Personal Fitness Plan

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Personal Fitness Plan: Fitness Challenge

Name: Nelson Paul D. Bandola Section: BSMA 1-4 Date: February 20, 2021

Purpose: To establish a comprehensive fitness plan of lifestyle activity and to self-monitor progress in your plan.
(note: you may want to read again the basic concept and exercise prescription before accomplishing this

I. Exercise Clearance

1. Is it safe for you to participate in an exercise program?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No (If no, please, contact you doctor or instructor for further assistance)
[ ] with some limitations
[ ] others, please specify
Note: for any queries and assistance don’t hesitate to contact your instructor/teachers for assistance.

1. I fully understood all the exercise principles, basic fitness concepts, and exercise
prescription guidelines that I will be utilizing in planning and implementing my fitness

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

II. Step 1. Establishing your reasons

Write down some general reasons for developing your physical activity plan. Setting
goals requires more specific statements of goals that are realistic and achievable. For
people who are engaging in physical activity and exercise but not on a regular basis
stage for a specific type of activity, it is recommended that you write only short-term
physical activity goals (no more than 4 weeks).

1. Workout 3 times a week

2. Do stretching every day.
3. To lose 2-3% of body in one month.
4. To work out with a jump rope to not exaggerate myself on too much body weight exercise.
5. To maintain a healthy body even at home.
6. To do decent exercise appropriate to my body such as squat, sit ups, etc.
7. To walk for a minimum of 30 mins every day
8. To help on active house works
9. To jog or climb the stairs upside down for about 20-30 minutes 3 times per week
III. Step 2. Identify Your Needs Using Self-Testing Activities and Setting Fitness Goals

Use your results obtained from your previous self-assessment to determine your ratings.
If you took more than one self-assessment for one component of physical fitness, select
the rating that you think best describes your true fitness for that fitness component. If
you were unable to do a self-assessment for some reason, just indicate “No Results”.

Current Status Fitness Category Goal

Components Test Result Fitness Category Fitness Goal
Body Composition BMI=26.6 kg/m2 Overweight Acceptable

Cardiorespiratory Fitness 52.53 mL/kg/min Good High

-Modified Sit and Reach 11.5 left 11.3 right Marginal Good
-Zipper Test -1.5 left 1.5 right Marginal/Poor Marginal

-Trunk Rotation 10 left 12 right Poor Marginal

Muscular Strength and Endurance

IV. Step 3. Selecting Activities

In Chart below, indicate the specific activities you plan to perform from each area of the
physical activity pyramid. If the activity you expect to perform is listed, note the number
of minutes or reps/sets you plan to perform. If the activity you want to perform is not listed,
write the name of the activity or exercise in the space designated as “Other.” For
moderate activities, active aerobics, and active sports and recreation, indicate the length of
time the activity will be performed each day. For flexibility, indicate the number of
repetitions for each exercise.
Note: Please be mindful of the current situation (Covid-19 Pandemic) in selecting your activities. Choose
activities which are applicable given the situation, facilities, materials and most specially it follows
guidelines set by the government with this time of pandemic.

Chart 2: Lifetime Physical Activity Selection

Active Sports and

Lifestyle Activities Min./Day Active Aerobics Min./Day Min./Day
Walking 30 minutes Aerobic Dance Fitness Badminton
Yard Work Biking Mountain Climbing
Gardening Jogging or Running 20-30 minutes Karate
Active House work 1-3 hours Swimming Arnis
Biking as means of 10 minutes Bowling
Skipping Rope Activity
Circuit training or 5-10 minutes Table Tennis
Bodyweights exercises
Other: Other: Other:
Other: Other: Other:
Other: Other: Other:
Flexibility Reps/Sets Muscular Fitness Reps/Sets
Calf stretch Upper Extremity 2 reps
Hip and thigh stretch Lower extremity 2 reps
Groin stretch Core Exercises 2 reps
Hamstring stretch
Back stretch (leg hug)
Trunk twist 10 reps
Pectoral stretch
Arm hug stretch
Overhead arm stretches
Quad Stretch 2 reps Other: Plank 2 reps
Standing Hamstring
Stretch 10-reps Other:
Shoulder Stretch 10
reps Other:

V. Step 4. Making an Activity Plan

In Chart below, place a check on the shaded boxes for each activity you will perform for
each day you will do it. Indicate the time of day you expect to perform the activity or
exercise (Example: 7:30 to 8 a.m. or 6 to 6:30 p.m.). In the spaces labeled “Warm-Up
Exercises” and “Cool-Down Exercises,” check the warm-up and cool-down exercises
you expect to perform. Indicate the number of reps you will use for each exercise.
Chart 3: My Personal Physical Activity Plan

