MIPTV Special 2019
MIPTV Special 2019
MIPTV Special 2019
p ecE
Issue No. 2
April 2019
Editor’s Note
his forte, his knack and insights have
allowed Neela Tele Films to dish out quality
entertainment for family audiences.
“On top of this, we celebrate each festival Foray into the animation space with
with its own fervour and tastes, putting up Taarak Mehta Ka Tapu Sena
grand celebrations and everyone coming
together to enjoy the occasion irrespective Taarak Mehta Ka Tapu Sena which is in the
of their religious and cultural beliefs, works, is a kid’s series and will track the
funny and innocent daily adventures of
showcasing the unity in diversity that India Tapu and his friends who live with their
has to offer, Gokuldhaam Society itself families in Gokuldhaam Society, where the
representing a mini-India.,” points out residents have occasional problems that
Modi. are sweet and hilarious rather than serious
ones The sublime thought behind the
Modi firmly believes that creating concept is Gokuldhaam is like Vrindavan
awareness through entertainment and and Tapu is like Krishna, who’s loved by
laughter is the best way to bring about everyone.
social change and is the best way to serve
the nation. It is also one of the first nine In the new avatar, the company is all set to
nominees and the only TV serial that has undertake new projects in the space of
been nominated by Indian Government's feature films, OTT content, animation
Clean India Mission on 2 October 2014 series and interactive content in Hindi and
announced by PM Narendra Modi. other Indian languages.
Yugandhara Shete
Another film that is set to hit the screens is “We wanted this movie to inspire the next
Bengaluru based Native Puppets Animation generation to feel proud about our heritage
Studio’s Misadventures of Coco & Inika. and enjoy this as much as they enjoy
The interesting combination of live-action international features,” highlights Green
and animation will help the creators grab Gold Animation founder and CEO Rajiv
attention from their desired target Chilaka. With the international animation
audience. trend growing tremendously, Indian
studios are upping their production quality
“The coming to life of Coco from being an to that of globally loved films.
inanimate object in Inika's world to
becoming the hyper-cute cartoony baby First of its kind
elephant in to the real world is an engaging Another upcoming feature from Green
transformation,” says Native Puppets Gold will see the popular animated
Animation Studio founder Anand Baid. c h a r a c t e r, C h h o t a B h e e m i n C G I
stereoscopic 3D for the first time. Bheem
In the case of animated films, the budget of will be seen travelling to China with his
global studios would average 20 to 30 times friends in the feature Kung Fu Dhamaka.
the budget for a typical Indian product. Due
to this, even a movie such as The Jungle Keeping cultural and traditional values
Book, which is India-based, is created by intact, independent filmmaker Ravi
foreign animation houses as they have the Shankar created Punyakoti, the first
budget required for carrying out the animated film in Sanskrit.
cinematic experience will bring the Well a start seems to have been
audience to theatres. made!
Sharmindrila Paul
based on local culture and local stories. Animation for domestic broadcasting is
growing at a healthy rate of around 30 per
India has about a score of kids channels cent. TV comprises of 65 per cent of all
serving more than 200 million strong kids animation in India followed by film and
population. Among these are: Disney, digital.
Disney Junior, Pogo, Cartoon Network,
Nick, Nick Jr, Discovery Kids, Chutthi TV, This number will continue to increase as the
Hungama, Sony YAY!, Kochu TV, Kushi TV, broadcasters are now focusing even more
Chintu TV and Marvel XD. on commissioned original animated shows
and building their own library rather than
While most of them broadcast in Hindi and simply licensing content.
English, some of them have regional
language versions of the same. And a new Creating an IP is majorly a collaborative
player has been announced in the form of effort between broadcasters, production
Star Movies Kids which got the houses, creators, writers, directors,
governmental nod in early 2019. When it designers and animators. While
flags off, it will add to the 12 to 14 Indian commissioning any IP, some broadcasters
originated shows which are being churned completely own the rights, while others
out every week by India’s animation hold the rights in partnership.
