
3 Conduction 20
4 Output and Interpretation of result 20
5 Viva-voce 20
2 laboratories. Each containing 30 computers (Desktop) with the following system
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Course Title Course Group Core
Today, Communication is a very important skill for the success of every millennial student.
Millennials affinity to use digital media for communication, changing career and working
landscapes, and greater competition in colleges and workplaces makes enhancing student
communication skills beyond language a must. Rote learning a few tips or tricks the night before an
interview or performance review won’t do the job if students are trying to make an impression in
highly collaborative workplaces of the future. Expectations from students aspiring to be part of
such future workplaces are that they have not just good verbal and non-verbal communication
skills but also a good understanding of how to use modern tools for effective communication.
To enable students to communicate clearly and effectively, by improving their verbal and non-
verbal communication skills, as well as enhancing interpersonal skills and knowledge of
appropriate tools for specific communication strategies.
Course Objectives
The objectives of communication skills course are:
• Build better communication skills: oral and written expressions and body language
• Enable critical thinking
• Empower with active listening skills
• Enable team work/collaboration
Instructional Strategy
To achieve course objectives, it is important to provide the blended mode of instruction for each of
the concepts. This blended mode of instruction enables and empowers students with:
• Understanding of Concept (Theory):
o Through definitions, discussions, explanation, conclusions.
o Through demonstrations: Show films or other workplace clips that model various
conversation skills. This provides greater clarity of the concept by
§ Enabling observation skills
§ Helping in expression of gesture
§ building confidence
• Application of Concept (Learning by doing): It is imperative that to become a good
communicator, the skills have to be built by applying the concept in the hypothetically
created real life situations. Students are encouraged to participate in each of these activities
during lab session to help build the effective communication skills.
o Use of technology tools like audio books, apps like voice thread or paper telephone,
§ To help in workplace conversions.
§ To increase active listening, pronunciation
§ To help in voice modulation
o Group discussion
§ Reinforce active listening
§ Enable group debate to imbibe healthy communication strategies
§ Sharpen the skills of “Asking clarifying questions”
§ Sharpen Feedback / Response skills
§ Time management skills
o Group presentations/peer reviews
§ Enable team work
§ Assess concept understanding
§ Sharpen both oral and written communication skills
o Group activities:
§ foster critical thinking
§ enable reflective learning
o Tools usage:
§ Understand the difference between a Dictionary and a Thesaurus
§ Understand “When” and “How” to use these tools for communication
Course Outcomes
After completion of this course, the student shall be able to;
• Communicate
o Identify audience (colleagues, management, customers/vendors)and use the right
methodologies for communication using the right terminology, names, grades and
other nomenclature pertaining to the trade, tools and specific equipment.
• Write
o in at least one language correctly
o basic level notes and observations
o job cards, work sheets, basic report writing and responding to emails, simple
presentations, job applications, resume
• Read
o Technical manuals, task sheets/job orders, policies and regulations pertinent to the
job, including OEM guidelines.
o all instructions given in memos, manuals, documents or those put up as posters
across the premises
o safety precautions mentioned in equipment manuals and panels to understand the
potential risks associated
• Question
o Ask right questions
Course Content
The following are the various units to be taught and assessed in order to ensure the student is able
to demonstrate the Course Outcomes mentioned in the Course Outcome section.
