Teachers Resource Chapter 3 Number Relationships Sample
Teachers Resource Chapter 3 Number Relationships Sample
Teachers Resource Chapter 3 Number Relationships Sample
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OVERVIEW Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter Task: A Block Dropping Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Curriculum across Grades 5 to 7: Number . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chapters 1–3 Cumulative Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Math Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Planning for Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CHAPTER 3 BLACKLINE MASTERS
Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Family Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Reading Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Scaffolding for Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75–76
Connections to Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Scaffolding for Lesson 2, Question 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Connections to Other Math Strands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 String Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Connections to Other Curricula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mid-Chapter Review—Frequently Asked Questions . . . . 79
Connections to Home and Community . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Four in a Row Game Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Chapter 3 Planning Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Calculation Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81–82
Chapter 3 Assessment Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter Review—Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . 83
Chapter 3 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84–86
TEACHING NOTES Chapter 3 Task: A Block Dropping Game . . . . . . . . . 87–88
Chapter Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Answers for Chapter 3 Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89–91
Getting Started: Banner Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 From Masters Booklet
Lesson 1: Identifying Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Review of Essential Skills: Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Lesson 2: Identifying Multiples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1 cm Grid Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Curious Math: String Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2 cm Grid Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Lesson 3: Prime and Composite Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 100 Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Math Game: Colouring Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Number Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Lesson 4: Identifying Factors by Dividing . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Initial Assessment Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Lesson 5: Creating Composite Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Assessment Rubrics for Mathematical Processes . . . . . 58–61
Mid-Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter Checklist: Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Lesson 6: Solving Problems Using an Organized List . . . . . 43 Self-Assessment: Chapter 3 Lesson Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Lesson 7: Representing Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Self-Assessment: Mathematical Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Curious Math: Countdown Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Self-Assessment: What I Like . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Lesson 8: Comparing and Ordering Integers . . . . . . . . . . 53 Self-Assessment: How I Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Lesson 9: Order of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Math Game: Four in a Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
This chapter provides students with opportunities to use Answers and Solutions
their understanding of number relationships to identify Answers to all numbered questions are provided in the
factors and multiples, to determine whether a number is Student Book. Full solutions are provided in the Solutions
prime or composite, to compare and order integers, and to Manual. Selected answers are provided in the Teacher’s
use the rules for order of operations to calculate the value of Resource lesson notes.
an expression. They will build upon the mental mathematics
strategies developed in Grade 5 to determine factors and
Throughout the chapter, students use concrete and
pictorial models to help develop an understanding of new
concepts before attempting to use mental mathematics
Contents 1
Copyright © 2010 Nelson Education Ltd.
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Mathematical Processes: C Communication, CN Connections, ME Mental Mathematics and Estimation, PS Problem Solving, R Reasoning, T Technology, V Visualization
Features: CM1 (Curious Math: String Art), MG1 (Math Game: Colouring Factors), CM2 (Curious Math: Countdown Clock), MG2 (Math Game: Four in a Row)
Math Background
An understanding of number relationships is essential to complex expressions using the order of operations. It is
functioning in daily life. Students gain this understanding important for students to demonstrate computational
by exploring factors, multiples, and integers directly. Students math skills as well as flexibility with numbers. Students
also gain an intuitive understanding about numbers by relating are encouraged to use reasoning to check their answers,
numbers to a variety of real-world contexts. For example, to analyze and evaluate their thinking, and to listen
students use reasoning to solve number problems in the real and learn from the strategies of others.
world. In addition, visualizing number patterns and See PRIME (Professional Resources and Instruction for
relationships allows students to make connections and identify Mathematics Educators): Number and Operations by Marian
number relationships, further developing number sense. Small (Thomson Nelson, 2005) for additional math
Throughout the chapter, students are encouraged to use background and teaching strategies.
mental math to determine factors and multiples and to solve
Reading Strategies
Connections to Home and Community
The reading strategies highlighted in this chapter are
Monitoring Comprehension (Mid-Chapter Review) and • Have students use everyday situations to order and compare
Finding Important Information (Lesson 6). To reinforce the numbers, identify factors and multiples, and use the order of
use of these strategies, you may apply them to other questions operations.
throughout the lessons as opportunities present themselves. • Send home Family Letter p. 74, which contains suggestions
for a variety of activities related to the math in this chapter
that students can do at home.
Connections to Literature • Have students complete the Nelson Math Focus 6 Workbook
Expand your classroom library or math centre with books pages for this chapter at home.
related to the math in this chapter. For example: • Use the suggestions for at-home activities in Follow-Up and
• Frasier, Debra. On the Day You Were Born. Harcourt Preparation for Next Class in various lessons.
Children’s Books, 1991.
Grade 6 Pacing
Student Book Section Lesson Goal Outcomes 13 Days Prerequisite Skills/Concepts
Getting Started Activate knowledge about 1 day • Recall multiplication facts and related division facts to 81.
Banner Designs number relationships. • Identify and extend number patterns.
pp. 68–69 (TR pp. 9–12)
Lesson 1 Identify factors to solve N3 1 day • Calculate products and quotients using mental math.
Identifying Factors problems. • Divide a two-digit number by a one-digit number.
pp. 70–73 (TR pp. 13–17) • Understand the meaning of the term factor.
• Use arrays to multiply and divide numbers.
Lesson 6 Use an organized list to N3 1 day • Identify factors and multiples of whole numbers.
Solving Problems Using an Organized solve problems that involve • Identify prime and composite numbers.
List, pp. 88–89 (TR pp. 43–46) number relationships.
Lesson 9 Apply the rules for order of N9 1 day • Use mental math to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers.
Order of Operations operations with whole
pp. 98–100 (TR pp. 58–61) numbers.
Chapter Goals
• Identify prime numbers, composite numbers, factors, and multiples.
• Determine the factors of a composite number.
• Use an organized list to solve problems.
• Represent, order, and compare integers.
• Explain and apply the order of operations with whole numbers.
• Optional: counters • Optional: 1 cm Grid Paper, Masters Booklet p. 22 Mid-Chapter Review Questions 1 & 2
• Optional: linking • Optional: Chapter Checklist: Chapter 3, Masters Booklet p. 64 Chapter Review Questions 1, 2, & 3
cubes Workbook, p. 17
For materials and masters for features, reviews, and the Chapter Task, see the TR section. Workbook p. 26
Mathematical Processes: C Communication, CN Connections, ME Mental Mathematics and Estimation, PS Problem Solving, R Reasoning, T Technology, V Visualization
Assessment of Learning
Student Book Section Chart Question Grade 6 Outcome Mathematical Process Focus for Question
Mid-Chapter Review TR pp. 41–42 1, model, written answer N3 Visualization
pp. 86–87
2, short answer N3 Reasoning
3, short answer N3 Problem Solving
4, short answer, written answer N3 Reasoning
5, short answer N3 Problem Solving
6, short answer N3 Visualization
7, written answer N3 Reasoning
Chapter Review TR pp. 66–68 1, written answer N3 Visualization
pp. 102–104 2, written answer N3 Reasoning
Chapter Test 3, 4, short answer N3 Reasoning
(TR pp. 84–86) 5, written answer N3 Problem Solving
6, short answer, written answer N3 Reasoning
7, written answer N3 Reasoning
8, short answer N3 Reasoning
9, short answer N3 Problem Solving, Reasoning
10, written answer N7 Communication
11, written answer, model N7 Visualization
12, short answer, model N7 Communication, Visualization
13, short answer N9 Mental Mathematics and Estimation
14, short answer, written answer N9 Problem Solving
Chapter Task TR p. 71 entire task, investigation N3 Problem Solving, Reasoning, Visualization
A Block Dropping Game, p. 105
Assessment as Learning
Student Book Section Student Self-Assessment Masters
Mid-Chapter Review Chapter 3 Lesson Goals, Masters Booklet p. 75
pp. 86–87 Self-Assessment: Mathematical Processes, Masters Booklet p. 84
Self-Assessment: What I Like, Masters Booklet p. 85
Self-Assessment: How I Learn, Masters Booklet p. 85
Read and discuss the five goals of the chapter. Ask students multiple
to suggest different ways they can determine the factors of a
number. Have students record in their journals their thoughts prime number
about one of the goals, using a prompt such as “Examples of composite number
situations where I would need to identify the factors of a
number are….” At the end of the chapter, you can ask integer
students to complete the same prompt. Then they can
compare their ideas with the ones recorded at the beginning opposite integers
of the chapter and reflect on what they have learned.
rules for order of operations
Banner Designs
Activate knowledge about number relationships.
Math Background
The Getting Started activity helps students activate
knowledge of number relationships and principles learned
in earlier grades. Specifically, students will use number
patterns, skip counting, and multiplication to determine
multiples of two whole numbers. Students need a firm
understanding of multiplication and division facts to help
them identify both multiples and factors of whole
Using the Activity The pattern shows skip counting by 6s. So the next
square with an eagle should be the 24th square because
(Whole Class/Pairs/Small Groups) 18 ⫹ 6 = 24.
± 30–40 min C. For example, I can multiply 1, 2, and 3 by 6 to get
6 ⫻ 1 = 6, 6 ⫻ 2 = 12, and 6 ⫻ 3 = 18, which are
Use this activity to activate knowledge of factors and the numbers of the first three red squares that have an
multiples and number patterns and as an opportunity for eagle. So I can solve the equation ⫻ 6 = 30 to figure
initial assessment. out the number of red squares with an eagle.
Together, read about Daniel’s Heritage Day banner and
then read the central question on Student Book page 68. I can divide by 6 to solve the problem. There are 30
Distribute grid paper to students. Have students work in pairs squares and 30 ⫼ 6 = 5, so 5 red squares will have
or small groups to answer Prompts A to C. Students having an eagle.
difficulty sketching may prefer writing the letter E for eagle D. For example, I’ll create a banner with 100 squares. I’ll
instead of drawing the symbol. Discuss the answers to these colour every second square yellow. Every fifth square will
prompts as a class. Have students work in groups to answer have the symbol for a horse. I’ll figure out how many
Prompt D. Have volunteers share their banners with the class. yellow squares will have a horse.
If extra support is required, guide these students and provide
copies of Scaffolding for Getting Started pp. 75–76.
horse horse
Answers to the Activity
A. For example,
Every 10th square has a horse in a yellow square. So I
predict that the number of yellow squares with a horse in
B. For example, I saw the pattern 6, 12, 18. 100 squares is 100 ⫼ 10 = 10.
6 12 18
Using What Do You Think? 2. For example, agree. The last digit is 0 so when you
multiply numbers like 10 and 20, you get a 0 in the ones
(Small Groups/Whole Class) ± 10–20 min digit of the product.
