II Year IV Semester 2017 Syllabus
II Year IV Semester 2017 Syllabus
II Year IV Semester 2017 Syllabus
Credit load
No. Course code Course Title
1 PBG 201 Fundamentals of Genetics 2+1
2 AEX 201 Communication Skills and Personality Development 1+1
3 STA 211 Statistical Methods 1+1
4 PAT 202 Principles of integrated plant disease management 1+1
5 AEN 202 Management of beneficial and harmful insects 2+1
6 AGR 203 Crop Production Technology – II (Rabi crops) 1+1
7 AGR 204 Farming System & Sustainable Agriculture 1+1
8 SAC 202 Problematic soils and their management 2+0
9 HOR 212 Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping 1+1
10 ANM 201 Introductory Nematology 0+1
11 NST 201 Fundamentals and Applications of nanotechnology 1+0
12 ERG 211 Renewable Energy and green tehnoloy 1+1
12 NSS/NCC 101 NSS/NCC 0+1*
13 PED 101 Physical Education 0+1*
Total 14+10=24
*Non-gradial courses compulsory courses
PBG 201. Fundamentals of Genetics (2+1)
Unit I: Cytology
Definition of genetics, heredity, inheritance, cytology, cytogenetics; Brief history of developments in genetics
and cytogenetics.Physical basis of heredity. Structure and function of cell and cell organelles – Differences
between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.Cell division – mitosis- meiosis and their significance - Gametogenesis
and syngamy in Plants- identical and fraternal twins. Chromosome structure, chemical composition,
nucleosome, centromere, telomere, euchromatin, heterochromatin, NOR, satellite chromosome, karyotype,
ideogram. Types of chromosomes based on position of centromere, based on structure and function: normal
and special chromosomes - polytene, lampbrush, Bchromosomes, ring and isochromosomes.Chromosomal
aberration: Variation in chromosome structure – deletion, duplication, inversion and translocation – genetic
and cytological implications.Chromosomal aberration: Variation in chromosome number – euploid, aneuploid,
types of aneuploids and their origin; Klinefelter syndrome and Turner syndrome; Polyploid - auto and
allopolyploids, their characters; meaning of genome; evolution of wheat, triticale, cotton, tobacco, Brassica
Study of microscopes – Preparation of fixatives and stains – pre treatment of materials for mitosis and meiosis
– study of mitosis and meiosis. Study of genetic ratios of – monohybrid, dihybrid – incomplete dominance.
Gene interaction - multiple alleles and multiple factors. Study of linkage, Estimation of strength of linkage and
recombination frequency in three point test cross data and F2 data – Drawing of genetic map – interference
and coincidence.Studies on sex linked inheritance in Humans and Drosophila
Theory schedule
1. Definition of genetics, heredity, inheritance, cytology, cytogenetics; Brief history of developments in
genetics and cytogenetics.
2. Physical basis of heredity: Structure and function of cell and cell organelles –
3. Differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.Cell division – mitosis
4. Cell division - meiosis and their significance
5. Gametogenesis and syngamy in Plants- identical and fraternal twins
6. Chromosome structure, chemical composition, nucleosome, centromere, telomere, euchromatin,
heterochromatin, NOR, satellite chromosome, karyotype, ideogram
7. Types of chromosomes based on position of centromere, based on structure and function: normal and
special chromosomes - polytene, lampbrush, Bchromosomes, ring and isochromosomes.
8. Chromosomal aberration: Variation in chromosome structure – deletion, duplication, inversion and
translocation – genetic and cytological implications.
9. Chromosomal aberration: Variation in chromosome number – euploid, aneuploid, types of aneuploids and
their origin; Klinefelter syndrome and Turner syndrome;
10. Polyploid - auto and allopolyploids, their characters; meaning of genome; evolution of wheat, Triticale,
cotton, tobacco, Brassica
11. Pre-Mendelian ideas about heredity – Vapour and fluid theory, Magnetic power theory,
Preformation theory, Lamarck’s theory, Darwin’s theory, Germplasm theory and Mutation theory.
12. Mendel’s experiments and laws of inheritance. Rediscovery of Mendel’s work
13. Terminologies: gene, allele, locus, homozygous, heterozygous, hemizygous, genotype, phenotype,
monohybrid, dihybrid, trihybrid, polyhybrid.
14. Chromosomal theory of inheritance. Allelic interactions – Dominance vs recessive, complete dominance,
codominance, incomplete dominance,threshold characters
15. Deviation from Mendelian inheritance – Non allelic interaction without modification in Mendelian ratio –
Bateson and Punnett’s experiment on fowl comb shape. Non allelic interaction with modification in
Mendelian ratio – i.) Dominant epistasis (12:3:1)
16. ii.) Recessive epistasis(9:3:4) iii.) Duplicate and additive epistasis(9:6:1). iv.)
Duplicate dominant epistasis(15:1)
17. Mid Semester Examination
18. v) Duplicate recessive epistasis (9:7) vi.) Dominant and recessive epistasis (13:3); Summary of epistatic
ratios (i)to (vi).
19. Lethal genes, Pleiotrophy, penetrance and expressivity, Multiple alleles, blood group in humans, coat
colour in rabbits, self incompatibility in plants; pseudo alleles, isoalleles.
20. Quantitative inheritance – Multiple factor hypothesis – Nilsson Ehle experiment on wheat kernel colour.
21. Polygenes – transgressive segregation, comparison of quantitatively and qualitatively inherited characters;
22. Linkage - coupling and repulsion; Experiment on Bateson and Punnet
23. Chromosomal theory of linkage of Morgan – Complete and incomplete linkage, Linkage group.
24. Crossing over – significance of crossing over; cytological proof for crossing over - Stern’s experiment;
Factors controlling crossing over.
25. Strength of linkage and recombination; Two point and three point test cross.
26. Double cross over, interference and coincidence; genetic map, physical map.
27. Sex determination: Autosomes and sex chromosomes - chromosomal theory of sex determination -
different types – sex determination in human, fowl, butterfly, grasshopper, honey bee, fumea; Sex
determination in plants – Melandrium, papaya, maize.
28. Genic balance theory of Bridges - Gynandromorphs
29. Sex linked inheritance – criss cross inheritance – reciprocal difference; holandric genes; sex influenced and
sex limited inheritance - Genetic disorders
30. Cytoplasmic inheritance and maternal effects – features of cytoplasmic inheritance, chloroplast,
mitochondrial - plastid colour in Mirabilis jalapa - cytoplasmic male sterility in maize, kappa particles of
31. DNA, the genetic material – Griffith’s experiment, experiment of Avery, McCleod and McCarthy –
confirmation by Hershey and Chase; RNA as genetic material – Frankel, Conrat and Singer experiment.