√ Monday Time √ Tuesday Time √ Wednesday Time

3:00 – 3:00 – 6:30 3:00 – 6:30
Lifestyle Activity 6:30 pm Lifestyle Activity pm Lifestyle Activity pm
5:00- 5:00-5:30
Active Aerobics 5:30 am Active Aerobics Active Aerobics am
Active Sports/Recre. Active Sports/Recre. Active Sports/Recre.
4:30 – 4:30 – 4:30 –
Flexibility Exercises* 5:00 am Flexibility Exercises* 5:00 am Flexibility Exercises* 5:00 am
6:10-6:40 6:10-6:40
Muscular Fitness* am Muscular Fitness* Muscular Fitness* am
6:00-6:10 6:00-6:10
Warm-up exercises am Warm-up exercises Warm-up exercises am
Cool-down Exercises am Cool-down Exercises Cool-down Exercises 6:40-7:00
3:00 – 6:30
Other: Other: Other:
Continuation of chart 3

√ Thursday Time √ Friday Time √ Saturday Time

3:00 – 3:00 – 6:30 3:00 – 6:30
Lifestyle Activity 6:30 pm Lifestyle Activity pm Lifestyle Activity pm
Active Aerobics Active Aerobics am Active Aerobics
Active Sports/Recre. Active Sports/Recre. Active Sports/Recre.

4:30 – 4:30-5:00 4:30 –

Flexibility Exercises* 5:00 am Flexibility Exercises* am Flexibility Exercises* 5:00 am
Muscular Fitness* Muscular Fitness* 6:10-6:40 am Muscular Fitness*
Warm-up exercises Warm-up exercises 6:00-6:10 am Warm-up exercises
Cool-down Exercises Cool-down Exercises Cool-down Exercises

Other: Other: Other:

√ Sunday Time √ Warm-up Exercises Time √ Cool-down Exercises Time

3:00 –
Lifestyle Activity 6:30 pm Lifestyle Activity Lifestyle Activity
Active Aerobics Active Aerobics Active Aerobics
Active Sports/Recre. Active Sports/Recre. Active Sports/Recre.
4:30 –
Flexibility Exercises* 5:00 am Flexibility Exercises* Flexibility Exercises*
Muscular Fitness* Muscular Fitness* Muscular Fitness*
Warm-up exercises Warm-up exercises Warm-up exercises
Cool-down Exercises Cool-down Exercises Cool-down Exercises
Other: Other: Other:

* Perform the specific exercise you checked in chart 2.

VI. Step 5. Monitoring and Evaluation

Make copies of My Personal Physical Activity Plan chart (one for each week that you
plan to keep records). Each day, make a check by the activities you actually performed.
From time to time check your goals to see if they have been accomplished. At some
point, it will be necessary to reestablish your goals and create a revised activity plan.
From time to time give feedback, updates, and motivation to your teammates/group
mates for them to achieve their goals. Positive reinforcement is highly needed.


After performing your plan for a specific period of time, answer the question on the
space provided.

How long have you been performing the plan?

I already started this plan after pandemic since we are all staying at home.
However, I am inconsistent in this plan that is why I’m unable to attain my fitness goal. At
present, I am already doing this for 2 weeks every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to avoid
injuries in overdoing such exercises.

Conclusions and Implications

1. In several sentences, discuss your devotion to your activity plan. Have you been able to
stick with it? If so, do you think it is a plan you can do for a lifetime? If not, why do you
think you are unable to do your plan?
I can say that I am not really devoted to my plan at first because I am
inconsistent where several interests and hobbies made me skip my
activity plan. But today, I can say now that I am consistent and committed
to this plan to be able to attain my dream body and a healthy lifestyle.
Also, I didn’t think that I will be sticking to this plan for a lifetime since
when I possible lose weight, I will be doing high intensity workouts to
reach my goal efficiently and effectively.
2. In several sentences, discuss how you might modify your plan in the future.
In the future, it is highly possible that I will be doing high intensity workouts
and put it in my plan. It will be added to my plan and possibly remove plan
that I necessarily think will not be appropriate in this plan. Number of
minutes can also be changed, it might increase which is far from my
present plan.
3. In general, what have you learned on doing this kind of activity? Explain your answer.
This kind of activity help to effectively formulate or make a plan which is
proper and suitable to your body. It helps me to become fit and give attention to my
body, especially where my family are all diabetic. That is why I’m pushing myself to
avoid such sickness and injuries that will make my condition worst if I’m possibly be
diabetic in the future. Also, I am overweight for almost 3 years and doing this kind of
activity consistently is already a huge achievement for me.
This is to acknowledge and certify that the data provided herein are true and correct.

Nelson Paul D. Bandola

Signature over printed name/ Date

Signature over printed name/ Date

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