Monster Island
Monster Island
Monster Island
A Setting Book For Champions
Author: Steven S. Long
Based On Ideas By: Cryptic Studios
Editing and Developing: Darren Watts
Layout & Graphic Design: Andy Mathews
Cover Illustration: Brett Barkley
Interior Illustration: Cryptic Studios, Andrew Cremeans,
Jonathan Davenport, Brendan and Brian Fraim
Cartography: John Lees
Special Thanks:
To Jack Emmert, John Layman, Randy Mosiondz, Chris Lena, and the rest of the fine folks at Cryptic, for coming
up with enough ideas about Monster Island that I could write a whole book about the crazy place, and for putting
up with my constant stream of questions. ;)
ut in the Pacific Ocean, about a hun- Chapter Two, Big Game: The Monsters,
dred miles from the shores of Japan, describes the six giant monsters currently living
lies a small island about six miles on the island: Ganika; Mega-Terak; Qwyjibo;
wide and twenty miles long — but its Teleiosaurus; Vakulon; and Zorgatha. There’s a
importance far exceeds its size. This is Monster character sheet for each one that shows just how
Island, home to the world’s largest collection of powerful they are. Superheroes who think they
giant monsters. Originally can waltz onto Monster
created by the alien Qularr Island and smack a few of the
during their 1965 invasion MMO INTO RPG, RPG INTO MMO “inhabitants” around are in
of Earth, Monster Island was for a surprise!
pressed into use as a zoo/ Monster Island is Hero Games’s first Chapter Three, Bureau
Champions book based on the work
prison to confine the mon- 17: Humanity’s First
done by Cryptic Studios in creating
sters they brought as part of the forthcoming massively multi- Defense, describes the Japa-
their invading force. But the player online (MMO) roleplaying nese scientists and soldiers
island holds other secrets, game Champions Online. While a lot who study the monsters,
other potential sources of of effort has been devoted to making maintain the force-field that
power, and in recent years it’s sure the MMO content is accurately keeps them on the island,
attracted supervillains and represented in this book in HERO and occasionally have to
criminal organizations who System terms, MMOs and RPGs aren’t fight the terrifying beasts.
seek to discover or exploit the same type of game, so the same On an island filled with
them. Today Monster Island type of content isn’t appropriate for hostile forces the mem-
each one. For example, the map of a
is more than just a reposi- bers of “B17” may be your
series of caverns or an underground
tory for gigantic alien mon- installation in an MMO is deliber- heroes’ only allies.
sters — it’s a battleground ately simple, with one room leading Chapter Four, Wayfarer
where the likes of VIPER, to another to direct game play. That Coast: Beachhead For Inva-
ARGENT, the Elder Worm, may not make much sense for an sion, discusses the current
and the Lemurians compete. RPG. Thus, the maps in this book, Qularr presence on Monster
And to make matters worse, while containing the essence of the Island. The Qularr haven’t
the Qularr themselves have Champions Online maps, add to them arrived in force — yet — but
returned, perhaps as a scout- or even re-arrange rooms slightly the soldiers, bioengineered
ing force to plan another to make things more “realistic” and beasts, and vehicles they have
appropriate for an RPG. Similarly,
invasion.... sent are enough to cause real
MMO characters who have one or two
Monster Island is your simple abilities may get fleshed out problems for Humanity...
guide to everything that’s into more detailed characters with a particularly if they can find a
happening on the island, greater variety of powers in this book, way to re-assert control over
from the gargantuan mon- since an RPG character sheet isn’t the giant monsters.
sters themselves to the constrained by the same restrictions Chapter Five, Snakes
machinations of VIPER as an MMO. So don’t be surprised On An Island: Slither Beach,
agents, ARGENT bosses, if you see a some variation between reviews VIPER’s activities
Elder Worm explorers, and Monster Island as portrayed in this on Monster Island. In addi-
Qularr soldiers. Your heroes book and Monster Island in the MMO tion to various scientific
— just think of it as the book taking
may think that the monsters projects, the snakes spend
the wonderful tapestry that Cryptic’s
are the only threat there, woven and adding a few threads. a lot of time keeping an eye
but they’ll soon learn that on the other groups occu-
there’s a lot more to Mon- pying the island, and even
ster Island than just Mega-Terak, Qwyjibo, and stealing from them.
their brethren. Chapter Six, Wells’ Pass: Land Of The New
Chapter One, A Strange New Land: A His- Men, describes the residence and experiments
tory Of Monster Island, describes the creation of of a former VIPER scientist, the infamous Dr.
the island by the Qularr, its subsequent conver- Philippe Moreau. He’s been busy creating all
sion into a “zoo” for their alien monsters, and sorts of “manimals,” many of which serve him
what’s happened since then: the founding of as assistants or soldiers.
Bureau 17’s facilities there; occasional escapes; But not all of Moreau’s creations remain so
and in time the arrival of criminal organiza- loyal. Chapter Seven, A Dangerous Refuge: The
tions bent on turning Monster Island and its Feral Tangle, describes the region of the island
resources to their own purposes. to which escaped manimals have fled. Some are
Monster Island
Island n Chapter One 5
Chapter One
8 The History Of Monster Island Hero System 5th Edition Revised
arely noticeable on most maps of the Humanity became aware that it was under
world, Monster Island is one of the most attack when Qularr transports disgorged their
fascinating places in the world... and also weapons onto the first major targets, in Japan. The
one of the most dangerous. And fifty robotic “dinosaur” Mega-Terak attacked Tokyo,
years ago it didn’t even exist. while his flesh-and-blood “brother” Cazulon was
sent to Kobe. But the land of the Rising Sun wasn’t
the only victim of Qularr aggression. New York
In the mid-Sixties, Humanity’s contacts City was attacked by two creatures, the gigantic
with alien life were still limited. A Sirian inva- “bird-demon” Pazuron and the “lizard-cat” Velzara.
sion had been foiled in 1938, and one or two alien The winged serpent Ganika was turned loose on
super“humans” had made appearances on Earth, Chicago, while the three-headed “dragon” Mit-
but mankind was not yet aware of the vast panoply sura ravaged the Los Angeles area. A gargantuan,
of sentient life in the Milky Way Galaxy. Contacts fire-breathing, radioactive gorilla-like beast called
with the likes of the Mandaarians, the Gadroon, Qwyjibo smashed through London, and across
the Malvans, the Elder Worm, and the Perseids the Channel the toad-like Doku slaughtered
was years or decades away. thousands of Parisians with his poisonous breath.
In May 1965, Humanity became painfully The “atomic mutant lizard” Zorgatha lay waste to
aware of one alien species: the Qularr, a quasi- Beijing, and the lightning-firing “eagle” Vakulon
insectoid, quasi-crustaceanoid species from a assaulted Moscow. No major city was spared;
planet whose location remains unknown to this even those that weren’t subjected to giant monster
day. Approaching under the concealment of the attacks found themselves under siege by lesser
stealth fields generated by their starships, the beasts or heavily-armed Qularr soldiers.
Qularr scouted Earth in search of the right place The initial Qularr attacks were generally
to create a beachhead for their invasion. Exactly successful, thanks in large part to surprise and
why they targeted Earth for attack likewise the difficulty of quickly mobilizing Human mili-
remains uncertain; most experts assume they taries to deal with the threat of the gigantic alien
wanted Earth’s copious resources. beasts. But Earth’s superheroes were often able
The Qularr apparently found what they were to slow down the monsters just long enough for
looking for in a small, unnamed barrier reef island heavy force to arrive before a city was totally
about a hundred miles off the coast of Japan. At destroyed. For this in part they had the mad
the time it was unclear why they chose that par- scientist Dr. Miles Dekkar to thank, since his
ticular location. Decades later the revelation of attack on Earth’s major cities with biological
potential Lemurian and Elder Worm artifacts in constructs just a few months before the Qularr
that area, and of mineral deposits on the island, invasion had given many heroes experience at
makes scholars wonder if there was more to the fighting strange creatures in urban environ-
choice than tactical benefit. ments. For example, in New York, the combined
The island as it originally existed was too might of the Sentinels, the Justice Squadron,
small and fragmented to suit Qularr purposes, so and the Fabulous Five, plus that of several Army
they changed it. Using their advanced alien tech- battalions, was enough to halt Velzara’s and
nology they somehow raised part of the seabed, Pazuron’s rampages, then to turn them back,
turning the atoll into a large, single island with and then to destroy them utterly. Similarly, West
an active volcano at the center. The resulting tec- Coast heroes killed Mitsura and French forces
tonic disturbance caused tidal waves and earth- finally killed Doku after horrendous loss of life
quakes all around the Pacific Rim and even along among the troops. But in other cities the mon-
Indian Ocean shores — an ominous harbinger of sters weren’t slain, merely knocked unconscious
the devastation to come. or driven away. One particularly clever tactic
With their forward base complete, the Qularr was devised by the hero MicroMan, who was
landed and released their main cargo: dozens of visiting Japan when the attack occurred and
gigantic monsters captured on alien worlds or rushed to defend Kobe. He discovered to his
bred with Qularr bioengineering and brought to amazement that his Shrinking Ray worked on
Earth in stasis chambers. Once awakened and the monster Cazulon. Today the eight inch-tall
prepared for battle, the monsters were loaded creature lives in a special fireproof cage in the
onto special transports that fanned out around the Millennium City Zoo, where he entertains visi-
planet to unleash the beasts on major metropoli- tors by destroying mock buildings set up for his
tan areas... and the war began. amusement by the zookeepers.
Monster Island n Chapter One 9
not impossible. In February of 1976 the island was fered with its programming somehow and sent it
hit with unusually cold weather, including a heavy into a rage. In a sort of repeat of his 1968 escape,
snowstorm. This agitated the fire-breathing ape Mega-Terak smashed through several Bureau 17
Qwyjibo, who dislikes the cold. He began wander- facilities before making its way to the island force-
ing the island, smashing things in an aggravated field and breaking through it with ease. (VIPER
rage and picking fights with the other monsters. scientists believe that Mega-Terak had such as easy
Eventually he found himself on the northern shore time penetrating the force-field because their con-
and started battering against the island’s force- trol device somehow “charged” his metallic skin
field. Ordinarily it would have been strong enough with energy, a fact they’ve filed away for potential
to hold him, but the cold weather had caused a future use.) An unusual
short in one of the field generators, weakening level of sunspot activity
the protective screen just enough for Qwyjibo to (which may have contrib-
smash through it. uted to the failure of the
Bureau 17 personnel quickly repaired the control device) prevented
faulty equipment to prevent further escapes and Bureau 17 from getting
radioed a warning to Japan. As he waded ashore warning out to the main-
near Tokyo, Qwyjibo met considerable resistance land right away.
from Bureau 17, the Japanese Defense Forces, This time Mega-Terak
and several superheroes. His sheer, rage-fueled chose a different target:
power gave him the upper hand at first, allowing Osaka. Its approach, seen
him to beat his way through the defensive cordon almost a mile out, threw
and make it into Tokyo proper, where he began the city’s dockland into a
destroying anything he could lay his hands on. To panic. As it waded ashore
this day the famed Tokyo nightclub 24 Pop has a it smashed ships, cranes,
limousine embedded in one of its walls as a result piers, and warehouses,
of Qwyjibo throwing it at the building. then headed inland. An
The defenders quickly regrouped and pressed attempt by Bureau 17 and
the attack anew. To escape his attackers Qwyjibo the military to stop it by
began climbing a skyscraper... which made him luring it into supercharged
a perfect target for the knockout gas missile- power lines only seemed
equipped fighter jets that were just arriving. Even to strengthen it, but ulti-
a gigantic ape has to breathe, and before long mately proved its undoing.
the gas knocked him out. Three Japanese heroes As the monster continued
caught him before he could hit the ground and its rampage, a little-known
inflict even more damage, and he was then quickly Japanese hero named Hiru
returned to Monster Island. (“Leech”) arrived to see
what he could do to help.
Without regard for his
October 1981 saw a new arrival on the shores own personal safety he
of Monster Island. It wasn’t a new monster, but hurled himself on Mega-
something more dangerous still: VIPER. The Terak and began draining
criminal organization decided that studying the its internal energies. The
island’s unique fauna might allow it to create mon- extra power Mega-Terak
sters of its own, so it set up a small, well-hidden had received from the
Nest on the part of the island that’s since come to earlier attack made Hiru’s
be known as Slither Beach. job easier, and the more
At first VIPER kept its operations on Monster power he absorbed the
Island very low-key; the last thing it wanted was more he was able to con-
to attract the attention of UNTIL. But in time the tinue absorbing. Slowly but
scientists stationed there discovered something surely Mega-Terak’s inter-
that the world’s governments had been keeping a nal energy cells ebbed...
secret: the protective force-field around the island and then the monster stopped moving altogether.
interfered with satellite surveillance! To a satellite Before its energy cells regained power Japanese
Monster Island looked like a grey blur. Thus freed officials had Mega-Terak transported back to
from one of its chief security concerns, VIPER Monster Island. For a time Hiru became one of the
began to expand its activities on the island. best-known and most popular heroes in Japan.
Mega-Terak Versus Osaka
In 1985, VIPER accidentally proved just how
dangerous its meddling could be. After years of
observing and monitoring Mega-Terak, VIPER To Bureau 17 the Nineties seemed like a
scientists were convinced they could build a device relatively peaceful decade, with no major escapes
to control the robotic monster. Unfortunately they or other incidents... but unknown to it, two more
underestimated the strength of the monster’s elec- criminal groups secretly came to Monster Island
tronic defenses. Instead of taking control of Mega- in search of power.
Terak, the device the scientists built merely inter-
12 The History Of Monster Island Hero System 5th Edition Revised
The Lemurians take long for their work to pay off, and every few
The first was the Lemurians. In 1993 sor- months since then they’ve unearthed more frag-
cerers from the House of Hyrg learned through ments of the Elder Worm past. Recently several
scrying-spells that Monster Island might be important discoveries have occurred, prompting
the location of one of the palaces of Andrith the Slug himself to spend more and more time on
the Golden, who was among the greatest (and the island. He and his followers have taken over a
paradoxically, most reviled) of the leaders of small Bureau 17 outpost in the area and he’s used
Lemuria from the time before the Atlantean his powers to transform the human staff into Hel-
Cataclysm. The leaders of Hyrg realized that minths — first-stage Elder Worms.
if they found the palace, it would bring their
House much prestige in Lemurian society. Even
better, who knew what ancient secrets of sor- The next member of the supervillain com-
cery or science Andrith might have kept there? munity to set up shop on Monster Island was the
If Hyrg could unearth long-forgotten pieces corrupt capitalist cartel ARGENT. In July 2000
of Andrith’s lore, who knew what its sorcerers ARGENT’s biological research division decided to
might achieve? emulate VIPER by sending a team of scientists to
House Hyrg sent study the monsters and other remnants of Qularr
an expedition under the bioengineering. The biologists made several
leadership of Vikorin the important discoveries, contributing to ARGENT’s
Blind, one of its most bottom line in the genetic engineering and bio-
renowned and powerful warfare divisions. More importantly, their pres-
scions, to scout Monster ence on the island laid the groundwork for more
Island. At first the expedi- extensive ARGENT operations to come.
tion was small and simply MARCH 2004: A NEW RESIDENT
mapped and examined the
island. But by early 1995 In early 2004, Monster Island got a new
Vikorin had concluded resident for the first time in its history. Far away
that there must, in fact, in Canada, the evil geneticist Teleios released his
be Lemurian ruins buried latest creation: the gargantuan Teleiosaurus, a fur-
somewhere beneath Mon- ther evolution of his infamous “Monstersaurus” of
ster Island’s surface. House 2001. No one knows for certain whether he delib-
Hyrg sent more nobles erately unleashed the beast on Quebec City, or it
and Mole-Men to begin an somehow escaped from him, but either way it took
excavation project. every erg of power and ounce of courage Canada’s
Proceeding cau- superheroes had to stop the thing. Once they
tiously so as to keep their finally knocked it unconscious, there were some
activities secret from in Canada who simply wanted to kill the monster
Bureau 17, and to avoid outright, but more progressive heads persuaded
the island’s volcano, the Parliament to send Teleiosaurus to Monster Island
Lemurians slowly but — after all, wasn’t that exactly what Monster
surely conducted their Island was established for?
search. In 1998 they were At the request of the Canadian government, the
finally rewarded with the United Nations agreed to take possession of Teleio-
first of what would be saurus. It assembled an UNTIL team to transport the
many Lemurian artifacts. creature to its new home. After modifying one of its
It soon became apparent that the House of Hyrg hovercraft to carry such an enormous load for thou-
had indeed stumbled on one of Andrith’s ancient sands of miles, UNTIL took Teleiosaurus to Monster
palaces. Since then, working with great care (to Island. The agents deposited him on a site chosen by
preserve the artifacts, avoid any danger, and keep Bureau 17, which had temporarily cleared the area of
their activities a secret), the Lemurians have other monsters with powerful sonic projectors. After
continued to excavate, and now believe they may getting far enough away, the Bureau 17 agents awak-
actually have found fragments of the plans for the ened Teleiosaurus with a stimulant-filled dart. At first
greatest weapon their people ever conceived: the dazed, and confused by its new tropical surround-
terrifying Mandragalore. ings, the monster tentatively explored the island.
By the time it had its first encounter with another
The Elder Worm monster (Zorgatha), it had recovered enough to give
Nor were the Lemurians the only ones to a good showing of itself.
detect the presence of possible ancient artifacts It took only a few months for Bureau 17 to
on Monster Island. While passing near the island discover something that earlier, tentative examina-
in 1998 on the way to one of his Oceanic lairs, the tions of Teleiosaurus had missed: it was some sort
Slug sensed what he thought might be relics of the of hermaphrodite, able to lay fertilized eggs. The
Elder Worm somewhere in the vicinity. Months of eggs hatched teleiosaurs, much smaller versions
careful, covert exploration followed, and eventu- of the monster itself. Since then teleiosaurs have
ally he pinpointed the Echinocos Shore area of become one of the major life-forms on the island...
Monster Island. He sent several Elder Worm to and often end up as food for the larger monsters.
the island to begin an intensive search. It didn’t
Monster Island n Chapter One 13
SEPTEMBER 2004: TALLY-HO! ideal and set to work with a relish, soon turn-
While reading the latest reports from their ing out dozens of his human-animal hybrids
Monster Island outpost in the summer of 2004, (“beast-men” or “manimals,” as VIPER calls
the leaders of ARGENT were intrigued by men- them). Most have remained loyal to him thanks
tions of the teleiosaurs. The first idea they had to his conditioning, but compassion or ferocity
was to try to breed them for use as biological has led a few to escape from him. They’ve cre-
weapons — a terrifying villainous equivalent ated homes for themselves north of his Wells’
to a police dog — but then one of ARGENT’s Pass lab, in an area called the Feral Tangle, and
directors, Charles Hawthorne, had an equally fight amongst themselves as often as they fight
good idea. “How much do you think wealthy him or the roaming giant monsters.
hunters would pay for a shot at one of those APRIL 2007: THE RETURN
things, or even at the big boys out there?” he OF THE QULARR
asked. The more they thought about it, the more
The most momentous event in Monster
ARGENT’s leaders liked the idea.
