HT Procedure
HT Procedure
HT Procedure
1.0 SCOPE: .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: ............................................................................................. 5
3.0 APPLICABILITY: ................................................................................................................ 5
4.0 REQUIREMENT: ................................................................................................................. 5
5.0 STAGE: ............................................................................................................................... 5
6.0 TYPE OF HEAT TREATMENT ............................................................................................ 5
6.1 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT: ................................................................................. 5
6.2 POST FORMING HEAT TREATMENT: ........................................................................... 6
6.2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: .................................................................................. 6
6.2.2 COLD FORMING: ..................................................................................................... 7
6.2.3 HOT FORMING: ....................................................................................................... 8
6.3 LOCAL PWHT (or) REPAIR WELD STRESS RELIEVING: ............................................ 8
(Applicable for 2¼Cr-1Mo & 1¼Cr-0.5Mo low alloy steel Pressure Vessels of all thicknesses)
6.4.1 INTERMEDIATE STRESS RELIEF .......................................................................... 9
6.4.2 DEHYDROGENATION HEAT TREATMENT ............................................................ 9
7.0 ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS (FOR CLAD MATERIALS): ............................................... 9
8.0 DOCUMENTATION: ........................................................................................................... 9
9.0 EXHIBITS USED ................................................................................................................. 9
Table 1: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-101 ...... 10
Table 2: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-105 ....... 11
Table 3: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-109 ....... 12
Table 4: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-110 ....... 13
Table 5: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-122 ....... 14
Table 6:Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-126 ........ 15
Table 7: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-201 ....... 16
Table 8: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-306 ....... 17
Table 9: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-313 ....... 18
Table 10: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-315 ..... 19
Table 11: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-602 ..... 20
Table 12: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-607A/B/C
.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Table 13: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-703 ..... 22
Table 14: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-801 ..... 23
Table 15: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-802 ..... 24
Table 16: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-803 ..... 25
Table 17: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-804 ..... 26
Table 18: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-805A... 27
Table 19: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-807 ..... 28
Table 20: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-809 ..... 29
Table 21: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-811 ..... 30
1.0 SCOPE:
This document describes the forming and heat treatment procedure in preparation and issue of heat
treatment technology chart
ASME Sec VIII Div.1 Edition 2019, NACE SP0472-2010, PVM-SU-5290.2, PVM-SU-4750-H,
Applicable to all the pressure vessels of this specific project with respect to forming, Post forming
heat treatment, post weld heat treatment or stress relieving, ISR & DHT.
As per ASME Sec VIII Div.1 Edition 2019, the approved drawing, ITP
5.0 STAGE:
As per approved ITP
a. After receipt of requisition (Exhibit-01) of post weld heat treatment or stress relieving of all
carbon and low alloy steel materials as per the drawing, from technology section, heat
treatment technology sheet/chart as per relevant part UW-40 (a) of ASME Sec VIII Div.1
Edition 2019 will be prepared by Welding Technology.
b. Sr. Engineer (QC) shall check the identification of items before sending for heat treatment and
after receiving the items from heat treatment.
c. Material temperature shall be recorded with the help of calibrated automatic recorder and
calibrated thermocouples only.
d. Thermocouples shall be placed such that the entire component (including the anticipated
(hottest and coldest zones) is covered.
e. The maximum distance between any two thermocouples shall not exceed 4.6 metres.
f. The temperature difference between any two thermocouples during heating and cooling cycles
shall not exceed 70°C.
g. Unless otherwise specified, the following rules shall apply to establish the governing thickness
(T) for determining the soaking time for PWHT. Soaking time is accounted as the time between
the temperature crossing and leaving the minimum recommended temperature.
h. For Butt welds; “T” shall be thickness of the weld. For bar stock “T” shall be the diameter. For
fillet welds, "T" shall be the throat thickness. If a fillet weld is used in conjunction with a groove
weld, "T" shall be the total of the depth of the groove plus the fillet throat thickness.
i. For partial penetration branch welds, the thickness shall be the depth of the groove prior to
j. For repairs, the thickness shall be depth of the groove as prepared for repair welding.
