Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control CHAPTER 1. Introduction To Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control CHAPTER 1. Introduction To Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control CHAPTER 1. Introduction To Corporate Governance
5. Audit Committees of the Board of Directors – Executive Director – who has executive
provide oversight of the internal and external responsibility of day to day operation.
audit function and the process of preparing the
annual financial statements as well as public Non-Executive Director – who has no
reports on internal control. executive responsibility and does not
perform any work related to the operation of
the corporation.
6. Regulators
a. Board of Accountancy – set accounting and Conglomerate – a group of corporations
auditing standards. that has diversified business activities in
varied industries. Operation of such
b. Securities and Exchange Commission – businesses are controlled and managed by a
ensure the accuracy, timeliness and fairness parent corporate entity.
of public reporting of financial and other
information for public companies. Internal Control - a process designed and
effected by the board of directors, senior
7. External Auditors – performs audit of company management, and all levels of personnel to
financial statements to ensure that the statements provide reasonable assurance.
are free of material misstatements including
misstatements that may be due to fraud. Enterprise Risk Management – a process,
8. Internal Auditors- perform audits of companies effected by an entity’s BOD, management
for compliance with company policies and laws, and other personnel, applied in strategy
setting and manage risk to be within its risk
5. Fairness and Openness -Be fair and open minded,
Related Party – shall cover the company’s
be willing to admit error.
subsidiaries, as well as affiliates and any
(NOTE: READ THE BOARD’S GOVERNANCE 9. Pursuit of Excellence – meeting your personal and
RESPONSIBILITIES) professional responsibilities, be diligent, reliable,
industrious and committed.
Why is Ethical Behavior Necessary?
Ethics – a set of moral principles or values that govern Why do People Act Unethically? 2 primary reasons:
the action and decisions of an individual or group.
1. The person’s ethical standards are different from
Personal Ethics -vary from individual to individual at those of society as a whole.
any point in time. 2. The person chooses to act selfishly.
All the recognized professions have several common Business Ethics – refers to standards of moral
characteristics. The most important of these conduct, behavior and judgment in business.
characteristics are: - Is an area of corporate responsibility
1. A responsibility to serve the public where businesses are legally bound and
2. A complex body of knowledge socially obligated to conduct business
3. Standards of admission to the profession in an ethical manner.
4. A need for public confidence - Is based on the personal values and
standards of each person engaged in
Code of Good Governance for the Profession in the business.
Philippines (E.O. No. 220, June 23.2003)