Island history occurred in April of 2007, though
In September 2004, an ARGENT construc-
no Humans were aware of it at the time. Moving
tion crew came to the island under cover of
under cover of a stealth field, a Qularr ship
nighttime darkness. Using some of ARGENT’s
landed in the Wayfarer Coast region of Monster
most advanced technology they quickly con-
Island — the first time the alien invaders had
structed a hunting lodge, holding pens, expanded
returned to the world that defeated them in
research laboratories, and other facilities. The
nearly fifty years. The ship’s crew quickly dis-
“ARGENT Corporate Wildlife Preserve,” as the
embarked, establishing a headquarters in a large
directors called it, was now in business. Ever since
cave, and began preparations for what UNTIL
then hunting expeditions consisting of a mix of
officials now believe may be another attempt to
wealthy, corrupt hunters and people ARGENT
mount an invasion.
wants to reward or curry favor with have come to
Bureau 17 became aware of the invasion
the island to hunt teleiosaurs and other big game.
when its monitoring stations reported that
Hawthorne, himself an avid hunter, shows up
Mega-Terak hadn’t left the Wayfarer Coast for
frequently and dreams of someday bagging one of
over a week. A team sent to investigate the situ-
the “big boys” for the trophy room of his Chicago
ation disappeared after its first radio contact
(subsequent events have led the Bureau and
AUGUST 2005: THE NEW ISLAND UNTIL to assume, correctly, that the Qularr
OF DR. MOREAU killed them). A second team composed mostly
Since 1987, one of the leading lights of of Rapid Response Force Sakura personnel fared
VIPER’s corps of scientists was Dr. Phillippe better, fending off a Qularr attack long enough
Moreau, whom it rescued from the authorities to get word back to base and then retreat. Two
after the renegade biologist was defeated and RRF agents were killed, but the Bureau learned
captured by the New Knights of the Round Table some valuable intel — not the least of which was
and Dr. Silverback. But even in VIPER there are the fact that the Qularr had somehow estab-
limits, and over the past 20 years Moreau has often lished control over Mega-Terak and were using
pushed them, upsetting his colleagues and com- him to guard the Coast against intruders.
manders with the perverse nature of his research, The UNTIL Response
his total lack of medical and scientific ethics, and In light of this development, and revela-
his disturbing personality. tions in recent years that there’s a lot more
Matters finally came to a head in 2005 and going on at Monster Island than just a bunch
Moreau, tired of VIPER’s efforts to restrict his of big creatures roaming around, UNTIL has
work, suggested a compromise. He would leave intensified its focus on the island. It’s re-as-
VIPER but continue to work closely with it as a signed a group of agents (including several very
sort of “independent contractor.” VIPER would high-ranking officers) to monitor what’s going
set him up in a lab where no one would disturb on, try to learn more about the activities of the
him, and provide him with the technology and different factions on the island, and stop any
supplies he needed. In turn he’d offer the useful significant threats to world security before they
fruits of his research to VIPER. He didn’t care come to fruition. As always, UNTIL welcomes
about profit so much as he did the pursuit of the help of responsible superheroes.
science untrammeled by the “foolish morality” Right now UNTIL’s main interest is the
of lesser minds. Qularr. No more Qularr have been detected on or
VIPER, not wanting to let him go but rec- near Earth, but given the effectiveness of Qularr
ognizing that Moreau could no longer work stealth technology that may not mean there aren’t
effectively as part of a group, accepted the offer. any there. So far the Qularr at Wayfarer Coast
For the ultimate in “undisturbed” locations for have mostly been excavating for remnants of their
his lab, it chose Monster Island. That would former invasion force and keeping to themselves,
allow him to study the monsters and their DNA but UNTIL remains alert for any sign of hostile
if he so chose. Moreau decided the location was actions toward Humanity.
14 The History Of Monster Island Hero System 5th Edition Revised
Chapter Two
16 The Monsters Of Monster Island Hero System 5th Edition Revised
s the name indicates, Monster Island is GANIKA
home to a number of monsters — gigan- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
tic, often fantastical, animals with strange 50 STR 40 19- Lift 25 tons; 10d6 [5]
powers. Captured on alien worlds by 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
the Qularr, or bred by them from biomaterials 35 CON 50 16-
obtained in their explorations of the Galaxy, these 30 BODY 40 15-
creatures are powerful, impressive, and deadly. 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
The Qularr apparently use creatures like this as 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
machines of war, which is why they brought them 30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6
to Earth. 8 COM -1 11-
All the monsters on Monster Island share a
few attributes. First, they heal quickly from inju- 25 PD 15 Total: 25 PD (20 rPD)
ries, a trait no doubt bred or bioengineered into 25 ED 18 Total: 25 ED (20 rED)
them by the Qularr to make them more efficient 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
weapons. Second, they also don’t have to eat very 20 REC 6
much for creatures of their size, another helpful 70 END 0
logistical feature. Third, they tend to be aggressive, 73 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 228
territorial, and confrontational. Monster Island Movement: Running: 18”/36”
often rings with the roars and cries of two mon- Flight: 15”/30”
sters locked in battle. Eventually one or the other Leaping: 0”/0”
establishes dominance and the other slinks away Swimming: 12”/24”
to lick its wounds and prepare for the next fight.
For game purposes, just about any Monster Cost Powers END
Island monster should be a challenge for a team 20 Energy Absorption: Endurance Reserve
of PC superheroes, at least for a Turn or so. All (200 END, 0 REC; see text) 0
the monsters belong to the Animal class of minds 180 Energy Absorption: Absorption 10d6
(except Mega-Terak, who’s robotic and affected by (energy, to STR and to END of Endurance
either Human or Machine psionic powers). Reserve), two abilities simultaneously
(+½), Can Absorb A Maximum Of 200
Points’ Worth Of Energy 0
62 Absorbed Energy: Multipower, 125-point
reserve; all Attack May Only Be As
Powerful As Attack Ganika Was Hit
With (-½), Can Only Be Used While
Absorption Is In Effect (see text; -½)
6u 1) Absorbed Energy Blasts: Energy Blast
20d6, Variable Special Effects (can only
use last Energy Blast special effect was hit
with, see text; +¼); common Limitations var
6u 2) Absorbed RKAs: RKA 6d6, Variable
Special Effects (can only use last RKA
special effect was hit with, see text; +¼);
common Limitations var
30 Bite: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR) 3
20 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance
(20 PD/20 ED) 0
60 Monstrous Form: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, 50%, Resistant 0
18 Monstrous Mind: Mental Defense (20
points total) 0
24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12” 0
5 Monstrous Physiology: Healing BODY
1d6 (Regeneration; 1 BODY per Hour),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Per-
sistent (+½); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼),
Monster Island n Chapter Two 17
24 Big Body And Long Legs: Running +12” Monstersaurus, it’s even bigger and deadlier, but
(18” total) 2 it lacks wings.
13 Long Legs And Tail: Swimming +13” Powers/Tactics: Compared to the other Mon-
(15” total) 1 ster Island monsters, Teleiosaurus doesn’t have
6 Dinosaur Senses: +2 PER with all Sense as much Resistant Defense, and he heals more
Groups 0 slowly. However, he’s faster and more agile in
5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); Limited combat, and his radiation attacks are powerful.
Manipulation (-¼) 0 First, he can breathe forth a spray of tiny radia-
55 Reach: Stretching 13”, Reduced Endur- tion “fireballs” over a conical area. Second, he
ance (0 END; +½); Always Direct (-¼), No can breathe out a “puff ” of radiation to affect
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity an opponent next to him. Lastly, he can squat
Damage (-¼) 0 down to the ground, build up his inner radia-
Skills tion, then leap up and do a “footstomp” that
20 +4 HTH unleashes a cloud of radiation all around him.
10 +2 DCV (Additionally, he’s highly radioactive; anyone
coming within a hex of him is subject to the
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 587
effects of his Damage Shield.) He usually tries
Total Cost: 876
to get off a few radiation-blasts while closing
200+ Disadvantages with an opponent, then puts most (if not all) of
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence his Combat Skill Levels into DCV until he has a
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) good opportunity for a succesful attack with his
15 Physical Limitation: Gigantic (32m tall; fearsome Jaws, or to use his mighty Headbutt.
-8 DCV, +8 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
quently, Greatly Impairing)
14 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot Teleiosaurs are Teleiosaurus’s children —
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) miniature versions of itself that hatch from the
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipu- eggs it lays. They roam many parts of the island
lation (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) and often become meals for the larger monsters.
15 Psychological Limitation: Will Not Harm For the smallest teleiosaurs, use the
Teleios (Uncommon, Total) Deinonychus (Velociraptor) character sheet
602 Experience Points from page 153 of The HERO System Bestiary,
Total Disadvantage Points: 876 but add the ability to spit blobs of radia-
tion: Energy Blast 8d6, Reduced Endurance
Description: Teleiosaurus is another of Teleios’s (½ END); Extra Time (Full Phase), Limited
monsters bred from dinosaur DNA. Basically it’s Range (8”). For the larger/adult ones, use the
a super-sized, brown-skinned tyrannosaur with Tyrannosaurus Rex sheet from page 158 of
a few custom-tailored features (like radiation the Bestiary, but reduce its STR to 35-40 and
breath, small spikes on its back that glow green its CON, BODY, and PRE to 25, and increase
when it uses its radiation powers, and a large the Spit Radiation power to Energy Blast 10d6
“horn” on the back of its head). Its tough, leath- and range 12”.
ery skin is brown. Compared to its predecessor,
22 The Monsters Of Monster Island Hero System 5th Edition Revised
Chapter Three
26 Bureau 17: Humanity’s First Defense Hero System 5th Edition Revised
NTIL keeps an eye on Monster Island, fight them. All that hard work paid off during
and many member nations of the UN Mega-Terak’s 1968 escape from the island, when
occasionally send observers or scholars Bureau 17 personnel minimized the loss of life
to work at the island for a short time. and property the monster caused with their
But the organization that’s primarily responsible their equipment, tactics, and skills.
for administering and monitoring the island and
keeping humanity safe from its residents is Bureau
17, the official Japanese agency for paranormal By the mid-Seventies, Bureau 17 was being
and supernatural affairs. The men and women of stretched to the limit. The increased number of
Bureau 17 are the “thin blue line” that protects supervillains and related threats to Japan was
Japan (and the world) from a wide variety of men- getting harder and harder for it to cope with in
aces and threats — most famously, the monsters of addition to its monster-fighting and supernatu-
Monster Island. ral investigation responsiblities. Some Japanese
officials also had constitutional concerns about
Bureau 17’s arsenal and activities.
HISTORY Finally the decision was made to change the
way Japan organized its response to “unusual”
Bureau 17 began in the late Forties, in the threats. Having one large organization, Bureau 17,
wake of World War II and the bombing of Hiro- was becoming cumbersome, so the Bureau’s duties
shima and Nagasaki. The aftereffects of the atomic were split between three groups. Bureau 17 itself
bombs afflicted Japan with all sorts of problems remained responsible for monsters, giant and oth-
— not just mundane ones like lack of infrastruc- erwise (particularly in regard to Monster Island),
ture and heightened cancer rates, but paranormal and also for any response to alien invasions or
ones like hideously mutated people and animals, incursions. The government created a new organi-
increased numbers of ghosts, bizarre leftovers zation, Bureau 18, specifically to cope with super-
from Unit 731 experiments, and the like. Japan villains and most related menaces. Often referred
had almost no active superheroes at the time, so to as “Japan’s UNTIL,” Bureau 18 is the largest,
the Japanese government requested and received best-equipped, and in many ways most active of
the permission of the United States to establish a the three groups. The last group, Bureau 19, col-
branch of the military to deal with these threats. loquially known as “the Occult Police,” deals with
For obscure bureaucratic reasons it named this supernatural and mystic dangers; its “agents” are
organization “Bureau 17.” more likely to be scholars and academics than
For the first decade or so of its existence, weapon-wielding field personnel.
Bureau 17 handled all sorts of “unusual” problems Generally the three Bureaus work together
in Japan: supervillains; monsters; weird menaces; well, though there’s often some question about
alien attackers. Usually it succeeded, and when it who has chief jurisdiction. If a supervillain creates
didn’t, it learned and adapted. Its first encounter a monster, is it an 18 or 17 matter? If a supervil-
with gigantic monsters like Ganika occurred in lain has mystic powers, does 19 or 18 take charge?
March, 1965 when it spearheaded efforts in Japan Usually the Japanese resolve these problems
and the rest of East Asia to combat the creations quickly and cleanly in the interest of coping with
of the insane scientist Dr. Miles Dekkar, the so- the problem rather than wasting time on bureau-
called “Monster Maker.” Just a few months later cratic wrangling. But sometimes smoldering
the Qularr invaded, and the tactics and equip- resentments come back to haunt the three groups.
ment Bureau 17 had developed in the fight against
Dekkar allowed it to help superheroes defend NOVEMBER 1994: THE COMING OF THE
Japan, and even to tackle some monsters without MONSTER-MASTER
superhuman help at all. Bureau 17 continued doing its job compe-
When the world decided to quarantine the tently and effectively for nearly two more decades.
leftover Qularr monsters on Monster Island, But in 1994 it was nearly destroyed by a corrup-
Japan realized it needed an organization to tion scandal that threatened not only Japan, but
oversee the project — and that organization had possibly the world.
to be Bureau 17. No other group had the knowl- At that time there was a scientist working
edge or experience to handle the job. Bureau 17 for Bureau 17 named Maehata Hiromi. Eager for
willingly took on the task and began intensely a more thrilling life and direct involvement in
studying the monsters so it could better prepare the Bureau’s mission, she had repeatedly applied
itself to watch over them... and if necessary,
Monster Island n Chapter Three 27
to join Rapid Response Force Sakura, only to intense interest to Bureau 17.) Maehata, realizing
be turned down again and again. She became she’d simply been a pawn, committed suicide
increasingly frustrated and bitter, convinced she before the heroes could stop her.
was being denied not only because she was a
woman (though there were female RRF-S mem-
bers, then and now) but because her superiors In the wake of the Maehata scandal, Bureau
actively disliked her since she wouldn’t flirt with 17 cleaned house and underwent a re-organi-
them around the office. zation. Many long-term employees whose inef-
Eventually Maehata became so disgruntled ficiency, and possibly even corruption, had been
that she was easy prey for the charms of a char- quietly tolerated were removed and an effort was
ismatic would-be world conqueror named Jason made to institute a new organizational culture
Anglesey. With flattery, gifts, money, and simply of dedication to duty and to the people of Japan.
paying attention to her, Anglesey won her over to Ranks and the bureaucracy were streamlined, and
his side. His plans required access to the Monster roadblocks to acquiring new technologies and
Island monsters, and soon he had such emotional resources were minimized or removed.
control over Maehata that she was willing to Thus revitalized, Bureau 17 continued
reveal Bureau 17 secrets to him that would let him its mission with renewed vigor. The arrival
achieve his goal. of Teleiosaurus in 2004, and the realization
In November 1994 Anglesey revealed his that many criminal organizations were paying
plan to the world. Dubbing himself “the Monster- close attention to Monster Island or even had
Master,” he used special devices of his own inven- agents there, forced the Bureau to expand its
tion to do three things. First, he took control of the personnel roster and find ways to do its job
Monster Island monsters. Second, he temporarily more efficiently. Today Bureau 17 stands tall
negated the protective force-field around the as one of humanity’s prime protectors and
island so he could take the monsters away. Third, looks forward to continuing its duties into the
he generated a “transportal gate” that teleported foreseeable future.
the monsters to his chosen target: New York City.
With Maehata at his side, the Monster-Master
led his army of giant monsters to destroy New ORGANIZATION
York. The Sentinels, the Justice Squadron, and Thanks to the mid-Nineties reorganization,
several independent heroes responded. The fight Bureau 17 is a simply-structured agency that
was vicious and the destruction great, but not emphasizes efficiency and competence rather
so great as it would have been had the Monster- that bureaucracy and paperwork. Technically
Master been unopposed. The tide of battle turned speaking it’s a branch of the Japanese military
when one of the heroes, an acrobat and martial — specifically, a brigade assigned to the Eastern
artist known as Jack O’Spades, smashed the device Army section of the Japanese Ground Self-De-
the Monster-Master used to control the monsters. fense Force — but in practice it acts more like a
Dazed and stunned from being suddenly given law enforcement agency.
back their free will, the monsters were easy pick- The leader of Bureau 17, who holds the
ings for the heroes. The Monster-Master activated rank of Colonel in the JGSDF, is referred to as
his teleportation device to escape, but at the same Commander. As of mid-2008 the Commander is
time was hit by an eldritch bolt fired by the Drifter. Ishimaki Yoshihisa, often known to his friends
With a horrible scream the Monster-Master van- and underlings simply as “Yoshi.” A tall, strong,
ished and has never been seen again. (Unfortu- serious-looking man, he’s friendly and person-
nately neither has his control device, which is of
28 Bureau 17: Humanity’s First Defense Hero System 5th Edition Revised
Radar Unit: Radar (Radio Group)
Sensor Enhancements: +1 PER with all
Onboard Computer Systems: Absolute TECHNOLOGY
Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump Bureau 17 uses some highly-specialized tech-
Of Direction, Lightning Calculator nology to get its job done. This section focuses
Skills on weapons and devices used on Monster Island,
3 Climbing 13- but there are plenty of others (such as the B17-G7
4 Languages (Japanese and English, both Etheric Spirit Capture Projector, a.k.a. the “Ghost-
fluent conversation) buster Gun,” used to capture gaki, or Japanese
3 Stealth 13- ghosts).
2 WF: Small Arms
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 407 Personal Technology
Total Cost: 449
Here are some of the devices carried by field
200+ Disadvantages personnel, such as RRF-Sakura agents.
5 Physical Limitation: Affected By Cyberki-
nesis (has EGO 20 for purposes of B17-AR12 PULSON RIFLE
cyberkinetic powers, and can be affected Effect: Energy Blast 12d6; Energy Blast 6d6,
by cyberkinesis-based Presence Attacks) NND
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) Target: One character
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
25 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey Bureau Duration: Instant
17 Commands (Very Common, Total) Range: 300”
222 Experience Points Charges: 30 Charges
Total Disadvantage Points: 449 Breakability: 15 DEF
Description: The Hunter Drone is similar to the Description: The standard Bureau 17 energy rifle
Force Drone in terms of size and appearance, but is a silver-colored weapon that can project either a
its central feature is a blaster lens rather than a standard or phased pulson blast. If large numbers
force projector lens. Its purpose is to keep track of agents are present, massed fire from the phased
of the monsters on Monster Island and relay that blasts can bring down even the mightiest mon-
information back to Bureau 17 personnel. In place sters, none of whom have force-fields to resist it.
of a large weapons suite it has more advanced sen- Many agents paint their AR12s dull green or some
sory systems and better hoverpads. other color so they’re not so easy-to-see-in-the-
jungle shiny.
