American English File 1. Workbook, 2nd Edition - Oxford (1) - Removed
American English File 1. Workbook, 2nd Edition - Oxford (1) - Removed
American English File 1. Workbook, 2nd Edition - Oxford (1) - Removed
G I ________________ f- -
4 There isn't any sugar in my tea. n
G T here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
C lues dowl1 ~ -
5 I didn 'r eat any snack s yesrerday.
G I ____________________________ [TI QJ_...
6 T here weren'r any sa nd wiches in rhe kitchen.
G T here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 1boughr a pineapple ar rhe supermarker.
r:J I ___________________________
8 T here \Vas some bread in rhe cuphoard.
r:J There _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e Comp lete rhe dialogue \Virh a, an, some, or ally.
A What do we need to buy for our dinner party? Let's make a listo
B Well, I want to make 1 _ ª_ lasagne, so we need 2 _ _ __
b Wr ire rhe words in rhe correcr column.
pasta and 3 meat.
apples bananas candy carrots chocolate cookies
A Pasta ... and meat. What about toma toes? Are there mushrooms onions oranges peas pineapple
• ____ tomatoes in the refrigerator? potatoes potato chips sandwiches strawberries
B Let's look. There's 5 ____ onion, but there aren't
" ____ tomatoes. Put those on the list, too. Vegetables Snacks Fruit
A OK ... there 7 ____ cheese? ªpples
B Yes, there's 8 _ _ _ _ mozzarella cheese, so that's perfect.
A Let's ha ve 9 salad with the lasagna.
B OK. Then we need to buy 10 _ _ _ _ lettuce.
A What about dessert? 15 there 11 fruit?
B No, there isn't. Let's get 12 strawberries.
3 PRONUNCIATION the letters ea 5 LlSTENING
a ~the word wirh a differemsound. a Listen ro four speakers talking abollt their
favor ite mea l. Complete the mea ls.
Speaker 1 roase _ _ _ __
1 meat breakfast tea
Speaker 2 tikka masa la
tree Speaker 3 hot dog and _ _ _ __
Speaker 4 sweet and sour lOfu and _ _ _ __
2 bread healthy ice cream b Listen again. Match the speakers lO the sentences.
Speaker 1 D A 1often ea r ir ourside.
Speaker 2 D B J always order ri ce with it.
3 eat great stea k Speaker 3 D e l have it at a loca l re staurant.
tra in Speaker 4 D O 1eat ir when [ visit my parenrs.
2 _ _ __
It was an l1~year~ old American boy who invented these.ln 1905, the boy, Frank Epperson,
wanted to make a drink. He put so me soda powder in a cup of water and used a stick
to mix it. Then he forgot about t he drink and left it outside. That night it was very cald,
so the mixture froze. Eighteen years later, he made so me more of the frozen mixture
and sold his first one at an amusement park. The British call them "ice pops."
Vou can find this liquid in young fru it that is still green. People drank it in South~East
Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean befo re it became popular as a health drink. Today,
athletes drink it after playing is very good for you as it is low in fats
and sugars. Doctors sometimes use it in an emergency beca use it is similar to
human plasma .