Focus 4 On: Approximation Methods
Focus 4 On: Approximation Methods
Focus 4 On: Approximation Methods
Focus 5 Focus 9
Topic 15 Topic 16 Molecular
structure and
Time- spectroscopy
Focus 6 Focus 8
Focus 2 Focus 3
The principles The quantum Molecular
of quantum mechanics structure
mechanics of motion
Exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation can be found for only a small number of problems,
such as the model systems described in The quantum mechanics of motion. Almost all the problems
of interest in chemistry do not have exact solutions. To make progress with these problems, which
include many-electron atoms and molecules, we need to develop techniques of approximation.
There are three major approaches to finding approximate solutions. The first is to try to guess
the shape and mathematical form of the wavefunction. ‘Variation theory’ provides a criterion of suc-
cess with such an approach and, as it is most commonly encountered in the context of molecular
orbital theory, we consider it in Molecular structure. The second approach, an iterative method called
the ‘self-consistent field procedure’ which is often used alongside variation theory, is useful to find
numerical solutions of the Schrödinger equation for many-electron systems (see Atomic structure
and spectra and Molecular structure). The third approach takes the hamiltonian operator for the prob-
lem and separates it into a simple model hamiltonian for which the Schrödinger equation can be
solved and a ‘perturbation’, which is the difference between the true and model hamiltonians. The
aim of ‘perturbation theory’, which provides the mathematical tools for solving complex problems
by this approach, is to generate the wavefunction and energy of the perturbed system from knowl-
edge of the model hamiltonian and a systematic procedure for taking into account the presence of
the perturbation.
Time-independent perturbation theory (Topic 15) begins by identifying a model system that
resembles the system of interest, and then shows how to distort the wavefunctions and adjust the
energies to approach those of the actual system in the presence of a time-independent perturba-
tion. This analytical procedure is the basis for the many-body perturbation theory method described
in Molecular structure and is also useful in the discussion of electric and magnetic properties of mate-
rials (Interactions).
Time-dependent perturbation theory (Topic 16) is the basis of the discussion of transitions
between states when the system is subjected to a perturbation that varies with time. A very impor-
tant example of such a system is an atom or molecule exposed to an oscillating electromagnetic
field and is the basis of accounting for the transitions observed in Atomic structure and spectra and
Molecular spectroscopy.
Time-independent perturbation
where E(1) is the ‘first-order’ correction to the energy, a contribu- This Topic is filled with derivations. If you do not require this
tion proportional to H (1) , and E(2) is the ‘second-order’ correc- level of detail and wish to proceed to the key results, they are as
tion to the energy, a contribution proportional to the square of follows for the ground state of the system.
H (1) , and so on. The true wavefunction, ψ, also differs from the
r The first-order correction to the energy is given by
‘simple’ wavefunction of the model system, ψ (0), and we write
E0(1) = ψ 0( )* H (1) ψ 0(0) dτ
Expansion First-order energy correction (15.4)
ψ =ψ (0) +ψ (1) +ψ (2) +… theory
of the (15.3)
where ψ 0(0) is the ground-state wavefunction for the
where ψ (1) is the ‘first-order’ correction to the wavefunction and ‘model’ system with hamiltonian H (0).
so on. In practice, time-independent perturbation theory typi-
cally needs only first- and second-order energy corrections to See Example 15.1 for an illustration of how this expression
provide accurate estimates of energies of the perturbed system is used. The integral is an expectation value (Topic 7); in this
(as long as the perturbation is weak.) Likewise, it rarely needs case, it is the expectation value of the perturbation calculated
to proceed beyond first-order corrections to the wavefunction. using the unperturbed ground-state wavefunction. We can
therefore interpret E0(1) as the average value of the effect of the
Brief illustration 15.1 The corrections to the energy perturbation. An analogy is the shift in energy of vibration of
and wavefunction a violin string when small weights are hung along its length.
The weights hanging close to the nodes have little effect on its
Consider an electron in a one-dimensional metallic nano- energy of vibration. Those hanging at the locations of maxi-
particle of length L. A related simple problem is a particle in
mum amplitude, however, have a profound effect (Fig. 15.2a).
a one-dimensional box. The model hamiltonian H (0) is there-
The overall effect is the average of all the weights.
fore that of a particle in a one-dimensional box (Topic 9). The
effect of the varying potential energy of the electron inside r The wavefunction corrected to first order is given by
the nanoparticle can be modelled by supposing that it has the
form V (x ) = −ε sin(πx /L) (Fig. 15.1). The perturbation is there- ψ 0 =ψ 0(0) + ∑c ψ n
fore H (1) = −ε sin(πx /L). The corrections E(1) and ψ (1) are pro- n≠0
correction to the (15.5)
portional to ε and E(2) is proportional to ε2.
c =
∫ψ ( 0 )*
n H (1) ψ 0(0) dτ wavefunction
E0(0) − En(0)
∞ ∞
where ψ n(0) and En(0) are the eigenfunctions and
Potential energy, V
0 ε L
Location, x
Large effect
Figure 15.1 A model for the potential energy used to
illustrate the application of perturbation theory to a simple
system. The potential energy is infinite at the walls of the box Small effect
and varies as V across the floor of the box. No effect
Although the equations of perturbation theory are applicable with the coefficients cn to be determined. We can isolate the
to any state of the perturbed system, we focus attention on the term in E0(1) by making use of the fact that the ψ n(0) form a
ground state for which the wavefunction of the ‘model’ system complete orthonormal set (eqn 7.3b of Topic 7) in the sense
is ψ 0(0) . We show in the following Justification that the first-order that
correction to the energy of the ground state is given by eqn 15.4. 1if n = 0 , 0if n ≠ 0
∫ ψ 0(0)*ψ n(0)dτ = δ 0n
Justification 15.1 The first-order correction to the energy where δij, the Kronecker delta (Topic 7), is 1 when i = j and
To develop expressions for the corrections to the ground-state 0 when i ≠ j. Therefore, when we multiply the equation in λ1
wavefunction and energy of a system subjected to a time- through by ψ 0(0)* and integrate over all space, we get
independent perturbation, we write E (0) if n = 0, 0 othe
ψ 0 = ψ 0(0) + λψ 0(1) + λ 2ψ 0(2) +
∫ψ (0 )* (1) (0 )
0 H ψ 0 dτ + ∑ ∫ cn ψ 0(0)* H (0) ψ n(0)dτ
where λ is a dummy variable that will help us keep track of δ0n
H = H (0) + λ H (1)
That is, because the middle two terms are equivalent,
H (0) ψ 0(0) + λ (H (1) ψ 0(0) + H (1) ψ 0(1) ) + λ 2 (H (0) ψ 0(2) + H (1) ψ 0(1) ) + Use the model described in Brief illustration 15.1 for the potential
energy of an electron in a one-dimensional nanoparticle to eval-
= E0(0)ψ 0(0) + λ (E0(0)ψ 0(1) + E0(1)ψ 0(0) ) + λ 2 (E0(2)ψ 0(0)
uate the first-order correction to the energy of the ground state.
+ E0(1)ψ 0(1) + E0(0)ψ 0(2) ) +
Method Identify the first-order perturbation hamiltonian and through by ψ k(0)* , where now k ≠0, and integrate over all space,
evaluate E0(1) from eqn 15.4. The ground-state wavefunction of we get
the particle in a one-dimensional box is given in Topic 9 (where (0)
0 ∫
E (1) = ψ (0) H (1) ψ (0)dx = −
L 0
sin3 ∫
dx = −
3 π
That is,
The energy is lowered by the perturbation, as would be
expected for the shape shown in Fig. 15.1.
∫ψ (0 )* (1) (0 )
k H ψ 0 dτ + ck Ek(0) = ck E0(0)
Self-test 15.2 Evaluate the first-order correction to the energy
of the ground state if, in the same model, V (x ) = −ε sin2 (πx /L). which we can rearrange into
Use Integral T.4 listed in the Resource section.
Answer: E (1) = − 34 ε
ck =
∫ψ (0 )* (1) (0 )
k H ψ 0 dτ
E0(0) − Ek(0)
r makes a larger contribution the smaller the energy Method The first-order correction to the wavefunction is
difference |E0(0) − En(0)| (absolute values used because given by the sum in eqn 15.5. The ground state of the particle
En(0) is greater than the ground-state energy E0(0)). in the box (denoted ψ 0(0) in the equation) is ψ1; we seek the
contribution from ψ 3. The wavefunctions and energies of the
particle in a box are given in Topic 9. All the wavefunctions
are real, so the * can be ignored. Use Integral T.6 listed in the
Justification 15.2
The first-order correction Resource section.
to the wavefunction Answer The contribution from the n = 3 state to the first-order
To find the first-order correction to the wavefunction, we con- correction to the wavefunction is given by the coefficient
tinue the work of Justification 15.1 and seek the coefficients cn
of the first-order correction to the wavefunction:
c3 =
∫ψ 3H
(1) ψ dτ
E1 − E3
ψ 0(1) = ∑ n
cnψ n(0)
The energies of the particle (an electron) in a box are E n =
n 2h 2/8meL 2 , so the denominator is E1 − E3 = −h2 /me L2 . The
When we multiply the equation in λ1 (rewritten here)
numerator is
H (1) ψ 0(0) + H (0) ψ 0(1) = E0(0)ψ 0(1) + E0(1)ψ 0(0)
r The perturbation appears (as its square) in the
Therefore, the contribution from the n = 3 state is
numerator; so, the stronger the perturbation, the
8ε /15π 8εme L2 greater the lowering of the ground-state energy.
c3 = =−
−h /me L
2 2
15πh2 r If the energy levels of the system are widely
spaced, all the denominators are large, so the sum is
and the corrected ground-state wavefunction is likely to be small. In this case, the perturbation has little
1/2 1/2
effect on the second-order correction to the energy of the
⎛ 2⎞ ⎛ πx ⎞ 8εme L2 ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 3πx ⎞ system: the system is ‘stiff’, and unresponsive to
ψ 1 = ⎜ ⎟ sin ⎜ ⎟ − sin ⎜
⎝ L⎠ ⎝ L ⎠ 15πh2 ⎜⎝ L ⎟⎠ ⎝ L ⎟⎠ perturbations. The opposite is true when the energy
levels lie close together.
which, as Fig. 15.3 shows, corresponds to a greater accumula-
tion of amplitude in the middle of the well. Notice that there
are no contributions from even-n states because the integral
∫ ψ n H (1) ψ 1dτ vanishes unless n is odd. Justification 15.3 The second-order correction
to the energy
0.1 We continue the work on the previous two Justifications. To
Wavefunction, ψ1/(2/L)1/2
0.6 H (0) ψ 0(2) + H (1) ψ 0(1) = E0(2)ψ 0(0) + E0(1)ψ 0(1) + E0(0)ψ 0(2)
by ψ 0(0)* and integrate over all space to obtain
0 ∫
E0(0) ψ 0(0)*ψ 0(2) dτ
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(0) (0) (2)
ψ 0 *H ψ 0 dτ + ψ 0(0)*H (1) ψ 0(1)dτ
∫ ∫ ∫
first order as evaluated in Example 15.2 for different values
= E0 ψ 0 * ψ 0 dτ + E0(1) ψ 0(0)* ψ 0(1)dτ + E0(0) ψ 0(0)* ψ 0(2)dτ
(2) (0) (0 )
of 8εmeL2/15πh2. Notice the progressive accumulation of
amplitude in the middle of the well as the perturbation
increases. In the first term, we have used the hermiticity (Topic 6) of H (0).
The first and last terms cancel, and we are left with
Self-test 15.3 Use the same model to evaluate the contribution
from the n = 5 state to the first-order correction to the wave- ∫ ∫
E0(2) = ψ 0(0)*H (1) ψ 0(1)dτ − E0(1) ψ 0(0)*ψ 0(1)dτ
function of the ground state.