32. Structure of DNA – Watson and Crick model Proof for semi conservative method of DNA replication;
Models of DNA replication; steps involved in DNA replication.RNA types - mRNA, tRNA, rRNA – Protein
33. Regulation of gene expression – Operon model of Jacob and Monad – Lac and Trp operons. Cistron,muton
and recon.
34. Mutation – characteristics of mutation – micro and macro mutation – ClB technique - molecular basis of
mutation- Transition and transversion; major physical and chemical mutagens.
Practical Schedule
1. Use of microscopes
2. Principles of killing and fixing; preparation of stains and preservatives.
3. Study of behavior of chromosomes in mitosis.
4. Study of mitotic phases in root tips of onion / Aloe sp.
5. Procedure for fixing and observing different meiotic phases in the inflorescence of rice, maize
6. Procedure for fixing and observing different meiotic phases in the inflorescence in pearl millet, sorghum
7. Repetition of meiotic studies in maize/ sorghum/ pearl millet and making temporary and permanent
8. Principles of dominance, recessive, back cross, test cross, incomplete dominance, codominance and lethal
factor; Chi square test; Monohybrid genetic ratio with dominance, with incomplete dominance and test
9. Dihybrid ratio with dominance, with incomplete dominance and test cross
10. Simple interaction of genes-comb character in fowls; Dominant epistasis.
11. Recessive epistasis, Duplicateand additive epistasis.
12. Duplicate dominant epistasis, Duplicate recessive epistasis, Dominant and recessive epistasis.
13. Multiple alleles and polygenic inheritance
14. Estimation of linkage with F2 and test cross data; Coupling and repulsion.
15. Problems on three point test cross; Working out interference, coincidence and drawing genetic maps.
16. Studies on sex linked inheritance in Humans and Drosophila
17. Final Practical examination.
Gupta P.K., 1997. Cytogenetics. Rastogi Publications, Meerut
Verma,P.S. and V.K.Agarwal. 2007. Genetics. S.Chand and Company Ltd./ New Delhi.
Stansfield, W.D.1990. Theory and problems of genetics. Mc-Graw Hill Book Co.,New York
Pundhansingh. 2014. Elements of Genetics.Kalyani Publishers
Benjamin Lewin. 2005. Genes IX Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Russel, P.J. 2000. Fundamentals of genetics. Addition Wesley Longman Publishers, USA
Daniel Sundararaj, G. Thulasidas and M.StephenDorairaj, 1997. Introduction to Cytogenetics and Plant
Breeding. Popular Book Depot, Chennai –15.
Strickberger. M.W. 1996. Genetics. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Singh, B.D. 2004. Fundamentals of Genetics, Kalyani Publishers, Chennai.
E- References
1. www.nmsu.edu,
2. www.biology200.gsu.edu
AEX 201 Communication Skills and Personality Development (1+1 )
Communication Skills: meaning and process of communication, verbal and nonverbal communication;
listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record; indexing, footnote
and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing,
summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations, impromptu presentation, public speaking;
Group discussion. Organizing seminars and conferences.
Unit I Communication Skills: meaning and process of communication, verbal and nonverbal
Unit II Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record;
indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures.
Unit III Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing,
Unit IV Individual and group presentations, impromptu presentation, public speaking Unit V
Group discussion. Organizing seminars and conferences.
Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record; indexing, footnote
and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing,
summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations
Theory Schedule
1. Communication – meaning and process –Functions and Types of communication
2. Communication models - Aristotle, Shannon and Weaver, Schramm, Berlo Westly and Maclean,
Leagan, Rogers and Shoemaker, Littererls model and Dance’s Helical Model – Elements of
communication – communication barriers
3. Verbal and Non verbal communication – Verbal communication – definition and meaning – Verbal vs
Oral communication – Types – Styles - Barriers to effective verbal communication ;
4. Non verbal communication – definition and meaning – Proxemics, Chronemics, Movement and body
position, Posture, Facial Expression, Gestures and Eye Contact – importance of non verbal
5. Listening – Definition – Listening vs Hearing – Active listening – Types of listening –Guidelines for
effective listening – Developing listening skills - Barriers to listening – Listening misconceptions
6. Writing skill – Importance – Effective writing - Components of writing : Introduction , Audience and
format ,Composition and style, Structure, Grammatical errors , Proofing and Conclusion – Ways to
improve writing skills – Technical writing
7. Oral presentation skills – Basics of effective oral presentation : Planning , preparing (Introduction, Body
and conclusion), Delivery, Body language and Handling anxiety – Strategies for giving oral presentation
8. Field diary – Definition – Components to be included – Parts of field diary – Field diary in social sciences
9. Lab record : Definition –Importance of keeping a lab record - Features of a lab record - Contents of lab
record – Guidelines for keeping a lab record
10. Mid semester examination
11. Indexing – Definition – Importance – Types of indexing with advantages and limitations
12. Footnote and Bibliographic procedure : Footnote system of citation ; Bibliographic procedures : Citation
in Text, Citation in Journal, Citation from Book(One author / Multiple authors), Citation from an Edited
Book, Citation of Seminar/Conference Proceedings, Citation from Institutional Publication, Citing
Government Publications, Abbreviations for Names of Journals, Paraphrasing, Abbreviations in citations
(Art of publication)
13. Reading skills – Definition – Kinds of reading skills – Critical reading skills – Reading readiness skills-
Guidelines for effective reading- Extensive reading- Intensive reading. Comprehension : Definition and
meaning – Comprehension skills-Readability Index
14. Precise writing – Derivation and Meaning – Skills required – Method or procedure – Guidelines;
Summarising – Meaning- Steps to write a summary
15. Abstracting : Definition - Purpose of abstract – Types of abstract - Abstract Styles – Steps for Writing
Effective Abstracts- Some Do’s Don’ts in preparing abstracts
16. Individual presentation - Meaning –Steps for individual presentation; Group presentation – Meaning –
Stages of group presentation ; Impromptu presentation
17. Public speaking : meaning – Points to be considered in public speaking – Effective public speaking:
Group Discussion: Meaning –Procedure – Advantages – Limitations ;Seminar Conferences : Definition
and meaning – Steps in organizing seminar / conferences / symposium / workshop
Practical Schedule
1. Practicing active listening
2. Exercise on note taking methods
3. Exercise on technical writing and practicing proof correction
4. Practicing oral presentation
5. Exercise on writing field diary and Lab record
6. Visit to library and learn indexing
7. Exercise on preparing foot notes and citations
8. Practice on effective reading skills
9. Comprehension of technical article
10. Comprehension of general article
11. Exercise on precise writing
12. Practice on summarizing articles
13. Practice on preparing abstracts
14&15 Developing skill on individual presentation
16. Developing skill on group presentation
17. Practical Examination
G.L. Ray and Sagar mondal. 2010. Journalism –Farm journalism and communication skills.