k. For combination of different welds in a component, the higher governing thickness “T" shall
l. Location, type of thermocouples, method of TC attachment, heating control system details to be
recorded along with sketch by QC-shop (or) QC-OS for review by TPI/Customer.
m. Methods used to support the vessel (or) part assembly & Bracing used to prevent distortion to
be recorded by QC-shop (or) QC-OS for review by TPI/Customer.
n. Heat treatment parameters like Loading temp., Rate of Heating, Soaking temperature, soaking
time, rate of cooling and unloading temperature of the equipment (or) sub-assemblies are
provided as per relevant codes and standards & service conditions and basic details are as
follows -
1. Soaking temperatures and Holding/Soaking time for different materials are as follows-
Material Soaking Temperature Holding/Soaking
Carbon steel 630 ± 10°C Minimum 60 minute
(1hr/25mm of thk)
Low alloy steel (1.25Cr–0.5Mo) 670 ± 10°C Minimum 60 minute
(1hr/25mm thk)
Low alloy steel (2.25Cr–1Mo) 690 ± 10°C Minimum 2 hours
(1hr/25mm of thk)
2. Maximum ROH/ROC shall be as follows:
- Above 425°C, the rate of heating shall be not greater than 222°C/hr divided by the
maximum metal thickness of the shell or head plate in inches, but in no case more than
- Above 425°C, cooling shall be done in a closed furnace (or) cooling chamber at a rate
not greater than 280°C/hr divided by the maximum metal thickness of the shell or head
plate in inches, but in no case more than 280°C/hr. From 425°C the vessel may be
cooled in still air.
o. Lead (or) Sulfur containing substances such as oil, grease, thread lubricants and paint shall be
removed from vessel surfaces prior to heat treatment.
p. Wherever practicable, heat the vessel as a whole in an enclosed furnace.
q. The overlap of 1.5m heated section shall be provided, if vessel is heated in more than one heat
in a furnace.
r. The heat treatment technology chart is sent to technology section of P&T department for
necessary action.
s. The heat treatment methodology for loading in furnace and control of heat treatment parameters
as per given heat treatment technology chart (Exhibit-02) is under Incharge/press shop scope.
a. After receipt of requisition (Exhibit-01) of post forming heat treatment of all carbon and low alloy
steel materials as per the drawing, from technology section, heat treatment technology
sheet/chart as per relevant part UG-79 of ASME Sec VIII Div.1 Edition 2019 will be prepared by
Welding Technology.
b. Sr. Engineer (QC) shall check the identification of items before sending for heat treatment and
after receiving the items from heat treatment.
c. The furnace atmosphere shall be maintained neutral or slightly reducing during heat treatment.
d. Care shall be taken to ensure that no flame impingement takes place on the job during heat
treatment. Baffles shall be erected wherever necessary.
e. Thermocouples shall be placed such that the entire component (including the anticipated
(hottest and coldest zones) is covered.
f. During Hot pressing & subsequent Normalising operation, Thermocouple (TC) shall be tack
welded to the blank plate (or) dished end on consultation with shop inspector / inspection agency
and location of thermocouple shall be recorded in sketch and the same TC shall be removed by
g. Material temperature shall be recorded with the help of calibrated automatic recorder and
calibrated thermocouples only.
h. The maximum distance between any two thermocouples shall not exceed 4.5 metres.
i. The temperature difference between any two thermocouples during heating and cooling cycles
shall not exceed 70°C.
j. Technology department shall incorporate necessary precautions to be followed in shop floor to
avoid distortion.
k. Location, type of thermocouples, method of TC attachment, heating control system details to be
recorded along with sketch by QC-shop (or) QC-OS for review by TPI/Customer.
l. Methods used to support the vessel (or) part assembly & Bracing used to prevent distortion to
be recorded by QC-shop (or) QC-OS for review by TPI/Customer.
m. The heat treatment technology chart is sent to technology section of P&T department for
necessary action.
n. The heat treatment methodology for loading in furnace and control of heat treatment parameters
as per given heat treatment technology chart (Exhibit-03) is under Incharge/press shop scope.
a. For Cold Formed (forming temperatures are in the range of 120deg.C to 480 deg.C) vessel shell
sections, heads and other pressure parts of all carbon and low alloy steel materials shall be heat
treated to a condition equal to mill flat plate supply condition, if the extreme fiber elongation
determined as per below equation (1) / (2) exceeds 5% and nominal part thickness is greater
than 16mm.