Answer: c5 = −8εme L2 /315πh2 We have already found the first-order corrections to the energy
and wavefunction (eqns 15.4 and 15.5), so this expression
could be regarded as an explicit expression for the second- Method The second-order correction to the wavefunction is
order energy correction. However, we can go one step further given by eqn 15.6. The ground state of the particle in the box
by substituting ψ 0(1) = cnψ n(0) : ∑ n
(denoted ψ 0(0) in the equation) is ψ1; we seek the contribu-
tion from ψ 3. All the integrals needed have been evaluated in
(1) Example 15.2.
c 0 E0
Answer Using the results in Example 15.2 gives
E0(2) = ∑∫ (0 )* (1) (0 )
cn ψ 0 H ψ n dτ − cn E0 ψ 0 ψ n dτ
(0 )* (0 )
∫ ψ 3 H (1) ψ 1dτ
n n
Checklist of concepts
☐ 1. In perturbation theory, the hamiltonian operator for the smaller its energy difference with the unperturbed
the problem is separated into a simple model hamilto- ground-state energy.
nian, for which the Schrödinger equation can be solved ☐ 5. The second-order correction to the energy is an average
exactly, and a ‘perturbation’, which is the difference of the perturbation over the perturbed wavefunctions.
between the true and model hamiltonians. ☐ 6. The second-order energy correction always lowers the
☐ 2. In time-independent perturbation theory, the pertur- energy of the ground state.
bation does not vary with time. ☐ 7. The stronger the perturbation and the smaller the spac-
☐ 3. The first-order correction to the energy can be ings of the energy levels in the unperturbed system, the
interpreted as the average value of the effect of the greater the lowering of the ground-state energy.
☐ 4. An unperturbed state makes a larger contribution to the
first-order correction to the ground-state wavefunction
Checklist of equations
Expansion of the energy E = E (0) + E (1) + E (2) +… E(N) is the Nth-order energy correction 15.2
Expansion of the wavefunction ψ =ψ (0) +ψ (1) +ψ (2) +… ψ(N) is the Nth-order correction to the 15.3
⎛ ⎞
∫ (
cn = ⎜ ψ n(0)* H (1) ψ 0(0)dτ ⎟ / E0(0) − En(0)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Second-order energy correction E0(2) =
∑ ∫ψ (0) (1) (0)
n * H ψ 0 dτ (
/ E0(0) − En(0) ) Ground-state energy
When the potential energy that occurs in a hamiltonian is
Contents independent of time the wavefunctions are solutions of the
16.1 Time-dependent perturbation theory 140 time-independent Schrödinger equation (Topic 6). However,
(a) The general procedure 140 that doesn’t mean that they do not vary with time. In fact, if
Example 16.1: Using time-dependent perturbation the energy corresponding to a wavefunction ψ(r) is E, then the
theory for a slowly switched perturbation 140 time-dependent wavefunction is
(b) Oscillating perturbations and spectroscopic
transitions 142
Example 16.2: Analysing spectroscopic transitions ψ (r , t ) =ψ (r )e − iEt /
Stationary-state wavefunction (16.1)
of a harmonic oscillator 142
(c) The energy of time-varying states 142
and, because e−iEt/ħ = e−i(E/ħ)t = cos (Et/ħ) − i sin (Et/ħ) (Euler’s
Brief illustration 16.1: Energy–time uncertainty 143
formula, Mathematical background 3), the time-depend-
16.2 The absorption and emission of radiation 143 ent wavefunction oscillates in time with a frequency E/ħ.
Brief illustration 16.2: The Einstein coefficients 144 Although the wavefunction oscillates, the physical observable
Checklist of concepts 145 it represents, the probability density, does not, for
Checklist of equations 145
Time-dependent perturbation
16.1 The challenge is to find explicit expressions for the coef-
ficients. We do not give the details here,1 but it turns out that
theory if we confine our attention to the first-order effect of the per-
turbation, then the coefficients of all the wavefunctions other
To predict the outcome of the presence of a time-dependent than the one occupied initially, which we take to be ψ 0(0) (r ) (for
perturbation we have to solve the time-dependent Schrödinger instance, the 1s orbital in the previous example), is given by
First-order Coefficient
(t )Ψ (r , t ) = i
∂Ψ (r , t )
1 t
of initially
(16.2) cn (t ) = (1)
(t )e iω n 0 t
dt dependent unoccupied (16.4a)
∂t Schrödinger equation i
perturbation state n
(a) The general procedure
As in Topic 15 we use a perturbation procedure to find approxi-
H n(10) (t ) = ψ n(0)* H (1) (t )ψ 0(0) dτ (16.4b)
mate solutions, and begin by supposing that the hamiltonian We have supposed that the perturbation is applied at t = 0 and
can be partitioned into a simple, solvable part and a perturba- have written ω n0 = (En(0) − E0(0) )/
. All it is necessary to do, there-
tion, which now is taken to be time-dependent: fore, is to introduce the form of the perturbation and evaluate
these integrals, one over space (in eqn 16.4b) and the other over
H = H (0) + H (1) (t ) (16.3a) time (after substituting the outcome into eqn 16.4a).
A perturbation that is suddenly applied is like an impact
For instance, when a molecule is exposed to an electromagnetic and can be expected to knock the system into a variety of
field of frequency ω and strength E parallel to the z-direction, states; one that is applied slowly and grows to its final value
the perturbation is produces a less violent effect and, well after it has been
Time- switched on, gives results equivalent to those obtained from
H (1) (t ) = −μzEcos ω t electric field
(16.3b) time-independent perturbation theory where the pertur-
perturbation bation is always present. Even oscillating perturbations are
often best treated as being switched on slowly, for a sudden
where μ z is the z-component of the dipole moment operator application will introduce transient responses that are hard
μ and is proportional to z. The underlying classical idea is that to treat mathematically.
for an atom or molecule to be able to interact with the electro-
magnetic field and absorb or create a photon of a specific fre-
quency, it must possess, at least transiently, a dipole oscillating Example 16.1 Using time-dependent perturbation
at that frequency.
theory for a slowly switched perturbation
As in the case of time-independent perturbation theory,
we suppose that the solutions of eqn 16.2 can be expressed as To e x p l o r e t h e s l o w l y s w i t c h e d c a s e , w r i t e
linear combinations of the eigenfunctions of the unperturbed (1) (t ) = H
H (1) (1− e −t /τ 0 ) where the time constant τ0 is very long
hamiltonian, the only difference being that the coefficients (Fig. 16.1). Show that at times t >> τ0 (at which the perturbation
has reached the constant value H (1)), the square modulus of
are allowed to vary with time. For instance, although initially
an electron in a hydrogenic atom might be in a 1s orbital, as the coefficient cn(t) is the same as we obtain from time-inde-
time goes on the probability increases that it will be found in pendent perturbation theory (Topic 15).
a 2p orbital, so the coefficient of that orbital grows with time Method Use eqn 16.4 to evaluate cn(t) and compare its square
while the coefficient of the 1s orbital decreases. In general, modulus to that of eqn 15.5 from time-independent perturba-
we write tion theory. We use τ0 for the time constant to avoid confusion
with the τ in the volume element, dτ.
Ψ (r , t ) = ∑c (t )Ψ (r , t ) = ∑c (t )ψ (r )e − iE
n t /
(0) (0)
n n n n
n n
where, as usual, the ψ n(0) (r ) are the eigenfunctions of H (0) and 1 For a full account of the solution, see our Molecular quantum mechan-
the En(0) are their energies. ics, Oxford University Press (2011).
^ eiωn 0t (1)
H(1) cn (t ) = − H
ω n0 n0
τ0 short
Now we recognize that
ω n0 = En(0) − E0(0) , which gives
eiωn 0t H n(10)
cn (t ) = −
En(0) − E0(0)
wn (t ) ∝ H n(10) = ψ n(0)* H (1)ψ 0(0) dτ
2 Transition
these conditions, ating (16.7)
electric rate
(b)Oscillating perturbations and rule specifies the general features a molecule must have if it is
spectroscopic transitions to have a spectrum of a given kind. Selection rules, and oth-
ers like it for other types of transition, are explained in relevant
When the perturbation has the form given in eqn 16.3b, the Topics (see, for example, Topics 42–44).
transition rate is of the form
and therefore
Stimulated Stimulated Spontaneous
absorption emission emission
divide by Nf Bfi
Nf A A/Bfi A/Bfi
(B) (B) (A) ρ= = =
N i Bfi − N f Bif N i /N f − Bif /Bfi ehν /kT − Bif /Bfi
transition rate of a single molecule multiplied by the number of
molecules Ni in the lower state: This result has the same form as the Planck distribution (eqn
16.11), which describes the radiation density at thermal equi-
Wf ←i = N i w f ←i = N i Bfi ρ Total absorption rate (16.12) librium. Indeed when we compare eqns 16.11 and 16.17, we
can conclude that Bif = Bfi and that
Einstein considered that the radiation was also able to
induce the molecule in the upper state to undergo a transition ⎛ 8πh3 ⎞
A=⎜ 3 ⎟ B (16.18)
to the lower state, and hence to generate a photon of frequency ⎝ c ⎠
ν. Thus, he wrote the rate of this stimulated emission as
The important point about eqn 16.18 is that it shows that
w f →i = Bif ρ Stimulated emission Transition rate (16.13) the relative importance of spontaneous emission increases
as the cube of the transition frequency and therefore that it
where Bif is the Einstein coefficient of stimulated emission. is therefore potentially of great importance at very high fre-
This coefficient is in fact equal to the coefficient of stimulated quencies. Conversely, spontaneous emission can be ignored at
absorption, as we shall see below. Moreover, only radiation of low transition frequencies, in which case intensities of those
the same frequency as the transition can stimulate an excited transitions can be discussed in terms of stimulated emission
state to fall to a lower state. and absorption.
At this point, it is tempting to suppose that the total rate
of emission is this individual rate multiplied by the num-
ber of molecules in the upper state, Nf, and therefore to write Brief illustration 16.2 The Einstein coefficients
Wf→i = NfBifρ. But here we encounter a problem: at equilibrium
(as in a black-body container), the rate of emission is equal to For a transition in the X-ray region of the electromagnetic
the rate of absorption, so NiBfiρ = NfBifρ and therefore, since spectrum (corresponding to an excitation of a core electron in
Bif = Bfi, Ni = Nf. The conclusion that the populations must be a molecule), a typical wavelength is 100 pm, corresponding to a
equal at equilibrium is in conflict with another very funda- frequency of 3.00 × 1018 s−1. The ratio of the Einstein coefficients
mental conclusion, that the ratio of populations is given by the of spontaneous and stimulated emission is
Boltzmann distribution (Topics 2 and 51).
A 8π × (6.626 × 10−34 Js) × (3.00 × 1018 s −1 )3
Einstein realized that to bring the analysis of transition rates into = = 1.67 × 10−2 kg m −1 s
B (2.998 × 108 ms −1 )3
alignment with the Boltzmann distribution there must be another
route for the upper state to decay into the lower state, and wrote
Self-test 16.4 Calculate the ratio of the Einstein coefficients
w f →i = A + Bif ρ Emission rate (16.14) of spontaneous and stimulated emission for a transition in
the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum with
The constant A is the Einstein coefficient of spontaneous emis-
wavelength 1.0 cm.
sion. The total rate of emission, Wf→i, is therefore
Answer: A/B = 1.7 × 10 −26 kg m−1 s
At thermal equilibrium, Ni and Nf do not change over time. The presence of so-called spontaneous emission, in which,
This condition is reached when the total rate of emission and contrary to our earlier discussion, a transition occurs in the
absorption are equal: absence of a perturbation, might seem paradoxical. But in
fact there is an unseen perturbation at work. The electromag- the radiation corresponds to the oscillator being in its ground
netic field can be modelled as a collection of harmonic oscil- state. But an oscillator has a zero-point energy (Topic 12), and
lators, one for each of the infinite range of frequencies that is never truly still. Therefore, even in the absence of observable
can be stimulated. This is the basis of the original derivation radiation, the electromagnetic fields are oscillating. It is these
of Planck’s expression for the density of states. Then, the pres- ‘unseen’ zero-point oscillations of the electromagnetic field
ence of radiation is equivalent to the excitation of oscillators of that act as a perturbation and drive the so-called ‘spontaneous’
the appropriate frequency, and the absence of that frequency in emission of radiation.
Checklist of concepts
☐ 1. A stationary state corresponds to a wavefunction with a ☐ 7. The intensity of absorption or emission of radiation in a
probability density that does not change with time. transition is proportional to the square modulus of the
☐ 2. Transitions are changes in the state of the system; transition dipole moment.
they often occur in the presence of time-dependent ☐ 8. A specific selection rule expresses the allowed transi-
perturbations. tions in terms of the changes in quantum numbers.