Kalyani publishers.
Sagar Mondal. 2016. Agricultural extension , Kalyani publishers
G. L. Ray 2007 Extension Communication and Management , Kalyani publishers
Communication and Instructional Technology, By: Indu Grover, Shusma Kaushik, Lali Yadav,
Deepak Grover & Shashikanta Verma
Indu Grover, Lali Yadav & Deepak Grover Extension Management, Agrotech
Everett Rogers, and Floyd Shoemaker, Communication of Innovation – a Cross Cultural
Approach, New York Free Press.
Knapp, Mark L., & Hall, Judith A .(2007) Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction.
(8th ed.) Wadsworth: Thomas Learning.
Kathleen M. German, Bruce E Gronbeck Principles of Public Speaking
e- Referecnce
1. www.managementstudyguide.com
2. www.ajms.co.in
3. www.mindtools.com
STA 201 Statistical Methods ( 1+1)
Unit I: Descriptive Statistics
Basic concepts – statistics – variable – types and sources of data – classification and tabulation of data.
Diagrammatic and graphical representation of data – simple, multiple, component and percentage bar
diagrams, pie diagram – frequency polygon, frequency curve and histogram. Construction of frequency
distribution tables.
Measures of central tendency: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and mode – merits
and demerits. Measures of dispersion: range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation, and
coefficient of variation – skewness and kurtosis – merits and demerits.
Unit II: Probability Distributions and Sampling Theory
Probability – basic concepts – additive and multiplicative laws (without proof). Probability distributions
– Discrete distributions: Binomial and Poisson. Continuous distribution: Normal distribution – definitions and
Sampling theory – population – sample – parameter and statistic – sampling distribution – sampling vs
complete enumeration – Types of sampling – simple random sampling – selection of simple random sample
using random number tables.
Unit III: Testing of hypotheses
Null and alternative hypothesis – types of errors – critical region and level of significance – degrees of
freedom. Large sample test – single proportion and difference between two proportions – single mean and
difference between two means.
Small sample tests – F-test – t-test for testing the significance of single mean – independent t test and paired t
test – chi square test for goodness of fit – chi square test for testing the association of attributes by m x n
contingency table – 2 x 2 contingency table – Yates’ correction for continuity.
Unit IV: Correlation and Regression
Correlation – Scatter diagram – Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient definition – computation – types of
correlation and properties. Regression – simple linear regression – fitting of simple linear regression equation
– properties of regression coefficient.
Unit V: Analysis of Variance and Experimental Designs
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) – assumptions – one way and two way classifications. Basic principles of
experimental designs – Completely Randomized Design (CRD) – Randomized Block Design (RBD) – Latin Square
Design (LSD) – lay out, analysis, merits and demerits of the above mentioned designs.
13. Correlation – Scatter diagram – Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient definition – computation – types
of correlation and properties.
14. Regression – simple linear regression – fitting of simple linear regression equation – properties of
regression coefficient.
15. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) – assumptions – one way and two way classifications. Basic principles of
experimental designs – randomization, replication and local control.
16. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) – Randomized Block Design (RBD).
17. Latin Square Design (LSD).
Practical schedule
1. Construction of frequency distribution tables.
2. Diagrammatic representation – simple, multiple, component and percentage bar diagrams, pie diagram.
Graphical representation – frequency polygon, frequency curve and histogram.
3. Computation of arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and mode for ungrouped
and grouped data.
4. Computation of range, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation for ungrouped and grouped
data. Computation skewness and kurtosis for ungrouped and grouped data.
5. Simple problems in Binomial distribution and Poisson distribution.
6. Simple problems in Normal distribution.
7. Selection of simple random sample using simple random sampling method.
8. Large sample test – test for single proportion and difference between two proportions.
9. Large sample test – test for single mean and difference between two means.
10. Small samples test – t-test for single mean – independent t test for difference between two sample
means (equal variances only) – Paired t-test.
11. Chi square test for goodness of fit – Chi square test for testing the association of attributes.
12. Computation of Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
13. Fitting of simple linear regression equation y on x.
14. One way ANOVA – analysis of experimental data using Completely Randomised Design (CRD) (for equal
replications only).
15. Two way ANOVA – analysis of experimental data using Randomised Block Design (RBD).
16. Analysis of experimental data using Latin Square Design (LSD).
17. Final Practical Examination
1. Rangaswamy, R. 2000, A Text book of Agricultural Statistics, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi.
2. K.P. Dhamu and K. Ramamoorthy, 2007, Statistical Methods, Agrobios (India), Jodhpur.
3. R. Gangai Selvi and C. Kailasam, 2017, Applied Statistics, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
4. K. M. Palaniswamy and Usha Palaniswamy, 2006, Handbook of Statistics for Teaching and
Research in Plant and Crop Science, , IBDC Publishers, , Lucknow.
1. G. Nageshwara Rao , 2007, Statistics for Agricultural Sciences, BS Publications, Andhra Pradesh.
2. Gupta. S.P., 2007, Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
3. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 2003, Sultan Chand and Sons,
New Delhi.
4. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, 2003, Sultan Chand and Sons, New
5. Gomez, K.A. and Gomez, A.A., 1984, Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, John Wiley and
Sons, New York.
6. Panse, V.G. and Sukhatme, P.V. 1961, Statistical methods for Agricultural Workers, ICAR, New Delhi.
7. Zar. J.H., 1974, Bio-statistical analysis, Prentice - Hall, Inc., New Jersey.
8. Cochran, W.G. and Cox, G.M. 1962. Experimental Design, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi.
9. M.N. Das and Narayan C. Giri, Design and Analysis of Experiments, New Age Publishers, New
10. D.C. Sanchetti and V.K. Kapoor, 2007, Statistics (Theory, Methods and Application), Sultan Chand
and Sons, New Delhi.
E- References
1. http://www.statistics.com/resources/glossary/
2. www.statsoft.com
3. http://www.iasri.res.in/ebook/EB_SMAR/index.htm
4. http://www.iasri.res.in/design/analysis of data/analysis of data.html
5. www.stats.gla.ac.uk/steps/glossary/index.html
6. http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/
7. http://www.stattrek.com/
8. http://www.businessbookmall.com/Statistics Internet Library.htm
9. http://www.stat-help.com/
10. www.statsci.org/jourlist.html
PAT 202 Principles of Integrated Plant Disease Management - 1+1
UNIT I: Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Plant Diseases
Classification of plant diseases - Disease triangle/ Disease Pyramid - Epidemiology of plant diseases-
role of weather factors in disease development - Disease surveillance, assessment and forecasting–
Diagnosis of plant diseases- Seed health tests- chemodiagnosis, serodiagnosis and Molecular diagnosis
UNIT II: Principles - Avoidance & Exclusion
Avoidance- Role of cultural practices in plant disease management. Exclusion- Plant quarantine –
domestic, International and Embargo - Phytosanitary certificate- Quarantine in India- Post Entry
Quarantine- Exotic diseases introduced into India- Pest risk analysis.
