Abo-State Et Al., 2015
Abo-State Et Al., 2015
Abo-State Et Al., 2015
1, 7-13 (2015) 7
Abstract: The present study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity (against selected bacterial, fungal and yeast strains) of
successive extracts from different blue green algae. Aqueous and organic extracts of seven cyanobacterial species were screened against
in vitro eight human bacterial pathogens and five fungal strains. Chloroform extract of the seven cyanobacterial species showed largest
antibacterial inhibition zone diameter against the pathogenic bacterial strains. The chloroform extracts showed a broad spectrum against
Gram- negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Aeromonas hydrophila , Salmonella enterica S 1180, Klebsiella pneumonia K 51 , Vibrio
cholera V116 and Salmonella paratyphi) and Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus S 1426, Listeria monocytogenes L 49 ).
However, the chloroformic extracts displayed also antifungal activity against Aspergillus terreus F98, while, none of the extracts of the
seven cyanobacterial species demonstrated any activity against Tirchoderma viride F94. Meanwhile, the ethanolic extracts of four of
cyanobacterial species showed antifungal activity against both yeast strains of Candida tropicalis Y26 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Y39. On the other hand, ethyl acetate extracts of all cyanobacterial species showed antifungal activity against Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Keywords: Antibacterial activity, Antifungal activity, Blue green algae, Human pathogens, Successive extracts.
active compounds, has received ever-increasing interest as Salmonella enterica S 1180, Klebsiella pneumonia K 51 ,
a potential source for new drugs (Browitzka, 1995; Schlegel Vibrio cholera V116 and Salmonella paratyphi, were
et al.,1999).The important compounds identified as kindly provided by Institute of Medical Research (IMR),
antimicrobial are fatty acids, acrylic acid, halogenated Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. These strains were cultured and
aliphatic compounds, terpenes, sulphur containing hetero maintained on L.B agar medium (Martin et al.,1981).
cyclic compounds, carbohydrates and phenols (Kannan et Bacterial strains were inoculated in L.B broth medium
al., 2010). A couple of biologically active compounds were overnight (16 hours) in shaking incubator at 37 oC. the
identified among exometabolites, e.g. certain antibacterial grown culture (2x108 CFU/ml) were used to seed L.B agar
diterpenoids in Nostoc commune (Jaki et al., 2000) and plates (by medical swaps) the seeded plates were left for 1
antifungal peptides in Tolypotrix byssoidea (Jaki et al., hr, then filter paper discs ( 10 mm diameter) were loaded
2001). The present study aimed to evaluate the by 50 µl of tested extract from each algal species against
antimicrobial potential of successive extracts from seven each bacterial strain . Three replicates were used for each
cyanobacterial species against human pathogenic bacteria, extract. The plates were incubated up right for 24 hrs at
fungi, and yeast. 37oC. Amoxicillin was used as standard commercial
antibacterial agent (positive control) and dimethyl sulfoxide
2. Materials and methods (DMSO (1%)) as (negative control). The inhibition zones
2.1 Algal species and culture conditions around discs were determined (mm).
2.3.2. Antifungal activity
Seven Cyanobacteria species (Oscillatoria sp., Nostoc sp.,
Nostoc muscorum, Nostoc piscinale, Phormidium sp.,
The yeast strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y39; Candida
Anabaena flos-aquae and Spirulina platensis) were
tropicalis Y26 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae YH. Fungal
obtained from the Microbiology Department, Soils, Water
strains Tirchoderma viride F94 and Aspergillus terreus F98
and Environment Res. Inst. (SWERI), Agric. Res., Center
were kindly provided by Dr. Abo-State (National Center for
(ARC), Giza, Egypt. Cyanobacterial species were
Radiaition Research and Technology (NCRRT), Cairo,
maintained on BG11 medium (Rippka, 1988) except
Egypt).Yeast strains were cultured and maintained on
Spirulina platensis which was cultured on Zarrouk medium
Wickersham’s medium (Wickersham´s. 1951).Yeast strains
(Zarrouk, 1966). Cultures of these species were incubated at
were inoculated in Wickersham’s broth medium and
temperature 25±1°C under illumination of natural light
incubated for 24 hrs at 30 oC, (2x105 CFU/ml). These yeast
intensity of 30 µE/m2/s and photoperiod 12/12 h. At the
cultures were used to seed the Wickersham’s agar plates for
late exponential growth phase, algae were harvested by
testing biological activity of algal extracts. Fungal strains
centrifugation at 3500 rpm for 10 min and the pellets were
were cultured and maintained on Saubouraud agar medium
subjected to extraction by different solvents of increasing
(Oxoid, 1982). and spore suspension were carried out
according to Abo-State 2003 , flasks (250ml) containing
2.2. Successive extract preparation 100ml Saubouraud agar medium were inoculated and
incubated at 27 oC for 7 days. The spores of each strain
A known weight (2g) of each algal species was extracted were collected by 0.1 % Tween 80 in sterile saline solution
two times by hexane for 30 min.at room temperature (30ml). The collected spore suspensions (2x107spores/ml)
(25±1°C) followed by centrifugation at 4500 rpm for 10 were used to seed Saubouraud agar plates. The seeded
min. and the supernatants were combined. The subsequent plates were left for 1 hr and then sterile filter paper discs
successive extraction of each algal pellet was performed by (10 mm diameter), loaded by 50 µl of each algal extract
the same pervious procedure with the following solvents, were placed on the surface of seeded plates and incubated
chloroform, ethyl acetate, ethanol (70%) and dist. water. So at 27 oC for three days. Three replicates were used for each
each algal species have five extracts (Fig 1). Solvents were extract. Ultragriseofulvin was used as standard antifungal
evaporated using rotary evaporator at 40-45oC, while those activity agent (positive control) and dimethyl sulfoxide
of ethanol (70%) and water were freeze-dried. Dried solvent (DMSO (1%)) as (negative control).The clear
residues of extracts belonging to each algal species were inhibition zones around discs were determined (mm) which
dissolved in DMSO (1%) and used for determination of were used as a measure of antifungal activity of algal
their antimicrobial activities. extracts.