☐ 3. In the classical picture, for an atom or molecule to be ☐ 9. A gross selection rule specifies the general features a
able to interact with the electromagnetic field and molecule must have if it is to have a spectrum of a given
absorb or create a photon of a specific frequency, it must kind.
possess, at least transiently, a dipole oscillating at that ☐ 10. The shorter the lifetime of a state, the wider is the
frequency. spread of energies to which the state corresponds.
☐ 4. The transition dipole moment is a measure of the elec- ☐ 11. A transition from a low-energy state to one of higher
tric dipole moment associated with the migration of energy that is driven by an oscillating electromagnetic
charge from the initial state to the final state. field is called stimulated absorption.
☐ 5. A transition is forbidden if the transition dipole ☐ 12. A transition driven from high energy to low energy is
moment is zero; it is allowed if any one of the compo- called stimulated emission.
nents of the transition dipole moment is nonzero. ☐ 13. The relative importance of spontaneous emission
☐ 6. The transition rate is proportional to the square modu- increases as the cube of the transition frequency.
lus of the strength of the perturbation.
Checklist of equations
Property Equation Comment Equation number
Perturbation due to oscillating electric field H (1) (t ) = −μz E cosω t z is z-component of dipole moment
μ 16.3b
Coefficient of initially unoccupied state n cn (t ) = (1/i
n0 (t )e
iω n 0 t dt First-order time-dependent perturbation
H n(10) (t ) = ψ n(0)* H (1) (t )ψ 0(0)dτ
15.1(a) Calculate the first-order correction to the energy of an electron in 15.4(a) Does the vibrational frequency of an O–H bond depend on whether it
a one-dimensional nanoparticle modelled as a particle in a box when the is horizontal or vertical at the surface of the Earth? Suppose that a harmonic
perturbation is V(x) = −ε sin(2πx/L) and n = 1. oscillator of mass m is held vertically, so that it experiences a perturbation
15.1(b) Calculate the first-order correction to the energy of an electron in V(x) = mgx, where g is the acceleration of free fall. Calculate the first-order
a one-dimensional nanoparticle modelled as a particle in a box when the correction to the energy of the ground state.
perturbation is V(x) = −ε sin(3πx/L) and n = 1. 15.4(b) Repeat the previous exercise to find the change in excitation energy
from v = 1 to v = 2 in the presence of the perturbation.
15.2(a) Calculate the first-order correction to the energy of a particle in a box
when the perturbation is V(x) = −ε cos(2πx/L) and n = 1. 15.5(a) Evaluate the second-order correction to the energy of the harmonic
15.2(b) Calculate the first-order correction to the energy of a particle in a box oscillator for the perturbation described in Exercise 15.4(a). Hint: You will
when the perturbation is V(x) = −ε cos(3πx/L) and n = 1. find that there is only one term that contributes to the sum in eqn 15.6.
15.5(b) Evaluate the second-order correction to the energy of a particle
15.3(a) Suppose that the ‘floor’ of a one-dimensional box slopes up from x = 0
in a one-dimensional square well for the perturbation described in
to ε at x = L. Calculate the first-order effect on the energy of the state n = 1.
Exercise 15.2(a). Hint: The only term that contributes to the sum in
15.3(b) Suppose that the ‘floor’ of a one-dimensional box slopes up from x = 0
eqn 15.6 is n = 3.
to ε at x = L. Calculate the first-order effect on the energy of the state n = 2.
15.1 Suppose that the floor of a one-dimensional nanoparticle has an 15.2 We normally think of the one-dimensional well as being horizontal.
imperfection that can be represented by a small step in the potential Suppose it is vertical; then the potential energy of the particle depends on
energy, as in Fig. F4.1. (a) Write a general expression for the first-order x because of the presence of the gravitational field. Calculate the first-order
correction to the ground-state energy, E0(1). (b) Evaluate the energy correction to the zero-point energy, and evaluate it for an electron in a box
correction for a = L/10 (so the blip in the potential occupies the central on the surface of the Earth. Account for the result. Hint: The energy of the
10 per cent of the well), with n = 1. particle depends on its height as mgh, where g = 9.81 m s−2. Because g is so
small, the energy correction is small; but it would be significant if the box
were near a very massive star.
∞ ∞
15.3 Calculate the second-order correction to the energy for the system
described in Problem 15.2 and calculate the ground-state wavefunction.
Potential energy, V
Account for the shape of the distortion caused by the perturbation. Hint: The
integrals required are listed in the Resource section.
15.4 The vibrations of molecules are only approximately harmonic because
the energy of a bond is not exactly parabolic. Calculate the first-order
a correction to the energy of the ground state of a harmonic oscillator
subjected to an anharmonic potential of the form ax3 + bx4, where a and b
ε are small (anharmonicity) constants. Consider the three cases in which the
anharmonic perturbation is present: (a) during bond expansion (x ≥ 0)
0 L/2 L and compression (x ≤ 0); (b) during expansion only; (c) during
Location, x compression only.
Topic 16 Transitions
Discussion questions
16.1 What are likely to be the differences in outcome of the application of 16.3 Identify some perturbations that are likely to be encountered in the
sudden and slowly switched perturbations? discussion of the properties of molecules.
16.2 What is the physical interpretation of a selection rule?
16.1(a) Calculate the ratio of the Einstein coefficients of spontaneous 16.1(b) Calculate the ratio of the Einstein coefficients of spontaneous
and stimulated emission, A and B, for transitions with the following and stimulated emission, A and B, for transitions with the following
characteristics: (a) 70.8 pm X-rays; (b) 500 nm visible light; (c) 3000 cm−1 characteristics: (a) 500 MHz radiofrequency radiation; (b) 3.0 cm microwave
infrared radiation. radiation.
16.1 The motion of a pendulum can be thought of as representing the
location of a wavepacket that migrates from one turning point to the other
periodically. Show that whatever superposition of harmonic oscillator states is
used to construct a wavepacket, it is localized at the same place at the times 0,
T, 2T, …, where T is the classical period of the oscillator.
FOCUS 5 ON Atomic structure and spectra
Hydrogenic Many-
Hydrogenic Atomic
atomic electron Periodicity
atoms spectroscopy
orbitals atoms
Atoms are the currency of chemistry. They are the building blocks of all the forms of matter that
chemists consider and it is essential to understand their structure. To do so, we draw on The quantum
mechanics of motion, especially but not only rotational motion in three dimensions, and apply it to
progressively more complex atoms.
The simplest atom of all is a hydrogen atom with its single electron, and its generalization to ‘hydro-
genic atoms’ of general atomic number but still only one electron (Topic 17). When the Schrödinger
equation is solved for hydrogenic atoms we obtain the wavefunctions known as ‘atomic orbitals’ (Topic
18). These orbitals play a central role in the description of chemical bonding, as is explained in Molecular
structure, and, in combination with the ‘Pauli exclusion principle’, are the basis of the description of
the structures of many-electron atoms (Topic 19). With the structures of these atoms understood, the
structure of the periodic table and the ‘periodicity’ of the properties of the elements fall into place
(Topic 20).
The experimental investigation of the structure of atoms is largely through ‘atomic spectroscopy’
(Topic 21). The origin of the transitions that give rise to spectral lines is time-dependent perturbation
theory, which is described in Approximation methods. These transitions reveal details about the inter-
actions between electrons and the coupling of the various sources of angular momentum in an atom.
To read more about the impact of this material, scan the QR code, or go to
Hydrogenic atoms
m2 m
z x1 = X + x and x2 = x1 − x = X − 1 x
e m m
zN r
m2 m1
xe ye x
y x2 x1
xN X
Figure 17.3 The coordinates used for discussing the separation
Figure 17.1 The coordinate system for describing the positions of the relative motion of two particles from the motion of the
of the electron and nucleus in a hydrogenic atom. centre of mass.
The linear momenta of the particles in terms of the rates of where the Y are the spherical harmonics that occur for a particle
change of x and X are on a sphere and are labelled with the quantum numbers l and
mm ml that specify the angular momentum of the particle. The fac-
p1 = m1x1 = m1 X + 1 2 x tor R, the radial wavefunction, is a solution of the radial wave
m m equation
p2 = m2 x 2 = m2 X − 1 2 x
2 ⎛ 2 d 2 R dR ⎞
− r + 2r
Then it follows that 2 μR ⎜⎝ dr 2 dr ⎟⎠ Hydrogenic
atom (17.5)
p12 p2 1 ⎛ m1m2
⎞ 1 ⎛ m1m2 ⎞
l(l + 1)
2 equation
+ 2 = m X+ x ⎟ + m X− x ⎟ + Vr 2 − Er 2 = −
2m1 2m2 2m1 ⎜⎝ 1 m ⎠ 2m2 ⎜⎝ 2 m ⎠ 2μ
1 1⎛mm ⎞
= mX 2 + ⎜ 1 2 ⎟ x 2
2 2⎝ m ⎠ Justification 17.2The solutions of the Schrödinger
By writing P = mX for the linear momentum of the system equation for a hydrogenic atom
as a whole and defining p as μx, where the reduced mass Substitution of the wavefunction ψ = RY into eqn 17.3 gives
μ = m1m2/m, we find
∇2 in spherical coordinates
P 2 p2
⎛ ∂2 2 ∂ 1 2 ⎞
E= + +V − + + Λ RY + VRY = ERY
2m 2μ 2 μ ⎜⎝ ∂r 2 r ∂r r 2 ⎟⎠
The corresponding hamiltonian is therefore
Because R depends only on r and Y depends only on the angu-
P p 2
H = + +V lar coordinates, this equation becomes
2m 2μ
2 ⎛ d 2 R 2Y dR R 2 ⎞
− Y + + Λ Y ⎟ + VRY = ERY
which, generalized to three dimensions, is 2 μ ⎜⎝ dr 2 r dr r 2 ⎠
2 2
2 2
H = − ∇ cm − ∇ +V Multiplication through by r2/RY gives
2m 2μ
2 ⎛ 2 d 2 R dR ⎞
2 2
− r + 2r + Vr 2 − Λ Y = Er 2
where the first term differentiates with respect to the centre of 2 μR ⎜⎝ dr 2 dr ⎟⎠ 2 μY
mass coordinates and the second with respect to the relative
coordinates. and therefore
Now we write the overall wavefunction as the product Depends on r alone on θ ,φ alone
ψtotal = ψcmψ, where ψcm is a function of only the centre of mass Depends
coordinates and ψ is a function of only the relative coordi-
⎛ 2d R
2 2
dR ⎞
− r + 2r + (V − E )r =
nates. The overall Schrödinger equation, H ψ total = Etotalψ total , 2 μR ⎜⎝ dr 2 dr ⎟⎠ 2μY
then separates by the argument presented in Mathematical
background 2 with Etotal = Ecm + E. At this point we employ the usual argument for the separation
of variables (Mathematical background 2), that each term on
either side of the equals sign must be a constant, and conclude
The centrosymmetric Coulomb potential energy has spheri- that the differential equation separates into two equations:
cal symmetry in the sense that at a given distance its value
2 2
is independent of angle. We can therefore suspect that the − Λ Y = constant
2 μY
Schrödinger equation will separate into an angular component
2 ⎛ 2 d 2 R dR ⎞
that mirrors the equation for a particle on a sphere treated in − r + 2r + (V − E )r 2 = − constant
2 μR ⎜⎝ dr 2 dr ⎟⎠
Topic 14 and, new to this system, an equation for the radial fac-
tor. That is, we can think of the electron as free to move around The first of these two equations is encountered in Topic 14,
the nucleus on a spherical surface with the additional freedom where it is noted that
to move between concentric surfaces of different radii. The fol-
lowing Justification confirms that the wavefunction can indeed Λ2Y = −l(l + 1)Y
be written as a product of functions
and that the solutions (subject to cyclic boundary conditions)
Hydrogenic Electronic are the spherical harmonics.