Use this anticipation guide to activate knowledge and *For example, disagree. 8 ⫻ 25 = 200 and neither factor
understanding of factors and multiples. Explain to students has 0 as the ones digit.
that the statements involve math concepts or skills they will 3. *For example, agree. If you extend the first pattern by
learn about in the chapter—they are not expected to know adding 5 and the second pattern by adding 7, you get
the answers at this point. Ask students to read the statements, 35 on both lists. Then if you keep adding 5 and 7, you
think about each one for a few seconds, and decide whether will get 70 as the next number on both lists. So if you
they agree or disagree. Have volunteers explain the reasons continue adding both 5 and 7, you will get lots of the
for their choices. Students can exchange their thoughts in same numbers on both lists.
small groups, in groups where all agree or disagree, or in a For example, disagree. The three numbers in each list are
general class discussion. Tell students they can revisit their different. One list of numbers goes up by 5s and the
ideas at the end of the chapter. other list goes up by 7s. So you will not get many of the
Possible Responses for What Do You Think? same numbers.
Correct responses are indicated with an asterisk (*). Students 4. For example, agree. 3 has two factors, 1 and 3.
should be able to give correct responses by the end of the 2 ⫻ 3 = 6. 6 has four factors: 1, 2, 3, and 6.
chapter. So multiplying 3 by 2 doubled the number of factors.
1. For example, agree. If you multiply 5 by 6, you get 30. *For example, disagree. 4 has three factors: 1, 2, and 4;
You can also multiply 1 and 30 to get 30, and there are 2 ⫻ 4 = 8. 8 has four factors: 1, 2, 4 and 8. So when
other factors of 30 too. So when you multiply two whole you multiply 4 by 2, you do not get double the number
numbers, the product has more than two factors. of factors.
*For example, disagree. When you multiply 1 by 1, you
get 1, and 1 is the only factor.
Prompts C & D
• Students determine the number of coloured squares that will have a symbol • Students may not connect determining the number of squares with number
and explain their method. patterns or multiplication facts. (See 3 and 5 below.)
• Calculate products and quotients using mental math. Math Background
• Divide a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Students should be familiar with the relationship between
• Understand the meaning of the term factor. factors of a number and division of that number. For
• Use arrays to multiply and divide numbers. example, 2 is a factor of 10 because the quotient (5) is a
whole number and the remainder is 0. To identify all of
SPECIFIC OUTCOME the factors of a number and to help them visualize those
factors, students can use arrays.
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and An array is a pictorial or concrete model of a number
multiples by in which the rows and columns of the array represent
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less factors of the number. For example, a 4-by-5 array shows
than 100 that 4 and 5 are factors of 20 because the array has 4 rows,
• identifying prime and composite numbers 5 columns, and a total of 20 elements.
• solving problems involving multiples. As students use reasoning and mental math to identify
[PS, R, V] the factors of a number, they can show the factors in a
Achievement Indicators factor rainbow. A factor rainbow lists all of a number’s
• Determine all the whole-number factors of a given factors in a row and pictorially links the factors that can
number using arrays. be multiplied together to result in that number. It is
• Identify the factors and multiples for a given number important to list the factors systematically so none are
and explain the strategy used, e.g., concrete or visual forgotten.
representations, repeated division by prime numbers, or
factor trees.
• Solve a given problem involving factors or multiples. Optional: Chapter
Optional: 1 cm Grid Paper, Checklist: Chapter 3,
Preparation and Planning Masters Booklet, p. 22 Masters Booklet p. 64
Pacing 5–10 min Introduction
15–20 min Teaching and Learning
20–30 min Consolidation
Materials • Optional: counters
• Optional: linking cubes
Masters • Optional: 1 cm Grid Paper, Masters
Booklet p. 22
• Optional: Chapter Checklist: Chapter 3,
Masters Booklet p. 64
Recommended Questions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 13
Practising Questions
Key Question Question 5
Extra Practice Mid-Chapter Review Questions 1 & 2
Chapter Review Questions 1, 2, & 3
Workbook p. 17
Mathematical R (Reasoning) and V (Visualization)
Process Focus
Nelson Website Visit www.nelson.com/mathfocus and follow
the links to Nelson Math Focus 6, Chapter 3.
1 Introduction 2 Teaching and Learning
(Small Groups/Whole Class) (Whole Class/Pairs) ± 15–20 min
2 ± 5–10 min 3
Together, read about the Earth Day project and then read the
Distribute 12 counters to each group. Have students form central question on Student Book page 70. Work through
Mai’s Arrays together. Students may represent the arrays with
the counters into an array. Alternatively, have them colour
arrays of 12 on grid paper. Ask volunteers to share their
symbols as Mai did, or they may use counters or grid paper.
arrays with the class. Try to elicit all of the possible arrays for Some students may use pairs of factors to identify two arrays
rather than one array.
the number 12: 1-by-12, 2-by-6, and 3-by-4. Some students
may also suggest reversing the order of rows and columns, for
Work through Jason’s Factor Rainbow with students to
example, 12-by-1. Accept these answers but make sure show how to systematically record all the factors of 18. For
students realize that the factors are still the same. 6
example, students may reverse the rows and columns to get
6 arrays for 18 seedlings: 1-by-18 and 18-by-1, 2-by-9 and
Sample Discourse 9-by-2, and 3-by-6 and 6-by-3. Tell students they can solve the
“How did you decide how many counters would go in each
row of your array?” 7
problem either way as long as they list the number of arrays
the same way for each number in the chart. They should also
• I tried to make rows that were all the same size without note that the factors 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 18 remain the same.
having any counters left over. I then counted the number of
counters in each row to determine one factor.
Have students work in pairs to complete Prompts A to C.
When students have completed the activity, discuss the
• I chose a number of rows that is a factor of 12, and then put answers as a class.
the counters into that number of rows.
“ Can you make an array with five rows?”
• No, because there will be two counters left over.
• No, because 5 is not a factor of 12.
• No, because 5 does not divide evenly into 12.
Answers to Prompts The factors of 48 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 48.
A. For example, I used a factor rainbow to record the So 48 seedlings can be planted in 5 arrays:
number of factors and the number of arrays for each 1-by-48, 2-by-24, Grade 5
number of seedlings. 3-by-16, 4-by-12,
The factors of 25 are 1, 5, and 25. So 25 seedlings can be 6-by-8
planted in 2 arrays: 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 48
1-by-25, 5-by-5 Grade 2 The factors of 56 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28, and 56. So 56
seedlings can be planted in 4 arrays:
1-by-56, 2-by-28, Grade 6
1 5 25 4-by-14, 7-by-8
The factors of 29 are 1 and 29. So 29 seedlings can be
1 2 4 7 8 14 28 56
planted in 1 array:
B. For example, I chose Jason’s method because I can use
1-by-29 Grade 3 mental math to figure out the factors of a number. The
factor rainbow helps me keep track of the factors I have
figured out. I didn’t use Mai’s method because it takes
1 29 too long to draw all the arrays for each number.
C. Both 36 and 48 seedlings can be planted in 5 arrays.
The factors of 36 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36. So
36 seedlings can be planted in 5 arrays: Reflecting (Whole Class)
1-by-36, 2-by-18, Grade 4 Here students compare and contrast arrays with factor rainbows
3-by-12, 4-by-9, as methods for identifying the factors of a number. Students
6-by-6 also explain how they know when they have identified all of
1 2 3 4 6 9 12 18 36
the factors, using each method. Ensure students understand
that arrays can be used to identify factors, while factor
rainbows are primarily a method for recording the factors.
Students should also connect the dimensions of the arrays
with the factors listed in the factor rainbow.
Provide counters or grid paper to students to help them
model the arrays. Follow-Up and Preparation for Next Class
6. Students should recognize that the number of coins can Have students follow up on the lesson at home using a group
8only be divided by 1 and itself. In Lesson 3, students will
formalize this understanding as they learn about prime
of small items such as toothpicks. Suggest that students
arrange the group into an array. Using the array, students
and composite numbers. should identify factors of the number used in the array.
Answers to Key Question
5. a)
• Challenge students to identify the number between 1 and 50 that can be
modelled with the greatest number of arrays. Encourage students to develop
strategies to help them eliminate some numbers, rather than drawing the
arrays for each number. For example, students might eliminate any number
that can only be drawn in an array with one row.
• Identify factors of whole numbers. Math Background
• Extend a number pattern by multiplying or adding whole In previous grades, students have multiplied factors to
numbers. calculate a product. In this lesson, students will approach
multiplication from a different perspective as they
SPECIFIC OUTCOME calculate multiples of a number using known
multiplication facts and skip counting. Students will
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and multiply a given number by sequential whole numbers to
multiples by build a list of multiples. For example, to build a list of
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less multiples of 6, students will multiply 6 by 1, 2, 3, 4, … to
than 100 get the multiples 6, 12, 18, 24, …. To use skip counting,
• identifying prime and composite numbers students will count in units of the given number. For
• solving problems involving multiples. example, to build a list of multiples of 5, students will
[PS, R, V] count by 5s to get the multiples 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on.
Achievement Indicators Students use a number line to help them visualize the
• Identify multiples for a given number and explain the pattern in the list of multiples. Students will apply these
strategy used to identify them. skills in various problem-solving contexts.
• Solve a given problem involving factors or multiples.
1 Introduction 2 Teaching and Learning
(Whole Class) ± 5–10 min (Whole Class/Small Groups)
Briefly review some mental math strategies that students have 3 ± 10–15 min
learned for multiplication. On the board, on a transparency, Before reading, remind students that a comet is a small body
or on an interactive whiteboard, write the following
multiplication expressions: 4
that orbits the Sun, and it is only visible from Earth at
certain points in its orbit. Comets that appear regularly are
4⫻8 6⫻7 8⫻5 referred to as periodic comets. Together, read about the
Ask volunteers to share their strategies for calculating each 5
comets and then read the central question on Student Book
page 74. Have students set up Oleh’s List and retrace his
product. Try to elicit a variety of strategies. steps to show the first multiples of 7. Then direct them to
Sample Discourse 6
Léa’s Number Line. Tell students to use their rulers to draw
an open number line with two arrows. Ask them to point out
“How can you calculate the product of 4 and 8?”
• I used doubling. I know 2 ⫻ 8 = 16, which number Léa starts with on the number line and how
so 4 ⫻ 8 = 16 ⫹ 16, which is 32. 7
she gets to the next number. When students have become
comfortable with Léa’s method, have them work through
• I used doubling. I know 4 ⫻ 4 = 16,
so 4 ⫻ 8 = 16 ⫹ 16, which is 32. Prompts A to C in small groups. You may want to discuss the
“How can you calculate the product of 6 and 7?” 8
two methods as a group and have volunteers explain which
method they prefer.