UNIT III: Eradication
Eradication of pathogens from seed and Planting materials – Eradication of diseased plants- Surgery
and Rouging – Eradication of Alternate and Collateral host- different methods of eradication-
Mechanical, physical , chemical and Biological methods.
UNIT IV: Protection
Protection of crops from air borne, seed borne, soil borne and vector borne plant diseases-Physical
methods- soil solarization, Hot water treatment, Incineration. Chemical control of plant diseases-
fungicides- Different group of fungicides and antibiotics in plant disease management- Biological
control of plant diseases - Plant products, Plant activators and Antiviral principles- method of
application- plant protection appliances.
Unit V: Immunization, Biotechnological approaches and IPM module
Immunization - cross protection and host plant resistance – Types of resistance - vertical and
horizontal resistance – resistance breeding and Resistant varieties. Mechanism of resistance- structural
and bio chemical resistance in plants -Biotechnological approaches for crop disease management.
Implementation and impact of IPM. IPM module for Soil borne, air borne, Seed borne and vector
borne plant disease management
Survey and Assessment of important plant diseases- Diagnosis of Plant diseases- Classification and
grouping of fungicides- Preparation of Bordeaux mixture (1%) and Bordeaux paste (10%), Calculation
of fungicides quantity and methods of application of fungicides – Special methods of application.
Mass multiplication of Trichoderma asperellum, Pseudomons fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis and
method of application-Preparation of leaf extracts, oil emulsion of neem and antiviral principles. Cross
protection-Tissue culture –meristem tip culture technique. Visit to commercial biocontrol production
unit/seed Testing Laboratory and pesticide testing laboratory.
1. Plant diseases – abiotic , biotic diseases, classification based on mode of infection,
multiplication of inoculum , spread, symptoms, occurrence & distribution
2. Epidemiology – disease triangle/ disease Pyramid - role of weather factors in plant disease
development. Boom and bust cycle in disease outbreak
3. Disease surveillance –different methods- surveillance report-disease surveillance programme
in Tamil Nadu.
4. Assessment of plant diseases- different methods- measurement of disease growth rate by Area
Under Disease Progressive Curve (AUDPC)
5. Forecasting of plant diseases- forecasting models in plant disease management
6. Diagnosis of plant diseases-seed health tests, chemodiagnosis, serodiagnosis and molecular
7. Avoidance and Exclusion- plant quarantine – domestic, international and embargo -
phytosanitary certificate- Quarantine in India. Post entry quarantine in India. Exotic diseases
introduced into India
8. Eradication: Role of cultural practices in plant disease management- different methods of
eradication of plant diseases
9. Mid semester examination
10. Protection –physical methods of protection- chemical fungicides – ideal characters-
formulations and adjuvants- safety measures to be followed while handling fungicides
11. Sulphur and copper fungicides,- classification -phytotoxicity, mode of action and uses
12. Mercury fungicides, Heterocyclic nitrogen compounds , Organo tin, Quinone, Benzene and
Miscellaneous compounds , mode of action and uses
13. Systemic fungicides including antibiotics – classification – mode of action - uses.
New generation fungicides, plant activators/ SAR inducing chemicals in plant disease
management. Methods of application of fungicides: seed treatment, foliar spray, soil drenching
and special methods of application.
14. Biological control – definition - mechanism of action – mass production of Trichoderma
asperellum , Pseudomonas fluorescens & Bacillus subtilis - methods of application - plant
products – antiviral principles – preparation – methods of application
15. Disease resistance- types- resistant varieties. methods of developing resistant varieties-
Mechanisms of resistance- structural and bio chemical resistance in plants- cross protection
16. Biotechnological approaches in plant diseases management: Tissue culture techniques-
meristem tip culture, somoclonal variation and transgenic plant production by genetic
17. IPM module for soil borne , Airborne , Seed borne and vector borne plant diseases
Practical Schedule
1. Survey and assessment of important plant diseases
2. Diagnosis of plant diseases: Tetrazolium test, Iodine test , ELISA test and ooze test, paraquat
3. Seed health tests for diagnosis of seed borne pathogens - dry seed examination, seed washing,
blotter tests
4. Classification and grouping of fungicides.
5. Preparation of Bordeaux mixture (1%) and Bordeaux paste (10%)
6. Calculation of spray fluid and methods of application of fungicides – seed (wet and dry) soil,
foliar and post harvest dipping
7. Special methods of application: swabbing, acid delinting, pseudostem injection, capsule
8. Special methods of application: corm injection, paring and prolinage, root feeding and trunk
9. In vitro assay of fungicides against fungal pathogens
10. In vitro assay of biocontrol agents and their compatibility with agrochemicals
11. Trichoderma viride -mass production and methods of application
12. Pseudomons fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis -mass production & methods of application
13. Visit to commercial biocontrol production unit /seed and pesticide testing laboratories
14. Preparation of leaf extracts, oil emulsion of neem and antiviral principles.
15. Cross protection: production of pre immunized citrus seedlings against tristeza virus.
16. Tissue culture – Production of virus free plants through meristem tip culture technique.
17. Practical Examination
Reference Books
1. Arjunan.G. Karthikeyan, G, Dinakaran ,D. Raguchander,T. 1999 Diseases of Horticultural Crops,
AE Publications, Coimbatore.
2. Rangasawmi ,G and Mahadevan, A. 1998. Diseases of crop Plants in India, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
3. Prakasam, V., Valluvaparidasan, V., Raguchander, T. and K.Prabakar. 1997. Field crop diseases,
AE Publication, Coimbatore.
E- Books
1. Agrios, G.N. 2008. Plant Pathology, Academic Press, New York
2. Rangaswami, G. 2005. Diseases of Crop plants in India. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
3. Thakur, B.R. 2006. Diseases of field crops and their management
Unit I: Classification of insects based on economic importance - Apiculture - Bee species – comparison- castes of
bees, bee behaviour and bee dance; Apiary management practices – bee pasturage, foraging, seasonal variations;
Bee products – properties and uses; Effect of agricultural inputs on bee activity – pesticide poisoning.
Unit II: Moriculture; Silkworm rearing; Lac insect- biology-strains-natural enemies of lac insect and lac products;
Weed killers, pollinators, scavengers and soil builders; Balance of life in nature – population dynamics – role of
abiotic and biotic factors. Life table – interspecific and intraspecific relationships
Unit III: Pests – definition and categories – pest outbreak – factors governing pest outbreak– pest monitoring,
surveillance and forecasting. Economic Threshold Level – Economic Injury Level- Integrated Pest Management –
history, principles and strategies – requirements for successful pest management programme; Cultural, physical,
mechanical, ecological engineering methods and host plant resistance in pest management
Unit IV: Parasitoids, predators and microbial agents in pest management. Legal methods – definition –
pest introductions – quarantine – phytosanitary certificate – pest legislation. Pesticides – history,
classification – mode of action of insecticides. Pesticides compatibility, safety and hazards in the use of
pesticides – pesticide poisoning - impact of pesticides in agro-ecosystem.
Unit V:Insecticide act. Insecticides residues and resistance. Semiochemicals – allomones – kairomones –
pheromones- semiochemicals in pest management. Sterile male technique – chemosterilants, insect
growth regulators – moult inhibitors – Juvenile Hormone mimics – antifeedants and repellents. Natural
pesticides. Biotechnology in pest management. Bio safety of transgenic plants. Impact of global warming
on pests. Bio-intensive/Bio-rational/ Eco-friendly Integrated Pest Management – Indigenous/traditional
technologies in Integrated Pest Management
Identification, morphology and structural adaptations in honey bees. Bee keeping appliances, bee
enemies and diseases. Sericulture. Lac insect-life history, hosts and culturing of lac, natural enemies and
lac products. Study of useful insects- Pollinators, weed killers, scavengers and soil builders. Symptoms
and types of damage caused by insect pests. Assessment of insect population and their damage in field
crops. Cultural, mechanical and physical control of insects. Identification and mass culturing of different
types of parasitoids, predators and entomopathogens. Behavioral approaches in pest management –
Pheromone traps, light traps, sticky traps and others. Pesticide formulations and toxicity parameters.
Pesticide application techniques. Preparation of spray fluids and botanicals for field application. Plant
protection appliances.
Practical schedule:
1. Identification, morphology and structural adaptations in honey bees
2. Bee keeping appliances, bee enemies and diseases
3. Mulberry nursery bed preparation – methods of planting - Pruning methods – leaf / shoot
harvest– preservation of leaves.
4. Identification of damage symptoms of insects, diseases and nematodes of mulberry
5. Chawki rearing and shoot rearing
6. Lac insect-life history, hosts and culturing of lac, natural enemies and lac products
7. Study of useful insects-Pollinators, weed killers, scavengers and soil builders
8. Symptoms and types of damage caused by insect pests , Assessment of insect population and their damage
in rice, cotton and brinjal
9. Cultural, mechanical and physical control of insects
10. Identification and mass culturing of different types of parasitoids
11. Identification and mass culturing of different types of predators
12. Identification and mass production of entomopathogens
13. Behavioral approaches in pest management – Pheromone traps, light traps, sticky traps and others
14. Pesticide formulations and toxicity parameters
15. Pesticide application techniques, Preparation of spray fluids and botanicals for field application
16. Plant protection appliances
17. Final Practical examination
1. David, B.V. and V.V. Ramamurthy. 2011. Elements of Economic Entomology, Namrutha Publications,
Chennai, 386 p. {ISBN: 978-81-921477-0-3}
1. Pedigo, L.P. and M.E.Rice.1996. Entomology and Pest Management. Prentice-Hall of Idia Pvt Ltd, New
Delhi. 812p. {ISBN-978-8120338869}
2. Dhaliwal, G.S. and R.Arora. 2001. Integrated Pest Management – Concepts and approaches. Kalyani
publishers, New Delhi. 427p. {ISBN: 81-7663-904-4}
3. Dandin, S.B., J.Jayaswal and K. Giridhar.2003. Hand book of Sericulture Technologies.
Central Silk Board, Bangalore, 287 p.
e resources
1. http://www.sristi.org/hbnew
2. http://www.ncipm.org.in/recent-publications.htm
3. http://www.ipmnet.org
4. www.silkbase.org
5. www.papilo.ab.a.u.tokyo.ac.jp
AGR 203 Crop Production Technology- II (Rabi crops) (1+1)
Unit I : Cereals
Wheat, barley, Oats - Origin, geographic distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic
requirement, varieties, cultural practices, yield.
Unit II : Pulses
Chickpea, lentil, peas - Origin, geographic distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic
requirement, varieties, cultural practices, yield.
1. Identification of rabi crops and recording their importance in the crop cafeteria.
2. Acquiring skill in field preparation, sowing and manuring of rabi crops under pure and intercropping
3. Acquiring skill in different seed treatment techniques and foliar nutrition of rabi crops.
4. Estimation of plant population per unit area for rabi crops.
5. Nursery preparation for Sugarcane.
6. Acquiring skill in after - cultivation practices in sugarcane - detrashing, and Propping.
7. Study on growth parameters of sugarcane.
8. Study on yield parameters and estimation of yield in sugarcane.
9. Study on yield parameters and estimation of yield in rabi crops.
10. Estimating Cost and returns of important rabi crops.
11. Visit to Sugarcane Breeding Institute/ Research Station to study cultivation of sugarcane and its by
12. Visit to - nearby sugar mill, for observing juice extraction, quality assessment, sugar manufacture
and by products.
13. Silage making.
14. Practicing field preparation and sowing Lucerne.
15. Practicing field preparation and sowing for fodder maize.
16. Visit to Wheat research station, Wellington to study rabi crops – wheat, barley, rye, oats.
17. Practical Examination.
Rajendra Prasad. 2012. Text Book on Field Crop Production, Indian Council of Agrl. Research, New Delhi.
Ahlawat,I.P.S., Om Prakash and G.S. Saini. 2010. Scientific Crop Production in India. Rama publishing
House, Meerut
Chidda Singh, Prem Singh and Rajbir Singh. 2011. Modern Techniques of Raising Field Crops. Oxford
and IBH Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Reddy,S.R. 2012. Agronomy of field crops. Kalyani publishers, New Delhi.
Crop production guide.2012. Directorate of Agriculture, Chennai
ICAR 2015. Hand book of Agriculture. Indian Council of Agricuture, New Delhi
1. http://sugarcane.tn.nic.in
2. http://fibre.tn.nic.in ,
3. www.tnau.ac.in/agriportal
AGR 204 Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture (1+1)
Theory :
Unit - I: Cropping System
Cropping systems - Definition - Principles - Concepts - Classification - mono cropping - intensive cropping
- cropping systems of India and Tamil Nadu - Interaction between different cropping systems - Cropping
system management - Resource management - land, nutrient, water and weed.
Unit - II: Evaluation of Cropping System
Index for evaluation of cropping systems - Land use - yield advantages - Economic evaluation -
Unit - III: Farming System
Farming systems - Definition - Principles - Concepts - Enterprises selection and management -
interaction between different enterprises with cropping - scope and advantages of Integrated Farming
system - Integrated farming system models for different agro eco-systems - interaction between
Unit - IV: Evaluation of Farming System
Resource recycling in IFS - Evaluation indicators of integrated farming system - LEISA & HEIA - concepts
and principles - Conservation agriculture - principles, concept and scope.
Unit - V: Resource and labour management in farming system
Resource management under constraint situation - Cost reduction strategies in crop production - Non-
monetary inputs and low cost technologies - Labour management - farming system and environment.
Preparation of cropping scheme - working out input requirements for crops, cropping systems -
preparation of calendar of operations for wetland, irrigated upland and dry land cropping system - visit
to cropping system experiments - working out indices for evaluation of cropping systems - visit to
different units: dairy, goat, poultry, fishery. Mushroom, sericulture and biogas - study on evaluation
indicators on farming system - preparation of integrated farming system models for different eco-
systems - on farm field visit - analysis of farming system models.
Lecture Schedule
1. Cropping system: Definition, Principles and basic concepts.
2. Classification of cropping system - Mono cropping, intensive cropping, multiple cropping, mixed
3 Major cropping systems prevailing in India and Tamil Nadu for different agro eco systems.
4. Complementary and competitive interaction in different cropping system - light, nutrient, water and
5. Cropping system management: agronomic requirement for crops and cropping system selection of
crops and varieties, tillage and land shaping, plant population and crop geometry.
6. Cropping system management: agronomic requirement for crops and cropping system - water
management, soil fertility management and plant protection.
7. Indices for evaluation of cropping system - land use, yield advantage and economics.
8. Farming system: definition, principles and concepts and factors influencing choice and size of
9. Mid Semester Examination.
10. Scope and advantages of integrated farming system.
11. Allied enterprises for wetland, irrigated upland and dryland - selection and management and their
12. Resource recycling in integrated farming system.
13. Integrated Farming System evaluation indicators.
14. Integrated farming system - models for wetland, irrigated upland and dryland eco system.
15. LEISA and HEIA - principles and concepts and Labour management in integrated farming system.
16. Conservation agriculture and environmental impact of integrated farming system.
17. Cost reduction technologies and non monetary inputs in integrated farming system.
Practical Schedule:
1. Visit to cropping system experiments in wetland.
2. Visit to cropping system experiments in irrigated upland and dryland.
3. Preparation of cropping scheme for wetland and working out input requirement.
4. Preparation of cropping scheme for irrigated upland and working out input requirement.
5. Calendar of operations for wet land and irrigated upland cropping system.
6. Working out indices for evaluating the cropping system - land use, yield advantage.
7. Working out indices for evaluating the cropping system - Economics, sustainability.
8. Visit to dairy, goat and poultry units.
9. Visit to mushroom unit.
10. Visit to sericulture and biogas unit.
11. Preparation of integrated farming system models : wetland eco-system.
12. Preparation of integrated farming system models : irrigated upland and dryland eco systems.
13. Resource recycling in integrated farming system models of different eco systems.
14. Evaluation of integrated farming system models : wetland eco-system.
15. Evaluation of integrated farming system models : irrigated upland and dryland eco systems.
16. On-farm visit to cropping fields and integrated farming system units.
17. Practical examination.
1. Palaniappan, SP and K. Sivaraman.1996. Cropping systems in the tropics Principles and
2. New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Jayanthi, C. Devasenapathy, P and C. Vennila. 2007. Farming Systems. Principles and practices.
Satish Serial Publishing House.Delhi.
4. S.C. Panda. 2003. Cropping and Farming Systems. Agrobios Publishers.
Jodhpur. Jana, B.L. 2014. Farming Systems. Agrotech Publishing
Academy, Udaipur Shagufta. 2015. Cropping and Farming Systems. APH
Publishing Corporation
E references:
1. www.agriinfo.in
2. www.fao.org
3. www.agritech.tnau.ac.in
SAC 202 Problematic Soils and their Management (2+0)
Soil quality and health, Distribution of Waste land and problem soils in India and Tamil Nadu.
Categorization of waste lands based on properties.
Characteristics, reclamation and management of soil physical and chemical constraints - Eroded and
Compacted soils, Flooded soils, Saline and sodic soils, Acid soils, Acid Sulphate soils, degraded alkali
soils and Polluted soils. Effect of salts on soil and plants.
Remote sensing and GIS in assessment and management of problem soils. Irrigation water – quality
and standards. Utilization of saline water in agriculture.
Multipurpose tree species, bio remediation of soils through MPTs, land capability classification, land
suitability classification. Problematic soils under different Agro ecosystems - Soil fertility improvement
through carbon build up.
Lecture Schedule:
1 Soil health - Definition - Soil Quality Indices – Physical indicators
2 Soil Quality Indices - Chemical and biological indicators
3 Distribution of waste lands and problem soils in India and Tamil Nadu
4 Categorization of waste lands based on properties
5 Soil physical constraints – slow permeable, excessively permeable soils and fluffy paddy
soils - Characteristics and management
6 Soil crusting, soil compaction, sub soil hard pan, sand dunes and shallow soils – characteristics
and management
7 Eroded soil – Genesis, types and characteristics: water- sheet, rill, gully, ravines, wind – Aeolian,
loess, saltation, suspension , soil creep
7 Universal soil loss equation and erosion control measures
8 Flooded soils – Formation, characteristics and management
9 Acid soil and acid sulphate soil – Genesis and characteristics.
10 Lime requirement of acid soil, liming materials, reclamation and management of acid soil
11 Formation and classification of Saline, Sodic and saline sodic soils
12 Effects of Salts on soils- Physical: Clay swelling and Dispersion, permeability, Infiltration, Crust,
transmission. Chemical: pH and EC. Biological : Microbial activity.
13 Effects of Salts on plants – Plants response to saline and sodic conditions, Factors affecting
salt tolerance, crop response to salinity, ratings of crop salt tolerance.
14 Salts and plant mineral nutrition- Salinity and nutritional effects: Salinity and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S,
and Micronutrients. Alkalinity and nutritional effects.
15 Saline, Sodic, saline sodic, and degraded alkali soils- characteristics and their management
1. Sehgal, J. 2005. Pedology concepts and applications, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Gupta, S.K. and I.C. Gupta 2014. Salt affected soils: Reclamation and Management.
Scientific Publishers.
3. Richards, L.A. 2012. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Scientific Publishers.
4. Soil Survey Staff. 2006. Keys to Soil Taxonomy. United States Department of Agriculture,
Natural Resources Conservation Service.
5. Maliwal, G.L. and L.L. Somani. 2010. Nature, Properties and Management of saline and alkali
soils. Agrotech publishing academy, Udaipur.
1. ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NSSC/NCSS/Conferences/scanned/
2. ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NSSC/Lab References/SSIR 51.pdf
3. ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NSSC/Lab_References/SSIR 51 .pdf
4. www.iuss.org/Bulletins/00000096.pdf
5. www.oosa.unvienna.org/pdf/sap/centres/rscurrE.pdf-
6. www.csre.iitb.ac.in/~dd/detail.html
7. www.dvsinstitute.org/forms/pg/M.Sc.%20-%20RS%20&%20GIS-350.pdf
8. inkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0166248197800335
9. www.scribd.com/doc/40246764/Description-Pedon-Copy-
10. www.angrau.net/BSc(Aq)CourseCurriculum.htm
11. www.euroiournals.com/ejsr 42 2 10.pdf
12. www.springerlink.com/index/R177R744722222UN.pdf-Similar
13. content.alterra.wur.nl/lnternet/webdoc$/ilri-publicaties/.../Bib10.pdf
14. www-wds.worldbank.org/external/.../INDEX/multi_..page.txt-Cached
15. openaccess.icrisat.org/.../Proceedings-integrated-watershed-management-for-land-Asia.pdf
HOR 212 Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAPs and Landscaping (1+1)
Unit I: Landscaping
Importance and scope of ornamental crops landscaping. Principles of landscaping. Landscape uses of
trees, shrubs and climbers.
Unit II: Production technology of cut flower crops under protected conditions
Production technology of important cut flowers like rose, gerbera, carnation, lilium and orchids under
protected conditions
Unit III: Production technology of flowers under open conditions and value addition in ornamental
Production technology of important cut flowers like gladiolus, tuberose, chrysanthemum under open
conditions. Package of practices for loose flowers like marigold and jasmine under open conditions.
Processing and value addition in ornamental crops.
Unit IV: Production technology of medicinal crops
Medicinal crops- importance and scope – current status - soil and climate – varieties – propagation–
planting methods – nutrient, irrigation and organic practices – harvest – post-harvest handling – storage,
packaging of Periwinkle, Asparagus, Aloe, Costus, Isabgol, Glory lily, extraction and value addition of
medicinal crops.
Unit V: Production technology of aromatic crops
Aromatic crops - importance and scope – current status -- soil and climate – varieties – propagation–
planting methods – nutrient, irrigation and organic practices – harvest – post-harvest handling – storage,
packaging of Ocimum, Mint, Geranium, Citronella, Lemon grass, Palmarosa and Vetiver – Distillation of
oil and value addition.
Identification of Ornamental plants. Nursery bed preparation and seed sowing. Training and pruning of
Ornamental plants. Planning and layout of garden. Protected structures – care and maintenance.
Intercultural operations in flowers. Harvesting and post harvest handling of cut and loose flowers. Visit
to commercial flower unit.
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Identification of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- varieties-propagation-special practices - nutrient
management, extraction and distillation of essential oil - Periwinkle, Asparagus, Aloe, Costus, Isabgol,
Glory lily, Ocimum, Mint, Geranium, Citronella, Lemon grass, ,Palmarosa and Vetiver – visit to
commercial medicinal and aromatic plants fields and processing units
Practical schedule
1. Identification, planting, care and maintenance of trees, shrubs and climbers used in garden
2. Identification of varieties in cut flowers under protected conditions.
3. Identification of varieties in flowers under open conditions.
4. Practices of nursery bed preparation, seed sowing in ornamental plants.
5. Training and pruning and intercultural operations in Ornamental plants
6. Planning and layout of garden.
7. Protected structures – care and maintenance.
8. Harvesting and post harvest handling of cut and loose flowers.
9. Identification of medicinal and aromatic plants –economic parts
10. Propagation techniques, planting, cultural operations in Periwinkle, Asparagus and Aloe.
11. Propagation techniques, planting, cultural operations in Costus, Isabgol and poppy.
12. Propagation techniques, planting, cultural operations in Ocimum, Mint, Geranium
13. Propagation techniques, planting, cultural operations in lemon grass, palmarosa, vetiver and
14. Extraction and distillation of medicinal & Aromatic crops.
15. Visit to commercial floriculture and floral oil extraction units
16. Visit to commercial medicinal and aromatic crops field and extraction unit.
1. Bhattacharjee, S.K and De L.C (2003) Advanced Commercial Floriculture Vol. (1) Aavishkar
publishers, Distributors, Jaipur.
2. Bhattacharjee, S.K and De L.C (2005) Medicinal Herbs & Flowers, Aarishkar, Jaipur.
3. Bhattacharjee, S.K., 2004. Hand book of medicinal plants, Pointer publications, Jaipur.
4. Bose, T.K., Yadav, L.P., Pal. P., Parthasarathy, V.A., Das. P., 2003. Commercial flowers. Vol. I and II.
Naya udyog, Kolkata-6.
5. Ravindrasharma (2004) Agro techniques of Medicinal plants. Daya publishing, New Delhi.
6. Trivedi, P.C. (2004) Medicinal Plants: Utilization and Conservation, Aavishkar Publisher, Distributors,
7. Allan M. Armitage and Judy M. Laushman “Speciality Cut Flowers” , Second Edition, Published by
Timber press 2003, ISBN - 0881925799
8. Atal. C. K. and B. M. Kapur. 1992. Cultivation and utilisation of medicinal plants RRL. CSIR, Jammu –
9. Bose, T.K., Yadav, L.P., Pal. P., Das. P. and Parthasarathy, V.A., (2002) Commercial Flowers. Vol.1,
Naya Prakash, Calcutta.
10. Chadha, K.L.1994. Advances in Horticulture, Vol.10. Malhotra Publishing house, New Delhi.
11. Chadha, K.L.1994. Advances in Horticulture, Vol.11. Malhotra Publishing house, New Delhi.
12. Farooqi, M., M. M. Khan and M. Vasundhara. 2004. Production technology of medicinal and
aromatic crops. Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore – 561229.
13. Surendraprasad and Updesh Kumar (1998), Commercial floriculture, Agrobotanica, Bikaner.
14. Kumar, N. Introduction to Horticulture. 2010. Oxford and IBH Publications, New Delhi.
15. Kumar, N. Introduction to Spices, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic crops. 1995. Oxford and IBH
Publications, New Delhi.
