(53 - 75) 1.2. Animal Kingdom (OBJ)

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NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter

Concept Based Questions
9. In which one of the following groups, brain box is
Phylum - Chordata absent?
1. In chordates, basically the pharynx is 1) Cyclostomata 2) Pisces
1) Perforated 3) Amphibia 4) Protochordata
2) Not perforated 10. Prochordates lack
3) Present in the gut of the larva only 1) Cranium & vertebral column
4) A source of thyroxine which controls 2) Jaws & vertebral column
3) Paired appendages
2. One of the primary characters of chordates is 4) All of the above
1) Solid ventral nerve cord
11. Basically chordates are metamerically segmented
2) Dorsal tubular nerve cord
animals this statement is
3) Paired nerve cords
1) Completely false
4) Ganglionated nerve cord
2) Applicable to some chordates only
3. Phylum chordata is divided into how many sub 3) Applicable to all chordates, because at some
phyla? stage of their development they show some
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 sort of serial repetition of body parts
4) True for all chordates, as they show this
4. Which one of the following is not a characteristic
phenomenon throughout life
feature of all the vertebrates without exception?
1) Dorsal nerve cord 12. Protochordates are
2) Presence of coelom 1) Mucous feeders
3) A diaphragm separating thorax from abdomen 2)Water current feeders
4) Pharyngeal gill clefts in the early embryonic 3) Ciliary feeders 4) Predators
13. Protochordates are not vertebrates as
5. The gill – slits of chordates occur in 1) Notochord is absent
1) Buccal cavity of aquatic animals 2) Vertebral column is absent
2) Pharynx of all land vertebrates 3) Nerve cord is absent
3) Pharynx of all chordate embryos, and pharynx 4)All the above
of some aquatic adult chordates
4) Pharynx of all aquatic and land vertebrates in 14. Which is common to protochordates
adults as well as in their embryos 1) Endostyle 2) Neural gland
3) Metanephridia 4) Kidneys
6. Cold blooded animal is the one which has
1) Regulate the system of body temperature 15. Notochord is restricted to tail region in
2) Cold habitat 1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata
3) Low body temperature 3) Cephalochordata 4) Chordata
4) No regulatory system of body temperature
16. Tadpole is the larva of
7. All protochordates are 1) Amphioxus 2) Balanoglossus
1) Freshwater 2) Marine 3) Herdmania 4) Branchiostoma
3) Aquatic 4) None of these
17. Which of the following shows retrogressive
8. What is the basis of classification of Protochordata? metamorphosis ?
1) Gut 2) Brain 1) Sea squirt 2) Tongue worm
3) Gills 4) Notochord 3) Lancelet 4) Acorn worm

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18. Tunicin is present in 32. Which one of the following is a chordate but not a
1) Test or covering of urochordates vertebrate
2) Excreta of hemichordates 1) Scoliodon 2) Salamender
3) Blood of cephalochordates 3) Amphioxus 4) Snake
4) Blood of urochordates 33. Amphioxus is considered as typical chordate due
19. In Herdmania, excretion is carried out by
1) Presence of unpaired fins
1) Kolliker’s pit 2) Protonephridia
3) General body surface 4) Neural gland 2) presence of cranium
3) Presence of tail
20. Urochordates are
4) All chordate characters being persistent
1) Exclusively marine 2) Exclusively fresh water
3) Terrestrial 4) Amphibious 34. Notochord is extended up to head and is retained
throughout life in
21. Ascidia belongs to which phylum?
1) Branchiostoma 2) Herdmania
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata
3) Balanoglossus 4) Frog
3) Cephalochordata 4) Chordata
35. Find out main difference between urochordata and
22. Herdmania belongs to :
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata
1) Position of endostyle 2) Perforated pharynx
3) Cephalochordata 4) Gnathostomata 3) Length of notochord 4) All of the above
23. Tunicin is similar to 36. “Lancelet” is
1) Cellulose 2) Chitin
1) Amphioxus 2) Balanoglossus
3) Cuticle 4) Scleroprotein
3) Herdmania 4) Salpa
24. Salpa & Doliolum belong to
37. Which of the following is true for all chordates ?
1) Hemichordata 2) Cephalochordata
3) Urochordata 4) Vertebrata 1) Notochord-mid-dorsal, solid, ectodermal and
provide support
25. Which of the following is a cephalochordate ? 2) Dorsal hollow nerve cord-mid-dorsal between
1) Balanoglossus 2) Branchiostoma notochord and alimentary canal
3) Herdmania 4) Cliona 3) Paired pharyngeal gill slits
26. Blueprint of chordata is 4) All of these
1) Hemichordata 2) Cephalochordata 38. Which of the following statments is/are not true ?
3) Urochordata 4) All of the above I) In Urochordata, notochord is present only in
27. Notochord occurs all through the length of body larval tail
and throughout life in II) In Cephalochordata, notochord extends from
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata head to tail region
III) Branchiostoma belongs to Hemichordata
3) Cephalochordata 4) Vertebrata
IV) Only one class of living members class
28. The animal having notochord throughout life is Cyclostomata represents the super class-
1) Fish 2) Lancelet 3) Snake 4) Bird Agnatha
1) III only 2) I and IV
29. Lancelet is the member of
3) III and IV 4) I, II and IV
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata
3) Cephalochordata 4) Cyclostomata 39. Which one is a tunicate ?
1) Balanoglossus 2) Herdmania
30. Which of the following animal has only median
unpaired fins? 3) Amphioxus 4) Branchiostoma
1) Fish 2) Bird 3) Snake 4) Amphioxus Vertebrata/Craniata
31. Excretory organs of Amphioxus are 40. Chordates with a backbone are called
1) Metanephridia 2) Pronephridia 1) Protochordates 2) Agnatha
3) Mesonephric kidneys 4) Metanephric kidneys 3) Gnathostomes 4) Vertebrates
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41. The group amniota includes 51. Jawless vertebrates are members of
1) Birds and mammals only 1) Agnatha 2) Cephalochordata
2) Birds and reptiles only 3) Gnathostomata 4) Urochordata
3) Reptiles and mammals only 52. Jaws are
4) Reptiles, birds and mammals 1) Absent in fishes 2) Absent in cyclostomes
42. Vertebrates use their paired appendages for 3) Present in cyclostomes 4) Present in Myxine
1) Grasping and manipulation
53. Which of the following animal does not belong to
2) Running and flying division Gnathostomata?
3) Swimming and walking 1) Hag fish 2) Dog fish
4) All of the above 3) Saw fish 4) Electric ray
43. All adult vertebrates possess 54. Agnatha is represented by which class
1) Renal portal system 1) Cyclostomata 2) Chondrichthyes
2) Pharyngeal gill slits 3) Osteichthyes 4) Both 2 and 3
3) Ventral four-chambered heart
4) Dorsal hollow central nervous system 55. In cyclostomata, cranium and vertebral column are
1) cartilagenous 2) bony
44. In vertebrates, vertebral column replaces
3) absent 4) either 1 or 2
1) Nerve cord 2) Notochord
3) Umbilical cord 4) Spermatic cord 56. The body is devoid of scales and paired fins in
1) Cyclostomata 2) Chondrichthyes
45. Vertebrates respire by
3) Osteichthyes 4) All the above
1) Lungs 2) Gills
3) Skin 4) All the above 57. 6-15 pairs of gill slits occur in
1) Pisces 2) Amphibia
46. In vertebrates, the skin is usually covered by
3) Cyclostomes 4) All of these
1) Scales 2) Hairs 3) Feathers
4) Any one of above 58. Ammocoete larva belongs to
1) Petromyzon 2) Myxine
47. Which of the following statements is true?
3) Amphioxous 4) Balanoglossus
1) All chordates are vertebrates
2) All vertebrates are chordates 59. Petromyzon & Myxine are not regarded as true
fishes because
3) Non-chordates have a vertebral column
1) They lack unpaired fins
4) Invertebrates possess a tubular nerve cord
2) They have circular mouth
48. Which of the following is not seen in vertebrates? 3) operculum is absent
1) Kidneys 2) Skin 4) There is absence of paired fins & jaws
3) Liver 4) Paired ventral nerve chord
60. Petromyzon attaches to the host body with the help
49. Common characteristic of all vertebrates without of
exception is 1) Suckers 2) Hooks
1) exoskeleton 3) Both 4) Suctorial mouth
2) presence of cranium
61. Petromyzon belongs to
3) two pairs of functional appendages
1) Agnatha 2) Gnathostomata
4) division of body into head, neck, trunk and tail
3) Protochordata 4) Euchordata
50. Which of the following set of animals belong to
class Cyclostomata ? 62. Cyclostomes contain “false and some migrating
fish” which of the following is true about them ?
1) Amphioxus and Balanoglossus
1) Body is covered by ganoid and ctenoid scales
2) Herdmania and Myxine 2) Contain paired and unpaired fins
3) Herdmania and Petromyzon 3) Contain 6-15 paired gill slits
4) Petromyzon and Myxine 4) Have ventral mouth and they are sanguivorous