• I skip counted up. I know 6 ⫻ 6 = 36,
so 6 ⫻ 7 = 36 ⫹ 6, which is 42. Sample Discourse
• I skip counted down. I know 7 ⫻ 7 = 49, “Which math operations did Oleh use in his method? How is
so 6 ⫻ 7 = 49 ⫺ 7, which is 42. Oleh’s method different from Léa’s method?”
“How can you calculate the product of 8 and 5?” • Oleh used multiplication to determine the multiples of 7 and
• I used doubling. I know 2 ⫻ 5 = 10, so 4 ⫻ 5 = 10 ⫹ 10, addition to calculate the years the comet would be seen from
which is 20, and 8 ⫻ 5 is 20 ⫹ 20, or 40. Earth. Léa only used addition to figure out the years after
• I skip counted down. I know 10 ⫻ 5 = 50, so 9 ⫻ 5 = 2000 the comet would be seen.
50 ⫺ 5, which is 45, and 8 ⫻ 5 = 45 ⫺ 5, which is 40.
Practising (Individual)
These questions give students opportunities to practise
calculating multiples. Students will also explain connections
between factors and multiples. Encourage students to use
mental math strategies in their calculations. Encourage
students to use number lines as visualization tools.
2. Ensure students understand that the “first five multiples”
“Which method is easier for you to use? Explain.” can be calculated by multiplying by the first five
• Oleh’s method is easier because multiplying to determine the counting numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, or by repeatedly
multiples is faster than adding, and I only have to replace the adding the number to itself until five multiples
last digits of 2000 with the multiples of 7 to get the years. are listed.
• Léa’s method is easier because I like adding better than 3. If extra support is required, guide these students and
multiplying. provide copies of Scaffolding for Lesson 2,
Question 3 p. 77.
Answers to Prompts
7. Students create lists of multiples of two numbers and
A. For example, I multiplied 7 by 3 to get 21. then identify the numbers that appear in both lists. In
B. For example, I added 7 to 2014 to get the year 2021. later grades, students will formalize this understanding
C. For example, I listed the multiples of 7 until I got to 70. as they learn about common multiples.
I stopped at 70 because I know 2000 ⫹ 70 = 2070 is Answers to Key Question
past 2067.
5. a) 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80 plates
7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, …
b) For example, 10 packages; Pauline needs to buy plates
I added these multiples to 2000 to get these years in for 80 people, and 80 plates are in 10 packages.
which the comet will likely be seen from Earth: 2007,
2014, 2021, 2028, 2035, 2042, 2049, 2056, and 2063. c) 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120
d) For example, 7 packages; Pauline needs to buy at least
Reflecting (Whole Class) 80 glasses, and 6 packages have 72 glasses, which is
too little, but 7 packages have 84 glasses, which is
Here students reflect on the relationship between factors and enough.
multiples. Students should recognize that a multiple is the
product of a factor and a counting number.
• Have students research and write a problem about an event that occurs every b) Andrea’s 21st birthday is in the year 2016, and she wants to know if the
number of years, for example, the Olympics or leap years. Then have students same year will have an Olympic Games. Which Olympic Games, if any, is
exchange their problems with a partner and solve the problems. occurring that year?
a) The summer and winter Olympics both occur every four years. Calculate
the years for the next five Olympic Summer Games, starting with 2008.
Then calculate the years for the next five Olympic Winter Games, starting
with 2006.
String Art
• Identify multiples of whole numbers.
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and
multiples by
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less
than 100
• identifying prime and composite numbers
• solving problems involving multiples.
[PS, R, V]
Achievement Indicators
• Identify multiples for a given number and explain the
strategy used to identify them.
• Solve a given problem involving factors or multiples.
Math Background
String art, or curve stitching, is a technique that uses line Using Curious Math
segments to produce apparent curves. Collectively, the In this activity, students are exposed to another visual
lines form an approximation of a curve. In this activity, representation of factors and multiples as they create and
students will draw line segments of different lengths to interpret a string art design. Students will identify the
connect multiples of various numbers. The frame for the patterns formed in the string art and determine which
string art consists of dots arranged in a circle and numbers should be connected with each colour. Encourage
numbered from 2 to 48. Students will use different students to explain how they are completing their project,
colours to draw the lines for various multiples. The using the terms factors and multiples in their explanations.
resulting design is a visual representation of factors and Encourage students to see that all numbers connected by the
multiples. Students will use reasoning to identify factors same colour string have at least one factor in common.
based on the colours of lines joined at the number. Students may draw conclusions about the numbers joined by
two or more colours.
Answers to Curious Math
String Art p. 78
1. For example, the multiples of 12 up to 48 are connected
by blue lines.
2. 12, 24, 36, 48
3. 12, 24, 36, 48
4. For example, if I use yellow to connect multiples of 4,
I predict there will be 4 lines at 12, 24, 36 and 48.
• Challenge students to create string art with a different shape and a different
number of dots. For example, students may use a hexagon shape with a
number such as 36, and connect multiples of 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 18.
• Identify factors and multiples of whole numbers. Math Background
In Lesson 1, students used arrays to determine the factors
SPECIFIC OUTCOME of numbers and investigated the different arrays in which
numbers could be arranged. In this lesson, students
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and formalize their understanding of prime and composite
multiples by numbers as they use reasoning to identify numbers that
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less can be arranged in only one array. By arranging counters
than 100 in arrays, students are able to visualize numbers that can
• identifying prime and composite numbers be arranged in only one row or column; these numbers
• solving problems involving multiples. are prime, as their only factors are 1 and themselves.
[PS, R, V] Numbers that can be arranged in more than one array are
Achievement Indicators composite; each array represents two factors.
• Provide an example of a prime number and explain A 100 chart is used to identify prime and composite
why it is a prime number. numbers to 100, using a procedure called the Sieve of
• Provide an example of a composite number and Eratosthenes (er-uh-tos-thuh-neez), which was developed
explain why it is a composite number. and named for the ancient Greek mathematician
• Sort a given set of numbers as prime and composite. Eratosthenes. In this procedure, the smallest prime
• Solve a given problem involving factors or multiples. number on the chart is circled and then each of its
• Explain why 0 and 1 are neither prime nor composite. multiples is crossed off. This is repeated until all of the
composite numbers have been crossed off, leaving only
the prime numbers.
Preparation and Planning
Pacing 5–10 min Introduction
20–25 min Teaching and Learning 100 Chart, 2 cm Grid Paper,
15–25 min Consolidation Masters Booklet p. 30 Masters Booklet p. 23
Materials • counters
Masters • 100 Chart, Masters Booklet p. 30
• 2 cm Grid Paper, Masters Booklet p. 23
Recommended Questions 2, 3, 4, & 8
Practising Questions
Key Question Question 4
Extra Practice Mid-Chapter Review Question 5
Chapter Review Questions 6 & 7
Workbook p. 19
Mathematical R (Reasoning) and V (Visualization)
Process Focus
Vocabulary/Symbols prime number, composite number
Nelson Website Visit www.nelson.com/mathfocus and follow
the links to Nelson Math Focus 6, Chapter 3.
1 Introduction 2 Teaching and Learning
(Whole Class/Small Groups) (Whole Class/Small Groups)
2 ± 5–10 min 3 ± 20–25 min
Distribute various numbers of counters to each small group, and Together, read about Robin’s batteries and then read the
have them arrange their counters into as many arrays as possible
with no counters left over. Ask a volunteer from each group to
central question on Student Book page 78. Distribute
10 counters to each small group and have students form
say the number of counters they had and describe the different arrays for 2, 3, and 4 and relate these to the packages of
arrays they were able to make. On the board, on a transparency,
or on an interactive whiteboard, record the number of counters
batteries. Have them continue to make as many arrays as
they can for the numbers 5 to 10. Talk about which numbers
and the number of arrays for each group. As a class, talk about can be arranged in only one row or column (2, 3, 5, and 7)
what the rows and columns in an array represent. 6
and which numbers can be arranged in more than one way
(4, 6, 8, 9, and 10). Draw students’ attention to the margin
Sample Discourse
definitions and ensure they understand the difference
“How can you use arrays to find the factors of a number?”
• The numbers of rows and columns in an array are factors of 7
between prime numbers and composite numbers.
Distribute 100 charts and work through Robin’s Chart on
the number. page 79 together. Have students work through Prompts A to
• I can arrange counters in rows and columns to find the factors.
D in groups. Talk about the answer to Prompt C as a class.
Students should realize that after they cross off the multiples
of 7, only prime numbers will remain in the chart. Ask
8 volunteers to share their solutions to Prompt D to ensure
that each group correctly identified the prime numbers to 50.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Closing (Whole Class)
3 Consolidation ± 15–25 min Question 6 allows students to reflect on and consolidate their
learning for this lesson as they explain the connection between
Checking (Pairs)
Students complete their 100 chart as they apply the Sieve of
the number of arrays that can be used to represent a number
and whether that number is prime or composite.
Eratosthenes to the numbers from 50 to 100. Discuss the Answer to Closing Question
answer as a class to ensure that students have identified all of
the prime numbers. 6. For example, if you can arrange the counters in only one
array, the number of counters is a prime number. Seven
Practising (Individual) counters can only be arranged as a 1-by-7 array. So it is a
prime number.
These questions provide students with opportunities to
practise identifying prime and composite numbers in a
variety of contexts.
1 row of 7
2. Students use reasoning to determine whether numbers
If you can arrange the counters in more than one
8 are prime or composite. You may want to make counters
available. array, the number of counters is a composite number
because it means the number has more than two
3. Students may have difficulty communicating their different factors. Six counters can be arranged as 1-by-6
answers for parts b) and c). Ask them how their answers and 2-by-3 arrays. So it is a composite number.
support the definitions of a prime number and a
composite number.
Answers to Key Question 1 row of 6
4. a) For example, every number of candles that is prime
can be arranged in only one row or in one column. 2 rows of 3
I will be 12 next month. So when I am 13 or 17,
I can arrange the number of candles on a birthday Follow-Up and Preparation for Next Class
cake in only one array. For all other ages up to 18, I Students can review how to determine factors of numbers
can arrange the number of candles in more than one from 1 to 100 at home. They can use small objects such as
array. marbles or building blocks as counters to set up different
b) For example, I know prime numbers have only two arrays of a particular number. Encourage students to explain
factors and one of the factors has to be 1. So you can to a friend or family member what they are doing.
represent the numbers in only one row or one column.
Composite numbers have more than two factors so
you can arrange them in more than one array. So I
just had to identify the prime numbers from 12 to 18
to answer part a).
