Part 7 Grade 9 Edumate Playing Chords On The Piano Keyboard

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Lesson Plans from Edumate

Grade 9

Term 1
Unit 0 – Orientation

Students will understand that...

 There  are procedures in the classroom that should be followed to facilitate learning 
 Introducing oneself to others opens up an avenue of communication and can be a start of a
 Sharing their opinions and insights express their trust to their classmates
 Listening well is one way of respecting others

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering...

 What are the advantages of an orderly classroom and class procedure?

 When is the right time for him/her to ask questions and to share his/her opinion?
 How listening emphatically to their teacher and classmates show respect?
 What are the possible functions of Music in one's life?

Students will know...

 The teacher’s expectations from the class to ensure a productive and enjoyable class.
 Other requirements for Music class for their class level.
 A tentative Course Outline in Music for School Year 2017-

Students will be skilled at…

 Listening carefully to someone who is speaking

 Following instructions
 Expressing their opinions and insights
 Giving their suggestions for the improvement of the class.

Performance Tasks
Naming Which Statement is False
The task of guessing what their classmates have written wrong about themselves   in connection to Music will
reveal how well the students know each other.

Expressing Expectations
The students will write down their expectations from the Music class on a "metacard" to help the teacher
design a final course outline. This will also help the teacher to discern the methods he might choose in
presenting lessons. And finally this will give the teacher a knowledge of the preferences of the students. 
Other Evidence
 Recall of Details
 Ability to Follow Instructions
 Opinion Giving 

Lesson 0 – Getting to Know and Orientation
 (I-G-W) Two Truths, and a Lie (15 minutes)

(I) The teacher will ask the students to write three short statements in English about themselves that has
something to do with Music. But in these three statements, two should be true, and the other one false.

(G) Then will go look for a partner in the class, they will show their three statements to their classmate, and will
ask that person to guess which of the three statements is false. They should have as many partners as they could
within the given time.

(W) After the activity, the teacher will ask the students what new things they have learned about their

The teacher will conclude the activity by pointing out that there are still things that they we might not know yet
about each other, and this can also be true with Music, so they should prepare themselves to learn new things
this school year.

 (W) Discussion (15 minutes)

He will then explain the following points to the class.

 The teacher’s expectations from the class to ensure a productive and enjoyable class.
 Other requirements for Music class for their class level.
 A tentative Course Outline in Music for School Year 2017-2018

(I & W) Sharing their expectations from Music Class (10 minutes)

            The students will be given metacards (colored paper) where they can write their expectations from the
Music class. After writing their expectations, they will post it on the assigned board.  And everybody will be given
a chance to read all the other answers and to add or edit their own expectations.
Core Tactic – Guessing Game
This is a different way of introducing oneself or getting-to-know-each-other activity. In this tactic, each student
will be able to tell others things about himself/herself that has something to do with Music, and at the same time
let their partners think which one of the three statements does not speak the reality about him/her. 

Term 1
Unit 1 – Complex Rhythms
Students will understand that...

 Conducting shows how Music can be exact as  a science and yet be as free as an art.
 Singing and playing an instrument provide people with musical and developmental skills. 
 Critical listening is essential successful to a learning experience.  
 There is a proper timing for everything. 
 Creativity expands one's capacities.

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering...

 What are musical guidelines for?

 How can students spend their time wisely at home and at school?
 When can one be competent to lead others in a familiar activity?
 How can body language be so rich in meaning?
 Why is it better to create rather than to imitate?

Students will know...

 The components that make up rhythm.

 The proper way of pronouncing more complicated rhythmic patterns, that use dotted notes and
short-duration notes. 
 The proper way of forming a given time signature.
 The conducting patterns for simple time signatures for two-fou r, three-four, four-four,  six-eight
time signatures. 
 The environment, menus and other advanced features of the software MuseScore 2.1 
 The differnce between circular and linear representation of rhythm

Students will be skilled at…

 Recognizing visually the different kinds of notes and rests.

 Identifying aurally a given rhythmic pattern.
 Clapping more complicated rhythmic patterns.
 Conducting the patterns of different time signatures. 
 Accompanying a song with an original rhythm.
 Using virtual drumkit in creating rhythm.
 Creating their original percussion score using MuseScore 2.1 
 Sequencing complex rhythms in GroovePizza  that can accompany actual songs


Individual Performance: Conducting Patterns

This particular performance task will  highlight how deep is  the student's  understanding about the concept of
rhythm. It will also develop their body and eye coordination as they conduct the patterns and say the words that
should go exactly with every movement of their hand. By choosing one of the given songs, they will be able show
their preference in terms of Music genre. And performing solo an excerpt will give them opportunity to showcase
their individual musical talents and develop confidence as well. 

Ta Titi Tika-Tika Truth or Consequence Challenge

These are activities that aim to give the students an enjoyable way of performing different rhythms and
showcasing their different talents in front of the class. This hopefully will hopefully create a closer bond
among classmates while they learn the building blocks of music. 

Creating Complex Rhythms on Groove Pizza

This activity integrates the lessons on different elements of rhythm and gives the students a platform
that is complex in sound but easy to use. The same activity provides the students a way to create their
own music that they can easily share with others. Creating  Complex Rhythm in GroovePizza highlights
the creativity of students and they get to have a new way of appreciating rhythm. The challenge here is
how to translate or transcribe the linear representation of rhythm in a wheel or circular method. 

Other Evidence
 Aural and Visual Recognition of Notes and Rests
 Reading of Rhythm Names
 Clapping Activities
 Echo Song
 Games on Duration and Values
 Playing with Virtual Drum Set or Drum Kit

Lesson 1 – Conducting Patterns

W - Loose Tooth (15 minutes) 

Song Study: Loose Tooth

I had a loose tooth

A wiggly jiggly loose tooth

I had a loose tooth

A-hanging by a thread

Someone pulled  my loose tooth

My wiggly jiggly loose tooth

Now I have a nickle

and a hole in my head.

The teacher will first introduce the song "Loose Tooth" and make it first as an echo song for the student to be
familiar with it. 

After everybody is comfortable with it, body percussions will be added on some of the words: 2 claps for loose
tooth; tapping of lap for "wiggly jiggly", and snap for the words "thread" and "head."

Then the class will be playing the different percussion instruments that they are holding, one instrument per beat
until everybody is done. 

Then the body percussions will be replaced for by the percussion instruments, ask the students to identify which
percussion should replace for which body percussion, and then sing the song with the percussion instruments. 

For the last time, sing   the song with body percussion and then followed immediately by the song with
percussion instruments. 

I - Discussion (15 minutes)

Then the teacher will ask the students what to identify the musical elements highlighted in the activity. 

Then the teacher will discuss the different elements of rhythm: beat, duration, and time signature. 

Then he will show the students the table of notes and show how the "Loose Tooth" is made up of notes with
different duration. 

Then he will introduce the conducting patterns by showing a video clip of an 8-year old conducting an orchestra.

W/I - Conducting Patterns  (10 minutes)

Then the teacher will   introduce  the different patterns. 

Then individually, the students will be  assigned the different patterns. 


W/I - Review of Conducting Patterns (10 minutes)

The class opens up with a review on conducting patterns.

With the use of a flashcard, the teacher then asks them individually to conduct a particular pattern.

G -A Seatwork on Time Signature (10 minutes)

The class will then be divided into pairs and each pair will be asked to answer together, helping each other, the
given seatwork.

The teacher then distributes a seatwork sheet where that asks them to:

1. Divide the given group of notes  according to the given time signature

2. To complete measures with the missing notes

3. To create their own rhythmic pattern for a given time signature. 

I  - Practice on Conducting Patterns  (15 minutes)

The students will be given 10 excerpts of famous songs (with different ranges from easy to difficult, and with
different patterns).

They will choose one (1) and will be given enough time to practice reading its lyrics while conducting it, making
sure that the words are said at the right beat.

If two or more persons liked the same song, they may practice together, but they will have to perform solo.

Individual Performance (10 minutes)

After the allotted time for practice, they will be called one by one to read and conduct the patterns of the song,
those who can sing the excerpts of the song may also do so. 


W- Review on Conducting Patterns (5 minutes) 

The teacher will review with the class the conducting patterns for two-four, three-four, four-four, and  six-
eigth time signatures.
Then the students will be divided into two groups (male and female). 

The teacher will flash on the screen the notation of "Hello Vietnam," and have its  playback.

The teacher will demonstrate how to conduct with the audio of the song, making sure that the lyrics are
sung on the right beat.

G - Practice (10 minutes)

The task of the students is to conduct with the first minute of the song using four-four conducting

The audio file will be played several times during the practice to give them time to master the timing of the

G - Performance (5 minutes)

Each group will then perform while the other group watches them. 

I - Quiz #1 on EdPuzzle  (20 minutes) 

The students will be given 20 minutes to finish this activity which is all about rhythm and its features. 


The students will explore how conducting makes their singing more rhythmic and perfectly on correct

Trying to feel the accent the song, they will be able to identify the specific pattern or time signature of
different sounds. 

Conducting while singing is very good way of integrating the minute details discussed about rhythm.

Lesson 2-- Improvising Rhythms on GroovePizza


Period 1- Bilingual/International 

(W) - A Short Review on Conducting Patterns (5 minutes)

The class will recall with the teacher the different conducting patterns for 2-4, 3-4, and 4-4 Time Signatures. 

Then the class will try to accompany the song Hello Vietnam with a 4-4 Time Signature. 

(I) - Virtual Drum Kit (10 minutes)

Then the students will go to and will accompany songs with the different instruments
in the drum set, until a good rhythm is achieved. 

The teacher will explain that this is one of the usual application of rhythm in the music that we hear everyday,
applying it to drum set. y

(W/I) - EdPuzzle Activity on the Importance of Rhythm (15 minutes) 

Then the students will join the class in EdPuzzle that the teacher prepared. It is an video with 10 questions
embedded on it, focusing on the importance of rhythm and its features. If only some can connect to the internet
well, the teacher will just play the video on the screen and ask the students in recitation style for the answer to
the questions. 

(W/I) - Groove Pizza Activity

The teacher will then introduce the Groove Pizza application where the students can create their own rhythm
and groove. 

The teacher will explain different features of the application and invite the student to explore it.

Period 2 - International 

(W) - Groove Pizza Explained (5 minutes) 

The teacher will give a short backgrounder as to the theory behind the Groove Pizza and how it differs from
the   linear presentation of rhythm. 

(I) - Creating Their Original Rhythm on Groove Pizza (20)

(I/W) - Presentation of Their Groove (15 minutes) 

The teacher will then call the students one by one and ask them to attach their laptop to the speaker and play it
so everybody can hear it. 

While the class is listening, the teacher will look at the patterns used in the four canvas and see if they are really
original to the students. 


Period 1 - Bilingual/ International 

(W/I) - Ta Titi TikaTika   Truth or Consequence Challenge (10 minutes)

As the class starts the students will write on a white paper personal questions that they want to address to their
classmates, and on a colored paper, the challenge they want them their classmates to do. Then this will be
collected and will be used later on during the game.

Then they  will form a circle and use the syllables Ta  if they want the person on their right to play next, Ti-ti  if
they want the person to on their left to play next, and Tika-tika if they want everybody to stand up and change
places, students who will not change their places and the student who will not have a seat will face either Truth
or Consequence depending on their choice. 

The teacher can continue the game until such time that the students are already making the correct timing in
saying and clapping Ta, Titi, and Tika-Tika. 

W/I - EdPuzzle Activity (5 minutes) 

The class will register to EdPuzzle and enter the class code.

The students wil then be given enough time to watch and understand a different way of looking at rhythm with
the  help of the following video clip. 

They will should also answer the three questions embedded into the video.

G - Making a Stand (5 minutes)

The teacher will then ask the students what is their take on this different way of looking at rhythm. Those who
are in favor of the circular method will be asked to raise their hand.

The students will be given a chance to explain their side and to change their mind or opinion after hearing other's

They may give a brief comparison of the two and why they prefer or not prefer a cirle than a linear rhythm. 

W/I -  Application of Groove Pizza (20 minutes) 

The teacher will then ask the Bilingual students to get their laptop and open the GroovePizza app.

He will then ask the students to do some specific patterns in GroovePizza in order know if everybody can follow
and understand how to use the application.

He will use "Breakaway" and any pattern that is using 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 to accompany it, since it is in a 3-4 time

The students will then create four different rhythmic patterns with the GroovePizza.
And then the bilingual studetns will individually present their groove to the class at the end of the session. 

While the Bilingual make and present their original Groove,   the international group will do the following 

(I )-for International Only -  Applied GroovePizza to Songs (20 minutes)

1. Choose five of your favorite songs

2. Search for their Time Signature.
3. Fill out the word document sent to you, on the first column, type the title of your song, on the second
column, give its Time Signature, and on the third column, the picture of the groove you will use for it.

4. Save the document and send to [email protected]

Period 2 - International 

CAT 4 -EXAM - No Class



This tactic gives each of the students a great opportunity to all participate in the different activities with their
own laptop. It also provides them longer time to explore different applications that has something to do with the
lesson. Using technology in their music studies show them how musical concepts like rhythm are actually applied
in the music that they hear in their everyday life. This will hopefully provide them tools in the future if they are
asked to create rhythm or create music in their other projects. 

Term 1
Unit 2 – Melody and Harmony

The students will understand that ...

 Singing exercises on intervals is a great way to prepare for difficult passages

 Discipline can help reach our "musical" aspirations
 There can be harmony in diversity
 Creating harmony in songs requires good listening, blending and proper timing
 Doing hand signs while singinng is a good exercise for our brain

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering ...

 What is the best way to produce harmony when singing?

 What are the things to consider when singing as a group? 
 How can we determine who is to sing the melody part and who is to sing the harmony part?
 Why is an exercise on intervals good preparation in singing actual songs?
 How does the Curwen Hand Sign help audience in recognizing the melodic flow of music?

The students will know...

 Interval in music refers to the pitch distance between two notes. 

 Intervals are called  unison (1), second (2), third (3), fourth (4), fifth (5), sixth (6), seventh (7), and octave
(8),  counting the distance inclusive of the lowest and highest notes. 
 Intervals can be classified as melodic and harmonic. 
 Interval is melodic if the notes are moving horizontal, and there are no stacked notes. 
 Interval is harmonic if the notes are stacked together on a single vertical line. 
 There are two musical layers: melody and harmony
 Melody is the "catchy" or memorable part of a music, which we usually call the tune.
 Melody is made the most obvious layer by giving it a higher pitch and a louder dynamics.
 Technically speaking, melody is a series of individual notes put together or designed to be together by
the composer.
 Harmony are the supporting pitches that accompany a melody. It appears either as the background
music or as countermelodies. 