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63. All of them are characteristics of urochordates 71. A fish is characterized by the presence of
except 1) Dermal scales 2) Paired fins
1) Neural gland as excretory organ 3) Pharyngeal gills 4) All the above
2) Open type of circulatory system
72. Fishes are available in
3) Cranium is absent
1) Fresh water 2) Marine water
4) Development is direct
3) Estuarine water 4) All of the above
64. The correct classification of Myxine is
73. Which one of the following fishes can produce
1) Chordata  Craniata  Agnatha electricity ?
 Cyclostomata 1) Labeo 2) Torpedo
2) Chordata  Acraniata  Protochordata 3) Scoliodon 4) All lung fishes
 Cephalochordata
3) Chordata  Cephalochordata 74. Teleost fishes are characterized by the presence of
 Cyclostomata 1) Air bladder 2) Claspers
4) Chordata  Craniata  Vertebrata 3) Cloaca
 Ostracodermi 4) Cartilaginous endoskeleton

65. Which of the following statements is not true for 75. Pristis is commonly known as
Agnatha members ? 1) Electric Ray 2) Saw fish
1) They include hag fishes and lampreys 3) Sea fish 4) Sucker fish
Gyclstat 76. In fishes, the teeth are of
2) They have notochord throughout their lives 1) Heterodont type 2) Acrodont type
3) They are known as cyclostomes 3) Thecodont type 4) Pleurodont type
4) They have bony skeletons
77. A flying fish is
66. Catadromous fish migrates from 1) Acipenser 2) Amia
1) Sea to river 2) River to sea
3) Exocoetus 4) Fistularia
3) River to lakes 4) Deep sea to surface water
78. Gambusia is a
67. The greatest problem for the primitive vertebrates 1) Pest on fishes
reaching freshwater was
2) Pathogenic fish
1) Absorption of too much water through their
3) Parasitic fish
4) Fish predator of mosquito larvae
2) Loss of water through their skin
3) Availability of less food 79. Thermoreceptors of Scoliodon are
4) Encountering new predators 1) Stato-acoustic organs 2) Neuromast organs
3) Lateral line system 4) Ampullae of Lorenzini
68. Besides the basic chordate characters, vertebrates
also have 80. In fishes, the cranial nerves are
1) a ventral muscular heart with two, three or 1) 6 pairs 2) 8 pairs
four chambers 3) 10 pairs 4) 12 pairs
2) kidneys for excretion and osmoregulation
81. Heart pumps only impure blood in case of
3) paired appendages, which may be fins or
limbs 1) Shark 2) Whale
4) all of the above 3) Frog 4) Lizard
82. Anadromous fishes move from
Division - II : Gnathostomata
1) estuary to sea 2) river to sea
69. Pharyngeal gill-slits are found in 3) sea to fresh water 4) fresh water to sea
1) Cray fish 2) Cuttle fish
83. Chondrichthyes is characterised by
3) Flying fish 4) Silver fish
1) Ventral mouth
70. The sucker fish (Remora) on a shark is an example of 2) Placoid scales
1) Commensalism 2) Parasitism 3) Ventral mouth and ctenoid scales
3) Symbiosis 4) Predation 4) Both 1 and 2

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84. Which fish is kept in the aquarium? 97. Which of the following feature is not found in
1) Betta 2) Exocoetus osteichthyes ?
3) Pterophyllum 4) Both 1 and 3 1) placoid scales 2) Operculum
3) Terminal mouth 4) Swim/Air bladder
85. Torpedo and Trygon are
1) Cartilagenous fishes 2) Bony fishes 98. Fish with pisonous sting is
3) Fresh water fishes 4) Both 1 and 3 1) Trygon 2) torpedo
3) Hippocampus 4) Catla
86. In Osteichthyes, how many pairs of gills are
present? 99. ‘Ectoparasite of fish’ but itself a chordate and
1) 6-15 2) 4-15 3) 4 4) 6 anadromus animal.
1) Petromyzon 2) Myxine
87. Claspers are present in
3) Salmon 4) Both (1) and (2)
1) Chondrichthyes (in pelvic fins)
2) Chondrichthyes (in pectoral fins) 100. Which of the following belong to class
3) Osteichthyes (in pelvic fins) osteichthyes ?
4) Osteichthyes (in pectoral fins) a) Sea urchin b) Sea horse
c) Flying fish d) Saw fish e) Dog fish
88. Cycloid scales occur in 1) b & c 2) a, b & e 3) b & e 4) a, d & e
1) Lizard 2) Toad
101. Read the following statements and find out the
3) Bony fishes 4) Cartilaginous fishes
correct statement.
89. Placoid scales are found in a) Urinary bladder is absent in fishes
1) Scoliodon 2) Hippocampus b) Gambusia fish eradicates mosquito larva
3) Carps 4) Cuttlefish c) Ampulla of Lorenzini present in dog fish act as
90. Fish is a good source of
d) Electric organs torpedo are modified muscles
1) Carbohydrates 2) Proteins
1) b & d 2) a & c 3) b only 4) a, b, c, d
3) Fats 4) Minerals only
102. The fish which shows parental care is
91. Excretory products of fishes are
1) Hippocampus 2) Labeo
1) Ammonia 2) Urea
3) Gambusia 4) Scoliodon
3) Uric acid 4) Both (1) & (2)
103. In Torpedo (electric ray), electric organs are
92. Which is the most distinct character of fishes?
present as modified musculature between
1) Gills 2) Scales 1) Nostrils and mouth 2) Pectoral and caudal fin
3) Lateral line organ 4) Paired fins and fin rays 3) Gills and eyes 4) Eyes and nostrils
93. Some species of fishes are viviparous. An example 104. Which of the following statements are not true
of this is about shark ?
1) Labeo a) The skin is tough and covered with placoid
2) All fresh water teleosts scales
3) All marine teleosts b) They possess a swim bladder which regulates
4) Scoliodon buoyancy
94. Hippocampus is called “Sea horse” because c) The tail of shark is heterocercal
1) It has horse like body d) Ampulla of Lorenzini present in the snout of
shark is a thermoreceptor
2) Its snout resembles horse snout
e) It has five pairs of gill slits covered by
3) Its tail resembles horse tail
4) It swims fast like a fast running horse 1) a, c, d, e 2) b, c, d, e
95. The tympanum (ear drum) is absent in 3) b and e only 4) c and e only
1) Rays 2) Cartilaginous fishes 105. Identify the incorrect statement
3) Bony fishes 4) All the above 1) Fishes are amniotes
96. Great white shark is a 2) Fishes are sauropsids
1) Cartilagenous fish 2) Bony fish 3) All fishes are ureotelic
3) Aquatic mammal 4) Marine mammal 4) Fishes are poikilotherms

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106. Which of the following characters is shown by 116. Frogs and toads belong to anura or salientia whose
the members of class - Chondrichthyes ? characteristic feature is
1) Notochord is persistent throughout life 1) Absence of postanal tail
2) Gill slits are separate and without operculum 2) Distinct tympanum
(gill cover) 3) No trace of external gills and gill slits in adults
3) The skin is tough containing minute placoid 4) All of these
117. In the amphibian order urodela
4) All of the above 1) Limbs are small in front and long behind
107. In class-Chondrichthyes, the mouth is located 2) Limbs are of equal size
ventrally and the teeth are modified placoid 3) Hind limbs are absent in adults
scales, which are 4) Limbs are absent
1) forwardly directed 2) backwardly directed 118. Neoteny is seen in an amphibian belonging to
3) sparsely arranged 4) 1 or 2 order
108. Select the correct statement about Chondrichthyes 1) Urodela 2) Gymnophiona
1) The heart is two-chambered with on auricle 3) Anura 4) Apoda
and one ventricle 119. What is the zoological name of blind salamander?
2) They lack the capacity to regulate their body 1) Salamandra 2) Proteus
temperature 3) Uraeotyphlus 4) Necturus
3) Sexes are separate and in males pelvic fins
bear claspers 120. Members of only one order of amphibians have
scales. It is
4) All of the above
1) Urodela 2) Caudata
Superclass-II : Tetrapoda 3) Gymnophiona 4) Anura

109. One of the following is not an amphibian 121. Lateral line system found in fish has been lost in
1) Frog 2) Toad amphibians due to
3) Salamander 4) Tortoise 1) Development of limbs
2) Change over to herbivorous feeding
110. The most remarkable step in development of 3) Occurrence of metamorphosis in frog
amphibians was
4) Movement on to land
1) Development of lungs
2) Transition from water to land 122. Salamander belongs to
3) Releasing shelled eggs 1) Reptilia 2) Amphibia
4) Both (1) and (2) 3) Echinodermata 4) Pisces
111. Amphibians lack 123. Frog is called an amphibian because
1) Middle ear 2) Internal ear 1) it has no tail 2) It has lungs
3) Eustachian tube 4) External ear 3) It lives both on land and water
112. The body temperature of frog does not remain 4) Its young one, tadpole, is aquatic in habitat
constant as it varies with the temperature of the 124. Which of the following traits is not a characteristic
surroundings. So frog will be called as feature of amphibians?
1) Homeothermal 2) Poikilothermal 1) Amniotic eggs
3) Warm blooded 4) Endothermal 2) Cutaneous respiration
113. Frog belongs to order ............ of amphibia 3) Moist skin without scales
1) Anura 2) Apoda 4) Requirement of water for reproduction
3) Urodela 4) Gymnophiona
125. A living amphibian with minute dermal scales is
114. A good example of parental care in amphibians is 1) Amphiuma 2) Axolotl larva
1) Ichthyophis 2) Rana 3) Ichthyophis 4) Siren
3) Ambystoma 4) All of these
126. Which of the following animal is called “Water –
115. Which of the following amphibians have gills dog”
1) Amphiuma 2) Ichthyophis 1) Axolotal larva 2) Necturus
3) Necturus 4) All of these 3) Petromyzon 4) Dog fish