Documentary makers are not only picking What is the plan post immediate launch?
engaging subjects, they're going through
great lengths to present cinematic Grow, grow , and grow some more. Also
moments using art and innovative grow on the consumers as a brand.
technology, pulling the viewer into the
investigation, and presenting reality in a A new age in non-fiction has arrived and we
raw and real manner which has proven very are planning to acquire the best catalogue
appealing to the public. This is reflected and keep adding new genres and languages
even in Netflix's stats, where 73 percent of for a global audience. There is undeniably
its subscribers watched at least one no dearth of creativity and a lot of
documentary in 2016 which means over 68 outstanding, award winning documentar-
million people watched a Netflix ies disappear without a shred of the
documentary in 2016. audience they deserve.
Non-fiction storytelling is pushing Just like at the pitch of MIPDOC, there are
boundaries of modern entertainment. innumerable ideas that are seeds of
Everyone — from professional documentaries in the making, and to have
documentarians, commercial directors, these germinate by providing the right kind
content generators, actors are getting in on of environment and support is something
the potentials of non-fiction. There are lot that is priority for us.
Krishanu Ghosal
Leading TV producer Contiloe Pictures is young country with millions and millions of
also gung ho about animation. In fact, children that would want to consume
founder Abhimanyu Singh has for almost a animated content as well as a large young
decade nurtured ambitions to succeed in audience that loves watching animated
animation. An early attempted feature on stories and therefore there is great
the elephant God Ganesh was a moderate potential and a great growth story there.”
to poor success at the box office. But Singh
is not one to give up. He worked on another Swastik Productions international arm of
film on the Indian epic Ramayana which One Life Productions too has set its sights
won him the national film award which he on animated content. Founder Siddharth
proudly showcases in his office. Contiloe Tewary who has written and directed many
has been known to have expertise in of the award winning drama, historical and
p ro d u c i n g t h r i l l e rs , h i sto r i ca l a n d mythological shows that have been
mythological fiction – both of which require viewership busters on TV would like to see
extensive VFX. some of the live action fare he has
p ro d u c e d o ve r t h e d e ca d e o f t h e
Where earlier he used to work with a gaggle company’s existence being remade as
of external studios for this animation animated series, apart from foraying into
features, he has now set up a state-of-the- feature films.
art animation facility in the Indian state of
Odisha to add to its current facility which is Says he: “I really don’t want to talk much
in Mumbai. He is expecting to increase the about it. I would rather develop a few
hours of animation output by hiring successful animated shows and then reveal
aggressively in Odisha and rolling out more. You can be sure that some animation
animated shows for both broadcast and series will emerge from One Life.”
OTT platforms.
Adds his brother and director in the firm
Says Singh:, “The industry has a long way to Rahul Kumar Tewary: “We have won the
go, still. There are some stories that have FICCI BAF Awards for three consecutive
broken out. However, the potential of years (2017 & 2018 - Best VFX Episode,
where and how many more stories can National and International respectively, TV,
break out is immense. 2019 - National and International Non-
Therefore there is a long road feature Best Visual effects . It’s a growing
still to travel on vertical with a huge potential.”
and it also
has a great An observer points out that it makes
potential eminent sense for live action studios to
considering foray into animation and even VFX services.
the fact For one they have access to writing and
that we creative talent in-house, along with
are a infrastructure. And the more futuristic
Contiloe Pictures Founder looking producers have been investing in
Abhimanyu Singh VFX facilities and VFX and animation talent
Sharmindrila Paul
Poonam Mondal
and a top star cast. Bollywood is no longer Then the Aamir Khan and Amitabh
driven by the dominance of superstardom. Bachchan starring mega budget Thugs of
Gone are the days when the success was Hindustan sank with collections of just
measured by the popularity of the actors.