Game Information:
Cost Power
30 B17-AR12 Pulson Rifle: Multipower, 60-point
reserve, 30 Charges for entire Multipower
(+¼); all OAF (-1), Two-Handed (-½)
2u 1) Standard Beam: Energy Blast 12d6; OAF
(-1), Two-Handed (-½)
2u 2) Phased Beam: Energy Blast 6d6, NND
(defense is ED Force Field/Force Wall;
+1); OAF (-1), Two-Handed (-½)
Total cost: 34 points.
1) B17-AR13Pulson Rifle: Bureau 17 also has a
version of this weapon with automatic fire capabil-
ity, though they’re much more expensive to make
and thus only issued to personnel when absolutely
necessary. Change to:
Cost Power
48 B17-AR Pulson Rifle: Multipower, 97-point
reserve, 30 Charges for entire Multipower
(+¼); all OAF (-1), Two-Handed (-½)
3u 1) Standard Beam: Energy Blast 12d6,
Autofire (3 shots; +¼); OAF (-1), Two-
Handed (-½)
4u 2) Phased Beam: Energy Blast 6d6, NND
(defense is ED Force Field/Force Wall; +1),
Autofire (3 shots; +1¼); OAF (-1), Two-
Handed (-½)
Monster Island n Chapter Three 39
Chapter Four
42 Wayfarer Coast: Beachhead For Invasion Hero System 5th Edition Revised
hen the Qularr created Monster olfactory senses aren’t quite as good as Humans’,
Island, the area now known as Way- particularly when it comes to seeing precise grada-
farer Coast is where they first landed. tions of color.
Now they’ve returned, and Wayfarer Qularr reproduction is something of a
Coast has once again become their stronghold. mystery, since no Qularr female corpses were
retrieved (it’s believed only the males of their spe-
cies become soldiers). Based on examination of
THE QULARR male reproductive systems and comparison to
similar Earth animal species, it’s likely that Qularr
Despite having known of the Qularr for over
females lay eggs during certain seasons of the year,
forty years, Humanity actually knows very little
which the males then fertilize.
about them. Here’s the sum of Human knowledge
Qularr “skin” (chitin) color is usually a red-
about the Qularr:
dish or pinkish shade, ranging from relatively light
BIOLOGY to quite dark. To a Human, the average Qularr’s
The Qularr are not like anything terrestrial. skin color tends to suggest a slightly faded boiled
Based on study of Qularr corpses from 1965 (of lobster or a badly sunburned Caucasian.
which there are few left, since not many were The Qularr seem to have roughly the same
retrieved by Humans and even with refrigeration lifespan as Humans.
most of those have decomposed past the point of TECHNOLOGY
usefulness), the Qularr have some characteris-
As a species, the Qularr seem to possess
tics in common with Earth insects, and some in
much more advanced technology than Humans
common with Earth crustaceans. Their “skin” is
do. They used faster-than-light vehicles to
tough and inflexible enough to be considered an
travel to Earth from their homeworld (location
exoskeleton, though they also have some cartilagi-
unknown), and during their attempted invasion
nous structures analogous to bones.
revealed high-powered force-field technology,
The Qularr have all five senses Humans do,
personal blaster weapons, hovercraft, and a vari-
but at different levels of effectiveness. Qularr hear-
ety of other devices that only Earth superhumans
have. Their abilities as bioengineers seems espe-
cially advanced; they either bred, altered from
native stock, or bioengineered the giant monsters
that were a crucial part of their military force.
Why they didn’t simply use biological warfare to
wipe out Humanity quickly and cleanly remains
unknown (in fact, it’s the biggest single question
many military strategists have about the Qularr).
Humanity knows almost nothing about Qularr
society or culture, and making educated guesses
isn’t even easy since the Qularr language remains
untranslateable. (And the spoken form probably
involves reproducing sounds Humans cannot make
without technology.) However, a few solid deduc-
tions based on the existing evidence have been made.
First, Qularr society seems to be rigidly
stratified. During the 1965 invasion, several types
of Qularr were observed, with different types
distinguished by specific clothing and gear (and
to a vague extent by minor differences in skin
ing is much more advanced than Human, and coloration or size). The various “castes” rarely
their voices capable of a much greater range of mingled with one another, and some gave orders
expression; they can communicate in infrasonic to others. Human scientists believe this isn’t just
and ultrasonic levels inaudible to Humans. Their an “officers and enlisted men” sort of separation,
sense of touch is also much more sensitive than and that some sort of “caste system” extends
Humans’. On the other hand, their eyesight and throughout Qularr society.
Monster Island n Chapter Four 43
Second, the Qularr also seem to assign The Qularr didn’t use biological warfare
specific jobs to specific genders. Not a single against Humanity for two reasons. First, since
Qularr female corpse was ever retrieved, nor they wanted samples of superhuman genetic
was any Qularr with recognizable female traits material, and if possible captive superhumans,
of any sort observed (though some scientists to study, using an indiscriminate biowarfare
argue that female Qularr wouldn’t necessarily agent that could potentially wipe out Human-
have visible gender characteristics). Military ity wouldn’t be a good idea. Second, and more
activity must be limited only to male Qularr, so importantly, the Qularr have a deeply-ingrained
it stands to reason that other jobs are limited to societal taboo against biological warfare.
only men or only women. Decades before their first attempt to invade
Earth, when Reqqat was still a balkanized
world, the Qularr came within a hair’s-breadth
Things Humanity of killing themselves off with diseases bred as
Doesn’t Know weapons not just once, but three times. Even-
tually they all realized they weren’t going to
Much of Humanity’s knowledge of, and sup- escape that fate a fourth time, and agreements
positions about, the Qularr are accurate... but were forged forbidding the use of biowarfare.
there’s a lot mankind doesn’t know. This attitude has become so ingrained in Qularr
society that even today, when they’re a united
species that only fights species from other
The Qularr come from a planet they call worlds, they don’t use their skills at bio-engi-
Reqqat. It’s a largely tropical, swampy world neering to create bioweapons.
dotted with archipelagos and large islands rather
than major continents. It’s located spinward of QULARR SOCIETY
Perseid space in a region that, centuries after the As Humans have deduced, Qularr society
Qularr invasion of Earth, Humanity will know as is highly organized along caste and gender
“Drago’s Reach.” However, by that time Reqqat lines. Male Qularr don’t do female jobs, and
no longer exists. Aggressive, confrontational, and vice-versa; Qularr from high-ranking castes run
a general menace to the Galaxy, the Qularr and things while their low-caste brethren do the
their homeworld are destroyed by one of the Gal- hard labor. But it goes deeper than that — it’s
axars, a being known as Lawbringer, in the early not just a social thing, it’s part of Qularr biology
2200s. By Terran Empire times only a handful of at the genetic level. A low-caste Qularr wouldn’t
Qularr remain in existence. (See Galactic Cham- think of trying to better himself or associate
pions for more information about the Galaxars, with higher-caste Qularr; the concept would
beings of vast cosmic power, and Terran Empire never occur to him.
for more information about Drago’s Reach and The Qularr of each caste may have
the state of the Galaxy in the 2600s.) enhanced capabilities or special abilities that
The Qularr control a small empire of several have been bred into them over the millennia.
systems surrounding their own, one of which has For example, Qularr Shock Troopers are stron-
a pre-spaceflight civilization that the Qularr rule ger and tougher than the Qularr average; Qularr
with an iron hand. Scholars are smarter and more insightful. These
The Qularr learned about, and became inter- QULARR PACKAGE DEAL
ested in, Earth after an incident in 1963 in which Here’s a Package Deal for the Qularr:
the Fabulous Five were transported into deep space Abilities
and fought a group of renegade silicon beings who Cost Ability
threatened to destroy the entire Galaxy with a super- 2 +2 STR
weapon. Some Qularr had an opportunity to observe 4 +2 CON
the Fabulous Five in action, and to obtain biological 4 +2 BODY
2 +2 PD
samples from them (i.e., blood spilled during the
3 Qularr Hearing: Ultrasonic Perception
battle). Intrigued by the samples, Qularr scientists (Hearing Group)
believed that if they had more, they might be able 3 Qularr Hearing: Infrasonic Perception
to find a way to bio-engineer more frequent, more (Hearing Group)
powerful superpowers in the Qularr themselves (see 2 Qularr Touch: +2 to PER Rolls with
below). Unfortunately for them, superhumans were Normal Touch
even more common in Human society than they 2 Qularr Skin: Damage Resistance
expected; the Qularr invasion force simply wasn’t (2 PD/2 ED)
able to cope with them. After several decades of Total Cost Of Package Abilities: 22
technological development, the Qularr have at last Disadvantages
returned to Earth because they think they can suc- Value Disadvantage
ceed with another invasion if they properly scout the 10 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight And
planet and study its inhabitants first. Additionally, Olfactory Senses (-1 to PER Rolls with
they want to recover some of the technology they both) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
had to leave behind the first time. Total Value Of Package Disadvantages: 10
44 Wayfarer Coast: Beachhead For Invasion Hero System 5th Edition Revised
abilities don’t really rise to the level of super- Since crime is rare on Reqqat, super-Qularr
powers, but they do help distinguish one type of usually work for the government in various capac-
Qularr from another in some instances. ities, including disaster prevention and homeworld
The Qularr don’t even have personal names. defense. They’re rarely allowed off-planet and
Instead, they’re referred to simply as what they almost never assigned to military expeditions.
are or what they do. For example, the commander The Qularr count as the “Alien” class of minds
of the current Qularr force on Monster Island is for purposes of Mental Powers.
named “Qularr Invasion Leader.” His second-in-
command is named “Leader’s Chief Assistant,”
and every single one of his shock troopers is The Qularr have come back to Earth with the
named “Qularr Shock Trooper.” Ordinarily this intention of invading and conquering it to obtain
would cause constant confusion when a group of its resources and genetic material. They chose
Qularr tries to work together, but the Qularr have Wayfarer Coast so they could recover some of
a sort of “instinctual telepathy” that eliminates the their lost technology and put it to use. They’ve also
problem. They cannot communicate mentally any raided the Bureau 17 base to take back some of the
more than Humans can, but if Qularr Invasion devices Humanity “stole” from them.
Leader says to a group of Shock Troopers, “Shock Once the Qularr feel they’ve learned
Trooper, go patrol that perimeter,” all the Qularr enough about Humanity by studying Earth
involved know exactly which Shock Trooper he’s broadcasts and the like, they have a three-
talking to. This actually leads to a preciseness of stage plan. First, they will use their technology
communication and discipline that many Human to create an even stronger force-field around
military commanders would envy. the island so no one can interfere with them.
The Qularr language not only relies on this Second, they will retake control of all the other
instinctual telepathy, but also on infra- and ultra- giant monsters (they’ve already got Mega-Terak
sonic sounds. Thus, Humans simply cannot learn working for them again) and eliminate all other
to speak it without the aid of super-tech devices factions on the island. Third, after all that’s
that can produce the right sounds and mental done they’ll construct a communications array
impulses; learning to read their written language and summon a waiting invasion fleet from the
would be next to impossible. stars to conquer Earth once and for all.
The Qularr possess much better technology QULARR PERSONNEL
than Humanity does. They have FTL technology
Here are character sheets for the types of
that lets them travel at speeds of up to one light-year
Qularr currently found on Monster Island. For
per day, blasters and similar energy weapons have
their “pet” Mega-Terak, see Chapter Two. They
replaced ballistic firearms throughout their society,
also have “abductees,” Humans they’ve kidnapped
and their other forms of technology are similarly
from other parts of the island and now control
advanced compared to Earth’s. Their biological sci-
mentally through a combination of brainwashing
ences are particularly sophisticated; bio-agents are
techniques and special spores they breed.
one of their most common trade items, and they
The Qularr body type tends to vary based on
can breed giant monsters for various purposes (for
function, though certain similarities run through-
example, to assist with agriculture or to fight in
out. The chitinous skin is usually a sort of pale
wars). They also seem to use a lot of force technology
red-orange. The most notable feature is the head, a
for both offensive and defensive purposes.
forward-thrusting, crustacean-like thing that has two
large eyes (usually, but not always, faceted like a fly’s)
SUPERPOWERS and two prominent mandibles (which can be used as
The Qularr can manifest super“human” natural weapons, though in most cases weak ones).
powers, though at only about one-third the rate The fingers are tipped with sharp nails that cn func-
that Humanity does. The average super-Qularr is tion as claws in some genotypes, but again usually
about two-thirds as powerful as the average super- weak ones (if the Qularr wears gloves they’re ineffec-
Human. About one-fourth of super-Qularr are tive most of the time, for example). Their legs have
mentalists, one-fourth are metamorphs of some joints that bend backwards, and their feet two toes
type, and the rest are more or less evenly divided with tough, sharp nails that do the same damage as
among the classic superhero archetypes. the Qularr’s claws in most cases.
Monster Island n Chapter Four 45
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 169 tactics involve burrowing under enemy forces to
Total Cost: 212 make a surprise attack from behind or below.
Second, a Drone has the ability to spit acid at
75+ Disadvantages
opponents up to 8” away. If possible he allocates at
10 Hunted: Qularr Military 8- (Mo Pow, NCI,
least 16 END to the power so it continues to burn
the target for at least 4 Phases. (The Continuous and
20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Uncontrolled effect of the Drone’s acid means the
Frequently, Major)
substance keeps damaging an affected target for a
107 Experience Points
specific period of time. This lasts until one of either
Total Disadvantage Points: 212 two things happens: the END allocated to the power
Description: This character sheet represents the runs out; or until the acid does 12 BODY of damage.
lowest-level Qularr soldier — the “grunt,” the (This means the damage rolled on the dice, regard-
fighters who make up the bulk of the military’s less of how the target’s defenses apply.) Against a
ground forces and who get stuck with all the target with no Hardened rED, the maximum BODY
worst, most dangerous jobs. But a Drone’s been typically occurs first. A victim can also stop an
bred for that duty for millennia and accepts it stoi- Uncontrolled acid attack by applying the appropriate
cally, if not cheerfully. When not on duty, Drones base or by immersing himself in water. Immersion
usually gather to drink, gamble, and otherwise in water puts out the acid on the victim’s next Phase
entertain themselves with simple pasttimes. (the immersion gets rid of the acid immediately, but
the reaction also inflicts an additional immediate
Powers/Tactics: Qularr Drones go into the field attack on the victim).)
armed with a basic energy rifle and battle-armor,
but those aren’t the only things they have to rely Appearance: The Qularr Drone is only about
on. First, a drone’s hard, sharp-nailed hands allow half the size of other Qularr, and tends to sort of
it to claw opponents and to burrow through the hunch over when he stands/walks. His skin and
ground and tremendous speeds. Many Qularr armor are both darker than average. He has two
small antennae.
To tend their mushroom plots in the Radia-
tion Caves the Qularr brought along several Gar-
deners, who are basically Drones with specialized
knowledge (KS: Qularr Plant Life 13-, SS: Qularr
Agriculture 13-, SS: Qularr Botany 11-). They’re
fairly docile and generally won’t fight unless
they’re attacked first or someone threatens their
mushroom pools.
Another type of Drone is the Exozoologist,
a Qularr scientist who specializes in the study of
lifeforms from alien worlds such as Earth. Several
of them tend to the Zoo and advise the Invasion
Leader about matters concerning terrestrial life.
To create one, use the Drone character sheet but
add Animal Handler (any three categories) 13-
and SS: Exozoology 13-.
48 Wayfarer Coast: Beachhead For Invasion Hero System 5th Edition Revised
tion of radioactive minerals (which the Qularr The first and largest chamber is roughly
mine), they’re made of a grey-black stone shot oval and has a flat floor. There are many Qularr
through with glowing green veins of the radio- here digging up radioactives or just enjoying the
actives. The whole place has a sort of eery glow cool darkness. The inner two chambers, reached
that Humans often find disturbing but which via a single tunnel, are a little smaller, more cir-
doesn’t bother the Qularr at all. cular, and slope inward to a pool of water in the
Humans don’t know what the Qularr intend center. The pools are a golden color and have a
to do with the radioactives they mine in the lot of large mushrooms growing in them. The
Caves. Some experts think they’re used for fuel, Qularr use these as food; Qularr Gardeners tend
but others fear they may be material for some and protect them.
sort of weapon.
56 Wayfarer Coast: Beachhead For Invasion Hero System 5th Edition Revised
Chapter Five
58 Snakes On An Island: Slither Beach Hero System 5th Edition Revised
he northwest corner of Monster Island is lippe Moreau, whom it set up with a lab here after
an area now known as Slither Beach. Origi- he and the organization parted formal company.
nally it was called “North Beach,” but after It trades Moreau supplies for data derived from
it Bureau 17 realized VIPER had estab- his research and the occasional manimal. He and
lished a presence there, the name changed. Official VIPER enjoy a cordial (for the underworld) but
documents still refer to North Beach, but in every- guarded relationship; neither truly trusts the other,
day use Slither Beach is the preferred term. but they recognize they can achieve more with an
alliance than by working in complete separation.
VIPER has established a Nest on Monster
Island for several reasons. VIPER PERSONNEL
First, it considers Monster Island an “area
of importance” due to the presence of so many VIPER has assigned a significant number
other powerful organizations here, and it wants of agents to the Monster Island Nest due to the
to keep tabs on them. That’s VIPER’s primary perceived importance of the location. Led by Nest
purpose here — spying on rivals and potential Leader Tadataka Yamamoto, they include the
enemies — though it’s far from its only one. immensely powerful supervillain Ripper (see VIPER:
The VIPER Nest transmits reports on all cur- Coils Of The Serpent), agents of various levels of
rent Monster Island activities to the VIPER power and ability, and several VIPER scientist includ-
leadership at least once a week, and often more ing the brilliant but insane Dr. Dino Demogaard.
frequently. For the “typical” VIPER agent on Monster
A related goal is obtaining resources from Island — the VIPER Soldier — use the General
these other groups, whether through theft, trade, Combat Specialist character sheet from page 183
or other means. For example, VIPER is trying of the VIPER sourcebook.
to obtain Elder Worm artifacts before Slug and
his followers do, and similarly trying to acquire
Lemurian artifacts (it’s particularly interested in
Major VIPER Personnel
obtaining ignaetium that it can experiment with).