ψ (r ,θ , φ ) = R(r )Y (θ , φ ) atom wavefunction (17.4)
Equation 17.6 describes the motion of a particle of mass μ in It follows that when l ≠ 0 (and rl = 0 when r = 0) there is a zero
a one-dimensional region 0 ≤ r < ∞ where the potential energy probability density for finding the electron at the nucleus, and
is Veff. the higher the orbital angular momentum, the less likely the
The first term in eqn 17.6b is the Coulomb potential energy electron is to be found near the nucleus (Fig. 17.5). However,
of the electron in the field of the nucleus. The second term, when l = 0 (and rl = 1 even when r = 0) there is a nonzero prob-
which depends on the angular momentum of the electron ability density of finding the electron at the nucleus. The con-
around the nucleus, stems from what in classical physics would trast in behaviour has profound implications for chemistry,
be called the ‘centrifugal effect’. When l = 0, the electron has no for it underlies the structure of the periodic table (Topic 20).
angular momentum, and the effective potential energy is purely The exponential decay of wavefunctions has a further impor-
Coulombic and attractive at all radii (Fig. 17.4). When l ≠ 0, tant implication: it means that atoms can, to a good approxi-
the centrifugal term gives a positive (repulsive) contribution mation, be represented by spheres with reasonably well
to the effective potential energy. When the electron is close to defined radii. This feature is especially important in the dis-
the nucleus (r ≈ 0), this repulsive term, which is proportional to cussion of solids (Topic 37), which are commonly modelled as
1/r2, dominates the attractive Coulombic component, which is aggregates of spheres representing their atoms and ions.
2μ dr 2
Justification 17.3The radial wavefunctions close to and We shall not go through the technical steps of solving the
far from the nucleus radial wave equation (eqn 17.6) for the full range of radii, and
see how the form rl close to the nucleus blends into the expo-
When r is very small (close to the nucleus), u = rR ≈ 0, so the
nentially decaying form at great distances.1 It is sufficient to
right-hand side of eqn 17.6a is zero. We can also ignore all but
know that:
the largest terms (those depending on 1/r2) in eqn 17.6b and
write r The two limits can be matched only for integral values of
d 2u l(l + 1) a new quantum number n.
− + 2 u≈0
dr 2 r r The allowed energies corresponding to the allowed
solutions are
The solution of this equation (for r ≈ 0) is
Z 2 μe 4 Hydro-
B Enlm = − n = 1, 2,… genic Energy (17.7)
u ≈ Ar l +1
+ l l
32π 2 ε 02
2n2 atom
as may be verified by substitution of the solution into the dif- r The allowed energies are independent of the values of l
ferential equation. Because R = u/r, and R cannot be infinite and ml; to avoid overburdening the notation, henceforth
anywhere and specifically at r = 0, we must set B = 0. Therefore we denote them simply En.
we obtain u ≈ Arl+1 or R ≈ Arl, as we wanted to show. r The radial wavefunctions depend on the values of both n
Far from the nucleus, when r is very large and we can ignore and l (but not on ml) with l restricted to values 0, 1, …,
all terms in 1/r and 1/r2, eqn 17.6a becomes n − 1.
r All radial wavefunctions have the form
2 d 2u
− Eu
2μ dr 2 R(r ) = r l × (polynomial in r ) × (decaying exponential in r )
where ⯝ means ‘asymptotically equal to’ (that is, the two sides
of the expression become equal as r → ∞). Because These functions are most simply written in terms of the dimen-
sionless quantity ρ (rho), where
d 2u d 2 (rR) d d d ⎛ dR ⎞
= = (rR) = ⎜ r + R⎟
dr 2 dr 2 dr dr dr ⎝ dr ⎠ 2Zr 4 πε 0
ρ= a= (17.8)
This factor is na μe 2
very large
d2R dR d2R
= r 2
+2 r 2
dr dr dr 1 For a full account of the solution, see our Molecular quantum mechan-
For simplicity, and introducing negligible error, the μ in eqn Table 17.1 Hydrogenic radial wavefunctions
17.8 is often replaced by me, in which case ρ = 2Zr/na0 and
n l Rnl
1 0
4 πε 0
2 ⎛ Z⎞
a0 = (17.9)
2⎜ ⎟ e − ρ /2
me e 2 Definition Bohr radius ⎝ a⎠
2 0 3/2
The Bohr radius, a0, has the value 52.9 pm; it is so called 1 ⎛ Z⎞
81/2 ⎝⎜ a ⎠⎟
(2 − ρ ) e− ρ/2
because the same quantity appeared in Bohr’s early model of
the hydrogen atom as the radius of the electron orbit of low- 2 1 3/2
est energy. Specifically, the radial wavefunctions for an electron 1 ⎛ Z⎞
ρe − ρ /2
241/2 ⎜⎝ a ⎟⎠
with quantum numbers n and l are the (real) functions
3 0 3/2
Hydrogenic Radial 1 ⎛ Z⎞
Rnl (r ) = N nl ρ l L2nl++11 (ρ )e − ρ/2 (6 − 6 ρ + ρ 2 )e − ρ /2
2431/2 ⎜⎝ a ⎟⎠
atom wavefunctions (17.10)
with n = 3, l = 0, ml = 0.
r The factor ρl ensures that (provided l > 0) the
Answer: (3 ± 31/3)a0/2, 125 and 33.5 pm
0.8 range of values of ml. For example, if n = 3, the allowed values of
l (and corresponding ml) are 0 (0), 1 (0, ±1), and 2 (0, ±1, ±2).
1.5 0.6
n = 2, l = 0
Brief illustration 17.3 The probability density for
n = 1, l = 0
an electron
0.2 To calculate the probability density at the nucleus for an elec-
0.5 tron occupying the n = 1, l = 0, ml = 0 orbital, we begin by evalu-
0 ating ψ1,0,0 at r = 0 (see Tables 14.1 and 17.1):
(a) (b) 3/2 1/2
0 –0.2 ⎛Z⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
0 1 Zr/a0 2 3 0 5 10 15 ψ 1,0,0 (0,θ , φ ) = R1,0 (0)Y0,0 (θ , φ ) = 2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎝ 4 π ⎟⎠
Zr/a0 ⎝ a0 ⎠
0.4 0.15
The probability density is therefore
0.3 Z3
ψ 1,0,0 (0,θ , φ )2 =
which evaluates to 2.15 × 10 −6 pm−3 when Z = 1. Therefore, the
0.1 n = 2, l = 1 probability of finding the electron inside a region of volume
n = 3, l = 0
0.05 1.00 pm 3 located at the nucleus, ignoring the variation of ψ
0 within the very small region, is 2.15 × 10 −6 or about 1 part in
(c) (d) 5 × 105.
–0.1 0
0 7.5 15 22.5 0 5 10 15 Self-test 17.3 Evaluate the probability density at the nucleus
Zr/a0 Zr/a0
for an electron occupying the n = 2, l = 0, ml = 0 orbital. What
0.1 0.05 is the probability of finding the electron inside a region of vol-
ume 1.00 pm3 located at the nucleus of the H atom?
0.04 Answer: Z 3/(8πa03 ), 2.69 × 10 −7
0.05 n = 3, l = 2
n = 3, l = 1
0.02 (b) The energy levels
0.01 The energy levels predicted by eqn 17.7 are depicted in Fig.
(e) (f) 17.7. The energies, and also the separation of neighbouring lev-
0 7.5 15 22.5
0 els, are proportional to Z2; therefore, the levels are four times
0 7.5 15 22.5
Zr/a0 Zr/a0 as wide apart in He+ (Z = 2) as in H (Z = 1) and the ground state
(n = 1) is four times deeper in energy. All the energies given by
Figure 17.6 The radial wavefunctions of the first few states of eqn 17.7 are negative because they refer to the bound states of
hydrogenic atoms of atomic number Z. Note that the orbitals with the atom, in which the energy of the atom is lower than that
l = 0 have a nonzero and finite value at the nucleus. The horizontal of the infinitely separated, stationary electron and nucleus (the
scales are different in each case: orbitals with high principal
n = ∞ limit). There are also solutions of the Schrödinger equa-
quantum numbers are relatively distant from the nucleus.
tion (eqn 17.3) with positive energies. These solutions corre-
conditions that the angular and radial wavefunctions must sat- spond to unbound states of the electron, the states to which
isfy put additional constraints on their values: an electron is raised when it is ejected from the atom by a
high-energy collision or photon. The energies of the unbound
An electron in an orbital with quantum number l has an
electron are not quantized (the boundary condition that the
angular momentum of magnitude {l(l + 1)}1/2
, with l = 0, 1,
wavefunction must vanish at infinity is no longer relevant) and
2, …, n − 1.
form the continuum states of the atom.
An electron in an orbital with quantum number ml has a For the hydrogen atom, the expression for the energy in eqn
z-component of angular momentum ml
, with 17.7 can be written in the form
ml = 0, ± 1, ± 2,…, ± l.
hcR H Energy,
Note how the value of the principal quantum number, n, con- En = − n = 1, 2, … Alternative
hydrogen (17.12a)
n2 form
trols the maximum value of l and how, in turn, l restricts the atom
where R H is the Rydberg constant for hydrogen Therefore, for n = 3, the energy is
μ e4 Z
2 hcR ∞
R H = H2 3 Rydberg constant for H (17.12b) 4 × 2.179 87 × 10−18 J
8ε 0 h c E3 = −
with a value of 109 677 cm−1. The Rydberg constant itself, R ∞ , n2
is defined by the same expression as eqn 17.12b except for the = −9.688 31 × 10−19 J
replacement of μH by the mass of an electron, me, correspond-
ing to a nucleus of infinite mass: or −0.968 831 aJ (a, for atto, is the prefix that denotes 10 −18).
In some applications it is useful to express the energy
m e4 in electronvolts (1 eV = 1.602 176 × 10 −19 J); in this case,
R ∞ = 2e 3 Definition Rydberg constant (17.13)
8ε 0 h c E3 = −6.046 97 eV.
Self-test 17.4 What is the energy of the electron in an excited
state of a Li+2 ion (Z = 3) for which the wavefunction is R4,3(r) ×
Example 17.1 Determining the energy for an electron Answer: −1.226 18 aJ, −7.653 22 eV
occupying an atomic orbital
The single electron in a certain excited state of a hydrogenic
Equation 17.12 is a convenient expression for analyses of the
He + ion (Z = 2) is described by the wavefunction R 3,2 (r) ×
Y2,−1(θ ,φ). What is the energy of its electron? emission spectrum of atomic hydrogen, as shown in the follow-
ing Example, and explored in more detail in Topic 21.
Method Because the energy of a hydrogenic atom depends on
n but is independent of the values of l and ml, we need iden-
tify only the quantum number n, which is done by noting the
form of the wavefunction given in eqn 17.11. Then use eqn 17.7 Example 17.2 Calculating the wavenumber of a line in
to calculate the energy. To a good approximation, the reduced the emission spectrum of H
mass in eqn 17.7 can be replaced by me and the energy can be
When an electric discharge is passed through gaseous hydro-
written in terms of the Rydberg constant of eqn 17.13. (For
gen, the H2 molecules are dissociated and energetically excited
greater accuracy, use the reduced mass of the electron and
H atoms are produced. If the electron in an excited H atom
helium nucleus.)
makes a transition from n = 2 to n = 1, calculate the wavenum-
Answer Replacing μ by me and using
= h/2π, we can write ber of the corresponding line in the emission spectrum.
the expression for the energy (eqn 17.7) as
Method When an excited electron makes a transition from
Z me 4
Z hcR ∞
2 a state with quantum number n 2 to a lower energy state with
En = − 2 e2 2 = − quantum number n1, it loses an energy
8ε 0 h n n2
⎛ 1 1⎞
with ΔE = En2 − En1 = −hcR H ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟
⎝ n2 n1 ⎠
9 . 109 38 × 10 −31
kg × (1 . 602 176 × 10 −19
C )4 The frequency of the emitted photon is ν = ΔE/h; the wave-
R ∞ = number is = /c = ΔE /hc .
8 × (8.854 19 ×10 J C m ) × (6.626 08 ×10−34 Js)3
−12 −1 2 −1 2
ε 02 h3 Answer The wavenumber of the photon emitted when an elec-
× 2.997 926 ×1010 cms −1 tron makes a transition from n2 = 2 to n1 = 1 is given by
⎛ 1 1⎞
= 109 737 cm −1 = − R H ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟
⎝ n2 n1 ⎠
⎛ 1 1⎞
and = −(109677cm −1 ) × ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟
⎝2 1 ⎠
hcR ∞ = (6.626 08 × 10−34 Js) × (2.997 926 × 1010 cms −1 ) = 82 258 cm −1
× (109 737cm −1 )
= 2.179 87 × 10−18 J The emitted photon has a wavelength of 122 nm, correspond-
ing to ultraviolet radiation.
Self-test 17.5 Calculate the wavelength and wavenumber of then when the atom makes a transition to E lower, a photon of
the emitted photon if the electron in H makes a transition wavenumber
from n = 3 to n = 2.