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127. Amphibians have: 140. Ambystoma shows
1) Incomplete double circulation 1) Paedogenesis 2) Neoteny
2) Complete double circulation 3) Both 1 and 2 4) None of these
3) Open circulation
4) Single circulation Class - Reptilia
128. Axolotl is the larva of 141. Flying lizard is
1) Proteus 2) Siren 1) Chameleon 2) Draco
3) Ambystoma 4) Necturus 3) Calotes 4) Varanus

129. Hyla is commonly called 142. The most highly advanced character in crocodile
1) Mid wife toad 2) Tree frog (Reptilia) is the presence of
3) Mud puppy 4) Tiger salamander 1) Powerful jaws 2) Shelled eggs
3) Pleurodont dentition 4) Four-chambered heart
130. Girdles are absent in
1) Ichthyophis 2) Siren 143. The largest lizard is
3) Necturus 4) Frog 1) Chameleon 2) Heloderma
3) Ophiosaurus 4) Varanus
131. Which of the following amphibian has largest
R.B.C 144. Common wall-lizard is
1) Amphiuma 2) Ambystoma 1) Calotes 2) Gecko
3) Siren 4) Triton 3) Hemidactylus 4) Lacerta

132. Which animal is Surinam toad 145. Which one is tree lizard ?
1) Pipa americana 2) Bufo 1) Chameleon 2) Hemidactylus
3) Bombinator 4) Alytes 3) Calotes 4) Uromastix

133. Which is a limbless amphibian? 146. The poison glands of a poisonous snake are the
1) Icthyosaurs 2) Bufo modified
3) Snake 4) Icthyophis 1) Buccal glands 2) Salivary glands
3) Sebaceous glands 4) Lacrimal glands
134. Larva of salamander is
1) ammocoete 2) tadpole 147. In reptiles, the skin is covered by
3) axolotl 4) trochophore 1) Plates 2) Horny scales
3) Horny scutes
135. Which of the following is true for all amphibians? 4) All of the above but not in same animal
1) All have tail
148. Scales in the form of skin casts are shed by
2) Excretion by kidneys
3) Alimentary canal and urinary and 1) Chelones 2) Snakes only
reproductive tracts open into different 3) Snakes & Lizards 4) Crocodiles
chambers to the exterior 149. Calotes versicolor is a
4) Heart is three-chambered with two ventricles 1) House lizard 2) Garden lizard
136. Warty, rough and dry skin is characteristic of 3) Flying lizard 4) Rock lizard
1) Toad 2) Frog 150. The largest Indian poisonous snake is
3) Ichthyophis 4) Both 1 and 2 1) Krait 2) Viper
137. Poison secreting parotoid gland occurs in 3) King cobra 4) Python
1) Ichthyophis 2) Rana 151. Leathery eggs are found in
3) Bufo 4) Salamandra 1) Amphibians 2) Reptiles
138. Axolotl is the larva of 3) Birds 4) Fishes
1) Silkworm 2) Ambystoma 152. A common wall lizard can climb on a smooth wall
3) Amphioxus 4) Round worm because it has
139. Amphibian with no teeth on jaws is 1) Suckers on mouth
1) Salamandara 2) Bufo 2) Sticky ventral side of the body
3) Rana 4) Ichthyophis 3) Claws on the fingers
4) Adhesive pads on the fingers

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153. Which of the following has paddle-like limbs? 166. Which one is a reptile?
1) Crocodile 2) Tortoise 1) Toad 2) Salamander
3) Turtle 4) Sea snake 3) Newt 4) Turtle
154. A bifid tongue and Jacobson’s organs are found in 167. In amphibians and reptiles, the ear is represented by
1) Crocodiles 2) Lizards 1) Cloaca 2) Ear pinna
3) Snakes 4) Both 2 and 3 3) Columella auris 4) Tympanum
155. In snakes, the cloaca receives the opening of 168. The class name Reptillia refers to their
1) Gut 1) Scales that are shed as skin cast
2) Genital system 2) Body is covered by dry and cornified skin
3) Urinary system 3) Creeping or crawling mode of locomotion
4) Gut and urinogenital system 4) Poikilothermic nature
156. Non-poisonous snake among the following is 169. Alligator is the member of
1) Cobra 2) Krait 1) Pisces 2) Aves
3) Viper 4) Rat snake 3) Reptilia 4) Amphibia
157. The most poisonous snake is 170. Four chambered heart is characteristic of which
1) Krait 2) Tree snake poikilotherm?
3) python 4) Rat snake 1) Psittacula 2) Hemidactylus
3) Pteropus 4) Crocodilus
158. Snakes belongs to which order
1) Reptilia 2) Squamata 171. Which is not a homeotherm?
3) Ophidia 4) Lacertilia 1) Aptenodytes 2) Testudo
3) Delphinus 4) Neophron
159. Which of the following lizard is limbless and
serpent like? 172. Which of the following is true for the animal
1) Hemidactylus 2) Ophiosaurus shown in the diagram ?
3) Heloderma 4) Varanus
160. Which of the following pair is unmatched for the
animals of Reptilia class?
1) Cleidoic eggs and constant body temperature
1) Show direct development and produces
2) Meroblastic cleavage and lack of Metamorphosis shelled cledoic eggs
3) 12 pairs of cranial nerves and rough skin 2) Shed skin cast formed of cornified scutes
4) Skull monocondylic and skin with scales 3) Produces axolotl larva and show neoteny
161. In which of the following, tympanum is absent? 4) None of these
1) Birds 2) Frog 3) Lizard 4) Snake 173. Which among them is a living fossil ?
162. Saurology is the study of 1) Hydrophis 2) Archaeopteryx
1) Flightless birds 2) Lizards 3) Sphenodon 4) Vipera
3) Snakes 4) Flying birds 174. Study of lizards is known as
163. Only poisonous lizard of the world is 1) Saurolog 2) Serpentology
1) Heloderma 2) Ophiosaurus 3) Ophiology 4) Ornithology
3) Phrynosoma 4) Varanus 175. Choose the correct statement.
164. Thecodont teeth and four chambered heart occur 1) Lizards show autotomy
in 2) Most lizards are oviparous
1) Crocodilia 2) Rhynchocephalia 3) Poison gland in snakes are modified parotid
3) Lacertilia 4) Chelonia gland
4) All of these
165. A prehensile tail as in Chameleon is an adaptation
for 176. Which of the following is a viviparous lizard ?
1) Swimming 2) Sliding 1) Uromastix 2) Chameleon
3) Grasping 4) Climbing 3) Hydrophis 4) All of these

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177. A lizard-like member of Reptilia is sitting on a 187. In birds, the feathers are modifications of
tree with its tail coiled around a twig. This animal 1) Dermal scales 2) Epidermal scales
could be 3) Plates 4) Glands
1) Hemidactylus showing sexual dimorphism 188. Skin of birds contains
2) Varanus showing mimicry 1) Sweat glands
3) Garden lizard (Calotes) showing camouflage 2) Oil glands distributed all over the body
4) Chameleon showing protective colouration 3) Oil glands in the region of tail
4) Specialized sudoriferous glands only
178. Snake produces hissing sound through the
1) vocal cord 189. Feathers of the birds are waterproof due to the oily
secretion of
2) forceful expulsion of air from lungs
1) Cutaneous gland 2) Preen gland
3) forceful expulsion of air from nares 3) Sudorific gland 4) Sebaceous glands
4) forceful inhalation
190. Science that deals with study of birds is
179. Permanently ‘open’ or functional eyes are found 1) Oncology 2) Oology
in 3) Ornithology 4) Odontology
1) snakes 2) lizards
191. The flight muscles of birds are attached to
3) crocodiles 4) testudians 1) Coracoid 2) Scapula
Class : Aves (Glorified Reptiles) 3) Keel of sternum 4) Clavicle

180. The largest living bird is 192. Oviparity is common in

1) Rabbit 2) Whale
1) Struthio (Ostrich)
2) Aptenodytes (Penguin) 3) Penguin 4) Bat

3) Phonicopterus (Flamingo) 193. The wish bone of the birds is derived from
4) Aepyornis (Giant elephant bird) 1) Hind-limbs 2) Pelvic girdle
3) Pectoral girdle 4) Skull
181. All flightless birds comprise a group called
194. The advantage of bipedal locomotion is
1) Carinatae 2) Aves
1) To increase in rate of locomotion
3) Odontognathae 4) Ratitae 2) To get better grip
182. In birds, the vertebrae are 3) The reduction in body weight
4) To spare the fore limbs for other jobs
1) Amphicoelous 2) Acoelous
3) Heterocoelous 4) Ophisthocoelous 195. Birds are
1) Uricotelic 2) Ureotelic
183. The sound producing organ in singing bird is 3) Ammonotelic 4) Aminotelic
1) Vocal sacs 2) Syrinx
196. Name the ‘Bird man of India’
3) Larynx 4) Synsacrum 1) Karm Narayan Bahl 2) M.L. Bhatia
184. Air sacs are found in 3) Salim Ali 4) E.M. Thillayampalam
1) Amphibians 2) Reptiles 197. Character of birds is
3) Birds 4) All of these 1) Cleidoic eggs and cleavage is equal and
185. Carina or Keel of flying birds is a part of holoblastic
1) Sternum 2) Clavicle 2) Megalecithal eggs and cleavage is unequal and
3) Skull 4) Vertebral column
3) Cleidoic eggs and cleavage is unequal and
186. The members of class Aves are characterized by holoblastic
the presence of 4) Megalecithal eggs and cleavage is discoidal and
1) Toothed jaws and four chambered heart Meroblastic
2) Bipedal locomotion and body covered with 198. Character of birds is
feathers 1) Unisexual and sexual dimorphism absent
3) Two chambered heart with fully ossified 2) Bisexual and sexual dimorphism absent
skeleton 3) Unisexual and sexual dimorphism present
4) Homoeothermic condition and viviparity 4) Bisexual and sexual dimorphism present