Third, VIPER is conducting scientific research
pertaining to Monster Island’s monsters and other
inhabitants. It’s already acquired a number of teleio- The Leader of the Monster Island Nest is
saur eggs — including one enormous egg — and Tadataka Yamamoto, who was recruited by one
is incubating them so it can use the hatchlings for of the Tokyo Nests over 20 years ago. He spent
research, guard duty, and the like. most of his career in VIPER working in the Con-
Fourth, VIPER’s keeping an eye on Dr. Phil- strictor Division (VIPER’s intelligence branch)...
which gave him just the skills he needed to slowly
work his way up the ladder through treachery,
blackmail, assassination, and bribery. In 2001 he
decided that Monster Island represented a signifi-
cant chance to seize power within the organiza-
tion by overseeing some projects that most agents
knew little or nothing about but that he felt had
the potential to lead to great things. It took two
murders and a complex frame job, but by 2003
he’d arranged to have the old Nest Leader uncer-
emoniously removed... and then he stepped into
the man’s place.
Unlike many Nest Leaders, Yamamoto doesn’t
go in for flashy names or gimmicks. He’s a hard-
core career criminal who’s serious about his work
and approaches it like running a business as much
as like running a gang. Behind his back his men
refer to him as “Nitpick” because of the way he
fusses over little details they’d just as soon let slide.
Yamamoto is a Japanese male, 5’9” tall with
Monster Island n Chapter Five 59
Fringe Benefit: Membership
Low-Level Agents
(VIPER Elite Agent)
16 +2 with All Combat Val Char Cost Roll Notes
6 +2 with VIPER Blasters 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
3 Breakfall 12- 20 CON 20 13-
3 Combat Driving 12- 20 BODY 20 13-
3 Concealment 12- 20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 12- 20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7
3 Interrogation 12- 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
2 KS: The Local Underworld 11- 10 COM 0 11-
2 KS: The Superhuman World 11-
3 KS: VIPER 12- 6 PD 2 Total: 26 PD (20 rPD)
3 PS: VIPER Agent 12- 6 ED 2 Total: 26 ED (20 rED)
3 Paramedics 12- 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
3 Persuasion 12- 8 REC 0
3 Shadowing 12- 40 END 0
3 Stealth 12- 40 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 134
3 Streetwise 13- Movement: Running: 6”/12”
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades
Cost Powers END
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 237
18 VB-S1A “Shorty-B” Blaster Pistol: Energy
Total Cost: 300
Blast 8d6; OAF (-1), 12 Charges (-¼) [12]
75+ Disadvantages 12 VIPER Fang: HKA 1d6 (plus STR),
5 Distinctive Features: VIPER uniform (Easily Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF
Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) (-1) plus Range Based On STR (+¼) for
10 Hunted: VIPER 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) the HKA; OAF (-1), 1 Recoverable Charge
15 Psychological Limitation: Amoral And (-1¼), Lockout (cannot use HKA until
Greedy (Common, Strong) Charge is recovered; -½) 0
20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very 5 VIPER Fang: Another Fang (total of 2) 0
Frequently, Major)
175 Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 300
Description: A “Brickbuster” agent is one of
VIPER’s Superhuman Combat Specialists who’s
been equipped with an energy rifle especially
designed for use against super-strong, super-
tough targets. It combines the features of the
VB-A5A “Brickbuster” heavy-damage rifle with
the VRD-A3 “Brickbreaker” weakness rifle. The
agent selects the beam’s modularity with a switch
near the trigger. VIPER has found that weaponry
designed for use against the likes of Ironclad and
Dwarfstar tends to also be highly effective against
giant monsters, who tend to be immensely strong
and tough.
64 Snakes On An Island: Slither Beach Hero System 5th Edition Revised
Cryptography 12-
Deduction 12- SLITHER
Disguise 12-
Electronics 12-
3 Gambling (Card Games, Craps) 12- The Slither Beach area is one of the pret-
3 High Society 12- tiest on Monster Island. Most of it consists of
3 Interrogation 12- beaches and lightly-jungled rolling hills; even
2 KS: The Local Underworld 11- the mountainous parts aren’t too steep or rough.
1 KS: The Superhuman World 8- Teleiosaurs, colorful birds, and other wildlife are
3 KS: VIPER 12- plentiful.
3 Lockpicking 12- THE DEFENSE TOWERS
3 Persuasion 12-
3 PS: VIPER Agent 12- To protect its territory, VIPER has erected
3 Security Systems 12- several Defense Towers — cement blockhouses
3 Seduction 12- about 30 feet (4.5”) tall and slightly tapered.
3 Shadowing 12- Most of them are along the beach, but others
3 Stealth 12- are scattered here and there at strategic points
3 Streetwise 12- throughout the area (such as near the arch-pierced
3 Systems Operation 12- cement wall that separates Slither Beach from
3 WF: Small Arms, Blades ARGENT’s territory along the eastern moun-
tain path). A Defense Tower has DEF 7, BODY
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 152 20. Its single entrance is a DEF 8, BODY 8 door.
Total Cost: 196 Inside there’s a reinforced staircase leading to an
75+ Disadvantages upper platform, from which agents can look out
5 Distinctive Features: VIPER uniform (Easily of large slits and fire their weapons. Each Tower
Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) also comes equipped with a V-12 “Destructor”
10 Hunted: VIPER 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) Blaster Cannon (Energy Blast 20d6, 30 Boostable
15 Psychological Limitation: Amoral And Charges, range 750”).
Greedy (Common, Strong) THE EGG HATCHERY
20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Frequently, Major) One of VIPER’s chief daily activities is to har-
71 Experience Points vest Teleiosaurus (and teleiosaur) eggs and bring
them back to the Nest for Dr. Demogaard’s work.
Total Disadvantage Points: 196 Trucks equipped with special egg-storage contain-
Description: A VIPER Infiltrator is one of the ers patrol the area looking for eggs. The eggs are
organization’s Espionage Specialist who’s received a couple feet long , so it takes one truck just to
advanced training in breaking and entering and hold a six-egg storage container (which folds open
stealth techniques. On Monster Island they spy on similar to the cartons used to hold eggs sold in
other organizations such as Bureau 17, the Lemu- grocery stores). Once an egg container is full, the
rians, and the Elder Worm. If the PCs become a agents put the top on it and seal it, and it becomes
long-term presence on the island, Infiltrators will an egg incubator. The incubator is then delivered
target them as well. to the Egg Hatchery in the east-central part of the
Infiltrators typically wear standard VIPER area, where trained VIPER agents take care of it
uniforms when on duty, but it’s not uncommon for until the eggs hatch.
them to wear disguises or different clothes when The pride and joy of the Hatchery is a single
on a mission. enormous egg — nearly fifty feet (8”) tall! — that
agents found two months ago. It’s so heavy and
bulky that Ripper was pressed into service both to
carry it to the Hatchery, and to tear down part of the
Hatchery’s original wall and roof so the egg could be
taken inside. The egg has remained there ever since,
carefully tended and kept warm, as Dr. Demogaard
waits eagerly to see what will hatch from it. He and
most other VIPER scientists think it will be a young
Teleiosaurus, but no one can say for certain....
Monster Island n Chapter Five 67
The Monster
Island VIPER Nest
The VIPER Nest on Monster Island started as
a series of natural caves in the side of the volcano
that VIPER expanded into a base. The Nest exists
on four “levels” of varying depths: 6 meters (3”); 9
meters (4.5”); and the Jungle Cavern, whose floor
is 22 meters (11”) below the surface. In various
places corridors are ramped to account for this,
or ramps run from platforms to the next level (see
locations 2, 18, and 25 on the map).
Proximity to the volcano makes the
whole Nest hot and humid — perfect for Dr.
Demogaard’s underground jungle, in other words.
The agents who work there complain about the
heat constantly; even the extensive air condition-
ing system can’t keep the place truly comfortable.
tine computer can move the targets rapidly, giving
The entrance to the Nest is a small tunnel
the agents practice shooting at swiftly-moving
sealed by a heavy metal door (DEF 8, BODY 8).
adversaries... like superheroes.
Closed-circuit TV cameras cover the outside
entrance so the guards — a minimum of two 6. SURFACE MONITORING
VIPER Soldiers — can see who’s there without This room contains closed-circuit TV moni-
having to open the door. If VIPER’s expecting tors and other devices that allow the Nest to monitor
trouble, the Nest Leader sends more agents (and most surface areas of Slither Beach. The Nest can’t
more powerful agents) here to maintain security. view the entire region at once, but if it knows where
Beyond the entrance area proper, the corridor someone is it can “track” him by switching from one
slopes down to the first “level” of the Nest, the concealed camera to the next. Finding a concealed
parts 6 meters (3”) below the surface of Monster camera requires (a) looking in the right general area,
Island. If it’s prepared for invaders, VIPER may and (b) succeeding with a Security Systems roll at -2,
conceal traps here — even something as simple a Concealment roll at -4, or a PER Roll at -6. There’s
as greasing the ramp so heroes lose their footing always one agent on duty in this room.
and slide into Room 3. (That particular trap would
require a DEX Roll at -3 to avoid; failure means 8-17. AGENTS’ QUARTERS
sliding into Room 3 and being at ½ DCV until the This area of the uppermost (and coolest) level
character gets to his feet.) is given over to quarters and recreation facilities for
the agents. Male and female agents bunk separately
(though there are few of the latter on Monster
VIPER uses this standard room configuration Island), and the highest-ranking officers get small
— a square with corridors branching off from each private quarters. Both genders share a bathroom,
corner — in many of its Nests. They make it easy to though their sections are divided by a head-high
control the flow of personnel within the Nest, and wall. There’s a common room that doubles as a
to close off some parts of the Nest without affect- dining hall and entertainment room, kitchen and
ing others if necessary. At the center of the room laundry facilities, a small infirmary for agents on
is a small security station manned by 1-2 VIPER sick call, and an auditorium used for lectures and
Soldiers. The security station provides the agents various forms of entertainment (including the
with Concealment (-4 OCV to attempts to hit popular weekly “movie night”).
them) and gives them a clear line of fire down all
four corridors; controls in the station can open any 20, 43. ARMORIES
door automatically. All main from a Security Block VIPER keeps the Nest weapons and military
are DEF 6, BODY 6 and are often manned by one equipment in these two rooms, both of which are
guard on the side away from the Security Block. sealed with heavy metal doors (DEF 8, BODY 8)
and a security system that combines a fingerprint
scan and punched-in code number (Security Sys-
This room contains systems pertaining to tems at -6 to bypass without triggering an alarm).
VIPER’s surface installations and equipment. At least one heavily-armed agent is on guard duty
5. TRAINING ROOM at each Armory at all times.
The Nest’s agents use this room keep in prac- 21. SECURITY OFFICE
tice and train with new fighting techniques. It’s One VIPER agent occupies this small room
primarily used as a dojo for HTH combat training, at any time. It’s filled with banks of equipment and
but Nest officers can set up a small firing range for TV screens that allow him to monitor the state of
short-distance target practice. The Nest’s Serpen- Nest security. From this station he can see what any
68 Snakes On An Island: Slither Beach Hero System 5th Edition Revised
Monster Island n Chapter Five 69
closed-circuit TV in Slither Beach sees, monitor 32. HORTICULTURE ROOM DRAYSHA GAS
who’s opened which doors in the Nest, and so on. Here VIPER uses grow-lamps to maintain
a small garden for growing food plants. It’s not With some assistance
22. SUPPLY ROOM from Dr. Moreau, Dr.
much but it helps to supplement the agents’ diet.
VIPER stores miscellaneous supplies and Demogaard has been
goods in this room. It’s perpetually full and never 33-35. LABORATORY AREA experimenting with a
well-organized; the Nest Leader plans to have a new version of VIPER’s
The main scientific work in the lab (other Draysha formula. The
second Supply Room built soon. than Demogaard’s projects) takes place in these Draysha drug trans-
23-24. DETENTION CENTER three rooms. Room 33, referred to as “Medical,” forms the user into a
can in fact serve as a hospital for injured agents, man-serpent with much
In case it needs to hold prisoners — like
but it’s mostly used to perform biological experi- higher than normal
nosy superheroes or captured Qularr — VIPER physical capabilities,
ments. Room 34 is a scientific storage room filled
has eight cells. The door leading into the entry a venomous bite, a
with neatly-racked supplies, devices not currently
checkpoint is heavy metal (DEF 8, BODY 8), and semi-malleable body,
in use, and the like. In one corner there’s a sealed
the doors to the cells are even tougher (DEF 10, and scaly skin; the
crate containing several Qularr artifacts; the crate’s
BODY 10). The cell doors are controlled by an effect lasts only a few
not specially marked or in any way noteworthy.
electronic console in Room 24 that requires an minutes and renders
The primary lab area, Room 35, is subdi- the user hairless for
access code; hacking the system to open or close a
vided into four areas. Animal Hybridization is a week. Demogaard’s
door without the code requires a Computer Pro-
used to follow up on and study the results of experimental version
gramming or Security Systems roll at -4.
Dr. Moreau’s work for VIPER; scientists here is gaseous in form and
26. OBSERVATION PLATFORM dissect dead manimals in an effort to “reverse only slightly increases
engineer” Moreau’s processes. Dinosaur Clon- the user’s physical abili-
This platform allows agents to view the
ing is part of Dr. Demogaard’s project; it’s ties (Aid STR, CON,
Jungle Cavern. The platforms is 10 meters (5”) BODY, and STUN
above the Cavern floor and provides access to filled with dinosaur eggs in incubators, small
dinosaurs kept in cages or tubes, and dinosaur- 2d6, Delayed Return
the Enclosed Walkway (#30). Rate [points fade every
control equipment. Weapons Research features
Minute]). However, so
27-31, 41. THE JUNGLE CAVERN workbenches for creating new weapons, and a far it has not caused any
The biggest room in the Nest, and one of the small firing range for testing them. The fourth unpleasant side effects
main reasons for the Nest’s existence, is the Jungle area, Qularr Research, contains various Qularr other than to make the
Cavern. Here Dr. Demogaard has recreated a devices VIPER’s studying and Qularr corpses for user’s skin glow green
tropical environment underground and stocked dissection. while he’s affected.
it with teleiosaurs, captured beast-men, and wild 36. LIFE SUPPORT
creatures so he can observe them in a “natural” As part of the ongo-
setting. The most common inhabitants are teleio- The bulk of the Nest’s air circulation and ing experiment,
saurs in various sizes and subtypes: coruscators, water purification/recycling equipment is located Demogaard sometimes
in this room, which is one of few in the Nest that’s pumps his Draysha gas
throwbacks, starvelings, hatchlings. A pumping
pleasantly cool. Agents often come in here for a into parts of the Mon-
station circulates water and mist throughout the ster Island Nest. The
room, which is heated to higher than Nest normal couple minutes just to enjoy the temperature.
agents in those rooms
temperatures by waste heat from the Geothermal 37-38. POWER ROOMS become stronger and
Tap (#38). tougher, making them
VIPER obtains power for the Nest from geo-
Monsters and beast-men are typically released an even deadlier chal-
thermal energy, and these two rooms are where
into the Cavern from the Beast Pens (#40) via a steep lenge for superheroes.
it’s generated and controlled. Someone with access
ramp (#39). A special set of Blast Doors (#41) with
to Room 37 could redirect or shut off power by
DEF 12, BODY 12 is shut first, to keep the subjects
making a Systems Operation roll.
from getting into the rest of the Nest.
So that he can observe his creations safely, 40. BEAST PENS
Dr. Demogaard has built an Observation Dome The flawed or unintended results of VIPER’s
(#28) and an Enclosed Walkway (#30). The Dome, cloning experiments and other projects are kept
which has a transparent cover that provides an here, in facilities similar to the Detention Center
easy view of the jungle, is where Dr. Demogaard (see above). Occasionally one of the “monsters”
and his underlings do their work. To guard him, is brought out for further experimentation or put
VIPER has assigned one of the toughest members in the Jungle Cavern. Using the computer systems
of Dragon Branch: Ripper (see VIPER, page 150). here it would be possible to let all the captives out
Ripper finds this duty tiresome and is always rest- to run riot through the Nest... though no doubt
less and edgy; he’d welcome the chance to beat they’d first turn on whoever let them go.
the tar out of some superheroes. The Dome sits
10 meters (5”) above the Cavern floor on a single 44. THE SERPENTINE NODE
large pillar that has an exterior staircase. This is where the Nest keeps its Node for
The Dome is usually entered from the Serpentine, VIPER’s master computer system
Enclosed Walkway, a metal skywalk with a full (see pages 118-19 of the VIPER sourcebook for
clear covering made of the same material as the a writeup of a Nest-based Serpentine Node).
Dome. It hs DEF 5, BODY 10 per hex. Someone This highly-sophisticated computer can moni-
on the Cavern floor can enter the Dome via the tor all Nest functions and is linked to the rest
stairs up the Support Pillar, but few agents want of the vast Serpentine network. This is the only
to spend any time in the Cavern.
70 Snakes On An Island: Slither Beach Hero System 5th Edition Revised
other room in the Nest besides #36 that’s always MAJOR GEORGE MOORE
pleasantly cool, so agents are always looking for Formerly the Commander in charge of UNTIL’s
an excuse to come here or a way to get assigned regional headquarters in Seat-
to guard duty here (there are always at least two tle, Major Moore was removed
agents on guard duty in addition to the techni- from his post after it became
cians working with the computer itself). known that he was having
45. BACKUP POWER AND LIFE SUPPORT an affair with the wife of one
of his junior officers. UNTIL
In the event that the Nest’s main power, air,
decided not to formally
or water systems fail, the backup equipment in
demote him but to remove
this room can handle the load for up to about 24
him from the spotlight... and there aren’t many places
hours, thus giving the Nest time to make repairs.
further removed from the spotlight than Monster
46. COMMUNICATIONS ROOM Island. He serves as Maj. Kwame’s second-in-com-
From this room an agent (there’s always at mand and liaison to other UNTIL and Bureau 17
least one on duty here) can use Serpentine to forces on the island. He’s trying to forget his disgrace,
communicate with the outside world. He can and make other people forget it, by focusing on his
send e-mail, download TV shows or movies to work and performing as efficiently and effectively as
be played in the Common Room, broadcast Nest possible. He’s not sleeping very much or very well,
transmissions, and so on. and it shows in his haggard looks; his once hand-
some countenance seems sort of worn and faded, his
47. NEST LEADER’S OFFICE hair not quite as blonde, his eyes not quite as blue.
Nest Leader Tadataka Yamamoto (see above) Moore has hope of regaining a command of
has his office here, and can usually be found in this his own someday, but he knows it’s going to take
room if there’s nothing else demanding his atten- time, effort, and luck. One way to speed the pro-
tion. He keeps it very clean and well-organized. cess up would be to do something truly heroic and
His desktop computer can access the Serpentine noteworthy, so he’s on the lookout for opportuni-
Node and control all of its local functions. ties to show his stuff... which might get him into
more trouble than he can handle.