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• Have students create a game involving prime numbers and composite • Have students predict the number of factors of a product when two different
numbers, using a pair of dice and a 100 chart. For example, a player rolls the prime numbers are multiplied together.
dice and determines the sum of the numbers on the dice. Then the player
crosses the number off the chart. If the sum is prime, the player can also
cross off the multiples of the number. The first player to cross off all the
numbers to 50 on his or her chart is the winner.
Colouring Factors
• Identify factors of whole numbers.
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and
multiples by
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less
than 100
• identifying prime and composite numbers
• solving problems involving multiples.
[PS, R, V]
Achievement Indicators
• Determine all the whole-number factors of a given
number using arrays.
• Identify the factors for a given number and explain the
strategy used.
Math Background
This math game helps students consolidate their
understanding of factors, prime numbers, and composite
numbers. Students will apply their reasoning skills to
select the numbers with the fewest factors and to
identify the factors of the numbers selected by their
• Have students play using the entire 100 chart, rather than just the numbers
from 1 to 50. This will make for a longer game that requires more complicated
• Identify prime and composite numbers. Math Background
• Identify factors of whole numbers. In this lesson, students use their reasoning ability to
identify a prime number that is a factor of a given
SPECIFIC OUTCOME number. They will divide the given number by the prime
factor. This can be done by using repeated division or
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and factor trees. Both techniques help students to identify the
multiples by factors of the number, including factors that are prime.
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less Students do not need to complete the division or factor
than 100 tree, but they should try starting with a prime number
• identifying prime and composite numbers when they divide.
• solving problems involving multiples.
[PS, R, V]
Achievement Indicator
• Identify the factors for a given number and explain
the strategy used, e.g., concrete or visual
representations, repeated division by prime numbers,
or factor trees.
1 Introduction 2 Teaching and Learning
(Whole Class) ± 5–10 min (Whole Class/Small Groups)
Remind students that they have written factor pairs for 3 ± 15–25 min
numbers, for example, 3 ⫻ 6 for 18. To encourage students Together, read about Daniel and Léa’s card game with
to think of a number as the product of three factors, remind composite numbers. Read the central question on Student
students that 6 can be written as 2 ⫻ 3. So 18 can be written 4
Book page 82. Work through Léa’s Repeated Division
as 3 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 3. together. Point out that Léa started by dividing by 5, but
Next, ask students to write 24 as the product of three
factors other than 1. Have students share their answers with 5
she could have started with other prime numbers. Discuss
how to identify other factors of 45 from Léa’s division
the class. Students will see that there are various solutions. (e.g., 9 and 15). Then have students repeat Léa’s process
For example, students may write 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 6 ⫽ 24 or
4 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 24. 6
starting with 45 and dividing by 3.
Then direct students to Daniel’s method. Tell students that
If time permits, repeat the activity for 30 and 75. Daniel starts by dividing 40 by 2, and then continues to
Recall the definitions of prime and composite numbers
with students. Write the equation 24 ⫽ 3 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 4 on the 7
divide by prime numbers. Have students work through
Daniel’s method with the number 45 to see if they get the
board, on a transparency, or on an interactive whiteboard. same results as Léa.
Sample Discourse 8
Sample Discourse
“What are the two least prime numbers?” “Is there another pair of factors Daniel can start his factor
• 2 and 3 tree with other than 2 and 20?”
“What is 24 divided by 2?” • He can start with 5 and 8, because 5 ⫻ 8 is 40.
• 24 divided by 2 is 12. “If Daniel uses 5 and 8, which number will he continue
“What is 12 divided by 3?” to factor?”
• 12 divided by 3 is 4. • 8, because 5 is prime, but 8 is composite.
“What type of numbers did you divide by each time, prime
or composite?
• Each time, I divided by a prime number, either 2 or 3.
3 Consolidation ± 20–25 min
Checking (Pairs)
Remind students to factor each number using repeated
division or factor trees before determining different factors
that are prime. Point out that they are not finding the
number of factors that are prime, rather they are finding the
number of different or distinct factors that are prime.
Practising (Individual)
These questions provide students with opportunities to
practise identifying the factors of a number. Remind students
that they can use other appropriate strategies besides the
factor tree.
4. a) Ask students how Manon got 32, and then have them
work backward to get the top number.
Answers to Key Question
4. a) 96; for example, she divided a number by 3 and got
32. So the number must be 3 ⫻ 32 ⫽ 96.
b) For example, once you get to 16, you can divide only
by 2.
c) For example, if I divide 16 by 2, I get another factor, 8.
2 16
2 8
2 4
• Mai conjectures that all even composite numbers will have more factors
that are prime (repeated or non-repeated) than odd composite numbers, if
both numbers have the same tens digit. Challenge students to explore
Mai’s conjecture. For example, 45 has more factors that are prime, (3, 3,
and 5) than 46 (2 and 23).
• Multiply and divide combinations of one-digit and Math Background
two-digit numbers. Students will begin this activity using reasoning to
• Identify prime and composite numbers. determine the prime numbers from 1 to 50. Students have
already learned that prime numbers have only two factors
SPECIFIC OUTCOME and that composite numbers have more than two factors.
Now they will explore the implications of that distinction
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and in the context of solving a problem. They will have the
multiples by opportunity to recognize that prime numbers can be
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less multiplied to make any composite number from 2 to 50.
than 100
• identifying prime and composite numbers
• solving problems involving multiples Optional: 100 Chart, Optional: 1 cm Grid Paper,
[PS, R, V] Masters Booklet p. 30 Masters Booklet p. 22
Achievement Indicators
• Identify the factors for a given number and explain the
strategy used.
• Provide an example of a prime number and explain
why it is a prime number.
• Provide an example of a composite number and
explain why it is a composite number.
• Solve a given problem involving factors or multiples.
2 Teaching and Learning
(Pairs/Small Groups) ± 15–25 min
With students, read about Oleh’s licorice-stretching machine
on Student Book page 85. Clarify that the buttons on Oleh’s
machine can be pressed more than once to stretch the
licorice. Ask them why a 1 button wouldn’t be needed on the
machine. Ensure they understand that pressing the 2, 3, and
5 buttons means 2 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 30, which produces a length
30 times as long as the original. Also, pressing the 2 button
three times means 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 ⫽ 8.
6Read the central question and have students work in small
groups to answer it. Have available 100 charts (or at least the
numbers from 1 to 50); grid paper; chart paper; and markers.
7Explain that students are to
• write out the main points in their solution on chart paper
• be prepared to communicate their solution process to the
8rest of the class
• describe the buttons needed to stretch the licorice using
multiple stretches from 2 to 50
No one approach to the problem should be suggested.
Encourage students to choose their own methods. They must
take the information given and work toward a solution.
Circulate and observe students as they work.
Sample Discourse
“What buttons can you include to stretch the licorice
12 times as long as the original licorice?”
• I can use a 6 and a 2.
1 Introduction • I can use a 12 and a 1.
• I can use a 2 and a 2 and a 3.
(Whole Class) ± 5–10 min “How does the length of the licorice increase when you press
Review with students the various ways they can identify a 2 button or a 3 button three or four times?”
• If I press a 2 button three times, I have 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 ⫽ 8. If I
factors of numbers. These include forming arrays of counters,
factor rainbows, repeated division, and factor trees. press a 2 button four times, I have 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 ⫽ 16.
Sample Discourse
• If I press a 3 button three times, I have 3 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 27.
“What button do you need to stretch the licorice 17 times as
“How would you identify the factors of 24?” long as the original licorice?”
• I would start by listing 1 and 24 because 1 ⫻ 24 ⫽ 24. • I need a 17 button.
I know 2 ⫻ 12 ⫽ 24 so 2 and 12 are factors. 3 ⫻ 8 ⫽ 24 so “Why do you only need buttons that are prime numbers?”
3 and 8 are factors. 4 ⫻ 6 ⫽ 24 so 4 and 6 are factors. The • I only need buttons that are prime numbers because pressing
5factors of 24 in order are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24. prime-number buttons once will give the prime numbers needed
“How can you use your list of factors of 24 to tell whether 24 and pressing combinations of prime-number buttons will give
is a prime or composite number?” all the composite numbers needed.
• It’s not a prime number because it has more than two different
“In your list of factors of 24, which factors are prime
• 2 and 3 are the only two prime numbers that are factors of 24.
“Can you multiply combinations of only 2 and 3 to get 24?”
• Yes; if you calculate 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 3, you get 24.
invite questions from other students and attempt to answer
3 Consolidation ± 15–20 min the questions. Encourage students to identify similarities and
differences among their methods.
Closing (Whole Class)
Provide an opportunity for students to share and communicate
Follow-Up and Preparation for Next Class
Next class is the Mid-Chapter Review. Ask students to go
about their work. Have students describe to the rest of the through Lessons 1 to 5 and note any questions or problems
class how they solved the problem, using chart paper as an
organizing tool for students to follow. Ask students to
they have.
comment on the approach presented. The presenters may
Opportunities for Feedback: Assessment for Learning
What you will see students doing
When students understand If students misunderstand
• Students use different combinations of prime numbers to calculate as many
products as possible. Students then use reasoning to discover that all the
• Students may not identify the combinations of prime numbers needed to form
the composite numbers. This may result in incomplete lists of numbers
prime numbers from 2 to 47 will yield every number needed. needed or a list containing a mix of prime and composite numbers. (See Extra
Support 1.)
• Oleh believes that his machine can also stretch the licorice for all composite • Have students work in pairs to answer questions such as the following:
values from 51 to 100 times without adding any additional buttons. If the licorice-stretching machine works for 9, but not for 12, what button is
Challenge students to show whether Oleh’s belief is correct or incorrect. broken?
If the licorice-stretching machine works for 16, but not for 28, what button is
Challenge students to formulate similar questions for a partner to answer
and explain.
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and
multiples by
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less
than 100
• identifying prime and composite numbers
• solving problems involving multiples.
[PS, R, V]
Achievement Indicators
• Identify multiples for a given number and explain the
strategy used to identify them.
• Determine all the whole-number factors of a given
number using arrays.
• Identify the factors for a given number and explain the
strategy used, e.g., concrete or visual representations,
repeated division by prime numbers, or factor trees.
• Provide an example of a prime number and explain
why it is a prime number.
• Provide an example of a composite number and
explain why it is a composite number.
Reading Strategy
Monitoring Comprehension is a strategy that readers
use when what they are reading does not make sense.