Teachers are required to administer pre-assessment before starting the actual instruction. This
helps in gathering information about students’ like their attitude, beliefs, interests, and learning
communication framework
• Elements of communication:
sender, receiver, message
• Refer to activity in Unit activity
Barriers to Language 0:2:2
communication • Lack of linguistic ability (video clip
• Grammar play,
Context tutorial,
• Psychology role play)
• Physiology
• inefficient or inappropriate
information systems
• Lack of communication channel
• lack of understanding of the roles
and responsibilities
• Perceptions
• Preconceived notions
Importance of listening
Barrier to listening:
• Mental filters
• Multitasking
• Information overload
Strategies for listening:
• Recall
• Acknowledge
• Summarize
• Listen with eyes for connecting to
non-verbal connection
• Empathize
• Pay attention
• Ask clarifying questions
Effective Listening Behaviors:
• Maintaining relaxed body posture
• Leaning slightly forward if sitting
• Facing person squarely at eye level
• Maintaining an open posture
• Maintaining appropriate distance
• Offering simple acknowledgements
• Reflecting meaning (paraphrase)
• Reflecting emotions
• Using eye contact
• Providing non-distracting environment
Behaviors that hinder effective listening
• Acting distracted
• Autobiographical (Telling your own
story without acknowledging theirs first)
• No response
• Invalidating response, put downs
• Interrupting
• Criticizing
• Judging
• Giving advice/solutions
• Changing the subject
• Reassuring without acknowledgment
• Resume writing /CurriculumVitae
• Report Writing
• Portfolio writing
• Formal letters
UNIT5: English - Reading Skills, Grammar & Vocabulary
Lesson Outcome:
At the end of the session, student should be able to:
• Read sentences with punctuation.
• Understand the techniques of reading complex words.
• Understand and apply the reading techniques for efficient reading.
• Understand the usage of communication tools like Thesaurus and Dictionary that aids in
improving vocabulary and reading.
• Understand and apply the functional grammar aspects in day today communication.
Comprehension activities Passage comprehension
Conversation comprehension 0:2: 2
Reading Techniques for smart
skills reading
Strategies for smart reading:
• Skimming and scanning through
the text, inferring the meaning
• Questioning, summarizing
Grammar List of Commonly Set of words to accelerate the English 0:1: 2
confused words and how language learning and usage.
to use/avoid them Strategies to use these words effectively
o Declarative Techniques of categorizing sentences, 0:1: 2
sentence understanding how to build with
o Imperative punctuation and effectively use in the
sentence verbal and non-verbal communication.
o Interrogativ This involves more of hands on
Vocabulary e sentence activities.
o Exclamator
y sentence
Using signature
Presentation using Creating, Editing, Saving slides 0:1:2
One-to- PowerPoint Using Animation
Many Formatting options
Webinar / Web Hosting online meeting using online meeting 0:1:1
Presentation (zoom, tools
Google meet, Skype) Inviting people
Sharing screen
Other Reports using MS Open, close, Edit and Save usage with 0:1: 2
Word documents
Layout and strategies for creating report
Sample report creation demo with follow on
Core subject project report submission
Data & Graphs using Open, close, save and edit the excel 0:1: 2
MS Excel document
Creating data
Using basic maths operation in Excel for
working with data
Creating simple graphs
Assignment: For example, creating statistics
of subject wise activities completed for 6
months in the credit course
1. 42 sounds revision:
UNIT 1: English –
Activities: Introduction
• Helps in spelling
• Helps in pronunciation
2. Reading commonly used words loud from the list (list
will be provided in the workbook):
• This helps in getting familiarity with the word
pronunciation and helps in reading.
3. Blending words activity:
• Write simple three letter words (CVC/CVCC/CVCV)
pattern words: Can, Cap, Snap, cape (list will be
provided in the workbook)
• Show how to blend with the sound.
• Starting with 3 letter words and continuing to 6 to 8
letter words. Note: Remember before going through
big words, it is always important to assess and ensure
the student is aware of all the 42 sounds and are
comfortable making small words.
Parts of Speech:
• College go to youeveryday.
• Makes spider web the a
Gender, Singular and Plurals:
• Match the following activity for singular and plural
• Fill in the blanks activity for genders
Reading & Comprehension: Conversation
Group of students, one participant whispers in another
participant’s ear, and this message has to be passed on
in a circle until it reaches back the sender. Making a note
of process of message conveyed and how it was
o Identify the communication gap if any.
o Discuss and conclude the communication
framework importance
o Discuss/reiterate how to make communication
framework strong.