Chapter Six
72 Wells’ Pass: Land Of The New Men Hero System 5th Edition Revised
s discussed on page 13, Wells’ Pass is 3 Scientist
the domain of the sinister Dr. Phillippe 5 1) SS: Anatomy 16-
Moreau, who was set up there by VIPER 5 2) SS: Biology 16-
as part of his “alliance” with that crimi- 2 3) SS: Chemistry 13-
nal syndicate. 2 4) SS: Cybernetics 13-
2 5) SS: Medicine 13-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 7) SS: Surgery 16-
5 STR -5 10- Lift 50 kg; 1d6 [1] 5 8) SS: Zoology 16-
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 158
10 CON 0 11- Total Cost: 204
8 BODY -4 11-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 75+ Disadvantages
20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7 10 Hunted: VIPER 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 15 Hunted: Father Elk and his Manimals 11-
8 COM -1 11- (As Pow, Capture/Kill/Ruin)
20 Hunted: UNTIL 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD) 20 Psychological Limitation: Science Above
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) All (Common, Total)
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 10 Psychological Limitation: Amoral
3 REC 0 (Common, Moderate)
20 END 0 54 Experience Points
16 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 46
Total Disadvantage Points: 204
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Cost Powers END
5 Not Squeamish: +15 PRE; Only To
Protect Against Disgust-Based Presence
Attacks (-2) 0
3 Observant: +1 to PER Rolls with all Sense
Groups 0
30 Well-Connected and 27 points’ worth of
Contacts throughout the world
45 Followers: 64 Loyal Manimals built on 75
Base Points each
10 Money: Wealthy
3 Computer Programming 13-
3 Deduction 13-
3 Electronics 13-
3 High Society 13-
3 Interrogation 13-
3 Inventor 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Stealth 11-
3 Scholar
2 1) KS: Animals Of The World 13-
1 2) KS: History Of Surgery 11-
1 3) KS: The Scientific World 11-
1 4) KS: The Superhuman World 11-
1 5) KS: VIPER 11-
Monster Island n Chapter Six 73
Background/History: Phillippe Moreau is the In truth, though, all this is just a cover for
grandson of the Dr. Moreau whose history was a deeply amoral and sociopathic personality.
chronicled in the H. G. Wells novel The Island Of Moreau enjoys inflicting pain and enforcing
Dr. Moreau. Wells had to present the story as fic- his will on others, and since he can’t do that to
tion due to the fantastic and disturbing nature of people, he does it to animals he’s transformed
the events it depicts, but in fact it was a true and into a mockery of people with his advanced
accurate account of events. surgical techniques, sera, and Radium X treat-
Moreau’s son wanted nothing to do with ments. He’s far surpassed his grandfather
his father and even changed the family name (thanks mostly to Radium X and modern medi-
to Murrow. But his grandson, Phillippe, born cal technology), but he won’t be content until
in France in 1949, was utterly fascinated by his armies of manimals under his command take
grandfather from the moment he learned the the Earth for themselves.
truth about him. One day while rummaging Quote: “A flawed Humanity will be replaced by a
through some old boxes in the attic he came more sublime being, a being created by my hand
across some old research notes and records of and educated by my flawless mind.”
Dr. Moreau’s. He read them eagerly and soon
began performing experiments based on what Powers/Tactics: Phillippe Moreau possesses
he learned. He carefully buried the corpses of no powers; he’s by and large an unremarkable
the animals he vivisected so no one would learn physical specimen. But he’s a scientific genius,
what he was doing. He intended to recreate his particularly in the fields of biology and sur-
grandfather’s work and show the world that the gery. He uses his abilities to vivisect ordinary
Moreaus were scientific geniuses and visionaries animals and make of them beast-men (also
of the first water! called “manimals”). The process involves not
After graduating college and medical school just surgical alteration but the use of advanced
with honors, Moreau retreated to an isolated chemical sera, genetic treatments, and exposure
valley in the Ural Mountains, where he set up a to the mutative radiations of Radium X. The
lab and began his great work. What happened resulting creations are usually loyal to him, but
then — his creation of beast-men (including the not always. Many of them serve him as soldiers,
famed superhero Dr. Silverback) through surgery spies, couriers, or servants.
and treatments involving the mysterious mutative Although he uses horrific methods, Dr.
substance Radium X, his use of those beast-men Moreau does obtain a lot of valuable scientific
to commit crimes to fund his work, and his cap- data in his work. He keeps a lot of his notes not
ture by the New Knights of the Round Table — on computer, but in old-fashioned notebooks
has been chronicled elsewhere (see Hidden Lands, that he writes by hand. (He usually scans the
pages 74-75). Reviled for his horrific work as well pages and keeps them digitally in case he loses
as his crimes, Moreau was sentenced to a 20-year a notebook, but he doesn’t like to do his main
term in British prison... but VIPER had other note-taking on the computer.) The notebooks
ideas. Realizing Moreau would be a perfect addi- tend to be scattered here and there through-
tion to its corps of scientists, VIPER broke him out his labs and workrooms. PCs fighting him
out of prison in 1987. might want to take them and turn them over to
For nearly 20 years Moreau worked faithfully someone who can use the information they con-
for VIPER on the organization’s various superhu- tain ethically and mercifully.
man creation programs, none of which truly suc- If confronted with force, Dr. Moreau will flee.
ceeded. But his heart still lay with his great work He’s not a fighter and doesn’t carry weapons.
of creating “manimals,” and over time he became Campaign Use: In some campaigns, particularly low-
more and more difficult for VIPER to work with. er-powered ones, Dr. Moreau makes a good “junior
As described on page 13, eventually he and VIPER master villain” — sort of a bargain-basement version
came to an accomodation, and as a result he’s now of Teleios. If necessary you could even give him a
here on Monster Island putting his fiendish genius small Biological Creations Power Pool, but usually it
to work. works best if he remains a sinister scientist.
Personality/Motivation: To Phillippe Moreau, Sci- Doctor Moreau does not Hunt heroes; he has
ence is all that matters, particularly the Science his great work to concentrate on.
that most interests him (biology and evolution). Appearance: Phillippe Moreau is a middle-aged
Like his grandfather, he believes he can create white male of European ancestry. He has a short
beast-men who are better than humans — not grey beard and moustache and wears glasses. He
better physically necessarily, but better morally, usually wears men’s pants, a light-colored shirt,
in that he can instruct and educate them to avoid and short white labcoat.
the ethical failings of Humanity. In effect he wants
to set himself up as God and create a new, better THE LAWGIVER’S TEXT
species to rule Earth. He’s immensely proud of his Moreau has taught most of his manimals to
creations, especially when they defeat his enemies, read, and many of them carry with them a piece
and both saddened and angered when one of them of paper listing the Laws he’s set forth — the Ten
breaks away from him due to failure to absorb and Commandments, if you will, laid down by the God
understand his teachings. Moreau to his children. They include:
74 Wells’ Pass: Land Of The New Men Hero System 5th Edition Revised
n Thou shalt not go on all fours; thou art a man, WHITE RHINO
and walk upon two feet. Doctor Moreau is known for his work in
n Though shalt not suck up drink; thou art a man, some segments of the supervillain commu-
and take thy drink from cup or glass. nity, and occasionally attracts the attention
n Thou shalt not eat flesh or fish; thou art a man,
of animal-powered criminals. Currently the
and eat civilized prepared foods. White Rhino, a super-strong man-rhino villain,
lives on Monster Island. He works for Moreau
n Thou shalt not claw the bark of trees; thou art a
in exchange for Moreau trying to enhance his
man, and shall not engage in the habits of animals. mystically-derived powers with modern science.
So far it hasn’t worked, but both of them remain
The manimals often come together to chant hopeful.
the Laws in unison in a simplified, sing-song form. (For White Rhino’s character sheet, see The
Many of the manimals try to follow the Laws scru- Ultimate Brick or Evil Unleashed. He’s a STR 50
pulously, but some backslide as much as they obey. “brick” whose horn gives him HA +6d6 with Move
Throughs; he can Run at 12”, or up to 20” for short
periods of time.)
Genius like Moreau’s, even unethical, unscru-
pulous genius, tends to attract followers. In
Moreau’s case, other scientists with similar inter-
ests and similar lack of morals gravitated to him
during his career in VIPER and have followed him
to Monster Island to work for him. VIPER agents
snidely refer to these people as “Whitecoats” due
to their customary laboratory garb.
For the Whitecoats, use the “Average Person”
and “Noteworthy Normal” character sheets on
page 345 of The HERO System 5th Edition, Revised
rulebook, but add a few appropriate Science Skills
(such as SS: Biology and SS: Surgery). Many of
them will run rather than fight, but some will arm
themselves with whatever weapons they can find
and put up a token defense.
To facilitate the flow of goods and services
back and forth between Wells’ Pass and Slither
Beach, VIPER’s built a small dock on the shores
of Moreau’s territory. It includes a small build-
ing (formerly a Bureau 17 outpost), some storage
containers for shipping things, and usually at least
one VIPER speedboat waiting to load up so it can
return to Slither Beach. VIPER’s also assigned
a special type of agent — VIPER Beastmasters
— to the area to help Moreau. Beastmasters are
like ordinary VIPER Soldiers, but are trained to
work with animals: they have Animal Handler
(Equines, Felines, Reptiles & Amphibians) 13- and
Riding 12-.
Monster Island n Chapter Six 75
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
15 CON 10 12-
15 BODY 10 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
8 COM -1 11-
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (1 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (1 rED)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
6 REC 0
30 END 0
31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 74
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
Leaping: 6”/12”
Cost Powers END
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); 75+ Disadvantages
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1 5 Physical Limitation: can be affected by
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance Mental Powers that affect either the Human
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 or Animal class of minds (Infrequently,
6 Cat’s Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1 Slightly Impairing)
3 Cat’s Legs: Leaping +3” (6” total) 1 15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Phil-
6 Cat’s Senses: +2 to PER Rolls with all lippe Moreau (Common, Strong)
Sense Groups 0 29 Experience Points
Skills Total Disadvantage Points: 124
5 +1 HTH Description: Cat-men look like humans with feline
3 Acrobatics 13- features: short, dark or tan fur covering the body;
3 Breakfall 13- large, pointed ears; large eyes; wide mouths filled
3 Climbing 13- with small, sharp teeth (including two prominent
3 Stealth 13- white fangs); and clawed hands and feet. Some
have short tails, but many do not. They sometimes
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 50 wear belts, bracers, and boot-like legpieces sup-
Total Cost: 124 plied by Dr. Moreau.
Powers/Tactics: Skilled hunters, cat-men use their
Stealth and sharp senses to get as close as they can
to their foe/prey, then pounce. In open battle they
use their agility and claws.
Monster Island n Chapter Six 79
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Val Char Cost Roll Notes
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1] 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
15 CON 10 12- 13 CON 6 12-
15 BODY 10 12- 12 BODY 4 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
8 COM -1 11- 6 COM -2 10-
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (1 rPD) 4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (1 rED) 4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 0 5 REC 0
30 END 0 26 END 0
31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 48 24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 25
Movement: Running: 7”/14” Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Leaping: 6”/12”
Cost Powers END
Swimming: 6”/12”
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
7 Jaws: +10 STR; Only For Grabbing/ Cost Powers END
Holding On (-½) 1 4 Frog’s Legs: Leaping +4” (6” total) 1
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance 4 Frog’s Legs: Swimming +4” (6” total) 1
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 1 Frog’s Lungs: Life Support (Extended
2 Dog’s Legs: Running +1” (7” total) 1 Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0
3 Dog’s Senses: +1 to PER Rolls with all
Sense Groups 0
5 Stealth 12-
5 Dog’s Nose: Discriminatory for Normal
Smell 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 14
5 Dog’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0 Total Cost: 39
Skills 75+ Disadvantages
3 Stealth 12- 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
5 Physical Limitation: can be affected by
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 31
Mental Powers that affect either the Human
Total Cost: 79
or Animal class of minds (Infrequently,
75+ Disadvantages Slightly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size 15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Phil-
5 Physical Limitation: can be affected by lippe Moreau (Common, Strong)
Mental Powers that affect either the Human Total Disadvantage Points: 95
or Animal class of minds (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing) Description: One of Dr. Moreau’s most unusual
15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Phil- creations is the Frog-Man. Only about two-thirds
lippe Moreau (Common, Strong) average human height and covered by warty,
greenish skin, the Frog-Man has bulbous, frog-like
Total Disadvantage Points: 95 eyes and short webbing between its fingers and its
Description: A Dog-Man has a beefy, hairy body toes. Moreau uses them mainly as couries, spies,
with a head that betrays his canine ancestry. and house-servants.
His teeth are large (and often sharp) and his jaw
strong. Like his ancestor he has a tendency toward
friendliness and likes to be in groups, but is often
quick to leave if embarrassed or frightened.
80 Wells’ Pass: Land Of The New Men Hero System 5th Edition Revised
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
15 CON 10 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
6 COM -2 10-
6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (1 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (1 rED)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 0
30 END 0
25 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 39
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Cost Powers END
10 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(1 PD/1 ED) 0
3 Rat’s Senses: +1 to PER Rolls with all
Sense Groups 0
5 +1 HTH
5 +1 DCV
3 Climbing 12-
7 Stealth 14-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 39
Total Cost: 78
75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
5 Physical Limitation: can be affected by
Mental Powers that affect either the Human
or Animal class of minds (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Phil-
lippe Moreau (Common, Strong)
Total Disadvantage Points: 95
Description: Rat-Men are humanoid rats about Stag-Man from page 81
two-thirds the size of an average human, though
they tend to hunch over when they stand/walk,
making them look like they’re about half human
size. They have short claws on their hands and
feet, sharp teeth, and a sort of malicious look to
their faces. They often work for Moreau as spies,
sneaks, and stealthy killers. They may wear
“clothing” consisting of strips of cloth wrapped
around the legs or arms, or a sort of cloth har-
ness. Their fur is usually dark- or tan-colored.
Monster Island n Chapter Six 81
added a dock so that it can take the manimals lite dish. Set into the wall is a heavy door (DEF 6,
away if necessary; it can use them for various BODY 6). Surrounding the whole thing is a chain-
purposes in schemes all over the world. Each cage link fence.
holds one feral manimal and is DEF 8, BODY 12. Inside a short tunnel leads to a reception
room that’s decorated like a typical urban office —
a desk, chairs, a sofa, a water cooler, and so forth.
Moreau’s Lab Sitting behind the desk is a Stag-Man named
The main part of Moreau’s facilities on Mon- Corvis who works for Moreau as a receptionist.
ster Island is his laboratory, a complex of rooms Moreau thinks he’s totally loyal, but in fact he’s a
and caverns tunneled into the island rock. Moreau spy for Dr. Silverback who sends reports to the
spends most of his time here creating new mani- supersimian scientist whenever he can. Father Elk
mals, performing experiments, and observing test is aware of Corvis and his role, but no one else on
subjects; his Whitecoats (see above) assist him. Monster Island is.
VIPER has provided Moreau with some 3-10. PERSONNEL FACILITIES
guards to protect its “investment” in him and
Just to the north of the reception room Doctor
ensure he can continue his work. There are two
Moreau has provided an area for the comfort of
guards in the hallway between Rooms 2 and 11,
himself and his employees. It includes a common
four more in various points along the hallway
area for meals and entertainment, small apartments
between Rooms 11 and 16, and various other
for Whitecoats (divided into male and female areas),
VIPER agents roaming around both inside the
a few larger apartments for Moreau and important
base and outdoors. Most of these are standard
visitors, a kitchen, a rec room, and a lounge.
VIPER Soldiers, but more than a few are Red
Guards, Scarlet Serpents, or the like. 11-15. MANIMAL LABORATORIES
1-2. ENTRANCE These four rooms are where Moreau creates
his manimals. Each one is primarily devoted to a
The entrance to Moreau’s lab is obvious;
specific type of beast-man: Rat-Men (#11); Cat-
there’s a large cement structure topped by a satel-
Men (#12); Bear-Men (#13); and Stag-Men (#14).
Monster Island n Chapter Six 83
THE UNTIL PRESENCE Elk (page 87), who came here from Beast Moun-
tain with her and is working for the betterment
UNTIL regards Dr. Moreau as a relatively of manimalkind in the Feral Tangle. Like Direc-
minor threat compared to the other groups on tor Jones, she’d be happy to have the help of
the island, so it only has one agent in the Wells’ superheroes with her mission.
Pass area to watch him... but it’s an important DOCTOR SILVERBACK
agent. Gideon H. Jones, a kind and clever man
with a face that looks a little bit like Josef Sta- Everyone’s favorite simian superhero has tried
lin’s, is the Director of UNTIL’s Technical Corps, to keep tabs on his creator over the years. Once
and thus the highest-ranking agent on Monster he found out Moreau was on Monster Island, he
Island. He claims he’s just very interested in created a device that would allow him to monitor
Dr. Moreau’s work and wants to learn as much Moreau’s computer systems under certain condi-
about it as he can, both to help Moreau’s victims tions. He’s also figured out a way to use Moreau’s
and to determine if any good can come of it. systems to project a hologram of himself into
UNTIL insiders also speculate that he’s beefing Moreau’s lab, should that ever become necessary.
up his “field resume” at the request of Secretary- If your PCs need some help or information during
Marshal Eckhardt to make him a more appeal- their confrontation with Dr. Moreau, Silverback
ing candidate to become Secretary-Marshal may be just what they’re looking for.
himself when Eckhardt retires. Doctor Silverback also planted an informer
among Moreau’s ranks — a Dog-Man from Gornyj
M’LING Zver. The Dog-Man was just about to make his
Jones has a strange ally in M’Ling, a Bear- escape with a detailed report when Moreau’s
Woman from Gornyj Zver — Beast Mountain, forces discovered him. Moreau lobotomized the
the hidden enclave of manimals created by poor fellow and threw him in one of the holding
Dr. Moreau before he was captured and sent pens for feral manimals. The other manimals tore
to prison. M’Ling wants to rescue the Monster up the Dog-Man’s report. However, if the PCs can
Island beast-men and offer them a home in the find the right pen and rescue the Dog-Man, they
secret Ukrainian mountain village if they so may also be able to piece together the scraps of
choose. She maintains close contact with Father the report and learn the valuable information the
Dog-Man had uncovered.