Effective readers try several approaches to find meaning
when they have trouble understanding something they
are reading. Often they look at the context for clues to
figure out unknown words. In mathematics, students Preparation and Planning
might encounter new vocabulary or a challenging
procedure that affects comprehension. When this Materials • Optional: counters
occurs, students need to call on other known strategies Masters • Mid-Chapter Review—Frequently Asked
or a combination of strategies such as visualizing, Questions p. 79
questioning, predicting, summarizing, inferring, and Nelson Website Visit www.nelson.com/mathfocus and follow
rereading to regain comprehension. the links to Nelson Math Focus 6, Chapter 3.
Use a self-questioning strategy with the class. Have
students use key words from the first half of the chapter
and use a check mark to signify their level of Mid-Chapter Review—
understanding for each term. Frequently Asked
Questions p. 79
Key Word Lots! Some Not Much
factor rainbow
Practice (Individual)
Students should be able to complete all the questions in class.
For Question 5, encourage students to identify all the
possible two-digit numbers that can be spun by making a list
or chart, e.g., 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, and so on.
Encourage students to identify which questions they found
easy and which more challenging. Ask them what they can
do to become more proficient at questions they found
challenging. The review questions are organized by lesson.
Students can go back to the lesson indicated to review the
concepts for the question.
Question 7 (Reasoning)
• Students identify three possible numbers that have three different prime • Students may not be able to identify one or more numbers that have three
numbers as factors. prime numbers as factors.
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• uses visual representations • uses visual representations • uses visual representations simply to • uses visual representations poorly to
insightfully to demonstrate a meaningfully to demonstrate a demonstrate a basic understanding of demonstrate an incomplete
thorough understanding of factors reasonable understanding of factors factors understanding of factors
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• demonstrates an insightful • demonstrates a complete • demonstrates a basic understanding • demonstrates a limited
understanding of the problem understanding of the problem of the problem understanding of the problem
• develops a thorough plan for • develops a workable plan for • develops a basic plan for solving the • develops a minimal and/or flawed
solving the problem solving the problem problem plan for solving the problem
Question 4, short answer, written answer Specific Outcome and Process Focus: N3 [R]
• Identify the first five multiples of each number. Explain what you did for one number.
a) 11 b) 22 c) 20 d) 35
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• chooses efficient and effective • chooses workable and reasonable • chooses partially appropriate and • chooses inappropriate and/or
strategies to identify multiples strategies to identify multiples workable strategies to identify unworkable strategies to identify
multiples multiples
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• demonstrates an insightful • demonstrates a complete • demonstrates a basic understanding • demonstrates a limited
understanding of the problem understanding of the problem of the problem understanding of the problem
• differentiates between relevant • identifies relevant information • identifies some relevant information • has difficulty discerning relevant
and irrelevant information from irrelevant information
• develops a thorough plan for • develops a workable plan for • develops a basic plan for solving the • develops a minimal and/or flawed
solving the problem solving the problem problem plan for solving the problem
• chooses an efficient and effective • chooses an appropriate and • chooses a simplistic and/or routine • chooses an inappropriate or
strategy; may demonstrate workable strategy strategy unworkable strategy
creativity and innovation in
his/her approach
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• chooses efficient and effective • chooses workable and reasonable • chooses partially appropriate and • chooses inappropriate and/or
strategies to identify possible strategies to identify possible ages workable strategies to identify unworkable strategies to identify
ages possible ages possible ages
PREREQUISITE SKILLS/CONCEPTS • Identify the factors for a given number and explain the
• Identify factors and multiples of whole numbers. strategy used, e.g., concrete or visual representations,
• Identify prime and composite numbers. repeated division by prime numbers, or factor trees.
• Solve a given problem involving factors or multiples.
N3. Demonstrate an understanding of factors and Math Background
multiples by
• determining multiples and factors of numbers less When there is more than one condition to be satisfied in
than 100 order to solve a problem, making an organized list is an
• identifying prime and composite numbers appropriate strategy. An organized list can be written to
• solving problems involving multiples. satisfy the initial condition and then the list can be
[PS, R, V] narrowed down, based on additional conditions. This
problem-solving strategy allows students to reason that
Achievement Indicators no possible solution has been overlooked or eliminated in
• Identify multiples for a given number and explain the error. The conditions that students will work with in this
strategy used to identify them. lesson involve multiples, prime and composite numbers,
and factors. Students will apply what they have learned in
previous lessons about these concepts to arrive at a solution
Preparation and Planning to each problem. For example, students will identify a
Pacing 5–10 min Introduction multiple of two different numbers by listing multiples of
15–20 min Teaching and Learning the first number and then identifying multiples of the
20–30 min Consolidation second number in the same list.
Masters • Optional: 100 Chart, Masters Booklet p. 30
Recommended Questions 2, 6, & 7
Practising Questions
Reading Strategy
Key Question Question 6
Finding Important Information is a reading strategy
Extra Practice Chapter Review Question 9 that students use to focus their attention on useful
Workbook p. 22 parts of the text and ignore irrelevant information. In
Mathematical PS (Problem Solving) and R (Reasoning) mathematics, students identify the question being asked,
Process Focus decide the most relevant information needed to answer
Nelson Website Visit www.nelson.com/mathfocus and follow the question, and categorize the rest of the information
the links to Nelson Math Focus 6, Chapter 3. as useful or not useful. Knowing essential information
makes problem solving manageable.
Students are prompted to use a Finding Important
Optional: 100 Chart, Information strategy in Question 1. As you discuss the
Masters Booklet p. 30 problem with students, ask them to identify the facts
given in the problem. Then have them identify which
facts are not necessary for solving the problem. Ask them
to state in their own words what the problem asks them
to find out, and discuss strategies for solving the problem.
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1 Introduction 2 Teaching and Learning
(Whole Class) ± 5–10 min (Whole Class) ± 15–20 min
To prepare students for making organized lists, use skills 3
Together, read the information about cones for Sage’s jingle
learned in previous lessons to play “What’s my number?” Tell dress and then read the central question on page 88 of the
students that you are thinking of a number from 10 to 16 Student Book. Discuss what information can be used to solve
whose factors include 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Ask students to write 4
the problem. Together, read Mai’s understanding of the
their answers on a piece of paper. When everyone is finished, problem. Point out that Mai has stated what she needs to
have students hold up their answers. Ask several students determine and the conditions that must be met to answer the
what method they used to determine the number. 5
question. Work through the rest of Mai’s Solution together.
Sample Discourse Sample Discourse
“What method did you use to determine the number?” 6
“After Mai understands the information given in the
• I tried each even number because 2 is a factor. problem, how does she plan to solve the problem?”
• I eliminated the prime numbers 11 and 13 first. • She plans to make a list of possible numbers of cones, starting
• I wrote down each number from 10 to 16 and tested to see 7
with multiples of 4 between 20 and 50.
if it was the number. • She lists the multiples of 4, starting with 24 and ending at 48.
“Why did you write the numbers down?” “As Mai carries out her plan, she must consider more
• It was a good way to keep track of each number as I tested 8
information about the number of cones. What else does she
whether or not it was the solution. know about the number of cones?”
“How did you keep track of the numbers as you tested • The number of cones is a multiple of 3.
them?” • The cones can be arranged in three equal rows with none
• I crossed off the numbers that did not have all the factors. left over.
“What is my number?” “Which multiples of 4 are also multiples of 3?”
• Your number is 12. • The numbers 24, 36, and 48 are also multiples of 3.
Repeat the activity with each clue below. “How could you check that Mai’s answer of 24, 36, or
• I am thinking of a prime number between 20 and 28. (23) 48 cones meets all the conditions given in the problem?”
• I am thinking of a number between 16 and 26 that is a • Each number is between 20 and 50, each number has 4 as
multiple of 9. (18) a factor, and each number has 3 as a factor.
Reflecting (Whole Class) Carry Out the Plan: This is the list of two-digit numbers
Students reflect on why using an organized list is a good between 11 and 99 that are multiples of 7 or multiples of
problem-solving strategy for this problem. 9 and don’t have 0 as the ones digit.
Multiples of 7: 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 77 84 91 98
Answer to Reflecting Question
Multiples of 9: 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 99
A. For example, an organized list was a good strategy for
1 Mai to use because it allowed her to list all possible The circled numbers are the even multiples of 7 and the
answers. She could list numbers based on one of the odd multiples of 9.
clues. Then she could use the other clues to eliminate
2 some of the numbers she listed for the first clue. Multiples of 7: 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 77 84 91 98
Multiples of 9: 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 99
3 Consolidation ± 20–30 min There are six even multiples of 7 between 11 and 99 that
don’t have 0 as the ones digit, so Natalie has seven ways
Checking (Pairs) to score 1 point. There are five odd multiples of 9 between
Have students identify the conditions that must be satisfied 11 and 99, so Gwen has five ways to score 1 point.
in the problem. Encourage students to restate these Natalie has more ways to score 1 point.
conditions in their own words as Mai did in the Understand
part of her problem-solving plan. Have student pairs make a
Look Back: I checked all the circled numbers to see if
they match the conditions.
plan to solve the problem and list the steps they will take to 14 ⫽ 7 ⫻ 2 28 ⫽ 7 ⫻ 4 42 ⫽ 7 ⫻ 6
carry out the plan. The plan they carry out must address all
information given about the number of cones, so it is
56 ⫽ 7 ⫻ 8 84 ⫽ 7 ⫻ 12 98 ⫽ 7 ⫻ 14
27 ⫽ 9 ⫻ 3 45 ⫽ 9 ⫻ 5 63 ⫽ 9 ⫻ 7
important that students identify that information correctly. 81 ⫽ 9 ⫻ 9 99 ⫽ 9 ⫻ 11
Remind students that an array represents a pair of factors of a
number. My solutions are reasonable.
Practising (Individual) Closing (Whole Class)
Question 7 allows students to reflect on and consolidate their
Tell students that an organized list can give them a good start
to the problem. Suggest that they use the information in learning for this lesson. Ask students to remember to find
each problem to list all the possible answers and then use something the numbers 42, 45, and 48 have in common
additional information to add to and/or narrow down the list. before they begin writing the problem.
2. Students should begin by listing the prime numbers Answer to Closing Question
between 20 and 50. 7. For example, I created this problem:
6. Remind students that all two-digit numbers formed Shaun has between 40 and 50 model cars in his
using the spinner will yield numbers from 11 to 99 collection.
inclusive. None of the numbers will have 0 as the ones The number of cars is a multiple of 3.
digit, because there is no 0 on the spinner. What are the possible numbers of cars in Shaun’s
Answer to Key Question collection?
I solved the problem by listing the multiples of 3 from
6. Natalie. For example, use the problem-solving process. 40 to 50: 42, 45, and 48. Shaun has 42, 45, or 48 cars in
Understand: Since the spinner contains the numbers his collection.