1. Role play to assess the understanding of building
blocks of communication: (can be tapered to the
core skills of diploma courses, following are just few
of the examples)
a. Announcing the result of students in the
b. Announcing the job placement of students
(people, context, message, form of message)
c. Discussing the guidelines of examination
(listening skills)
d. Listening to the weather forecast without
seeing and making note of the listening
ability (play video of weather forecast) –
Assess based on how much the student is
able to recall.
2. Run National geography/Discovery Video
clip/subject related technical video clip on YouTube:
o if the student has not understood what a
speaker expressed
o about work or safety related issues
o seeking clarification or advice appropriately
from colleague, customer, management or
1. Voice/tone modulation: Showcase video
Body language
Unit 4: communication
Simon Says:
Instructions and set up :
Assessment Methodology
a. Observation (role play activities, team activities, demonstration)
b. Questions & Answer – Periodic Assessment
Advanced Knows and practices good body language all times, can present
Expert Knows and practices good body language all times, is an example,
Leads the pack to get better
Listening Skills
Beginner Just hears, no attention
Intermediate Listens, pays attention, does not ask any question
Good Listens, pays attention, ask questions
Advanced listens, pays attention, asks questions, cannot empathize
Expert Listens, pays attention, asks clarifying questions, able to understand
the message communicated
Acceptability to Learn
Low is not receiving to information
Average receives information but resists to implement
Good , Above Average receives information and implements per instructions
Strong receives information and proactively implements and seeks feedback
Verbal Communication
Beginner Does not communicate, shy, low on confidence: has problem
expressing in his/her native language or English language
Intermediate Can communicate in native language, low confidence, shy, yet to try in
English language
Good Can communicate in native language, good confidence, tries to
communicate in English language
Advanced Can communicate in native language, express view points, good
confidence, comfortable talking to people in the team, tries to
communicate in English language aswell
Expert Can communicate in native language, express view points, very good
confidence, can communicate with anyone without any fear, asks
clarifying questions, communicates well in English, or tries hard to
communicate in English language as well
Beginner Struggles to understand the non-verbal cues, has to work on body
language, has hard time understanding the written communication
Intermediate Can understand the non-verbal cues, has to practice, tries to apply
written communication aspects
Good Can understand non-verbal cues, practices well, works hard to get
hold on written communication skills, exhibits confidence in whatever
task is given
Advanced Can understand non-verbal cues, can work on written communication
aspects, exhibits confidence, practices well, help others to identify
non-verbal cues
Expert Can understand non-verbal cues, train others, confident, exhibits good
non-verbal cues at all times, can train the pack, has good hold on
written communication as well.
Max. Test
Sl.No Assessment Schedule Duration
1 Skill Test 1 At the end of 3rd week of the sem 2 Hrs 20
2 Skill Test 2 At the end of 7th week of the sem 2 Hrs 20
3 Skill Test 3 At the end of 13th week of the sem 2 Hrs 20
Total 60
Scheme of Valuation for CIE
Serial no Assessment Marks
Communication Skills (20EG01P)
Example Only
Faculty need to develop appropriate rubrics as per the assigned activity for assessment
Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Student
2 4 6 8 10 Score
Language Basics Doesn’t know Can read and Confident , Confident , Can read, 8
/ understand identify able to able to understand;
commonly communicate communicate Also
used words well with well with comprehend
known anyone using & can train
people a English others
Reading Beginning to Can read, Can read, Can read, Confident , 6
read, has identify understand, understand, read simple
native words, build build words, build words, and complex
language simple 3/4/5 read simple read simple sentences
impact letter words sentences ; sentences ; with
easily Also Also punctuation,
comprehend comprehend comprehend,
spell also
build words
Inter personal Is shy, Hesitates to Can talk to Can talk to Confident, 8
communication doesn’t communicate unknown unknown can talk to
talk/express – due to lack people, less people, anyone,
of confidence confident, confident, express well,
/ ability, can does not can't express, works well
talk to express, has has hard in the team
known hard time time working
people working as a as a team
Body language Is shy, not Knows basics Knows basics Knows and Knows and 8
open to of Body of Body practices practices
communicate, language, language, good body good body
has hard time practices practices language all language all
making sometimes most times, times, can times, is an
friends has less present example,
confidence in content Leads the
presenting pack to get
content better
Average / Total Marks: (8+6+8+8)/4 7.5 = 8
Communication Skills (20EG01P)
Diploma in Chemical Engineering 2020-21 C20
Activity 1:
Make a group, read random words from the list, build sentence for few words from the list.
