Singular Values and Eigenvalues of Tensors: A Variational Approach
Singular Values and Eigenvalues of Tensors: A Variational Approach
Singular Values and Eigenvalues of Tensors: A Variational Approach
Lek-Heng Lim
Stanford University
Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
Gates Building 2B, Room 286, Stanford, CA 94305
Although it is not immediately clear how the usual definitions A k-array of real numbers representing an order-k tensor will be
of eigenvalues and singular values via (1) and (2) may be gen- denoted by A = Jaj1 ···jk K ∈ Rd1 ×···×dk . Just as an order-2
eralized to tensors of order k ≥ 3 (a matrix is regarded as an tensor (ie. matrix) may be multiplied on the left and right by a
This work appeared in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Work-
pair of matrices (of consistent dimensions), an order-k tensor may
shop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing be ‘multiplied on k sides’ by k matrices. The covariant multi-
(CAMSAP ’05), 1 (2005), pp. 129–132. linear matrix multiplication of A by matrices M1 = [mj1 i1 ] ∈
Rd1 ×s1 , . . . , Mk = [mjk ik ] ∈ Rdk ×sk is defined by 3. SINGULAR VALUES AND SINGULAR VECTORS