1 through 9 and each girl spins the spinner twice, it is
possible to create any two-digit number between 11 and Follow-Up and Preparation for Next Class
99 that doesn’t have 0 as the ones digit. I need to Have students research the locations of the warmest
determine even multiples of 7 and odd multiples of 9. temperatures (in Celsius) in Canada using the Internet,
Make a Plan: I will list all the two-digit numbers newspapers, or magazines. Tell them to organize their findings
between 11 and 99 that are multiples of 7 and 9 and in a table and bring it in for discussion in the next class.
don’t have 0 as the ones digit. Then, I will circle the
even multiples of 7 and odd multiples of 9.
Copyright © 2010 Nelson Education Ltd. Lesson 6: Solving Problems Using an Organized List 45
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• Challenge students to use an organized list to determine the possible
numbers of packages of hot dogs and numbers of packages of hot dog rolls
for a crowd of between 50 and 100 people. Hot dogs come in packages of
four and rolls come in packages of six. Plan to provide two hot dogs for each
person. Students should be prepared to explain their solution to the class.
This array has 36 counters. Since 36 is between 20 and 50, and it’s still a
multiple of 3 and 4, 36 is another solution.
Extend the array by repeating the process.
Ask students if 12 counters are a possible solution. Because 12 is less than
20, 12 is not a possible solution.
Have students extend the array by forming another 3-by-4 array and counting
the total number of counters. Emphasize that they can keep extending the
3-by-4 array because this array is already in multiples 3 and multiples of 4. This
will result in the following sets of arrays having multiples of 3 and multiples of 4. This array has 48 counters. Since 48 is between 20 and 50, and it’s still a
multiple of 3 and 4, 48 is another solution.
Students should realize that if they repeat the process one more time, the
total number of counters will exceed 50, which is not part of the solution. So
Sage could have 24, 36, or 48 metal cones for the jingle dress.
This array has 24 counters. Since 24 is between 20 and 50, and it’s still a
multiple of 3 and 4, 24 is one of the solutions.
Use integers to describe situations.
• Locate numbers on a number line. Math Background
Students are familiar with the set of whole numbers,
SPECIFIC OUTCOME which includes the counting numbers and zero. In this
lesson, students are introduced to the set of integers,
N7. Demonstrate an understanding of integers, which includes positive and negative whole numbers and
concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. zero. A number line is used as a visualization tool for the
[C, CN, R, V] set of integers. Positive integers are integers to the right of
Achievement Indicators zero on a number line. Negative integers are integers to
• Extend a given number line by adding numbers the left of zero on a number line.
less than zero and explain the pattern on each side The purpose of this lesson is to help students reason
of zero. and understand that many contexts exist where integers
• Describe contexts in which integers are used, are used, and to understand the relationship among
e.g., on a thermometer. positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero. Students
will also be introduced to the concept of opposite integers,
or integers that are the same distance from zero, but on
Preparation and Planning opposite sides on a number line. For example, ⫹6 and –6
Pacing 5–10 min Introduction are opposite integers.
(allow 5 min for 10–15 min Teaching and Learning Although a positive (⫹) sign is not often used to denote
previous homework) 20–30 min Consolidation positive integers, students will use both the positive and
negative (⫺) signs throughout this lesson to solidify their
Masters • Number Lines, Masters Booklet p. 33
understanding. However, zero is never written with a
Recommended Questions 3, 4, & 6 positive or negative sign. This point will be formally made
Practising Questions in the next lesson on temperatures.
Key Question Question 4
Extra Practice Chapter Review Question 10
Number Lines, Masters
Workbook p. 23
Booklet p. 33
Mathematical R (Reasoning) and V (Visualization)
Process Focus
Vocabulary/Symbols integer, opposite integer
Nelson Website Visit www.nelson.com/mathfocus and follow
the links to Nelson Math Focus 6, Chapter 3.
1 Introduction 2 Teaching and Learning
(Whole Class) ± 5–10 min (Whole Class/Pairs) ± 10–15 min
If students collected data about the warmest temperatures in 3
Together, discuss the information and central question about
Canada in the follow-up to the previous lesson, invite them to Jason’s cursor on Student Book page 90. Distribute number
present that data. On the board, on a transparency, or on an lines or have students sketch number lines, and work through
interactive whiteboard, draw a number line from 0 to 20. 4
Jason's Number Line together. Draw students’ attention to
Have students locate the position of one of their temperatures the definition of integers. Ensure students understand that
on the number line. Make sure everyone in the class is using positive integers are to the right of zero on the number line
temperatures in Celsius. Have students practise moving up 5
and negative integers are to the left of zero.
and down the number line; for example, have students locate Have students work through Prompts A to C in pairs, and
a number that is between two temperatures. Talk about how
students can use the number line to identify numbers. 6
then discuss the answers as a class.
Answers to Prompts
Sample Discourse A. –2
“How can you identify a number that is between 10 and 15?” 7
B. He pressed d six times to get to –6.
• I can look for marked numbers between 10 and 15, such as
11, 12, 13, and 14.
• I can pick any number that is to the right of 10 and to the 8
left of 15. –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10
Practising (Individual)
These questions provide students with opportunities to apply
their understanding of integers. Students will use reasoning
to identify integers. Remind students to use number lines to
help them visualize the relative positions of the integers.
4. Tell students to look for the integers between each pair,
but not including the pair.
Answers to Key Question
4. a) The number line shows the integers between –4 and
⫹4. The integers ⫺3, ⫺2, ⫺1, 0, ⫹1, ⫹2, and ⫹3
are between ⫺4 and ⫹4.
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
b) The number line shows the integers between –3 and
0. The integers between ⫺3 and 0 are ⫺2 and ⫺1.
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
c) The number line shows the integers between
–2 and –5. The integers between ⫺2 and ⫺5 are ⫺3
and ⫺4.
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
d) The number line shows that there are no integers
between 0 and –1.
Reflecting (Whole Class)
Draw students’ attention to the margin definition of opposite –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
integers. Talk about other examples of opposites related to
directions, such as east and west, right and left, and up and Closing (Whole Class)
down. Have students work through Prompt D individually Question 6 allows students to reflect on and consolidate their
and then discuss the answer as a class. learning for this lesson. Students will explain and interpret
Sample Discourse the use of integers in a variety of real-life situations.
Encourage students to share their solutions, and try to elicit a
“How do you know east and west are opposites?” variety of examples.
• Because I would go in one direction to go east and in the
opposite direction to go west. Answer to Closing Question
“How do you know right and left are opposites?” 6. For example, my birthday is on April 13. So I can write
• For example, if two people stood in the centre of the room and –3 to represent 3 days before my birthday, or April 10,
one walked to the right and the other walked to the left, they and I can use ⫹3 to represent 3 days after my birthday,
would end up on opposite sides of the room. or April 16.
Answer to Reflecting Question For example, if a car is 10 km north, I can represent
the distance as ⫹10. If the car is 10 km south, I can
D. For example, they are opposite integers because they are represent the distance as –10.
1both 4 units from 0, but in opposite directions. You can
use n to move the cursor 4 units from 0 to the right, For example, if I take $5 out of the piggy bank, I can
but you need to use m to move the cursor 4 units from write –5 to show that the amount in the piggy bank is
$5 less. But if I added $5, I can write ⫹5 to show that
20 in the opposite direction.
the amount in the piggy bank is $5 more.
Follow-Up and Preparation for Next Class
3 Consolidation ± 20–30 min Have students find additional examples of situations in their
daily lives that can be represented by integers. Have students
Checking (Pairs) write down the examples in their notebooks and share with
Ask for volunteers to show solutions on the board and discuss their classmates. This will help to solidify their understanding
the solutions as a class. Provide students with number lines. of integers.
Copyright © 2010 Nelson Education Ltd. Lesson 7: Representing Integers 49
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• Challenge students to compose puzzle questions involving integers for
classmates to solve. Puzzles may take the form of “What integer am I?” and
include clues as to where the integer may be found on a number line.
Countdown Clock
• Locate numbers on a number line.
N7. Demonstrate an understanding of integers,
concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
[C, CN, R, V]
Achievement Indicators
• Extend a given number line by adding numbers
less than zero and explain the pattern on each side
of zero.
• Describe contexts in which integers are used, e.g., on
a thermometer.
Math Background
A countdown clock is a real-life example of using integers
with which students are likely familiar. On a countdown
clock, the time of the event is assigned 0. Time before the
event has a negative value, and time after the event has a Using Curious Math
positive value. Although many students will be familiar
with the idea of counting down to a date, most will have In Lesson 7, students were introduced to situations that can
done so from the perspective of today’s date rather from be represented with integers. In this activity, students apply
the perspective of the event date; that is, they would have their understanding in the context of a countdown clock.
considered the event to be, for example, 5 days in the Students can work through the questions individually. You
future, rather than considering today to be 5 days before may want to provide copies of number lines, so that students
the event. can visualize the relative positions of the days in the
Connections to existing knowledge are made as students countdown. Talk about when the countdown clock would
work with positive and negative integers. Students will use display a negative integer and when it would display a
this reasoning to assign integer values to dates before and positive integer.
after an event. Sample Discourse
“When would the countdown clock display a negative
Optional: Number Lines, integer?”
Masters Booklet p. 33 • It would display a negative integer before the school play
because the play is on day 0.
• It would display a negative integer on days before the play
because on a number line, those days would be to the left of
the play, which is on day 0.
“When would the countdown clock display a positive integer?”
• It would display a positive integer after the school play because
the play is on day 0.
• It would display a positive integer on days after the play
because on a number line, those days would be to the right of
the play, which is on day 0.
• Have students create a timeline of recent and future events, assigning today as
0. Students can show the different events along the timeline, assigning the
dates integer values and drawing pictures to represent the events.
• Locate integers on a number line. Math Background
• Use the symbols , , and to compare numbers. In Lesson 7, students were introduced to situations that
can be represented with integers. In this lesson, students
SPECIFIC OUTCOME build upon and expand their understanding as they
compare and order integers. Here are some key ideas
N7. Demonstrate an understanding of integers, about comparing integers:
concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
[C, CN, R, V] • Numbers become greater as you move to the right
along a number line, and smaller as you move to the
Achievement Indicators left along a number line.
• Place given integers on a number line and explain • Positive numbers are greater than zero and negative
how integers are ordered. numbers are less than zero.
• Compare two integers; represent their relationship • Any positive number is greater than any negative
using the symbols<,>, and ⴝ, and verify using a number.
number line. Students will use numbers lines to help them visualize
• Order given integers in ascending or descending order. the relative sizes of integers. Connections are formed
between positive and negative integers and relative size of
integer amounts. Students develop mathematical
Preparation and Planning communication skills as they explain their solutions.