A dangerous refuge:
The Feral Tangle
Chapter Seven
86 A Dangerous Refuge: The Feral Tangle Hero System 5th Edition Revised
ot all of the manimals that Dr. Moreau
creates (see Chapter Six) are content to
remain by his side. Some are ultimately
too wild or fierce despite his treat- PACKAGE DEAL
ments and teachings, and some have learned
courage and compassion from the pain he In some campaigns players may want to take on the
inflicts rather than submissiveness and malice. role of manimals fighting to keep their freedom on
Some of these “untamed” manimals find ways to Monster Island. This Package Deal represents the
typical abilities of the beast-men of Monster Island
escape from Moreau’s holding pens and guarded
(apply it to a standard Human character sheet, not to
compounds. They flee north to a wild area an animal’s character sheet from The HERO System
known as the Feral Tangle, where they try to Bestiary). The options allow you to customize it for
build new lives... and the fierce, wicked animals various specific types of animals.
try to dominate all the others. Cost
+5 STR
+3 DEX
+3 CON
Claws, Horns, Antlers, Or The
Like: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR)
2 Animalistic Skin: Damage
Resistance (2 PD/2 ED)
6 Animalistic Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
Total Cost Of Package Abilities: 47
Optional Abilities
Cost Power
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3”
2 Keen Nose: +1 PER with Smell/Taste Group
10 Keen Nose: Tracking for Smell/Taste Group
+10 Larger Claws/Horns/Antlers: Increase to
HKA 1½d6
8 Swift Runner: Running +4”
4 Swift Swimmer: Swimming +4”
5 Tail: Extra Limb (1), Inherent (+¼); Limited
Manipulation (-¼)
12 Tougher Skin: Armor (4 PD/4 ED)
NEW GORNYJ 8 Wings: Flight 6” (12 Active Points);
Restrainable (-½)
The escaped manimals who just want to
live peacefully and control their destinies free “longhouses” made of wood and hides. Mani-
from oppression and fear have established mals live in the longhouses, often segregat-
a village known as New Gornyj. Founded by ing themselves by species. The centerpiece of
Father Elk, the leader of the Gornyj Zver com- the place is a large “town hall” that crudely
munity in the Ukraine where Dr. Moreau’s resembles a European mountain home; Father
first manimals now live, it’s a place marked by Elk lives there, and that’s where the manimals
fierce determination to resist the enemies that meet in council when necessary. A rough fence
threaten the free manimals: Moreau, ARGENT, of timber surrounds the place; manimals patrol
and the manimals’ evil counterparts. it constantly to keep the evil beast-men of Mal
Located on a cleared hillside, New Gornyj Zver from leaping over it to attack the village.
is a simple community of about half a dozen
Monster Island n Chapter Seven 87
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
28 STR 18 15- Lift 1,200 kg; 5½d6 [2]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
22 CON 24 13-
15 BODY 10 12-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
10 COM 0 11-
8 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD)
5 ED 1 Total: 5 ED (2 rED)
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
10 REC 0
44 END 0
40 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 106
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Leaping: 5”/10”
Cost Powers END
20 Antlers: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 w/STR);
Concentration (½ DCV; -¼) 2
2 Tough: Damage Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
6 Delicate Senses: +2 PER with all
Sense Groups 0 Background/History: Like the other denizens of
Beast Mountain, Father Elk is the creation of the
fiendish scientist Phillippe Moreau (see Chapter
2 Fringe Benefit: Ruler of Beast Mountain
Six). Moreau had been unable to duplicate the
Skills advanced intelligence he’d inadvertently given Dr.
10 +2 HTH Silverback, and was concerned by his assistant’s
3 Bureaucratics 13- rather wayward and questioning nature. He con-
3 Concealment 12- centrated on making his latest creations intelligent
3 AK: Beast Mountain 12- enough to follow orders without being so bril-
2 AK: Monster Island 11- liant that they posed a potential threat to his own
3 KS: Moreau’s Creations 12- leadership. In Elk, he thought he’d found a happy
1 Language: Russian (basic conversation; medium — the creature was bright, but certainly
Beast-Russian is Native) no genius. Moreau assigned Elk to lead his cadre
3 Oratory 13- of criminals, and they performed several robber-
3 Tactics 12- ies in Kiev without being captured (see Hidden
3 Tracking 12- Lands).
When the cadre’s mission to London went
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 70 awry, leading the New Knights back to the
Total Cost: 176 secret mountain lab, Elk fought them on behalf
200+ Disadvantages of Moreau out of an almost religious fear of his
5 Physical Limitation: can be affected by creator. He was defeated by the Clansman, and
Mental Powers that affect either the Human when he saw Moreau beaten by a combined
or Animal class of minds (Infrequently, force of British and Soviet heroes, Elk realized
Slightly Impairing) his “master” was not nearly as all-powerful as
15 Psychological Limitation: Protective Of His he claimed. When the Knights agreed to allow
People And Their Privacy (Common, Strong) the manimals to live in privacy, Elk requested
that Silverback remain with them as the town’s
Total Disadvantage Points: 220 leader. But Silverback had been seized with the
desire to see the outside world firsthand, and
he in turn suggested that Elk himself was best
suited for the job. The other beast-men sup-
ported that decision, and Elk became the leader
of the beast-men.
When word filtered back to Gornyj Zver that
Dr. Moreau had set up shop on Monster Island,
Father Elk was seized with both anger and fear:
anger that Moreau was still creating manimals;
and fear that he might one day try to take back
his Ukrainian lair if not stopped. A desire to
88 A Dangerous Refuge: The Feral Tangle Hero System 5th Edition Revised
help beast-mankind chart its own destiny and that New Gornyj is in. He’d definitely appreciate
to protect his people from their creator drove some help from heroes he feels he can trust (par-
him to come to Monster Island, where he helped ticularly ones recommended by Dr. Silverback),
some manimals escape and founded New Gornyj. and may be quicker to accept offers of assistance
Although the village is beset by enemies on all than he otherwise would be.
sides, he’s determined to see his people through... To make Father Elk tougher, remove the
and to convince the wicked beast-men of the error Concentration Limitation from his attack and
of their ways. give him Running +4”. To weaken him, reduce
Personality/Motivation: Father Elk has become an his Antlers to 1d6+1, and his STR and CON by
ideal leader for beast-mankind. He’s friendly, honest, 2-4 points each.
and open, and he respects the wide differences in Father Elk does not Hunt people. He’s got a
personality between beast-men without allowing village to look after.
their society to descend back into uncivilized chaos. Appearance: Father Elk is a human/elk hybrid,
It helps that he has such a forceful presence; though standing 6’4”; his dozen-point rack of antlers adds
he’s no longer in the fighting trim he was nearly nearly another three feet to his overall height. His
twenty years ago, there are few manimals who want pelt is brown, his eyes large and wise-looking, and
to feel the thrust of his imposing antlers. He’s cau- his feet cloven. In Gornyj Zver he generally wears
tious and careful, and prone to taking a long time to human clothes, favoring simple peasant-style work
consider his decisions. shirts and pants with suspenders; he rarely wears
Quote: “Welcome to New Gornyj. We welcome shoes. In the warmer climes of Monster Island he
your help to keep our home safe from all the dan- prefers a simple loincloth and some hand-wraps.
gers of this island.”
Powers/Tactics: Father Elk has slowed a step or two
as he’s aged, but he’s still an imposing physical speci-
men. His rack of antlers is a dangerous weapon; the New Gornyj’s opposite number is Mal Zver,
Concentration Limitation signifies that actually using a ramshackle, squalid place where the wicked,
them in battle is fairly complicated (since they’re fierce, and predacious beast-men live. In many
attached high on his head) — bringing them to bear ways these manimals have rejected Moreau’s Laws
requires him to hold his head in awkward positions. (for example, they kill other manimals and men
If a fight breaks out, he’s at the front of the battle. and eat their flesh) and descended to a barbarous,
New Gornyj may have more skilled fighters (though semi-animalistic state that makes them particu-
not many), but none braver or more determined. larly dangerous.
Protected by a palisade made of tree-trunks
Campaign Use: Father Elk is the beast-man the
that’s reminiscent of an Old West fort, Mal Zver
PCs are likely to interact with the most if they
is a malodorous collection of chaotically-placed
visit the Feral Tangle. He speaks for his people,
wood and hide huts cobbled together by the beast-
represents New Gornyj to outsiders, and has more
men. Seemingly unconcerned about the threat
experience interacting with humans than all the
of ARGENT kidnappers or Moreau’s men, the
other beast-men combined. When roleplaying
inhabitants laze around, prowl the island in search
him, emphasize the way he considers everything
of food, and rouse themselves to do the Hyena-
carefully and makes decisions slowly — he’s not a
Swine’s bidding when he comes down from his
bureaucrat who loves delay for its own sake, but
cave to issue orders.
neither is he a headstrong, wayward young person.
Father Elk recognizes the desperate situation
Monster Island n Chapter Seven 89
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 164 Powers/Tactics: The Hyena-Swine is big, brutish,
Total Cost: 436 and tough. He relies on his strength and speed in
battle. He prefers to pick a target and charge, per-
200+ Disadvantages
forming a Move By with his tusks, then return to
20 Enraged: in battle (Common), go 11-,
smash the injured opponent to a pulp.
recover 11-
10 Hunted: Dr. Phillippe Moreau 8- (As Pow, Appearance: The Hyena-Swine is a horrific cross
Capture/Kill) between a boar and a hyena in humanoid form.
10 Hunted: Father Elk and New Gornyj 8- 8- His skin is a dirty tan color, with reddish fur on
(As Pow, Capture/Kill) its head, shoulders, chest, and back. He wears
5 Physical Limitation: can be affected by red leather bracers on both wrists and a loin-
Mental Powers that affect either the Human cloth; around his lower legs and right thigh are
or Animal class of minds (Infrequently, the shackles that Dr. Moreau once used to keep
Slightly Impairing) him captive. He has two large tusks he can use as
15 Psychological Limitation: Wicked, Greedy, natural weapons, and his right bracer has some
And Cruel (Common, Strong) attached bone blades that can deliver vicious
176 Experience Points slashing wounds.
Total Disadvantage Points: 436 DOCTOR MOREAU’S STRENGTH-SERUM
Background/History: See above. As if the Hyena-Swine weren’t bad enough,
Personality/Motivation: The Hyena-Swine com- he recently raided Dr. Moreau’s lab and obtained a
bines the worst traits of the animals used to sample of an experimental serum the evil doctor’s
create him, a hyena and a large wild boar. He’s been working on: a strength-enhancing drug to
temperamental, aggressive, greedy, and a sadistic make his manimals tougher. (Fortunately for the rest
bully. He enjoys picking on his weaker followers of Monster Island, the raid destroyed Dr. Moreau’s
and occassionally putting the stronger ones in notes and he’s mostly abandoned the strength serum
their place with a good beating. He likes a good project at this point.) The Hyena-Swine only has four
fight and tends to get wrapped up in battle and doses of the stuff; he’s saving them for himself and
pay attention to nothing but the one foe he’s his main followers in case of an emergency.
fighting. Dr. Moreau’s Manimal Strength Serum: +20
Quote: The Hyena-Swine rarely speaks much to STR (20 Active Points); OAF Fragile (-1¼),
his foes, though he does have a distinctive snort- Only Works On Manimals (-0), 4 Continu-
squeal that he makes. ing Charges lasting 1 Hour each which Never
Recover (-1½). Total cost: 5 points.
Monster Island n Chapter Seven 91
Chapter Eight
94 Hunters’ Playground: The Argent Corporate Wildlife Preserve Hero System 5th Edition Revised
he central western part of of the breeding laboratory and are causing prob-
Monster Island is a large, wild valley, a lems. Second, Dr. Janice Sellers, the so-called “Jane
favorite of some of the giant monsters Goodall of Monster Island,” is lurking somewhere
as well as teleiosaurs and other fearsome in the area gathering data on ARGENT’s treatment
beasts. But the most dangerous thing there isn’t of captured manimals and teleiosaurs; she could
monsters or animals... it’s the insidious forces of blow the lid off the whole operation if ARGENT
ARGENT. can’t find her and silence her. Worst of all, some-
As described on page 12, ARGENT estab- one — Hartwell suspects one of his corporate rivals
lished a research station on Monster Island in within ARGENT — is trying to sabotage the facility.
2000 to study the island’s monsters and unique Recently ARGENT agents have found high-tech
biology in the hopes of finding ways to profit from bombs placed along the electrified fence that keeps
them. In 2004, acting on an idea from Director the giant monsters away from the lodge and labs, and
Charles Hawthorne, ARGENT built a “Wildlife one or two placed in other locations. So far they’ve
Preserve” (a euphemistic term for “luxury hunt- found them all before they exploded, but Hartwell
ing lodge”) that it could use as a perk for high- fears it’s only a matter of time before one goes unde-
ranking personnel, a reward for ARGENT’s allies tected just a little too long.
or people it wants to butter up, and a for-sale
service catering to wealthy hunters. Despite the
expense of maintaining the facility, revenue from Hartwell’s suspicions are incorrect. The
selling hunting trips and from ideas generated by saboteur wasn’t hired by one of his rivals but
the laboratories have actually kept it marginally one of ARGENT’s: Harpco, a global corpora-
profitable. The current director of the facility, Vice tion that competes with several ARGENT sub-
President Roger Hartwell, aims to increase the sidiaries around the world in a very cut-throat
degree of profit. sort of way.
Unfortunately, a couple obstacles stand in his Recently an industrialist named Henry Lee
way. First, recently some fierce teleiosaurs broke out entered into negotiations with Harpco to sell
his company to them. When ARGENT found
out about this, it kidnapped Lee. Brought to
Monster Island, Lee was forced to sign a bill of
sale transferring his company to ARGENT. He’s
being held on the island until ARGENT can
make sure it’s sewn everything up legally and
covered its tracks so Lee will have no recourse
(see below).
When it learned of this, Harpco decided to
ruin the deal and get revenge at the same time. It
hired the ruthless armored mercenary Steel Com-
mando (see Champions Universe, page 122, for his
character sheet) to (a) recover the coerced bill of
sale so it could stop the transaction, and (b) sab-
otate ARGENT’s Monster Island corporation. Steel
Commando has been sneaking around the area,
planting high-tech bombs and trying to find a way
to get inside and retrieve the bill of sale without
having to fight his way through dozens of heavily-
armed ARGENT agents.
Monster Island n Chapter Eight 95
tunable energy fields that can weaken superpowers) along the cement walls, is an electrified chain-link
and Neural Scramblers, they can make life difficult fence. This fence is DEF 5, BODY 3 but inflicts a Kill-
for even the most powerful heroes... particularly ing Attack 1d6, +1 STUN Multiplier, per Phase of
when there are a lot of them. Use the Soldier charac- contact (half damage if the character isn’t in contact
ter sheet for them with the following additions: with the ground, such as when flying). Giant mon-
sters particularly seem to dislike the pain caused by
Cost Power
the electrified fence and stay away from it.
33 Neutralizer Grenade: Drain Superpowers
At the gateways through the electrified
4d6, any one Superpower at a time (+¼),
fences, and sometimes elsewhere along their
Delayed Recovery Rate (points return at the
length, ARGENT has built two-story tall wooden
rate of 5 per Minute; +¼), Explosion (-1d6
guard towers. Manned 24 hours a day by guards
per 2 hexes; +¾), Range Based On STR
who keep a lookout for giant monsters (par-
(+¼); OAF (-1), 4 Charges (-1)
ticularly flying ones who can avoid the fences)
31 Neural Scrambler: Drain Characteristics
and other threats, each one is equipped with a
4d6, any one Characteristic at a time (+¼),
swivel mounted ARGENT Heavy Blaster Cannon
Delayed Recovery Rate (points return at the
(Energy Blast 24d6, 60 Boostable Charges, range
rate of 5 per Minute; +¼), Limited Range
1,000”). Each tower also has a Communications
(3”; +¼); OAF (-1), 12 Charges (-¼)
Console (Radio Reception/Transmission; OAF
Total cost: 64 points.
Bulky) so the guard can call in reports.
ARGENT FACILITIES To facilitate the shipment of goods and per-
The Corporate Wildlife Preserve mostly con- sonnel to and from Monster Island, ARGENT
sists of rolling hills between the main mountain constructed a small but functional wooden
chain running down the center of the island and dock. Launches from ARGENT’s ships or
two “spurs” to south and north. A narrow valley submarines put in here to deliver supplies,
runs north-south between the Preserve and Slither take away captive manimals for use in other
Beach; ARGENT’s built a cement wall (DEF 6, ARGENT facilities, and so forth.
BODY 12) and an electrified fence (see below) THE BARRACKS
there to keep VIPER out of its territory; VIPER
Most ARGENT personnel on Monster Island
has accepted the wall as a proper boundary and
don’t get to live in the Hunting Lodge; that’s
has little contact with ARGENT other than to spy
reserved for the upper ranks and visiting VIPs.
on its agents.
Instead they live in one-story wooden dormito-
THE FENCES ries arranged in a fenced compound along with a
ARGENT has constructed two types of fences motor pool. The compound includes a “commons
to define its territory, protect its facilities, and keep building” that functions as a dining hall, recre-
hunters’ prey in while keeping giant monsters out. ation room, and meeting hall. The motor pool is
The most basic type are large cement walls (DEF filled with trucks and jeeps; ARGENT hasn’t sent
6, BODY 12); these are installed to block the pass any of its hovercraft or other high-tech vehicles to
to Slither Beach, to block the road leading up the this remote location.
mountain to the Hunting Lodge; and around the THE BACKUP GENERATOR
Communications Station. The second type, installed
The main power generation system for
along the entire length of the beach, around the Bar-
ARGENT’s Monster Island operations is located
racks and Backup Generator, and sometimes even
Monster Island n Chapter Eight 101
in a sub-basement of the Hunting Lodge... but as nice or well-decorated as the ones for guests.
ARGENT rarely puts all of its eggs in one basket. The next level down is ARGENT’s Monster Island
On the opposite end of the Wildlife Preserve, research laboratories, though these are relatively
protected by an electrified fence, is a second minimal affairs compared to its labs elsewhere.
power supply station able to meet all of the Basically it just wants the scientists here to per-
Preserve’s power needs. The downside to this form preliminary studies, make recommenda-
preparation: if a superhero can gain access to to tions, and then forward their materials and notes
the backup generators and succeeds with a SS: to ARGENT scientists in better-equipped facili-
Electrical Engineering roll (or Electronics or SS: ties. The last level contains the power generators
Electronic Engineering at -5) can short out both for the Preserve.
power systems, leaving the Preserve “in the dark”
(so to speak). On the other hand, that leaves the
Preserve open to giant monster incursions, which THE MANIMAL
could also affect the PCs....