For cylinders Formed from Plate: Forming strain, = 1− ……. Eq. (1)
b. To release Post Forming Heat Treatment with Normalising (or) Normalising + Tempering (or)
Stress relieving requirements, the supply condition of the plate shall be reviewed as per material
Technical Delivery Conditions (TDC) in tender stage & Material Test certificate (MTC) for receipt
c. For cold forming with nominal part thickness less than (or) equal to 16mm, stress relieving shall
be carried out and can also be clubbed with final equipment stress relieving cycle.
a. The Forming operation such as Hot Pressing shall be completed at temperatures above 800ºC
to avoid normalising operation. If hot pressed below 800ºC, subsequent normalising heat
treatment shall be performed.
b. The recommended hot pressing soaking temperatures for carbon steel and low alloy steel
materials are 925 to 955 deg.C.
c. The number of blanks for hot pressing to be loaded in furnace charge shall be calculated based
on the soaking times specified in such a way that last blank/PTC in the charge is removed for
hot forming within the maximum soaking time specified.
d. If QAP/GMS/DRAWING mentions PTC requirement, then Production Test Coupon (PTC) shall
be loaded in furnace during hot pressing operation and the same shall be loaded for post forming
heat treatment operation and is located close to the formed dished end and must be recorded
in sketch.
a. Local heat treatment shall be followed for circumferential weld seams, complicated welds, weld
repairs, if the vessel is not practicable to heat treat the complete vessel (or) as a whole (or) in
two (or) more heats by appropriate means like electrical resistance heating assuring the required
b. For Nozzle (or) attachment welds (or) pipes (or) tubes (or) nozzle attachments on double
curvature/ellipsoidal dished ends/spherical shells, the soak band shall be uniformly heated to
required temperatures and holding times with soaking band extending edge of attachment welds
with 1t (or) 50mm, whichever is less. Where t is nominal weld thickness.
c. The portion outside the soak band shall be protected so that the temperature gradient is not
d. Insulation details & location, type of thermocouples, method of TC attachment must be provided
along with sketch by QC-shop (or) OS for review by TPI/Customer
e. Heat treatment parameters and Thermocouple attachments are as per section 7.1 of this
a. For 2¼ Cr-1 Mo & 1¼Cr-0.5Mo steel, the preheat for nozzle weld joints shall be maintained until
PWHT, or until an ISR can be performed at greater than 600°C for 2 hours minimum before cooling
to ambient.
- ISR shall be required for all nozzle to shell attachment welds, areas of weld build-up, and other
welds having high restraint.
- All other welds may have DHT performed.
- ISR shall be performed in a furnace or local ISR treatment may be used, provided
circumferential heating band that includes the full circumference of the shell is utilized.
b. When ISR is required, it shall also be used for all weld repairs.
c. Temperature gradients shall be maintained in a manner that are not harmful to the vessel during
heating and cooling.
a. If preheat is not to be maintained until PWHT and if ISR is not performed, welds shall be performed
b. DHT shall be performed at 300°C for a duration of one hour minimum.
a. The clad material should not be exposed to a direct flame if gas or oil is used as fuel.
b. Stainless steel clad vessel require a neutral or oxidizing atmosphere during heating.
c. Maximum sulphur content in fuel should not exceed 0.5%.
d. Marking paint and protective oil should be removed completely from the clad side before
a. Sr. Engineer (QC) shall verify the heat treatment chart for compliance.
b. The heat treatment chart shall be offered to TPI/Customer as per the approved ITP and
necessary clearance shall be obtained.
Table 1: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-101
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 2: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-105
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: 1. Above HT parameters are arrived based on data presented against drawings.
Table 3: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-109
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: 1. Above HT parameters are arrived based on data presented against drawings.
Table 4: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-110
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: 1. Above HT parameters are arrived based on data presented against drawings.