Create a group of 3 or 5 students. Randomly pick 5 words from the word list write down on the
board/show them as a chart if you have created a word chart/make chit of words and ask them to
pick one chit and READ the word.
Main idea: Testing the pronunciation ability, language ability, confidence in speaking, ability to
understand and accept the instruction
Activity 2:
Simple reading test – Reading passages (Simple passage from the current course book)
Show the reading passage, let each one of them read 2 lines, after first student is done with reading
two lines, then the next student must pick up from there and read next two lines. This process has
to be followed until the entire class is done with reading or at least ten students are done with
Main idea: Testing listening skills, attentiveness, language ability, pronunciation ability
Activity 3:
Students getting to know each other. Create a group of 3 or 5 students. Each student gets chance to
talk to another student, introduce him/herself to the student, ask question, make a note of the
answer against the name of the student who is answering the question on a sheet of paper.
Main idea: To assess current communication level, body language when students talk with each
other, and confidence.
Activity 3:
Making a group of students and getting to know each other with a predefined expectation for
I have performed on stage:
I’m good at sports:
I can speak more than 3 languages:
I’m always cheerful:
I like my mother tongue:
Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore
Engineering Drawing is an effective language of engineers. It is the foundation block which
strengthens the engineering & technological structure. Moreover, it is the transmitting link between
ideas and realization.
The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop different types of
skills leading to the achievement of the following competencies:
1. Prepare engineering drawings both manually and using CAD with given geometrical
dimensions using prevailing drawing standards and drafting instruments.
2. Visualize the shape of simple object from orthographic views and vice versa
CO4 Use computer software and Apply computer aided drafting tools to create 2D /3 D
engineering drawings
1. Teacher should show model of real of the component/part whose drawing is to be made.
Emphasis should be given on cleanliness, dimensioning and layout of sheet.
2. Focus should be on proper selection of drawing instruments and their proper use.
3. The institute should procure AutoCAD or other engineering graphics software for practice in
engineering drawings.
4. Separate labs for practice on Engineering graphics Software should be established.
The following topics/sub topics is to be taught and assessed in order to develop Unit Skill sets for
achieving CO to attain identified skill sets
with orthographic
(a) Theory of projection.
(b) Methods of projection.
(c) Orthographic projection.
(d) Planes of projection.
3. Conversion of simple
pictorial views into
Orthographic views. Illustrative
problems on orthographic
Note :
(1) Problem should be restricted
up to - Front view/Elevation,
Top view/Plan and Side views
Use First Angle Method only.
UNIT-5 5.1 Introduction to Isometric Projections 1. Isometric axis, lines and planes.
5.2 Isometric Scales and Actual Scale 2. Isometric scales.
5.3 Isometric View and Isometric 3. Isometric view and isometric
Projection drawing.
5.4 Conversion of Orthographic Views into 4. Difference between isometric 4-0-8
Isometric projection and isometric
5. Illustrative problems limited to
Simple elements
UNIT-6 6.1 Draw different types of 2D/3D 1 Difference between 2D & 3D 4-0-8
modeling entities using viewing models.
