LC Amendment MT707 (BTB)
LC Amendment MT707 (BTB)
LC Amendment MT707 (BTB)
Important notes:
Send Amendment Advice:
For External Amendment it will set as default “YES”. Result- SWIFT message will
For Internal Amendment it will set as default “No”. Result- SWIFT message not
Amount Increase/Decrease
Auto Calculated from LC Amount and New LC Amount
Auto calculated number of amendment
Menu navigation: Corporate Operations> Trade Finance> BTB/EDF LCs> Opening of BTB/EDF LCs>
Maintenance of BTB/EDF LCs> External Amendment of BTB/EDF LCs
**In the case of other types of L/C amendment like Cash & EDF, above procedure should be
Menu Navigation: MBL USER MENU> Corporate Operations> Trade Finance> BTB/EDF
LCs> Acceptance of BTB/EDF LCs> Acceptance of Doc Under BTB LCs
After filling up all necessary fields commit the deal and authorize it.