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199. Birds with amphibious nature is 210. Which is not detectable in birds?
1) Dodo 2) Penguin 1) Pectoral girdle 2) Pelvic girdle
3) Kiwi 4) Ostrich 3) Claws on fore limbs 4) Scales on hind limbs
200. Secretion of “Pigeon’s milk” by 211. Which of the following is a flightless bird?
1) Crop glands 2) Mammals glands 1) Psittacula 2) Struthio
3) Salivary glands 4) Gizzard 3) Columba 4) Neophron

201. ‘Pecten is a structure that occur in the eyes of 212. Which of the following is true regarding birds ?
1) Reptiles 2) Fishes A) Skin dry without glands, except uropygial gland
3) Birds 4) Mammals B) Long bones pneumatic
C) Crop (modifed expansion of oesophagus) for
202. Furculum, synsacrum and pygostyle bones are storage of food and gizzard for grinding of food,
characteristic of are two additional chambers in alimentary
1) Snakes 2) Lizards canal.
3) Birds 4) Monotremes D) Legs are covered by scales.
203. Air spaces in bones of birds are helpful E) Air sacs connected with lungs to supplement
1) to lessen body weight
1) All except ‘C’ 2) All except ‘A’
2) to keep body warm
3) All except ‘E’ 4) All of these
3) to regulate body temp
4) in blood circulation 213. Few characters are listed here. Select how many
of them are found in birds.
204. The flight less birds like Rhea, Kiwi & Emu I) Homeothermic
respectively belong to which countries
II) Monocondylic skull
1) South America, Newzealand & Australia
III)10 pair of cranial nerve
2) Africa, Australia & Newzealand
IV) Cledoic and shelled eggs
3) North America, Japan & Africa
V) Urea nitrogenous waste
4) Australia, S. Africa & Japan VI) Beak is modified lips.
205. Which part of brain is likely to be best developed 1) III 2) IV 3) I 4) II
in a bird for its balanced aerial mode of life
214. Which of the following characters is absent in
1) Cerebrum 2) Cerebellum aves ?
3) Medulla oblongata 4) Corpora quadrgemina 1) Larynx as voice box
206. Large and well developed sternum with keel in a 2) Bipedal locomotion and legs covered by scales
bird suggests 3) ossified endoskeleton with pneumatic bones
1) Inability to fly 4) Four chambered heart and vestigial renal
2) Fast running adaptation portal system
3) Strong flying ability 215. Choose the option which comprises of oviparous
4) Fast swimming adaptation animals.
1) Ostrich, eagle, whale 2) Bat, pigeon, cro
207. Which of the following characteristic is applicable
for birds? 3) Parrot, vulture, sparrow
1) Absence of urinary bladder 4) Kite, platypus, kangaroo
2) Presence of dicondylic skull 216. All of the following Avian characters are correct,
3) Ribs without uncinate processes except
4) All of the above 1) Bones do not have bone marrow
2) Scales are present only in the hindlimbs
208. National bird of India is region
1) Flamingo 2) Pavo cristatus 3) In females, right ovary is atrophied
3) Columba livia 4) Psittacula 4) Beak possesses homodont teeth
209. Which one is not a flightless bird? 217. Tail vertebrae of birds are fused to form
1) Struthio 2) Emu 1) Pygostyle 2) Coccyx
3) Psittacula 4) Cassowary 3) Urostyle 4) Synsacrum

62 Animal Kingdom (Chordates)


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218. The characteristic features of class-Aves are 224. Birds have bipedal locomotion as it
a) they are warm-blooded and oviparous 1) reduces body weight
b) they have pneumatic bones 2) increases rate of locomotion
c) syrinx is not present 3) provides more support to the body
d) fertilization is external 4) spares forelimbs for flight
1) a, b and c are correct 2) a and b are correct
Class - Mammalia
3) b and d are correct 4) a and c are correct
225. To which of the following taxonomic group does
219. In birds
the whale belong ?
a) two ovaries are present
1) Pisces 2) Amphibians
b) heart is four chambered 3) Reptiles 4) Mammals
c) mesonephric kidneys present
d) bipedal movement is present 226. The zoological name of lion is
1) a, b and c are correct 1) Felis leo 2) Panthera tigris
3) Panthera pardus 4) Panthera leo
2) a and b are correct
3) b and d are correct 227. Kangaroos are marsupials because
4) a and c are correct 1) they produce helpless infants
2) the females have a marsupial pouch
220. Which of the following is correct about 3) they are found in Australia and Austria
amphibians ? 4) they show oviparity
1) Body is divisible into head and trunk, while
tail may be present in some 228. Odd-toed mammals (Horse, Ass and Zebra) belong
2) Eyes have eyelids and tympanum represents to the order
the ear 1) Artiodactyla 2) Perissodactyla
3) Lagomorpha 4) Edentatea
3) Oviparous animals with external fertilization
and indirect development 229. Eutherians are characterized by
4) All of the above 1) Skin with glands 2) Hairy skin
221. Which one of the following in birds, indicates 3) True placentation 4) Locomotory hind-limbs
their reptilian ancestry ? 230. The characteristic feature of placental mammals
1) Two special chambers crop and gizzard in is
their digestive tract 1) absence of marsupium or epipubic bone
2) Eggs with a calcareous shell 2) presence of a true placenta
3) Scales on their hind limbs 3) viviparity
4) Four chambered heart 4) all of the above
222. A flying bird lands by 231. Which of the following mammal has scrotal testes?
1) folding the wings back and dropping on the 1) Prototherians 2) All placental mammals
ground or other substratum 3) Elephant 4) Man
2) folding the wings above and back of the body
232. Duck-billed platypus is now confined to
and combing down
1) India 2) Africa
3) lowering and fanning out the retrices
3) Australia 4) Antarctica
4) pronation and forward movements of wings
233. The ruminants are included in the order
223. Select the correct statement about Aves.
1) Sirenia 2) Proboscidea
1) They are warm-blooded (homoiothermous)
3) Perissodactyla 4) Artiodactyla
animals and are able to maintain a constant
body temperature 234. Which of the following mammals lays eggs ?
2) Respiration occurs through lungs and air sacs 1) Bat 2) Scaly anteater
connected to lungs supplement respiration 3) Spiny anteater 4) Whale
3) They are oviparous with separate sexes, 235. Kangaroo is a native of
internal fertilization and direct development 1) Africa 2) Australia
4) All of the above 3) Austria 4) Mexico

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236. Rabbits belong to which order of Mammalia ? 247. Identify the group,which includes animals all of
1) Cetacea 2) Chiroptera which give birth to young ones directly.
3) Insectivora 4) Lagomorpha 1) Dolphin,Kangaroo,bat,cat
237. Camel is different from other mammals in having 2) Platypus,penguin,bat,hippopotamus
1) Subcutaneous fat 3) Shrew ,bat,kiwi,cat
2) No sweat glands 4) Lion, whale,ostrich,bat
3) More than seven cervical
4) Oval shaped R.B.C 248. Marsupial Kangaroo is
1) Viviparous 2) Oviparous
238. Echidna is a
3) Ovoviviparous 4) A distinct category
1) mammal which is a native of Africa
2) mammal which is a native of Australia 249. Which one is not exclusively marine?
3) reptile which is a native of South America 1) Seal 2) Walrus
4) reptile which is a native of Asia
3) Whale 4) Dolphin
239. In mammals, the function of the diaphragm is
250. Hair occur in all mammals except those of
1) Dividing the body cavity into two compart-
ments 1) Rodentia 2) Chiroptera
2) To protect lungs 3) Primata 4) Cetacea
3) In respiration
251. In most mammals, testes are located in scrotal sacs
4) To protect heart
240. To which taxonomic group does Pteropus belong? 1) More space to visceral organs
1) Fishes 2) Reptiles 2) Sex differentiation
3) Arthropoda 4) Mammals
3) Independent functioning of kidney
241. In which pair, both characters are found without 4) Sperm development
exception, in all mammals
1) Hair & viviparity 252. An egg laying mammal is
2) Viviparity & internal fertilization 1) Kangaroo 2) Platypus
3) Viviparity & mammary glands 3) Koala 4) Whale
4) Mammary glands & internal fertilization
253. The most unique feature of mammals are
242. What is common in bat, whale and rat? 1) mammary glands and hair
1) Absence of neck 2) diaphragm and hair
2) Muscular diaphragm
3) ear pinna and coccygeal bone
3) Testes, outside abdominal cavity
4) External earpinna 4) all of these