Table 5: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-122
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 6:Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-126
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 7: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-201
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 8: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-306
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: 1. Above HT parameters are arrived based on data presented against drawings.
Table 9: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-313
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: 1. Above HT parameters are arrived based on data presented against drawings.
Table 10: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-315
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 11: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-602
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 12: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-607A/B/C
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Nominal Weld 40 32 / 40
Type of heat Normalising + SR Stress relieving / PWHT
HT parameters NR SR* SR
loading temp. <300C <425°C <425°C
Rate of heating 220°C/hr 110°C/hr 110°C/hr
(C/hr) max.
Soaking temp. 900 ±10C 630 ± 10C 630 ± 10C
Soaking 80 minutes 100 minutes 100 minutes
time, minutes
Rate of cooling Unload at the end of 140°C/hr 140°C/hr
(C/hr) max. soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Unloading Unload at the end of at 425C at 425C
temp. C soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 13: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-703
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 14: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-801
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 15: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-802
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 16: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-803
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Nominal Weld 28 28
Type of heat Normalising + SR Stress relieving / PWHT
HT parameters NR SR* SR
loading temp. <300C <425°C <425°C
Rate of heating 220°C/hr 110°C/hr 110°C/hr
(C/hr) max.
Soaking temp. 900 ±10C 630 ± 10C 630 ± 10C
Soaking 60 minutes 70 minutes 70 minutes
time, minutes
Rate of cooling Unload at the end of 140°C/hr 140°C/hr
(C/hr) max. soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Unloading Unload at the end of at 425C at 425C
temp. C soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 17: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-804
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Nominal Weld 28 28
Type of heat Normalising + SR Stress relieving / PWHT
HT parameters NR SR* SR
loading temp. <300C <425°C <425°C
Rate of heating 220°C/hr 110°C/hr 110°C/hr
(C/hr) max.
Soaking temp. 900 ±10C 630 ± 10C 630 ± 10C
Soaking 60 minutes 70 minutes 70 minutes
time, minutes
Rate of cooling Unload at the end of 140°C/hr 140°C/hr
(C/hr) max. soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Unloading Unload at the end of at 425C at 425C
temp. C soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 18: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-805A
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Note: 1. Above HT parameters are arrived based on data presented against drawings.
Table 19: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-807
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Nominal Weld 28 28
Type of heat Normalising + SR Stress relieving / PWHT
HT parameters NR SR* SR
loading temp. <300C <425°C <425°C
Rate of heating 220°C/hr 110°C/hr 110°C/hr
(C/hr) max.
Soaking temp. 900 ±10C 630 ± 10C 630 ± 10C
Soaking 60 minutes 70 minutes 70 minutes
time, minutes
Rate of cooling Unload at the end of 140°C/hr 140°C/hr
(C/hr) max. soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Unloading Unload at the end of at 425C at 425C
temp. C soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 20: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-809
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
Nominal Weld 28 28
Type of heat Normalising + SR Stress relieving / PWHT
HT parameters NR SR* SR
loading temp. <300C <425°C <425°C
Rate of heating 220°C/hr 110°C/hr 110°C/hr
(C/hr) max.
Soaking temp. 900 ±10C 630 ± 10C 630 ± 10C
Soaking 60 minutes 70 minutes 70 minutes
time, minutes
Rate of cooling Unload at the end of 140°C/hr 140°C/hr
(C/hr) max. soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Unloading Unload at the end of at 425C at 425C
temp. C soaking time & cool
in still air upto room
Note: *1. this stress relieving operation after Normalising can be clubbed with complete equipment
stress relieving cycle.
Table 21: Heat Treatment Parameters with Stage of Manufacturing for TAG No. 504-V-811
Details 1 2
Sale order No. 2438 2438
1) Load the job on suitable supports in furnace at below 425ºC.
2) Heat at the rate of (heating rate) deg.C/hr (Max.) up to the temperature of (soaking
3) Soak at (holding temperature) deg.C for (holding time) minutes
4) Cool in closed furnace at the rate of (cooling rate) deg. C/hr (Max.) up to 425ºC and controlled
cooling rates are not applicable from 425ºC.
Prepared by: Approved by: