Digitalization and The Challenges For The Accounting Profession
Digitalization and The Challenges For The Accounting Profession
Digitalization and The Challenges For The Accounting Profession
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Conference Paper
Digitalization and the Challenges for the Accounting
Suggested Citation: Gulin, Danimir; Hladika, Mirjana; Valenta, Ivana (2019) : Digitalization
and the Challenges for the Accounting Profession, In: Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA -
ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference, Rovinj, Croatia, 12-14 September 2019,
IRENET - Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb, Vol. 5, pp.
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ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia
Accounting profession is traditional profession and accounting rules and principles
have been established and are the same for many years. However, globalization
of business, stronger regulations and numerous technological solutions and
innovations are not bypassing the accounting profession either. Challenges for the
accounting profession are reflected in the need for rapid adaptation and
transformation of business practice and business processes without abandoning
away from basic accounting rules and principles. The aim of this paper is to analyze
and systematize the key challenges that digitalization brings for the accounting
profession. Research is based on the review of relevant and available professional
and academic literature. The results are showing that accounting profession is
faced with numerous challenges in the era of digitalization. Key challenges could
be systematized in following: the use of big data in accounting and reporting, cloud
computing and continuous accounting, artificial intelligence and blockchain
technology. The conclusion of this research is that changes in technology and
digitalization will have a significant impact on the accounting profession in the
coming period. Changes are moving toward reporting on a daily basis, difference
on the way of preparing business and strategic plans, implementation of digital
wallet and on-line accounting as well as outsourcing of accounting in distant
countries. Education system is going to change in circumstances of growing
digitalization of business. Also, users of accounting information in digital era are
changing; they want accounting information right away when a business event
occurs, not with time lag. Those changes will influence on the way accountants
carry out their job, it will be necessary the knowledge of new skills especially in
engineering, and, finally, that will lead to new types of the accounting professionals.
Digital technology has an impact on the strategic and competitive aims of the
company, but also it affects on the business models, competitive advantages as
well as on company’s approach to the market. Also, there is a significant influence
of digital technology on the accounting information and management control
systems (Mancini et al., 2017). Accounting rules and principles have been
established for many years and they do not change over time. On the other hand,
ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia
Literature review
In order to assess the possibility for automation of accounting tasks and processes,
it is needed to distinguish routine tasks that can easily be automated and non-
routine tasks that are difficult to be conducted by machines or software. Oschinski
et al. (2017) highlighted that jobs and tasks that require critical thinking, high-level
creativity and training as well as human contact will not be automated soon.
However, routine tasks which do not require high level of education and training
and that require a little human communication can be easily automated (Kim et
al., 2017).
According to Arntz et al. (2017) many accounting tasks already are automated
in many companies (especially in large companies). Those tasks are invoicing,
payroll and bookkeeping and they are automated because they consist of routine,
repeated, stable and structured actions. Moudud-Ul-Huq (2014) highlighted that
digitalization and automation is helpful for the auditors during the following
processes: audit planning, analytical review procedures, materiality assessment,
internal control evaluation, risk assessment and going-concern decisions.
There are a few researches that analyse how many companies today use digital
solutions, and what they expect to use in next few years. Those researches are
mainly initiated and implemented by biggest audit firms.
KPMG conducted a study on Digitalisation in accounting, and main digital
solutions that are already implemented in companies in Germany or will be
implemented in the near future, and they are: paperless accounting, interfaces to
internal or external systems, management of data quality, process automation,
uniformity of systems, integrated consolidation system, real time reporting, creation
ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia
of transparency, big data analyses, tools for visualisation and cloud computing
(KPMG, 2017).
PWC made a survey on a sample of 76 large and medium sized companies
based in Germany about the current status and further digital development. The
most popular areas for artificial intelligence for the companies surveyed are
automatic reading of invoices and documents for accounting (39% of responses)
and automated payment transfers (29%). Third place on the list of priorities is shared
by monitoring data and consistency checking of documents, with 10% of responses
each (PWC, 2018).
In survey conducted by PWC, one of the questions referred to plans which
companies have toward using new technologies. Answers showed that 22% of
interviewed companies will start using document recognition, 20% will in the near
future start sharing data directly with customers and suppliers, 19% of companies
will use payment transfers and 14% of companies find replacement of Excel
In 2017 KPMG conducted a research about which of the following statements on
digitalization in accounting will apply to their company in the next year. The results
are similar to results of the survey conducted by PWC. Most of the companies that
participated in the research will implement paperless accounting, uniformity of
systems and interfaces to external systems. Most of them will also apply
management of data quality and integrated consolidation system and also a big
data analyses (KPMG, 2017).
As a result of these researches it can be concluded that companies are
preparing for the implementation and changes in business as result of digitalization.