243. Which of these exhibit echolocation 254. Echidna is a

1) Bear 2) Camel 1) scaly ant eater, a mammal
3) Whale 4) Rhinoceros 2) flightless bird
244. Birds and mammals share one of the following 3) burrowing reptile
characteristics as a common feature 4) egg laying mammal or monotreme
1) Pigmented skin 2) Pneumatic bones
255. Which one if not true about placental.
3) Viviparity 4) Warm blooded nature
1) Cloaca is present
245. Unique feature of mammalian body is presence of 2) External ear pinna present
1) four chambered heart 2) diaphragm
3) Non-nucleated RBC
3) homeothermy 4) rib cage
4) Excrete urea
246. All mammals,without any exception,are
characterised by 256. Amongst the following mammals which of the
1) Viviparity and biconcave red blood cells following is a monotreme ?
2) Extra-abdominal testes and a four chambered 1) Macropus (Kangaroo)
heart 2) Ornithorhynchus (Platypus)
3) Homodont teeth and 10 pairs of cranial nerves 3) Balaenoptera (Blue whale)
4) Mammary glands and 4 chambered heart 4) Elephas (Elephant)

64 Animal Kingdom (Chordates)


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257. What is true about mammals ? 264. Elephant is an inhabitant of hot climate. this is
a) Skin is covered by epidermal hairs usggested by its
b) Evolved during Triassic period of Coenozoic 1) huge size 2) fleshy feet
c) Kidneys are metanephric 3) almost hairless skin 4) small eyes
d) Fertilization is external 265. Bats can fly at night in the dark because of
1) a, b and c are correct 2) a and b are correct 1) strong vision
3) b and d are correct 4) a and c are correct 2) strong olfaction
258. In mammals, the teeth are 3) capability of producing high frequency sound
I) of different types 4) capability of echolocation of obstacles
II) embedded in the cup-like socket of the jaw bones 266. Which of the following statements are true/false?
III) only two sets, formed throughout life I) In Torpedo the electric organs are capable of
These condition are respectively referred as generating strong electric shock to paralywe the
1) heterodont, thecodont and diphyodont prey
2) thecodont, heterodont and diphyodont II) Bony fishes use pectoral, pelvic, dorsal, anal and
caudal fins in swimming
3) diphyodont, thecodont and heterodont
III)Amphibian skin is moist and has thick scales
4) heterodont, diphyodont and thecodont
IV)Birds are poikilothermous animals
259. In which of the following organisms, testes V) The most unique mammalian characteristic is
descend into scrotum in breeding season but in the presence of milk producing mammary
non-breeding season goes up ? glands by which the young ones are nourished
1) Frog 2) Kangaroo 1) I, II and III are true; IV and V are false
3) Shrew 4) Bat 2) I, II and V are true; III and IV are false
3) I, IV and v are true; II and III are false
260. Statement - I : Bats and whales are classified as
4) I, II and IV are false; III and V are true
Statement - II : Bats and whales have four-
chambered heart.
1) Both statements are true 1) 1 2) 2 3) 2 4) 3 5) 3
2) Both statements are false
6) 4 7) 2 8) 4 9) 4 10) 4
3) S-I is true and S-II is false
4) S-I is false and S-II is true 11) 3 12) 3 13) 2 14) 1 15) 2
16) 3 17) 1 18) 1 19) 4 20) 1
261. All mnammals without any exception are
characterized by 21) 4 22) 2 23) 1 24) 3 25) 2
1) viviparity and biconcave red blood cells 26) 2 27) 3 28) 2 29) 3 30) 4
2) extra-abdominal testes and a four-chambered
heart 31) 2 32) 3 33) 4 34) 1 35) 3
3) heterodont teeth and 12 pairs of cranial nerves 36) 1 37) 4 38) 1 39) 2 40) 4
4) a muscular diaphragm and milk producing 41) 4 42) 4 43) 3 44) 2 45) 4
46) 4 47) 2 48) 4 49) 2 50) 4
262. Mammals evolved from
51) 1 52) 3 53) 1 54) 1 55) 1
1) Dinosaurs 2) Crocodiles
3) Therapsid reptiles 4) Sauropsid reptiles 56) 1 57) 3 58) 1 59) 4 60) 4
61) 1 62) 3 63) 4 64) 1 65) 4
263. Whale is a mammal living in cold waters. It adult
has no hair. This indicates that the whale 66) 2 67) 1 68) 4 69) 3 70) 1
1) has reverted to cold-blooded condition 71) 4 72) 4 73) 2 74) 1 75) 2
2) should possess an alternate method of heat
76) 2 77) 3 78) 4 79) 4 80) 3
3) eats large bulk of food to produce body heat 81) 1 82) 3 83) 4 84) 4 85) 1
4) periodically moves to hot waters for storing 86) 3 87) 1 88) 3 89) 1 90) 2

Animal Kingdom (Chordates) 65

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91) 4 92) 4 93) 4 94) 2 95) 4 181) 4 182) 3 183) 2 184) 3 185) 1

96) 1 97) 1 98) 1 99) 1 100) 1 186) 2 187) 2 188) 3 189) 2 190) 3

101) 4 102) 1 103) 4 104) 3 105) 4 191) 3 192) 3 193) 4 194) 4 195) 1

106) 4 107) 2 108) 4 109) 4 110) 4 196) 3 197) 4 198) 3 199) 2 200) 1

111) 4 112) 2 113) 1 114) 1 115) 3 201) 3 202) 3 203) 1 204) 1 205) 2

116) 4 117) 2 118) 1 119) 2 120) 3 206) 3 207) 1 208) 2 209) 3 210) 3

121) 4 122) 2 123) 3 124) 1 125) 3 211) 2 212) 4 213) 1 214) 1 215) 3

126) 2 127) 1 128) 3 129) 2 130) 1 216) 4 217) 1 218) 2 219) 3 220) 4

131) 1 132) 1 133) 4 134) 3 135) 2 221) 3 222) 2 223) 4 224) 3 225) 4

136) 1 137) 3 138) 2 139) 2 140) 3 226) 4 227) 2 228) 2 229) 3 230) 4

141) 2 142) 4 143) 4 144) 3 145) 1 231) 4 232) 3 233) 4 234) 3 235) 2

146) 2 147) 4 148) 3 149) 2 150) 3 236) 2 237) 4 238) 2 239) 3 240) 4

151) 2 152) 4 153) 3 154) 4 155) 4 241) 4 242) 3 243) 3 244) 4 245) 2

156) 4 157) 1 158) 2 159) 2 160) 1 246) 4 247) 1 248) 1 249) 4 250) 4

161) 4 162) 2 163) 1 164) 1 165) 4 251) 4 252) 2 253) 1 254) 4 255) 1

166) 4 167) 4 168) 3 169) 3 170) 4 256) 2 257) 4 258) 1 259) 4 260) 1

171) 2 172) 3 173) 3 174) 1 175) 4 261) 4 262) 3 263) 2 264) 3 265) 4

176) 2 177) 4 178) 3 179) 1 180) 1 266) 2

4. Diaphragm is present only in some vertebrates

123. Due to presence of adhesive pads on the fingers,
like Mammals and crocodiles. So, it is not a
wall lizard can climb on a smooth wall
characteristic feature of all the chordates
125. Snakes posssess bifid tongue and accessory
18. Test or covering of urochordata tunicin is called
olfactory organs called Jacobson’s organs or
animal cellulose.
vomero-nasal organs.
26. Cephalochordates are with typical chorodate
126. In all reptiles, cloaca is divided into 3 chambers
called coprodaeum, urodaeum and proctodaeum
32. Amphioxus has notochord, but it is not into which gut and urinogenital systems open.
modified into the vertebral column.
144. In flightless birds, sternum does not possess keel.
60. Sucker fish is benefited, shark is unaffected. So they are included in Ratitae
81. Cartilaginous fishes excrete urea. Bony fishes 145. In birds, vertebrae possess saddle shaped
excrete Ammonia centrum so, it is called Heterocoelous vertebrae
112. Draco has patagium. So, it can leap to long 146. Voice box of Birds is syrinx present at the junction
distance. Hence it is called flying lizard of trachea and Bronchi
114. Varanus komodoensis of Indonesia is the largest 147. In all birds, 9 airsacs are present to facilitate
lizard continuous oxygenation of blood. They extend
117. Salivary glands (mainly parotid glands), in as air spaces into pneumatic bones
venomous snakes are modified into poisonous 154. In birds, sternum possess keel or carina for the
glands. attachment of flight muscles.
121. Largest Indian poisonous snake is king cobra. It 156. In birds, the clavicles and interclavicle of pectoral
is viviparous and feeds on small snakes girdle fuse to form V-shaped bone called furcula
122. Reptiles lay megalecithal eggs covered with or wish bone or merrythought bone.
leathery shell and also with embryonic

66 Animal Kingdom (Chordates)


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177. Female Marsupials possess Marsupial pouch or 183. Ruminants belongs to the order Artiodactyla
brood pouch supported by pelvic bones.
185. Australia is the ‘land of Marsupials’
(epipubic bones)
187. In camel and lamas, RBC are Oval in shape
178. Odd-toed ungulates belongs to the order
perissodactyla. 189. In Mammals, thoracic cavity and Abdominal
cavity are separated by dome-shaped Diaphragm
179. Eutherians (True mammals) possess placenta, the
which helps in breathing movements
barrier between maternal uterus and foetus
181. Prototherians, Elephants possess abdominal
testis. Man possess scrotal testis