Pacing 5–10 min Introduction
(allow 5 min for 10–15 min Teaching and Learning
previous homework) 20–30 min Consolidation Number Lines, Masters
Masters • Number Lines, Masters Booklet p. 33 Booklet p. 33
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1 Introduction 2 Teaching and Learning
(Whole Class) ± 5–10 min (Pairs/Whole Class) ± 10–15 min
On the board, on a transparency, or on an interactive 3
Together, read about Léa’s report and then read the central
whiteboard, draw a number line from 0 to 20 but label only question on Student Book page 94. Work through Léa’s
0 and 20. Have students locate different positive numbers on Comparison together. Point out that Léa’s number line starts
the number line. Talk about how students can use a number 4
at 40 and that 0 is on the right. Ask students if this setup
line to compare numbers. Write the following number makes sense considering the temperatures she collected in her
sentences on the board and ask volunteers to complete them chart. Distribute number lines and have students copy Léa’s
with or . 5
number line and mark the low temperature for Iqaluit and
5 12 10 7 18 9 3 11 Yellowknife before working through Prompts A to E in pairs.
Sample Discourse 6
When students have completed the activity, draw a large
number line on the board, on a transparency, or on an
“In which direction do numbers increase on a number line?” interactive whiteboard. Have volunteers mark the high
• Numbers increase as you move to the right.
“How do you know that 15 is greater than 10?” 7
temperatures on the number line (Prompt E) and describe
the strategies they used.
• 15 is to the right of 10 on the number line.
Answers to Prompts
• 10 is to the left of 15 on the number line.
A. For example, if the temperature shows a positive integer,
the temperature is above the freezing point of water. If the
temperature shows a negative integer, the temperature is
8 below the freezing point of water. If the integer is 0, the
temperature is 0 C or the freezing point of water.
B. For example, the temperature 31 C is the farthest to
the left of zero on the number line. So it is the coldest
C. E. Yellowknife: 23 C
Regina Iqaluit: 22 C
Iqaluit –21 Whitehorse & Winnipeg: 13 C
Yellowknife Edmonton Victoria Regina: 11 C
–31 +1
–19 Edmonton: 8 C
Victoria: 7 C
Copyright © 2010 Nelson Education Ltd. Lesson 8: Comparing and Ordering Integers 55
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G. For example, it is the same because temperatures to the Answer to Key Question
right are greater than temperatures to the left on a 6. For example, 5 C is below the freezing point of water so
number line. it is to the left of zero on a number line. Temperatures like
+1 °C +5 °C 10 C are to the left of 5 C and are colder than 5 C.
Temperatures like 1 C are to the right of 5 C and are
warmer than 5 C. Positive temperatures are to the right
of zero, which is to the right of 5 C, so any positive
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 temperature is warmer than 5 C.
5 is to the right of 1, so 5 C is warmer than 1 C. –10 °C –5 °C –1 °C
–5 °C –1 °C
1 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
25 is to the left of 1, so 5 C is colder than 1 C. Closing (Whole Class)
Question 10 allows students to reflect on and consolidate
their learning for this lesson as they articulate the connection
3 Consolidation ± 20–30 min between comparing temperatures and comparing integers.
Answer to Closing Question
Checking (Pairs)
Encourage students to use a number line to help them
10. For example, I can compare 10 and 5 by thinking of
the temperatures 10 C and 5 C. 10 C is colder
visualize the relative positions of the temperatures. You may
than 5 C so 10 5.
want to point out to students that Question 2 a) asks them to
order the temperatures from warmest to coldest, while part b) Follow-Up and Preparation for Next Class
asks them to order the temperatures from coldest to warmest. Have students check the newspaper or the Internet for the
Practising (Individual)
week’s forecasted temperatures and order them from coldest
to warmest. Encourage students to present their findings to
These questions provide students with practice in comparing their friends or family members. They can elaborate their
and ordering integers. Students can use various number lines presentation on a number line, compare how many degrees
to help them visualize the relative values of the numbers. (how many units) apart the temperatures are for certain days
by counting up or down on the number line, and so on.
9. c) There are some exceptions to the apparent
relationship between surface temperature and average
distance of planets from the Sun, such as Venus.
Students can do research to find the typical surface
temperatures for the planets that are not listed.
• Have students develop a game in which they compare integers. Provide
dice of different colours if available; otherwise, have students use one set
of dice to represent positive integers and another set to represent negative
Copyright © 2010 Nelson Education Ltd. Lesson 8: Comparing and Ordering Integers 57
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Apply the rules for order of operations with whole numbers.
• Use mental math to add, subtract, multiply, and divide Math Background
whole numbers. In this lesson, students learn to use both mental math
skills and technology to calculate the answers to problems
SPECIFIC OUTCOME involving many operations. The rules for order of
operations tell which operation should be performed first.
N9. Explain and apply the order of operations, excluding The purpose of the order of operations is to ensure that
exponents, with and without technology (limited to the same answer is reached regardless of who performs the
whole numbers). calculations. When more than one operation appears in an
[CN, ME, PS, T] expression or equation, the operations must be performed
Achievement Indicators in the following order:
• Demonstrate and explain with examples why there is • Do the operations in brackets first.
a need to have a standardized order of operations. • Then divide and multiply from left to right.
• Apply the order of operations to solve multi-step • Finally, add and subtract from left to right.
problems with or without technology, e.g., computer, In this lesson, students demonstrate their understanding
calculator. of the connections among operations by applying the
rules for order of operations in a variety of problem-
solving situations. Students check to see whether their
Preparation and Planning calculator follows the rules for order of operations.
Pacing 5–10 min Introduction Calculators may yield different results depending on
(allow 5 min for 10–15 min Teaching and Learning their type.
previous homework) 20–30 min Consolidation
Materials • calculators
Recommended Questions 2, 4, 5, 6, & 9
Practising Questions
Key Question Question 5
Extra Practice Chapter Review Questions 13 & 14
Workbook p. 25
Mathematical CN (Connections), ME (Mental Mathematics
Process Focus and Estimation), PS (Problem Solving), and
T (Technology)
Vocabulary/Symbols rules for order of operations
Nelson Website Visit www.nelson.com/mathfocus and follow
the links to Nelson Math Focus 6, Chapter 3.
1 Introduction 2 Teaching and Learning
(Whole Class/Small Groups) (Whole Class) ± 10–15 min
2 ± 5–10 min 3
Together, read Oleh’s calculation to find his minimum
Write the following expression on the board, on a transparency, training heart rate and then read the central question on
Student Book page 98. Work through Oleh’s Solution
or on an interactive whiteboard.
10 2 3 6 2
together. Draw students’ attention to the definition of rules
for order of operations and talk about how Oleh followed the
Have small groups of students calculate the value of the rules to calculate his minimum training heart rate.
expression. Ask volunteers to share their solutions on the 5
Sample Discourse
board. Discuss why some found different answers. Tell
students they will learn rules for doing calculations so that “How do you know that Oleh followed the rules for order of
everyone always gets the same answer. 6
• Oleh did the operations inside the brackets first, which is the
Sample Discourse first step in the order of operations.
“Which operation did you perform first”? 7
“Why did Oleh do the division last, even though division
• I subtracted 10 2 because it is the first operation. comes before addition and subtraction according to the rules
• I added 3 6 because addition is the easiest operation. of order of operation?”
• I multiplied 2 3 because I knew it was equal to 6. 8
• The addition and subtraction are inside the brackets, and
“What answer did you calculate?” brackets come before division in the order of operations.
• I did the operations in order from left to right and calculated
an answer of 15.
• I did the subtraction and then the addition and calculated an
answer of 36.
• Challenge students to use the digits from 1 to 5, as well as addition, • Students may make up puzzles by creating a calculation and then erasing the
subtraction, multiplication, division, and brackets, to write as many operations. Challenge other students to figure out the missing operations, as
expressions with different answers as possible. in Question 8.
For example, (1 2) 5 (4 3) 15
Four in a Row
• Apply the rules for order of operations with whole
N9. Explain and apply the order of operations, excluding
exponents, with and without technology (limited to whole
[CN, ME, PS, T]
Achievement Indicator
• Apply the order of operations to solve multi-step
problems with or without technology.
• Have students play using the same cards, but in case of not getting the
desired answer, have them add more operations to the calculation card
in order to end up with the answer they need to form four in a row. To
maintain a competitive element, have students work within a given
time limit.
Using the Chapter Review the answers to the FAQs in their own words, as a way of
reflecting on the concepts.
Use these pages to consolidate and assess students’ Alternatively, have students complete Chapter Review—
understanding of the concepts developed in the chapter. The Frequently Asked Questions p. 83 with their Student
Practice questions can be used for assessment of learning. Books closed. Discuss students’ answers, and then compare
Refer to the assessment chart for the details of each question. these answers with those in the Student Book. Students can
Alternatively, use the Practice questions as a practice test, refer to the answers to the FAQs as they work through the
and then administer Chapter 3 Test pp. 84–86. The scoring Practice questions.
guides and rubrics provided for the Practice questions can
also be used for the test questions: each question on the test Practice (Individual)
corresponds to the Practice question of the same number.
Most students will be able to complete Questions 1 to 14 in
class. Assign any uncompleted questions for homework.
Frequently Asked Questions Some students may want to use materials and/or masters that
(Individual/Groups) were used in this chapter’s lessons. Provide students with
Have students read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) counters, number lines, or 100 charts, as needed, to complete
on Student Book page 102 and create a new example for each the questions.
question in their own notes. Then have students summarize
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• often draws insightful and logical • in many situations, draws logical • sometimes draws simple, logical • rarely draws conclusions from a
conclusions using knowledge of conclusions using knowledge of conclusions using knowledge of mathematical situation using
factors factors factors knowledge of factors
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• often draws insightful and logical • in many situations, draws logical • sometimes draws simple, logical • rarely draws conclusions from a
conclusions using knowledge of conclusions using knowledge of conclusions using knowledge of mathematical situation using
factors factors factors knowledge of factors
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• demonstrates an insightful • demonstrates a complete • demonstrates a basic understanding • demonstrates a limited
understanding of the problem understanding of the problem of the problem understanding of the problem
• chooses an efficient and effective • chooses an appropriate and • chooses a simplistic and/or routine • chooses an inappropriate or
strategy workable strategy strategy unworkable strategy
Question 6, short answer, written answer Specific Outcome and Process Focus: N3 [R]
a) Write two prime numbers. How do you know that these are prime numbers?
b) Write two composite numbers. How do you know that these are composite numbers?
