Expt No 5 Quincks Method Update
Expt No 5 Quincks Method Update
Expt No 5 Quincks Method Update
AIM: To determine the surface tension of mercury by Quincke’s method
APPARATUS: Plane glass plate with leveling screws, travelling microscope, thermometer,
spirit level , reading lens, wooden block.
FORMULA:- The surface tension of a liquid is given by
h 2 g
Fig.1 Shape of the Mercury drop placed on the plane glass plate.
2) Place a large quantity of mercury over the glass plate to form a mercury drop.
3) Focus the microscope on the mercury drop such that the vertical cross wire is tangential to
the side of the drop and the horizontal cross wire passes through the most protruding point
of the drop and note the position of the microscope.
4) Move the microscope upward so that to focus it on the top surface of the drop. Adjust the
microscope such that the horizontal crosswire coincides with the top surface and not the
position of the microscope.
5) Change the size of the drop and repeat the same procedure atleast three times.
Sr. Position of the microscope h = |a-b| Mean h
No. (cm) (cm)
When focused at the free When focused at the most
surface (a) cm protruding part (b)cm
h1 2 g
T1 = = − − − − −dyne / cm
h 2 2 g
T2 = = − − − − − dyne / cm
T1 + T 2
Mean T = = − − − − − dyne / cm
RESULT:-The surface tension of Mercury was found to be………………….dyne/cm.
i) The glass plate should be cleaned properly to avoid the contamination of mercury.
ii) The drop of mercury should be big enough to ensure the flat top surface.