Implementation of a new software support solutions is a very long and expensive
process, especially if it is about internal solution development. For that reason, a lot
of companies that provide services and develop new solutions for accounting
system see here a big chance. Companies that have already implemented new
solutions or are in the phase of implementation are primarily large companies due
to the fact that in smaller companies’ implementation of costly solutions is not cost-
In order to achieve the research goals, available relevant professional and
academic literature were studied and analyzed. Academic literature was obtained
from searching the following databases – Proquest, EBSCO Host, and Web of
Science. The following search subject was used – digitalization in accounting,
changes and trends in accounting profession, cloud computing, artificial
intelligence, big data and blockchain technology. We selected most relevant
articles (for the topic of this paper) that were written in English and for which the full
paper was available. Professional papers were gathered through searching the
web pages of biggest audit firms and professional bodies for accountants and
auditors. Research included subjects in the area of digitalization and its effect on
the accounting profession. Selected academic and professional papers were
analyzed by using scientific-research methods as it is induction and deduction
method, method of analysis and synthesis, generalization method and abstraction
ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia
Digitalization and accounting profession
There are different reasons why accountants should accept and apply modern
digital solutions. Factors that can have a significant impact and be a motivation for
technological change according to study conducted by Wilson et al. (1992)
among the UK accounting profession are as follows: need to meet prescribed
deadline for accounting tasks and the importance to provide better and timely
information for different users. Furthermore, by using technology the quality and
relevance of the accounting information will be improved (Al-Htaybat et al., 2017),
the period needed for preparation will be shortened and information will be
available in real time without delay.
With accounting processes becoming automated and less time-intensive,
accountants are becoming more connected to their clients and are increasing
their advisory services when it comes to daily business operations. In their study,
Herbert et al. (2016) investigated that digitalization and automation are used in
order to eliminate or minimize routine and repetitive tasks, so it will enable
employees (accountants) to focus on more creative, non-routine and non-
structured tasks that required more thinking and additional skills. This change in
approach will have an impact on the future activities of experienced accountants.
Because most services are now cloud-based and financial data is available
preferable quickly, companies (clients) are willing to change accounting firms
faster than in the past if they are unsatisfied with the services they receive.
Despite digitalization and automation have many advantages for successful
conducting a business and perform accountant’s tasks, it has to be pointed out
that automation and artificial intelligence could not perform accountant’s most
valuable functions which are interpreting and analysing financial information
(Zarowin, 1994). According to results conducted by Kokina et al. (2017) about the
current capabilities of cognitive technologies and the influence of these
technologies on auditors and audit process, the senior accountants indicated that
the need for human accountants would not go away anytime soon.
A positive prediction of automatization is that machines and robotic automation
will enhance the value of services, not diminish it. Basic services can and will be
delivered even more efficiently, allowing accountants to have more time to discuss
their client’s current situation and future needs.
Accountants and financial advisors will use the same tools to move from data
entry, recordkeeping and simple analysis to strategic business consultancy. Primary
analytics programs such as Excel will probably be replaced. Financial controllers
and CFOs start using structured data, unstructured data, and predictive analytics
to access large base of customer information, financial trends and industry
information to make insightful forecasts.
Technological development and technologies like the cloud, artificial
intelligence and blockchain will strengthen the role of accountants and the entire
financial industry, because reducing manual data entry and improving the speed,
quality and accuracy of data.
In the 21st century, the accountancy profession needs a new model able to
respond to technological changes and developments in the process of
digitalization and e-transformation so that the accounting profession is more
effective. Accounting Engineering is the redesign of the accountancy profession in
light of technological developments, such as digitalization, artificial intelligence,
and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Tekbas, 2018). Accounting Engineering will
ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia
enable accountants to use different digital systems to acquire the right knowledge
and to manage and use technology in the learning-teaching process. An
accounting engineer is a person who can adapt to technological developments
and actively use technological products in professional practices, combine
practical and theoretical knowledge with philosophy, mathematics, and
technology (Tekbas, 2018).
Digitalization implies a different philosophy in the way in which companies are
managing and conducting their business, processes and activities (Mancini et al.,
2017). According to Mancini (2016), keywords that characterise the philosophy of
digital technology are ubiquity, openness and sharing. Accordingly, data and
information are freely available, and their flow is without restrictions among
organisations and groups of people. Availability of comprehensive data about the
business in real time in the era of digitalization will have a significant impact on the
way companies prepare their strategic plans. Data that are available to managers
are more accurate, various and present current trends, so companies’ strategic
plans are more appropriate to a modern business environment.
The existence of digital wallet as an electronic or online service has a significant
impact on the customers’ confidence on the online trade and the volume of
electronic transactions. Payments for goods and services purchased online are
secure for the personal information and for the actual transaction. Digital wallets
are developed and designed in order to be accurate when transferring data to
retail checkout forms.
Artificial intelligence
Smart technologies like Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been
actively providing near-real-time information to businesses. Artificial intelligence
and automation can significantly reduce the need for human labour, and it can be
integrated into accounting and auditing processes. Artificial intelligence can be
successfully applied for more structured, programmable and repetitive tasks where
gathering human knowledge and expertise is not extremely difficult and
demanding (Moudud-Ul-Huq, 2014). Smart technologies are not developing to
extinct human intelligence but to help accountants to become better strategic
advisors by providing crucial business insights. Artificial intelligence and machine
learning will give accountants better access to a range of near-real-time
information from a greater number of sources. Although Artificial intelligence is still
in the early stages of development, it was already being used by 18% of the
companies surveyed at the end of 2017, particularly for smart document OCR
(Optical Character Recognition) and automating payment transfers (PWC, 2018).