Multi Model Questions

1. Which of the following statements is/are not true? 1) Hemidactylus showing sexual dimorphism
a) In urochordata, notochord is present in larval 2) Varanus showing mimicry
tail 3) Garden lizard (Calotes) showing camouflage
b) In cephalochordata, notochord extends from 4) Chamaeleon showing protective colouration
head to tail region. 5. In which one of the following sets of animals do
c) Branchiostoma belongs to hemichordata all the four give birth to young ones ?
d) Only one class of living members, class 1) Kangaroo, Hedgehog, Dolphin, Loris
Cyclostomata represents the super class 2) Lion, Bat, Whale, Ostrich
Agnatha 3) Platypus, Penguin, Bat, Hippopotamus
1) (a), (b), (d) only 2) (c), (d), (a) only 4) Shrew, Bat, Cat, Kiwi
3) (c) only 4) (a), (d) only
6. Mammals having traits of both reptiles and
2. Which of the following statements are true/false? mammals are
a) In Torpedo, the electric organs are capable of 1) Monotremes 2) Marsupials
generating strong electric shock to paralyze the 3) Whales 4) Bats
7. An exclusive mammalian trait is
b) Bony fishes use pectoral, pelvic, dorsal, anal
1) Muscular diaphragm 2) 4-chambered heart
and caudal fins in swimming
3) Thecodont dentition 4) Viviparity
c) Amphibian skin is moist and has thick scales
d) Birds are poikilothermous animals 8. Besides mammals, placenta like structure also
e) The most unique mammalian characteristic is occurs in
the presence of milk producing mamary glands 1) Platyhelminthes 2) Amphibians
by which the yound ones are nourished 3) Bony fishes 4) Cartilaginous fishes
1) (a), (b) and (c) are true; (d) and (e) are false 9. Identify the mismatched pair
2) (a), (b) and (e) are true; (c) and (d) are false 1) Columba-Pigeon 2) Psittacula-Parrot
3) (a), (d) and (e) are true; (b) and (c) are false 3) Aptenodytes-Vulture 4) Pavo-Peacock
4) (a), (b) and (d) are false; (c) and (e) are true
10. Mammalian brain differs from amphibian brain
3. Tympanum represents ear in in having
1) Fishes 2) Cyclostomes 1) Olfactory lobes 2) Corpus callosum
3) Amphibians 4) Mammals 3) Cerebellum 4) Hypothalamus

4. A lizard like member of reptilia is sitting on a tree 11. Vestigial pelvic girdle and bone remnants of hind
with its tail coiled around a twig. This animal limbs are characteristic of
could be 1) Whale 2) Dolphin 3) Shark 4) Seal

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I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
12. The diagram of Labeo rohita is given below. 15. Match the following regarding pisces and choose
Identify the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G : correct answer
Structure Example
A) Ventral mouth 1) Shark
B) Placoid scales 2) Buoyancy
C) Filiform gills 3) Rays,skates
D) Air bladder 4) Bony fishes
1) A-4,B-2,C-3,D-1 2)A-3,B-2,C-1,D-4
3)A-3,B-1,C-4,D-2 4)A-1,B-2,C-3,D-4
16. Match the following regarding Amphibia and
choose the answer
Column-I Column-II
1) A = Stimulus, B = Receptor, C = Sensory nerve, A) Teeth 1) Anurans
B) Parotid glands 2) No mastication
D = Motor Nerve, E = Effector, F = Pectoral
C) Vocal cords 3) Toad
fin, G = Pelvic fin
D) Copulatory organ 4) Apoda
2) A = Nostril, B = Eye, C = Anal Fin, D = Caudal
1) A-1,B-4,C-3,D-1 2) A-2,B-3,C-1,D-4
fin, E = Dorsal fin, F = Pectoral fin, G = Pelvic
3) A-4,B-1,C-3,D-2 4) A-3,B-4,C-1,D-2
3) A = Nostril, B = Eye, C = Dorsal fin, 17. Match the following about reptiles
D = Caudal fin, E = Anal fin, F = Pelvic fin, Structure absent Group
G = Pectoral fin A) Copulatory organ 1) Ophidia
B) Urinary bladder 2) Chelonia
4) A = Nostril, B = Eye, C = Dorsal fin, D = Caudal
C) Tympanum 3) Crocodilia
fin, E = Pectoral fin, F = Anal fin, G = Pelvic
D) Temporal fossae 4) Rhynchocephalia
1) A-4,B-3,C-1,D-2 2) A-1,B-4,C-2,D-3
13. Match the following regarding chordates and 3) A-3,B-1,C-2,D-4 4) A-2,B-3,C-4,D-1
choose correct answer.
18. Match list I with list II and choose the correct
Column-I Column-II answer using the code given below:
A) Filter feeders 1) Cephalochordates List I List II
B) Tubular heart 2) Vertebrates (a) Cryptobranchus (i) Hell-bender
C) Solenocytes 3) Protochordates (b) Ambystoma (ii) Tiger salamander
D) Gonoducts 4) Tunicates (c) Triton (iii) Cave salamander
1) A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4 (d)Proteus (iv) European
2) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 salamander
3) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 1) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv 2) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i
3) a-i, b-ii, c-iv, d-iii 4) a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv
4) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
19. Amniotes comes under Class
14. Match the following regarding piscs and choose
1) Reptilia, aves and Mammalia
correct answer
2) Pisces, Aves and Mammalia
Structure Example
3) Cyclostomata, Reptilia and Mammalia
A) Electric organs 1) Shark 4) Pisces, Cyclostomata and Reptilia
B) Heteroceral 2) Chondrichthyes
20. Which of the following statements is wrong ?
caudal fin
1) All vertebrates are chordates
C) Operculum 3) Torpedo
2) Protochordates are exclusively marine and
D) Pristis 4) Osteichthyes includes hemichordates, urochordates and
1) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 cephalochordates
2) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 3) Urochordates like Herdmania show retro-
3) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4 gressive metamorphosis
4) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3 4) Excretory organ in Amphioxus is flame cell

68 Animal Kingdom (Chordates)


NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
21. Animal (shown in the diagram), has which of the 25. How many of the following names are correctly
following feature ? matched ?
a) Blue whale – Balaenoptera
b) Flying fox – Pteropus
c) Vulture – Neophron
d) Tortoise – Chelone
e) Sea horse – Hippopotamus
1) c 2) b 3) d 4) a
26. Gill cover, the operculum is present in
1) Scoliodon 2) Flying fish
3) Pristis 4) Trygon
27. Ammonotelic chordate of the following is
1) Marine, carrying notochord throughout life 1) Hippocampus 2) Pristis
2) It has a dorsal heart, body covered by tunic 3) Frog and toad 4) Columba
3) Adult sedentary, larva motile and larva is
28. Which of the following is a wrong match ?
1) Tunicates – Adult is degenerated but larva is
4) Notochord present in tail region of larva, only advanced
22. Which of the following statements is wrong ? 2) Chondrichthyes – Notochord persist
1) Body of reptiles is covered by dry and cornified throughout life
epidermal scutes 3) Phrynosoma – An amphibian commonly called
2) Calotes is commonly called as tree lizard as horn toad
3) Birds are homeothermic with sound producing 4) Reptiles and Aves – Monocondylic
organ as syrinx 29. Which of the following is a true fish ?
4) Bat differs from bird by containing diaphragm 1) Hag fish 2) Silver fish
and ear pinna 3) Dog fish 4) Star fish
23. Which of the following statements is true for 30. Which of the following assists in the locomotion
shown animal ? of the organism stated ?
1) Clitellum of Pheretima
2) Pedicellaria of star fish
3) Trichocysts of Paramecium
4) Posterior sucker of Hirudinaria
31. Which of the following is wrong statement ?
1) It is a bony fish with four pair of gills with
1) Snakes and lizards shed their scales as skin cast
ctenoid scales
2) Reptile, fish and amphibian are poikilotherms
2) It is a cartilaginous fish with seven pair of gills
3) Modern birds have well developed keel and
without operculum and ventral mouth wish bone
3) It is ‘sanguivorous vertebrate’ which migrate 4) All mammals contain whole body covered with hair
to fresh water for spawning
32. Which of the following is an incorrect statement ?
4) It is cephalo chordate
1) Struthiois the largest and flightless bird
24. Read the following statements and select the 2) Whale is a largest and predaceous
correct ones. chondrichthyes
1) Teeth of Carcharodon are mesodermal and 3) Flame cells are found in Amphioxus
modified ctenoid scales. 4) Reptiles creep on soil surface
2) Electric ray Trygon is a cartilaginous fish 33. Animal with monocondylic skulls, metanephric
3) Fighting fish and anglerfish are common kidney, pikilothermic and 12 pair of cranial nerves
aquarium fish are
1) reptiles 2) birds
4) Amphibian, reptile, birds and egg laying
3) fish 4) amphibians
mammals contain cloacal chamber.