Besides teleiosaurs and the giant mon-
ARGENT’s main facility on Monster Island sters themselves, the chief prey that ARGENT
is the Hunting Lodge — a large, solid cement makes available to hunters is manimals cap-
building on top of the small peak in the north- tured in Wells’ Pass or the Feral Tangle. Both
ern part of the Preserve. It’s reached by driving Dr. Moreau and the free manimals have tried
or walking up a mountain trail, though VIPs are to fight back against this, but with little success
often flown in by helicopter (there’s a landing due to the power of ARGENT’s technology. As
pad on the mountain below the Lodge, usually a result, ARGENT’s clients get to enjoy “the
with a chopper fully fueled and ready to leave at most dangerous game,” hunting a man who’s
a moment’s notice). not really a man so it’s not a matter of murder
The Lodge is a two-story structure with in their corrupt eyes.
several underground levels. The first floor Recently Father Elk and the beast-men of
contains a reception area, an elegant dining New Gornyj devised another tactic to combat
room (plus an attached kitchen), and a “smok- ARGENT’s depredations. Instead of trying to
ing room” where guests can relax. The second fight ARGENT off, they decided to set up a mis-
story has another sitting room (whose windows sion — a sort of “underground railroad” — to
provide an excellent view of the Preserve) and rescue the captured manimals. Since penetrating
six luxuriously-appointed bedroom suites. the ARGENT compound to free them from their
Although the remoteness of Monster Island cages isn’t feasible, they keep watch, wait until a
makes it impossible to fulfill guests’ every manimal is released for a hunt, then try to get to
whim, the Lodge staff (including a concierge, him before the hunters do.
two four-star chefs, three maids, and a hunt-
master) bends over backwards to make the BROTHER WHITEHART
guests’ stay as comfortable as possible. The leader of the resistance mission is Brother
The Lodge has three underground levels as Whitehart, an elk-man especially chosen by Father
well. The first contains rooms and eating facilities Elk for the job. Young and headstrong, he has just
for the staff and guards; these areas aren’t nearly enough wisdom to temper his penchant for risk-
102 Hunters’ Playground: The Argent Corporate Wildlife Preserve Hero System 5th Edition Revised
taking and action with a careful evaluation of the THE HIDDEN TUNNEL
situation. Working with him is a small group of If all goes well with a rescue, the newly-freed
manimals, mostly dog-men and cat-men, whom beast-man is taken to Brother Whitehart’s lair, the
he uses primarily for reconnaissance. He and Hidden Tunnel. This is a series of twisting, laby-
his people stealthily move close to the ARGENT rinthine caverns that eventually lead through the
compound and watch for signs that a manimal mountain range to the Feral Tangle... if one knows
hunt is about to begin. When they see a manimal the proper way. It would be very, very easy for
being released they relay word to the rest of their someone to get lost in the caves and die of hunger.
force via signal-flags and captured radios. Then (Though the main route through the caverns is
they converge on the area and try to capture the easy to see and learn if one pays close attention.)
beast-man before the hunters get to him. Since the Unfortunately the name “Hidden” Tunnel is
manimal is wary and frightened, this isn’t always no longer accurate. Recently ARGENT discovered
easy, and sometimes the hunters get a glimpse of the tunnel’s location. It’s sent squads of soldiers in
the rescuers and take shots at them. there to try to capture the beast-men and crush
For Brother Whitehart, use the Stag-Man Brother Whitehart’s “underground railroad.” The
character sheet from Chapter Six, but with the fol- manimals are hard-pressed and could definitely
lowing changes: STR 18, PD 8, ED 8, SPD 4. His use some help from superheroes.
followers are mostly standard beast-men. Nor is ARGENT the only danger here.
Recently Elder Worm from Echinocos Shores (see
Chapter Nine) burrowed this far south in search
of relics and came across the caverns. Now they
occasionally prey on traffic between the Preserve
and the Feral Tangle, giving Brother Whitehart
one more danger to deal with.
Monster Island n Chapter Eight 103
THE UNTIL PRESENCE (He’d love to offer some covert assistance to super-
heroes who want to destroy the Wildlife Preserve.)
UNTIL has only assigned one person to this A native of the Philippines, Major de Luna joined
part of Monster Island: Major Nestor de Luna, UNTIL after a rather lackluster academic career.
formerly the head of the organization’s base in Fortunately for him the UNTIL recruiter he talked
Singapore. He’s a Hispanic male with a stylish to recognized raw talent when he saw it and gave de
black beard, moustache, and hair; his uniform is Luna a shot despite his poor grades. Under UNTIL
grey-white and black. His assignment is to moni- discipline de Luna throve and was soon getting top
tor ARGENT’s activities and build a solid case that marks in his training classes. He worked as a field
the corporation is violating international law here. agent, and then for a number of special programs
ARGENT’s presence on the island is itself illegal, (including Project Stargazer), before finally earning
but it’s a relatively trivial violation, so bringing a the plum assignment of running the Singapore head-
case against the company on that basis would be quarters. Although he’s deeply loyal to UNTIL, when
a waste of time — UNTIL wants to nail ARGENT he heard about what was happening on Monster
with substantial charges that will be a major blow. Island he couldn’t ignore the plight of the beast-men.
Unfortunately manimals aren’t recognized by He took a temporary leave of absence from his posi-
international law (or any national laws, really), so tion and volunteered for the scouting mission.
building a case for kidnapping and murder would OTHER ALLIES
be difficult at best. As much as UNTIL hates the
hunts, it wants to wait for something that won’t Major de Luna and Brother Whitehart aren’t
create difficulties for the prosecution... the only potential allies superheroes might find
...and so Major de Luna watches and waits, and on this part of Monster Island. Two other people
does what he can to cause problems for ARGENT could help them out... or require rescue.
without revealing himself or disobeying his orders. The first is Henry Lee, an industrialist. As
mentioned above he got caught up in the corpo-
rate war between ARGENT
and Harpco. ARGENT
kidnapped him and brought
him to Monster Island to
complete the “deal” to its
satisfaction, but it covered
its tracks so well that Major
de Luna knows it would
be difficult to make out a
case against ARGENT for
the crime because Lee is
reluctant to testify. To show
Lee the consequences of
not cooperating, it let him
loose in the Wildlife Pre-
serve. It’s been all he can do
to keep himself safe from
teleiosaurs and other beasts.
He’s scared that if he accepts
Major de Luna’s offer to get
104 Hunters’ Playground: The Argent Corporate Wildlife Preserve Hero System 5th Edition Revised
him off the island in exchange for his testimony parts of the Superhuman World she’s referred to
against ARGENT, he’ll never get his company (sometimes with affection, sometimes scorn) as
back and the corporation will have him killed. If “the Jane Goodall of Monster Island.”
a group of superheroes could prove their bona Doctor Sellers’s goal is to stop ARGENT from
fides by recovering the coerced bill of sale from exploiting and hunting the manimals, though she
the Hunting Lodge, and offered to do their best to has no real way to do this. She keeps an eye on
protect him, he’d change his mind and help strike ARGENT as much as she can, pesters Major de
a blow against ARGENT. Luna to “do something,” and takes elaborate notes
about everything she sees and does in the hope of
DR. JANICE SELLERS writing a book that will both introduce the won-
1 0 STR 12 DEX 12 CON 10 BODY ders of Monster Island to the general public and
18 INT 14 EGO 15 PRE 12 blow the lid off of ARGENT’s criminal activities.
COM 4 PD 3 ED 3 SPD ARGENT fully intends to eliminate her as soon as
4 REC 24 END 21 STUN it can do so safely.
Between her work and her larger-than-life
Abilities: Bureaucratics 8-; Combat Driving 8-;
personality, Dr. Sellers has become something of
Computer Programming 8-; Deduction 13-; Gam-
a mini-celebrity, famed as much for her eccen-
bling (Card Games) 13-; High Society 12-; KS:
tricities as her work. She drives
Art History 8-; KS: Film 11-;
like a maniac (though she’s never
KS: Literature 8-; Languages
been in a wreck), keeps a menag-
(Japanese, Russian, Spanish, all
erie of pets in her sprawling but
basic conversation); PS: Play
elegantly decorated Michigan
Chess 14-; Stealth 11-; Track-
home, plays chess at master
ing 13-; WF: Small Arms; Sci-
level, once tried out for a posi-
entist (Anatomy 11-, Biology
tion on the Cleveland Browns
13-, Chemistry 11-, Ecology
football team, occasionally
13-, Genetics 11-, Veterinary
steps in as a film critic on sev-
Medicine 11-, Zoology 13-);
eral national movie review TV
Well-Connected and 25 points’
shows, once beat Dr. Silverback
worth of Contacts in the scien-
in a Texas Hold ’Em tournament,
tific community; Perk: Tenure
and crashes the Oscar awards
at MCU
ceremony every year in a bright
50+ Disadvantages: Hunted: pink gown. Aside from her work
ARGENT 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, on Monster Island, her current
Kill) goal is to learn how to play rock
Notes: The second potential ’n’ roll guitar and jam with Eric
ally the heroes have against Clapton. She’s a tenured profes-
ARGENT is Dr. Janice Sell- sor at Millennium City Univer-
ers, a zoologist who went to sity, but due to her various esca-
Monster Island months ago pades and commitments doesn’t
out of concern for its wildlife. teach classes most semesters.
(UNTIL approved her visit, Doctor Sellers’s appearance
though it expected her to leave belies her fierce determination
after a week and is pressuring and stubborness. Short and
her strongly to return to civili- waif-thin, she keeps her light
zation.) Initially she’d planned to study the giant brown hair cut short for comfort in the tropi-
monsters and other strange fauna, but when cal climate, giving her a youthful appearance.
she found out about the beast-men and the way She wears camo pants, boots, a belt with several
ARGENT treats them she immediately shifted pouches, and a light-colored t-shirt. She’s usu-
her focus to them. Although her current work ally got a notebook, PDA, or various small sci-
isn’t known to the public, around UNTIL and in entific instruments with her.
Echincos Shore:
Lair Of The Worm
Chapter Nine
106 Echinocos Shore: Lair Of The Worm Hero System 5th Edition Revised
n the late Eighties Bureau 17 established an the communications system. They maintained
observation outpost on the northern part of the deception for weeks. Bureau 17 only recently
Monster Island — a rocky, hilly area near the discovered that the outpost is now an Elder Worm
volcano that some monsters liked but others base. It doesn’t really have the right forces and
avoided most of the time. Most Bureau 17 person- firepower to dig out an entrenched Elder Worm
nel regarded a posting to the outpost at Echinocos force — particularly one led by the Slug! — but it’s
Shore — a name chosen because of the discovery hoping to recruit the help of some superheroes.
of some highly unusual species of worms living in VIPER hasn’t been so hesitant, however. Eager
that area — as an easy assignment. to get its hands on whatever the Slug was after before
And so it was for about a decade, but things he did, the snakes moved a couple squads of agents
changed in 1998 when the Slug happened to pass into the area and began their own digs, precipitat-
near Monster Island and sensed the presence of ing a sporadic armed conflict with the Slug and his
potential Elder Worm artifacts. Never one to let people. The conflict worsened in recent weeks when
such things lie, he brought a group of his followers VIPER found a mysterious artifact, the Worm Orb,
to the island. They began searching and excavating that the Slug desperately wants.
in secret, working only at night and hiding during
the day in a cave. Every few months they’d dis-
cover something — never anything of importance, THE ELDER WORM
but enough for the Slug to keep them there.
The Elder Worm are an evil alien species
In 2008 the Slug’s faith was justified. His fol-
whose precise origins and history are largely
lowers discovered fragments of a Worm Gem sim-
unknown to mankind, and what is known isn’t
ilar to the Slug’s own. The Slug himself returned to
necessarily reliable or is subject to multiple inter-
Monster Island to take over the project. He real-
pretations. Apparently the Elder Worm have existed
ized he needed to expand the operation, and that
in the Milky Way Galaxy for eons; the Malvans tell
meant the Human observers at the outpost had to
stories of fighting an immense galactic war with
be eliminated. One stormy night the Elder Worm
them hundreds of thousands of years ago. Around a
attacked the Echinocos Shore base. So swift and
hundred thousand years ago they apparently came
powerful was the assault that the outpost didn’t
to Earth, where they enslaved much of Human-
even have the chance to call a warning or request
ity and in some way “interbred” with mankind so
for help into the main base.
that infinitesimal traces of Elder Worm biomate-
Instead of transforming his captives into
rial somehow secretly lurk within Human DNA
full Elder Worms, the Slug changed them into
even today. The Elder Worm are led by the Slug, a
Helminths, first-stage Elder Worms who retained
powerful villain who’s tried several times to trans-
enough human features — particularly their
form entire populations into Elder Worm. (See
tongues — that they could pass as human over
Conquerors, Killers, And
Crooks for the Slug’s original
character sheet, or Champi-
ons Universe: News Of The
World for his updated sheet
as of 2007; you can find
out more about the Elder
Worm in general from those
books and others, including
Hidden Lands, DEMON, and
Terran Empire.)
As their name sug-
gests, the Elder Worm have
annelidoid (worm-like)
bodies that are more flex-
ible than Human frames
(in game terms they all
have the Double-Jointed
Talent). They possess the
same senses as Humans, but
Monster Island n Chapter Nine 107
realms so that beings from Earth can safely deeper into the earth via a series of stairs. The
enter those realms and semi-directly “commune” Slug believes they were once part of some sort of
with certain Qliphothic entities. The Slug, who processional, since the first two rooms — column-
spends a lot of time in the “cave,” often does just filled chambers with causeways over pools of
that. Any PCs who pass through the portal has lava — don’t seem to serve any practical purpose
to fight him if he’s there (and potentially any other to impress one with the glory and power of
Qliphothic entities he’s “communing” with or the Elder Worm. The walls are carved with scenes
who’ve been attracted to the portal’s energy). out of Elder Worm theology and legend, scenes
There’s no way to get away from him in the small that Humans find horrifying and repugnant (when
area (other than returning through the portal, they can understand them at all).
but that requires 6 Segments of concentration) The final chamber, and a dead end to the
and he’ll be enraged at the presence of “mouthed Temple so far, is a roughly T-shaped room. The far
ones” in such a sacred place. end of the room rises up a ramp, and on that final
The Sacrifices “platform” the Slug himself can often be found,
Not far from the portal, on the other side of holding sway over his people.
the lava flow, the Elder Worm are holding some Elder Worms are all over the Temple, search-
Humans captive — a mix of VIPER, Bureau 17, ing for artifacts, analyzing the carvings, and per-
and UNTIL personnel. Chained to large pillars, forming other tasks. Anyone who wants to get to
these unfortunates will soon become Helminths or the Slug will have to fight his way through a legion
food for the Elder Worm gods... unless some bold of Warriors, Sorcerers, and other Elder Worm.
heroes arrive in time to rescue them!
The Slug and his followers have located a When Bureau 17 had to abandon Echinocos Shores,
fragment of an Elder Worm temple — a mar- Dr. Takashi unfortunately left behind some valuable
velously intact find the Slug hopes will lead to notes. The Elder Worm have them now, though they
other important finds. So far it hasn’t, but the haven’t done anything with them... yet. Heroes who
search continues. stumble across them will earn Dr. Toru’s eternal grati-
The Temple consists of three rooms con- tude if they return them to him.
nected by corridors that descend deeper and
Monster Island n Chapter Nine 117
tion, pointing them toward the most immediate Assisting Major Blixen is Sergeant Rudolph
threats, and so on. (For Simenon, use the Urban Donner, an American from Portland, Maine who
Division Agent template on page 171 of UNTIL: gets teased a lot by other agents for his long black
Defenders Of Freedom, but add the Intelligence hair. Strong and solid, he’s quiet and even shy
Corps and Undercover Agent Package Deals from compared to the more gregarious Major Blixen,
pages 67-68 of that book.) but he’s just as competent at his job. He secretly
dreams of being a superhero and takes every
opportunity to work with heroes, sometimes even
THE UNTIL PRESENCE sneaking after them to “help” when they get into
trouble during a battle.
UNTIL has assigned two agents to watch
Echinocos Shore and interfere with Elder Worm
activities as much as possible. The first is Major
Isak Blixen, a native of Denmark who’s held a
number of important assignments in UNTIL,
including head of the Capetown, South Africa
headquarters. She once lost a dozen men to one
of the Slug’s attacks, so when she heard he might
actually be on Monster Island she volunteered
for duty there in the hopes of getting the chance
to take him down for good. Contrary to UNTIL
doctrine and procedure she doesn’t just want to
capture him — she wants to kill him, and will
orchestrate events to ensure this outcome if pos-
sible. She’s not even particularly optimistic about
rescuing helminths. As far as she’s concerned,
someone who’s been so deeply tainted by the
Elder Worm can never truly be free of them, and
should be killed both to protect mankind and for
their own sake.
Aside from that one obsessive streak about
the Slug and his followers, Major Blixen is a model
UNTIL agent. Her reports are so well-prepared
they’re often used as examples in agent training
classes, she often speaks at agent gatherings, and
she’s keeping notes about her career experiences
so she can write a book when she retires. She’s
worked with superheroes on many occasions and
has generally learned to trust them... but also to
keep an eye on them.
Outpost Of Lemuria
Chapter Ten
120 Andrithal: Outpost Of Lemuria Hero System 5th Edition Revised
housands of years ago, when Andrith the of long-lost writings by Andrith himself that
Golden ruled over Lemuria and Lemurians detailed his greatest spell! Vikorin began study-
were the most powerful race on Earth (see ing them obsessively, seeking a way to undo
Hidden Lands), the region that has become Andrith’s work and thus become known as the
part of Monster Island housed one of Andrith’s greatest sorcerer in Lemurian history. Five years
many palaces. But Lemurian power ebbed, and the of painstaking work and experimentation fol-
Monster Island palace was lost to the centuries. lowed, but in 2007 Vikorin did it: he unravelled
Covered by volcanic eruptions, it eventually sank the effects of Andrith’s spell on one of the lesser
beneath the waves like Lemuria itself. nobles serving him, giving the man back his rep-
As described in Chapter One, in 1993, Lemu- tilianoid form and shapeshifting abilities (albeit
rian sorcerers from the House of Hyrg discovered the at the expense of his heightened longevity).
buried palace. Under the leadership of Vikorin the Since then Vikorin has “transformed” many
Blind, one of Hyrg’s most powerful sorcerers, a group of his people, who serve him faithfully out of
of Lemurians secretly traveled there to investigate. profound gratitude. But he continues to keep his
Vikorin, a wise and powerful Lemurian well-steeped work a secret from the Lemurian people because
in the lore of his people, hoped to find workbooks he has not yet perfected the process. He’s learned
and artifacts of Andrith himself... and perhaps the that a potion concocted from some of the unusual
long-lost spells and procedures with which he trans- herbs and plants on Monster Island can undo his
formed the Lemurian people, granting them longev- spell, restoring a Lemurian to human form with-
ity but locking them into human form. If he could out shapechanging powers... and what’s worse, no
study Andrith’s own workings, Vikorin thought longevity in exchange. Until he can figure out why
he might be able to find a way to reverse the spell, this happens and improve his spell to prevent it, he
restoring a Lemurian’s true reptilianoid form and doesn’t want to reveal his great project to anyone
shapechanging powers. other than the highest elders of House Hyrg.