E- References
1. http://www.theflowerexport.com
2. http:// www.intuxford.tripod.com
3. http://www.webct.uark.edu
4. http://www.pubmed.com
5. http://www.bestgarden.net/
6. http://www.indiaagronet.com/
7. http://www.intuxford.tripod.com/
8. http://www.lawngrasses.com/
9. http://www.frlht.org
10. www.herbs.org
Usage and handling of microscopes (binocular, trinocular, zoom and compound microspores) -Soil and
root sampling – Extraction of active nematodes and cysts from soil and roots (Cobb’s sieving and decanting
technique, Baermann funnel technique, conical flask technique, Sugar floatation technique, Fenwick can method,
Incubation and Blender technique) – Nematode processing techniques (preservation, slow and rapid method of
processing, making semi permanent and permanent slides) – Morpholoy of orders Tylenchida (Hoplolaimus), and
Dorylaimida (Xiphinema) – Identification of important nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus, Helicotylenchus,
Pratylenchus, Hirschmanniella. Hemicriconemoides / Criconema Heterodera / Globodera, Tylenchulus, and
Aphelenchoides) – Life stages of sedentary and migratory endoparasites – symptoms of important nematode
diseases – Nematicides and their application – Biocontrol agents-bacteria and fungi.
1. Soil and root sampling. Extraction of nematodes by Cobb’s sieving method; Baermann funnel Technique
and modified Baermann funnel technique.
2. Extraction of nematodes by sugar flotation technique; Extraction of cysts by conical flask technique and
fenwick can method.
3. Extraction of nematodes from roots and staining of roots infested with endoparasitic and semi –
endoparasitic nematodes.
4. Preservation of nematodes and preparation of temporary and permanent slides.
5. Observing morphology of the order Tylenchida (Hoplolaimus) and Dorylaimida (Xiphinema, Longidorus).
6. Identification of nematodes – Tylenchorhynchus, Helicotylenchus.
7. Identification of nematodes – Pratylenchus, Hirschmanniella.
8. Identification of nematodes – Hemicriconemoides – Criconema, Heterodera – Globodera.
9. Identification of nematodes – Tylenchulus, Aphelenchoides.
10. Study of life stages of Meloidogyne, Rotylenchulus.
11. Study of life stages of Radopholus.
12. Study of Entomopathogenic nematodes
13. Study of life stages of Nematodes diseases of rice (White tip and rice root nematode)
14. Damage caused by root – knot and reniform nematodes indifferent crops.
15. Symptoms of damage caused by citrus nematode; the lesion nematode and the burrowing nematode of
16. Study of types of nematicides, application methods and calculation of dosages; study of biocontrol agents.
17. Practical examination.
NST 201 Fundamentals and Applications of Nanotechnology (1+0)
Lecture schedule
1. Nano: The essentials understanding nanoscience and Nano- T.Pradeep - 2009 - Mc Graw Hill.
2. Nano materials - B.Viswanathan - 2009 -Narosa.
3. Introduction to nanotechnology - Charles P. Poole; Frank J. Owens – 2008 – Wiley.
4. Fundamentals of biomems and medical microdevices - Steven S.Saliterman – 2006 - Wiley
5. Instrumental methods of analysis - Hobart H. Willam; Lynne L. Merrit – 2006 -CBS.
6. Fundamentals of physics - David Halliday; Robert Resnick – 2007 – Willey.
7. Chemistry Raymond Chang – 2009 - Tata Mcgraw Hill.
8. Nanomaterial chemistry - C.N. Rao, A. K . Chettam, A. Muller – 2007 – Wiley – VCH.
9. Nanotechnology Applications in Agriculture – C.R. Chinnamuthu, B.Chandrasekaran and
C. Ramasamy – 2008.
Familiarization with renewable energy gadgets. To study biogas plants, To study gasifier, To
study the production process of biodiesel, To study briquetting machine, To study the production process
of bio-fuels. Familiarization with different solar energy gadgets. To study solar photovoltaic system: solar
light, solar pumping, solar fencing. To study solar cooker, To study solar drying system. To study solar
distillation and solar pond.
Lecture Schedule
1. Energy crisis – renewable energy sources – significance – potential andTB-1: 1-10
achievements in India – energy requirements of agricultural and horticultural
2. Biomass – methods of energy conversion – biochemical conversion methods –TB-1: 12-26
thermochemical conversion methods.
3. Biofuels – importance – biodiesel and bioethanol production method – flowchartTB-1: 164-177;
– by products utilization 182-183
4. Biogas technology – classification - types of biogas plants – KVIC andTB-1: 30-43
Deenabandhu model biogas plants – factors affecting biogas plants.
5. Alternate feedstocks for biogas production – applications of biogas cooking,TB-1: 45-49
lighting and engine operations - biodigested slurry and enrichment.
6. Briquetting – MED – VED – methods – need for briquetting - benefits of biomassTB-1: 92-99
7. Combustion – improved chulha – single pot – double pot – conventional chulha –TB-1: 52-57; 64-
biomass gas stove – constructional features – principles and applications. 67
8. Pyrolysis – methods for charcoal production –biochar production– comparisonTB-1: 67-73
between slow and fast pyrolysis.
9. Mid semester examination
10. Gasification – chemistry – types – updraft gasifier – working principlesTB-2: 395-411
operations – application
11. Downdraft gasifier – working principles – operation and applications.
12. Solar energy – characteristics of solar radiation - types of radiation – solarTB-1: 101-105
13. Solar thermal devices – solar water heater – solar cooker – solar pond – solarTB-1: 105-114
distillation – working principles and applications. TB-2: 138-142,
14. Solar PV systems – principle – solar lantern - water pumping applications. TB-1: 117-123
15. Solar driers – natural and forced convection types – solar tunnel drier – workingTB-1: 115-117
principles and operation.
16. Wind mills – types – horizontal and vertical axis – components – workingTB-1: 136 - 144
principles – applications.
17. Energy from ocean, waves, tides. Geothermal energy sources – principles andTB-1: 189-205
Practical schedule
1. Basic principles of working of renewable energy gadgets
2. Experiments on biodiesel production
3. Experiments on bioethanol production process
4. Construction and working principle of KVIC biogas plant
5. Construction and working principle of deenbandhu biogas plant
6. Experiments on biogas applications
7. Experiments on briquetting technology
8. Performance evaluation of improved chulha
9. Evaluation of biochar production systems
10. Experiments on biooil production method
11. Performance evaluation of producer gas production system
12. Performance evaluation of solar dryers
13. Experiments on solar cookers and distillation systems
14. Performance evaluation of solar water heaters
15. Experiments on solar water pumping system
16. Performance assessment of solar street light and fencing
17. Final practical examination
C.S. Solanki, 2009. Renewable Energy Technologies : A Practical Guide for Beginners.
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
S. Rao and B.B. Parulekar. 2007. Energy Technology: Non-Conventional, Renewable
and Conventional. Khanna Publishers, Naisarak, Delhi.
G.D. Rai. 1993. Solar Energy Utilisation. Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
J. F. Manwell, J. G. McGowan and A. L. Rogers. 2009. Wind Energy Explained:
Theory, Design and Application. Wiley & Sons Ltd.,