Animal Kingdom (Chordates) 69

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
34. Cold blooded animal with 4 chambered heart is 45. S-I : Branchiostoma belongs to subphylum
1) Columba 2) Crocodila cephalochordata
3) Testudo 4) Shrew S-II: Notochord is present from posterior end
to anterior end of the body beyond the nerve
35. Poikilothermous animals having single occipital
condyle belong to
1) Amphibia 2) Reptiles 46. S-I : All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates
3) Aves 4) Mammals are not vertebrates.
S-II: Only in some chordates, notochord is modi-
36. Which of the following are referred as non-
fied into vertebral column
vertebrate chordate ?
1) Salpa, Ascidia, Amphioxus 47. S-I : Hag-fishes are considered scavengers
2) Lamprey, Myxine, Shark S-II: They feed on dead or dying fish
3) Scoliodon, Torpedo, Trygon 48. S-I : Chordates have aquatic ancestry.
4) Pristis, Branchiostoma, Scyllium S-II: Functional pharyngeal gill pouches appear
37. Annual migration does not occur in the case of in the early embryonic life of some chor-
1) Arctic tern 2) Salmon dates
3) Siberian crane 4) Salamander 49. S-I : Cyclostomes are considered as the extant
Statement Type Questions
S-II: Cyclostomes are living, with a circular
1) Both statements are correct mouth and without jaws
2) Both statements are incorrect
50. S-I : Urochordates are commonly called as
3) Statement-I is correct and Statement-II is
S-II: Their body is covered by tunic
4) Statement-I is incorrect and Statement-II is
correct 51. S-I : Heart of chordates is myogenic
S-II: Heart beat is initiated by the pacemaker
38. S-I : Urochordates & Cephalochordates are
which is a modified cardiac muscle
included under the group Acraniata
S-II: Both of these subphyla are devoid of 52. S-I : Protochordates, anamniotes and amniotes are
cranium included under the phylum chordata inspite
39. S-I : Amphioxus is described as a typical chordate of the diversity in their structure
S-II: It retains all four fundamental chordate S-II: They exhibit fundamental chordate charac-
characters in its adult stage also. ters at least in one stage of their life

40. S-I : Though snakes, birds and whales are not four 53. S-I : Study of life history of urochordates confirms
footed they are described under tetrapoda. that they are chordates
S-II: They are the descendants of four footed S-II: In ascidians, an advanced free swimming
vertebrates. larva by retrogressive metamorphosis de-
41. S-I : In higher chordates the body cavity is velops into primitive sessile adult
secondarily schizocoel. 54. S-I : The heart of fishes is a branchial heart.
S-II: It is formed by splitting of ectoderm. S-II: It pumps blood only to the gills
42. S-I : Lampreys are anadromous organisms 55. S-I : In fishes the heart is a single circuit heart
S-II: They migrate from marine water to fresh S-II: The blood passes only once through the
water for spawning heart to reach the body parts
43. S-I : Life cycle in Petromyzon is indirect
56. S-I : In fishes the heart is venous heart
S-II: Ammocoete larva is present in the life cycle
S-II: It contains deoxygenated blood only.
of Petromyzon
57. S-I : Fishes can detect movement and vibration in
44. S-I : In adult ascidians notochord is absent and
nerve cord is degenerated. the surrounding water
S-II: Retrogressive metamorphosis is exhibited S-II: They have well developed lateral line
by ascidians sensory system
70 Animal Kingdom (Chordates)

NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
58. S-I : Some cartilagenous fishes store urea and 72. S-I : Inspite of being bipedal, birds are included
TMO in their blood under Tetrapoda
S-II: Storing of above materials in the blood keep S-II: Forelimbs are modified into wings
the fluids isotonic to the sea water and
73. S-I : Birds and mammals can survive in extreme
prevents exosmosis
cold climate
59. S-I : Caudal fin of most of chondrichthyes fishes S-II: They are homeotherms
is heterocercal
74. S-I : The birds can maintain a constant body
S-II: The caudal fin in them is symmetrical both
externally and internally
S-II: Birds are endothermic and possess feathers
60. S-I : Frogs and toads kept placed the order Anura covering their body
S-II: They are tailess Amphibians
75. S-I : Birds are unique among vertebrates
61. S-I : Frogs are poikilothermic anamniotes S-II: They have special adaptations for flight
S-II: Frogs possess extra embryonic membrane
called Amnion 76. S-I : In mammals, optic lobes are called corpora
62. S-I : Reptiles excrete uric acid. S-II: In the brain of mammals optic lobes are four
S-II: All reptiles lack urinary bladder. in number
63. S-I : In reptiles, the three aortic arches directly 77. S-I : Mammals occupy the top of the evolutionary
originate from the ventricle
S-II: In reptiles, conus arteriosus is absent
S-II: Brain of the mammals is superiorly
64. S-I : In reptiles, cleavage is meroblastic organised
S-II: Eggs of reptiles are megalecithal
78. S-I : Dentition in mammals is heterodont
65. S-I : Reptiles are amniotes S-II: In mammals teeth are formed twice
S-II: In the embryonic development of reptiles,
79. S-I : Mammals are unique when compared to
all the four extra embryonic membranes are
other vertebrates
S-II: They possess mammary glands
66. S-I : Reptiles are successful terrestrial vertebrates
80. S-I : Nephron of mammals has loop of Henle
S-II: Their body is covered by dry scaly skin and
S-II: Functional adult kidney of mammals is me-
they lay cleidoic eggs.
67. S-I : Crocodiles are advanced reptiles.
S-II: They have thecodont teeth and four 81. S-I : Larynx is the sound producing organ in
chambered heart like mammals. mammals
S-II: It has vocal cords
68. S-I : Eggs of reptiles are cleidoic
S-II: Eggs of reptiles can undergo development 82. S-I : Sudoriferous glands help in regulation of
on land body temperature in mammals
S-II: Sudoriferous glands are exocrine glands
69. S-I : Birds are glorified reptiles.
S-II: Birds evolved from reptiles and develop 83. S-I : Mammals can chew the food and breathe
some advanced characters while retaining simultaneously
some reptilian characters. S-II: Buccal cavity and nasal passage are sepa-
rated by a complete secondary palate in
70. S-I : Archaeopteryx is connecting link between
belly creepers and glorified reptiles
S-II: Fossil bird possesses both reptilian and 84. S-I : The duck-billed platypus and the spiny ant-
avian characters eater, both are egg-laying animals yet they are
grouped under mammals.
71. S-I : Birds have no urinary bladder, as an
S-II: Both of them have seven cervical vertebrae
adaptation to flight
and 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
S-II: Absence of urinary bladder reduces weight
of bird

Animal Kingdom (Chordates) 71

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology

41) 3 42) 1 43) 1 44) 1 45) 1

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 5) 1
46) 1 47) 1 48) 1 49) 1 50) 1
6) 1 7) 1 8) 4 9) 3 10) 2
51) 1 52) 1 53) 1 54) 1 55) 1
11) 1 12) 3 13) 2 14) 2 15) 3
56) 1 57) 1 58) 1 59) 3 60) 1
16) 2 17) 1 18) 3 19) 1 20) 2
61) 3 62) 3 63) 1 64) 1 65) 1
21) 4 22) 2 23) 3 24) 1 25) 1
66) 1 67) 1 68) 1 69) 1 70) 1
26) 2 27) 1 28) 3 29) 3 30) 4
71) 1 72) 1 73) 1 74) 1 75) 1
31) 4 32) 2 33) 1 34) 2 35) 2
76) 1 77) 1 78) 1 79) 1 80) 1
36) 1 37) 4 38) 1 39) 1 40) 1
81) 1 82) 1 83) 1 84) 1 85) 1

4. Prehensile tail is present in chamaeleon. Its tail 24. Ammocoete larvae occurs in the life cycle of
coils around a twig of the tree petromyzon
6. Prototherians (Monotremes) are considered as 25. Retrogressive metamorphosis is exhibited by as-
connecting links between Reptiles and Mammals cidians
8. Cartilaginous fishes possess yolk sac placenta 26. Notochord is present from posterior end to an-
15. Mouth is ventral in -Rays and skates terior end of the body beyond the nerve cord
Filiform gills - Bony fishes 27. Only in some chordates notochord is modified
Airbladder helps in - Buoyancy in to vertebral column
16. In Amphibians, 28. Hag-fishes feed on dead or dying fish
1) Teeth donot help in mastication 29. Functional pharyngeal gill pouches appear in the
2) Paratoid glands are present in toad early embryonic life of some chordates
3) Vocal cords are present in Anurans 30. Cyclostomes are living Agnatha, with a circular
4) Copulatory organ is absent in Apoda mouth and without jaws
17. In Reptiles, 31. Body of urochordates is covered by tunic
1) Copulatory organ is absent in sphenodon 32. Heart beat is initiated by the pacemaker which
2) Urinary bladder is absent in crocodiles is a modified cardiac muscle
3) Tympanum is absent in ophidia 33. Protochordates, anamniotes and amniotes exhibit
fundamental chordate characters at least in one
4) Temporal fossae are absent in chelonia
stage of their life
19. Urochordates & Cephalochordates are devoid of
34. In ascidians an advanced free swimming larva
by retrogressive metamorphosis develops into
20. Amphioxus retains all four fundamental chordate
primitive sessile adult
characters in its adult stage also.
35. Branchial heart pumps blood only to the gills
21. snakes, birds and whales are the descendants of
36. In fishes the blood passes only once through the
four footed vertebrates
heart to reach the body parts
22. In chordates body cavity is enterocoelic; but in
37. Venous heart contains deoxygenated blood
higher chordates body cavity is formed by split-
which it pumps to gills
ting of mosoderm
38. Fishes have well developed lateral line sensory
23. Lampreys migrate from marine water to fresh
water for spawning