Slowed by the need for secrecy and the Vikorin believes that the key to creating a
delicacy of the situation, it took two years for final, unbreakable, version of his new spell can be
the Lemurians to confirm that there were, in found in the Scroll Of Andrith, one of the ancient
fact, Lemurian ruins in and around the Monster sorcerer’s greatest writings. The Lemurians have
Island volcano. More Mole-Men and nobles were only found one scrap of the Scroll so far; Warlord
sent to work on the project, and by 1998 they Zarn (see below) keeps it on his person at all times
were unearthing artifacts. Most of what they for safekeeping in a special crystallos “envelope.”
found was of at best scholarly interest for a few Unbeknownst to the Lemurians, the commander
Lemurians interested in the ancient past, but in of the VIPER forces stationed nearby (see below)
2002 Vikorin’s seemingly hopeless dream came has another piece, and a third is in the hands of
true: his Mole-Men actually unearthed copies wretched castaway Hank Crusoe (see below). If
Monster Island n Chapter Ten 121
5u 5) Baudlier’s Warrior’s Boon: Aid STR, Background/History: Born into House Hyrg in the
DEX, or CON 4d6, any one of three Human year 1904, Vikorin was a small and often
Characteristics one at a time (+¼) 0 sickly child who gravitated toward books and
6u 6) Najiirn’s Blithering Idiocy: Suppress INT learning rather than physical games and contests.
9d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) 2 As he grew older he became healthier and stron-
4u 7) Iskari’s Mantle Of Concealment: ger, and began training in Lemurian military skills
Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe, and playing games, reveling in the ability to do
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 easily what once had been so difficult. But in his
6u 8) The Mageroad: Teleportation 20”, newfound confidence he pushed himself too hard.
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 While practicing his fencing with a live ignaetior
60 Mantle Of Mastery: Multipower, (Lemurian sword filled with the power of fiery
60-point reserve magic), he struck too hard, accidentally shattering
6u 1) Mantle Of Mastery I: Force Field the blade. His face and eyes were blasted by ignae-
(20 PD/20 ED), Reduced Endurance tium, blinding him. Lemurian magics eventually
(0 END; +½) 0 healed his face, but his eyes were beyond sorcery.
6u 2) Mantle Of Mastery II: Force Field Yet it was through sorcery that Vikorin found
(20 PD/20 ED/10 Mental Defense/ salvation. He returned to his studies with a will,
10 Power Defense) 6 using materials magically prepared for him by his
30 Winds Of The Zephirim: Flight 12”, instructors so he could read. In time he developed
Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) 1 his Senses Of Sorcery, which serve him in place of
30 Senses Of Sorcery: Spatial Awareness eyes (and in many ways are better than sight). He
(no Sense Group), Increased Arc Of became known for his magical skill, his compe-
Perception (360 Degrees), Telescopic tence, his learning, and his insight, and soon had
(+6 versus Range Modifier) 0 more responsibility within the House of Hyrg than
was usual for one of his young age. When word
reached the elders of the discovery on Monster
5 Fringe Benefit: Member of Lemurian
Island, they chose Vikorin as the best person to
lead an expedition there.
Talents Personality/Motivation: Although he affects an
32 Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, any air of scholarly detachment coupled with a dry
danger, sense) 14- wit and willingness to make insightful jabs about
Skills almost anyone or anything, Vikorin is as ambi-
15 +3 with Ranged Attacks tious and eager for power as any Lemurian noble
6 +2 with Shadow Magics Multipower — in fact, moreso even than most of them. He
6 +2 with Lemurian Sorcery Multipower feels as if his “deformity” makes him the object
7 +2 DCV; Requires A Danger Sense Roll (-½) of mockery and scorn (though it does not, gener-
ally speaking), so he has to work twice as hard to
3 Conversation 14- achieve what comes easily to other Lemurians.
3 High Society 14- He’s learned to study carefully, evaluate closely,
3 Inventor 14- and strike ruthlessly.
3 KS: Lemurian History And Culture 14-
3 KS: Lemurian Arcane And Occult Lore 14- Quote: “Blind I may be, but for me blindness is not
3 Mechanics 14- a handicap, it is a tool. And for you, wrapped in
15 Power: Lemurian Sorcery 20- my shadows... it will be your death.”
3 Stealth 13- Powers/Tactics: Vikorin is an accomplished
2 WF: Common Melee Weapons Lemurian sorcerer who’s studied many types of
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 614 magic, but he specializes in spells of shadow and
Total Cost: 746 darkness. He enjoys “watching” others blunder
around in Darkness fields that don’t affect him at
200+ Disadvantages all, and the feel of leeching someone’s life-force
15 Hunted: various Lemurian Houses who into his own body. Shadow magics suit his person-
want to see him fail 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harm) ality quite well.
25 Physical Limitation: Blind (All The Time; In combat Vikorin prefers to stay in a posi-
Fully Impairing) tion of safety and assume a supporting role. He
15 Psychological Limitation: Ambitious And blinds foes with Invoked Shadows and Shadow
Powerhungry (Common, Strong) Mask, prevents them from moving with Shadow
5 Rivalry: Professional or Romantic, with Chains, and so on. Then he augments the war-
various other Lemurian nobles riors serving him with Baudlier’s Warrior’s Boon.
486 Experience Points After that he adjusts his tactics to compensate for
Total Disadvantage Points: 746 the flow of battle and his opponents’ abilities. His
Danger Sense often gives him an edge on his ene-
mies, allowing him to avoid attacks and anticipate
ambushes. Similarly, his Senses Of Sorcery make
it difficult to sneak up behind him, approach him
Invisibly, or the like.
Monster Island n Chapter Ten 123
thopters. When the Lemurians first broke into this ers tend to the plots, making sure the crystals grow
area using one of their drilling-machines (which large and strong, under the watchful eye of Unctor
is still there), it contained several ornithopters the Black-Handed. He’s a tall, particularly power-
of ancient make. They were so fragile that the ful Lemurian Sorcerer with purple-grey skin and a
vibrations caused by the drilling-machine caused magitech harness in purple, white, and mauve. (For
two of them to fall to pieces and damaged all Unctor, use the Lemurian Sorcerer character sheet,
the others. Despite valiant efforts the Lemurians but increase his Lemurian Sorcery Multipower’s
weren’t able to preserve any of them, though reserve to 75 points and make all slots correspond-
they’ve carefully saved the salvageable parts for ingly more powerful, and improve his Magitech Har-
shipment back to Lemuria. ness to Armor [8 PD/8 ED].)
To the side of the hangar is a small room (#3 11. The Kiln
on the map) that was once a room for working The Lemurians use this low-ceilinged
on ornithopter parts and assemblies. Although chamber to treat (and if necessary shape) the
smaller than the hangar itself, it’s got a higher ceil- harvested crystallos. They’ve cut 0.5-1.0 meter-
ing than most other rooms in the complex. Niches deep niches into the walls all around the perim-
and shelves carved directly into the stone line the eter of the room. Channels form an intricate
walls, though they no longer hold ornithopter pattern in the floor. These channels are nearly
parts and tools. 0.5 meters deep but only a few centimeters wide.
B. THE FULMINOR Lava feeds from the culvert (#7) into this room
EVAPORATORIUM via pipes. When the workers open the piples,
lava fills the channels in the floor. This heats the
Beyond the Hangar is a series of rooms that
low-ceilinged area and purifies the crystallos.
apparently are where Andrith once refined and
The doors to the Kiln are DEF 10, BODY 10 and
worked with the four Lemurian mystical sub-
reinforced against extreme heat (+4 DEF, Only
stances. The first workroom, the one next to the
Versus Fire/Heat); they open and close on coun-
Hangar, is the Fulminor Evaporatorium (area B
terweights due to their immense weight. Chains
on the map). Set into the floor are pits covered
on the right side of the door control the coun-
with heavy bronze grates. In the pits tiny crystals
terweight system; chains on the left side control
of ignaetium are combined with other materials.
the pipe system for the lava.
The mass combusts, releasing green fulminor gas,
which rises up through the grates and is captured D. CORUSQUA CONTAINMENT
by collectors set into the ceiling. Beyond the Kiln is a series of three rooms,
Running through the center of the room is two small and one large, arranged in a T forma-
a lava trench (#6) that runs down from a lava pit tion. Each of the rooms contains one or more large
(#9) in the Lava Pump Chamber (#8), which is vats (similar to Human eyes to the vats used to
where the Lemurians now tap the geothermal heat brew beer in microbreweries) mounted on metal-
of the volcano for power. The bottom of the trench lic plates. In the large room, which has multiple
is six meters (3”) below the floor of the Evaporato- vats, metal strips about as wide as a sidewalk con-
rium. The lava runs south through a nearly-filled nect the various metal plates. The vats are used to
culvert (#7) into the Forge Lava Pool (#19). Two distill corusqua by mixing ignaetium, water, and
small bridges (#5) cross the six foot (1”) wide other substances.
trench. The highly electric nature of corusqua
Overseeing fulminor creation for Vikorin is makes it dangerous for Humans to go near these
Yrvin of House Hyrg, whose reptilian transforma- vats. If a Human steps on a metal plates or strip,
tion has made him big and strong like a Progeni- or touches a vat, he suffers an Energy Blast 4d6,
tor. Use the Progenitor character sheet for him, NND (the defense is insulated Resistant ED or
but add +10 STR and +1 SPD. an ED Force Field/Force Wall) and is paralyzed
8-9. The Lava Pump Chamber for 1d6 Segments (treat this as an Entangle
As mentioned above, the Lemurians use this 4d6, 8 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks)
room to generate power. (Whether Andrith used Another character can knock a victim off the
it for the same purpose tens of thousands of years plate and end the paralysis immediately, though
ago is unknown, but considered likely.) The stone if he touches the plate himself he’ll become
railing around the lava pit seems sound, but is paralyzed in turn.
actually weakened from millennia of exposure to Near one of the support columns in the large
the heat of the lava. It only has DEF 3, BODY 3, Containment room is a control box. Characters
and so could easily break under impact, sending who spend 2 Phases studying the box and make a
someone falling into the deadly lava. Systems Operation roll at -1 (or an INT Roll at -4)
can figure out how to shut off all the vats, stopping
corusqua production and making the metal plates
The next room, the Crystallos Kiln, is, like the safe to walk on. (Anyone paralyzed when this hap-
Evaporatorium, one large chamber. Here the Lemu- pens becomes unparalyzed immediately.)
rians create crystallos, which they use to manufacture Before the heroes can get to the control box
various goods. The large crystalline spars are “grown” they’ll have to fight their way past the Lemurians
in square plots on the floor of the chamber that look working here and their boss, who’s known simply as
to Human minds like small gardens. Lemurian work- the Hyrg Coruscator. A large, green-skinned Lemu-
Monster Island n Chapter Ten 131
rian, he guards the door leading to the final room The heat from the lava pool makes this room
that the Lemurians have excavated. (Use the Pro- uncomfortable for humans (reptilian Lemurians
genitor character sheet for him, but add +5 STR, +5 don’t mind it at all). Characters in this room take
CON, +5 PD, +5 ED, and +1 SPD.) 1d6 NND damage per Phase; the defense is Life
12. Containment Control Room Support (Safe Environment: Intense Heat).
Metal control consoles covered with buttons, 18-20. The Bronze Ziggurat
dials, switches, levers, and toggles fill this room; Dominating the center of the Forge is an
Lemurians use them to monitor and guide the enormous bronze ziggurat, its metal unchanged
flow of corusqua. One of the most prominent con- by the passage of time or exposure to the heat.
trols is a knife switch that can stop production, the Four elevated walkways with rails lead to the
same as the control box described above. ziggurat. The walkways are DEF 10, BODY 8;
15. The Entrance Ramp the rails along them are DEF 6, BODY 6; the
The broad entrance ramp leading up to the ziggurat as a whole is DEF 10, BODY 40.
Ignaetium Forge contains some intact Lemurian art- At the top of the ziggurat is a dais, and over-
work: ancient carvings of serpents and other reptiles. seeing the work in the Forge from the dais is Viko-
They’re not in very good condition, but many human rin the Blind, leader of the Lemurian expedition to
scholars would consider them fascinating. Monster Island (see above for his character sheet).
Serving him are numerous lesser Lemurians who’ll
E. THE IGNAETIUM FORGE fight to the death to protect him.
The final room in the ruins, thought by Viko-
rin to once have been part of one of Andrith’s
primary workrooms, is a large square chamber. VIPER In Andrithal
The walls are decorated with carved depictions The snakes over in Slither Beach aren’t the
of events from Lemurian legend done in the style type to leave their neighbors in peace if they think
of 40,000 years ago, but so well-preserved that it there’s something for VIPER to gain by meddling.
looks as if they were made yesterday. The ceiling is Having taken note of the extensive Lemurian
domed and apparently once could open to the sky, activities in the Andrithal region, VIPER decided
but tens of thousands of years of being buried in a to makes its own attempt to obtain anything
volcano have sealed it shut forever. valuable before the Lemurians did. Addition-
In the center of the Forge is a large, deep ally, VIPER’s Serpent-Mages have long wanted to
pool of lava (#19). Built onto grates (#14) at the obtain samples of ignaetium and the other Lemu-
four corners of the pool are Lemurian extrac- rian mystical substances — they’re eager to experi-
tion machines (#18) that process lava to remove ment with them and find ways to use their power
the tiny crystals of ignaetium in it, then combine to benefit VIPER.
those crystals into larger ones about the size of a With all that in mind, VIPER moved into
golf ball. The Lemurians store the ignaetium, spare Andrithal by taking over a former Bureau 17 base
parts for the extraction machines, and other useful there that’s located on a small dock. The base is a
objects in Rooms #21-#23. four-story building with several smaller buildings
132 Andrithal: Outpost Of Lemuria Hero System 5th Edition Revised
surrounding it; VIPER keeps some half-filled ship- WF: Small Arms; Fringe Benefits: UNTIL Rank,
ping containers on the dock as well. (When a con- International Driver’s License, International Police
tainer is full, VIPER agents send it by ship back to Powers; International Weapons Permit; Well-Con-
Slither Beach; the Nest catalogues the contents and nected and 17 points of Contacts in Russia
forwards them on to other VIPER bases around 75+ Disadvantages: Distinctive Features: UNTIL
the world for thorough analysis.) Agents have Uniform (Easily Concealed; Noticed And Rec-
fortified the four-story building, sealing off all but ognizable); Hunted: UNTIL 8- (Mo Pow, NCI,
two entrances by welding steel over the doors and Watching); Social Limitation: Subject To Orders
windows and then cutting gun slits in the metal. (Frequently; Major)
VIPER has brought in two V-12 “Destructor”
Blaster Cannons (Energy Blast 20d6, 30 Boostable Notes: Born in Soviet Russia during the height of
Charges, range 750”) that it can use to fight off an the Cold War, Alexei Fyodorovich became a Rus-
assault. It typically keeps one on the ground floor sian seaman, like his father and his father’s father
and one on the top floor, but the Cannons are before him. He joined the USSR’s submarine ser-
portable and can be moved around as the base’s vice and played the deadly cat-and-mouse game of
commander (a Golden Viper Squad Leader named undersea surveillance and strategic planning with
Erich Kurtz) sees fit. the wily Americans. In 1985 he was given com-
Most of the VIPER agents in Andrithal stay mand of his own nuclear submarine.
on or near the dock, guarding their turf against But despite that he was dissatisfied. The Soviet
Lemurian attacks. But every day at least one or Union was crumbling, and Captain Fyodorovich
two Eight-Teams of agents head out into Andrithal had long since had his eyes opened to the inequal-
to scavenge for artifacts, attack and rob groups of ities and brutalities of the Communist government
Lemurians, and spy on the reptile-men. VIPER he’d once served so faithfully. It was almost a relief
hasn’t yet gotten its hands on any ignaetium, but it when the regime collapsted in the early Nineties.
has acquired more than a few intriguing Lemurian Wanting to do something better, more honorable,
artifacts. VIPER’s presence and activities enrage with his life than preside over the disintegration of
Vikorin and Zarn, but as yet they don’t have the the Soviet Navy, he joined UNTIL.
manpower to both maintain their diggings and His timing couldn’t have been better. UNTIL
experiments and to launch a proper assault on the was expanding its undersea activities and was
dock. However, the time is coming when Lemuria about to complete construction of NAUTILUS, its
will take a full measure of revenge against VIPER: mid-Atlantic base. The agent who’d been assigned
first, it will sweep the snakes off the dock; second, to lead the project and command the base had
it will recapture the relics taken from it; and third, been killed in a construction accident just two
it will punish VIPER for its folly in defying the months before. UNTIL replaced him with Fyo-
Undersea Empire. The repercussions of VIPER’s dorovich, who took control, led the project to a
actions in Andrithal could affect the Champions successful conclusion, and has been running it
Universe for years to come. efficiently ever since.
As the agent responsible for UNTIL’s under-
water activities, Commander Fyodorovich is
THE UNTIL PRESENCE acutely aware of the threat posed by Lemuria; he’s
clashed with Lemurian forces on several occasions
UNTIL has assigned a highly-capable agent aboard the Aegir and other UNTIL watercraft.
to monitor the activities in Andrithal: Com- In light of his knowledge, UNTIL temporarily
mander Alexei Fyodorovich, the commander of re-assigned him to find out what’s going on in
NAUTILUS, UNTIL’s undersea base (see UNTIL: Andrithal, and to put a stop to it if necessary.
Defenders Of Freedom, pages 126-27). Commander Fyodorovich has a few agents under
his command, a small stockpile of weapons and
COMMANDER ALEXEI FYODOROVICH gadgets, and an UNTIL mini-sub to get the job
1 0 STR 12 DEX 14 CON 11 BODY done... so he’d certainly welcome some help from
18 INT 14 EGO 20 PRE superheroes.
12 COM 5 PD 5 ED 3 SPD Fyodorovich is a tall white male with “high
6 REC 30 END 25 STUN and tight” reddish hair. He wears green “camo”
style pants and a sturdy shirt. Even when on land,
Abilities: Bureaucratics 13-; Combat Submarin- he maintains a soldier’s discipline in his appear-
ing 16-; Deduction 13-; Gambling (Card Games) ance and habits — every crease razor-sharp, his
8-; KS: Lemuria 8-; KS: The Military/Mercenary/ face always properly shaved, his manners Old
Espionage World 11-; KS: Naval History 11-; KS: World-impeccable. He has a definite charm to him
Soviet Navy 11-; KS: World Navies 13-; Riding 8-; and makes friends easily, although he can some-
Stealth 11-; Tactics 14-; TF: Submarines, SCUBA; times be gruff or prone to taking charge.
Monster Island 133