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• provides a precise explanation of • provides a clear and logical • provides a partially clear explanation • provides a vague and/or inaccurate
prime and composite numbers explanation of prime and of prime and composite numbers explanation of prime and composite
composite numbers numbers
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• draws insightful and logical • draws logical conclusions when • draws simple, logical conclusions when • does not draw conclusions when
conclusions when determining determining whether any multiple determining whether any multiple of a determining whether any multiple of
whether any multiple of 6 is a of 6 is a prime number number is a prime number a number is a prime number
prime number
• makes an insightful generalization • makes a logical generalization • makes a simple generalization when • is unable to make a generalization
when determining whether any when determining whether any determining whether any multiple of when determining whether any
multiple of a number is a prime multiple of a number is a prime a number is a prime number multiple of a number is a prime
number number number
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• provides a precise and insightful • provides a clear and logical • provides a partially clear explanation • provides a vague and/or inaccurate
explanation of the meaning of explanation of the meaning of of the meaning of positive and explanation of the meaning of
positive and negative integers positive and negative integers negative integers positive and negative integers
Question 11, written answer, model Specific Outcome and Process Focus: N7 [V]
• How do you know that 5 3? Use a number line.
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• uses insightful visual • uses meaningful visual • uses simple visual representations • uses unclear visual representations
representations that verify representations that verify that verify whether 5 3 that verify whether 5 3
whether 5 3 whether 5 3
Question 12, short answer, model Specific Outcome and Process Focus: N7 [C, V]
• Order these temperatures from coldest to warmest. Show your work.
(Score 1 point for the order of the temperatures for a total out of 1.)
Question 13, short answer Specific Outcome and Process Focus: N9 [ME]
• Calculate. Use the rules for order of operations.
a) 12 7 4 2 b) (100 50 2 1) 76 c) (4 7) 2 12 2 d) 6 5 4 2 1
(Score 1 point for each correct answer for a total out of 4.)
Question 14, short answer, written answer Specific Outcome and Process Focus: N9 [PS]
a) Calculate (2 1) (4 3).
b) How can you use the numbers from 1 to 4 and any operations with brackets to make an expression that equals 2?
Work meets standard Work meets standard Work meets Work does not yet meet
of excellence of proficiency acceptable standard acceptable standard
• shows flexibility and insight with • shows thoughtfulness with • shows understanding with operations • attempts to solve problem
operations and brackets when operations and brackets when and brackets when solving the
solving the problem, adapting if solving the problem problem
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Introduction (Whole Class) ± 10–15 min The 2-by-5 block cannot be used to make the square
In this video game, the player uses the cursor to grab because 5 is not a factor of 12. So the computer cannot
rectangular blocks that the computer drops from the top of make rows or columns of the 2-by-5 block to fit the
the screen in order to form a square on the screen. Students 12-by-12 square.
should be comfortable with factors and multiples before The 1-by-2 block can be used to make the square
playing. Ask students how they could determine whether a because 1 and 2 are both factors of 12. So the computer
number is a factor of another number. You may wish to can make rows and columns of copies of the 1-by-2
activate existing knowledge by having students identify the block to fit the 12-by-12 square.
factors of a number, such as 36. C. 1-by-1, 2-by-2, 3-by-3, 4-by-4, 6-by-6, and 12-by-12;
for example, each side length is a factor of 12. So copies
Using the Task (Individual) ± 30–45 min of the square blocks can be used by the computer to
make the square.
Together, read all the information on Student Book page 105,
including the central question. For Prompts A, C, and D,
encourage students to use words such as factor and multiple in
their explanations. Students may find it helpful to create a
factor rainbow for 12 before working through the prompts.
You may want to provide counters to assist students in
identifying the factors of 12.
Students should work through the task independently.
Remind students to use the Task Checklist as a way to help
them produce an excellent solution. Some students may be
able to work through the task as it is described on the student
page; however, most will benefit from using Chapter 3 Task
pp. 87–88 to plan and record work. As students work
through the task, observe and/or interview individuals to see D. For example, my game has rectangular and square blocks
how they are interpreting and carrying out the task. dropping from the screen and two squares: a 15-by-15
square and a 12-by-12 square. The computer can make
Possible Solutions to Chapter Task either square if both the length and the width of the
A. For example, I can use six copies of the 2-by-3 block to blocks are factors of 15 or 12. So a player would choose a
form the top row of the 12-by-12 square because 2 is a block depending on whether both lengths of the sides are
factor of 12. Then I can make three more rows like the factors of 15 or factors of 12. For example, a player
first row to have a total of four rows, because 3 is also a would choose 3-by-5 for the 15-by-15 square, and 2-by-
factor of 12. 4 for the 12-by-12 square. A block that is 4-by-5,
however, would not be chosen because both dimensions
12 are not factors of 15 or 12.
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Cumulative Review
Chapter 3
Family Letter
Dear Parent/Caregiver:
Over the next three weeks, your child will be learning about identifying factors and
multiples of numbers and how to determine whether a number is prime or composite.
Your child will also learn how to represent, compare, and order integers, and will
perform a series of calculations using the rules for order of operations. Your child will
have many opportunities to apply knowledge of factors, multiples, and integers in
solving realistic problems.
To reinforce the concepts your child is learning at school, you and your child can
work on some at-home activities such as these:
• Have your child model factors of numbers less than 100 by putting numbers of
items in equal groups. Your child can also calculate multiples of smaller numbers
they encounter, such as the number of snack packages in three or four boxes.
• Your child can measure and record the daily high and low temperatures during the
week and then place the temperatures on a number line. Have your child order the
temperatures from coldest to warmest or warmest to coldest. Your child can also
compare temperatures from different cities.
• Have your child solve any skill-testing questions found on cereal boxes or other
contest entry forms, and have your child explain how he/she applied the rules for
order of operations to arrive at the correct answer.
You may want to visit the Nelson website at www.nelson.com/mathfocus for more
suggestions to help your child learn mathematics and develop a positive attitude
toward learning mathematics. As well, you can check the Nelson website for links to
other websites that provide online tutorials, math problems, brainteasers, and
Name: Date:
Banner Designs
Daniel is making a banner for Heritage Day. It has 30 squares.
He coloured every second square red to represent one of the four
colours on an Aboriginal medicine wheel.
He drew a symbol to represent an eagle in every third square.
Name: Date:
How can you predict the number of coloured squares that have a
symbol on them?
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
String Ar t
Curious Math: String Ar t
3 2 48 47
4 46
5 45
6 44
7 43
8 42
9 41
10 40
11 39
12 38
13 37
14 36
15 35
16 34
17 33
18 32
19 31
20 30
21 29
22 28
23 26 27
24 25
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Name: Date:
Calculation Cards
Math Game: Four in a Row
16 – 2 × 6
2 × (1 + 2) – 3
12÷ 2– 2 × 2
(3 + 4 × 3) ÷ 3
10 – 3 × 3
Name: Date:
Calculation Cards
Math Game: Four in a Row Page 2
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
3. Natalie listed these factors of 72: 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 12, 18, and 36.
a) Which number listed is not a factor of 72?
b) Which factors are missing?
5. The Winter Olympics were held in 2006. If the Winter Olympics are
held every four years, will they be held in 2044? Explain your thinking.
Name: Date:
10. Sam used integers to compare three math marks to his first
math mark in October. What do you think the integers –5, 0, and
5 represent? Explain.
Name: Date:
11. How do you know that –2 > –6? Use a number line.
Melting Point Melting Point Melting Point Melting Point Melting Point
of Chlorine of Helium of Salt of Silver of Mercury
b) 45 ⫼ (7 ⫹ 8) ⫻ 2 d) 24 ⫼ 6 ⫹ 5 ⫻ 3 ⫹ 1
Name: Date:
In a video game, blocks shaped like rectangles drop from Task Checklist
the top of the screen. You grab blocks that you think could
form a square. The computer copies the blocks you grab K Did you use factors
and tries to make the square. or multiples to help
solve the problem?
K Did you check your
K Did you include
K Did you explain your
thinking clearly?
Name: Date:
For example, I saw the pattern 6, 12, 18,… Every 6th square is red with an
eagle, so the next square that should be red with an eagle is the 24th square.
For example, there are 30 squares and every 6th square is red with an eagle.
I divided to find the number of red squares with an eagle: 30 ⫼ 6 ⫽ 5.
D. For example, I’ll create a banner with 100 squares. I’ll colour every second square yellow.
Every fifth square will have the symbol for a horse. I’ll figure out how many yellow squares
will have a horse.
Every 10th square is yellow with a horse symbol. There are 100 squares, so I divided
100 by 10: 100 ⫼ 10 ⫽ 10, so there will be 10 squares that are yellow with a horse symbol.
Scaffolding for Lesson 2, Question 3, p. 77
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30
9, 18, 27
The numbers in both lists are multiples of 3.
Sum of the numbers in both lists are multiples of 9, but sum in the list of multiples of 3
are not multiple of 9
3. a) 10
b) 3, 4
4. a) 8, 16, 24, 32, 40
b) 4, 8, 12, 16, 20
c) 12, 24, 36, 48, 60
d) 15, 30, 45, 60, 75
5. No; The Winter Olympics were held in 2006, so they will also be held
in 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, 2026, 2030, 2034, 2038, and 2042.
They will not be held in 2044.
6. a) For example, 11 is prime because it has only 2 different factors, 1 and itself.
b) For example, 10, 12, and 14 because each has more than 2 different factors.
7. Andrew is not correct. 2 is even and is a prime number.
8. 2 and 5; for example, if he started with 30 and ended with 3, he must have
5 30
divided by prime numbers that multiply to 10. The only prime numbers that
multiply to 10 are 2 and 5. 2 6
9. 48; for example, I wrote a list of the multiples of 8 to determine the multiples 3
between 40 and 50:
8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48
The only number between 40 and 50 that is also a multiple of 12 is 48.
10. For example, –5 means the test score is 5 less than his first mark; 0 means
the test score is the same as his first mark; 15 means the test score is 5 more
than his first mark.
11. ⫺2 is to the right of ⫺6 on the number line, so ⫺2 > 26.
–6 –2
–10 0
12. For example, I recorded the temperatures on a number line.
–38.72 °C
–272 °C –101 °C 0 °C +98° +961 °C
From coldest to warmest, the temperatures are ⫺272 ⬚C, ⫺101 ⬚C, ⫺38.72 ⬚C, ⫹98 ⬚C, ⫹961 ⬚C.
13. a) 20 ⫺ 3 ⫻ 5 ⫹ 6
⫽ 20 ⫺ 15 ⫹ 6
⫽ 11
b) 45 ⫼ (7 ⫹ 8) ⫻ 2
⫽ 45 ⫼ 15 ⫻ 2
c) (15 ⫺ 6) ⫼ 3 ⫹ 4 ⫻ 2
⫽ 11
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