Development of the software leads to understanding of invoices rather than simply
matching order numbers and invoice amounts.
Blockchain allow businesses to access the same information in real-time from
different sources. Majority of businesses are utilizing this delivery method to secure
their sensitive accounting data and speed-up complex processes. Referring
blockchain as a technology for cryptocurrency is not valid. Along with
uninterrupted security and transparency, blockchain is capable enough to replace
traditional ways of handling auditing, compliance and reconciliation tasks. Results
ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia
Continuous accounting
Technology development provides new opportunities for providing information on
a daily basis. Accounting is still based on a periodic review and analysis of financial
information, but stakeholders, auditors and others expect comprehensive and real
time reporting. Implementing and transitioning, from a periodic basis of accounting
and reporting focused strictly on financial information to a more comprehensive
view of accounting reporting will require a transition period and implementation
steps. Implementing and transitioning to a more comprehensive accounting
function will result in some displacement and disruption of current roles (Smith, 2018).
Big data
Big data and data analytics will affect accounting in many ways; for example by
influencing how business is conducted and how financial statements are prepared
and audited. Also, big data have a significant impact on the quality of decision
making process, because the measurement of data has been enhanced, data are
comprehensive and the information is better understood (Liu et al., 2014).
Availability of comprehensive data through digital solutions increases the
effectiveness and efficiency of accountants. Big data can reduce the time for
reporting because modern technologies provide real time updates. With analytic
skills and tools, professionals can effectively analyse data and get an insight into
data that will change the way business decisions are made. Big data will have
influence on financial and managerial accounting, but also on auditing. Big data
describes extremely large datasets typically greater than a petabyte that have
particular storage challenges and generally need to be analysed using
computational methods.
ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia
Table 1
Key Effects of Digitalization on the Accounting Profession and Performing of
Accounting Tasks
Area Effect
Main digital solutions Artificial intelligence
Cloud computing
Big data
Performing accounting Automatization of routine, repetitive and structured tasks
tasks (e.g. invoicing, payroll)
Non-routine and non-structured tasks will require human
thinking and additional skills and knowledge (e.g.
interpreting and analysing financial information)
Education and training Changes and modification of university programs
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Skills regarding the use of artificial intelligence
Accounting engineering
Interpersonal interaction and communication
Source: Authors’ work
Digitalization and the development of information technologies represent a great
opportunity for companies. Furthermore, digitalization brings a lot of changes for
accounting profession. It will change the way accountants work and think. Despite
many of accountants think that digitalization will take their jobs, and that robots will
replace humans, results show that accountants will use digital solutions and
automation for routine tasks rather than replace accountants. There are tasks and
activities of accountants that require critical thinking and creativity, so it would be
not so easy to automate those tasks and activities. Accordingly, digitalization will
affect the development of accounting profession. Accountants should be ready
for automation and that requires specific and new knowledge and skills of
accountants. Routine, repetitive and structured tasks of accountants are or will be
automated in near future. Wider network of information, knowledge based system
and data mining are powerful tools for successfully running a business. New digital
solutions as artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, cloud computing and
ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia
continuous accounting etc. will affect on reducing manual data entry and
improving the speed, quality and accuracy of data. As a consequence of
automation, the businesses can run very smoothly. Profession will transform from
bookkeepers and accountants to advisors, consultants and accountants
engineers. So, to the possible develop, accountants need to seize the opportunity
of development of technology that facilitates and enhances their profession.
Digitalization of processes and implementation of new software(s) that enable
knowledge-based management is very expensive, and it is available only for large
The process of digitalization of accounting and financial reporting on the daily
basis connected with the financial markets could have a significant impact on the
investor’s decisions, especially on small investors. The main reason for this is
contained in a daily balance sheet that is available to financial statement users in
the environment of digitalization of accounting and financial reporting.
Finally, despite of wide range of accountants' activities and tasks that can be
automated, human intelligence will always exceed machine learning.
The practical implication of this paper can be summarized in the fact that
accountants will shift their current activities to either advisory or consultancy.
Furthermore, IT, analytical and tax knowledge and skills of accountants will have to
be developed. Finally, those changes will require that universities change and
modify their education programs in order to prepare accounting students for work
in modern environment along automation and digitization.
Limitation of this study is related to the coverage of analyzed literature, because
it is not comprehensive. Although, the use of digitalization and automation is global,
there are still scarce professional and academic researches about the application
of digitalization in accounting and its impact on the accounting profession
(especially in certain countries).
Future research should be directed toward primary research through a survey as
well as in-depth interviews in order to gain knowledge about the changes the role
of accountants in environment of digitalization and automation and the use of
artificial intelligence, and about the accounting tasks that are automated in
companies with different size (micro, small, medium and large).
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ENTRENOVA 12-14, September 2019 Rovinj, Croatia