Instead, movie buffs are embracing small Rs 143.25 crore. The reason: the audience
budget, films with relatively lesser known could not relate to the fantasy drama which
film stars but with good, alternative was quite similar to Pirates of the
storylines. Caribbean.
common point was a strong script, aimed to report a crime that was actually
alternate believable storylines and never witnessed by him since he was blind.
characters and direction. The movie was again a comparatively low
budget one but the storytelling and the
An interesting part of the movie Badhaai Ho thrill in the script enticed the audience till
is that it is a comedy-drama around how a the end and it was successful at the box
grown-up man faces embarrassment in office too with the collection of Rs 111
society when he finds out his ageing crore. The movie’s budget was Rs 32 crore.
mother is pregnant. Starring Ayushmann
Khurrana, Neena Gupta, Gajraj Rao, the Says a film industry veteran: “There was a
movie received a massive response - its time when Indian audiences guzzled down
final gross box office was a anything that was hurled
staggering Rs 222 odd at them as long as it
crore and it was made on a featured their favourite
shoestring budget of Rs 29 stars. No more. The
crore. It emerged as the collective consciousness
sixth highest grossing film seems to have cruised
in 2018. away from the NRI-
appeasing love stories
Sleeper hit Stree - which is and fantasies. No longer
about a female spirit and will the audiences gorge
her search for a man who on the saccharin diet of
could love her no matter mindless escapist
what and was made at a Rs fantasies. They want
23 crore budget – notched good well-scripted
up Rs 180 odd crore at the stories, credible
box office. The film starred p e r fo r m a n c e s f r o m
actors Shraddha Kapoor whosoever the actor is,
and Rajkummar Rao. good direction, and
good production. The
Raazi, based on the novel Calling Sehmat, emergence of multiplexes and OTT
by ex-naval officer Harinder Sikka, is a platforms has encouraged filmmakers to
fictionalised account of a reportedly true experiment with genres and stories as they
story about an Indian Kashmiri undercover know they will be in a position to monetise
agent, set during the time of the 1971 Indo- their productions. These films are bringing
Pak war. It recorded gross box office back hitherto disenchanted filmgoers back
revenues of nearly Rs 200 crore and it was to the cinemas apart from attracting the
made on a budget of Rs 35 crore. new generation.”
Another masterpiece Andhadhun which is Another film industry observer points out
an Indian black comedy crime thriller film is that small budget films are also getting
around a series of mysterious events which mega releases by being screened in many
changed the life of a blind pianist who theatres. Badhaai Ho – for instance-
released in 2100 theatres and Stree in 1800 in Bollywood couldn’t manage to draw as
theatres. If they weren't released in so much of a crowd on the first day or first
many screens, perhaps they wouldn’t have weekend after the launch. Today the
made that much money. Additionally, these audience gets hooked on the first day and
movies are being marketed aggressively the box office is collecting around five to
and are being made available on global eight crore from the first day itself,” says
digital platforms, attracting global another film industry expert.
There is science to making
Hail Content! small budget films and
producers, writers and
Overall, film buffs are directors are bringing all their
queuing up for films experience to bear while
which are relatable, filming. Stree writer Raj
using dialects that are Nidimoru disclosed he wrote
real, passionate and the screenplay keeping in
fierce which are like a mind when he would release
mirror to society. it. Director Amar Kaushik
reveals that Stree is his first
“Apna time ayega... Tu film. He adds: “I was an
nanga hi toh aaya hai, assistant director for eight to
kya ghanta lekar ten years and thus my
jaega?” (Your time will upbringing was small budget
come. You came naked. films-content driven like Go
Do you think you will take anything with Goa Gone.”
you?). That’s the rap from the movie Gully
Boy that everyone is singing these days as Additionally, filmmakers are also digging
the vibe is fresh and the storyline is realistic. deep opting for different story tracks
Rap has been doing the rounds in India’s focusing on the female-led protagonists in
alternative culture but with the song from an industry where male-led scripts are the
Gully Boy the genre is gaining popularity rage. They are also scouring through books,
amongst the masses. acquiring movie rights for works of
literature – allowing for experimentation of
Gully Boy is one of the examples of such a a greater variety of subjects.
real-life story which is fictional and not a
biopic inspired by the real-life stories of “It’s a great time to be in content creation,”
underground rappers Divine and Naezy and says a senior media observer.“ This
finally managed to collect Rs 134.3 crore at generation has got opportunities like no
the box office. generation before, thanks to the collapsing
of global boundaries courtesy the internet.
“Small-budget films are depicting big ideas Filmmakers are riding this wave and giving
and are running parallel to commercial freedom to their creativity. And audiences
films. Earlier, by and large, parallel movies are loving it.”
Parth Kaushik