Gujarat Technological University Gyanmanjari Institute of Technology

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Gujarat Technological University

Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
Gyanmanjari Institute of Technology
Sidsar Road, Bhavnagar (Affiliated with GTU)

A Summer Internship Report on

“Title Here”
At the industry or company
Name of industry or company name
Under the subject
Summer Internship (3170001)

Your Branch name

Submitted By
1 Name 1 Enrollment No. 1
2 Name 2 Enrollment No. 2

Academic Year

Internal Guide Head of the Department External Guide

Name of College
Prof. Name Prof. Name Mr. Name
Address (Affiliated with GTU)



This is to certify that the Internship at Name of Company/Industry has been

satisfactorily completed by Name 1 (Enrollment No. 1), Name 2(Enrollment No. 2)
under my guidance in the fulfillment of the course Summer Internship (3170001)
work during the academic year 2021-2022.

Internal Guide Completion

Head Certificate
of the Department External Guide

Prof. Name Prof. Name Mr. Name


I/We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our External guide Mr. Name for continuously
guiding me at the company and answering all my doubts with patience. I/We would also like
to thank my/our Internal Guide Prof. Name for helping us through our internship by giving
us the necessary suggestions and advices along with their valuable co-ordination in
completing this internship.

We also thank our parents, friends and all the members of the family for their precious
support and encouragement which they had provided in completion of our work. In addition
to that, we would also like to mention the company personals who gave us the permission to
use and experience the valuable resources required for the internship.

Thus, In conclusion to the above said, we once again thank the staff members of Company
Name for their valuable support in completion of the project.

Thank You
1. Name 1
2. Name 2
Completion Certificate………………………………………………………………...ii

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 About the company................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Internship.................................................................... 2

Chapter 2: Roles and Responsibilities during internship…................................................6

2.1 Daily Tasks and Activities…….…………………........................................................ 6
2.2 My Roles and Responsibilities............……………………….……………..….….7
2.3 Problems Given………… …………………….…………………………….…….8

Chapter 3: Skills Learned……............................................................................................ 10

3.1 About the Skill/s………....................................................................................... 10

3.2 How do I learnt the skill/s.……………………………………………….…..….11

Chapter 4: Overall Experience........................................................................................... 13

4.1 Technical Experience…………………………………………………………..13

4.1 Personal Experience……………………………………………………………14




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