72 Animal Kingdom (Chordates)


NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter

39. Storing of above materials in the blood keep the 52. Absence of urinary bladder reduces weight of
body fluids isotonic to the sea water and prevents bird
exosmosis 53. In birds, forelimbs are modified into wings
40. Caudal fin of most chondrichthyes is heterocer- 54. Bird and mammals are homeotherms
cal i.e. asymmetrical both externally and inter- 55. Birds are endothermic and possess f e a t h e r s
nally. covering their body
41. Frogs and toads are tailless Amphibians 57. In the brain of mammals optic lobes are four in
42. Frogs do not maintain constant body number
temperature and embryos lack amnion . 58. Brain of the mammals is superiorly organised
43. Urinary bladder is absent in snakes and 59. Dentition in mammals is heterodont. i.e. mam-
crocodiles only (apart from birds). mals have 4 different types of teeth, dentition in
44. In reptiles conus arteriosus is absent mammals is diphyodont i.e. teeth are formed
45. Eggs of reptiles are megalecithal twice.
46. In the embryonic development of reptiles, all the 60. Mammals possess mammary glands
four extra embryonic membranes are formed 61. Loop of Henle is the part of nephron and meta-
47. Body of reptiles is covered by dry scaly skin nephric kidney is based on origin.
which prevents loss of water 62. Larynx of mammals has vocal cords
48. Crocodiles have thecodont teeth and four cham- 63. Assertion explain the function of sudoriferous
bered heart like mammals gland where as reason explains its structure
49. Eggs of reptiles can undergo development on based on duct
land 64. Buccal cavity and nasal passage are separated by
50. Birds evolved from reptiles a complete secondary palate in mammals
51. Fossil bird Archaeopteryx possesses both reptil-
ian and avian characters


1. All mammals without any exception are 3. What is common between parrot, platypus and
characterized by [AIIMS-2006] kangaroo? [CBSE 2007]
1) viviparity and biconcave red blood cells 1) Oviparity 2) Homoeothermy
2) extra-abdominal testes and a four-chambered 3) Toothless jaws
heart 4) Functional mammary glands
3) heterodont teeth and 12 pairs of cranial nerves
4. Which one of the following in birds, indicates
4) a muscular diaphragm and milk producing
their reptilian ancestry? [CBSE 2008]
1) Eggs with a calcareous shell
2. Which of the following pairs are correctly 2) Scales on their hind limbs
matched? [CBSE 2007] 3) Four-chambered heart
Animals Morphological features 4) Two special chambers crop and gizzard in their
digestive tract
a) Crocodile - 4-Chambered heart
b) Sea Urchin - Parapodia 5. Which one of the following pairs of animal
comprises ‘jawless fishes’? [AIPMT-2009]
c) Obelia - Metagenesis
1) Lampreys and eels
d) Lemur - Thecodont
2) Mackerals and rohu
1) Only (a) and (b) 2) (a), (c) and (d)
3) Lampreys and hag fishes
3) (b), (c) and (d) 4) Only (a) and (d) 4) Guppies and hag fishes

Animal Kingdom (Chordates) 73

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
6. Crocodile and Penguin are similar to Whale and 2) All bonyfishes have four pairs of gills and an
Dogfish in which one of the following features? operculum on each side
[CBSE Mains 2010] 3) All sponges are marine and have collared cells
1) Possess bony skeleton 4) All mammals are viviparous and possess
2) Have gill slits at some stage of development diaphragm for breathing
3) Possess a solid single stranded central nervous
13. Which group of animals belong to the same
phylum ? [NEET 2013]
4) Lay eggs and guard them till they hatch.
1) Earthworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm
7. Which one of the following statements is 2) Prawn, Scorpion, Locusta
incorrect regarding notochord. [CBSE 2011] 3) Sponge, Sea anemone, Starfish
1) It is present only in larval tail in ascidian 4) Malarial parasite, Amoeba, Mosquito
2) It is replaced by a vertebral column in adult
14. A marine cartilaginous fish that can produce
3) It is absent throughout life in humans from the
electric current is : [AIPMT 2014]
very beginning
4) It is present throughout life in Amphioxus 1) Scoliodon 2) Pristis
3) Torpedo 4) Trygon
8. A feature of mammals without any exception is
15. Match the name of the animal (column I), with
1) Seven cervical vertebrae [AFMC 2011]
one characteristics (Column II), and the phylum/
2) Diaphragm
class (column III) to which it belongs :
3) Vivipary 4) Warm blooded nature
[NEET 2013]
9. Which one of the following groups of animals is Column-I Column-II Column-III
correctly matched with its characteristic feature 1) Ichthyophis Terrestrial Reptilia
without even a single exception? [CBSE 2011]
2) Limulus body covered Pisces
1)Chondrichthyes - Possess cartilaginous
by chitinous
2) Mammalia - give birth to young ones
3) Reptilia - possess 3-chambered heart with one 3) Adamsia radially Porifera
incompletely divided ventricle symmetrical
4) Chordata - possess a mouth provided with an 4) Petromyzon ectoparasite Cyclostomata
upper and a lower jaw.
16. Which one of the following animals has two
10. Which are exclusively viviparous? [AIIMS-2012] separate circulatory pathways? [AIPMT 2015]
1) Bony fishes 2) Cartilaginous fishes 1) Shark 2) Frog
3) Sharks 4) Whales 3) Lizard 4) Whale

11. Which one of the following pairs of animals are 17. A jawless fish, which lays eggs in fresh water and
similar to each other pertaining to feature stated whose ammocoetes larvae after metamorphosis
against them [CBSE M 2012] return to the ocean is [AIPMT 2015]
1) Pteropus and Ornithorhynchus - Viviparity 1) Petromyzon 2) Eptatretus
2) Garden Lizard and Crocodile - Three 3) Myxine 4) Neomyxine
chambered heart 18. Choose the correct statement. [NEET-2016]
3) Ascaris and Ancylostoma - Metameric 1) All mammals are viviparous
2) All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired
4) Sea horse and Flying Fish - Cold blooded fins
12. Which one of the following categories of animals, 3) All reptiles have a three-chambered heart
is correctly described with no single exception 4) All pisces have gills covered by an operculum
in it ? [AIPMT-2012] 19. Which of the following characteristic features
1) All reptiles possess scales, have a three always holds true for the corresponding group of
chambered heart and are cold-blooded animals? [NEET-2016]

74 Animal Kingdom (Chordates)


NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
1) Viviparous Mammalia 28. Match the following columns and select the
2) Possess a mouth with an Chordata corret option [NEET 2020]
upper and a lower jaw Column-I Column-II
3) 3-chambered heart with Reptilia a) 6-15 pairs of gill slits i) Trygon
one incompletely divided b) Heterocercal ii) Cyclostomes
ventricle caudal fin
4) Cartilaginous Chondrichthyes c) Air Bladder iii) Chondrichthyes
d) Poison sting iv) Osteichthyes
20. Which among these is the correct combination of a b c d a b c d
aquatic mammals? [NEET-2017] 1) iv ii iii i 2) i iv iii ii
1) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks 2) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon 3) ii iii iv i 4) iii iv i ii
3) Whales, Dolphines, Seals 4) Trygon, Whales, Seals
29. Match the following columns and select the
21. Which of the following represents order of corret option [NEET 2020]
‘Horse’? [NEET-2017]
Column-I Column-II
1) Equidae 2) Perissodactyla
a) Gregarious, polyphagous i) Asterias
3) Caballus 4) Ferus
22. Which one of these animals is not a homeotherm? b) Adult with radial ii) Scorpion
[NEET-2018] symmetry and larva
1) Macropus 2) Camelus with bilateral symmetry
3) Chelone 4) Psittacula c) Book lungs iii) Ctenoplana
23. Identify the vertebrate group of animals d) Bioluminescence iv) Locusta
characterized by crop and gizzard in its digestive a b c d a b c d
system. [NEET-2018] 1) iii ii i iv 2) ii i iii iv
1) Amphibia 2) Aves 3) i iii ii iv 4) iv i ii iii
3) Reptilia 4) Osteichthyes
30. Which of the following statements are true for the
24. Which of the following animals does not undergo phylum-Chordata ? [NEET-2020]
metamorphosis? [NEET-2018] a) In Urochordata notochord extends from head
1) Earthworm 2) Moth to tail and it is present throughout their life.
3) Tunicate 4) Starfish b) In Vertebrata notochord is present during the
25. Mark the correct one (AIIMS 2019) embryonic period only
1) Labeo – Internal fertilization c) Central nervous system is dorsal and hollow
2) Frog – Internal fertilization d) Chordata is divided into 3 sybphyla
3) Birds – external fertilization Hemichordata, Tunicata and Cephalo-
4) Balaenoptera – internal fertilization chordata.
1) a and b 2) b and c 3) d and c 4) c and a
26. Choose the correct difference from the following
(AIIMS 2019)
Pristis Catla
1) 3-chambered heart 2-chambered heart 1) 4 2) 2 3) 2 4) 2 5) 3
2) Small placoid scales Large placoid scales
6) 2 7) 3 8) 2 9) 1 10) 4
3) Ventral mouth Terminal mouth
4) Swim bladder present Swim bladder 11) 4 12) 2 13) 2 14) 3 15) 4
27. Choose the correct option. [AIIMS 2019] 16) 4 17) 1 18) 2 19) 4 20) 3
1) Amphibia, Frog, Salamender, Bufo,
Ichthyophis 21) 2 22) 3 23) 2 24) 1 25) 4
2) Reptiles, Lizard, Turtle, Hyla, Ichthyophis 26) 3 27) 1 28) 3 29) 4 30) 2
3) Birds, Pigeon, Parrot, Balaenoptera, flying fox
4) Arthropods, Apis, Ancylostoma, Laccifer,

Animal Kingdom (Chordates) 75

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