© 2015 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
J. Eco. Heal. Env. Vol. 3, No. 1, 7-13 (2015) / http://www.naturalspublishing.com/Journals.asp 9
3. Result and discussion Ethyl acetate extracts of Nostoc sp., A. flos-aquae and S.
platensis showed slight inhibition zones (11.0 , 12.0 and
The extracts of seven cyanobacterial species were tested for 11.5 mm) against S. paratyphi and that of N. musorum
their antibacterial activity against eight human pathogenic showed similar slight inhibition zone with S. enterica S
bacteria and antifungal activity against three yeast and two 1180 (11.0 mm) . While, ethanolic extract of all
fungal strains. cyanobacterial species demonstrated inhibition zones of
variable diameters (11.0 - 15.5 mm) against E. coli accept
that N. piscinale which showed no activity. Ethanolic
3.1. Antibacterial activity extracts of both N. Piscinale and S. platensis showed
slight and moderate inhibition zones (11.0 , 17.0 mm
Table (1) and Fig (1, 2) recorded the antibacterial activity
respectively) against A. hydrophila. Also slight inhibition
of successive extracts of the tested pathogenic bacterial
zones were recorded against S. aureus S 1426 by ethanolic
species. The most remarkable results was that of
extracts of both N. piscinale and A. flos-aquae (11.0 mm).
chloroform extracts of all the seven used bacteria showed
In addition, ethanolic extract of N. musorum illustrated
inhibition zones of variable diameters (11.0 -30.0 mm),
slight antibacterial activity against V. cholera V116
while hexane and water extracts recorded negative results.
Table (1): Antibacterial activity of different successive extracts from seven blue green algae
Results are the means of diameter values ± standard deviation. (-): No activity
© 2015 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
10 M. A. M. Abo-State et al.: Screening of antimicrobial activity …
© 2015 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
J. Eco. Heal. Env. Vol. 3, No. 1, 7-13 (2015) / http://www.naturalspublishing.com/Journals.asp 11
activities against four microorganisms (E. coli, inhibition). Also, Chauhan et al. (1992) reported that ether
Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Aspergillus extract of Oscillatoria sp. demonstrated antibiotic activity
niger). But, Bhagavathy et al. (2011) used the green algal, which may be due to the isolated and identified saturated
chlorococcum humicola extracts of various organic fatty acids( C14:0, C16:0 and C18:0). In the same context,
solvents against seven pathogenic bacteria, one yeast and Shanab (2007) studied the antibiotic efficiency of three
two fungal strains. From all the investigated organic Oscillatoria species (O. hameli, O. rubescens and O.
extracts, only benzene and ethyl acetate extracts showed platensis).
greatest activity (reached nearly 80% of microbial growth
Table (2): Antifungal activity of different successive extracts from seven blue green algae
Results are the means of diameter values ± standard deviation. (-): No activity
The results revealed that the active compounds antimicrobial substances on different microorganisms. It
isolated and identified by GC/MS and TLC contained fatty was reported that Gram – negative bacteria are more
acids (saturated and unsaturated), the tetramine spermine resistant to the inactivation by medium and long chain fatty
and piperazine derivatives which may be responsible for acids than the Gram – positive bacteria which are more
the pronounced antimicrobial activity against the Gram- susceptible; this may result from impermeability of the
positive , Gram- negative bacteria and pathogenic fungi. outer membrane of Gram –negative bacteria which is
The antimicrobial activity manifested by either Oscillatoria considered as an effective barrier against hydrophobic
species in the previous study or by the seven selected substances (Sheu and Freese, 1973). The inhibitory effect of
cyanobacteria species in the present investigation was in antifungal compounds may be due to the inhibition of spore
accordance with reported antibiotic activities manifested by germination or the inhibition of synthesis of B- (1,3)-D-
different cyanobacterial bioactive compounds as glucan or inhibition of integral component of fungal cell
Hapalindoles alkaloids, cyanobacterin, Nostocyclamide, wall and their effect on fungal cell membrane which alter
Fischerellin A&B and Norhamane which were produced by its permeability (Gupta et al., 2001). In the same context, it
various cyanobacteria species (Volk, 2005). Antimicrobial was also reported that, antifungal compounds may inhibit
activities of Spermine, Piperazine and fatty acids were lipid synthesis in the tested fungal species. This may be due
reported in many studies (Cushion et al., 2004; Shanab, to a decrease in the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty
2007). Fatty acids (non-polar) are recognized to have acids or inhibition of ergosterol biosynthesis
antibacterial and antifungal activities against broad (Georgopapadakou et al.,1987).
spectrum of bacterial and fungal species (McGaw et
Further studies are needed concerning the analysis of the
al.,2002; Barbour et al.,2004 ; Agoramoorthy et al., 2007).
promising extracts of the tested cyanobacterial species,
Many authors suggested the mechanism of action of
comparing between their contents and identifying the active
© 2015 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
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