Analyse Derailing Behaviours: Leadership Dimensions

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Analyse derailing behaviours

Leadership  Dimensions Inspiring  shared  purpose Developing  capability
Sharing  the  vision

Be alert to potential disruptive behaviours

"Your weaknesses can make you vulnerable, but so can your strengths. Every strength
has its attendant pitfalls. The qualities that have made you successful so far can prove
to be weaknesses in your new role."1
Don't risk alienating colleagues and subordinates, or undermining the commitment and
effectiveness of your team.
Make sure you are aware of behaviours - whether strengths, weaknesses or leadership
style - that could derail your leadership transition.

Take special care!

In working through this tool, you could record information that is sensitive.
Treat all completed documents with care!

What to do - step-by-step assessment

Use this checklist to do a self-assessment of how you think you work with your key
contacts - leaders, peers and direct reports.
1. If you are in doubt about a particular behaviour, talk to key contacts to clarify your
2. If you identify a personal behaviour that could put your transition at risk, note it in
your Transition Reflections.

When you are working through the derailing behaviours checklist, think
about comments you have heard about yourself and about other leaders.

▪ About yourself - use them as input to your self-assessment

▪ About other leaders - compare yourself to the leaders who have been
discussed. Ask yourself whether you behave in a similar way and
whether the same comment could be made about you.

Michael Watkins, The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels. Harvard Business
School Press, 2003. p.27

1 of 2 Success strategies for new leaders

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Do a self-assessment of how you think you work with your key contacts
Potentially derailing behaviour What you have heard key contacts say or have Applies? >> Transition
had reported back to you Y/N Reflections?

Focuses too heavily on details

Reacts negatively to criticism

Is insensitive to others, who often

feel intimidated; uses
inappropriate times/ places to
challenge staff and give feedback

Jumps to hasty conclusions

Micromanages direct reports

Easily swayed by others'


Manipulates others

Quickly dismisses the ideas of

Does not share relevant

Does not take responsibility

Does not recognise others'


Seeks gain at others' expense

Values do not align with the

Does not delegate well, likes to
do it all alone
Seen to be easily irritated,
especially by those who seem to
be less able or who work at a
different pace
Has trouble adapting to those
with a different style
Is volatile under pressure, stress

Shows defensiveness

Does not value diversity and

cross-cultural differences; fails to
promote a sense of inclusion for
all team members/colleagues
Undermines staff in public
forums e.g. meetings; uses
positional power to undermine

Success strategies for new leaders

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