Vyr Us 2000108 Ltv1200 Emergency Preparedness Brochure Final
Vyr Us 2000108 Ltv1200 Emergency Preparedness Brochure Final
Vyr Us 2000108 Ltv1200 Emergency Preparedness Brochure Final
(patients 10 kg to adult)
Prove n ca re a nd p erforma n ce
i n po r table ventil a tion
The ventilation tools you need throughout the
continuum of care for patients 10 kg and above
With enhanced features, the new LTV2 ventilator series provides the power and
portability needed for your early mobility and patient transport needs. The new
LTV2 ventilators also provide improved patient synchrony in a compact, lightweight
size with longer lasting hot swappable battery power.
with a wide range of accessories to meet the needs Control, Assist/Control, SIMV, Ventilator presets (Infant, pediatric and adult)
CPAP, NPPV, apnea backup
of demanding care environments. Variable rise time
Volume, pressure, pressure
Breath types Variable flow termination
support,sigh, spontaneous
Accessories Part number Breath rate 1–80 bpm Variable time termination
Desktop charger, English overlay 22770-001 Inspiratory time 0.3–9.9 seconds Pressure control flow termination
For U.S. distribution under the EUA.
The LTV2 EUA has not been FDA approved or cleared. It has been authorized by the FDA under an emergency use authorization to provide
continuous or intermittent ventilatory suppor t for the care of individuals who require mechanical ventilation. The LTV2 is for institutional
use only and shall only be utilized for the duration of the public health emergency. © 2020 Vyaire. Vyaire, the Vyaire logo and all other
trademarks or registered trademarks are property of Vyaire Medical, Inc., or one of its affiliates. VYR-US-2000108