CAD Drafting
commands, to view them (Problems solved
2.2D/3D modeling – concept, Simple
in chapter no 3 and 4 i.e Orthographic,
isometric projection). objects
6.2 2D/3D modeling for Branch specific
TOTAL 26-0-52
1 Theory & practice should be in first angle projections and IS codes should be followed wherever
2 The dimensions of line, axes, distances, angle, side of polygon, diameter, etc. must be varied for
each student in batch so that each student will have same problems, but with different
3 The sketchbook has to contain data of all problems, solutions of all problems and student
activities performed.
4 Students activities are compulsory to be performed.
5. Dhawan, R. K. Engineering Drawing. S. Chand and Company, New Delhi; ISBN: 81-
6. Shah, P. J. Engineering Drawing. S. Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2008, ISBN:81-
7. Kulkarni, D. M.; Rastogi, A. P.; Sarkar, A. K. Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD . PHI
Learning Private Limited-New Delhi (2010); ISBN: 978-8120337831.
8. Jeyapoovan, T. Essentials of Engineering Drawing and Graphics using AutoCAD. Vikas
Publishing HousePvt. Ltd, Noida, 2011; ISBN: 978-8125953005.
9. Autodesk. AutoCAD User Guide. Autodesk Press, USA, 2015.
10. Sham, Tickoo. AutoCAD 2016 for Engineers and Designers .Dreamtech Press; Galgotia
Publication, New Delhi, 2015; ISBN 978-9351199113.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ4jGyDWCw
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmt6 n7Sgcg
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= MQScnLXL0M
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WXPanCq9LI
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvjk7PlxAuo
6. http://www.me.umn.edu/coursesme2011/handouts/engg%20graphics.pdf
7. https://www.machinedesignonline.com
3. Draw 45° inclined lines (Fig 3).
4.Draw the given types of lines using 0.5 range thickness of line according to the specification
(Fig 4).
12. Copy the sketch to 1:1 scale and dimension it using unidirectional system with Parallel
dimensioning method.
1 .Draw the three principal views of the component as shown in the figure.
1. .Draw the isometric view of the machine component whose orthographic views are given
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 131
Diploma in Chemical Engineering 2020-21 C20
4. Draw the isometric View of the machine component whose orthographic views are given below
The following topics/sub topics is to be taught and assessed in order to develop Unit Skill sets for achieving
CO to attain identified skill sets
UNIT Unit skill set Topics/Sub topics Hours
(In cognitive domain) L-T-P
1 Identification of set of standard screens, screen aperture 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
and mesh number.
Demonstrate the experiment to find out screen
Students to conduct an experiment to determine the
effectiveness of a given standard screen (do this exercise
and note down observations)
2 Calculate effectiveness of the given screen using the noted 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
down observation values from the previous class,
interpret and record the results
3 Students to demonstrate sieve analysis experiment. 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
Students to conduct an experiment on Sieve analysis of of
a given sample of particles. (do this exercise and note
down observations)
4 Perform calculations on the values noted down in 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
previous class, interpret the results obtained and record.
5 Demonstrate experiment on determination of particle size 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
using beaker decantation method. Students to conduct an
experiment on beaker decantation (do this exercise and
note down observations)
6 Perform calculations on the values from the previous class 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
to find out average particle size, interpret and record the
results obtained.
7 Demonstrate experiment on determination of particle size 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
using Air elutriation. Students to conduct an experiment
on Air elutriation (do this exercise and note down
8 Perform calculations on the values from the previous class 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
to find out average particle size, interpret and record the
results obtained.