Answer: 656 nm, 15 233 cm−1, visible R H Elower
= − −
n2 hc
ν/(103 cm–1)
H+ + e– n
0 ∞ ~
~ 90
–hcRH/9 3
Energy, E
Classically 0 0.1 0.2
allowed 1/n2
Figure 17.8 The plot of the data in Example 17.3 used to
–hcRH 1 determine the ionization energy of an atom (in this case,
of H).
Figure 17.7 The energy levels of a hydrogen atom. The values
are relative to an infinitely separated, stationary electron and a Answer The wavenumbers are plotted against 1/n2 in Fig. 17.8.
proton. The (least-squares) intercept lies at 109 679 cm−1, so the ioni-
zation energy is 2.1788 aJ (1317.1 kJ mol−1). The slope is, in this
instance, numerically the same, so the experimentally deter-
Example 17.3 Measuring an ionization energy mined value of the Rydberg constant is 109 679 cm−1, very close
spectroscopically to the actual value of 109 677 cm−1.
The emission spectrum of atomic hydrogen shows a series Self-test 17.6 The emission spectrum of atomic deuterium
of lines at 82 259, 97 492, 102 824, 105 292, 106 632, and shows lines at 15 238, 20 571, 23 039, and 24 380 cm−1, which
107 440 cm −1, which correspond to transitions to the same correspond to transitions to the same lower state. Determine
lower state. Determine (a) the ionization energy of the lower (a) the ionization energy of the lower state, (b) the ionization
state, (b) the value of the Rydberg constant. energy of the ground state, (c) the mass of the deuteron (by
expressing the Rydberg constant in terms of the reduced mass
Method The spectroscopic determination of ionization ener-
of the electron and the deuteron, and solving for the mass of
gies depends on the determination of the ‘series limit’, the
the deuteron).
wavenumber at which the series terminates and becomes
Answer: (a) 328.1 kJ mol−1, (b) 1317.4 kJ mol−1, (c) 2.8 × 10 −27 kg,
a continuum. If the upper state lies at an energy −hcR H / n2 , a result very sensitive to R D
Checklist of concepts
☐ 1. A hydrogenic atom is a one-electron atom or ion of ☐ 5. The quantum numbers l and ml specify the magnitude
general atomic number Z. A many-electron atom is an (as {l(l + 1)}1/2
) and the z-component (as ml
), respec-
atom or ion with more than one electron. tively, of the angular momentum of the electron around
☐ 2. The wavefunction of a hydrogenic atom is the product the nucleus. The allowed values are l = 0, 1, 2, …, n − 1;
of a radial wavefunction and an angular wavefunction ml = 0, ± 1, ± 2,…, ± l.
(spherical harmonic) and is labelled by the quantum ☐ 6. The energy of an infinitely separated, stationary electron
numbers n, l, and ml. and nucleus is zero. Electron energies which are negative
☐ 3. An atomic orbital is a one-electron wavefunction for an correspond to bound states of the atom. Positive energies
electron in an atom. correspond to unbound or continuum states.
☐ 4. The principa l quantum number n determines ☐ 7. The ionization energy of an element is the minimum
the energy of an electron in a hydrogenic atom; n = 1, energy required to remove an electron from the ground
2, …. state of one of its atoms in the gas phase.
Checklist of equations
Property Equation Comment Equation number
Coulomb potential energy V(r) = −Ze2/4πε 0r 17.1
Reduced mass μ = memN/(me + mN) 17.3b
Radial wave equation −(
2/2μ)(d2u/dr2) + Veffu = Eu Hydrogenic atom 17.6a
Effective potential energy Veff = −Ze2/4πε0r + l(l + 1)
2/2μr2 Hydrogenic atom 17.6b
Electronic energy En = − Z 2 μe 4 / 32π2ε 02
2n2 Hydrogenic atom 17.7
n = 1, 2, …
Bohr radius a0 = 4πε0
2/mee2 52.9 pm 17.9
Atomic orbital ψnlml(r , θ , φ ) = Rnl (r )Ylml (θ , φ ) 17.11
Rydberg constant for hydrogen R H = μHe 4 /8ε 02h3c 109 677 cm−1 17.12b
Rydberg constant R ∞ = mee 4 /8ε 02h3c 109 737 cm−1 17.13
Ionization energy of hydrogen I = hcR H 2.179 aJ, 13.60 eV 17.14
Contents (Topic 9). This Topic draws heavily on the forms of the
radial wavefunctions given in Table 17.1 of Topic 17 and the
18.1 Shells and subshells 160
spherical harmonics given in Table 14.1 of Topic 14. Various
Brief illustration 18.1: The number of orbitals
in a shell 161 techniques of integration are used; they are reviewed in
(a) s Orbitals 161 Mathematical background 1.
Example 18.1: Calculating the mean radius of an
s orbital 162
(b) p Orbitals 163 Hydrogenic atomic orbitals, which are the electronic wavefunc-
Brief illustration 18.2: The 2px orbital 165 tions for one-electron atoms with atomic number Z, are defined
(c) d Orbitals 165 by the three quantum numbers n, l, and ml (Topic 17). They
Example 18.2: Finding the most probable have the form ψ nlm = RnlYlm where the radial wavefunction R is
l l
locations of an electron 165 given in Table 17.1 and the spherical harmonic Y in Table 14.1.
18.2 Radial distribution functions 165 The probability densities ψ nlm result in the shapes of atomic
Example 18.3: Identifying the most probable orbitals familiar from introductory chemistry courses. Here we
radius 166 explore the properties of hydrogenic atomic orbitals because
Checklist of concepts 168 they provide the basis for describing the electronic structure
Checklist of equations 168
and periodic properties of many-electron atoms (Topic 19)
and, by extension, molecules (Topics 22–30).
➤ What is the key idea? Thus, all the orbitals of the shell with n = 2 form the L shell of
Atomic orbitals describe the probability density distribution
the atom, and so on. The orbitals with the same value of n but
of an electron in an atom.
different values of l (allowed values are 0, 1, …, n – 1) are said
to form a subshell of a given shell.The subshells are generally
➤ What do you need to know already? referred to by lowercase letters:
You need to know what is meant by the terms probability
density (Topic 5), expectation value (Topic 7), and node l=0 1 2 3 4 5 6…
s p d f g h i…
n s
∞ p d f Brief illustration 18.1 The number of orbitals in a shell
4 4s[1] 4p[3] 4d [5] 4f [7]
3 When n = 3 there are three subshells, l = 0 (3s), l = 1 (3p), and
3s[1] 3p[3] 3d [5]
l = 2 (3d). Since the s, p, and d subshells contain one, three,
2s[1] 2p[3] and five orbitals, respectively, there are a total of 9 = 32 orbitals
in the M shell.
Self-test 18.1 Identify the orbitals in the N shell.
Answer: one 4s, three 4p, five 4d, seven 4f orbitals; 16 in total
1s [1]
1 (a) s Orbitals
Figure 18.1 The energy levels of a hydrogenic atom showing The orbital occupied in the ground state of a hydrogenic atom
the subshells and (in square brackets) the numbers of orbitals is the one with n = 1 and therefore with l = 0 and ml = 0. The
in each subshell. All orbitals of a given shell have the same wavefunction ψ1,0,0 is the product of the radial wavefunction
energy. R1,0 and the spherical harmonic Y0,0, so from Tables 14.1 and
17.1 it follows that
The letters then run alphabetically omitting j (because some 1/2
languages do not distinguish between i and j). Figure 18.1 ⎛ Z3 ⎞
ψ =⎜ 3⎟ e − Zr /a
0 Hydrogenic atom 1s wavefunction (18.1)
shows the energy levels of the subshells explicitly for a hydro- ⎝ πa0 ⎠
genic atom. Because l can range from 0 to n − 1, giving n values
in all, it follows that there are n subshells of a shell with princi- This wavefunction is independent of the angular location of
pal quantum number n. Thus, the electron and has the same value at all points of constant
radius; that is, the 1s orbital is ‘spherically symmetrical’. The
r when n = 1, there is only one subshell, the one with l = 0 wavefunction decays exponentially from a maximum value of
(the 1s subshell); (Z 3 /π a03 )1/2 at the nucleus (at r = 0), and therefore the greatest
r when n = 2, there are two subshells, the 2s subshell (with probability density is at the nucleus.
l = 0) and the 2p subshell (with l = 1). A note on good practice Always keep in mind the distinction
between the probability density (dimensions: 1/volume) at a
When n = 1 there is only one subshell, that with l = 0, and that point, ψ 2, and the probability (dimensionless) of the electron
subshell contains only one orbital, with ml = 0 (the only value being in an infinitesimal region dτ at that point, ψ 2dτ.
of ml permitted). When n = 2, there are four orbitals, one in
the s subshell with l = 0 and ml = 0, and three in the l = 1 sub- The general form of the ground-state wavefunction can be
shell with ml = + 1, 0, −1. In general, the number of orbitals in a understood by considering the contributions of the potential
shell of principal quantum number n is n2, so in a hydrogenic and kinetic energies to the total energy of the atom. The closer
atom each energy level is n2-fold degenerate. The organization the electron is to the nucleus, the lower (that is, more negative)
of orbitals in the shells is summarized in Fig. 18.2. its potential energy. This dependence suggests that the lowest
potential energy is obtained with a sharply peaked wavefunc-
Subshells tion that has a large amplitude at the nucleus and is very small
everywhere else (Fig. 18.3a). However, this shape implies a
s p d
high kinetic energy, because such a wavefunction has a very
M shell, n = 3
high average curvature. The electron would have very low
kinetic energy if its wavefunction had only a very low average
Orbitals curvature. However, such a wavefunction (Fig. 18.3b) spreads
L shell, n = 2 to great distances from the nucleus and the average potential
energy of the electron is correspondingly high (that is, less
negative). The actual ground-state wavefunction is a compro-
mise between these two extremes (Fig. 18.3c): the wavefunc-
K shell, n = 1
tion spreads away from the nucleus (so the expectation value
of the potential energy is not as low as in the first example, but
Figure 18.2 The organization of orbitals (white squares) nor is it very high) and has a reasonably low average curvature
into subshells (characterized by l) and shells (characterized (so the expectation value of the kinetic energy is not very low,
by n). but nor is it as high as in the first example). The contributions of
Lowest total energy
c Low kinetic energy
high potential energy x y
x y
Radius, r
(a) 1s (b) 2s
Figure 18.3 The balance of kinetic and potential energies that
accounts for the structure of the ground state of hydrogenic
atoms. (a) The sharply curved but localized orbital has high Figure 18.4 Representations of cross-sections through the (a) 1s
mean kinetic energy, but low mean potential energy; (b) the and (b) 2s hydrogenic atomic orbitals in terms of their electron
mean kinetic energy is low, but the potential energy is not very probability densities (as represented by the density of shading).
favourable; (c) the compromise of moderate kinetic energy and
moderately favourable potential energy. z
Justification 18.1
The virial theorem and the energies
of hydrogenic atomic orbitals Figure 18.5 The boundary surface of a 1s orbital, within which
The virial theorem (Topic 12) states that if the potential energy there is a 90 per cent probability of finding the electron. All s
of the system is of the form V = ax b, where a and b are con- orbitals have spherical boundary surfaces.
stants, then the average kinetic and potential energies are
related by 2〈E k 〉 = 〈V〉. For the Coulomb potential energy
(V ∝ −1/r), b = −1; therefore Example 18.1 Calculating the mean radius of an s orbital
1 Evaluate the mean radius of a 1s orbital of a hydrogenic atom
〈 Ek 〉 = − 〈V 〉
2 of atomic number Z.
As the average distance of the electron from the nucleus Method The mean radius is the expectation value
increases, 〈V〉 increases (becomes less negative) so 〈E k 〉
∫ ∫
decreases (becomes less positive), as described in the text. 〈r 〉 = ψ ∗ rψ dτ = r ψ dτ
number of radial nodes. For example, the 1s, 2s, and 3s orbitals, Ylml sin θ dθ dφ = 1
0 0
which are collected in Table 18.1, have 0, 1, and 2 radial nodes,
respectively (see Fig. 17.6 and note the number of zeroes in the where the limits on the first integral sign refer to θ, and
radial wavefunction). The radial nodes for the 2s and 3s orbitals those on the second to φ (recall the procedure for multiple
are calculated in Brief illustration 17.2. In general, an ns orbital
has n−1 radial nodes.
∫ ∫∫
= r 3
Rnl2 dr × Ylml sinθ dθ dφ
0 0
All p orbitals with ml = 0 have wavefunctions of this form
=∫ r 3Rnl2 dr regardless of the value of n (with different forms of f for dif-
ferent values of n). This way of writing the orbital is the ori-
gin of the name ‘pz orbital’. The boundary surface (for n = 2) is
For a 1s orbital (Table 17.1),
shown in Fig. 18.6. The wavefunction is zero everywhere in the
3/2 xy-plane, where z = 0, so the xy-plane is a nodal plane of the
R1,0 = 2 ⎜ ⎟ e − Zr /a0 orbital: the wavefunction changes sign on going from one side
⎝ a0 ⎠
of the nodal plane to the other.
Hence, by using Integral E.1 given in the Resource section with The hydrogenic 2p orbitals with ml = ± 1 are
n = 3 and a = 2Z/a0,
ψ 2 p = R2,1Y1, ±1
Integral E.1
3 ∞
3! 1 ⎛Z⎞
〈r 〉 = 4 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ a0 ⎠ ∫0
r 3e −2 Zr /a0 dr = 4⎜ ⎟ ×
⎝ 0 ⎠ (2Z / a0 )4
a =∓
8π 1/2 ⎜⎝ a0 ⎟⎠
r e − Zr /2a sinθ e ± iφ
3a0 1
= = ∓ 1/2 r sinθ e ± iφ f (r ) (18.3)
2Z 2
For H, 〈r〉 = 79.4 pm, and for He + , 〈r〉 = 39.7 pm. In general, the with f(r) a function only of r (but not the same function as in
higher the nuclear charge, the closer the electron is drawn to
eqn 18.2). These functions correspond to nonzero angular
the nucleus.
Self-test 18.2 Evaluate the mean radius of (a) a 3s orbital and
θ = 90°
(b) a 3p orbital for a hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z.
Answer: (a) (27/2)a0/Z; (b) (25/2)a0/Z
φ = 90° φ=0
(b) p Orbitals +
– +
momentum about the z-axis: e +iφ corresponds to clockwise The 2px orbital has the same shape as a 2pz orbital, but it is
rotation when viewed from below, and e−iφ corresponds to anti- directed along the x-axis (see Fig. 18.6); the 2py orbital is simi-
clockwise rotation (from the same viewpoint). They have zero larly directed along the y-axis. The wavefunction of any p orbital
amplitude where θ = 0 and 180° (along the z-axis) and maxi- of a given shell can be written as a product of x, y, or z and the
mum amplitude at θ = 90°, which is in the xy-plane. same radial function (which depends on the value of n). The 2p
To draw the functions in eqn 18.3, it is customary to con- hydrogenic wavefunctions presented in eqns 18.2–18.4 are col-
struct two real wavefunctions that are linear combinations lected in Table 18.1 as well as the 3p hydrogenic wavefunctions.
of the degenerate functions ψ 2 p . We show in the following
All 2p orbitals have no radial nodes; 3p orbitals have one radial
Justification that it is permissible to take linear combinations of node, and np orbitals have n – 2 radial nodes. These numbers,
degenerate orbitals. In particular, we form the real linear com- including that for s orbitals given earlier, are special cases of
binations (using e + iφ = cos φ ± i sin φ)
3s 1/2
Because the functions in eqn 18.4 are superpositions of states ⎛ Z3 ⎞ ⎛ 4 Zr 4 Z 2r 2 ⎞ −Zr /3a
ψ 3s = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 6 − a + 9a2 ⎟ e 0
with equal and opposite values of ml (namely, + 1 and −1), the ⎝ 972π a03 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 ⎠
the general expression that a hydrogenic orbital with quantum Example 18.2 Finding the most probable locations of
numbers n and l has n – l –1 radial nodes and l nodal planes.
an electron
Find the most probable location of an electron occupying the
Brief illustration 18.2 The 2px orbital 3d z 2 orbital in the hydrogen atom.
The angular variation of the 2px orbital is proportional to Method The 3d z 2 orbital corresponds to n = 3, l = 2, ml = 0. To
sin θ cos φ, so the probability density, which is proportional find the most probable location of the electron, construct the
to sin 2 θ cos 2 φ, has its maximum values at θ = 90° (where probability density ψ nlml by using Table 18.1 and then find
sin2 θ = 1) and φ = 0 and 180° (where cos2 φ = 1). Therefore, the its maxima by finding where the first derivative of the prob-
electron is most likely to be found on either side of the nucleus ability density vanishes.
along the x-axis (Fig. 18.6). In addition, the wavefunction is
Answer The 3d z 2 hydrogen atomic orbital is
zero (and passes through zero) at θ = 0, 180° and φ = 90°, 270°,
so the yz-plane is a nodal plane.
1/2 2
Self-test 18.3 Identify the nodal plane of the 2py orbital. ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 2r ⎞ − r /3a0
ψ 3d = R3,2 (r )Y2,0 (θ , φ ) = ⎜ e (3 cos2 θ −1)
Answer: xz-plane
z 2
⎝ 7776π a03 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 3a0 ⎟⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞
= Nr 2e − r /3a0 (3 cos2θ − 1) N =⎜
⎝ 39366π a07 ⎟⎠
⎛ f
f (dg /dr )
(df /dr ) g
d ⎜
4 −2r /3a0 ⎟
resulting 3d orbitals are shown in Fig. 18.7. The 3d orbitals and
their real combinations are collected in Table 18.1. r e = 4r e
3 −2 r /3a0
− 4 −2 r /3a0
r e
dr ⎜ ⎟ 3a0
⎝ ⎠
= 2r 3e −2r /3a0 (2 − r / 3a0 )
π 2π
Probability, ψ *ψdτ
= r 2 R(r )2 dr Y (θ , φ ) sinθ dθ dφ
0 0
= r 2 R(r )2 dr
The last equality follows from the fact that the spherical har-
monics are normalized to 1 (see Example 18.1). It follows that
Radius, r
P(r) = r2R(r)2, as stated in the text.
Figure 18.8 A constant-volume electron-sensitive detector
(the small cube) gives its greatest reading at the nucleus, and
The radial distribution function, P(r), is a probability den-
a smaller reading elsewhere. The same reading is obtained
anywhere on a circle of given radius: the s orbital is spherically sity in the sense that when it is multiplied by dr, it gives the
symmetrical. probability of finding the electron anywhere between the two
walls of a spherical shell of thickness dr at the radius r. For a 1s
orbital, with R1,0 given in Table 17.1,
the probability density in the ground state of the atom is
4 Z 3 2 −2 Zr /a Ground-state Radial
ψ 1s 2∝ e − 2Zr /a , the reading from the probe decreases exponen-
P (r ) = r e 0
hydrogenic distribution
a03 (18.6)
tially as the probe is moved out along any radius but is constant orbital function
if the probe is moved on a circle of constant radius (Fig. 18.8).
Now consider the probability of finding the ground-state We can interpret this expression as follows:
electron anywhere between the two walls of a spherical shell
r Because r2 = 0 at the nucleus, P(0) = 0. Although the
of thickness dr at a radius r. The sensitive volume of the probe
probability density itself is a maximum at the nucleus,
is now the volume of the shell (Fig. 18.9), which is 4πr2dr
the radial distribution function is zero at r = 0 on
(the product of its surface area, 4πr2, and its thickness, dr).
account of the r2 factor.
The probability that the 1s electron will be found between the
r As r→∞, P(r)→0 on account of the exponential
inner and outer surfaces of this shell is the probability den-
sity at the radius r multiplied by the volume of the probe, or term.
|ψ1s|2 × 4πr2 dr. This expression has the form P(r)dr, where r The increase in r2 and the decrease in the
exponential factor means that P(r) passes through
2 Ground-state Radial a maximum at an intermediate radius (see Fig. 18.9).
P (r ) = 4 πr 2 ψ 1s hydrogenic orbital distribution (18.5a)
The maximum of P(r), which can be found by differentiation,
In the following Justification we show that the more general marks the most probable distance from the nucleus at which
expression, which applies to any orbital, is the electron will be found.
The radial distribution functions of the hydrogen atom for
Radial n = 1, 2, 3 are shown in Fig.18.10. Note how the most probable
P (r ) = r 2 R(r )2 Definition distribution (18.5b)
function distance of the electron from the nucleus increases with n but it
shifts to lower values as the quantum number l increases within
where R(r) is the radial wavefunction for the orbital in question. a given shell. The small secondary maxima close to the nucleus
might seem insignificant, but in Topic 20 we see that they have
Justification 18.3 great significance for the structure of the periodic table.
The general form of the radial
distribution function
Example 18.3 Identifying the most probable radius
The probability of finding an electron in a volume element dτ
when its wavefunction is ψ = RY is R 2|Y|2 dτ with dτ = r2 dr sin θ Identify the most probable radius, r*, at which an electron will
dθ dφ (recall that R is real). The total probability of finding the be found when it occupies a 1s orbital of a hydrogenic atom of
electron at any angle at a constant radius is the integral of this atomic number Z, and tabulate the values for the one-electron
probability over the surface of a sphere of radius r, and is writ- species from H to Ne9 +.
ten P(r)dr; so
3d 3p
0.1 3s
the nuclear charge increases. At uranium the most probable
radius is only 0.58 pm, almost 100 times closer than for hydro-
gen. (On a scale where r* = 10 cm for H, r* = 1 mm for U91+ .)
The electron then experiences strong accelerations and rela-
tivistic effects are important. 0
0 5 10 15 20
Self-test 18.5 Find the most probable distance of an electron from
the nucleus in a hydrogenic atom when it occupies a 2s orbital.
Figure 18.10 The radial distribution functions of the hydrogen
Answer: [(3 + 51/2)a0/Z; for H: 277 pm
atom for n = 1, 2, 3 and the allowed values of l in each case.
We have taken only the first steps in our exploration of atoms (Topic 19), as well as aspects of atomic spectroscopy
atomic structure. The preceding discussion of hydrogenic (Topic 21). Furthermore, an elaboration of the concept of an
atomic orbitals provides the basis for understanding the elec- orbital is used in the description of the electronic structure of
tronic structure and periodic properties of many-electron molecules (Topics 22−30).
Checklist of concepts
☐ 1. A shell of an atom consists of all the orbitals of a given ☐ 5. A boundary surface is the surface that captures a high
value of n: K(n = 1); L (n = 2); M (n = 3); N (n = 4); … proportion (typically about 90 per cent) of the electron
☐ 2. A subshell of a shell of an atom consists of all the orbit- probability density.
als with the same value of n but different values of l: ☐ 6. The radial distribution function is the probability
s (l = 0); p (l = 1); d (l = 2); f (l = 3); g (l = 4); … density of finding the electron anywhere at a distance r
☐ 3. Each shell consists of n2 orbitals. from the nucleus.
☐ 4. Each subshell consists of 2l + 1 orbitals.
Checklist of equations
Property Equation Comment Equation number
Ground-state (1s) wavefunction ψ = (Z 3 /π a03 )1/2 e −Zr /a0 Hydrogenic atom 18.1
Radial distribution function P(r) = 4πr2|ψ1s|2 Ground state of hydrogenic atom 18.5a
Many-electron atoms
The Schrödinger equation for a many-electron atom is highly
Contents complicated because all the electrons interact with one another.
19.1 The orbital approximation 169 Even for a helium atom, with its two electrons, no analytical
Brief illustration 19.1: Atomic configurations 170 expression for the wavefunctions and energies can be given, and
19.2 Factors affecting electronic structure 170 we are forced to make approximations. We shall adopt a simple
(a) Spin 170 approach, called the ‘orbital approximation’, based on the struc-
Brief illustration 19.2: Spin 171 ture of hydrogenic atoms and the energies of orbitals.
(b) The Pauli principle 171
Brief illustration 19.3: The Pauli principle 172
(c) Penetration and shielding 172
Example 19.1: Analysing the extent 19.1 The orbital approximation
of penetration 173
19.3 Self-consistent field calculations 174 The wavefunction of a many-electron atom is a very compli-
Checklist of concepts 175 cated function of the coordinates of all the electrons, and we
Checklist of equations 175 should write it ψ(r1,r2,…), where ri is the vector from the
nucleus to electron i. However, in the orbital approximation
we suppose that a reasonable first approximation to this exact
wavefunction is obtained by thinking of each electron as occu-
pying its ‘own’ orbital, and write the product
➤ Why do you need to know this material? ψ (r1 , r2 ,…) = ψ (r1 )ψ (r2 )… Orbital approximation (19.1)
Atoms are the currency of chemistry, and although
hydrogenic atoms provide an excellent introduction to We can think of the individual orbitals as resembling the hydro-
atomic orbitals, it is essential to see how to adapt those genic orbitals of Topic 18, but corresponding to nuclear charges
concepts to the description of the electronic structure modified by the presence of all the other electrons in the atom.
of many-electron atoms as a basis for understanding This description is only approximate, as explained in the fol-
chemical periodicity, which is treated in Topic 20. lowing Justification, but it is a useful model for discussing the
chemical properties of atoms, and is the starting point for more
➤ What is the key idea? sophisticated descriptions of atomic structure.
