Reseach Topic 1
Reseach Topic 1
Reseach Topic 1
Topic 1
Dean J. Champion, on his book Research Methods for Criminal Justice and
Criminology. Criminology and Criminal Justice research involves a great deal of writing.
Professors expect students to write term papers, case study, policy related, action based,
thesis, and undertake other projects to explore the different ways in which criminological
research will be carried out. This is very important in compliance with the requirements of
Bachelor of Science in Criminology. These projects will result in requiring the students
become involved in more elaborate research projects. Several types of writing will be
examined to, include term papers, literature reviews, position papers, theses and
According to Dean J. Champion, What are the major reasons for conducting
criminological research?
(1) Acquiring knowledge for the sake of knowledge;
(2) Determining answers to practical questions;
(3) Adding to the growing body of knowledge in the profession; and
(4) Acquiring useful knowledge and skills to transmit this information to others and
to direct their investigation.
a. It is a basis why people behave and react to the situation.
b. It is the basis why parents had been sending their children to school, to
learn, to advance and to discover many things that they want in life.
Good research will examine the whole spectrum of criminology from religion to
politics, from perversion to morality, from social reality to social pathology, and from ethics
to evil. It will examine the causes, the spread, the meaning, and the impact of and the changes
in society caused by crime. It will observe and question treatment, modification,
rehabilitation, reparation, and medical programs. It will investigate police, legal, probation,
and parole administration. Research will inquire into:
Research is basis why people improved in their way of living. The way they talk, walk,
and eat. It is a basis why people behave and react to the situation. It is the basis why parents
had been sending their children to school, to learn, to advance and to discover many things
that they want in life.
From the old French word cerchier, which means to “seek or search.”
“Search” = investigate
prefix “re” means “again”
research is “to investigate again.”
Research has been defined as "the process of gathering data or information to solve a
particular problem in a scientific manner (Manuel and Medel p.5)
Treece and Treece p.3 commented that "research in its broadest sense is an attempt
to gain solutions to problems. More precisely, it is the collection of data in a rigorous
controlled situation for the purpose of prediction or explanation.
Example of this statement is: People who own handguns commit murder; murder
rates would decline if civilians were deprived of handguns. Without reflecting on the issues
involved, we can see from this statement that certain facts, if ascertainable would clarify the
relationships. For instance, the statement, can be read, "Ownership of handguns causes
murders to occur", that is "A causes B", or "B is the effect of A".
Both A and B are identified as variables. Their position in the cause-and-effect chain
determines their status. The causal variable (in this case, A or gun ownership) is known as
the independent variables; the effect variables (B, murders) is the dependent variable. We
can now test the relationship between A and B, between murders committed and murderers
who own handguns.
The main or principal purpose and goal of research is the preservation and
improvement of the quality of human life. All kinds of research are directed toward this end.
"The purpose of research is to serve man," and "The goal of research is the good life." (Good
and Scates,) Due to research, man has attained great accelerating progress and is enjoying
the products of research such as the fast and comfortable land, sea, and air means of
transportation, the wonders of electricity like the radio, telephone, air conditioning, light in
the homes, movies, running machinery for industry, the computer, mobile phones, the potent
drugs that promote health and prolong life, and many other countless things. "To satisfy
man's craving for more understanding, to improve his judgment, to add to his power, to
reduce the burden of work, to relieve suffering, and to increase satisfactions in multitudinous
ways-these are the large and fundamental goals of research (Good and Scates, p.15).
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1. To discover new facts about known phenomena. (Alcohol is a known phenomenon
and research may turn it into a kind of fuel equal in quality to gasoline)
2. To find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing methods
and information. (Cancer is a serious disease which is only partially cured by present
methods but due to intensive and continuous research, the disease may be eradicated
later on).
3. Improve existing techniques and develop new instruments or products. (This
goal envisages the invention of new gadgets and machines, food products and others
used by man)
4. To discover previously unrecognized substances or elements. (Previously we
had only 92 elements but due to research we now have more than 100).
5. Discover pathways of action of known substances and elements (Due to research
we come to know the dangers from the abusive use of unprescribed drugs and some
poisonous substances).
These are suggested by French (Treece and Treece, Jr., p. 5) and the statements enclosed
in parentheses are examples by the author.
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