Students will be skilled at...

 Singing intervals in a pentatonic scale

 Singing solfege correctly
 Doing the Curwen Hand Sign while singing
 Identifying musical layers aurally and being able to describe them

Performance Tasks
Making Melody and Harmony

In this activity, the students  will create melody and harmony, either by:

Singing individually or in a group;

Playing musical instruments (guitar, piano or other instruments); or,

Singing while other members of the group are playing instruments.

This is a concrete way of experiencing and applying the different lessons on melody and harmony.

It gives opportunity to students to show their singing abilities and other musical talents like playing musical
instruments, reading notations, and performing with a group.

Singing in Intervals

This tactic is an application of all intervals which automatically also creates harmony. Singing in opposite
directions, i.e., from do to re and so on, and from re -do and so on, challenge the students to be firm with
the melodic contour they are following, whether it is ascending or descending. They should not be
confused with the other sound that they hear, but be able to blend their tune to them in order to create
a wonderful music. 

Creating Different Vocal Sounds

This activity challenges the students to explore and produce different sounds with their voice. It gives the
students an opportunity to discover things which they have never tried before with their voice and see
ways by which they can use this in their daily life. 
Other Evidence
 Distinguishing Musical Layers
 Singing in Intervals
 Solfege Singing
 Integrating Curwen Hand Sign in Singing

Lesson 1 – Melody vs. Harmony

Period 1 - Bilingual/International 

(G) Category (15 minutes) 

The class will be divided into 3 groups. 

Each group will be given a pen. 

The teacher will then give a category: each member will have to write one item under the given category.  For
every category, the students should be able to give 5 different items. If they wrote the same thing, one will be
counted. Each member should write one item only and is not allowed to write for other members of the group. 

example,   Name of Teachers in HIBS, Ha Noi Campus

1. Percussion Instruments

2. Names of Famous Female  Singers

3. Names of Male K-Pop Bands.

4. Title of Songs of Justin Beiber or Ed Sheeran

After all the members are done per category,    the teacher will check if all their answers are correct and keep a
tally of their scores. 

After the 3rd round, the scores will be added, and the group that has the biggest total wins the game. 

The losing team will have to give a group performance on the following week. 

(W) Discussion on Musical Layers (15 minutes)

The teacher will then ask the students which they prefer singing with groupmates or singing in solo. 

The students will have to explain their answers, as to what do they think is the big difference between
singing by group and singing solo. 

The teacher will then explain that part which we easily remember in a song as the melody, and which is
assigned to the solo singer. 

In a band, or in group the teacher will have to learn how to sing either in unison or in harmony with their

(W) Excerpts of Solo and Group Performances (10 minutes)

The class will then watch video clips and the teacher will invite them to be aware of the musical layers in
the video, how one singer for example moves from melody to harmony. 

1. Beatles - Help 

2. Lac Troi - Son Tung 

3. BTS - DNA 

After watching the video, the students will be asked to give their observations on the musical videos

Period 2 - International 

(W/I) Sing For Us (15 minutes) 

The teacher will play a music on the laptop, and the students will have to pass the dummy mic around. 

The student who holds the mic when the music stops will have to sing for 10-15 seconds. If within 5
counts, he/she does not start singing, he/she will be out of the game. 

If the students protest that mic should be on other's hand already, the conflict will be resolved by rock,
scissors, paper and whoever losses wil be the one to sing. 
The game ends where there is only one left. 

The teacher will then ask the students how they feel singing in front of their classmates?

(W) Discussion on McClosky Voice Technique and Complete Vocal Technique (30 minutes)

The teacher will then introduce the Mechanics for Singing and Progressive Relaxation Exercises in the
McClosky Voice Technique. 

The students will have to do some breathing exercises and vocalization as they go along this discussion. 

Then the teacher will introduce the 4 Vocal Modes in the Complete Vocal Technique: Neutral, Curbing,
Overdrive and Edge.

Again, the students will be asked to do some vocal exercises on this lesson and have a feel of the different
vocal modes. 

Core Tactic – Video Exercises

Vocal exercises are fun ways of starting up melodic singing. The  exercises under McClosky Voice Technique and
Complete Vocal Technique seem simple, but they are techniques whose effects have been proven and are
already applied by vocal coaches. With different vocalization, the students will be prepared to sing melodies of

Lesson 2 – Intervals

  Period 1 - Bilingual/International

(G) Electricity - Interval Game (15 minutes)

The class will be divided into two big groups and will be asked to line up on two sides. 

The teacher will then put a bottle with a  pitch name on the other end of the classroom. 

The students  will then fall in line, holding the hands of their teamsmates. 

The teacher will position himself in the middle of the last students in line and will ask the students at the end of
the line to give them his hand. 

The teacher will then press the hands of the students he is holding, and they have to press the hand of their
teammates, and pass it up to the last person on the other end. 

Then the last person on the other end will have to scurry and get the bottle  with pitch name. 

The team who can get  the bottle gets a point. The person on the other end will have to go to the end, to have a
rotation on their role. 
If the student at the far end suddenly gets the bottle without the teacher passing the "electricity" yet, the other
team will get the point. 

The goal of each team is to get the most number of pitch names in order to win the game. 

(W) The Different Intervals (15 minutes) 

The   teacher will then introduce the different Intervals from the 2nd to the Octave. 

The teacher will also explain to the students how to count the intervals and how each of them when placed on a
musical score. 

(I) Listening and Identifying Intervals (10 minutes)

The class will then listent to the played notes and then they will try to guess the specific name of the interval,
from unison to octave.

After all the audio  exercises have been played, the teacher will give the correct answers and the students will
have to see if their answers are correct.

Period 2 - International 

(W) Review of the Curwen Hand Sign (10 minutes)

The teacher will review with the students the Curwen Hand Signal as it will be used in the following exercise. 

(WI) Singing Intervals (15 minutes)

The teacher will invite the students to sing different intervals while singing the name of intervals, observing the
proper tune, doing the Curwen Hand Signal. 

do - re, do -mi, do - sol, do- la, do - do

The second round will be singing the intervals from the higher note first followed by the root do. 

re-do, mi -do, sol-do, la-do, do -do 

The third round will be simultaneous singing of the first and second patterns. 

The second round will be singing the 

The teacher will then invite the class to sing the different intervals, from the major 2nd up to perfect octave. 

(G) The class will be divided into two groups. (10 minutes) 

Each group will have to practice singing the two patterns simulaneously with perfect blending. 

The groups will them be given 10 minutes for their group practice.

(G) Presentation (5 minutes)

The groups will perform individually, they may use a keyboard for give the pitch at the beginning of their

The teacher will announce which group created a blending,   with the intervals. 

The loosing team will perform a group song next meeting


This tactic is an application of all intervals which automatically also creates harmony. Singing in opposite
directions, i.e., from do to re and so on, and from re -do and so on, challenge the students to be firm with the
melodic contour they are following, whether it is ascending or descending. They should not be confused with the
other sound that they hear, but be able to blend their tune to them in order to create a wonderful music. 

Lesson 3 – Mid-Term Exams


Period 1: Bilingual/International

(W) Review of Topics Covered (10 minutes)

The teacher will review with the students the different topics that were covered in the first 2 months.

(I) Individual Review (10 minutes )

The students will then be given 10 minutes for their personal review.

(W) Reminders and Instructions (5 minutes)

The teacher will explain that the written exam is only 40% of their total Mid-Term exams. The 60% will be
coming from their performance test.

The teacher will then give the mechanics and rubrics for their performance test. The students should prepare for
their performance for the next meeting.

(I) Mid-Term Written Exams (15 minutes)

The students will then quietly answer their written exams.

The Bilingual students will afterwards be instructed to do a one-minute recording of their song or instrument
performance and send it to the teacher's email. 

Period 2: International

(W)  Watching Other Students’ Performances (10 minutes)

The teacher will show the performances of his previous students and will challenge the class to do better in their
own performances.

(I/G) Practice (15 minutes)

The students will then be given 15 minutes for their practice their individual or group practice, creating either
melody or harmony.

(I/G) Performance (15 minutes)

The students will then be called for their performances. 



Core Tactic - Review

This tactic gives the students a chance to see the overview of the entire units and to prepare for the exams with
deeper understanding of the topics taken up. 

Term 1
Unit 3 – Playing Chords on the Piano Keyboard
The students will understand that ...

 Learning how to play a musical instrument brings about a feeling of satisfaction.

 Taking care of school's musical instruments is a good way of practicing how to become a responsiblle
 Daily practice on musical instruments  requires dedication, discipline and hard work. 
 Musical skills can be acquired and can be honed.
 Knowledge on chord-playing can be very helpful in some occasions or events.

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering ...

 In what ways can a student ensure  progress in the study of  a musical instrument?
 How long should one practice playing chords on the keyboard everyday?
 What kinds of exercise can help a keyboardist prepare for a song study?
 What are the important things to remember in using the instruments in the Music Room?
 Why is it important to have a discipline as to where and when only can a student play the musical

The students will know...

 A chord is composed of three or more tones or notes that are played together.
 The basic chord that produces harmony is  a triad. A triad is made up of three tones –  a root, its third,
and its fifth.
 In its basic position,  the root is the lowest note. The second  tone is called  third  because its distance in
pitch from the root is third. The third tone is called fifth because its  distance in pitch from the root is a
 A chord may appear in a blocked form or in a broken form with notes arranged in a rapid succession
called arp  A chord may appear in a blocked form or in a broken form with notes arranged in a rapid
succession called arpeggio.
 Primary chords are basically “family chords.” These are three chords that are mostly likely to occur
in  any given key. 
 The method used in finding the primary chord of any key signature is the mathematical formula of
identifying and selecting the 1st, 4th, and 5th notes of a scale. 
 These primary chords are also referred to as tonic, subdominant, and dominant. Tonic is a triad built on
the first note of the scale. A dominant chord is built on the fifth note of the scale, while the subdominant
is built on the fourth note of the scale.
 Secondary chords are derived from the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th degrees of the scale. They are also
referred to as supertonic (ii), median (iii), submediant (vi) and leading tone (vii). 
 The 7 Basic Chords 

Students will be skilled at...

 Identifying the chord name for a given combination of keys. 

 Producing consonant sounding chords using the closest inversions.
 Playing rhythmically some familiar songs.
 Reading chords of the songs studied
 Improvising rhythm of chords  for a chosen song.


Integrative Performance Task
The students will be playing a complete song that uses Major and minor chords with a partner. They may sing
along with it or ask somebody from the class to sing the song for them. 

The piece that they will use, however, should be submitted three weeks before the Final Exams in Music in order
for the teacher to check if it uses enough chords for the task. 

Students' performances will be assessed based on musicality (overall sound) and musicianship (their decorum in
the performance).

Playing the 7 Basic Chords on the Keyboard

One   fundamental knowledge that a band keyboardist or church accompanist, or instrumentralist,
should learn is to play tuhe basic chords. In this learning activity, the students will be assigned to
keyboards the seven basic chords that are used in hundreds of songs. At first, they may look at the
patterns provided but after that, they will be asked to use only the letter names and refrain from looking
at the pattern. They will have to repeat doing and playing the chords until they have mastered the 7
Basic Chords. 

Playing Sharp, Flat, Sustain, and Diminished Chords

This learning activity will primarily focus on formulae of creating the    sharp and flat chords  as well as
the formulae for making sustained and diminished chords. Although these chords may not appear as
commonly  as the  basic major and minor chords, they add color to  chord playing and at times they are
inevitably used in a particular style of key signature. This activity will be again done individually. The
teacher will give excerpts of famous songs using these kinds of chords and the students will have to play
the excerpt assigned to them. 

Playing 1st and 2nd Inversions

Students are asked not only to play the chords in this unit, but also to analyze the chords  and more
importantly, which  finger position to use (root, 1st inversion, or 2nd inversion) in a song to facilitate
rhythm and musicality In this activity, the students will again have a hands on on the keyboard and know
how to make inversions for the 7 basic chords that they have supposedly mastered by this time.   

Playing 1st and 2nd Inversions

Students are asked not only to play the chords in this unit, but also to analyze the chords  and more
importantly, which  finger position to use (root, 1st inversion, or 2nd inversion) in a song to facilitate
rhythm and musicality In this activity, the students will again have a hands on on the keyboard and know
how to make inversions for the 7 basic chords that they have supposedly mastered by this time. 

Playing the Basic Chords with Both Hands in a Song

In this learning activity,  the students will use their left hand, playing either power chords or simple
chords on their left hand together with their right hand. They will apply these chords to the 1st verse/s of
a song and its chorus. This is a way of integrating the lessons taken up at this point and will give them a
firs hand experience of how chord playing words in actual songs. 

Other Evidence
 Note-Reading on Grand Staff
 Identifying and Naming Black and White Keys
 Rhythmic Playing of Chords
 Mastery of Hand Positions 
 Pen and Paper Quizzes and Seatwork

Lesson 1 – Primary and Secondary Chords
Period 1 - International/Bilingual 
(W) Student Led Conference Materials (15 minutes)
The teacher will first ask the students to review with him the topics covered and the activities
they have done in the first two months of Music Class in preparation for the Student-Led
(W/I) Review of Note-Reading and Names of Piano Keys (15 minutes)
The teacher will then assess the knowledge of students on Note-Reading in preparation for the
study of instruments.
The teacher will flash on the screen notes on G-Clef (Treble Clef) and F-Clef (Bass Clef) and
will ask individuals to identify its letter name.
The teacher will also ask the students to give him the letter usual mnemonic device in
memorizing the lines and space of both Clefs.
He will then ask the students to go to:
Set the Clef into Grand Staff

Set the range from the first ledger line under F-Clef (E) up to the first ledger line on top of the
G-Clef (A)

Get 20/20 points with 100% the fastest possible time.

(W/I) Review on the Names of White and Black Keys of the Piano Keyboard (10 minutes)
The teacher will then flash on the screen a big keyboard and distribute papers where they can
find a notation and a letter pitch name.
Then they will be asked to patch the paper they are holding on the correct key flashed on the
Before the class ends. the teacher will ask the students what their suggestions are in studying
instruments based on their experiences in the past years. 

Period 2 – International
TRIAD (15 minutes)
The teacher will flash on the screen all the possible combinations in a triad (chord)
The students will be assigned particular notes ranging from:
C-D-D#-E-F- F#-G-G# -A-B-C’-D’-D#’-E’-F’-F#’ -G’- G#’-A’-B’
The students will then be asked to group themselves by three using only the following

After the count of 5 and they are not yet with a correct group mates, or if they are more than
three, then they will be out of the game.
There will be 3 rounds, so the students can be more familiar with the notes that should go
(W) Discussion on Chords, Primary Chords, and Secondary Chords.  (15 minutes)
The teacher will then discuss the definition of chords as three or more tones that are played
together, the basic being the triad (group of three notes) which was what the game was about.
The teacher will then discuss how the basic triads are formed, which one are called primary and
which ones are called secondary.
(G/I) Playing Chords on the Keyboard (15 minutes)
Then the teacher will present the 7 basic triads on the keyboard from which all other chords are

The students will then go to their assigned keyboards and play the basic chords with their right
The students will be asked to use their 1-3-5 in forming the triads.The students will then form on
the keyboard the chord that the teacher will say.The pacing will be faster and faster, until the
students are able to form the chords accurately. 
Core Tactic – Modelling and Regular Practice
To achieve the goal of learning how to play chords on the keyboard, the teacher will ask students to imitate on
the actual keyboard what he will be modelling on the board. This process will be repeated several times, until the
students are comfortable and very familiar already with the notes the go along together. 

Another tactic that will be used for this unit is a challenge to students to have a regular practice everyday at
least for 15 minutes each day, so they can master and memorize the chords before another set is given the
following week. The students will be given a form which the teacher will ask them to put on their notebook or
clear book and check each day in order for them to master it. 

Lesson 2 – Playing Basic Chords with Both Hands


Bilingual/International Period 

(W) Body Parts Activity: A Lesson on Body Coordination  (15 minutes) 

The teacher will distribute to the class words pertaining to the different parts of the body. 

The students will then have to draw only that part assigned to them.
After two minutes, the class will have to cut their drawings and put patch their drawing on its proper place until
everybody form a person's body on the board. 

The teacher will then ask the class what can they say about the person they form.

The teacher will also ask the students could they have done better had they communicated with each other
about the activity. 

Then the teacher will connect the activity to the lesson saying that this is how our body functions when we play
musical instruments, there should be an ongoing communication between the different parts of the body.

This is ideally and supposedly how a class or a school should work also, in proper coordination or else we will just
create a "monster" not a person, we will create noise instead of music. 

(W/I) Review of the 7 Basic Chords  on the Keyboard with the Right Hand  (25  minutes) 

The students will then be introduced to the 7 Basic Chords on the keyboard. 

They will be given 10 minutes to practice and memorize the  chords. 

Each student will then be called to do the chords on the piano keyboard. 

(The Bilingual students who are quite advanced already in piano playing, they will be asked to do the 7 basic
chords on the right hand and the power chords with their left hand.)

International Period 

(G) Introducing Power Chords for the Left Hand (15 minutes)

The class will first have some drills on the board. 

The class will be divided into 2 groups. There will be Chord Names flashed on the screen and the students in
front will have to form the chord by checking the right combination of keys on the board. 

The team which will be able to get the most number of correct answer wins the game and will have the priority in
using the keyboards with sound. 

(W) Discussion on Power Chords (10)

Then the class will be introduced to Power Chords, which fingers to use and the formula in forming the power

(I) Hands On on Power Chords (15 minutes) 

The students will be asked to go to their assigned keyboards and practice playing the power chords. 

If they are familiar already with the power chords, then they  will try to play them with the 7 Basic Chords with
their right hand. 

The class ends with the teacher reminding the students to prepare for a quiz on the following meeting about
note-reading, names of keys, the 7 Basic Chords, and the Power Chords
Lesson 3 – Playing Minor Chords in a Song

(I) Game on the Correct Names of Keys and Chords (15 minutes) 

All the students are included in the game. The students only needed to choose the letter of the correct answer
and fall in line on that answer. 

Students who are falling on the wrong line will be eliminated. The game continues until only one player is left. 

If all are eliminated and there are still questions, there will be another round. 

The question will all be related to the Correct Names of Keys and Chords.  But this is also a  game that teach
them how to make decisions, or perhaps know the right person whom they should follow.

(I) Written Quiz on Keys and Chords

The students will then be given a written quiz. 

(W) Introduction to Minor Chords (15 minutes) 

If the students finish the quiz early, the class will be introduced to the minor chords and the formula in playing


(W) Introduction/Review of the Minor Chords (15 minutes) 

If the class has alredy been introduced to the Minor Chords, the first activity will be hands-on on the keyboard,
so they can practice playing the minor chords. 

The teacher will then give the students some drills on the keyboard to see if they have already mastered the 7
Basic Chords, the Power Chords, and the Minor Chords. 

(I) Individual Activity  (15 minutes) 

The students will be asked to research on their favorite song. Copy and paste its lyrics and chords on a notepad
or word document and send it to the teacher. 

The students should also attach in their word documents, pictures or images of the chords on keyboard that they
need to use in the song. 

(I) Playing the Chords of Your Favorite Song  (10 minutes) 

The remaining time will be used by the students in trying to play the chords of their song on the keyboard. 

The teacher will then move around to see the difficulties they are facing and what particular chords they should
learn in order to play the entire song.

Lesson 4 - Playing 1st and 2nd Inversions of Chords

WEEK 13 

Bilingual/International Period 

(W/I) Name That Song (10 minutes) 

The class will first listen to the songs played. 
Those who know the title of the song will have to get the “mic” and say the answer. 
Those who get correct answers, will get points which will be added until the next quiz for some “incentives.”

(G) Group Planning (15 minutes) 

The class will then reminded of their group mates, they will be asked to sit with their group mates and fill-out the
following form. 
Group Name: _______________________
Group Members: __________________________________________________________________
Title of Song: _____________________________________________________________________
They will research on the songs that they wish to perform. Once a song has been chosen by another group, they
will not be able to choose it.
So they will have to list their song under their group name once they have chosen it. 
The groups will then have to send the word document or notepad document of their chosen song to the teacher’s
emai: [email protected]

(G) Group Initial Practice 

The remaining time of the class will be used for the practice on their assigned keyboards. 
The teacher will check on the chords that they will use and guide the students with those chords that are not yet
taken up in the class. 

International Period 

(W/I) Review of Inversions (15 minutes) 

Individuals will be called to make the different combinations for Root Position, 1st Inversion, and 2nd Inversion
on the board. 
Others will be asked to identify the chords flashed on the screen. 

(W) Discussion on Inversion of Minor Chords (15 minutes) 

The teacher will first review with the students how to form the minor chords. 
The students will then have to form the inversions of the minor chords themselves. 

(I) Seatwork (10 minutes) 

The students will be asked to answer a worksheet on inversion of minor chords based. 

Lesson 5 - Playing Sharp, Flat, Sustain, and Diminished Chords

WEEK 14 

Period 1 - Bilingual/International 

Teachers' Day Celebration 

Period 2  - International 

(W) Review of Basic Chords, Power Chords and Minor Chords (15 minutes) 

The teacher will review the class about the previous lessons on Chord playing. 

Students will need to identify the different chords flashed on the screen. 

(W) Introducing Sharp, Flat, Sustain, and Diminished Chords (10 minutes) 

The students will be introduced to the formula in forming Sharp, Flat, Sustain, and Diminished Chords. 

(G) Group Practice (15 minutes)

The rest of the time will be for the group practice. The groups should show to the teacher any progress that they
have achieved so far. 
Involving the students in actual playing of chords on the piano keyboard will give them first hand
experience which will deepen their knowledge of the theories discussed in the class. It will also make the
student realize that learning how to play musical instruments takes time and needs consistency, dedication
and focus.

Lesson 6 - Cadence, Review, and Practice


Bilingual/International Period 

(G) Group Practice for the Finals  - Graded as 45 minute Quiz  (40 minutes)

The teacher will explain to the class that the entire period will be allotted for the group practice for their
performance test during the finals week in Music. 

Their practice serves as a test (equivalent to the 45-minute test) and the groups will be graded based on
the progress they show in their practice of their chosen song. 

Period 2 - International 

(W) intro and Cadence  (15 minutes) 

The class will be introduced into how to use chords in the intro and cadence of the song. 
The will also be asked to try the commonly used combination of chords in making cadences. 

(G) Practice (25-30 minutes)

The class will then be asked to apply the formula for intro and cadence in their chosen group song.
Lesson 7 - Final Exams and Performance Test
Bilingual/International Period

(W) Review on all the Lessons (5 minutes)

The teacher will give a short review of all the topics that have been covered before the finals.

(G) Group Practice (15 minutes) 

Group Practice for their Presentation. 

(G/I) Group Presentation and Final Written Exam of Bilingual (15 minutes) 

The Bilingual groups will first to present their number so they will be able to take the written exam while the
international group are presenting their number. 


(I) Individual Review for Final Exams  (15 minutes) 

The students will have their individual review for the Final Written Exam. 

(I) Finals - Written Exam (25)

After the short review, the class will move to the library to take the written exam.

WEEK 17 

FINAL EXAMS in other subjects

Term 2
Unit 1 – Afro-Latin American Music

The students will understand that ...

 With creativity, materials from nature can become wonderful musical instruments.
 Different cultures have their distinctive contribution to the totality of music.
 There is a lot more about music, more than the modern day or contemporary style of music. 
 Afro-Latin American music is indespensable in the study and history of popular music. 
 Acknowleding the value of the past will bring us closer to a promising future. 

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering ...

 How can resourcefulness be culturally valuable?

 Why should a student show respect and openness to other musical cultures?
 In what ways can knowledge of Latin American  and African beat benefit a student of the 21st century?
 What important lessons can one get from the way the Africans regard their music ?
 How can a student widen his or her horizon in terms of knowing other musical forms from other

The students will know...

 For the Incas, music bind together the whole community, it serves as an essential accompaniment to all
rituals and ceremonies, and they preserve the lore and laws of the tribe. 
 For the Aztecs, musical instruments are considered to be sacred because through them they can
communicate with the spiritual realm. 
 Latin Music is the combination of four musical elements, musical styles, cultural backgrounds, language
and geography. 
 Some of the dance forms of Latin America include Cumbia, Tango, Cha-cha, Bossanova, Pasodoble,
Reggae, Rumba, and Foxtrot. 
 Some of the vocal forms of Latin America are 
 Music is central to every aspect of the traditional life of the Africans. 
 For Africans, virtually all dancing and singing  is to be accompanied by drums. 
 African music is mainly characterized by repetition, polyphony, pholyrhythm,  call-and-response style
(conversation), and improvisation

Students will be skilled at...

 Listening to different genres and musical forms from other continents or regions.  
 Dancing to the beat of Latin American cha-cha. 
 Singing lively songs from Africa in polyphonic texture. 
 Creating upbeat accompaniment for performance. 
 Improvising musical instruments from available materials. 

Performance Tasks
Singing and African Song in Polyphony accompanied by Drums

In this performance task, the class will be divided into two groups. Each group will sing "Tue Tue" in three parts
polyphony. One member from each group will  improvise a rhythm on the drums to accompany the singing.
Costume and choreography for the singing group are highly encouraged to set the overall mood of the the
Cha-Cha Dance Challenge
In this learning activity, the students will not only listen to Latin beat but have the first-hand experience
of dancing to cha-cha. This will be done in small groups and all the members will have to dance cha-cha
using authentic cha-cha steps. This activity falls under the category "Movement in Response to Music."

Improvising a Musical Instrument

In this learning activity, the resourcefulness of the members of the groups will be tested as they gather
materials from nature which they will use in their performance. This is also an opportune time for them
to work together with group mates and discover their other musical talents. 

Other Evidence
 Improvising rhythms using percussion instruments
 Improvising rhythms using percussion instruments
 Singing Kye-Kye Kule in Call-and-Response Style
 Responding to the Music heard through movement
 Singing Latin American songs
 Pen and Paper Quizzes and Seatwork

Lesson 1- Introduction and Course Outline

Period 2- International

(I) Tribal Music (20 minutes) 

The students will be shown pictures depicting tribal life of Africans. 

Students will then be asked to give their impression of the pictures shown. They will be asked also what they
think will be the topics in Music classes for the 2nd Term. 

(W) Course Outline and Mechanics on Group Reports (20 minutes)

The teacher will then present to the class the Course Outline for the Second Term and explain the mechanics for
the reporting on Popular Music.

The teacher will also explain the course requirement, performance test and things to prepare for the reports. 

Students will be asked to write their name opposite their chosen genre for the report. 

The students will then be given a chance to clarify things and to give their suggestions for the reporting.
Core Tactic - Research
In order for the students to retain the meaning of important terms, instead of just giving the
definition to them, they are to search for their meaning, write it on a worksheet and share it to
their classmates.
Lesson 2 – The Music of the Incas and Aztecs

Period 1 - International 

(I) Research Work (20 minutes)

Students will be asked to research on the following terms and write their answer on a worksheet. 
1. Incas
2. Aztecs
3. Mayans
4. Latin America
5. vihuela

After doing the research, the students will share to the class what they discovered  in their research. 

The teacher will ask the students why the relation of these terms in the Unite: Afro- Latin American Music 

(W) Discussion on the Incas and Their Music (20 minutes) 

The teacher will play a short video documentary about the Incas. 

Then there will be a PowerPoint Presentation and explanation of the Music of Incas, focused on the following
1. 'Taqui'
2. Musical Instruments of the Incas

The class ends with video clips showing the traditional musical instruments from the Incas. 

Period 2 - International 

(W) Aural Activity (5 minutes)

The class will start with students listening to  an Aztec Music. 

Students will then be asked to give their observation on the played music. 

(G) Making their Instruments  (20 minutes) 

The class will be divided into 2 groups. 

Members of each group will be asked to go around the campus and look for materials in nature and turn it into
musical instruments. 

Each group should be back within 10 minutes. They will have to make a rhythm or music with their instrument
for the next 5 minutes. 

Then each group will have to present their music to the class.   
(W) Discussion on Aztec Music (15 minutes) 

The teacher will then give a short explanation of the following topics:
1. Musical Practices among Various Groups of Aztec Society
2. The Musical Instruments of the Aztecs
Core Tactic – Group Activity and Performance
In order to have an experience approximate to that of the tribal groups of Africa, Incas and Aztecs, the students
will work as a group in gathering materials and turning them into musical instruments. The group will also work
together in practicing a chosen song accompanied by improvised instruments. 

MAPEH III: Music, Arts, Physical Education, Health, Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
This book provides a unit that focuses solely on the Music of the Latin American countries
tracing their roots from the Music of the Incas and Aztecs

Peruvian Inca Wind Instruments

This video clip shows different wind instruments that are said to have been designed and used
from the times of the Inca Empire.

How Far I'll Go - Disney's Moana - Ocarina/Ukulele Cover || David Erick Ramos
This video shows how ocarina is used and how it sounds well with ukulele.

Lesson 3 - Latin American Music


Period 1 - International   
Latin-American Music 

(G) Latin American Music (20 minutes) 

The class will be divided into three groups. 

Scrambled letters of the names of Latin American countries will be flashed on the screen. 

The members of the group will have to write the correct spelling of their assigned country in order to get a point
for their team. 

(W) Discussion on Latin American Music (20 minutes)

The teacher will first show to the class the connection of the topic with the lesson on the Aztecs and Incas, and
how it builds up to the discussion on Popular Music which will taken up at the last part of the 2nd Term. 
The class will also be introduced to the musical instruments used in Latin American Music.

Period 2 - International 
Vocal and Dance Forms of Latin America

(I) Seatwork on Latin American Dances (15 minutes) 

The class will listen to 8 short audio files and will try to identify the Latin American beat of each of them by
writing a number on the worksheet that will be provided by the teacher. 

(W) Discussion on the Dance Forms of Latin America (10 minutes) 

The discussion on the different dance forms of Latin America will happen as the class check their answers on the

(G) Cha-Cha Dance Challenge  (10 minutes)

The class will then be divided into 3 groups and will be asked to watch the video of Latin American cha-cha. 

Each group will be given 8 minutes for their practice, creating their own sequence from the basic steps of cha-

The teacher will show some Performance Test of his former students in the Philippines  to motivate the students
to do the activity.

(G) Group Presentation (5 minutes) 

Each group will perform in front of the class. 

Core Tactic – Guided Practice
In order for the students to have an experience of Latin American beat, the teacher will only choose a cha-cha
music for the class, assign leaders for the three groups, and demonstrate simple and basic steps of the
dance. But the big work of dancing, and making the choreography for the entire song will be done by the groups
themselves. As the practice progresses the teacher will move around to help groups that need it.
MAPEH III: Music, Arts, Physical Education, Health, Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
This book by Padiz et al., dedicates an entire unit for explaining Latin beat and its features. It
also give credit to some of the most important Latin-American composers.

4 Basic Elements of Cha-Cha

In this video clip, there is a pair demonstrating the basic steps and hand movements for the
Cuban dance called Cha-Cha.

Lesson 4 – African Music

Period 1 - International 

(W) Song Study: "Kye Kye Kule" (10 minutes) 

African Echo Song:  Kye Kye Kule

L: Kye, Kye, Kule
F:(Kye, Kye, Kule)
L:Kye, Kye, Kofi Nsa
F:(Kye, Kye, Kofi Nsa)
L:Kofi salanga
F:(Kofi salanga)
L:Kete Kyi langa
F:(Kete Kyi langa)
L: Kum adende
F:(Kum adende)
All: Kum adende Hey!

The class will repeat after their teacher, making the song as an echo song. 

The students will also imitate the accompanying action for the song. 

(W) Discussion on African Music (15 minutes)

Using "Kye Kye Kule" as an example, the discussion on African music will start with the teacher explaining the
technique called "Call and Response."

The teacher will also discuss the rhythm called "Maracatu" and the other Vocal forms in African Music which
1. Blues
2. Soul
3. Spiritual 
4. Call and Response

(W) Song Study: Tue-Tue (15 minutes) 

The class will then study another African song called Tue Tue. 

After they mastered the melody, the class will try to incorporate action to the singing. 

Period 2 - International 

(W) Song Review  (5 minutes) 

The class will first review the songs "Kye Kye Kule" and "Tue Tue"

(W) Discussion on African Musical Instruments (15 minutes) 

The teacher will then discuss the different African Musical Instruments: 
1. Membranophones
2. Idiophones
3. Chordophones
4. Aerophones

(G) Groupings and Song Review on "Kye Kye Kule" and "Tue Tue" (20 minutes) 

The class will be divided into 2 groups. The class will then review the African songs studied and groups will
practice them individually. 

Period 1 - Group Practice of "Kye Kye Kule" and "Tue-Tue"

Students will be make their own choreography for "Kye Kye Kule" or "Tue Tue." 

They will sing their assigned song accompanied by the available drum in the Music Room.

Their performance should exude the lively African spirit. 

Period 2 - Group Performance Test of African Songs

Week 10
Period 1 - Recitation and Review for Mid-Term Exams in Music
Period 2 - Short Review and Mid-Term Exams in Music

Week 11
Period 1- Mid-Term Exams in Other Subjects
Period 2 - Mid-Term Exams in Other Subjects
Core Tactic – Guided Practice
The students will be the one to exert an effort to make sure that they create a good blending out of the three
melodic lines. They will also make sure that their drummer provides them with a consistent beat. Overall, the
performance  will be the responsibility of each team. The teacher will be there only to guide the teams during
their practice and to make sure that it would be  somehow African-sounding
Tue Tue
Learning Object
This is the melody part of the song “Tue Tue” together with the suggested actions that can go
with it.

Lesson 5 – Mid-Term Exams

WEEK 10 
Written Mid-Term Exams 

Period 1 
(I) Recitation and Review (20 minutes) 
Individual students will be called to answer specific questions that serve also as the class review. 
Each student will have two chances of answering in order to get a perfect score of 10 in the review.

Mid-Term Exam in Music 

The class will move to the Library where the students can comfortably answer the Exam.
The Written Exams will be  40 points of their Mid-Term Exams. 
Period 2
Performance Test 

(W/G) Final Practice (20 minutes) 

The class will present their version of a scene from one of the famous musicals. 
The first 20 minutes will be given for their group practice and in preparing materials. 

(W/G) Presentation (20 minutes) 

The class will present the excerpt that they had a remake of. 
It will be  60 points  of their Mid-Term Exams and will be graded based on the musicality, costume and materials,
and stage presence of characters.
The presentation should include the elements of a broadway musical, singing, drama, costume, make-up, stage,
and dancing. 

Mid-Term Exams in Other Subjects

Term 2
Unit 2 – Music and Films

The students will understand that ...

 Different Music styles, types and genres came out from peoples' initiative of trying new things in music 
 The future may offer still unventured style of music in the coming decades
 There is a lot more about music that can be discovered and tried by the present generation
 Present-day musical genres and styles benefit much from elements that come from  Latin-America,  and

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering ...

 What major characteristic defines Modern Music?

 How has rock music of the 60s influence the music of the present time?
 How can one show appreciation to the different genres of music?r
 What particular genres do the students think can they mix to produce a yet undiscovered genre.
 How can students in an international school show appreciation to both the music of their respective
countries while partronizing Western music and the leading genres of this period?

The students will know...

 Reggae style has offbeat rhythm, syncopated, and staccato chords.

 Punk means beginner or novice. Punk rock music was developed during the 70s.

 Disco is a music genre derived from the word “discotheque,” a French word for a library of phonograph
records later used to call the nightclubs.
 Hard rock, glam rock, progressive rock, and heavy metal are some genres that developed from rock ‘n’

 Contemporary R&B or just called R&B is a combination of the music styles like funk, pop, hip hop, soul,
and R&B music.

 Hip Hop is also called “Rap music.” Hip hop has the influence of the genres like rhythm and blues,
reggae, funk, and even disco music.

 Alternative rock is a genre of rock music with the punk, new wave, and hardcore punk as its stylistic
origin. It emerged from independent music underground.

 Indie rock and grunge are subgenres of alternative rock.

 Electronic music is any composition recorded or played using all electronic musical instruments, and
electronic technology.
 Nu metal is a subgenre of heavy metal. It is a combination of the sound, influences, and characteristics
of heavy metal which also include groove metal, alternative metal, hip hop, grunge, and funk.

Students will be skilled at...

 Presenting to the class a particular genre assigned to them  

 Selecting relevant and correct examples of audio files and videos that can deepen their classmates
understanding of a specific genre
 Performing live in front of the class, a genre
 Researching from reliable sources materials for their report
 Listening carefully to reporter and their examples
 Distinguishing and identifying different musical genres of today

Performance Tasks
Reporting on their Assigned Genre
In this performance task, the students will research on a given topic, present it to the class with the use of audio-
visual aids that will help their classmates understand how a specific musical genre differs from other musical
styles. Students are also to give a live performance of a sample song from the genre they are assigned to report

Reporting on Bossanova and Hip Hop Music

In this task, reporters are to show to the class the distinguishing elements of Bossanova and Hip Hop
Music. They may use powerpoint presentation, audio samples, and video excerpts to clarify to the class
their report with relevant and accurate example. They are also to give representative artist/band for
their report. A short surprise quiz follows their reporting to be administered by the teacher, but basing it
on the reports. 
Reporting on Punk, Disco,a nd Alternative Music
In this task, reporters are to show to the class the distinguishing elements of Punk, Disco and Alternative
Music. They may use powerpoint presentation, audio samples, and video excerpts to clarify to the class
their report with relevant and accurate example. They are also to give representative artist/band for
their report. A short surprise quiz follows their reporting to be administered by the teacher, but basing it
on the reports. 

Reporting on Blues and Nu Metal

In this task, reporters are to show to the class the distinguishing elements of Blues and Nu Metal. They
may use powerpoint presentation, audio samples, and video excerpts to clarify to the class their report
with relevant and accurate example. They are also to give representative artist/band for their report. A
short surprise quiz follows their reporting to be administered by the teacher, but basing it on the

Reporting on Heavy Metal and Electronic Music

In this task, reporters are to show to the class the distinguishing elements of Heavy Metal and Electronic
Music. They may use powerpoint presentation, audio samples, and video excerpts to clarify to the class
their report with relevant and accurate example. They are also to give representative artist/band for
their report. A short surprise quiz follows their reporting to be administered by the teacher, but basing it
on the reports. 

Reporting on Reggae and Country Music

In this task, reporters are to show to the class the distinguishing elements of Reggae and Country Music.
They may use powerpoint presentation, audio samples, and video excerpts to clarify to the class their
report with relevant and accurate example. They are also to give representative artist/band for their
report. A short surprise quiz follows their reporting to be administered by the teacher, but basing it on
the reports. 

Reporting on RnB and Glam Rock Music

In this task, reporters are to show to the class the distinguishing elements of RnB and Glam Rock. They
may use powerpoint presentation, audio samples, and video excerpts to clarify to the class their report
with relevant and accurate example. They are also to give representative artist/band for their report. A
short surprise quiz follows their reporting to be administered by the teacher, but basing it on the
Other Evidence
 Distinguishing different genres by mere listening to it
 Identifying famous artists and their respective genres
 Answering questions asked by their teacher and their classmates after their report
 Pen and Paper Quizzes and Seatworks
 Making a relevant and historically correct timetable of musical genre

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Genres and Report on Bossanova, Hip Hop, R n' B and
Glam Rock
WEEK 12 
Period 1 - Introduction to Different Genres/Styles and Report on Bossanova and Hip Hop

(W) Introduction to the 4th Quarter Topics (5 minutes) 

The teacher will first give an introductory explanation about the different genres and how they are related to the
previous topics. 

(I/G) Reporting on Bossanova and Hiphop (30 minutes, 15 minutes each is alloted for each genre)
The assigned students will present his/her materials to the class and discuss about Bossanova and Hiphop.
The reporting is followed immediately by question and answer portion. Their classmates and teacher can ask
clarification on the things reported. 

(I) Surprise Quiz (5 minutes) 

A short quiz will be given by the teacher regarding the contents of the reports. Reporting group are exempted in
that quiz. 

Period 2 - Report on R n' B and Glam Rock 

(I/G) Reporting on R n' B and Glam Rock (30 minutes, 15 minutes each is alloted for each genre)
The assigned students will present his/her materials to the class and discuss about R'n'B and Glam Rock.
The reporting is followed immediately by question and answer portion. Their classmates and teacher can ask
clarification on the things reported. 

(I) Surprise Quiz (10 minutes) 

A short quiz will be given by the teacher regarding the contents of the reports. Reporting group are exempted in
that quiz. 
Core Tactic – Group Reporting
This tactic gives the students an opportunity not only to explain things but to share with their classmates things
about their culture and their music. It also gives the reporting group the chance to show their classmates how to
properly pronounce musical terms. Finally, it gives the students the feel how it is to be the teacher even just for a
period that will hopefully improve all the more the way the behave during class time. 

Lesson 2 - Reggae, Country Music, Heavy Metal and Electronic Music

WEEK 13 

Period 1 - Report on Reggae and Country Music 

(I/G) Reporting on Reggae and Country Music (30 minutes, 15 minutes each is alloted for each genre)
The assigned students will present his/her materials to the class and discuss about Reggae and Country Music. 
The reporting is followed immediately by question and answer portion. Their classmates and teacher can ask
clarification on the things reported. 

(I) Surprise Quiz (10 minutes) 

A short quiz will be given by the teacher regarding the contents of the reports. Reporting group are exempted in
that quiz. 

Period 2 - Report on Heavy Metal and Electronic Music

(I/G) Reporting on Heavy Metal and Electronic Music (30 minutes, 15 minutes each is alloted for each
The assigned students will present his/her materials to the class and discuss about Heavy Metal and Electronic
The reporting is followed immediately by question and answer portion. Their classmates and teacher can ask
clarification on the things reported. 

(I) Surprise Quiz (10 minutes) 

A short quiz will be given by the teacher regarding the contents of the reports. Reporting group are exempted in
that quiz. 
LESSON 3 - Blues, Nu Metal, Punk, Disco, and Alternative Music
WEEK 13 

Period 1 - Report on Blues and Nu Metal

(I/G) Reporting on Blues and Nu Metal (30 minutes, 15 minutes each is alloted for each genre)
The assigned students will present his/her materials to the class and discuss about Blues and Nu Metal.
The reporting is followed immediately by question and answer portion. Their classmates and teacher can ask
clarification on the things reported. 

(I) Surprise Quiz (10 minutes) 

A short quiz will be given by the teacher regarding the contents of the reports. Reporting group are exempted in
that quiz. 

Period 2 - Report on Punk, Disco and Alternative Music

(I/G) Reporting on Punk, Disco, and Alternative Music (30 minutes, 15 minutes each is alloted for each
The assigned students will present his/her materials to the class and discuss about Punk, Disco, and Alternative
The reporting is followed immediately by question and answer portion. Their classmates and teacher can ask
clarification on the things reported. 

(I) Surprise Quiz (10 minutes) 

A short quiz will be given by the teacher regarding the contents of the reports. Reporting group are exempted in
that quiz. 

Lesson 4 - The History of Jazz and Rock Music, and Timeline

Term 2
Unit 3 –


Essential Questions



Performance Tasks

Other Evidence

Lesson 1 - Musical Culture of Thailand, India and Pakistan

Core Tactic


Term 2
Unit 3 – Music of Turkey and Indonesia


Essential Questions



Performance Tasks

Other Evidence


Core Tactic


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