9 Demonstrate experiment on determination of particle size 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
using Air permeability. Students to conduct an experiment
on Air permeability (do this exercise and note down
10 Calculate average particle size using the values noted 1 1,4 1 0-0-2
down in previous class, interpret and record the results
11 Demonstrate the operation of Leaf filter. Students to 2 1,4 2 0-0-2
conduct an experiment on Leaf filter to determine rate of
filtration and filter cake resistance. (do this exercise and
note down observations)
12 Perform calculations on the values observed and noted in 2 1,4 2 0-0-2
previous class and record the results obtained
13 Demonstrate the operation of Plate and frame filter press. 2 1,4 2 0-0-2
Students to conduct an experiment to determine rate of
filtration and filter cake resistance using lab model of
plate and frame filter press. (do this exercise and note
down observations)
14 Determine the rate of filtration and filter cake resistance 2 1,4 2 0-0-2
by performing calculations on values obtained from the
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 138
Diploma in Chemical Engineering 2020-21 C20
R/U/A in Hrs
CO1 Calculate average particle diameter
by sieve analysis, beaker
1,4 1-10 A 30 39
decantation, air permeability and air
elutriation and determine Screen
CO2 Calculate rate of filtration by Leaf 1,4 11-15 A 18 23
Filter, Plate and Frame Filter Press
CO3 Calculate the area of thickener using 1,4 16-20 A 12 15
sedimentation principles.
CO4 Calculate the power requirement in
1,4 21-26 A 18 23
size reduction by Jaw Crusher, Ball
Mill and Drop weight Crusher.
78 100
Course CO’s Programme Outcomes (PO’s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CO1 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
Particulate. CO2 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
CO3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
CO4 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
Level 3- Highly Mapped, Level 2-Moderately Mapped, Level 1-Low Mapped, Level 0- Not Mapped
Suggested learning resources :
1. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, McCabe and W.L Smith V Edn.,
2. Introduction to Chemical Engineering, Badger, W.L. and Banchero J.T, 3rd Edition,
McGraw Hill
3. Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Vol. 2
4. Particulate Technology and Separation Processes, Coulson J.M. and Richardson
J.F., 4th Edition.
5. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, McGrawHill .
Assessment for Practical (P) courses
Sl.No Assessment Duration marks Conversion
Semester End
Examination(SEE) Assessment
8. (Practical Test) 3 Hrs 100 40
Total Marks 100
Note: the following activities or similar activities for assessing CIE (IA) for 10 marks
1. Each student should conduct different activity and no repeating should occur
1 Take the students for industrial visit for a nearby industry; observe the safety
practices followed and activities. Make hand written report
2 Take the students for local industry works observe the operation of size
reduction/ size separation/ filtration/ sedimentation equipment and make a
3 Ask the students to collect information’s of a particular equipment including
types, technical specifications, price etc. and make a report
4 Submit an assignment/report on a allotted topic by the course coordinator
Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:
To Max Evidence
Method What (Frequency in Course outcomes
whom Marks collected
the course)
20 record 1,2,3,4
CIE exercises
(Continuous ONE Skill test 20 Blue book 1,2,3,4
Internal Activity Assignment/
Evaluation) Report
Students TOTAL 60
SEE (Semester
End End End of the
Examination) 40 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4
Exam course
Students 1,2,3,4 Effectiveness
End of the
End of Course Survey Questionnaires of Demonstrations&
Assessment Methods
1. SEE& Skill testsare conducted for 100 Marks with 3 hours duration.
2. CIEwritten test shall be conducted for 20 marks, any fraction will be rounded off to the next
higher digit.
3. Assessment of assignment and student activity is evaluated through appropriate rubrics by
the respective course coordinator. Any fraction in each case is rounded off to the next
higher digit.
Conduct an experiment to determine rate of filtration
3 and filter cake resistance in plate and frame filter press
3 Conduction 25
5 Viva 20
ಬಳ# ಕನ' ಡ – 1
Course Code 20KA21T Semester : II Course Group – AU/KA
Course Title ಬಳK ಕನ. ಡ – I Category : AU Lecture Course
No. of Credits 2 Type of Course CIE Marks : 50
Total Contact Hours 2 Hrs Per Week Teaching Scheme (L:T:P)= SEE Marks : Nil
26Hrs Per Semester 2:0:0
Part – II
Key to Transcription for Correct Pronunciation of Kannada Language, Instructions to Teachers 02
to teach Kannada Language
Part – III Lessons to teach Kannada Language - Listening and Speaking Activities
Lesson – 1 Personal Pronouns, Possessive Forms, Interrogative words 02