Energies: Hybrid Communication Architectures For Distributed Smart Grid Applications
Energies: Hybrid Communication Architectures For Distributed Smart Grid Applications
Energies: Hybrid Communication Architectures For Distributed Smart Grid Applications
Hybrid Communication Architectures for Distributed
Smart Grid Applications
Jianhua Zhang 1, * ID , Adarsh Hasandka 2 , Jin Wei 3 , S. M. Shafiul Alam 1 ID
, Tarek Elgindy 1 ,
Anthony R. Florita 1 and Bri-Mathias Hodge 1,2
1 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO 80401, USA;
[email protected] (S.M.S.A.); [email protected] (T.E.);
[email protected] (A.R.F.); [email protected] (B.-M.H.)
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA;
[email protected]
3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, USA;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (J.Z.); Tel.: +1-505-504-2302
Received: 9 March 2018; Accepted: 4 April 2018; Published: 9 April 2018
Abstract: Wired and wireless communications both play an important role in the blend of
communications technologies necessary to enable future smart grid communications. Hybrid networks
exploit independent mediums to extend network coverage and improve performance. However,
whereas individual technologies have been applied in simulation networks, as far as we know there
is only limited attention that has been paid to the development of a suite of hybrid communication
simulation models for the communications system design. Hybrid simulation models are needed
to capture the mixed communication technologies and IP address mechanisms in one simulation.
To close this gap, we have developed a suite of hybrid communication system simulation models to
validate the critical system design criteria for a distributed solar Photovoltaic (PV) communications
system, including a single trip latency of 300 ms, throughput of 9.6 Kbps, and packet loss rate of
1%. The results show that three low-power wireless personal area network (LoWPAN)-based hybrid
architectures can satisfy three performance metrics that are critical for distributed energy resource
Keywords: hybrid communication architecture; smart grid communication; distributed smart grid
applications; NS3 simulator; PLC; LoWPAN; WiFi Mesh; WiMAX; Ethernet
1. Introduction
The increasing penetration of distributed Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and Energy Storage
Systems (ESSs), including storage batteries and electrical vehicles, brings new challenges. It also
requires the evolution of the electricity distribution grids to enable their full utilization and effective
automation [1]. With distributed RESs providing an increasing proportion of total generation and ESSs
providing both high power density and high energy density to accommodate the uncertainty of RESs,
they must take on more responsibilities to ensure continued reliable and cost-effective distribution grid
operations [2–4]. These include providing voltage and reactive power support to aid local distribution
system operations, providing aggregated ancillary services to the bulk power system, as well as shifting
load from peak to off-peak and flattening the peak electricity demand. Therefore, the monitoring and
further control of these leading and emerging RESs and ESSs are progressively pervading modern
distribution networks. To achieve these goals, the communication infrastructure is required to allow for
bidirectional information exchange between distributed generation and storage elements and various
levels of the smart grid.
The envisioned underlying communication network for the smart grid applications broadly
consists of Home Area Networks (HAN), Neighborhood Area Networks (NAN), and a Wide Area
Network (WAN) in a multi-layer fashion. It is expected that a variety of communications technologies
will be utilized in the hybrid communications systems infrastructure. Many studies have been
dedicated to communication network architectures to coordinate distributed components, especially
renewable generation, in smart grids. Much of the work performed to date has focused on high-level
service and technology requirements and design principles with little attention to practical design
and implementation challenges [5–8]. Although useful insights have been provided in these studies,
the existing results cannot be directly extended and applied to practical smart grid communications
system design and deployment for the coordination of high-penetration distributed RESs and
storage devices.
Hybrid network architectures using both wireless and dedicated wired media have been
proposed and studied as a promising solution to smart grid communication infrastructures due
to the balanced tradeoff between investments and benefits, and meeting the critical requirements
of the smart grid applications. Specific hybrid communication architectures, such as Power Line
Communication (PLC) and WiFi, were developed and evaluated in the experimental pilot smart
grid cities [9–11]. These research results provide limited perspectives of the specific hybrid
communications implementations for the particular smart grid topologies without considering the
design framework and toolbox development. Although hybrid communication architectures are
proposed in [12,13], the authors evaluate the performance by using the single technology simulation
networks. Furthermore, the interworking IP address issue between IEEE 802.11s-based mesh network
of the NAN and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) network of the WAN is addressed by the privacy-aware
communication protocol-based gateway in [14]. The proposed mechanism is implemented in the
particular IEEE 802.11s and LTE-based hybrid simulation with the Network Simulator 3 (NS3)
network simulator. However, little attention has been paid to the development of a suite of hybrid
communication architecture simulation models to verify the critical system design criteria.
To this end, a suite of hybrid communication system simulation models using the discrete-event
NS3 is developed for distributed smart grid applications. The NS3 library was chosen because
of its popularity and the existing availability of models for numerous networking functionalities.
The envisioned communication network comprises HANs, NANs, and a WAN, as shown in Figure 1.
Note that the PV panel represents the distributed RESs and storage devices in the rest of paper.
In a HAN, the PV panel is connected to a smart meter through two alternative communication
technologies: low-power wireless personal area networks (LoWPAN) and power line communication
(PLC). Broadband PLC (BPLC) is a method of PLC that allows relatively high-speed digital transmission
over the public electric power distribution wiring. In addition, it uses higher frequencies and a wider
frequency range, which result in a higher data rate for shorter range applications. Also, Narrowband
PLC (NPLC) refers to low bandwidth communication, utilizing the frequency band below 500 kHz and
providing data rates of tens of kbps. In addition, it is suitable for smart home/building automation.
Thus, both BPLC and NPLC can be applied in a HAN. Within an NAN, the data transmitted from the
smart meter to the data concentrator, eventually arrives at the wide area network (WAN) through the
WAN edge router via Ethernet cable, WiFi, or WiMAX. To fully examine the combinations of these
five technologies, we consider six possible hybrid architectures and develop six corresponding hybrid
prototype simulation models. The main challenge of developing NS3-based hybrid communication
simulation models is integrating different communication technologies and IP address mechanisms
into one simulation network because it is an open-source, still in the developing routine. To address
this, a NetRouter forwarding function is specifically designed in the application level. To the best of our
knowledge, it is the first time hybrid communication simulation models have been created to validate
the effectiveness and scalability of hybrid architecture design for distributed smart grid applications.
Energies 2018, 11, 871 3 of 16
Provider Smart 88
Edge Inverter
Database Wide Area
Center Data 88
Router Concentrator 88
Smart Smart
Meter Meter
Note that we have identified the missing research about hybrid communications architecture
design for distributed smart grid applications previously. Problem one is the development of a suite of
hybrid simulation models, which is addressed in this paper. Problem two is the design framework
of hybrid communications architecture for coordinate distributed RESs and ESSs, which will be our
future work.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the smart grid
communication network. Then Section 3 discuss the development of six NS3-based prototypical hybrid
communication system simulation models. Verification of the developed hybrid simulation models
and further validation of the design criteria of each hybrid architecture on top of the Reference Test
Case-A (RTC-A) power system is presented in Section 4. Finally, conclusions are drawn and future
work is discussed in Section 5.
2. Communication Network Architecture and Design Criteria for the Smart Grid
In modern power systems, the utility communications system are designed and deployed in
the form of a core-edge networks [15]. By doing so, a WAN, usually based on fiber optics, forms the
backbone of the system; whereas the connections between end devices and the WAN are established via
NANs. At the edge of this network, the end devices, including home appliances, batteries, renewable
generators, and smart meters, form the HAN as the envisioned communication systems of a smart grid,
as shown in Figure 1. It is not common for an individual end device in an HAN to be directly connected
to the control center local area network. Therefore, all connections from end devices to control centers
at different portions of the power grid must eventually go through the existing well-developed WAN
that either dedicated or public. As such, our focus is narrowed to the communication network that
enables data transmission between the PV panels and the first WAN edge router. This communication
network has a hierarchical structure that consists of:
• A HAN that connects the PV panel to the smart meter located at the customer house serving as
the gateway to the utility’s network. The geographical size of a HAN can be up to a few tens of
meters. In the smart grid, prosumers want advanced applications such as consuming electricity at
low prices and selling electricity at high prices, which requires an effective and reliable HAN.
• An NAN that collects the data from multiple smart meters and transmits it to the WAN through
a WAN edge router. The geographical size of an NAN depends on multiple factors that mainly
include the distribution system topology and distributed smart grid applications. It can range
from hundreds of meters to several kilometers.
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To enable data transmission between the individual PV panels and the WAN edge router,
the envisioned communication network comprises three major data flows: (1) PV inverter—smart
meter (2) Smart meter—data concentrator; and (3) Data concentrator—edge router. There are various
communication protocols and technologies that can be used for data communication in power
systems [6,16,17]. The proper technologies for each data link have been investigated and chosen
based on the level of maturity of the technology, such as whether it is open source and nonproprietary,
and whether it offers a sufficient data rate. Two primary alternative communication technologies
are available between PV inverters and the smart meters in a HAN: Zigbee/LoWPAN and PLC.
The communication between smart meters and data concentrators can be conducted via Ethernet cable,
WiFi, and WiMAX. The LoWPAN is chosen instead of the well-known ZigBee (both of them are based
on IEEE 802.15.4), because there is no official Zigbee module in NS3.
The distributed smart grid concept proposed by Advanced Research Institute of Virginia Tech [18,19]
means to reliably and effectively coordinate the distributed RESs and ESSs, as well as controllable loads
from demand respond point of view at a distribution grid which is covered by multiple HANs and an
NAN. Following this concept, the emerging distributed applications for the Distribution System Operator
(DSO) within an NAN can be categorized into the following three groups: (1) distributed distribution
system state estimation and control strategies only at the NAN level, such as coordinated voltage
control [20], distributed optimal dispatch of distributed RESs [21]; (2) distributed monitoring and
control of customer-owned RESs and ESSs through both a NAN and multiple HANs; (3) while within
a HAN, instead of the traditional demand-driven-supply approach, the supply-driven-demand
mechanism must be implemented in a distributed way to allow an interactive matching of flexible load
and available generation at a “correct” price by the ways such as the local power sharing, priority-based
load curtailment and demand response [19]. Considering the totally different data rates (1–100 Kbps for
HAN, 100 Kbps–10 Mbps for NAN) and coverage range requirements (1–100 m for HAN, 100 m–10 km
for NAN) at a HAN and an NAN [6], it indicates that studying hybrid communications architectures
is so important to accommodate the above distrinct distributed applications at different area networks.
In addition, the use of hybrid communications architectures is interesting in that the possibility of
implantation of redundant structure, namely the same information is sent over two or more different
communication media, increases reliability [11]. Furthermore, the comprehensive study of the hybrid
communications network will help identifying the vulnerable paths, which can be bypassed through
middleware-based approach [22] in establishing communication among the end-users and DSOs.
The expected communication architecture should provide utilities with visibility into and control
over distributed PV generation, and they will be designed based on three criteria. (I) Feasibility:
it enables different protocol standards and IP address mechanism used within each network without
causing interoperability issues; (II) Scalability: it emphasizes the accommodation of not only the PV
data flow from distributed PV generation, but also power system state measurement data from the
large-scale transmission-distribution power systems; (III) Reliability: it refers to three performance
metrics of (1) latency–the expected one-way latency for distributed PV control and monitoring at the
distribution grid is in the range from 300 ms–2 s; (2) throughput–the requirement for the distributed
PV is 9.6–56 Kbps; (3) packet loss rate; its benchmark value for distributed RES applications is set to
0.01–1% [23,24].
The ultimate objective is to design an appropriate hybrid communications architecture for the
coordination of distributed RESs and ESSs with emphasis on using open-source and standardized
protocols and the existing communication infrastructure as much as possible. To this end, this paper
focuses on simulating hybrid communication architectures to verify the critical system design criteria
especially for distributed smart grid applications.
introduced in the previous section, including feasibility, scalability, and reliability. Among different
widely used network simulators, NS3 is selected because it is popular, open source, and has modules
for numerous networking functionalities [25–28]. With the combination of all five alternative
communication technologies for both HAN and NAN described in Section 2, six possible such hybrid
communication architectures, shown in Table 1, are considered. Next, the development of prototypical
hybrid simulation models in NS3 for each hybrid architecture will be described in detail.
Figure 2. NS3 simulation model of hybrid architectures with user datagram protocol (UDP)/
transmission control protocol (TCP).
Energies 2018, 11, 871 6 of 16
module is developed to mimic the real PV data packet by setting the packet size and sending rate at the
application layer. Furthermore, the scalability and modularity of the hybrid communication system
simulation models is further improved by designing a Server module responsible for autonomous
online tracing and data post-processing–namely, statistically collecting the network performance
metrics, such as latency, packet loss rate, and throughput. The hybrid communications system design
metrics can be gained based on these network metrics of each data flow. To achieve this objective,
a Quality of Service (QoS) header is added at the application layer. This header is capable of carrying
the information of the client identification and sending a time stamp. The client identification is used
to identify the data flow; and the time stamp with resolution to a nanosecond is used to track the
QoS information, such as latency and throughput. These features enable the implementation of the
opportunistic routing strategy in the developed hybrid communication simulation models [22].
Based on the six proceeding developed prototypical hybrid simulation models, we further
developed a full NS3-based communication simulation test bed on top of RTC-A and validated
the second primary hybrid system design criteria of scalability. In the implemented simulation test
bed, the PV inverters communicate with smart meters via LoWPAN or PLC, and the smart meters
communicate with the data concentrators via WiFi mesh, WiMAX, or Ethernet cable. The topology of
RTC-A shows that each HAN usually consists of only 1 or 2 PV inverters and 1 smart meter, whereas
each NAN consists of approximately 26 smart meters and 1 data concentrator. It indicates that each
HAN has 1 or 2 PV-smart meter links without the scalability issue. As such, the focus is on the
scalability challenge of smart meter-data concentrator links in the 10 NANs. In the case of Ethernet
cable, the solution of scalability is straightforward by installing the declared CSMA module instance
into a large amount of communication nodes, which does not work for either the case with WiFi mesh
or the one with WiMAX. To address this challenge, the new WiFi/Mesh and WiMAX module instances
must been declared for each subarea. In other words, multiple SpectrumChannel instances are used in
the large-scale wireless networks simulation to avoid the WiFi co-channel interference in the physical
(PHY) layer. Figure 3 shows the screen shot of the packet flow animation in the Hybrid 2 case of
Regarding PLC links, it is first verified that the BPLC with frequencies from 1.8–250 MHz has better
performance than the NPLC with frequencies from 3–500 kHz for the HAN applications because of its
suitability for shorter range applications with higher data rates; details will be discussed in the next
subsection. Further, three observations on the impact of the module’s adjustable parameters are shown
in Table 2. (1) Both the spectrum model and the payload modulation coding scheme play critical roles
in the hybrid system performance. Two spectrum models are available for the PLC communication.
Compared to the G3 spectrum model in NPLC, the time-invariant spectrum model performs better from
the test. The configurable parameter setting of the spectrum model consists of low-bound frequency,
high-bound frequency, and number of channels in which the channel number can mostly impact the
system performance. Especially as it increases to more than 300, the lowest message latency and highest
throughput can be achieved. Also, different payload modulation coding schemes show quite different
system performance in terms of latency, throughput, and packet loss rate. In particular, the Quadrature
Amplitude Modulation (QAM) modulation outperforms Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK), the higher
QAM modulation, the better the system performance, which is coincident with the evaluation results
of [31]; (2) The header modulation coding scheme has a medium-level impact because the header
message has a small total size compared to the large payload message; (3) The system performance
implies a very low sensitivity to the settings of transmitting power spectral density, background noise,
and cable type.
Next we continue to evaluate the impact of three alternative communication technologies in
the smart meter-DC links on the system performance. Table 3 shows the verification results. In the
Ethernet cable case, among four configurable parameters, only the delay has a slight impact on the
system performance. This implies that the Ethernet cable link always demonstrates stable performance
regardless of its parameter setting. Even though there are seven adjustable parameters for both WiFi
and Mesh modules, only the propagation loss model and mesh protocol stack show visible importance.
For the topology of RTC-A, the log distance and random propagation models are not suitable because
there is not a high possibility that the data concentrator can receive the PV message from the PV
inverters. The results show that the Dot11s mesh protocol outperforms the flame stack in the random
Energies 2018, 11, 871 10 of 16
topology of RTC-A, which is consistent with the finding of [32]. Compared to the WiFi technology,
the WiMAX module is subject to four adaptable parameters, of which the physical layer modulation
type is more important than the other three. This result is comparable to the PLC technology. Because of
a larger transmission range, the propagation mode in WiMAX has less impact on system performance
than it does in WiFi.
In summary, the verification results enable that the initial optimal parameter setting of each
hybrid simulation model is ready for the subsequent alternative technology comparison.
two data frames. In other words, the optimal packet size is 64 bytes for the cases of LoWPAN and
BPLC regarding the latency metric only.
Average Network Latency vs Packet Size Average Network Latency vs Packet Size
160 160
LoWPAN-Ethernet LoWPAN-Ethernet
140 LoWPAN-WiFi 140 LoWPAN-WiFi
Average Network Latency (ms)
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
64 128 256 512 1024 2048 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
Packet Size (Bytes) Packet Size (Bytes)
Average Network Throughput vs Packet Size Average Network Throughput vs Packet Size
25 50
LoWPAN-Ethernet LoWPAN-Ethernet
Average Network Throughput (kbps)
24 48
23.5 47
23 46
64 128 256 512 1024 2048 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
Packet Size (Bytes) Packet Size (Bytes)
Averaged Packet Loss Rate vs Packet Size Averaged Packet Loss Rate vs Packet Size
7 8
Averaged Packet Loss Rate (%)
LoWPAN-Ethernet LoWPAN-Ethernet
BPLC-Ethernet BPLC-Ethernet
1 1
0 0
64 128 256 512 1024 2048 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
Packet Size (Bytes) Packet Size (Bytes)
Figure 4. Performance comparison of six hybrid communication designs in terms of UDP packet size
and data rate–BPLC. (a) Latency for data rate 24–48 Kbps; (b) Throughput for data rate 24–48 Kbps;
(c) Packet Loss Rate for data rate 24–48 Kbps.
Energies 2018, 11, 871 12 of 16
Average Network Latency vs Packet Size Average Network Latency vs Packet Size
4000 4000
LoWPAN-Ethernet LoWPAN-Ethernet
3500 LoWPAN-WiFi 3500 LoWPAN-WiFi
Average Network Latency (ms)
2000 2000
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
0 0
64 128 256 512 1024 2048 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
Packet Size (Bytes) Packet Size (Bytes)
Average Network Throughput vs Packet Size Average Network Throughput vs Packet Size
26 50
Average Network Throughput (kbps)
20 30
LoWPAN-Ethernet 25 LoWPAN-Ethernet
LoWPAN-WiMax 20 LoWPAN-WiMax
NPLC-Ethernet NPLC-Ethernet
14 10
64 128 256 512 1024 2048 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
Packet Size (Bytes) Packet Size (Bytes)
Averaged Packet Loss Rate vs Packet Size Averaged Packet Loss Rate vs Packet Size
30 70
LoWPAN-Ethernet LoWPAN-Ethernet
Averaged Packet Loss Rate (%)
25 LoWPAN-WiMax LoWPAN-WiMax
NPLC-Ethernet NPLC-Ethernet
0 0
64 128 256 512 1024 2048 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
Packet Size (Bytes) Packet Size (Bytes)
Figure 5. Performance comparison of six hybrid communication designers in terms of UDP packet size
and data rate–NPLC. (a) Latency for data rate 24–48 Kbps; (b) Throughput for data rate 24–48 Kbps;
(c) Packet Loss Rate for data rate 24–48 Kbps.
For the same setting of packet size and data rate, the Ethernet cable case always has the best
latency performance in the smart meter-DC links, as we expected. Note that the LoWPAN-WiFi design
Energies 2018, 11, 871 13 of 16
outperforms the LoWPAN-WiMAX, whereas they are comparative in the PLC cases. This observation
indicates that there are existing wireless interferences when both PV-smart meter and smart meter-DC
links are using the wireless communication, which agrees with [34]. Considering the reliability of
LoWPAN-based and BPLC-based designs, we found that the critical latency requirement of 300 ms
is always satisfied with all settings of packet size and data rate. In particular, when the BPLC is
employed from 2 to 30 MHz with an approximate 20-Mbps PHY rate [33] and IEEE 802.15.4 supports
250-Kbps bandwidth, the overall latency performance of BPLC-based designs is better than that of the
LoWPAN cases.
Regarding different data rates, the latency performance of three NPLC-based hybrid designs
always has the same trend, namely, the latency is very big when packet size less than the optimal value,
whereas it is dramatically improved when packet size is from the optimal value to the upper bound
of 2048 bytes, shown in Figure 5a. With increasing data rate, three NPLC-based hybrid networks
have smoothly degrading latency performance: (a) the latency is getting much bigger for packet sizes
from 64 bytes to the optimal value; (b) the optimal packet size increases. The performance of the
NPLC-based designs highly depends on the data rate of the PV applications because of two important
specifications. The NPLC delivers 500 Kbps at the PHY layer, whereas 20 Mbps PHY for the BPLC.
Another reason is because of the physical modulation of the PLC protocols, in which one symbol is
equal to 1536 bytes. This means that sending 64 bytes uses the same physical capacity as sending
1024 bytes, and the larger the transmitted packet, the more efficient the physical transmission [9].
Thus, we recalculate the required PHY rate considering the application data rate and packet size.
Considering 24 Kbps, the required PHY rates for 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024 bytes are 1125, 564, 288,
144, 72 Kbps, respectively. With the required PHY rate ≤ 500 Kbps with 256 bytes, the hybrid system
can achieve the latency requirement of 300 ms. The same analysis also works for the case of 48 Kbps,
and results in the optimal packet size of 512 bytes. Otherwise, the latency is too big for the distributed
RES coordination applications. This indicates that higher data rates and larger packet sizes are needed
to satisfy latency performance, and the feasible range of packet size is getting smaller. Therefore,
for the PV application with packet size of 128 bytes and data rate of 24 Kbps, three LoWPAN-based,
BPLC-Ethernet, and BPLC-WiMAX cases can satisfy the latency requirement, as well as throughput
and packet loss rate in next subsections.
These simulation results can provide enough information or guidance on the distributed smart
grid applications. For example, it will be discussed below how the voltage profile of the power system
with high penetration of distributed Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) could be impacted if UDP
packets were experiencing high communication delay. From the study of [20], it is concluded that the
uncontrolled voltage level proportion compared with the non-time-delay results will almost linearly
increase from 0 to 60% when the delay time varies from 0 to 3.0 s. By observing Figures 4a and 5a,
three guidance rules for the impact of nine hybrid architectures designs on the distributed voltage
control application in an NAN can be drawn as (1) regardless packet size and data rate of PV control
signals, the uncontrolled voltage proportion will be less than 2% for six LoWPAN and BPLC-based
hybrid designs because the average delays of six cases are less than 0.16 s; (2) for three NPLC-based
hybrid designs, the uncontrolled voltage proportion will also be less than 2% when the packet
size ranges from 256 to 2048 bytes along with 24 Kbps data rate, or the packet size ranges from
512 to 2048 bytes along with 48 Kbps data rate; (3) while still for three NPLC-based hybrid designs,
the uncontrolled voltage will suffer up 50–60% proportion due to the delay vary from 2.5 to 3 s, when in
case of 24 Kbps data rate, the packet size is set to 64 or 128 bytes, or in case of 48 Kbps data rate,
the packet size ranges from 64 bytes to 256 bytes.
the packet size changing almost has no impact of the throughput performance. The WiFi-based cases
always have the lowest throughput due to higher packet loss rate caused by the unreliability of WiFi
signal, as expected. Similar with latency, only when packet size ≥ the optimal value, the NPLC-based
designs can achieve the expected throughput, shown in Figure 5b. It also can be observed that all the
proposed hybrid designs satisfy the critical throughput requirement of 9.6 Kbps.
5. Conclusions
This paper focuses on design of nine hybrid communication architectures, development of a suite
of simulation models, and validation of critical system design criteria for distributed generation and
storage devices coordination in the envisioned smart grid. From the validation results, we have the
following key findings: (1) three LoWPAN-based hybrid architectures can satisfy three performance
metrics, a single trip latency of 300 ms, throughput of 9.6 Kbps, and packet loss rate of 1%,
without considering the settings of packet size and data rate; (2) both BPLC-WiFi and NPLC-WiFi
designs always cannot satisfy the requirement of 1% packet loss rate; (3) for the PV monitoring
application with packet size of 128 bytes and data rate 24 Kbps, three LoWPAN-based, BPLC-Ethernet,
BPLC-WiMAX cases can achieve three metrics; (4) both NPLC-Ethernet and NPLC-WiMAX designs
can satisfy three metrics only for the situations 24 Kbps data rate with packet size ranging from 256 to
2048 bytes, or 48 Kbps data rate with packet size ranging from 512 to 2048 bytes. The results, thereby
provide valuable insights and guidance in designing future hybrid communication infrastructures for
generic distributed applications in the smart grid. Especially, for the system voltage control application
in the distribution system with high penetration of distributed RESs, there are two major guidance rules
(1) for three NPLC-based hybrid designs, the uncontrolled voltage will suffer up 50–60% proportion
due to the delay vary from 2.5 to 3 s; (2) while for other cases, the uncontrolled voltage will be less
than 2%. Future work will be to evaluate these hybrid architecture designs with hardware-in-the-loop
testing to validate performance from the device perspective.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No.
DE-AC36-08GO28308 with Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, the Manager and Operator of the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory. Funding for this work was provided by U.S. Department of Energy Office of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. The U.S. Government retains and the
publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive,
paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others
to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.
Author Contributions: The paper was a collaborative effort among the authors. Jianhua Zhang, Adarsh Hasandka,
and Jin Wei mainly carried out the development and validation of hybrid communication architectures.
Anthony R. Florita and Bri-Mathias Hodge supervised this work. S. M. Shafiul Alam contributed to the literature
review and manuscript preparation. Tarek Elgindy contributed to the test case.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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