Electrons occupy orbitals in such a way as to achieve the
lowest total energy subject to the requirements of the Justification 19.1 The orbital approximation
Pauli principle.
The orbital approximation would be exact if there were no
➤ What do you need to know already? interactions between electrons. To demonstrate the validity of
You need to be familiar with the concept of atomic orbitals this remark for a two-electron atom, we need to consider a sys-
(Topic 18), which are the basis of the discussion in this tem in which the hamiltonian for the energy is the sum of two
Topic. The introduction to electron spin makes use of contributions, one for electron 1 and the other for electron 2:
some of the conclusions about angular momentum in
Topic 14. H = H 1 + H 2
ms = –½
ms = +½
ms = +½
two particles spinning much more slowly than an electron. Figure 19.2 Electrons with paired spins have zero resultant
Some mesons are spin-1 particles (that is, s = 1, as are some spin angular momentum. They can be represented by two
atomic nuclei), but for our purposes the most important spin-1 vectors that lie at an indeterminate position on the cones
particle is the photon. The importance of photon spin in spec- shown here, but wherever one lies on its cone, the other points
troscopy is explained in Topic 40; proton spin is the basis of in the opposite direction; their resultant is zero.
Topic 47 (Magnetic resonance).
Electrons with paired spins, denoted ↑↓, have zero net spin
Brief illustration 19.2 angular momentum because the spin of one electron is can-
celled by the spin of the other. Specifically, one electron has
The magnitude of the spin angular momentum, like any angu- ms = + 12 , the other has ms = – 12 , and they are orientated on their
lar momentum, is {s(s + 1)}1/2ħ. For any spin- 12 particle, not respective cones so that the resultant spin is zero (Fig. 19.2).
only electrons, this angular momentum is ( 34 )1/2ħ = 0.866ħ, or The exclusion principle is the key to the structure of complex
9.13 × 10−35 J s. The component on the z-axis is msħ, which for a atoms, to chemical periodicity, and to molecular structure. It
spin- 12 particle is ± 12 ħ, or ±5.27 × 10−35 J s. was proposed by Wolfgang Pauli in 1924 when he was trying
Self-test 19.2 Evaluate the spin angular momentum of a to account for the absence of some lines in the spectrum of
photon. helium. Later he was able to derive a very general form of the
Answer: 21/2ħ = 1.49 × 10 −34 J s principle from theoretical considerations.
The Pauli exclusion principle in fact applies to any pair of
identical fermions. Thus it applies to protons, neutrons, and 13C
Particles with half–integral spin are called fermions and nuclei (all of which have spin 12 ) and to 35Cl nuclei (which have
those with integral spin (including 0) are called bosons. Thus, spin 23 ). It does not apply to identical bosons, which include
electrons and protons are fermions and photons are bosons. It photons (spin 1) and 12C nuclei (spin 0). Any number of identi-
is a very deep feature of nature that all the elementary particles cal bosons may occupy the same state.
that constitute matter are fermions whereas the elementary The Pauli exclusion principle is a special case of a general
particles that are responsible for the forces that bind fermions statement called the Pauli principle:
together are all bosons. Photons, for example, transmit the
electromagnetic force that binds together electrically charged When the labels of any two identical fermions are
particles. Matter, therefore, is an assembly of fermions held exchanged, the total wavefunction changes sign; when the
together by forces conveyed by bosons. labels of any two identical bosons are exchanged, the total
wavefunction retains the same sign.
(b) The Pauli principle By ‘total wavefunction’ is meant the entire wavefunction,
The role of spin in determining electronic structure becomes including the spin of the particles; that is, the total wave-
apparent as soon as we consider lithium, Z = 3, and its three function must be a function of the positions as well as spins
electrons. The first two occupy a 1s orbital drawn even more of the particles. To see that the Pauli principle implies the
closely than in He around the more highly charged nucleus. Pauli exclusion principle, we consider the (total) wavefunc-
The third electron, however, does not join the first two in the tion for two electrons, ψ(1,2). The Pauli principle implies
1s orbital because that configuration is forbidden by the Pauli that it is a fact of nature (which has its roots in the theory
exclusion principle: of relativity) that the wavefunction must change sign if we
interchange the labels 1 and 2 wherever they occur in the
No more than two electrons may occupy any given function: ψ(2,1) = –ψ(1,2). That the Pauli principle implies
orbital, and if two do occupy one orbital, then their spins the Pauli exclusion principle is shown in the following
must be paired. Justification.
because it is simply the original function written in a different (c) Penetration and shielding
order. The third overall product is therefore also disallowed.
All the terms in grey are therefore disallowed. Finally, con- In hydrogenic atoms all orbitals of a given shell are degener-
sider σ −(1,2): ate. In many-electron atoms, although orbitals of a given sub-
shell remain degenerate, the subshells themselves have different
σ − (2,1) = (1/ 21/2 ){α (2)β (1) − β (2)α (1)} energies. The difference can be traced to the fact that an elec-
tron in a many-electron atom experiences a Coulombic repul-
= −(1/ 21/2 ){α (1)β (2) − β (1)α (2)} = − σ − (1, 2)
sion from all the other electrons present. If it is at a distance r
This combination does change sign (it is ‘antisymmetric’). from the nucleus, it experiences an average repulsion that can
Therefore the (blue) product ψ (1)ψ (2)σ − (1,2) also changes be represented by a point negative charge located at the nucleus
sign under particle exchange and is acceptable. and equal in magnitude to the total charge of the electrons
No net effect of
Net effect equivalent 3s
to a point charge at
the nucleus
of the same shell (the wavefunction of a p orbital, remember, is for the various radial wavefunctions. For instance, the 3s
zero at the nucleus). Because only electrons inside the sphere radial wavefunction is
defined by the location of the electron contribute to shield- 3/2
1 ⎛Z⎞ ⎛ 4 Zr 4 Z 2r 2 ⎞ − Zr /3a0
ing, an s electron experiences less shielding than a p electron. R3,0 (r ) =
2431/2 ⎜⎝ a0 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 6 − a + 9a2 ⎟⎠ e
0 0
Consequently, by the combined effects of penetration and
shielding, an s electron is more tightly bound than a p electron In each case the integral is best evaluated by using mathemati-
of the same shell. Similarly, a d electron penetrates less than a cal software, although hand integration is feasible (but tire-
p electron of the same shell (recall that the wavefunctions of some). The results are plotted in Fig. 19.5. If, arbitrarily, we ask
orbitals are proportional to rl close to the nucleus and there- for the probability of finding the electron within a sphere of
fore that a d orbital varies as r2 close to the nucleus, whereas a radius a0/Z, we find
p orbital varies as r), and therefore experiences more shielding.
The consequence of penetration and shielding is that the ener- 3s (l = 0) 3p (l = 1) 3d (l = 2)
gies of subshells of a shell in a many-electron atom in general Pnl (a0 / Z ) 0.0098 0.0013 0.000 006
lie in the order s < p < d < f.
3s 19.3Self-consistent field
3p calculations
0 The treatment we have given to the electronic configuration
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
R/Za0 of many-electron species is only approximate because it is
hopeless to expect to find exact solutions of a Schrödinger
Figure 19.5 The results obtained in Example 19.1. The graphs equation that takes into account the interaction of all the elec-
show the total probability of an electron being inside a trons with one another. However, computational techniques
sphere of radius R when it occupies a 3s, 3p, and 3d orbital of are available that give very detailed and reliable approximate
a hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z. solutions for the wavefunctions and energies. The techniques
were originally introduced by D.R. Hartree (before comput-
Self-test 19.4 Repeat the analysis for orbitals of the L shell (n = 2). ers were available) and then modified by V. Fock to take into
Answer: P2s (a0 /Z ) = 0.0343, P2 p (a0 /Z ) = 0.0036 account the Pauli principle correctly. These techniques are of
great interest to chemists when applied to molecules, and are
explained in detail in Topic 27; however, we should be aware
of the general principles at this stage too. In broad outline, the
Shielding constants for different types of electrons in atoms Hartree–Fock self-consistent field (HF-SCF) procedure is as
have been calculated from their wavefunctions obtained follows.
by numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation (Table Imagine that we have an approximate idea of the structure
19.1). We see that, in general, valence-shell s electrons do of the atom. In the Ne atom, for instance, the orbital approxi-
experience higher effective nuclear charges than p electrons, mation suggests the configuration 1s22s22p6 with the orbitals
although there are some discrepancies which are considered approximated by hydrogenic atomic orbitals. Now consider
in Topic 20. one of the 2p electrons. A Schrödinger equation can be writ-
We can now complete the Li story. Because the shell with ten for this electron by ascribing to it a potential energy due to
n = 2 consists of two non-degenerate subshells, with the 2s the nuclear attraction and the repulsion from the other elec-
orbital lower in energy than the three 2p orbitals, the third trons. Although the equation is for the 2p orbital, it depends
on the wavefunctions of all the other occupied orbitals in the
atom. To solve the equation, we guess an approximate form of
Table 19.1* Effective nuclear charge, Zeff = Z − σ
the wavefunctions of all the orbitals except 2p and then solve
Element Z Orbital Zeff the Schrödinger equation for the 2p orbital. The procedure is
He 2 1s 1.6875 then repeated for the 1s and 2s orbitals. This sequence of cal-
C 6 1s 5.6727
culations gives the form of the 2p, 2s, and 1s orbitals, and in
general they will differ from the set used initially to start the
2s 3.2166
calculation. These improved orbitals can be used in another
2p 3.1358
cycle of calculation, and a second improved set of orbitals and
*More values are given in the Resource section. a better energy are obtained. The recycling continues until
Checklist of concepts
☐ 1. In the orbital approximation it is supposed that each ☐ 7. The effective nuclear charge, Z effe, is the net charge
electron occupies its ‘own’ orbital. experienced by an electron allowing for electron–elec-
☐ 2. The configuration of an atom is the list of occupied tron repulsions.
orbitals. ☐ 8. Shielding is the effective reduction in charge of a
☐ 3. The Pauli exclusion principle states that no more than nucleus by surrounding electrons.
two electrons may occupy any given orbital, and if two ☐ 9. Penetration is the ability of an electron to be found
do occupy one orbital, then their spins must be paired. inside inner shells and close to the nucleus.
☐ 4. A fermion is a particle with half-integral spin quantum ☐ 10. The outermost electrons of an atom are called its
number; a boson is a particle with integral spin quan- valence electrons; its inner electrons form the atom's
tum number. core.
☐ 5. An electron is a fermion with s = 12 . ☐ 11. In the Hartree–Fock self-consistent field (HF-SCF)
☐ 6. The Pauli principle states that when the labels of any procedure the Schrödinger equation is solved numeri-
two identical fermions are exchanged, the total wave- cally and iteratively until the solutions no longer change
function changes sign; when the labels of any two iden- (to within certain criteria).
tical bosons are exchanged, the total wavefunction
retains the same sign.
Checklist of equations
Property Equation Comment Equation number
and ionization energies, reflect the configurations and vary
Contents periodically with increasing atomic number.
20.1 The building-up principle 176
Brief illustration 20.1: The building-up principle 176
20.2 The configurations of the elements
Brief illustration 20.2: The configurations of ions
20.1 The building-up principle
20.3 The periodicity of atomic properties 178 The extension of the argument presented for lithium is called
(a) Atomic radii 178 the building-up principle, or the Aufbau principle, from the
(b) Ionization energies 179
German word for building up. We presume that it is famil-
(c) Electron affinities 180
iar from introductory courses. In brief, we imagine the bare
Checklist of concepts 180
nucleus of atomic number Z, and then feed into the orbitals Z
electrons in succession. The order of occupation, which reflects
the consequences of shielding and penetration as explained in
Topic 19, is
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s
➤ Why do you need to know this material?
The periodic table lies at the heart of chemistry, and it is According to the Pauli exclusion principle (Topic 19), each
essential for a chemist to understand the origins of the orbital may accommodate up to two electrons.
periodicity of the properties of the elements that the table
summarizes. Brief illustration 20.1 The building-up principle
➤ What is the key idea? Consider the carbon atom, for which Z = 6 and there are six
The periodic repetition of analogous configurations as electrons to accommodate. Two electrons enter and fill the 1s
electrons are added to nuclei accounts for the periodicity orbital, two enter and fill the 2s orbital, leaving two electrons
of the properties of the elements and the structure of the to occupy the orbitals of the 2p subshell. Hence the ground-
periodic table. state configuration of C is 1s 2 2s 2 2p2 , or more succinctly
[He]2s22p2, with [He] the helium-like 1s2 core.
➤ What do you need to know already?
Self-test 20.1 Identify the ground-state configuration of a sili-
You need to be familiar with the concepts developed con atom.
in Topic 19 concerning the features that govern the Answer: [Ne]3s23p2 with [Ne] = [He]2s22p6 = 1s22s22p6
occupation of atomic orbitals.
2py orbital (the x, y, z designation is arbitrary, and it would be total spin operator S2 with S = 1 as mentioned in Topic 19 and
equally valid to use the complex forms of these orbitals), and as more fully discussed in Topic 21).
the lowest energy configuration of the atom is [He]2s2 2p1x 2p1y . Now consider the values of the two combinations ψ ± when
The same rule applies whenever degenerate orbitals of a sub- one electron approaches another, and eventually r1 = r2. We see
shell are available for occupation. Thus, another rule of the that ψ− vanishes, which means that there is zero probability of
building-up principle is: finding the two electrons at the same point in space when they
have parallel spins. The decreasing probability that the elec-
Electrons occupy different orbitals of a given subshell trons approach one another in the state ψ− is called a Fermi
before doubly occupying any one of them. hole. The other combination does not vanish when the two
For instance,nitrogen (Z = 7) has the configuration electrons are at the same point in space. Because the two elec-
, and only when we get to oxygen (Z = 8) is trons have different relative spatial distributions depending
[He]2s 2p1x 2p1y 2p1z
on whether their spins are parallel or not, it follows that their
a 2p orbital doubly occupied, giving [He]2s2 2p2x 2p1y 2p1z . When
Coulombic interaction is different, and hence that the two
electrons occupy orbitals singly we invoke Hund's maximum
states have different energies, with the state corresponding to
multiplicity rule:
parallel spins being lower in energy.
An atom in its ground state adopts a configuration with However, we have to be cautious with this explanation, for
the greatest number of electrons with unpaired spins. it supposes that the original wavefunctions are unchanged.
Detailed numerical calculations have shown that in the spe-
The explanation of Hund's rule is subtle, but it reflects the cific case of a helium atom electrons with parallel spins are
quantum mechanical property of spin correlation, that elec- actually closer together than those with antiparallel spins.
trons with parallel spins behave as if they have a tendency to The explanation in this case is that spin correlation between
stay well apart (see the following Justification), and hence repel electrons with parallel spins allows the entire atom to shrink.
each other less. In essence, the effect of spin correlation is to Therefore, although the average separation is reduced, the
allow the atom to shrink slightly, so the electron–nucleus inter- electrons are found closer to the nucleus, which lowers their
action is improved when the spins are parallel. We can now potential energy.
conclude that in the ground state of the carbon atom, the two
2p electrons have the same spin, that all three 2p electrons in
the N atom have the same spin, and that the two 2p electrons in
different orbitals in the O atom have the same spin (the two in
the 2px orbital are necessarily paired).
The configurations of the
Neon, with Z = 10, has the configuration [He]2s22p6, which
Justification 20.1 completes the L shell. This closed-shell configuration is
Spin correlation
denoted [Ne], and acts as a core for subsequent elements. The
Suppose electron 1 is described by a spatial wavefunction ψa(r1) next electron must enter the 3s orbital and begin a new shell,
and electron 2 is described by a wavefunction ψ b(r2); then, in so an Na atom, with Z = 11, has the configuration [Ne]3s1. Like
the orbital approximation, the joint wavefunction of the elec-
lithium with the configuration [He]2s1, sodium has a single s
trons is the product ψ = ψ a(r1)ψ b(r2). However, this wavefunc-
electron outside a complete core. This analysis has brought us
tion is not acceptable, because it suggests that we know which
to the origin of chemical periodicity. The L shell is completed
electron is in which orbital, whereas we cannot keep track
by eight electrons, so the element with Z = 3 (Li) should have
of electrons. According to quantum mechanics, the correct
description is either of the two following wavefunctions:
similar properties to the element with Z = 11 (Na). Likewise, Be
(Z = 4) should be similar to Z = 12 (Mg), and so on, up to the
ψ ± = (1/ 2)1/2 {ψ a (r1 )ψ b (r2 ) ±ψ b (r1 )ψ a (r2 )} noble gases He (Z = 2), Ne (Z = 10), and Ar (Z = 18).
Ten electrons can be accommodated in the five 3d orbitals,
According to the Pauli principle, because ψ + is symmetri- which accounts for the electron configurations of scandium to
cal under particle interchange, it must be multiplied by an zinc. Calculations of the type discussed in Topic 27 show that
antisymmetric spin function (the one denoted σ − in eqn for these atoms the energies of the 3d orbitals are always lower
19.2b). That combination corresponds to a spin-paired state. than the energy of the 4s orbital. However, spectroscopic results
Conversely, ψ− is antisymmetric, so it must be multiplied by show that Sc has the ground-state configuration [Ar]3d14s2,
one of the three symmetric spin states(α(1)α(2), β(1)β(2), or instead of [Ar]3d3 or [Ar]3d24s1. To understand this observa-
σ +(1,2)). These three symmetric states correspond to electrons tion, we have to consider the nature of electron–electron repul-
with parallel spins (they correspond to eigenfunctions of the sions in 3d and 4s orbitals, where the effects are particularly
Table 20.1 Atomic radii of main-group elements, r/pm and an increase in Zeff. That loss often leaves behind only the
much more compact closed shells of electrons. Once these gross
Li 157 Be 112 B 88 C 77 N 74 O 66 F 64 differences are taken into account, the variation in ionic radii
Na 191 Mg 160 Al 143 Si 118 P 110 S 104 Cl 99 through the periodic table mirrors that of the atoms.
K 235 Ca 197 Ga 153 Ge 122 As 121 Se 117 Br 114
Rb 250 Sr 215 In 167 Sn 158 Sb 141 Te 137 I 133
(b) Ionization energies
Cs 272 Ba 224 Tl 171 Pb 175 Bi 182 Po 167
The minimum energy necessary to remove an electron from
a many-electron atom in the gas phase is the first ionization
number of completed shells of electrons in successive periods energy, I1, of the element. The second ionization energy, I2,
and hence their radii increase down the group. Across a period, is the minimum energy needed to remove a second electron
the valence electrons enter orbitals of the same shell; how- (from the singly charged cation). Some numerical values are
ever, the increase in effective nuclear charge across the period given in Table 20.2.
draws in the electrons and results in progressively more com- As will be familiar from introductory chemistry, ioniza-
pact atoms. The general increase in radius down a group and tion energies show periodicities (Fig. 20.2). Lithium has a low
decrease across a period should be remembered as they corre- first ionization energy because its outermost electron is well
late well with trends in many chemical properties. shielded from the nucleus by the core electrons (Zeff = 1.3, com-
Period 6 shows an interesting and important modification to pared with Z = 3). The ionization energy of beryllium (Z = 4) is
these otherwise general trends. The metallic radii in the third greater but that of boron is lower because in the latter the out-
row of the d block are very similar to those in the second row, ermost electron occupies a 2p orbital and is less strongly bound
and not significantly larger as might be expected given their than if it had been a 2s electron.
considerably greater numbers of electrons. For example, the The ionization energy increases from boron to nitrogen on
atomic radii of Mo (Z = 42) and W (Z = 74) are 140 and 141 pm, account of the increasing nuclear charge. However, the ioniza-
respectively, despite the latter having many more electrons. tion energy of oxygen is less than would be expected by sim-
The reduction of radius below that expected on the basis of a ple extrapolation. The explanation is that at oxygen a 2p orbital
simple extrapolation down the group is called the lanthanide must become doubly occupied, and the electron–electron
contraction. The name points to the origin of the effect. The
elements in the third row of the d block (Period 6) are preceded Table 20.2* First and second ionization energies
by the elements of the first row of the f block, the lanthanoids,
Element I1/(kJ mol−1) I2/(kJ mol−1)
in which the 4f orbitals are being occupied. These orbitals have
poor shielding properties and so the valence electrons expe- H 1312
rience more attraction from the nuclear charge than might He 2372 5250
be expected. The repulsions between electrons being added Mg 738 1451
on crossing the f block fail to compensate for the increas- Na 496 4562
ing nuclear charge, so Zeff increases from left to right across a
*More values are given in the Resource section.
period. The dominating effect of the latter is to draw in all the
electrons and hence to result in a more compact atom. A simi-
lar contraction is found in the elements that follow the d block
for the same reasons. For example, although there is a substan- He
tial increase in atomic radius between C and Si (77 and 118 pm, Ne
Ionization energy, I/eV
repulsions are increased above what would be expected by Table 20.3* Electron affinities, Eea/(kJ mol−1)
simple extrapolation along the row. In addition, the loss of a
2p electron results in a configuration with a half-filled sub- Cl 349
shell (like that of N), which is an arrangement of low energy, so F 322
the energy of O+ + e− is lower than might be expected, and the H 73
ionization energy is correspondingly low too. (The kink is less O 141 O− −844
pronounced in the next row, between phosphorus and sulfur *More values are given in the Resource section.
because their orbitals are more diffuse.) The values for oxygen,
fluorine, and neon fall roughly on the same line, the increase The incoming electron is repelled by the charge already present.
of their ionization energies reflecting the increasing attraction Electron affinities are also small, and may be negative, when an
of the more highly charged nuclei for the outermost electrons. electron enters an orbital that is far from the nucleus (as in the
The outermost electron in sodium is 3s. It is far from the heavier alkali metal atoms) or is forced by the Pauli principle to
nucleus, and the latter's charge is shielded by the compact, occupy a new shell (as in the noble gas atoms).
complete neon-like core. As a result, the ionization energy of The values of ionization energies and electron affinities can
sodium is substantially lower than that of neon. The periodic help us to understand a great deal of chemistry and, through
cycle starts again along this row, and the variation of the ioni- chemistry, biology. We can now begin to see why carbon is
zation energy can be traced to similar reasons. an essential building block of complex biological structures.
Among the elements in Period 2, carbon has intermediate val-
ues of the ionization energy and electron affinity, so it can share
(c) Electron affinities electrons (that is, form covalent bonds) with many other ele-
The electron affinity, Eea, is the energy released when an elec- ments, such as hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and, more
tron attaches to a gas-phase atom (Table 20.3). In a common, importantly, other carbon atoms. As a consequence, such net-
logical, but not universal convention (which we adopt), the works as long carbon–carbon chains (as in lipids) and chains of
electron affinity is positive if energy is released when the elec- peptide links can form readily. Because the ionization energy
tron attaches to the atom. and electron affinity of carbon are neither too high nor too low,
Electron affinities are greatest close to fluorine, for the the bonds in these covalent networks are neither too strong nor
incoming electron enters a vacancy in a compact valence shell too weak. As a result, biological molecules are sufficiently stable
and can interact strongly with the nucleus. The attachment of to form viable organisms but are still susceptible to dissociation
an electron to an anion (as in the formation of O2– from O−) and rearrangement.
invariably requires the absorption of energy, so Eea is negative.
Checklist of concepts
☐ 1. The building-up (Aufbau) principle is the procedure ☐ 4. The lanthanide contraction is the reduction in atomic
for filling atomic orbitals that leads to the ground-state radius of elements following the lanthanoids.
configuration of an atom. ☐ 5. The ionization energy is the minimum energy nec-
☐ 2. Hund’s maximum multiplicity rule states that an atom essary to remove an electron from an atom in the gas
in its ground state adopts a configuration with the phase.
greatest number of electrons with unpaired spins. ☐ 6. The electron affinity is the energy released when an
☐ 3. Atomic radii typically decrease across a period and electron attaches to an atom in the gas phase.
increase down a group.
Atomic spectroscopy